Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)

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Bismarck Gazettei

Bismarck, Missouri

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State Historical Society One Opinion SfMrmi Coutu Hhs zthwkotvcjS ikVl Hmtuig Volume 64 Bismarck St rancois County Missouri Thursday March 24 1966 Uumber 3 Missouri Pacific Increases Made In I Three Men ile i I gave Hold Revival i In Area Churches unusual spring season here for the the A June wedding is planned is vis and structures project at San An much as an entire day and by bet Terre and 101 pints from arm wv I Gt fcJCAj 41 4 4 1 I 14 CIO 414 1 1 VI 4A jf 44 1 1 1 I Ut? I 17 It Now we have all the links of jtonlo and new or expanded piggy ter utilization of freight cars and teuton tat chain at home except the boy hnnb fanintue onunmant irw 11 ujaivA i idi luver i huma120u0 mile system at a high level tial was reflected In 1905 by the contribution to the cause TRADE IN BISMARCK the and A number of doners from Bis marck went to lat River for their the He a the In its summary of licen se examinations for last year tiie A total of $59938 in Savings Ronds was purchased in St ran cois County dur'ng ebruary ac cording to Walter A orquean who heads the county savings bonds committee Total sales Inthe county for January and ebru ary amounted to $13673800 invi projects The railroad's transportaion ef ficiency and service were impro ved ft 'her by accelerating sched There is a theory that the plan ets yet unvisited by man are in habited and that we may expec a visit from the inhabitants of those planets at any time I am not primarially concerned about this theory any more than 1 am about the theory that the moon is made of green cheese However if it be so that visit ors will be coming from Mars 1 will be proud of some things tney will find 1 will be proud of the places of worship ot God that they will see In this country we can be iustlv nroud of our The county quota was 432 pints tors ot Aussoun Baptist churches went to Australia and conducted simultaneous revivals in Austral ian churches This year and at the present time Australian ministers are reeprocating by conducting like services in Baptist churchesin Missouri capital investments program is expected to continue this year at about the same level last year and 151 special tests were given to postal employees Theo Wallen has purchased a new ord and embarked in jitney business per cent or the ttsts given by the Patrol were not completed The written part of the li cense examination was tile reason for the most failed tests 77414 The road test accounted for 47082 failed examinations The remaining 1453 failures were due to the eye and road sign examinations New drivers those who had never been licensed before took 309655 examinations for a Missouri license in 1965 Out of state drivers moving into Missouri accounted for 67458 tests and 25820 examinations were give to those motorists wliose license had expired Seven hundred examinations were given to those drivers cited by the Director of Re venue to submit to an examination because of Information that they were incompetent or unqualified to safely operate a motor vehicle past week with the tenqieratures more like June than March One day the past week the thermome ter on the west side of the Gazette effice registered 84 degrees How ever as this is being written at 9 am Wednesday the story is a bit different the temperature is 43 degrees and falling orecasts are that Wednesday night the tem peratures will le in the middle or low 20's Well it was nice while it lasted The Washington Countian was and occupied bv Mr Daniels The arrested in the July 11 death of two sheds wore on the sn mn lot In the second district there are Orville DeClue outside a Potosi with the house and one on another ire Damages iHome Destroys Three Sheds ire which is reported to have To Issue New License Plates Each Year Many Drivers ail On Written concert tn the High School Gym on March 27 at 2:00 nm The program will consist of a variety of numbers including many sectional soles The Beginners Band will add a contribution in the form of three marches ter Barbara Ann to Mr George West ycungest son of Mr and Mrs Chelsea West of Bismarck Barbara is a 1962 graduate ot IIIIIIM I in nmm Association office at 114 Madison Kirkwood Mo INSTALLING GAS main UNDER MO PAC TRACKS Workmen have been engaged this week inserting gas mains under the MaPac tracks just west of the Gazette Office One of tle men in charge of the operation stated that some difficulty was encount ered when the passage way was drilled under the tracks when fine cinders kept caving into the pass age A large pipe is being instal led under the tracks and the gas line will be placed inside the large pipe This will make it possible to repair the gas main should it be necessary to do so without dig ging up the track area WORK PROGRESSING ON IMPROVEMENTS AT RANK BISMARCK Workmen are busy this week on the construction af a parking lot for the Bank of Bismarck between the bank building and the Wright building to the south cf the bank We are advised that the area is to be levelled and black topped and a drlve ln window will be Installed fur tlte convenience ot customers A noted man once the great Ideas I have ever had came to me while I was milking a Maybe the reason real good ideas are so scarce nowadays or Positions On County Board Three candidates have filed posit'ons on the County Board of found not null tv on a charze of nriainntns in nti a Education it was announced this first degree murder following 2 1 2 siroyed two sheds and severely UWdr fl get a much better understanding of all that is going Mr Granger added that Basin projects do not progress automat ically the area is to get the developments that government plans call he said of us who live in the area are going to have to get up to date on what we need to and then do He said that dates for speakers can be made through him or the James Hurley Harry Evans west ij Meyer and A Weeks were 4t 4 rrs Last week we set the type for a church periodical we print each month One writer was discussing Chain Reaction His introduction went something like this: man was bawled out by his boss he went home and bawled out his the wife was so irritated that she slappea uieir mue U1 ciuiiciiiy uy laying £oi mnes oi iccauon oi Jji expanded or end he In turn kicked his the made a startling disbovery when rail inserting more than 700000 temporary industries along the do? took his spite out on the cat I made the test I discovered that cross ties applying 994000 cubic system with a capital Investment A inrlino IO tloVlf' TiAlnAil ttrkAM 11 A i onu qjiaacu I it was struck by a car and ktuea" ppueu tresa cuts on me scaip numerous line and grade revision 000 5 20 Recalls Incidents Sunday Concert Of The Past The Bismarck Jun'or High Band News you read in The Gazette I Reports Record Year Special Services By In Many Areas St Louis March Rec 1 ord gains in virtually every phase of its operations were detailed by Missouri Pacific System in its 1965 annual report released to day to stockholders Among records set by MoPac during 19G5 were: imiuiK uie yeur wnicn were ao plied lo the license plate The li west of town at the age of 65 pnnen rdtitA i wl nhnln a a vaarx Kia rwitv 1 I Mizxv V4aui R44C wile 0 laciiiues at several slcs equipment So I wondered just how far the re i Work forces maintained MoPac 1 urther growth in traffic naHnri If kww A A :1 1VU1U AWMV4A AA A W44fc 44V444V RViTAm Ht htOh lAVAi I 4 LiUl uy and oawiea my wne out severely of efflclencv hv lavino miine nt imntinn nf ssi npw 4 VUKV11 for January 15 1926: letcher and Barger of Ironton have purchased lhe "llunter store building and in a short me the building will house the Bis marck Motor Co An addition will be built at the rear of the building to house the mechanical derart ment tl iiT Contractors were unloading the ine Weather necessary machinery for the con struction of Route 21 from Potosi We ave experiencing an 1 llniTCIlal fnfiHn to ttie Iron County line William II Garrett died at home of his son in St Iniis was born December 24 1835 last year at Gulf port w' combined into one fee brae our members who have been As reoorted under fCC account of G0 cents (or amounts up to following the Basin dcvclopcmcnt ing requrementsMoPac'sonsoli 0 There will be no change in the closely he said our dated earnings of $26301000 was covering items valued above shakers appearance around the Lon $10 i area we expect that people will lilt in II I I Vl lt'1 I I 111 IM IM I IrlTX'k U'A share ns nnmnnrert tn S25350 1 Ccitified Mail: The fee Will be 000 in 1964 or $1366 per Class A cens mn me pres in 1961 insurance and certified mail in 1957 The fee changes announced in rict from the present districts of trlal CEC Meeting To tlie January 11th ederal Register lat River Elvins and Esther The T1e was heard by Circuit i 1 and confirmed in the Register on proposal has been sanctioned by Judge Herbert Moss on a change Ra At TTMwnnvw 9Mh nrn nut Intn effort thn Stntn RaawI unJOf vnntin frnm Vuchm rfn 1 ICICI 1 HC ximuiuj iVH under the existing aanHnisirauve win ue submitted to the of 4 4 Dnf TVinot nM thncn 1 1 1 nt 1 4 liuillllliy Ul LfiVT I lliasic 1 1144 CUOH1U13 al IIJ Vlr'L I IVJ1 IU eral i 'e held on June 30 A simple ma Visiting' Ministers 4 i lorltv VntA nf thrt nnrv iKtrirtzl rlinf me increase inciuues: wWhvm mqg Money Order ees: Domestic rcts ls required for passage and international mcney order i 0 f*ck will be increased by 5 cents Speakers Available Insurance ees Die minimum I fee bracket will be Increased from On Basin Projects $10 to $15 and the minimum fee 1UV AV1U1 cllHC'U DUMIL ISSOUiU Tiie revised insurance fee will be membership chairman for as follows: $0 01 $15 1501 50 5001 100 150 01 me ratroi bupertntendent noted IS traffic handled to" and from that many of those persons who fail lhe driver license examinations the first time go home upgrade their driving skills and knowledge of mo tor vehicle law then return to pass with points to spare 0 Area Resident (Protest Building Of New Dam A number of persons staged Postal Department Increases in money orders in surance registry certilied mail aailll tmnnnm xfl and vvu ruiv wvwnv Ot? Ortct nefnv CClVt? iviurcil AVW a Vanuatu Gocltz said today The cost of operating these five candidate has filed John Har Circuit Court at Hillsboro 4 vwi mo esc i uy mui tit* i 1 Mrxtif iivonune mu I 1 iKnpmn slm leva uium JUU 'WCLL" An all time high consolidated enues by $60 llion annually The ixxird earnings figure of $26301000 1'e increases wm uki A peak outlay of more i 4V4VV4 uvpitxAuiKHJ suiowuuie iur tax pui The protestors maintain that ansDOseSt i shift a substantial portion of the area covering several square miles Consolidated net income in 1965 special service cost bourne by the is to be flooded by the impounded adjusted to a basis of generally ac Public to the users of these ser waters and in the area are many septet accounting principles vces homes which have been built by $17514000 or the equivalent of 1 persons who have retired cr are ($949 per Class A share versus George West planning to do so soonJi They state $15728000 and $847 in 1964 I 6 they have built high hotibs for the! Mr Jenks noted that To latter years of their lives and the earnings rose despite an increase proposed dam would compel them in operating expenses resulting I Warrenton Ladv to homes elsewhere and to from national wage agreements all over again" reached in 1964 which have added Mr and Mrs Lee Duckworth of When the movement was first more than $18000000 annually to (Warrenton are announcing the en proposed it was understood that labor costs during the period 1961 gagement of their youngest daugh only a comparatively small area 1966 ler Barbara Ann to Mr Goorge would be affected bul later an announcement was made that a water nlavcround and recreational area also would be Included which as last record outlay of $74 Warren County 1H High School would include rotne 2000 acres of 300 000 Mr Jenks said During the and is employed by Dr Le privately owned land It was when I past five years more than $260 vin in Warrenton the laticr announcement was made 1 000000 has been spent on a mod George is a 1962 graduate of the that the residents of the area program which has pla Bismarek High School and is em ployed by Missouri Conservation called to the Buford Bottoms area and 1820 rebuilt freight cars at a cost of more than $50000000 The annual report listed numer ous Improvement projects comple ted in 1965 including a new auto mated freight terminal at Kansas City a system materials distribu tion system at North little Rock a comprehensive yard expansion ules on fast symbol freights by Potosi Man Acquitted OnMurder Charge for! Robert Staples 29 of Poosi was program which has pla rA4 MiDoa oiyiaha IEa VVW iUUX UISlMUg 441V 4W444W44 A 1U14UU leading roads in terms of service Commission orestry Department equipment and physical condition MoPac expanded its large mod ern fleei further last year by the purchase of 50 new diesel locomo tives and 2536 freight cars many of them cf special design to meet the specific needs of shippers On order this year are another 50 lo hours of jury deliberation riday damaged a house on the west side In the first district only one last week in Jefferscn County of town Saturday afternoon The nnnhiiln hnfl fiiAi if titn i 41XS14 uuilll 4 tai Vzll LU1L VIJL11L 111 1 1 11 1NIU1I 1 imiCi Atimnd Ks I llftnnin ter who is now a member of the The Washington Countian was and occupied by Mr Daniels The Itfl'ii'ri i Ti iBismarck School The Mineral Area Chapter of the Council for Exceptional Chil dren will hold their regular meet ing at the Bismarck High School on March 24 at 7:30 pm tnr 1 BUV si speaKer wiu oe noy Back in 1964 a number of pas 3 Mtc1 A Davidson Executive Director of the Missouri Society for Crip pled Children and Adults and also the Chairman of the Governor's tCcmmitee on Employment of theHandicapped His subject will be Concepts in the Education or the Brain Injured Civ Id I All inteiPfttAn rbArenne flm thon revenue can' by $2G million based two candidates Rnnnv 1 Endor tavern DeClue died ef stab won adtoinini? nlarp $74000000 for capital improve on business nanuiea in nwai ir ana Clyde Halbert Easter is the nas maples pleaded not guilty on mentfi lUbO revenue ton miles at ces money or'lers re8's" one candidate from each district held in the St Louis County they succeeded In getting water on new high of 303 billion un 45 ncr Try ana "Lle 1 1 cent from 1964 332 per cent increase in Piggy Back traffic twice the gain shown In the national average Downing Jenks president of the Pacific told stock holders that he anticipates further gains in earnings this year basing bis predictions on forecasts of con tinued economic growth nationally and along the MoPac System competitive position will be further sharpened and our in come increased by pricing and service Innovations and lie incre ased operating efficiency produ ced by widespread physical im will be 20 cents instead of 10 cents provements made in recent years ivir uenKS saiu Other factars contributing to success in 1965 were a 40 1 per cent increase in multi level auto shipments a 15 per cent gain 1 cense plate proper was used for five years with a new sticker ap plied each year Beginning in July the Motor nSi? epartnJcnt will issue new Chairmen Named plates with each annual registra tion The new plates for 1967 will por Cancer und hnva a Inrb 'JI V141ACr U11U with white numerals and lettering Plates are manufactured at the state penitentiary Bloodmobile Visit Collects 296 Pintsi In County The Red Cross Bloodmobile ted St rancois County last week and collected a total of 296 pints of blood One hundred eleven pints at lat River and 84 at Bonne got busy Some of the property owners in the area state they have worked a lifetime to acquire their homes and do not wish to give them up for the formation of a playground for other people BRUSH IRE viuti liilo jfVal ale cUiUllivl uU IO The rural fire department was comotiyes 2558 new freight cars i Tuesday morning to extinguish a brush fire in a strip of woodland which had apparently been set by a carelessly tossed or cig arette prabably by a passing mo torist No property damage resul ted vail MV JU5U jnuuu vx VM government (Our Capitalistic form Pnrfihn Of of Government t) We may he I A 4 hi rvt nnAn Unit I rPVlA IVficeHl VI LlllJLlU 41 LIMA 4U44U vk re 44ityvLiu dIIIll I where the heights to which one 404511 license examinations may soar in knowledge finance or in 1965 fame is limited only by abil In its summary of lictn lly and determination se examinations for last year tiie We may wen pojn wi pride Highway Patrol reported that 67 jer to cur great manuac luring estab nt examinations were pass lishments our achievements in the and Jr cent were jailed Two BPr nnm nf fhz I 1 lieid of science and 1 could go on and but if visiors should come from another planet and were shown all these things we have every right to be proud no matter how deejny impressed our visitor might be and no matter how highly he might regard our way of life I sincerely hope he never has tin opportunity to see some of our television commerci als that we earthlings have to see day alter day if we watch televl sion at all Some of these commercials are an insult to human dignity Take for instance the cne where the sta tement ends "And Eat My how about "Us Smokers Would Rather ight Than The latter would be bad enuugn one nau omy io listen i the words but the characters in summary also showed the commercials portray the most found 412 defec dispicable personalities one could test pror t0 star'nH ever imagine Now suppose our visitor went back to his planet I ave sPlal driver6 after viewin? all I think he laminations to school bus drivers vnoit would forget our churches our OX 1 CM UUL oVaVlilsilw uvlUtrYv" ments and' repofr" TvasT: lSUJce a 20 per csnt Inhabited by a bunch of morons suppose you invited our Martian visitor to your home You prepared a fine meal of the finest food and the tv set was on as you started to eat before you got well Into the meal unless you turned the set off your visitor would have to view and hear about four dirty diaper commercials that should help him to enjoy his food Well in this instance it may be that it would turn out something like one fear I entertained some time azo About the time the com nrotest demonstration at Ironton mercials had reached the brink of 'Saturday of last week opposing Share A substantial portion of cnt 20 cpnts to 30 cents the pit into which they have now the construction of what is descri iearnjngS for yenrs results' Loises inclined in the operation sunk I wondered just what our 'bed as Dam 25 The area of tha from a reduction in federal in special services are paid from visitors from England would think proposed dam on the headwater! come taxes because of increased unds drawn from the ederal Of our degradation Not long after of Big River northwest of Ironton depreciation allowable for tax pur treasury The fee increase will I got a television view oi a group that came from "Meme Old Eng land" who called themselves the And after that I felt we need have no fear of any scorn from England Then imagine a woman going up in a balloon to see whether or not one wash was cleaner than another Or for instance sitting on stump waiting for Witch" How about the one where colored man is drinking coffee a white man purposely bumps into him and spills coffee on the colored white shirt I firm ly believe this sort of thing will do more toward creating race hat red than all the KKK's in Mis sissippi I told my Mrs If she ever brought home another box of the product advertised by thl commercial I would pour It down be sink Some people who view this commercial will consider this an actual happening and I can hear them the way they 4reat us" the spot" is their slogan Well the that people like those who stir up racial discord deserves in One Opinion would not look good spelled out in this column but if you were working a cross word puzzle you would find it dis cribed as four letter word meaning Home of Satan" (the Basin Area announced Tuesday rents that Association is forming a 30 cents bureau which will furn 40 cents ish speakers for meetings of civic fltlrl I 4 A 4 A pcnts UU1V1 iuicirairu Ennius uni I lixicxeaitj i on vices are oeirvz neid this 4 4zx XMJU1 ZUU Witter proreui viK Dt tn Iumor Mexico and a 134 percent Increase cents and 75 cents fees will be uwerway in me xuouroe in chemical traffic combined into a single fee of 75 Meramec River valleys Iznij Such increases hclned oush Mo 'cents for values up to $100 Reg Edsel Granger of Sullivan Ba Vla jazette 1965 operating revenues to isry fevs for articles valued In sin memnersti'p chairman said ($416 632 000 an Increase of $13 683 excess of $100 will remain unchan that arrangements are being made 000 or 34 per cent over 1964 This Ri I furnish slldes and speaker for was accomplished despite a cripp ees: The present 40 inieresten organizations vve winling two month dock strike early cents and 50 cents fee brackets have the services of several of Drive During April Mel Weems St rancois Cou nty Chairman of the 1966 Ameri can Cancer und Drive has an nounced the town and township chairmen who will serve during the drive in April The chairman for Bismarck Mrs William Jones 0 Applications or arriage Licenses The office of Mayford Burns Recorder reports the following ap plications for marriage licenses: March John Michael Stain and Rita Ann Cole both arming ton March William Andrew Thoma of Chicago Ill and Mary 1 01 1 OU1S rUi Iiiil OK 'TriX Icas ana William XU varoi dciuiuui rarnungiun and oiasedu tnxo tne sireei aw4 uy wmpwung esumaiea at mure man 588000 man left on Monday of this week uiiIasI I DDliPO tn frAQn ciita nn th numarMte IIha ma for service with the armed forces the petit jurors from Iron Town ship Hutchings of this city was killed in a railroad accident at De Soto He was 48 years of age The city marshal of DeSoto was i being held on a charge of being an accomnlirp in Ihn rnlJwvv thn or a number of years Missouri American Bank of DeSoto Motorists when renewing their Malloy was advertising ttMtomobile licenses received a a Maxwell touring car with 4000 sticker with the numerals design miles at $600 nating the year which were ap Randall died at his home 1 It WHS nPCCSSnrv fnr firAmnn tn present incumbent There will be the basis of self defense He had string considerable hose before VW 4i kLClLJIir I jail since summer und was taken the blaze No estimate nf the A movement has been institu 1'0 Jefferson County the day be damage has been revealed ted to form a consolidated dist re tbe beginning of the two day 1 iWAgKanE Oi XXXN Ci i io i i mknz 41 nt jo vj' iu zz wr jo i hi NSJxV ft fl Hill Illi I ilS v' wen aid iiaiuni Mllll 1125 pass.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.