Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania (2024)

CHESTER TIMES CHESTER, PA FRIDAY. MAY 25, 1934 Conklin. of Tenth avenue. PROSPECT PARK son in law of Mrs. Conklin, and Mrs! I Lafterty Is her daughter.

incuarq m. tngiisii, of Summit (New Owners of MEMORIAL RITES Churches to Pay Tribute Miss Dorothea Da Hon. of Tpnth in the fashion sii members, who visited Washington. avenue, is cltais angements umcs ous wore garments 1 u. last week.

for Children's Day at the Pickiw which thev createa. The Hill Baptist, church. local club recently participated In to the Nation's Fallen 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tomlinson, of Chester pike, and) Heroes Caiiaghan, narrowly 'cVcapt ci wrimis Memorial Day will be observed ii injury on Tuesday afternoon; when she was struck by an automobile near her home.

The child received ory Bible class, met on eve under the auspices of a Phllsrfofphia il the i hurch. These attending "fwPnw. the meeting inelucied Mrs, Joseph i'prcsentatives of the local club al OheiSe, prctideni of the croup; Mrs. tlu meeting of Hie Uelnware Samuel L. Norton, chairman of wei Eederation held at Media fare; Mrs.

Frank t.odgr, Mrs. Wi). Chtb, vesterdav, included hani Si owe, Mrs. William Chr.stle C. Deibler, president of Mrs.

Jaiues H. Smith. Mrs. Fannie lnr Mrs. Maurice A.

Wet Htilchinsui). Mrs. Charles Conklin Ar Kephart. Mrs. Walter Airs.

William A Dtmkle, Miss Nellie Barbc Mis. George W. Butl. day. At the Methodist Episcopal church, Benjamin F.

Moore, superintendent 0 the Sunday school, will remember the day with appropriate est. in fact the parents are not iware of the motorists' name. Edwin Tomlinson, of Chester pike Mrs. SauuieJ A. Hcwes.

of Prospect Park," and Mrs yBL1 Palr10 of America, at Pittsburgh, i ise he, 1 1 Pem i tventK and Mr. and RBJ'' Esslngton. Mrs. Samuel Norton. of Chester Kepharl and Mrs.

Deibler at pike, recently motored to Atlantic a Pgram presented by the 819 Fifth avenue, and Artliur Blose of unicorn avenue, Folsom. CORNER THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. CHESTER r.r daughter The Women's Civic "club recently Philadelphia, iicin a covered ctisli luncheon aiiuiiuBH iiuagnan. inc date is set for June 30, and will in Hen of the reeulnv snnw NEED NOT 5Uf7EK J3KC pisee at the Prospect Hill Bant 1st church, with Rev. William Hunter I officiating.

oajiagiiHii. a nurse. Ma Honed at Atlantic City, recently Amazing Values in a Brand New Purchase! Silk Dresses One of the Outstanding lots of the Season! Callaghan and Mrs. Callaghan. of .11 I Ajk o.

(Jk UllNllilliilJMt "111 lIIOHft KAMI)' JJT liiy, xwhcji nas ueen postponed until June when a flower show will be held. Mrs. Clarence M. James, captain of Girl Scout Troop No.

m. was presented with a bow knot pin in recognition of her ten years of service as leader of the scouts. The troop was organized by her, ten years ngo, miner the auspices of the club. Mrs, Edwin G. Deibler, president of Finn avenue.

vuitira aisn mucneon was held i at the home of Mrs. Cora Rebert, of 1 Eighth avenue, on Wednesday, for Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs, I Correct Mritb Acidify tablets by her sister, Mrs. Edith House, of! $. Kn Umiz nun rtm Mir, der the direction of Mrs.

Raymond eluded Mrs. Samuel. Powell, Clare Phillips, Mrs. George Taylor and Mrs. Samuel Graul, of Holmes; Virginia and Eleanor nymn sung by the enure school.

Memorial Day will also be remembered in the devotioitals preceding (he regular sermon at the Olivet Presbyterian church by the pastor, Rev. Leslie X. Richardson. Appropriate music will be rendered fct Prospect Hill Baptist church in remembrance of Memorial Day with reference to the subject, by the pastor. Rev.

William Hunter. Services will be held May 30 at the Prospect Hill cemetery, by the John Wesley Cross Post, No. 507 American Legion, of Norwood The Prospect Park Business Men's Association celebrated its seventh birthday anniversary with a banquet followed by a. theater parly. The banquet, was held at the Philadelphia Yacht Club, Essingion, with John D.

Allison, president of the association as toastmaster. Those attending included Mrs Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Degcr Mr.

nd Mrs. John Wilde, Mr. and Mrs. P. Lyston Pierce, Mr.

and Mrs A. H. DcBeust, Mr. and W. H.

Kirov and son, Helen Rulktwski mui daughter, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Fisher Mr.

und Mrs. W. B. Grant, Mr. and Mrs.

Russell Kuppinger. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Weaver, Mr.

and Mrs Edward Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Russeli Davidson, Mr, and Mrs Clarence. Dowdy, Mr. and Mrs, Alton Frost.

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas H. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Miller, Mr' and Mrs.

J. Leslie Pierce, Mr, and Mrs. Marshall P. Snyder. Mr.

Mrs. Herbert. S. White. Mr.

and Mrs. J. Austin Ferguson, Mr. and James H. Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Starkey, Mr. and Mrs. Milo D.

Gould' Mr. and Mrs. W. Bookman, Mr. and Mrs.

Michael Epstein, Mr. and Mrs Herbert 5. Hawthorne, Mr. and Mrs Mr Mrs. n.

Wolf, Miss oiga I.enz, George Orr Miss Thelma Rolph, Frank Bather' R7 "or" alld D. Given! Mr. Kelly was 'in charge of arrangements, for the affair. Following the banquet the members and their wives motored to a local theater bere reserved seats were waiting Mrs. Robert Milton Given, of Amazing Low Price Opening SpeciaH Florence Waters, Mrs, Edith Water Mrs.

Cora Fricsel, and Mrs. Nora Gibson, of Norwood Mrs. Rudolph niLhiiier oi swarthmorc; Mrs. KENT CLEANERS 1 i winwe. Mis.

JsaDelle Goodeii. and CASH AND CARRY Cor, 9th and Edgmont Ave. Mrs. Harry D. Glenn, Mrs.

William Harry Sloti, Mrs. William L. Thomp Edwin A. Hough, Mrs. W.

C. Brennr. PLAIN DRESSF.S, SUITS, CQATB OR BLANKETS Kathryn Swallow, Mrs. MargaVe" Hurt. Mrs.

If. K.v.r.'yv. Johnson, matron of the chapter Mrs. Etlicl Mrs. Hilda Peek mi" ulusJ nancy, ol Glcn 'onn uaiia.

and Mrs. 2 GARMENTS fg Beautifully Jm DRY CLEANED AND PRESSED Mrs. Herbert Eilbeck, of" Efnglon; Brand New White Linen Suits Swagger Models! Heavy pre ahnmk linen, that will hold its fihsijio. Three quarter coats, with ascot tiea, round yokes and jaunty neck linos 14 (o 20. Prints a Fresh and Pretty as Flowers! Smart Washable! Printed Taffetas! Soft Petal Pastels! Smart Contrasts! Beautiful afternoons, Sunday, nites, and tavern dance frock3.

Many jacket models. Sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to U. jvuicnen, Mrs. SlnU Mrs. Eilbeck and Mrs.

Fricsel are SATISFACTION GUARANTEED the home of Miss Ruthe "Brook, of 609 Thirteenth avenue, on Tuesday evening. Those present included the Misses Lillian Sibel, Sophie Lnngley, Mrs. wiinam H. Latterly, of Landenburg, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Charles (i, mB Women Misses' gu New White Coats 3) .94 .29 Women's 2 Piece Linen Suits For Decoration Day outings! Suits 1m Jaunty hip lcnStli Jnckct Also separn Swapper Cont5, $1.29.

$1 Graduation Day Dresses White Dresses For Confirmation 1.95 White! Permanent finish oryandy and silks, Have detachable slips, some with little jackets. $3.88 Oi Bimdlca, all silk flat crepes and others. A huge selection of cL styles; sizes 6 to 10. New Summer HATS Low Priced Tomoi New Shipment 99c Flops! Sailors! Tu rhans! Women's White Pumps Ties Men's While OXFORDS WORTH DOUBLE a 1 skin. Goodyear 1 t.

For AQ Sports and 9 Drew tlifse Km White Pumps and Ties 1 AH colors, includlriB the ever popular white. Enough model1; to rill our millinery dept. to White mesh. White plqtfc. a White kid.

Cool and smnrt. All Men's $1 to $1.19 Broadcloth Fine Washable Broadcloth Men's Shorts SHIRTS Dealers Everywhere are Giving a MILLION DEMONSTRATIONS 3oaL AT the very beginning of Nash Motors, C. W. AT the very beginning of Nash Motors, C. demonstrations millit Full cut Attractive, Inst, color, combination

Full cut. Elastic waist hand. Sizes 30 to 4i. color. Soft collar attached In white, blue, tan, srey.

A mighty good 22 79 Nash sai'rl III to a on people in 30 days! TTill vi. muwu a Lvcap motor car. Today after having built more than a million fine Sleeveless Sweaters Slipover Undershirts A rides in a month. A million revelations ot Nash Twin Ignition power and the "jeweled movement" smoothness of La Favptto A Men's Ties cars upnoioiog that pledge of quality C. W.

Nash Men's Socks Wd wcnrlng. rgc choice or terns and I lor comblna Fine v. hite yarn. Will stand many washings. A 1 1 For men or boys.

White, blue, tan, icliow, slipovers. 49c 22c Hand tallor and lined. Pretty flgtircs and stripes, all cot motor car." As it has been with Nash' so it continues to be Quality first. demonstrations ot superior comfort of a real improvement in clear vision ventilation of easy handling of safe control of results that verify the very latest in engineering and the hest of workmanship. 1 .49 74c 49c MMMm Plenty of Hot Days Full Fashioned Pure Silk Hose And now, to celebrate the building of a million cars; and to reveal the newheights of quality and skill attained in the 1934 Nash and its Companion car, the new LaFayette Nash dealers everywhere are spreading themselves to give a million We invite you to drive either a Nash or a LaFayette.

Learn what it means to an automobile when a manufacturer carries out a Hfc Iong quality policy to the letter, and to th timV.r At 979 DELIVERED READY TO DRIVE IN CHESTER Act How! 55 IxblVWVALLY SPRUXG FROST WHEELS OPTIOSAL Porch Awnings Not to be confused with inferior grades at near this price. Super fine quality, good wearing, and good looking. Choice of 16 brand new shades. Extra heavy crade strinprl Advanced Eiht 121' Ioqh'p Sine Ambassador Eight, 133' W.B..12SH.P. SJS75 to 162S Tl SLU i 45 1820to2055 ff Car 0i th Lsi Field, SS95 to 69S $595 fast color awning duck.

Sizes 5' 6" to 6' Other sizes in proportion. Complete with rust proof frames and fixtures. Bring measurements. Rayon Taffeta SLIPS NASH SALES COMPANY Window Awnings I Spearpoint Awnings The city's best sellers, In smooth, nicely tailored, good fitting slips. 59c vi Tn LUKiS WALL FOURTH AND WELSH STREETS, CHESTER la PHONE: 725S Pink, tea rose and white.

preen stripe, Hollywood style. 30 and 36 Inch duck, in 30. 36 and 42 In. sizes. Closed In sides,.

Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.