Eating to Keep Heartburn in Check (2024)

A gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) diet is an important part of treating GERD, a chronic condition. It's also helpful in controlling occasional heartburn (aka acid reflux).

Eating to Keep Heartburn in Check (1)

The diet focuses on cutting certain foods out of your diet and adding others to lessen the chances that stomach acid will flow back up into your esophagus.

This article explains how changing your diet can help you avoid the symptoms of heartburn and GERD. It also covers how to follow a GERD diet while making accommodations that meet your needs.


Avoid These Things If You Have GERD

Benefits of a GERD Diet

GERD happens when the muscles at the bottom of your esophagus, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), get weak and stay too relaxed during digestion. This allows stomach acid to back up into your esophagus, causing symptoms such as heartburn, cough, and swallowing issues. The GERD diet helps your LES muscles work better and stay closed after you eat, so you'll have fewer of these issues.

In serious cases, GERD can cause:

  • Vomiting
  • Respiratory problems
  • Narrowing of your esophagus
  • Increased risk of esophageal cancer

The GERD diet works by retraining your approach to eating. The diet helps you to:

  • Steer clear of foods and beverages that aggravate heartburn
  • Choose more foods that can help control stomach acid production
  • Establish eating habits that can reduce your symptoms
  • Include a balanced variety of nutrient-dense and healthy foods that will help you maintain a healthy weight

Both the National Institutes of Health and the American College of Gastroenterology recommend a diet-first approach to treating GERD.

A 2016 study published in Diseases of the Esophagus found that eating a Mediterranean-style diet is associated with a lower risk of GERD. That makes sense because the Mediterranean diet is known for being lower in fatty meats and processed foods. It's also higher in seafood, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

In addition to improving your symptoms, this way of eating may lead to some weight loss. Being overweight puts you at a much higher risk of GERD, and research has found that losing weight is one of the best strategies to prevent the condition.

As little as a 10% reduction in weight improves GERD symptoms and often allows people to go off prescribed acid blocker medications (with their doctor's approval).

Foods to Eat

The GERD diet is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. Following this eating plan should help to improve your symptoms.


Most fruits, other than citrus, are good choices unless you notice that they don’t agree with you.


Most vegetables are great choices and have the added benefit of increasing your fiber intake. However, try to avoid tomatoes, tomato sauce, and spicy peppers, and be aware that you might find onions and garlic irritating as well.

Whole and Cracked Grains

Oats, brown rice, quinoa, farro, 100% whole wheat, wheat bran, and all other whole grains are good sources of fiber. Try to eat a small serving with every meal.

Low-Fat Dairy or Non-Dairy Products

Choose small servings of low and non-fat dairy or non-dairy milk products.

Lean Meats

Choose lean cuts of beef or pork, skinless poultry, and seafood.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats including olive oil, avocados, nuts, nut butters, and seeds (like pumpkin and chia) can be enjoyed in moderation.

Mild Spices, Herbs, and Seasonings

Try to stick to fresh or dried herbs like basil, parsley, oregano, or thyme.


Try edamame, tofu, tempeh, miso, and soy nuts. Meat alternatives made with soy are generally cholesterol-free and lower in fat than meat.


Beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes can be tasty additions to many recipes and are high in both protein and fiber.

Herbal Teas and Water

Plain or fruit-infused water or caffeine-free herbal teas containing ginger, licorice, or fennel can be soothing for your digestive system.

Psyllium Fiber Supplements

In a study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, people with heartburn who had low-fiber diets were given 15 grams of a psyllium fiber supplement each day. After starting the extra fiber,
they had increased esophageal sphincter pressure, fewer incidents of acid backing up, and fewer heartburn symptoms.

To boost your fiber intake, fill half of each plate (meals and snacks) with an assortment of GERD-diet-approved fruits and vegetables.

Foods to Avoid

High-fat meals are often responsible for the slowdown in digestion seen in GERD. In addition, highly acidic foods are responsible for an increase in stomach acid that can irritate the esophagus.

The GERD diet focuses on avoiding foods that are more likely to trigger reflux and your symptoms.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and pineapples (for some people) are likely reflux triggers because of their acid content.

Tomatoes and Tomato Products

The high acidity of tomatoes and tomato based foods may be an irritating.

Whole Milk and Full-Fat Dairy

Avoid whole milk, cream, ice cream, and full-fat yogurt. These foods can increase stomach acid and relax the esophageal sphincter muscle, causing reflux.

Fried Foods and Fatty Meats

Avoid high-fat and heavily processed meats like bacon, sausages, hot dogs, hamburgers, salami, pastrami, pepperoni, etc. Avoid fried or greasy foods like French fries and fried chicken and rich sauces or gravies.

Peppermint or Spearmint

Mint, especially peppermint, can cause discomfort.


Chocolate increases stomach acid, so it's best to avoid any candies, desserts, or baked goods that contain it (that goes for real hot chocolate, too).

Potent Spices and Hot Peppers

Avoid spices/peppers like cinnamon, curry powder, chili powder, cayenne pepper, or hot paprika. Avoid cuisines that are heavily seasoned with potent spices/hot peppers (e.g., Mexican, Thai, and Indian).

Carbonated Beverages, Coffee, and Alcohol

Many people find carbonated beverages bothersome, whether they have caffeine or not, so you may find it helpful to steer clear. Avoid coffee and alcohol, which increase acid and irritate the stomach and esophagus.

Foods to Quickly Ease GERD Symptoms

Some quick remedies that may help ease GERD symptoms include:

Ginger: This alkaline root has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, and antiulcer effects. Try drinking ginger tea or golden milk (made with ginger and turmeric) to calm your stomach after meals. Because high-fat milk can aggravate GERD, be sure to use skim or low-fat milk or plant milk.

Chamomile tea: Traditionally used to soothe the digestive system, this tea’s anti-inflammatory effects may reduce esophageal discomfort.

Xylitol gum: Chewing gum after a meal, or whenever you have symptoms of acid reflux, can help quell the discomfort. Gum chewing generates extra saliva, which neutralizes the gastric acid in the esophagus. However, avoid gums containing mint oil, as this ingredient may make GERD worse.

Licorice root: Licorice has antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Taken as a tea, capsule, or liquid it may help to reduce the symptoms of GERD.

Compliant Foods

  • Fruits (some exceptions)

  • Vegetables (some exceptions)

  • Whole and cracked grains

  • Low-fat dairy foods or non-dairy products

  • Lean meats (e.g., lean beef, skinless chicken, seafood)

  • Whole soy foods (e.g., tofu or tempeh)

  • Lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes

  • Nuts, nut butters, and seeds

  • Healthy fats like olive oil, and avocado (in moderation)

  • Herbal teas

  • Most mild herbs, spices, and seasonings

  • Psyllium fiber supplements

Non-Compliant Foods

  • Citrus fruits

  • Tomato and tomato products

  • Spicy peppers

  • Heavily spiced cuisine (e.g., Mexican, Thai, or Indian)

  • Greasy or fatty fried foods

  • Peppermint or spearmint

  • Chocolate

  • Potent spices like chili powder, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon

  • Any other foods that frequently bother you like vinegar, onions, or garlic

  • Carbonated beverages

  • Coffee, mint teas

  • Alcohol

GERD Lifestyle Tips

When to Eat

When you eat can have as much of an impact as what you eat. The most important meal to time properly is dinner. Try to eat dinner at least two to three hours before bed, skip any late-night snacking, and remain upright until you go to bed. Gravity will help you digest your food faster and reduce the chance that your meal and stomach acid will be pressing up against your lower esophagus while you're sleeping.

How to Eat

It's not essential to time your earlier meals or to eat on a schedule, but it is important to eat small meals rather than larger ones. Large meals produce more stomach acid, take longer to digest, and put extra pressure on your lower esophagus, all of which make heartburn more likely.

Rather than eating three large meals, you may feel better if you eat five small meals and spread them out so they're digested before you eat again.


For healthier meals, fewer calories, and less fat, use healthy cooking methods like sautéing, grilling, roasting, braising, or baking. Avoid deep-frying. If you miss the crispy crunch of fried foods, try an air fryer, which uses just a small amount of oil.

Stock your pantry or refrigerator with spices from the compliant list above to substitute for hot spices, onions, and garlic. Experiment with new foods and flavors to replace any that you're missing.

Sharing tips and recipes with others is a great way to have fun with the recommended foods and keep you committed to a healthy eating plan.

Finding Your Food Triggers

If you have chronic GERD and get heartburn frequently, you can benefit from the GERD diet by following it long-term. Even if you experience symptoms infrequently, becoming familiar with and keeping a close eye on the consumption of trigger foods may help you prevent symptoms.

There is no one-size-fits-all GERD diet. Certain foods may trigger reflux for you but not be a problem for others. Keeping a food diary may be useful to help spot any specific foods, like low-fat dairy, that might be contributing to your discomfort.

Unfortunately, avoiding trigger foods doesn't guarantee that you will never get that burning sensation in your throat.


Except for the foods that should be avoided, the GERD diet can and should be very flexible. This diet needs to work with your lifestyle, so feel free to include more of the foods you like and pay attention to how they affect your symptoms.

The GERD diet is a very good eating plan for anyone to follow because it stresses more high-fiber foods, less fatty foods, and smaller meals, all of which can help you maintain a healthier weight. Its emphasis on a Mediterranean diet and high-fiber diet pattern is in line with the 2020-2025 USDA Dietary Guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The GERD diet might just open up a whole new and healthier way of eating for you.


Heartburn and GERD are uncomfortable problems, but they can be managed. You can choose from a wide variety of delicious and healthy foods and still control your symptoms. To stay motivated to follow a GERD diet, try to keep in mind what high-fat and acidic foods do to your body and that GERD symptoms can raise your risk of other health problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should I drink for acid reflux?

    There are a few drink options that may help acid reflux. Ginger tea, a small amount of apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water, and a lemon juice and warm water mixture with honey can offer acid reflux relief. Some people may also find a small amount nonfat milk and non-dairy options can help relieve symptoms.

  • Which foods can cause acid reflux?

    Foods that have high amounts of fat, salt, and spice can be acid reflux triggers. This includes French fries, fried food, fast food, fatty meat like bacon, chili powder, and processed foods with lots of salt. Not everyone with acid reflux needs to avoid these options. In fact, some people might be able to tolerate small or moderate amounts of them. Avoiding trigger foods and moderating your diet is key.

  • What are non-acidic fruits?

    Non-acidic fruits include choices like cantaloupe, watermelon, and bananas. These fruits have a higher pH than citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit, which can trigger symptoms for people with GERD. Alkaline foods are those with a high pH and should be a focus for people that experience heartburn and GERD.

Heartburn Doctor Discussion Guide

Get our printable guide for your next doctor's appointment to help you ask the right questions.

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Eating to Keep Heartburn in Check (2024)


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