GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (2024)

Wednesday August 14, 2024: Tracy and Cody bond over backgammon, Sonny gives Natalia a reason to stay in town, and Nina thinks she has Drew distracted.

Tuesday’s GH recap: Molly was disturbed by Kristina Vs Ava photos, Kristina and Blaze split up, and Blaze fired her mom before the tour.

Drew wakes up in bed with Nina. She tries to keep him there but he needs to meet with Sasha to talk menus.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (1)

Nina assures him Sasha can handle it.

They start making out.

After their horizontal exercise, he decides he really needs to get going.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (2)

Mac and Spinelli are playing frisbee in the park until they notice how sullen James is.

Felicia and Maxie give Mac a disapproving look.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (3)

Maxie tells him that forbidding James to ride with Cody was not his call.

She thinks Cody has been punished enough.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (4)

Felicia tells him he messed up big.

She is fine with him staying away from Cody, but he can’t drag his grandson into this.

He insists that he’s only trying to shield James but she thinks that Cody can be better if someone believes in him.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (5)

Maxie runs over to Nina and notices that she’s glowing.

She guesses it wasn’t from whitening her teeth.

She must have slept with Drew again.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (6)

Nina tells her that he actually stayed over last night and she’s sure it was impressive enough that he can see that ruining her daughter’s marriage is not a good idea.

Spinelli asks James to play but he’s bored and wants to go.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (7)

The kid just wants to ride horses with Cody but Mac says no.

Spinelli is sure that Cody and Mac will make things right eventually.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (8)

When he steps away, James runs off.

Nina and Maxie join the others and Mac explains that he’s no longer going to stand in James’ way if he wants to ride with Cody.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (9)

They notice the little boy is gone and start calling for him.

Maxie thinks she knows where to find him.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (10)

Spinelli admits James has been worried about Mac’s antipathy to Cody.

Cody is taking out the hay and thinking of kissing Sasha when Tracy interrupts him.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (11)

She tells him to buckle up because she’s taking him for a ride.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (12)

She wants to test his mind.

He warns her he has a finite set of skills.

Tracy pulls out her backgammon board.

They start playing and she tells him about being infected by parasitic brain worms.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (13)

She remembers her hospital stay for that fondly.

She admits she wasn’t a model patient but got along well with her doctor.

She misses Finn.

He is one of a kind.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (14)

She worries that she was too hard on him and hasn’t heard from him since he left for rehab.

Cody suspects he’ll understand what she did when he sees things clearly.

He admires her compassion.

She’s shocked when he wins the game and accuses him of hustling her.

She won’t be so benevolent next time.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (15)

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On the deck, Sasha finds Cody’s hat and thinks about how good he is with James.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (16)

Willow pops up and snaps her out of it, teasing her about Cody.

Sasha is just waiting for Drew to shows up to meet with some caterers but he’s MIA.

She asks Willow to call him.

That makes Willow jumpy and she says that she and Drew won’t even be seeing each other at work anymore.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (17)

Michael wanders in and wonders what that means.

Drew rushes in and apologizes for being late.

They’ll have to re-schedule the meeting with the caterers.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (18)

Willow suddenly announces she’s resigning from the institute to go back to nursing.

It’s what makes her feel like she has purpose and wanted to be sure.

This means she won’t be working with Nina or Drew.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (19)

He tells her that he has his faith and support regardless of where she works.

She appreciates him making this easy and exits.

Once she’s gone, Drew declares he needs a shower and walks off.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (20)

He eavesdrops as Sasha tells Michael what a good husband he is.

Once he’s gone, Michael tells Sasha he just wants Willow to be happy. He’s grateful for the time they have.

She admits that she smiles more than cries about Brando now but doesn’t think she can survive another loss like that.

He says she’s not giving herself enough credit and should take a chance on love.

Later, Michael calls Nina and tells her they need to talk about Willow.

Drew follows Willow into the boathouse. She tries avoiding him. He says he doesn’t want her to make a big mistake.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (21)

She says the institute isn’t fulfilling.

He offers to change that but she insists she’s remembered how much she loves nursing.

She’ll do the PSAs until she is replaced.

He will respect that but asks if this has anything to do with him.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (22)

She insists this is the only way to make things right because she can’t stop thinking about him, no matter how wrong it is.

Willow needs to put distance between them before she does something she regrets.

Sasha goes to the stables as Tracy exits.

She hands Cody his hat and tells him she’s come to her senses.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (23)

She’s tired of playing it safe and kisses him.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (24)

She asks him to take the day off.

As they climb onto the table, Maxie runs in, congratulates them, and asks if they’ve seen James.

Lois is having breakfast with BLQ and Gio by the boathouse.

She tells Lois that he will have to put his focus on his concerts in the fall.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (25)

He thought his gigs would come from performing at the gallery, but who would go to a murderer’s gallery?

They tell him it’s only likely to make it a bigger hit.

Lois thinks he will have even more positive things in the future.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (26)

The ladies are startled when he explains the person whose estimation of him means the most is Sonny.

They assure him Sonny will admire him for sticking to his commitment to the gallery.

He thanks them for breakfast and leaves for work.

BLQ is surprised that her mom was not defending Sonny more.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (27)

Sonny is surprised when Natalia shows up at his penthouse and announces she’s headed back to Puerto Rico.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (28)

She fills him in on their daughters breaking up and hers leaving on tour. She left on bad terms.

Sonny is sure they will work it out.

Natalia says there’s no reason for her to stick around.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (29)

He offers to give her one and calls BLQ, asking her over to hear a proposition.

Lois and BLQ show up moments later.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (30)

Sonny tells them all how much he was looking forward to starting the record label.

Blaze is gone but the money is still there so he wants to invest it in Deception.

He knows the company has been struggling but he’s willing to be a silent partner.

BLQ realizes this could save the company.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (31)

He has one condition: they have to hire Natalia. He wants her to look after his investment.

BLQ admits she’s very good at the financial side.

She thinks it’s a generous offer but she’ll have to discuss it with Tracy and the others.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (32)

She and Natalia leave to talk to them.

Sonny asks Lois to stay and talk.

He apologizes, explaining his meds were off.

She means the world to him.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (33)

Lois thanks him. They are friends again… but she still wonders where the money for this investment is coming from.

He assures her it’s all legit.

She worries the Feds will come snooping into her daughter’s business.

Tracy meets with Natalia and BLQ at the Deception office to talk about the investment offer.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (34)

Natalia would be CFO. BLQ assures her grandma that the money is totally secure and admits it’s from Sonny.

“Over my dead body,” says Tracy.

GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (35)

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GH Recap: Willow Tells Drew She's Too Tempted By Him, Tracy's Appalled Sonny Sonny Wants to Invest in Deception and Sasha Gives Cody a Shot (2024)


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