Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (2024)

In today’s post: Learn how to make an Oreo ice cream sandwich! Creamy ice cream sandwiched between thick, cookie shaped pieces of Oreo crust – just like the Oreo Madness dessert that TGI Friday’s used to serve.

I’m generally not a big fan of restaurant desserts. They always sound so good, but then I spend seven dollars on a piece of cake that turns out kind of dry, and I spend the next hour thinking about how I could have made a WHOLE CAKE for seven dollars and it would have tasted way better. So I usually just skip dessert when we are eating out. But back in the day, my husband (then boyfriend) and I used to eat at TGI Friday’s pretty regularly, and we’d always (ALWAYS!) get the Oreo ice cream sandwich, aka Oreo Madness, for dessert.

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (1)

Smooth vanilla ice cream was sandwiched between two super thick, cookie shaped pieces of Oreo crust, and the entire thing was drizzled in copious amounts of fudge and caramel. It looked like a great big Oreo, but was way better. It was the one restaurant dessert I knew would never disappoint.

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (2)

And then it went away. 😭

The good news is that it’s not hard to make your own Oreo ice cream sandwiches at home! And when you make your own, you can use any flavor ice cream you like. I love classic vanilla, but we’ve also tried these with chocolate ice cream, mint ice cream, and peanut butter ice cream. All are delicious!

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (3)

Regardless of what ice cream you use, these taste best with a little hot fudge and caramel sauce drizzled over the top. Because the outside of these is Oreo crust, it’s a bit crumbly, so it’s better to serve these on a plate than to pick them up and eat them like a traditional ice cream sandwich.

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (4)

How to Make Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches Video

Watch this video to see how to make these delicious treats! Note, if the video isn’t showing up below, that means you are using an ad-blocker. Whitelist this site in order to see the video. I know no one likes watching ads, but they allow me to create tons of free content for you. Thanks!

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

Find more photos and tips below the recipe card.

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (5)

Let’s Make

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches

Serves: 18 sandwiches

Prep Time: 30 minutes mins

Freeze time: 8 hours hrs

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Creamy ice cream is sandwiched between two thick layers of Oreo cookie crust in this delicious frozen dessert.


  • 1 package Oreo Cookies 14.3 oz
  • 1/2 cup Butter melted
  • 5 cups Ice Cream

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  • Remove ice cream from the freezer and allow to soften on the counter for 10-15 minutes.

  • Meanwhile, place muffin liners into muffin/cupcake tins. Each recipe makes 18-20 muffin size treats.

  • Finely crush Oreo cookies (crush the entire cookie, including cream) in a food processor or blender. Pour in melted butter, pulsing to combine with crumbs.

  • Scoop 1 tablespoon of crumbs into each lined muffin well. Press down firmly with spoon or fingers to create a crust.

  • Spoon 1/4 cup of ice cream over each Oreo crust. Use a spoon to flatten out the ice cream.

  • Top each ice cream sandwich with about 1.5 tablespoons of Oreo crumbs. Press down to flatten crumbs into a top crust.

  • Freeze ice cream sandwiches until hard - 4-8 hours depending on your freezer. Serve with hot fudge and caramel sauce.


This recipe makes 18-20 ice cream sandwiches, but they are somewhat small so some people may want to eat two.

Course: Dessert

Photo Instructions

To make Oreo ice cream sandwiches, start by setting your ice cream out on the counter to soften up for a few minutes while you make the Oreo crust that will go on the outside of your ice cream sandwiches. Dump an entire 14.3 oz package of Oreos into a food processor and pulse until you have small crumbs.

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (6)

Next, melt one stick of butter (1/2 cup) and drizzle over the Oreo crumbs, continuing to pulse until combined.

Scoop up one tablespoon of buttery Oreo crumbs and dump it into a muffin liner. Gently pat the crumbs down into a crust in the bottom of the muffin liner. Try to get all the crumbs down on the bottom, not letting any ride up the sides of the liner (this will make a prettier finished product). You will be able to make 18-20 treats with this recipe.

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (7)

Next, scoop 1/4 cup of ice cream over each crust. I actually spoon ice cream into a 1/4 cup measure and smooth it flat to make sure I get the right amount in each one, but you can eyeball it if you’d like.

If the ice cream is still pretty hard, let it sit for five or ten more minutes until it’s soft enough to gently press down into the cupcake liners, smoothing the top.

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (8)

Finally, top each mini ice cream pie with a heaping tablespoon of the remaining crumb mixture, and carefully pat down. Don’t push too hard, or the softened ice cream will come squishing out. Note: this makes a nice thick crust on the top and bottom for a total of 18 treats. If you’d like to stretch it to 22 or 24 treats, use a scant tablespoon for both the top and bottom crusts, and plan on using six cups of ice cream total (instead of the 5 listed in the recipe below).

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (9)

Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for four hours or until firm. Then gently remove the cupcake liner, drizzle with hot fudge and caramel ice cream toppings, and chow down!

Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (10)

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Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches {TGI Friday's Oreo Madness Copycat Recipe} (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.