SCIENCE IN ·ACTION How to follow scientists and engineers ~ through society - [PDF Document] (2024)


scientists and engineers~ through society

Bruno Latour

Harvard University PlessCambridge. Massachusetts 1987

Latour, Bruno.Science in action.

To Michel Calion,this outcome of a seven-year discussion


ISBN 0-674-79290-4

Bibliography: p.Includes index.1. Science-Social aspects. 2. Technology-Social aspects.3. Science-History. 4. Science-Philosophy.

I. Title.QI75.5.L38 1987306'.45

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataMain entry under title:

Copyright © 1987 by Bruno LatourAll rights reservedPrinted in Great Britain10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


ContentsAcknowledgements viiiIntroduction Opening Pandora's Black Box


Chapter I Literature 21Part,A: Controversies. Part B: When controversiesflare up the literature becomes technical. Part C:Writing texts that withstand the assaults of a hostileenvironment. Conclusion: Numbers, more numbers

Chapter 2 Laboratories 63Part A: From texts to things: A showdown. Part B:Building up counter-laboratories, Part <::;,: Appealing

. (to) nature


Chapter 3 Machines 103Introduction: The quandary of the fact-builder. Part A:Translating interests. Part B: Keeping the interestedgroups in line. Part C: The model of diffusion versus themodel of translation

Chapter 4 Insiders Out 145Part A: Interesting others in the laboratories. Part B:Counting allies and resources


Chapter 5 Tribunals of Reason 179Part A: The trials of rationality. Part B: Sociologies.Part C: Who needs hard facts?

Chapter 6 Centres of calculation 215Prologue: The domestication of the savage mind.Part A: Action at a distance. Part B: Centres ofcalculation. Part C: Metrologies

Appendix 1 Rules of Method 258

Appendix 2 Principles 259Notes 260References 266

.Index 271





Not being a native English speaker I had to rely heavily on my friends to revisesuccessive drafts of this manuscript. John Law and Penelope Dulling have beenmost patient in revising the earlier drafts. Steven Shapin, Harry Collins, DonMacKenzie, Ron Westrum and Leigh Star suffered each on one different chapter.I have been most fortunate in having Geoffrey Bowker edit the whole book,'debug' it and suggest many useful changes.

Part of the work for this book has been supported by a grant from CRNS­Programme STS. Not a line of it could have been written without the stimulation,environment, friendship and material conditions of the Centre de Sociologie del'Innovation at Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, my new 'alma,maler'.


Opening Pandora'sBlack Box

Scene 1: On a cold and sunny morning in October 1985, John Whittaker entered hisoffice in the molecular biology building ofthe Institut Pasteur in Paris and switchedon his Eclipse MV18000 computer. A few seconds after loading the special programshe had written, a three-dimensional picture of the DNA double helix flashed ontothe screen. John, a visiting computer scientist, had been invited by the Institute towrite programs that could produce three-dimensional images of the coils of DNAand relate them to the thousands of new nucleic acid sequences pouring out everyyear into the journals and data banks. 'Nice picture, ehT said his boss, Pierre, whowas just entering the office. 'Yes, good machine too,' answered John.

Scene 2: In 1951 in the Cavendish laboratory at Cambridge, England, the X-raypictures ofcrystalliseddeoxyribonucleic acid were not 'nice pictures' on a computerscreen. The two young researche rs, Jim Watson and Francis Crick I , had a hard timeobtaining them from Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin in London. It wasimpossible yet to decide if the form of the acid was a triple or a double helix, if thephosphate bonds were at the inside or at the outside of the molecule, or indeed if itwas an helix at all. It did not matter much to their boss, Sir Francis Bragg, since thetwo were not supposed to be working on DNA anyway, but it mattered a lot tothem, especially since Linus Pauling, the famous chemist, was said to be about touncover the structure of DNA in a few months.

Scene 3: In 1980 in a Data General building on Route 495 in Westborough,Massachusetts, Tom West2 and his team were still trying to debug a makeshiftprototype of a new machine nicknamed Eagle that the company had not planned tobuild at first, but that was beginning to rouse the marketing department's interest.However, the debugging program was a year behind schedule. Besides, the choiceWest had made of using the new PAL chips kept delaying the machine-renamedEclipse MV18000, since no one was sure at the time ifthe company manufacturingthe chips could deliver them on demand. In the meantime, their main competitor,DEC, was selling many copies of its VAX 111780, increasing the gap between thetwo companies.

Where can we start a study of science and technology? The choice of a way incruciaUy depends on good timing. In 1985, in Paris, John Whittaker obtains 'nicepictures' of DNA on a 'good machine'. In 1951 in Cambridge Watson and Crickare struggling to define a shape for DNA that is compatible with the pictures theyglimpsed in Wilkins's office. In 1980, in the basem*nt ofa building, another team'of researchers is fighting to make a new computer work and to catch up withDEC. What is the meaning of these 'flashbacks', to use the cinema term? Theycarry us back through space and time.

When we use this travel machine, DNA ceases to have a shape so wellestablished that computer programs can be written to display it on a screen. As tothe computers, they don't exist at all. Hundreds ofnucleic acid sequences are notpouring in every year. Not a single one is known and even the notion of a .sequence is doubtful since it is still unsure, for many people at the time, whetherDNA plays any significant role in passing genetic material from one generationto the next. Twice already, Watson and Crick had proudly announced that they'had solved the riddle and both times their model had been reduced to ashes. As to 'the 'good machine' Eagle, the flashback takes us back to a moment when itcannot run any program at alL Instead of a routine piece of equipment JohnWhittaker can switch on, it is a disorderly array of cables and chips surveyed bytwo other computers and surrounded by dozens of engineers trying to make itwork reliably for more than a few seconds. No one in the team knows yet if thisproject is not going to turn out to be another complete failure like the EGOcomputer on which they worked for years and which was killed, they say, by themanagement.

In Whittaker's research project many things are unsettled. He does not knowhow long he is going to stay, if his fellowship will be renewed, if any program ofhis own can handle millions of base pairs and compare them in a way that isbiologically significant. But there are at least two elements that raise no problemsfor him: the double helix shape of DNA and his Data General computer. Whatwas for Watson and Crick the problematic focus of a fierce challenge, that wonthem a Nobel Prize, is now the basic dogma of his program, embedded inthousand of lines of his listing. As for the machine that made West's team workday and night for years, it is now no more problematic than a piece offurniture asit hums quietly away in his office. To be sure, the maintenance man of DataGeneral stops by every week to fix up some minor problems; but neither themannor John have to overhaul the computer all over again and force the company t(ldevelop a new line of products. Whittaker is equally well aware of the manyproblems plaguing the Basic Dogma of biology - Crick, now an old gentleman,gave a lecture at the Institute on this a few weeks ago - but neither John nor hisboss have to rethink entirely the shape of the double helix or to establish a newdogma.

The word black box is used by cyberneticians whenever a piece ofmachinery or

a set of commands is too complex. In its place they draw a little box aboutwhich they need to know nothing but its input and output. As far as John

[Whitt~ker is concerned the double ~elix a~d t?e machine are two blac~ b?xes.That IS, no matter how controverSIal the1r h'lstory, how complex their mnerworkings, how large the commercial or academic networks that hold them inplace, only their input and output count When you switch on the Eclipse it runsthe programs you load; when you compare nucleic acid sequences you start fromthe double heJix shape/I

The flashback from October 1985 in Paris to Autumn 1951 in Cambridge orDecember 1980 in Westborough, Massachusetts, presents two completelydifferent pictures of each of these two objects, a scientific fact- the double­helix - and a tec.bDical all.Q:.act- the Eagle minicomputer. In the first pictureJohnWhittaker uses two black boxes 5ecause they are unproblematic and certain;during the flashback the boxes get reopened and a bright coloured lightitluminates them. In the first picture, there is no longer any need to decide where toput the phosphate backbone of the double helix, it is.just there at the outside;there is no longer any squabble to decide if the Eclipse should be a 32-bit fullycompatible machine, as you just hook it up to the other NOVA computers.During the flashbacks, a lot ofpeople are introduced back into the picture, manyof them staking their career on the decisions they take: Rosalind Franklin decidesto reject the model-building approach Jim and Francis have chosen and toconcentrate instead on basic X-ray crystallography in order to obtain betterphotographs; West decides to make a 32-bit compatible machine even thoughthis means building a tinkered 'kludge" as they contemptuously say, and losingsome of his best engineers, who want to design a neat new one.

In the Pasteur Institute John Whittaker is taking no big risk in believing thethree-dimensional shape of the double helix or in running his program on theEclipse. These are now routine choices. The risks he and his boss take lieelsewhere, in this gigantic program of comparing all the base pairs generated bymolecular biologists all over the wqrld. But if we go back to Cambridge, thirtyyears ago, who should we beliew?/Rosalind Franklin who says it might be athree-strand helix? Bragg who orders Watson and Crick to give up this hopelesswork entirely and get back to serious business? Pauling, the best chemist in theworld, who unveils a structure that breaks all the known laws ofchemistry? Thesame uncertainty arises in the Westborough ofa few years ago. Should West obeyhis boss, de Castro, when he is explicitly asked not to do a new research projectthere, since all the company research has now moved to North Carolina? Howlong should West pretend he is not working on a new computer? Should hebelieve the marketing experts when they say that all their customers want a fullycompatible machine (on which they can reuse their old software) instead ofdoingas his competitor DEC does a 'culturally compatible' one (on which they cannotreuse their software but only the most basic commands)? What confidenceshould he have in his old team burned out by the failure of the EGO project?Should he risk using the new PAL chips instead of the older but safer ones?

2 Science in Action

(1) Looking for a way in

Opening Pandora's Black Box 3

Now that the way in has been decided upon, with what sort of prior knowledgeshould one be equipped..J1efore- entering seieB~technology'? In JohnWhittaker's office the dOllble helix model and the computer are clearly distinctfrom the rest of his worries. They do not interfere with his psychological mood,the financial problems of the Institute, the big grants for which his boss hasapplied, or with the political struggle they are all engaged in to create in France abig data bank for molecular biologists. They are just sitting there in thebackground, their scientific or technical contents neatly distinct from the messthat John is immersed in. If he wishes to know something about the DNAstructure or about the Eclipse, John opens Molecular Biology of the Gene or theUser's Manual, books that he can take off the shelf. However, if we go back toWestborough or to Cambridge this clean distinction between a context ;md acontent disappears.

({ncertainty, people at work, decisions, competition, controversies are whatone gets when makinga flashback from certain, cold, unproblematic black boxesto their recent past. Ifyou take two pictures, one ofthe black boxes and the otherof the open controversies, they are utterly different. They are as different as thetwo sides, one lively, the other severe, of a two-faced Janus, 'Science in themaking' on the right side, 'all made science' or 'ready made science' on the other;such is Janus bifrons, the first character that greets us at the beginning of ourjourney.

In John's office, the two black boxes cannot and should not be reopened. As tothe two controverial pieces of work going on in the Cavendish and inWestborough, they are laid open for us by the scientists at work. The impossibletask of opening the black box is made feasible (ifnot easy) by moving in time andspace until one finds the controversial topic on which scientists and engineers arebusy at work. This is the first decision we have to make: our entry into science andtechnology will be through the back door of science in the making, not throughthe more grandiose entrance of ready made science.


Looking into the VAX, West had imagined he saw a diagram of DEC'scorporate organization. He felt that VAX was too complicated. He did notlike, for instance, the system by which various parts of the machinecommunicated with each other, for his taste, there was too much protocolinvolved. He decided that VAX embodied flaws in DEC's corporateorganization. The machine expressed that phenomenally successful com­pany's cautious, bureaucratic style. Was this true? West said it did notmatter, it was a useful theory. Then he rephrased his opinions, 'With VAX,DEC was trying to minimize the risk', he said, as he swerved around anothercar. Grinning, he went on: 'We're trying to maximize the win, and makeEagle go as fast as a raped ape.'

Opening Pandora's Black Box

Scene 4: Torn West sneaks into the basem*nt ofa building where a friend lets him inat night to look at a VAX computer. West starts pulling out the printed circuitsboards and analyses his competitor. Even his first analysis merges technical andquick economic calculations with the strategic decisions already taken. After a fewhours, he is reassured.

'I'd been livingin fear ofVAX for a year,' West said afterward. ( ... ) 'I think Igot a high when I looked at it and saw how complex and expensive it was. Itmade me feel good about some of the decisions we've made'.

Then his evaluation becomes still more complex, including social, stylistic andorganisational features:

Peter's face betrayed something important as he entered the door, and mystomach sank in apprehension at learning that all was lost. Seeing thatneither Francis nor I could bear any further suspense, he quickly told usthatthe model was a three-chain helix with the sugar phosphate backbone in thecenter. This sounded so suspiciously like our aborted effort of last year thatimmediately I wondered whether we might already have had the credit andglory of a great discovery if Bragg had not held us back.

(Watson: 1968, p, 102)

Was it Bragg who made them miss a major discovery, or was it Linus who missedagood opportunity for keeping his mouth shut? Francis and Jim hurriedly try out thepaper and look to see if the sugar phosphate backbone is solid enough to hold thestructure together. To their amazement, the three chains described by Pauling had

(Kidder: 1981, p. 36)

This heterogeneous evaluation of his competitor is not a marginal moment in thestory; it is the crucial episode when Westdecides that in spite ofa two-year delay.the opposition of the North Carolina group, the failure of the EGO project, theycan still make the Eagle work. ·Organisation'. 'taste', 'protocol', 'bureaucracy'.'minimisation of risks', are not common technical words to describe a chip. Thisis true, however, only once the chip is a black box sold to consumers. When it issubmitted to a competitor's trial, like the one West does, all these bizarre wordsbecome part and parcel of the technical evaluation. Context and contents merge.

Scene 5: Jim Watson and Francis Crick get a copy of the paper unveiling thestructure of DNA written by Linus Pauling and brought to them by his son:


Science in the Making

-Science in Action

Figure I.1

Ready Made Science


Figure 1.2

(2) When enough is never enough

7Opening Pandora's Black Box


Learning to use the double helix and Eagle in 1985 to write programs revealsnone of the bizarre mixture they are composed of; studying these in 1952 or in1980 reveals it all. On the two black boxes sitting in, Whittaker'S office it isinscribed, ason Pandora's box: DANGER: DO NOT OPEN. From the two tasksat hand in the Cavendish and in Data General Headquarters, passions,deadlines, decisions escape in all directions from a box that lies open. Pandora,the mythical android sent by Zeus to Prometheus, is the second character afterJanus to greet us at the beginning of our trip. (We might need more than oneblessing from more than one of the antique gods if we want to reach ourdestination safely.)

Science has two faces: one that knows, the other that does not know yet. We willchoose the more ignorant. Insiders, and outsiders as well, have lots of ideas aboutthe ingredients necessary for science in the making. We will have as few ideas aspossible on what constitutes science. But how are we going to account for theclosing of the boxes, because they do, after aU, close up? The shape ofthe doublehelix is settled in John's office in 1985~ so is that of the Eclipse MV/8000computer. How did they move from the Cavendish in 1952 or fromWestborough, Massachusetts, to Paris 19851 It is all very well to choosecontroversies as a way in, but we need to follow also the closure of thesecontroversies. Here we have to get used to a strange acoustic phenomen9n. Thetwo faces of Janus talk at once and they say entirely different things that weshould not confuse.

Janus' first dictum:

Science in Action

no hydrogen atoms to tie the three strands together. Without them, if they knewtheir chemistry, the structure will immediately fly apart.

Yet somehow Linus, unquestionably the world's most astute chemist, hadcome to the opposite conclusion. When Francis was amazed equally byPauling's unorthodox chemistry, I began to breathe slower. By then I knewwe were still in the game. Neither of us, however, had the slightest clue to thesteps that had led Linus to his blunder. If a student had made a similarmistake, he would be thought unfit to benefit from Cal Tech's chemistryfaculty. Thus, we could not but initially worry whether Linus's modelfollowed from a revolutionary reevaluation of the acid~based properties ofvery large molecules. The tone of the manuscript, however, argued againstany such advance in chemical theory.

(idem: p. 103)

When his mistake became known, Linus would not stop until he had captured theright structure. Now our immediate hope was that his chemical colleagues would bemore than ever awed by his intellect and not probe the details of his model. But sincethe manuscript had already been dispatched to the Proceedings of the NationalAcademy, by mid-March at the latest Linus's paper would be spread around theworld. Then it would be only a matter ofdays before the error would be discovered.We had anywhere up to six weeks before Linus again was in full-time pursuit ofDNA.


At the onset of this voyage should be written:

(idem: p. 104)

'Suspense' , e' 'delay of publication', 'awe', 'six weeks delay' arenot common words for describing a mo ecu e structure. This is the case at leastonce the structure is known and learned by every stude~ever, as long as thestructure is submitted to a competitor's probing, thes ue ords are p~rt andparcel of the very chemical structure under investigation. ere again context andcontent fuse together.

The equipment necessary to travel through science and technology is at oncelight and multiple. Multiple because it means mixing hydrogen bonds withdeadlines, the probing of one another's authority with money, debugging andbureaucratic style; but the equipment is also light because it means simply leavingaside all the prejudices about what distinguishes the context in which knowledgeis embedded and this knowledge itself. At the entrance of Dante's Inferno iswritten:

To decide whether they are still in the game Watson and Crick have to'evaluate simultaneously Linus Pauling's reputation, common chemistry, thetone of the paper, the level of Cal Tech's students; they have to decide if arevolution is under way, in which case they have been beaten off, or if an ,enormous blunder has been committed, in which case they have to rush stHI fasterbecause Pauling will not be long in picking it up:

pronouncements uttered by two people in the whole world. They have a qualitythat crucially depends on localisation, on chance, on appraising simultaneouslythe worth of the people and of what they say.

Janus's second dictum:



, I,

Science in Action

Scene 6: Jim copies from various textbooks the forms ofthe base pairs that make upDNA, and plays with them trying to see if a symmetry can be seen when pairingthem. To his amazement adenine coupled with adenine, cytosine with cytosine,guanine with guanine and thymine with thymine make very nice superimposable'forms. To be sure this symmetry renders the sugar phosphate backbone strangelymisshapen but this is not enough to stop Jim's pulse racing or to stop bim writingatriumphant letter to his boss.

I no sooner got to the office and began explaining my scheme than theAmerican crystallographer Jerry Donohue protested that the idea would notwork. The tautomeric forms 1 had copied out of Davidson's book were, inJerry's opinion, incorrectly assigned. My immediate retort that several othertexts also pictured guanine and thymine in the enol form cut no ice withJerry. Happily he let out that for years organic chemists had been arbitrarilyfavoring particular tautomeric forms over their alternatives on only theflimsiest of grounds. (...) Though my immediate reaction was to hope thatJerry was blowing hot air, I did not dismiss his criticism. Next to Linushimself, Jerry knew more about hydrogen bonds than anyone in the world.Since for many years he had worked at Cal Tech on the crystal structures ofsmall organic molecules, I couldn't kid myself that he did not grasp ourproblem. During the six months that he occupied a desk in our office, 1hadnever heard him shooting off his mouth on subjects about which he knewnothing. Thoroughly worried, 1 went back to my desk hoping that somegimmick might emerge to salvage the like-with-like idea.

(Watson: 1968, pp. 121-2)

Jim had got the facts straight out of textbooks which, unanimously, providedhim with a nice black box: the enol form. In this case, however, this is the very factthat should be dismissed or put into question. Or at least this is what Donohuesays. But whom should Jim believe? The unanimous opinion oforganic chemistsor this chemist's opinion? Jim, who tries to salvage his model, switches from onerule of method, 'get the facts straight', to other more strategic ones, 'look for aweak point', 'choose who to believe'. Donohue studied with Pauling, he workedon small molecules, in six months he never said absurd things. Discipline,affiliation, curriculum vitae, psychological appraisal are mixed together byJimto reach a decision. Better sacrifice them and the nice like-with-like model, thanDonohue's criticism. The fact, no matter how 'straight', has to be dismissed.

The unforeseen dividend of having Jerry share an office with Francis, Peter, andme, though obvious to all, was not spoken about. If he had not been with us inCambridge, I might still have been pumping out for a Iike-with-like structure.Maurice, in a lab devoid of structural chemists, did not have anyone to tell him thatall the textbook pictures were wrong. But for Jerry, only Pauling would have beenlikely to make the right choice and stick by its consequences.

(idem: p. 132)

The advice ofJanus'left side is easy to follow when things are settled, but notas long as things remain unsettled. What is on the left side, universal well·knownfacts of chemistry, becomes, from the right side point of view, scarce

Opening Pandora's Black Box

Figure 1.3

Scene 7: West and his main collaborator, Alsing, are discussing how to tackle thedebugging program:

'I want to build a simulator, Tom.''It'll take too long, Alsing. The machine'll be debugged before you get your

simulator debugged.'This time, Aising insisted. They could not build Eagle in anything like a

year if they had to debug aU the m>::rocode on prototypes. If they went thatway, moreover, they'd need to have at least one and probably two extraprototypes right from the start, and that would mean a doubling of theboring, grueling work of updating boards. Alsing wanted a program thatwould behave like a perfected Eagle, so that they could debug theirmicrocode separately from the hardware.

West said: 'Go ahead. But I betchya it'll all be over by the time you get itdone.'

(Kidder: 1981, p. 146)

The right side's advice is strictly followed by the two men since they want tobuild the best possible computer. This however does not prevent a newcontroversy starting between the two men on how to mimic in advance anefficient machine. If Alsing Cannot convince one of his team members, Peck, tofinish in six weeks the simulator that should have taken a year and a half, thenWest will be right: the simulator is not an efficient way to proceed because it will

·come too late. But if Alsing and Peck succeed, then it is West's definition ofefficiency which will tum out to be wrong. Efficiency will be the consequence ofwho succeeds; it does not help deciding, on the spot, who is right and wrong. Theright side's advice is all very well once Eagle is sent to manufacturing; beforethat. it is the left side's confusing strategic advice that should be followed.


(idem: p. 201)

11Opening Pandora's Black Box

machine has been conceived by West, through many compromises, to keep all thesepeople happy and busy, he cannot be sure it is going to hold them together. Each ofthe interest groups has to try their owndifferent sort of tests on the machine and seehow it withstands them. The worst, for Tom West, is that the companymanufacturing the new PAL chips is going bankrupt, that the team is suffering apost partum depression, and that the machine is not yet debugged. 'Our credibility, Ithink, is running out,' West tells his assistants. Eagle still does not run more than afew seconds without flashing error messages on the screen. Every time theypainstakingly pinpoint the bug, they fix it and then try a new and more difficultdebugging progra~.

Eagle was failing its Multiprogramming Reliability Test mysteriously. It wasblowing away, crashing, going out to never-never land,and falling offthe endof the world after every four hours or so of smooth running.

'Machines somewhere in the agony of the last few bugs are veryvulnerable,' says Alsing. 'The shoutingstarts about it. It'll never work, andsoon. Managers and support groups start saying this. Hangers-on say, "Gee, Ithought you'd get it done a lot sooner," That's when people start talkingabout redesigning the whole thing.'

Alsing added, 'Watch out for Tom now.'West sat in his office. 'I'm thinking of throwing the kids out of the lab and

going in there with Rasala and fix it. It's true. I don't understand all thedetails of that sucker, but I will, and I'll get it to work.'

'Gimme a few more days,' said Rasala.(idem: p. 231)

Scene 9: How does the double helix story end? In a series of trials imposed on thenew model by each of the successive people Jim Watson and Francis Crick haveworked with (or against). Jim is playing with cardboard models of the base pairs,now in the keto forin suggested by Jerry Donohue. To his amazement he realisesthat the shape drawn by pairing adenine with thymine and guanine with cytosineare superimposable. The steps ofthe double helix have the same shape. Contrary tohis earlier model, the structure might be complementary instead ofbeing like-with­like, He hesitates a while, because he sees no reason at first for thiscomplementarity. Then he remembers what was called 'Chargafflaws', one of thesemany empirical facts they had kept in the background. These 'laws' stated that there

A few weeks later, after Eagle has successfully run a computer game calledAdventure, the whole team felt they had reached one approximate end: 'It's acomputer: Rasala said (idem: p. 233). On Monday 8 October, a maintenancecrew comes to wheel down the hall what was quickly becoming a black box. Whyhas it become such? Because it is a good machine, says the left side of our Janusfriend. But it was not a good machine before it worked. Thus while it is beingmade it cannot convince anyone because of its good·working order. It is only afterendless little bugs have been taken out, each bug being revealed by a new trialimposed by a new interested group, that the machine will eventually andprogressively be made to work. All the reasons for why it will work once it isfinished do not help the engineers while they are making it.

Themachinewill work whenall the relevant

people areconvinced

Science in Action

V;;'l'\.. ' '. )j,' )r y ,

. ,/ ~


Not only the Software people have to be kept happy, but also the manufacturingpeople, those from marketing, those who write the technical documentation, thedesigners who have to place the whole machine in a nice looking box (not a blackone this time!), not mentioning the stockholders and the customers. Although the

Scene 8: West has insulated his team for two years from the rest of the company.'Some of the kids,' he says, 'don't have a notion that there's a company behind all ofthis. It could be the CIA funding this. It could be a psychological test' (Kidder.1982, p. 200). During this time, however, West has constantly lobbied the companyon behalf of Eagle. Acting as a middle-man he has filtered the constraints imposedon the future machine by de Castro (the Big Boss), the marketing department, theother research group in North Carolina, the other machines presented in computerfairs, and so on. He was also the one who kept negotiating the deadlines that werenever met. But there comes a point when all the other departments he has lobbied sointensely want to see something, and call his bluff. The situation becomes especiallytricky when it is clear at last that the North Carolina group will not deliver amachine, that DEC is selling VAX like hot cakes and that all the customers want asupermini 32-bit fully compatible machine from Data General. At this point Westhas to break the protective shell he has built around his team. To be sure, hedesigned the machine so as to fit it in with the other departments' interests, but he isstill uncertain of their reaction and of that of his team suddenly bereft of themachine.

As the summer came on, increasing numbers of intruders were being led intothe lab - diagnostic programmers and, particularly, those programmers from .Software. Some Hardy Boys had grown fond of the prototypes of Eagle, asyou might ofa pet or a plant you've raised from a seedling. Now Rasala wastelling them that they couldn't work on their machines at certain hours,because Software needed to use them. There was an explanation: the projectwas at a precarious stage; if Software didn't get to know and like thehardware and did not speak enthusiastically about it, the project might be'ruined; the Hardy Boys were lucky that Software wanted to use theprototypes - and they had to keep Software happy.

Figure 1.4

Janus' third dictum:



overwhelmed and then pledging complete support to it. Bragg is convincedalthough still worried that no one more serious than Jim and Francis had checkedthe helix. Now for the big game, the encounter between the model and those who foryears had captured its projected image. 'Maurice I!eeded but a minute's look at themodel to like it.' 'He was back in London only two days before he rang up to saythat both he and Rosy found that their X-ray data strongly supported the doublehelix' (p. 131). Soon Pauling rallies himself to the structure, then it is the turn of thereferees of Nature.

Opening Pandora's Black Box

(3) The first rule of method

'Of course,' says.the left side ofJanus, 'everyone is convinced because Jim andFrancis stun:tbled on the right structure. The DNA shape itself is enough to rallyeveryone.' 'No, says the right side, every time someone else is convinced itprogressively becomes a more right structure.' Enough is never enough: yearslater in India and New Zealand other researchers were working on a socalled 'warped zipper'3 model that did everything the double helix does-plus a bitmore; Pauling strongly supported his own structure that had turned out to beentirely wrong; Jim found biological significance in a: 1ike~with-like structurethat survived only a few' hours; Rosalind Franklin had been stubbornlyconvinced earlier that it was a three-strand helix; Wilkins ignored the keto formsrevealed by Jerry Donohue; Chargaffs laws were an insignificant fact they keptin the background for a long time; as to the metal atom toys, they have lent strongsupport to countless models that turned out to be wrong, All these allies appearstrong once the structure is blackboxed. As long as it is not, Jim and Francis arestill struggling to recruit them, modifying the DNA structure until everyone issatisfied. When they are through, they will follow the advice ofJanus's right side.As long as they are still searching for the right DNA shape, they would be betteroff following the right side's confusing advices.

We could review all the opinions offered to explain why an open controversycloses, but we will always stumble on a new controversy dealing with how andwhy it closed. We will have to learn to live with two contradictory voices talkingat once, one about science in the making, the other about ready made science.The latter produces sentences like 'just do this .. ,just do that .. .'; the former says'enough it never enough'. The left side considers that facts and machines are welldetermined enough. The right side considers that facts and machines in themaking are always under-detennined.4 Some little thing is always missing to closethe black box once and for all. Until the last minute Eagle can fail if West is notcareful enough to keep the Software people interested, to maintain the pressureon the debugging crew, to advertise the machine to the marketing department.

We will enter facts and machines while they are in the making; we will carry withus no preconceptions of what constitutes knowledge; we will watch the closure of


Science in Action

was always as much adenine as thymine and as much guanine as cytosine, no matterwhich DNA one chose to analyse. This isolated fact, devoid of any meaning in hisearlier like-with-like model, suddenly brings a new strength to his emerging newmodel. Not only are the pairs superimposable, but Chargaff laws can be made aconsequence of his model. Another feature came to strengthen the model: itsuggests a way for a gene to split into two parts and then for each strand to create anexact complementary copy of itself. One helix could give birth to two identicalhelices. Thus biological meaning could support the model.

Still Jim's cardboard model could be destroyed in spite ofthese three advantages.Maybe Donohue will burn it to ashes as he did the attempt a few days earlier. So Jimcalled him to check if he had any objection. 'When he said no, my moraleskyrocketed' (Watson: 1968, p. 124). Then it is Francis who rushes into the laband'pushes the bases together in a number of ways'. The model, this time, resistsFrancis's scepticism. There are now many decisive elements tied together with andby the new structure.

Still, all the convinced people are in the same office and although they think theyare right, they could still be deluding themselves. What will Bragg and all the othercrystallographers say? What objections will Maurice Wilkins and RosalindFranklin, the only ones with X~rays pictures of the DNA, have? Will they see themodel as the only form able to give, by projection, the shape visible on Rosalind'sphotographs? They'd like to know fast but dread the danger ofthe final showdownwith people who, several times already, have ruined their efforts. Besides, anotherally is missing to set up the trial, a humble ally for sure but necessary all the same:'That night, however, we could not firmly establish the double helix. Until the metalbases were on hand, any model building would be too sloppy to be convincing'(idem: p. 127). Even with Chargaff laws, with biological significance, withDonohue's approval, with their excitement, with the base pairing all on their side,the helix is still sloppy. Metal is necessary to reinforce the structure long enough towithstand the trials that the competitors!colleagues are going to impose on it.

The remainder of the double helix story looks like the final rounds of apresidential nomination. Everyone of the other contenders is introduced into theoffice where the model is now set up, fights with it for a while before being quickly

Janus's fourth dictum:


iii! i,i





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15Opening Pandora's Black Box

the black boxes and be careful to distinguish between two contradictoryexplanations of this closure, one uttered when it is finished, the other while it isbeing attempted. This will constitute our first rule of method and will make ourvoyage possible.

To sketch the general shape of this book, it is best to picture the followingcomic strip: we start with a textbook sentence which is ~evoid of any trace offabrication, construction or ownership; we then put it in quotation marks,surround it with a bubble, place it in the mouth of someone who speaks; then weadd to this speaking character, another character. to whom it is speaking; then weplace aU ofthem in a: specific situation, somewhere in time and space, surroundedby equipment, machines, colleagues; then when the controversy heats up a bitwelook at where the disputing people go and what sort of new elements they fetch,recruit or seduce in order to convince their colleagues; then, we see how thepeople being convinced stop discussing with one another; situations,localisations, even people start being slowly erased; on the last picture we see anew sentence, without any quotation marks, written in a text book similar to theone we started with in the first picture. This is the generai movement of what wewill study over and over again in the course of this book, penetrating science fromthe outside, following controversies and accompanying scientists up to the end,being slowly led out of science in the making.

In spite of the rich, confusing, ambiguous and fascinating picture that is thusrevealed, surprisingly few people have penetrated from the outside the innerworkings of science and technology, and then got out of it to explain to theoutsider how it all works. For sure, many young people have entered science, butthey have become scientists and engineers; what they have done is visible in themachines we use, the textbooks we learn, the pills we take, the landscape we lookat, the blinking satellites in the night sky above our head. How they did it, wedon't know. Some scientists talk about science, its ways and means, but few ofthem accept the discipline of becoming also an outsider; what they say abouttheir trade is hard to double check in the absence of independent scrutiny. Otherpeople talk about science, its solidity, its foundation, its development or itsdangers; unfortunately, almost none of them are interested in science in themaking. They shy away from the disorderly mixture revealed by science in actionand prefer the orderly pattern of scientific method and rationality. Defendingscience and reason against pseudo-sciences, against fraud, against irrationality,keeps most of these people too busy to study it. As to the millions, or billions, ofoutsiders, they know about science and technology through popularisation only.The facts and the artefacts they produce fall on their head like an external fateas foreign, as inhuman, as unpredictable as the olden Fatum of the Romans.

Apart from those who make science, who study it, who defend it or who submitto it, there exist, fortunately, a few people either trained as scientists or not, whoopen the black boxes so that outsiders may have a glimpse at it. They go by manydifferent names (historians of science and technology, economists, sociologists,science teachers, science policy analysts, journalists, philosophers, concerned



t t t ~

Since the molecule of DNAhas the shape of a doublehelix the replication ofgenesis made understandable

.'The DNA molecule has the shapeof a double helix"

The DNA molecule has the shapeof a double helix

"Watson and Crick have shownthat the DNA molecule has theshape of a double helix"

Figure 1.6

-tH ·J4, ~Science in Action

.. The present book was originally planned with exercises at the end of each chapter. Forlack of space, these practical tasks will be the object of a second volume.

.. Except fOf the first rule of method defined above. A summary of these rules and principlesis given at the end of the book.

the questions that guided me in selecting from the literature rules of method andprinciples and t.o dedicate one chapter to each pair**. The status of these rulesand that of the principles is rather distinct and I do not expect them to beevaluated in the same way. By 'rules of metbods~I mean what a priori decisionsshould be made in order to consider all of the empirical facts provided by thespecialised disciplines as being part of the domain of 'science, technology andsociety'. By 'principles' I mean what is my personal su,mmary of the empiricalfacts at hand after a decade ofwork in this area. Thus, I expect these principles tobe debated, falsified, replaced by other summaries. On the other hand, the rulesof method are a package that do not seem to be easily negotiable without losingsight of the C0mmon ground I want to sketch. With them it is more a question ofall or nothing, and I think they should be judged only on this ground: do they linkmore elements than others? Do they allow outsiders to follow science andtechnology further, longer and more independently? This will be the only rule ofthe game, that is, the only 'meta' rule that we will need to get on with our work.

Science in Action

. simply wish to summarise their method and to sketch the ground that, sometimes'unwittingly, they all have in common. In doing so I wish to help overcome twoof the limitations oC'science, technology and society' studies that appear to me tothwart their impact, that is their organisation by discipline and by object. .

I?conomjs1s. oLJ..1!!!.<?yation ignore sociologists of _t_~ch~Ql9u_~vescientists never use social studies of science; ethnoscience isfar remote fromped~o1fY;-1iistOrial!s.~ef-=.seience paylifilc'"attention toliterl;JXY sliidi~LQ! torhetoric;soci'Q1Qgists. of science often see no relation between their academicwork and the in vivo experiences ,performed by cQllCerned scientists or ~iti~~ils;journalists rarely quote scholarly work non social~m~i.ies of science;a'?:<:t§.Q. on...:

This Babel of disciplines would not matter much if it was not worsened byanother division made according to the objects each of them study. There existhistorians of eighteenth-century chemistry or of German turn-of-the-centuryphysics; even citizens' associations are specialised, some in fighting atomicenergy, others in struggling against drug companies, still others against new'maths teaching; some cognitive scientists study young children in experimentalsettings while others are interested in adult daily reasoning; even among·sociologists ofscience, some focus on micro-studies ofscience while others tackle·large-scale engineering projects; historians of technology are often aligned alongthe technical specialities of the engineers, some studying aircraft industries whileothers prefer telecommunications or the development of steam engines; as to theanthropologists studying 'savage' reasoning, very few get to deal with modernknowledge. This scattering of disciplines and objects would not be a problem ifitwas the hallmark ofa necessary and fecund specialisation, growing from a core ofcommon problems and methods. This is however far from the case. The sciences'and the technologies to be studied are the main factors in determining thishaphazard growth of interests and methods. I have never met two people whocould agree on what the domain called 'science, technology and society'meant- in fact, I have rarely seen anyone agree on the name or indeed that thedomain exists!

I claim that the domain exists, that there is a core of common problems andmethods, that it is important and that all the disciplines and objects of 'science,technology and society' studies can be employed as so much specialised materialwith which to study it. To define what is at stake in this domain, the only thing weneed is a few sets of concepts sturdy enough to stand the trip through all thesemany disciplines, periods and objects.

I am well aware that there exist many more sophisticated, subtle, fast orpowerful notions than the ones I have chosen. Are they not going to break down?Are they going to last the distance? Will they be able to tie together enoughscientists and citizens, cognitive anthropologists or cognitive psychologists), andare most often filed under the general label of 'science, technology and society'. Itis on their work that this book is built. A summary of their many results andachievements would be worth doing, but is beyond the scope ofmy knowledge. Iempirical facts? Are they handy enough for doing practical exercises*? These are

OpelJing Pandora's Black Box 17

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::;: :', '

. Part I

.. From Weakerto Stronger




There are many methods for studying the fabrication of scientific facts andtechnical artefacts. However, the first rule of method we decided upon in thepreceding Introduction is the simplest of all. We will not try to analyse the finalproducts, a computer, a nuclear plant, a cosmological theory, the shape of adouble helix, a box ofcontraceptive pills, a model of the economy; instead we willfollow scientists and engineers at the times and at the places where they plan anuclear plant, undo a cosmological theory, modify the structure ofa hormone forcontraception, ordisagregate figures used in a new model of the economy. We gofrom final products to production, from 'cold' stable objects to 'warmer' andunstable ones. Instead of black boxing the technical aspects of science and thenlooking for social influences and biases, we realised in the Introduction howmuch simpler it was to be there before the box closes and becomes black. Withthis simple method we merely have to follow the best of all guides, scientiststhemselves, in their efforts to close one black box and to open another. Thisrelativist and critical stand is not imposed by us on the scientists we study; it iswhat the scientists themselves do, at least for the tiny part of technoscience theyare working on.

To start our enquiry, we are going to begin from the simplest of all possiblesituations: when someone utters a statement, what happens when the othersbelieve it or don't believe it. Starting from this most general situation, we will begradually led to more particular settings. In this chapter, as in the following, wewill follow a character, whom we will for the moment dub 'the dissenter', In thisfirst part of the book we will observe to what extremes a naive outsider whowishes to disbelieve a sentence is led.


CIA for a Congressional hearing on the intelligence establishment. It is clear thatanyone who wishes the reader of these sentences to demonstrate against theRussians or against the CIA must make one of the statements more credible thanthe other.

We will call positive modalities those sentences that lead a statement away fromits conditions of production, making it solid enough to render some otherconsequences necessary. We will call negative modalities those sentences that leada statement in the other direction towards its conditions of production and thatexplain in detail why it is solid or weak instead of using it to render some otherconsequences more necessary.

Negative and positive modalities are in no way particular to politics. Thesecond, and more serious, example will make this point clear:

(5) The primary structure ofGrowth Hormone Releasing Hormone2 (0HRH) isVal-His·Leu·Ser·Ala-Glu-Glu-Lys-Glu-Ala.

(6) Now that Dr Schally has discovered [the primary structure of GHRH], it ispossible to start clinical studies in hospital to treat certain cases of dwarfism sinceGHRH should trigger the Growth Hormone they lack.

(7) Dr A. Schally has claimed for several years in his New Orleans laboratory that[the structure of GHRH was Val-His-Leu-Ser-Ala-Glu-Glu-Lys-Glu-Ala]. How­ever, by troubling coincidence this structure is also that of haemoglobin, a commoncomponent of blood and a frequent contaminant of purified brain extract ifhandledby incompetent investigators.

Sentence (5) is devoid of any trace of ownership, construction, time and place.It could have been known for centuries or handed down by God Himselftogetherwith the Ten Commandments. It is, as we say, a fact. Full stop. Likesentence(J)on the accuracy of Soviet missiles, it is inserted into other statements withoutfurther modification: no more is said about GHRH; inside this new sentence,sentence (5) becomes a closed file, an indisputable assertion, a black box. It isbecause no more has to be said about it that it can be used to lead the readersomewhere else downstream, for instance to a hospital ward, helping dwarves togrow. In sentence (7) the original fact undergoes a different transformationsimilar to what happened to the accuracy of Soviet missiles in statements (3) and(4). The original statement (5) is uttered by someone situated in time and space~

more importantly, it is seen as something extracted from a complicated worksituation, not as a gift from God but as a man-made product. The hormone isisolated out of a soup made of many ingredients; it might be that Dr Schally hasmistaken a contaminant for a genuine new substance. The proof of that is the'troubling coincidence' between the GHRH sequence and that of the beta-chainof haemoglobin. They might be hom*onyms, but can you imagine anybody thatwould confuse the order to 'release growth hormone!' with the command 'giveme your carbon dioxide!'?

Depending on which sentence we believe, we, the readers, are again induced togo in opposite directions. Ifwe follow statement (6) that takes GHRH as a fact,then we now look into possible cures for dwarfism, we explore ways of

Science in Action

Part AControversies

(1) Positive and negative modalities

What happens when someone disbelieves a sentence? Let me experiment withthree simple cases:

(I) New Soviet missiles aimed against Minutemen silos are accurate to 100metres. I

(2) Since [new Soviet missiles are accurate within 100 metres] this means thatMinutemer are not safe any more, and this is the main reason why the MX weaponsystem is necessary.

(3) Advocates of the MX in the Pentagon cleverly leak information contendingthat [new Soviet missiles are accurate within 100 metres].

In statements (2) and (3) we find the same sentence (1) but inserted. We callthese sentences modalities because they modify (or qualify) another one. The.effects of the modalities in (2) and (3) are completely different. In (2)the sentence(1) is supposed to be solid enough to make the building of the MX necessary,whereas in (3) the very same statement is weakened since its validity is inquestion: One modality is leading us, so to speak, 'downstream' from theexistence ofaccurate Soviet missiles to the necessity ofbuiIding the MX; the othermodality leads us 'upstream' from a belief in the same sentence (1) to theuncertainties of our knowledge about the accuracy ofSoviet missiles. Ifwe insistwe may be led even further upstream, as in the next sentence:

(4) The undercover agent 009 in Novosibirsk whispered to the housemaid beforedying that he had heard in bars that some officers thought that some of their[missiles] in ideal test conditions might [have an accuracy] somewhere between [100]and 1000 [metres] or this is at least how the report came to Washington.

In this example, statement (I) is not inserted in another phrase any more, it isbroken apart and each fragment - which I have put in brackets - is brought backinto a complex process of construction from which it appears to have beenextracted. The directions towards which the readers of sentences (2) and (4) areinvited to go are strikingly different. In the first case, they are led into the Nevadadesert of the United States to look for a suitable site for the MX; in the secondcase they are led towards the Pentagon sifting through the CIA network of~pies

and disinformation. In both cases they are induced to ask different sets ofquestions. Following statement (I), they will ask if the MX is well designed, howmuch it will cost and where to locate it; believing statements (2) or (4), they willask how the CIA is organised, why the information has been leaked, who killedagent 009, how the test conditions of missiles in Russia are set up, and so on. Areader who does not know which sentence to believe will hesitate between twoattitudes; either demonstrating against the Russians for the MX or against the

Literature 23

(8) The only way to quickly produce efficient fuel cells l is to focus on thebehaviour of electrodes.

(9) Since [the only way for our company to end up with efficient fuel cells is to .study the behaviour of electrodes] and since this behaviour is too complicated, Ipropose to concentrate in our laboratory next year on the one-pore modeL

(10) You have to be a metallurgist by training to believe you can tackle [fuel cells]through the [electrode] problem. There are many other ways they cannot even dream ­of because they don't know solid state physics. One obvious way for instance is tostudy electrocatalysis. If they get bogged down with their electrode, they won't movean inch.

industrially producing masses of GHRH, we go into hospitals to blind-test thedrug, etc. If we believe (7) we are led back into Dr Schally's laboratory in NewOrleans, learning how to purify brain extracts, asking technicians if some hitchhas escaped their attention, and so on. According to which direction we go, theoriginal sentence (5) will change status: it will be either a black box or a fiercecontroversy; either a solid timeless certainty or one of these short-lived artefactsthat appear in laboratory work. Inserted inside statement (6), (5) will provide the.firm ground to do something else; but the same sentence broken down inside (7)will be one more empty claim from which nothing can be concluded.

A third example will show that these same two fundamental directions may berecognised in engineers' work as well:

Sentence (8) gives as a matter offact the only research direction that will leadthe company to the fuel cells, and thence to the future electric engine that, in theeyes of the company, will eventually replace most - if not all- internalcombustion engines. It is then taken up by statement (9) and from it a researchprogramme is built: that of the one-pore model. However, in sentence (to) thematter-of-fact tone of(8) is not borrowed. More exactly, it shows that(8) has notalways been a matter offact but is the result ofa decision taken by specific peoplewhose training in metallurgy and whose ignorance are outlined. The samesentence then proposes another line of research using another discipline andother laboratories in the same company.

It is important to understand that statement (10) does not in any way disputethat the company should get at fast and efficient fuel cells; it extracts this part ofsentence (8) which it takes as a fact, and contests only the idea of studying theelectrode as the best way of reaching that undisputed goal. If the reader believesin claim (9), then the belief in (8) is reinforced; the whole is taken as a package andgoes where it leads the research programme, deep inside the metallurgy section ofthe company, looking at one-pore models of electrodes and spending years thereexpecting the breakthrough. If the reader believes in claim (10), then it is realisedthat the original sentence (8) was not one black box but at least two; the first iskept closed - fuel cells are the right goal; the other is opened - the one-pore modelis an absurdity; in order to maintain the first, then the company should get intoquantum physics and recruit new people. Depending on who is believed, the


company may go broke or not; the consumer, in the year 2000, may drive a fuelcell electric car or not.

From these three much simpler and much less prestigious examples than theones we saw in the Introduction, we may draw the following conclusions. Asentence may be made more of a fact or more of an artefact depending on how itis inserted into other sentences. By itself a given sentence is neither a fact nor afiction: it is made so by others. laler on. You make it more ofa fact ifyou insert it asa closed, obvious, firm and packaged premise leading to some other less closed,less obvious, less firm and Jess united consequence. The final shape of the MX isless determined in sentence (2) than is the accuracy ofSoviet missiles; the cure fordwarfism is not yet as well settled in sentence (6) as is the GHRH structure;although in sentence (9) it is certain that the right path towards fuel cells is to lookat electrodes, the one-pore model is less certain than this indisputable fact. As aconsequence, listeners make sentences less of a fact if they take them back wherethey came from, to the mouths and hands of whoever made them, or more of afact if they use it to reach another, more uncertain goal. The difference is as greatas going up or down a river. Going downstream, listeners are led to ademonstration against the Russians - see (2), to clinical studies ofdwarfism - see(6), to metallurgy - see (9). Upstream, they are directed to probe the CIA - see (3),to do research in Dr Schally's laboratory - see (7), or to investigations on whatquantum physics can tell us about fuel cells - see (10).

We understand now why looking at earlier stages in the construction offactsand machines is more rewarding than remaining with the final stages. Dependingon the type of modalities, people will be made to go along completely differentpaths. If we imagine someone who has listened to claims (2), (6) and (9), andbelieved them, his behaviour would have been the following: he would havevoted for pro-MX congressmen, bought shares in GHRH-producing companies,and recruited metallurgists. The listener who believed claims (3), (4), (7) and (10)would have studied the CIA, contested the purification of brain extracts, andwould have recruited quantum physicists. Considering such vastly differentoutcomes, we can easily guess that it is around modalities that we will find thefiercest disputes since this is where the behaviour ofother people will be shaped.

There are two added bonuses for us in following the earlier periods of factconstruction. First, scientists, engineers and politicians constantly offer us richmaterial by transforming one another's statements in the direction of fact or offiction. They break the ground for our analysis. We, laymen, outsiders andcitizens, would be unable to discuss sentences (1) on the accuracy of Sovietmissiles, (5) on the amino acid structure of growth hormone releasing factor, and(8) on the right way of making fuel cells. But since others dispute them and pushthem back into their conditions of production, we are effortlessly led to theprocesses of work that extract information from spies, brain soup orelectrodes - processes of work we would never have suspected before. Secondly,in the heat of the controversy, specialists may themselves explain why theiropponents think otherwise: sentence (3) claims that the MX partisans are



Science in Action_f.4_ u uu _


But after reading the counter claims in (12), what do you do? To make up yourmind you should now assess Dr Guillemin's personality. Is he a man wickedenough to cast doubt on a competitor's discovery out of sheer jealousy? If youbelieve so, then (7) is cancelled, which frees the original sentence (5) from doubts.If, on the contrary, you believe in Guillemin's honesty, then it is sentence (12)which is in jeopardy, and then the original claim (5) is again in danger .. _.

In this example the only thing that stands firm is this point about hom*onymy.At this point, to make up your mind you have to dig much further intophysiology: is it possible for the blood to carry two hom*onymous messages to the·cells without wreaking havoc in the body?

Asking these two questions - about Guillemin's integrity and about a principleof physiology - you might hear the retort (to the retort of the retort):

(13) Impossible! It cannot be an hom*onymy. It is just a plain mistake made bySchally. Anyway, Guillemin has always been more credible than him. I wouldn'ttrust this GHRH an inch, even if it is already manufactured, advertised in medicaljournals, and even sold to physicians!

With such a sentence the reader is now watching a game of billiards: if(l3) istrue, then (12) was badly wrong, with the consequence that (7), that disputed thevery existence of Schally's substance, was right, which means that (5) - theoriginal claim - is disallowed. Naturally, the question would now be to assess thecredibility of sentence (13) above. If it is uttered by an uncritical admirer ofGuillemin or by someone who knows nothing ofphysiology, then (12) might turnout to be quite credible, which would knock (7) off the table and would thusestablish (5) as an ascertained fact!

To spare the reader's patience I will stop the story here, but it is now obviousthat the debate could go on. The first important lesson, here, is this: were thedebate to continue, we would delve further into physiology, further into SchaUy'sand Guillemin's personalities, and much further into the details through whichhormone structures are obtained. The number of new conditions of productionto ta.ckle will take us further and further from dwarves and hospital wards. Thesecond lesson is that with every new retort added to the debate, the status of theoriginal discovery made by Schally in claim (5) will be modified. Inserted in (6) itbecomes more of a fact; less when it is dislocated in (7); more with (12) thatdestroys (7); less again with (13); and so on. The fate of the statement, that is thedecision about whether it is a fact or a fiction, depends on a sequence ofdebateslater on. The same thing happens not onlyfor(5), which I artificially chose as theorigin of the debate, but also with each of the other sentences that qualifies ormodifies it. For instance (7), which disputed Schally's ability, is itselfmade moreof a fact with (13) that established Guillemin's honesty, but less with (12) thatdoubted his judgment. These two lessons are so important that this book issimply, I could argue, a development of this essential point: the status of astatement depends on later statements. It is made more of a certainty or less of acertainty depending on the next sentence that takes it up; this retrospective



Science in Action

(2) The collective fate offact-making

(12) If there is a 'troubling coincidence', it is in the fact that criticisms againstSchally's discovery of GHRH are again levelled by his old foe, Dr Guillemin ... Asto the hom*onymy of structure between haemoglobin and GHRH, SQ what'? Iidoesnot prove Schally mistook a contaminant for a genuine hormone, no more tban 'behad a fit' may be taken for 'he was fit'.

Reading (6), that assumed the existence ofGHRH, you, the reader, might havedecided to invest money in pharmaceutical companies; when learning of(7), youwould have cancelled all plans and might have started investigations on how theVeterans Administration could support such inferior work with public funds.

Now the readers are not sure any more where they should go from here. Ifsentence (4), denying the truth ofsentence (I ), is itselfdenied by (11), what shouldthey do? Should they protest against the disinformation specialists paid by the·KGB who forged sentence (4) and go on with the MX project with still moredetermination? Should they, on the contrary, protest against the disinformationspecialists paid by the CIA who concocted (11), and continue their hearings onthe intelligence gathering network with more determination? In both cases, thedetermination increases, but so does the uncertainty! Very quickly, thecontroversy becomes as complex as the arms race: missiles (arguments) areopposed by anti-ballistic missiles (counter-arguments) which are in turn counter­attacked by other smarter weapolls (arguments).

Ifwe now turn to the second example, it is very easy to go on after sentence(7)which criticised Dr Schally's handling of GHRH, and retort:

interested in believing the accuracy ofSoviet missiles; in sentence (10) the beliefof .the others in one absurd research project is imputed to their training asmetaUurgists. In other words, when we approach a controversy more closely, halfof the job of interpreting the reasons behind the beliefs is already done!

If the two directions I outlined were so clearly visible to the eyes of someoneapproaching the construction of facts, there would bea quick end to mostdebates. The problem is that we are never confronted with such clearintersections. The three examples I chose have been arbitrarily interrupted toreveal only two neatly distinct paths. Ifyou let the tape go on a bit longer the plotthickens and the interpretation becomes much more complicated.

Sentences (3) and (4) denied the reports about the accuracy of the Soviet'missiles. But (4) did so by using a police story that exposed the innerworkings ofthe CIA. A reply to this exposition can easily be imagined:

(11) The CIA's certainty concerning the lOO·metre accuracy ofRussian missiles isnot based on the agent 009's report, but on five independent sources. Let me suggestthat only groups subsidised by Soviets could have an interest in casting doubts onthis incontrovertible fact.


I I'!

Suppose that you have a place on the company board that has to decidewhether or not to invest in fuel cells. You would be rather puzzled by now. Whenyou believed (9) you were ready to invest in the one-pore electrode model as it wasconvincingly defined by metallurgists. Then you shifted your loyalties whenlistening to (10) that criticised metallurgists and wished to invest in quantumphysics, recruiting new physicists. But after listening to (14), you decided to buyshares in companies manufacturing traditional batteries. After listening to (15),though, if you believe it, you would be better not selling any of your GeneralMotor shares. Who is right? Whom should you believe? The answer to thisquestion is not in anyone of the statements, but in what everyone is going to dowith them later on. If you wish to buy a car, will you be stopped by the high priceofpetrol? W ill you shift to electric cars, more sluggish but cheaper? Ifyou do so,then sentence (15) is wrong, and (8), (9) or (10) was right, since they all wantedelectric cars. If the consumer buys an internal combustion engine car withoutanyhesitation and doubts, then claim (15) is right and all the others were wrong t<?invest millions in useless technologies without a future.

This retrospective transformation of the truth value of earlier sentences doesnot happen only when the average consumer at the end of the line gets into thepicture, but also when the Board of Directors decides on a research strategy.Suppose that you 'bought the argument' presented in statement (10). You go forelectric cars, you believe in fuel cells, and in quantum physics as the only way to

attribution is repeated for this next new sentence, which in turn might be made·more of a fact or more of a fiction by a third, and so on ...

The same essential phenomenon is visible in the third example. Before amachine is built many debates take place to determine its shape, function, or cost.

. The debate about the fuel cells may be easily rekindled. Sentence (10) was disputingthat the right avenue to fuel cells was the one-pore electrode mode, but not thatfuel cells were the right path towards the future of electric cars. A retort may come:

(14) And why get into quantum mechanics anyway? To spend millions helpingphysicists with their pet projects? That's bootlegging, not technological innovation,that's what it is. The electric automobile's only future is all very simple: batteries;they are reliable, cheap and already there. The only problem is weight, but ifresearchwere done into that instead of into physics, they would be lighter pretty soon.

A new pathway is proposed to the company. Physics, which for sentence (10)was the path to the breakthrough, is now the architypical dead end. The future of.fuel cells, which in statements (8), (9) and (10) were packaged together with theelectric car in one black box, now lies open to doubt. Fuel cells are replaced bybatteries. But in sentence (14) electric cars are still accepted as an undisputablepremise. This position is denied by the next claim: .

(15) Listen, people will always use internal combustion engines, no matter whatthe cost of petrol. And you know why? Because it has got go. Electric cars aresluggish; people will never buy them. They prefer vigorous acceleration to everythingelse.

"In order to avoid endless 'science and technology' I forged this word, which will be fully definedin Chapter 4 only.


get at them. All the other statements are made more wrong by this decision. Thelinkages between the future of the automobile, the electric engine, the fuel cells,and electrophysics are all conflated in one single black box which no one in thecompany is going to dispute. Everyone in the company will start from there:'Since sentence (10) is right then let's invest so many millions.' As we will see inChapter 3, this does not mean that your company will win. It means that, as far asyou could, you shaped the other machines and facts of the past so as to win: the ~internal combustion engine is weakened by your decision and made more ofanobsolete technology; by the same token electrophysics is strengthened, while themetallurgy section of the company is gently excluded from the picture. Fuel cellsnow have one more powerful ally: the Board of Directors.

Again I interrupt the controversy abruptly for practical reasons; the companymay go broke, become the IBM ofthe twenty-first century or linger for years inlimbo. The point of the three examples is that the fate ofwhat we say and make isin la.ter users' hands. Buying a machine without question or believing a factwithout question has the same consequence: it strengthens the case ofwhatever isbought or believed, it makes it more of a black box. To disbelieve or, so to speak,'dis-buy' either a machine or a fact is to weaken its case, interrupt its spread,transform it into a dead end, reopen the black box, break it apart and reallocateits components elsewhere. By themselves, a statement, a piece of machinery, aprocess are lost. By looking only at them and at their internal properties, youcannot decide if they are true or false, efficient or wasteful, costly or cheap, strongor frail. These characteristics are only gained through incorporation into otherstatements, processes and pieces ofmachfnery. These incorporations are decidedby each of us, constantly. Confronted with a black box, we take a series ofdecisions. Do we take it up? Do we reject it? Do we reopen it? Do we let it dropthrough lack of interest? Do we make it more solid by grasping it without anyfurther discussion? Do we transform it beyond recognition? This is what happensto others' statements, in our hands, and what happens to our statements inothers' hands. To sum up, the construction of facts and machines is a collectiveprocess. (This is the statement I expect you to believe; its fate is in your hands likethat of any other statements.) This is so essential for the continuation of ourtravel through technoscience* that I will call it our first principle: the remainderof this book will more than justify this rather portentous name.

Science in Action~IH+---- _28 .. uu_ u u m

(1) Bringing friends in

rhetoric for the quieter realm of pure reason. It means that rhetoric has becomeheated enough or is still so active that many more resources have to be brought into keep the debates going. Let me explain this by considering the anatomy ofthemost important and the least studied of all rhetorical vehicles: the scientificarticle.

When an oral dispute becomes too heated, hard-pressed dissenters will veryquickly alluqe to what others wrote or said. Let us hear one such conversation asan example:

(16) Mr Anybody (as if resuming an old dispute): 'Since there is a new cure fordwarfism, how can you say this?'

Mr Somebody: 'A new cure? How do you know? You just made it up.'-I read it in a magazine.-Come on! I suppose it was in a colour supplement : ..-No, it was in The Times and the man who wrote it was not a journalist but

someone with a doctorate.-What does that mean? He was probably some unemployed physicist who does

not know the difference between RNA and DNA.-But he was referring to a paper published in Nature by the Nobel Prize winner

Andrew Schally and six of his colleagues, a big study I financed by all sorts of biginstitutions, the National Institute of Health, the National Science Foundation,which told what the sequence of a hormone was that releases growth hormone.Doesn't that mean something?

-Oh! You should have said so first ... that's quite different. Yes, I guess it does.

Mr Anybody's opinion can be easily brushed aside. This is why he enlists thesupport ofa written article published in a newspaper. That does not cut much icewith Mr Somebody. The newspaper is too general and the author, even ifhe callshimself 'doctor', must be some unemployed scientist to end up writing in TheTimes. The situation is suddenly reversed when Mr Anybody supports his claimwith a new set of allies: a journal, Nature~ a Nobel Prize author; six co-authors;the granting agencies. As the reader can easily image, Mr Somebody's tone ofvoice has been transformed. Mr Anybody is to be taken seriously since he is notalone any more: a group, so to speak, accompanies him. Mr Anybody hasbecome Mr Manybodies!

This appeal to higher and more numerous allies is ·often called the argumentfrom authority. It is derided by philosophers and by scientists alike because itcreates a majority to impress the dissenter even though the dissenter 'might beright'. Science is seen as the opposite of the argument from authority. A few winover the many because truth is on their side. The classical form of this derision isprovided by Galileo when he offers a contrast between rhetoric and real science.After having mocked the florid rhetoric of the past, Galileo opposed it to whathappens in physics4



i, I

Science in Action

Part BWhen controversies flare up

the literature becomes technical

When we approach the places where facts and machines are made, we get into themidst of controversies. The closer we are, the more controversial they become.When we go from 'daily life' to scientific activity, from the man in the street to themen in the laboratory, from politics to expert opinion, we do not go from noise toquiet, from passion to reason, from heat to cold. We go from controversies tofiercer controversies. It is like reading a law book and then going to court towatch a jury wavering under the impact ofcontradictory evidence. Still better, itis like moving from a law book to Parliament when the law is still a bill. Morenoise, indeed, not less.

In the previous section I stopped the controversies before they could.proliferate. In reallife you cannot stop them or let them go as you wish. You haveto decide whether to build the MX or not; you have to know ifGHRH is worthinvesting in; you have to make up your mind as to the future offuel cells. Thereare many ways to win over a jury, to end a controversy, to cross-examine a .witness or a brain extract. Rhetoric is the name of the discipline that has, formillenia, studied how people are made to believe and behave and taught peoplehow to persuade others. Rhetoric is a fascinating albeit despised discipline, but itbecomes still more important when debates are so exacerbated that they becomescientific and technical. Although this statement is slightly counter-intuitive, itfollows from what I said above. You noticed in the three examples that the more Ilet the controversies go on, the more we were led into what are called·'technicalities'. This is understandable since people in disagreement open moreand more black boxes and are led further and further upstream, so to speak, intothe conditions that produced the statements. There is always a point in adiscussion when the local resources of those involved are not enough to open orclose a black box. It is necessary to fetch further resources coming from otherplaces and times. People start using texts, files, documents, articles to forceothers to transform what was at first an opinion into a fact. If the discussioncontinues then the contenders in an oral dispute become the readers of technicaltexts or reports. The more they dissent, the more the literature that is read willbecome scientific and technical. For instance, if, after reading sentence (12),which puts the accusations against the CIA into doubt, the MX is still disputed,the dissenter will now be confronted with boxes of reports, hearings, transcriptsand studies. The same thing happens ifyou are obstinate enough not to believe illSchally's discovery. Thousands of neuroendocrinology articles are now waitingfor you. Either you give up or you read them. As for fuel cells, they have their ownresearch library whose index lists over 30,000 items, not counting the patents.This is what you have to go through in order to disagree. Scientific or technicitltexts-l will use the terms interchangeably-are not written differently by differentbreeds of writers. When you reach them, this does not mean that you quit

Figure 1.1


publication. For Mr Somebody, doubting Mr Anybody's opinion takes no morethan a shrug of the shoulders. But how can you shrug offdozens ofpeople whosehonesty, good judgment and hard work you must weaken before disputing theclaim?

The adjective 'scientific' is not attributed to isolated texts that are able tooppose the opinion of the multitude by virtue of some mysterious faculty. Adocument becomes scientific when its claims stop being isolated and when thenumber of people engaged in publishing it are many and explicitly indicated inthe text. When reading it, it is on the contrary the reader who becomes isolated.The careful marking of the allies' presence is the first sign that the controversy isnow heated, enough to generate technical documents.

(2) Referring to former texts

There is a point in oral discussions when invoking oth~r texts is not enough tomake the opponent change,his or her mind. The text itself should be brought inand read. The number ofexternal friends the text comes with is a good indicationof its strength, but there is a surer sign: references to other documents. Thepresence or the absence of references, quotations and footnotes is so much a signthat a document is serious or not that you can transform a fact into fiction or afiction into fact just by adding or subtracting references.

The effect of references on persuasion is not limited to that of 'prestige' or'bluff. Again, it is a question ofnumbers. A paper that does not have references islike a child without an escort walking at night in a big city it does not know:isolated, lost, anything may happen to it. ~n the contrary, attacking~erhea with footnotes means that the dissenter fias to weaken ea~hj)A erpapers, or will at least e threatemdWiUr1ra:vtfigto do so, wne;e~s.~ttackinganaked paper means thai the reader afidth-e--authora:i:'-eoftne same weight: face toface.-Thedifference at this point between tecnOicaIaiid non-technical literature is­notthat one is about fact and the other about fiction, but that the latter gathersonly a few resources at hand, and the former a lot of resources, even from faraway in time and space. Figure 1.2 drew the references reinforcing another paperby Schally.5

Whatever the text says we can see that it is already linked to the contents ofno .less than thirty-five papers, from sixteen journals and books from 1948 to 1971.Ifyou wish to do anything to this text and if there is no other way of getting rid of Ithe argument you know in advance that you might have to engage with all these.papers and go back in time as many years as necessary.

However, stacking masses of reference is not enough to become strong if you. are confronted with a bold opponent. On the contrary, it might be a source of

weakness. If you explicitly point out the papers you attach yourself to, it is thenpossible fOf the reader - if there still are any readers - to trace each reference andto probe its degree of attachment to your claim. And if the reader is courageousenough, the result may be disastrous for the author. First, many references may

How to be strongerthan the multitude

of opinions?

Science in Action

But in the physical sciences when conclusions are sure and necessary and havenothing to do with human preference, one must take care not to place oneselfinthe defence of error; for here, a thousand Demosthenes and a thousandAristotles would be left in the lurch by any average man who happened to hit onthe truth for himself.

This argument appears so obvious at first that it seems there is nothing to add.However, a careful look at the sentence reveals two completely different.arguments mixed together. Here again the two faces of Janus we haveencountered in the introduction should not be confused even when they speak atonce. One mouth says: 'science is truth that authority shall not overcome'; the'other asks: 'how can you be stronger than one thousand politicians and onethousand philosophersT On the left side rhetoric is opposed to science just asauthority is opposed to reason; but on the right, science is a rhetoric powerfulenough, if we make the count, to allow one man to win over 2000 prestigiousauthorities!

'Authority', 'prestige', 'status' are too vague to account for why Schally'sarticle in Nature is stronger than Dr Nobody's piece in The Times. In practice,what makes Mr Somebody change his mind is exactly the opposite ofGalileo'sargument. To doubt that there is a cure for dwarfism, he at first has to resist hisfriend's opinion plus a fake doctor's opinion plus a newspaper. It is easy. But atthe end, how many people does he have to oppose? Let us count: Schally and hiscoworkers plus the board of the New Orleans university who gave Schally aprofessorship plus the Nobel Committee who rewarded his work with the highest­prize plus the many people who secretly advised the Committee plus the editorialboard of Nature and the referees who chose this article plus the scientific boardsof the National Science Foundation and ofthe National Institutes ofHealth whoawarded grants for the research plus the many technicians and helping handsthanked in the acknowledgements. That's a lot of people and all this is beforereading the article, just by counting how many people are engaged in its

I !

........ItI-llll ~32"'____. . . _u ••••_.



Schally's article

-those go~ng to the text are constituting the imported paradigm;-those g0!Og from the text are discussing the referred papers (only one, 32, is critical)-those gomg both ways refer to previous work by the same group on the same question

Figure 1.2

be misquoted or wrong; second, many of the articles alluded to might have nobearing whatsoever on the claim and might be there just for display; third, othercitations might be present but only because they are always present in theauthor's articles, whatever his claim, to mark affiliation and show with whichgroup of scientists he identifies - these citations are called perfunctory.6 All these .little defects are much less threatening for the author's claim than the referencesto papers which explicitly say the contrary of the author's thesis. For instance,Figure 1.2 shows Schally referring to the following paper{reference number 32F

(17) 32. Veber, D.F., Bennett, C., Milkowski, J.D., Gal, G., Denkewalter, R.D.and Hirschman, R., in Biochemistry and Biophysics Communication, 45, 235 (1971).


(19) The hypothalamus controls the secretion of growth hormone from theanterior pituitary gland (ref. 1 to Pend Muller, E.E., Neuroendocrinology, 1,537,1967). This control is mediated by a hypothalamic substance designated growthhormone releasing hormone (ref. 2 to Schally, A.V., Arimura, A., Bowers, C.Y.,Kastin, A.J., Sawano, S. and Redding, T.W., Recent Progress in Hormone Research,24, 497, 1968).

The first reference is borrowed as it stands with no indication of doubt oruncertainty. Besides, it is a five-year-old citation - a very long time for theseshort-lived creatures. If you, the reader, doubt this control of the hypothalamus,then forget it, you are out ofthe game entirely. Inside neuroendocrinology, this isthe most solid point, or, as it is often called, the paradigm.1 The second referenceis also borrowed as a matter offact, although it is slightly weaker than the former.Dissent was impossible to reference I, at least coming from a neuro­endocrinologist~ with reference 2 it is possible for a colleague to nitpick: maybethe control is mediated by something other than a hormone; maybe, even ifit is ahormone, it blocks growth hormone instead of triggering it; or, at the very least,the name Schally gave to this substance could be criticised (Guillemin, for

This is a quite an impressive set of allies, if they support the claim. But theauthor should not let the unflinching reader go to reference 32 by himself. Whynot? Because in this paper Veber et al. link the structure ofSchally's GHRH withthat of the beta-chain of haemoglobin, levelling exactly the criticisms that wehave already seen in sentence (7). A dangerous link indeed in an opponent'shands. To ward it off, Schally cites it but qualifies the paper within his own text:

(18) [Note added in proof.] D.F. Veber et al. have pointed out the similaritybetween the structure of our decapeptide and the amino-terminal of the Beta-chainof porcine haen:roglobin (ref. 32). The significance of this observation remains to beestablished.

The article is not only referred to; it is also qualified or, as we said earlier,modalised. In this case, the reader is warned not to take Veber's article as a fact·since its significance is not established, it cannot be used against Schally t~destroy his GHRH (remember that ifVeber's claims were turnedintoa fact, thenSchally's own article would become just a fiction). What Schally does to sentence(17) is done by all articles to all their references. Instead'ofpassively linking theirfate to other paper~'.. !~~n~rti~I~_ actively modifies the status 'of these papus.Deljeiidiil:g-on-Uieir interests, theyTiirnihem more into facts or more intofictions, thus replacing crowds ofuncertain allies by well-arrayed sets ofobedientsupporters. What is called the context of citation shows us how one text acts onothers to make them more in keeping with its claims.

In sentence (18) Schall)' added the other article referred to in excerpt (17) tomaintain it in a stage intermediate between fact and fiction. But he also needswell-established facts so as to start his article with a black box which no onewould dare to open. This solid foundation is offered, not surprisingly, at thebeginning of the article:

16(1953)~ 26 (19481

33 (1949)18

Science in Action34

















fact, then the 1982 article by Guillemin would be meaningless. It would also bemeaningless if SchaIly's sequence had any relation with Guillemin's. The Latterwould just add to the former's work. With sentence (21) Guillemin's paper justpushes aside Schally's sequence. It was not an unequivocal fact, but a veryequivocal 'claim'. It does not count; it was a blind alley. Real work starts fromthis 1982 paper, and real GRF (wrongly called by SchaUy GHRH) starts fromthis sequence.

Articles may go still further in transforming the former literature to theiradvantage. They might combine positive and negative modalities, strengtheningfor instance a paper X in orderto weaken a paper Y that would otherwise opposetheir claim.. Here is an instance of such a tactic:

(22) A structure has been proposed for GRF [reference to Schally's article]; it hasbeen recently shown, however [reference to Veber et al.Jthat it was not GHRH but aminor contaminant, probably a piece of hemoglobin.

Veber's article, that Schally himself cited in excerpt (18), did not say exactlywhat it is made to say here; as for Schally's article it did not exactly claim to havefound the GHRH structure; This does not matter for the author ofsentence (22);he simply needs Veber as an established fact to make Schally's paper more of anempty claim which, after a rebound, gives more solidity to sentence (21) thatproposes a new real substance 'despite earlier claims to the contrary'.

Another frequent tactic is to oppose two papers so that they disable oneanother. Two dangerous counter-claims are turned into impotent ones. SchaUy,in the paper under study, uses one test in order to assay his GHRH. Other writerswho tried to replicate his claim had used another type of test, called theradioimmunoassay, and failed to replicate Schally's claim. That is a majorproblem for Schally, and in order to find a way out he retorts that:

(23) This synthetic decapeptide material or the natural material were (sic) onlyweakly active in tests where the release of growth hormone was measured by aradioimmunoassay for rat growth hormone (two refs.). However, the adequacy ofradioimmunoassays for measuring rat growth hormone in plasma has beenquestioned recently (ref. 8).

Could the absence of any effect of GHRH in the assay not shake Schally's claim?No, because another paper is used to cast doubt on the assay itself: the absence ofGHRH proves nothing at alL Schally is relieved.

It would be possible to go much further in the Byzantine political schemes ofthe context ofcitations. Like a good billiard player, a clever author may calculateshots with three, four or five rebounds. Whatever the tactics, the general strategyis easy to grasp: do whatever you need to the former literature to render it ashelpful as possible for the claims you are going to make. The rules are simpleenough: weaken your enemies, paralyse those you cannot weaken (as was done insentence (18», help your allies if they are attacked, ensure safe communicationswith those who supply you with indisputable instruments (as in (20)), oblige yourenemies to fight one another (23); ifyou are not sure of winning, be humble and




I,I:1I·.'• 1



Science in Action

instance, calls it GRF). No matter what controversy could start here, SchaUyneeds this reference in his article as a fact, since without it the whole paper wouldbe purposeless: why look for a substance if the possibility of its existence isdenied? Let us not forget that, according to our first principle, by borrowingreferences I and 2 as matters of fact he makes them more certain, strengtheningtheir case as well as his own.

There are many other papers this article needs to borrow without question,especially the ones describing methods used in determining the sequence ofpeptides in generaL This is visible in another excerpt from the same article:

(20) The porcine peptide used in this work was an essentially hom*ogeneoussample isolated as described previously (refs. 5,9). (...) In some cases products ofcarboxypeptidase B. were analysed with the lithium buffer system of Benson,Gordon and Patterson (ref. 10). (...) The Edman degradation was performed asreported by Gottlieb et al. (ref. 14). The method ofGray and Smith (ref. 15) was alsoused.

None of these references, contrary to the others, are qualified either positivelyor negatively. They are simply there as so many signposts indicating to thereaders, if need be, the technical resources that are under Schally's command.The reader who would doubt the hormone sequence is directed towards anotherset of people: Benson, Edman, Gottlieb, and even Gray and Smith. The work ofthese people is not present in the text, but it is indicated that they could bemobilised at once if need be. They are, so to speak, in reserve, ready to bring withthem the many technical supports Schally needs to make his point firm.-

Although it is convenient for a text to borrow references that could help instrengthening a case, it is also necessary for a text to attack those references thatcould explicitly oppose its claims. In sentence (18) we saw how the referred paperwas maintained in a state between fact and fiction, but it would have been betterto destroy it entirely so as to clear the way for the new paper. Such a destructionhappens in many ways directly or obliquely depending on the field and theauthors. Here is an instructive negative modality made by GuiUemin about a setof papers, including the one written by Schally that we just studied:

(21) The now well established concept of a neurohumoral control ofadenohypohyseal secretions by the hypothalamus indicates the existence of ahypothalamic growth-hormone-releasing factor (GRF) (ref. I) having somatostatinas its inhibitory counterpart (ref. 2). So far hypothalamic GRF has not beenunequivocally characterized, despite earlier claims to the contrary (ref. 3).

This citation comes from a recent paper by Guillemin, presenting a ~ew .structure for the same GHRH, which he calls GRF. Reference 3 is to Schally'spaper. The beginning of excerpt (21) is the same as that of(19) in Schally's text:the hypothalamic control is the blackest of all black boxes. Even if they are indispute with one another Schally and Guillemin accept that no one can contestthis control and call him or herself a neuroendocrinologist. But SchaUy's articlein Guillemin's hands is not a black box at all. IfSchally's sequence had been a

Literature 37

Figure 1.3

(3) Being referred to by later texts


disabling some, strengthening others, borrowing without qualification from stillmore papers, and so on. All of the cited papers survive in Schally's paper and aremodified by its action. But no paper is strong enough to stop controversies. Bydefinition, a fact cannot be so well established that no support is necessary anymore. That would be like saying that a gene is so well adapted that it does notneed new bodies to survive! Schally may adapt the litera.ture to his end; but eachof his assertions, in turn, needs other articles later on to make it more ofa fact.Schally cannot avoid this any more than the papers he quoted could survivewithout his taking them up.

Remember how in claim (18) Schally needed the harsh criticisms formulated inVeber's article cited in (17) to remain uncertain so as to protect his claim against afatal blow. But to maintain (17) in such a state, Schally needs others to conti rmhis action. Although Schally is able to control most of what he writes in hispapers, he has only weak control over what others do. Are they going to followhim;

One way to answer this is to examine the references in other articles subsequentto SchaUy's paper and to look at their context of citation. What did they do withwhat Schally did? It is possible to answer this question through a bibliometricinstrument called the Science Citation Index.8 For instance, statement (17) is notmaintained by later articles in between fact and fiction. On the contrary, everylater writer who cites it takes it as a well-established fact, and they all say thathaemoglobin and GHRH have the same structure, using this fact to undermineSchally's claim to have 'discovered' GHRH· (this is now placed in quotationmarks). If, in the first generation, Schal1y was stronger than Veber - see (18) - andsince there was no ally later on to maintain this strength, in the next generation itis Veber who is strong and Schally who made a blunder by taking a trivialcontaminant for a long-sought-after hormone. This reversal is imposed by theother papers and the way they in turn transform the earlier literature to suit theirneeds. If we add to Figure 1.3 a third generation we obtain something like what isshown in Figure 104.

By adding the later papers we may map out how the actions of one paper aresupported or not by other articles. The result is a cascade of transformations,each of them expecting to be confirmed later by others.

We now understand what it means when a controversy grows. Ifwe wished tocontinue to study the dispute we will not have simply to read one paper alone andpossibly the articles to which it refers; we will also be bound to read aU the othersthat convert each of the operations made by the first paper towards the state offact or that of fiction. The controversy swells. More and more papers areinvolved in the melee, each of them positioning all the others (fact. fiction,technical details). but no one being able to fix these positions without. the help of

. the others. So more and more papers, enrolling more and more papers. areneeded at each stage of the discussion - and the disorder increases in proportion.

There is something worse, however, than being criticised by other articles; it isbeing misquoted. If the context of citations is as I have described, then thismisfortune must happen quite often! Since each article adapts the former

Science in Action

understated. These are simple rules indeed: the rules of the oldest politics. Theresult of this adaptation of the literature to the needs of the text is striking for thereaders. They are not only impressed by the sheer quantity of references; inaddition, all of these references are aimed at specific goals and arrayed for onepurpose: lending support to the claim. Readers could have resisted a crowd ofdisorderly citations; it is much harder to resist a paper which has carefullymodified the status of all the other articles it puts to use. This aGtivity of thescientific paper is visible in Figure 1.3 in which the paper under study is a pointrelated by arrows to the other papers, each type of arrow symbolising a type ofaction in the literature.


The goal ofconvincing the reader is not automatically achieved, even if the writerhas a high status, the references are well arrayed, and the contrary evidences arecleverly disqualified. AU this work is not enough for one good reason: whatever apaper does to the former literature, the later literature will do to it. We saw earlierthat a statement was fact or fiction not by itself but only by what the othersentences made of it later on. To survive or to be turned into fact, a statement·needs the next generation of papers (I will call 'generation' the span of timenecessary for another round ofpapers to be published that refers to the first ones,that is between two and five years). Metaphorically speaking, statements,according to the frrst principle, are much like genes that cannot survive if they donot manage to pass themselves on to later bodies. In the former section we sawhow Schally's paper inserted other articles, distributing honour and shame,

~~>--__l8-..-~--n.~ _

Figure 1.4


15t generation


You may protest against the injustice; you may treasure the certitude of beingright in your inner heart; but it will never go further than your inner heart; youwill never go further in cenitude without the help of others. Fact construction isso much a collective process that an isolated person builds only dreams, claimsand feelings, not facts. As we will see Jater in Chapter 3, one of the main problemsto solve is to interest someone enough to be read at all; cOIp,pared to this problem,that of being believed is, so to speak, a minor task.

In the turmoil generated by more and more papers acting on more and morepapers. it would be wrong to imagine that everything fluctuates. Locally, ithappens that a few papers are always referred to by later articles with similarpositive mod.alities. not only for one generation of articles but for several. Thisevent - extremely rare by all standards - is visible every time a claim made by onearticle is borrowed without any qualification by many others. This means thatanything it did to the former literature is turned into fact by whoever borrows itlater on. The discussion, at least on this point. is ended. A black box has beenproduced. This is the case of the sentence 'fuel cells are the future of electric ~rs'inserted inside statements (8), (9) and (to). It is alsothe case forthe control by thehypothalamus of growth hormone. Although Schally and Guillemin disagree onmany things, this claim is borrowed by both without any qualification ormisgivings - see sentences (19) and (20). In Figure 1.5 illustrating the context of

Figure 1.5

3rd generation

1st generation

2nd generationJ----__......:......:----

Science in Action40

literature to suit its needs, all deformations are fair. A given paper may be citedby others for completely different reasons in a manner far from its own interests.It may be cited without being read, that is perfunctorily; or to support a claimwhich is exactly the opposite of what its author intended; or for technical detailsso minute that they escaped their author's attention; or because of intentionsattributed to the authors but not explicitly stated in the text; or for many otherreasons. We cannot say that these deformations are unfair and that each papershould be read honestly as it is; these deformations are simply a consequence ofwhat I called the activity of the papers on the literature; they all manage to do thesame carving out of the literature to put their claims into as favourable aspossible a state, Ifany of these operations is taken up and accepted by the othersas a fact, then that's it; it is a fact and not a deformation, however much theauthor may protest. (Any reader who has ever written a quotable article in anydiscipline will understand what I mean.)

There is something still worse. however, than being either criticised ordismantled by careless readers: it is being ignored. Since the status of a claimdepends on later users' insenions, what if there are no later users whatsoever?This is the point that people who never come close to the fabrication of sciencehave the greatest difficulty in grasping. They imagine that all scientific articles areequal and ~rrayed in lines like soldiers, to be carefully inspected one by one.However, most papers are never read at alL No matter what a paper did to theformer literature. if no one else does anything with it, then it is as if it neverexisted at all. You may have written a paper that settles a fierce controversy onceand for all, but if readers ignore it cannot be turned into a fact; it simply cannot.

citations such an event will be seen as a regular flow ofarrows all aligned in thesame direction and leading to more and more papers. Every new paper gettinginto the fray pushes it one step further, adding its little force to the force ofthealready established fact, rather than reversing the trend.

This rare event is what people usually have in mind when they talk ofa 'fact'. Ihope it is clear by now that this event does not make it qualitatively different fromfiction; a fact is what is collectively stabilised from the midst of controversieswhen the activity of later papers does not consist only ofcriticism or deformationbut also of confirmation. The strength of the original statement does not lie initself, but is derived from any of the papers that incorporate it. In principle, anyof the papers could reject it. The control of growth hormone by thehypothalamus could be disputed, it has been, it will be disputed; but to do so thedissenter will be faced not with one claim in one paper, but with the same claimsincorporated in hundreds of papers. It is not impossible in principle; it is justenormously difficult in practice. Each claim comes to the future author with its"history, that is with itself plus all the papers that did something with it or to it.

This activity of each of the papers that makes up the strength ofa given articleis made visible not by any criticism-since in this case there is none- but by theerosion the original statement submits to. Even in the very rare cases where astatement is continuously believed by many later texts and borrowed as a matterof fact, it does not stay the same. The more people believe it and use it as a blackbox the more it undergoes transformations. The first of these transformations isan extreme stylisation. There is a mass of literature on the control of growthhormone, and Guillemin's article which I referred to is five pages long. Laterpapers, taking his article as a fact, turn it into one sentence:

(24) Guillemin et al. (ref.) have determined the sequence ofGRF: H Tyr Ala AspAla Ile Phe Thr Asn SerTyr Arg Lys Val Leu Gly GIn Leu Ser AlaArgLysLeu LeuGIn Asp lIe Met Ser Arg G In Gin Gly G ly Ser Aso Gin Glu Arg Gly Ala Arg Ala ArgLeu NH2.

Later on this sentence itself is turned into a one-line long statement with only onesimplified positive modality: 'X (the author) has shown that Y.' There is nolonger any dispute.

Ifsentence (24) is to continue to be believed, as opposed to (5), each successivepaper is going to add to this stylisation. The activity of all the later papers willresult in the name of the author soon being dropped, and only the reference toGuillemin's paper will mark the origin of the sequence. This sequence in turn isstill too long to write. If it becomes a fact, it will be induded in so many otherpapers that soon it would not be necessary to write it at all or even to cite such awell-known paper. After a few dozen papers using statement (24) as anincontrovertible fact, it will be transformed into something like:

(25) We injected sixty 20-day-old Swiss albino male mice with synthetic GRF . : .etc.

The accepted statement is, so to speak, eroded and polished by thos"e who

accept it. We are back to the single sentence statements with which r started thischapter- see (1), (5) and (8). Retrospectively, we realise that a lot of work wentinto this stylisation and that a one-phrase fact is never at the beginning of theprocess (as I had to imply in order to get our discussion going) but is already asemi-final product. Soon, however, the reference itself will become redundant.Who refers to Lavoisier's paper when writing the formula H 20 for water? Ifpositive modalities continue acting on the same sentence (24), then it will becomeso well known that it will not be necessary even to talk about it. The originaldiscovery will have become tacit knowledge. GRF will be one of the many vials ofchemicals that any"first year university student takes from the shelfat some pointin his or her training. This erosion and stylisation happens only when all goeswell; each successive paper takes the original sentence as a fact and encapsulatesit, thereby pushing it, so to speak, one step further. The opposite happens, as wesaw earlier, when negative modalities proliferate. Schally's sentence (5) about anew GHRH was not stylised and was still less incorporated into tacit practice. Onthe contrary, more and more elements he would have liked to maintain as tacitemerge and are talked about, like the purification procedures of statement (7) orhis previous failures in (I 3). Thus, depending on whether the other articles push agiven statement downstream or upstream, it will be incorporated into tacitknowledge with no mark of its having been produced by anyone, or it will beopened up and many specific conditions ofproduction will be added. This doublemove with which we are now familiar is summarised in Figure I .6 and allows usto take our bearings in any controversy depending on which stage the statementwe chose as our point of departure happens to be and in which direction otherscientists are pushing it.

N ow we start to understand the kind of world into which the reader ofscientific or technical literature is gradually led. Doubting the accuracy ofSovietmissiles (l), or Schally's discovery of GHRH, (5), or the best way to build fuelcells, (8), was at first an easy task. However, if the controversy lasts, more andmore elements are brought in, and it is no longer a simple verbal challenge. We gofrom conversation between a few people to texts that soon fortify themselves,fending off opposition by enrolling many other allies. Each of these allies itselfuses many different tactics on many other texts enlisted in the dispute. If no onetakes up a paper, it is lost forever, no matter what it did and what it cost. Ifanarticle claims to finish the dispute once and for all it might be immediatelydismembered, quoted for completely different reasons, adding one more emptyclaim to the turmoil. In the meantime, hundreds ofabstracts, reports and postersget into the fray, adding to the confusion, while long review papers strive to putsome order into the debates though often on the contrary simply adding morefuel to the fire. Sometimes a few stable statements are borrowed over and overagain by many papers but even in these rare cases, the statement is slowly eroded,losing its original shape, encapsulated into more and more foreign statements,becoming so familiar and routinised that it becomes part of tacit practice anddisappears from view!

42-MIH¥.---- .. Science in Action Literature 43

This is the world with which someone who wishes to dissent and make acontribution to the debates will be confronted. The paper he or she is reading hasbraced itself for survival in this world. What must it do in order to be read, to bebelieved, to avoid being misunderstood, destroyed, dismembered, ignored? Howcan it ensure that it is taken up by others, incorporated into later statements as amatter of fact, quoted, remembered and acknowledged? This is what has to besought by the authors of a new technical paper. They have been led by the heatedcontroversy into reading more and more articles. Now they have to write a newone in order to put to rest whichever issue they started from: the MX affair, theGHRH blunder, the fuel cell fiasco. Needless to say that, by now, most dissenterswill have given up. Bringing friends in, launching many references, acting on all! .quoted articles, visibly deploying this battlefield, is already enough tomtlmldate or to force most people out. For instance, if we wish to dispute theaccuracy of Soviet missiles as in (1), the discovery of G HRH as in (5) or the rightway to get a~ fuel cells as in (8), we will be very, very isolated. I do not say thatbecause the hterature is too technical it puts people off, butthat, on the contrary,we feel it necessary to call technical or scientific a literature that is made to isolate.the ~eader by b,ring~ng in many more resou~ces.T?e ·average man who happensto hit the truth, naively postulated by Gahleo, w111 have no chance to win overthe thousands of articles, referees, supporters and granting bodies who opposehis claim. The power of rhetoric lies in making the dissenter feel lonely. This isindeed what happens to the 'average man' (or woman) reading the ma:!!ses ofreports on the controversies we so innocently started from. Now, we are in business! Sentence (26) appears to be the most difficult sentence


Part CWriting texts that withstand

the assaults of a hostile environment

(1) Articles fortify themselves

For a few obstinate readers, already published articles are not enough: moreelements have to be brought in. The mobilisation of these new elementstransforms deeply the manner in which texts are written: they become moretechnical and, to make a metaphor, stratified. In sentence (21), I quoted thebeginning of a paper written by Guillemin. First, this sentence mobilised a two­decade-old fact, the control by the hypothalamus of the release of growthhormone, and then a decade-old fact, the existence ofa substance, somatostatin,that inhibits the release of growth hormone. In addition, Schally's claim aboutthis new substance was dismissed. But this is not enough to make us believe thatGuillemin has done better than Schally and that his claim should be taken moreseriously than that of Schally. If the beginning of his paper was playing on theexisting literature in the manner I analysed above, it soon becomes very different.The text announces, for instance, more material from which to extract theseelusive substances. The authors found a patient with enormous tumours formedin the course of a rare disease, acromegaly, these tumours producing largequantities of the sought-for substance. 9

(26) At surgery, two separate tumors were found in the pancreas (ref. 6); thetumor tissues were diced and collected in liquid nitrogen within 2 or 5 minutes ofresection with the intent to extract them for GRF. (...) The extract of both tumorscontained growth hormone releasing activity with the same elution volume as that ofhypothalamic GRF (Kav=0,43, where Kav is the elution on constant (ref. 8). Theamounts of GRF activity (ref. 9) were minute in one of the tumors (0.06 GRF unitper milligram (net weight), but extremely high in the other (1500 GRF units permilligram (net weight), 5000 times more than we had found in rat hypothalamus (ref.8).

Although most people will have been driven away by th~ external allies invokedby the texts, Galileo is still right, because a few people may not be willing to giveup. They may stick to their position and not be impressed by the title of thejournal, the names of authors, or by the number of references. They will read thearticles and still dispute them. The image of the scientific David fighting againstthe rhetorical Goliath reappears and gives some credence to Galileo's position.No ~atter how impressive the allies of a scientific text are, this is not enough toconVInce. Something else is needed. To find this something else, let us continueour anatomy of scientific papers.



tacit knowledge (silence)

Science in Action

no modality at all (A is B)

original statement (A is B)

incorporation (i nstru ments)

negative modalities M-(A is B)

positive and negative modalities M+-(A is B)

so and so (has shown that (A is B)}

Figure 1.6

'"'-lil+-+ll"'------ 44

Science. vol. 218, pp. 586 (by permission of Science Magazine and of the author)


Response ofGRF referencestandard (units)



°0.c".c_ia 5o~~C:


500 <I1l:><11=c.. 2.5-------- u~

"''0~ ..0-COl


5"250 §:


30 60 SOTime (minutes)

(28) Final purification of this material by analytical reverse-phase HPLC yieldedthree highly purified peptides with GRF activity (Fig. 1)

The authors are not asking you to believe them. They do not send you backoutside the texts to libraries to do your homework by reading stacks ofreferences, but to figure 1 within the article:




<h 0.05 60'&IL ;

~ 0.04 :l

~ 0.03 40,--~---a I~ IN 0.02 I- r: I" 0,01 20,

~ ~<:; 0 F==_-r--+--~-e;;;j.L.,..l~-:"-:=:LJ....l..-_"".,D«

This figure shows what the text says, but is not quite transparent for all readers,even for the few who are left in the controversy. Then another text, the legend,explains how to read the figure, as the name 'legend' indicates:

(30) Final purification of hpGRF by reverse-phase HPLC. The column(Ultrasphere CI8), 25 by O,4cm, 5-{pu)m particle size, was eluted with a gradient ofacetonitrile (--) in 0.5 percent (by volume) heptafluorobutyric acid at a flow-rate ofO.6mVmin. Fractions (2.4 ml) were collected as indicated on the abscissa andportions were used for bioassays (ref. 7). The vertical bars represent the amount ofgrowth hormone secreted in the assay of each fraction of the effluent, expressed aspercentage of the amount of growth hormone secreted by the pituitary cellsreceiving no treatment. AUFS, absorbance units full scale,

The reader was sent from statement (28) to excerpt (29) and from there to thelegend (30). The text said that 'three purified peptides had GRF activity'; what is

. seen in figure 1 is the superimposition of peaks and vertical bars. 'Peaks' and'bars' are said in the legend to be the visual equivalents of 'purity' and 'activity'.Belief in the author's word is replaced by the inspection of 'figures' . If there is anydoubt about where the picture comes from, then sentence (30), the legend, will

.offer a new line of support. Peaks are not a visual display chosen by chance; they

Science in Action

(27)- How could you do better than Schally with such minute amounts of yoursubstance in the hypothamali?

We find tumours producing masses of substance making isolation much easierthan anything SchaUy could do.

_ Are you kidding? These are pancreas tumours, and you are looking for ahypothalamic substance that is supposed to come from the brain!

_ Many references indicate that often substances from the hypothalamus arefound in the pancreas too, but anyway they have the same elution volume; this isnot decisive but it is quite a good proof- enough, at any rate, to accept the tumour asit is, with an activity 5000 times greater than hypothalamic, No one can deny that itisa godsend.

_ Hold on! How can you be so sure of this 5000; you cannot just conjure upfigures? Is it dry weight or wet weight? Where does the standard come from?

_ Okay. First, it is dry weight. Second, one GRF unit is the amount of a purifiedGRF preparation of rat hypothalamic origin that produces a half-maximalstimulation of growth hormone in the pituitary cell monolayer bioassay. Are yousatisfied?

_ Maybe, but how can we be sure that these tumours have not deteriorated afterthe surgery?

_ We told you, they were diced and put in liquid nitrogen after 2 to 5 minutes.Where could you find better protection?

we have had to analyse so far. Where does the difficulty come from? From the ­number of objections the authors have to prevent. Reading it after the othersentences, we have not suddenly moved from opinions and disputes to facts andtechnical details; we have reached a state where the discussion is so tense thateach word fences off a possible fatal blow. Going from the other disputes to thisone is like going from the first elimination rounds to the final match atWimbledon. Each word is a move that requires a long commentary, not becauseit is 'technical', but because it is the final match after so many contests. Tounderstand this, we simply have to add the reader's objection to the sentence thatanswers it. This addition transforms sentence (26) into the following dialogue:

Reading the sentences of the paper without imagining the reader's objections islike watching only one player's strokes in the tennis final. They just appear as somany empty gestures. The accumulation ofwhat appears as technical detail is notmeaningless; it is just that it makes the opponent harder to beat. The authorprotects his or her text against the reader's strength. A scientific article becomesmore difficult to read, just as a fortress is shielded and buttressed; not for fun, butto avoid being sacked.

Another deep transformation occurs in the texts that want to be strong·enough to resist dissent. So far, the sentences we studied linked themselves toabsent articles or events. Every time the opponent started to doubt, he or she wassent back to other texts, the link being established either by the references orsometimes by quotations. There is, however, a much more powerful ploy, and itis to present the very thing you want the readers to believe in the text. Forinstance:

difference is striking. In both cases, it is about baboons, but the prose ofthe firstarticle flows with no interruption except sparse references and a few pictures ofbaboons (like the ones you could find in a journalist's travel account)~ Packer'sarticle, on the contrary, is stratified into many layers. Each observation ofbaboons is coded, sifted for its statistical significance; curves and diagramssummarise columns; no part of the paper stands by it~elf but each is linked bymany references to other layers (Methods, Results, Discussion). ComparingHall's and Packer's texts is like comparing a musket with a machine-gun. Just bylooking at the differences in prose you can imagine the sort ofworlds they had towrite in: Hall was'alone, one of the first baboon watchers; Packer is in a pack ofscientists who watch closely not only baboons but also one another! His prosefolds itself into many defensive layers to withstand their objections.

Notice that neither in Packer's nor in Guillemin's and Schally's articles do yousee the actual furry creatures called 'baboons' or the 'GHRH'. Nevertheless,thrpugh their stratification, these articles give the reader an impression of deptho/vision; so many layers supporting each other create a thicket, something youcannot breach without strenuous efforts. This impression is present even whenthe text is later turned into an artefact by colleagues. No one getting into the GRFbusiness or into baboon study can now write in plain naked prose, no matterwhat he or she sees and wants. It would be like fighting tanks with swords. Evenpeople who wish to defraud have to pay an enormous price in order to create thisdepth that resembles reality. Spector, a young biologist convicted of havingfudged his data, had to hid his fraud in a four-page long section on Materials andMethods. 11 Inside the array of hundreds of methodological precautions only onesentence is fabricated. It is, so to speak, a homage rendered by vice to virtue, sincesuch a fraud is not within the reach of just any crook!

At the beginning of this section, we said that we needed 'something other' than. just references and authorities to win over the dissident. We understand now thatgoing from the outer layers of the articles to the inner parts is not going from theargument of authority to Nature as it is going from authorities to moreauthorities, from numbers of allies and resources to still greater numbers.Someone who disbelieves Guillemin's discovery will now be faced not only withbig names and thick references, but also with 'GRF units', 'elution volume','peaks and bars', 'reverse-phase HPLC'. Disbelieving will not only meancourageously fighting masses of references, but also unravelling endless newlinks that tie instruments, figures and texts together. Even worse, the dissenterwill be unable to oppose the text to the real world out there, since the text claimsto bring within it the real world 'in there'. The disse'nter will indeed be isolatedand lonely since the referent itself has passed into the author's camp. Could ithope to break the alliances between all these new resources inside the.article?No,because of the folded, convoluted and stratified form the text has takendefensively, tying all its parts together. Ifone doubts figure 1in excerpt (29), thenone has to doubt reverse phase HPLC. Who wishes to do so? Of course, any linkcan be untied, any instrument doubted, any black box reopened, any figuredismissed, but the accumulation of allies in the author's camp is quite

Science in Action

are what is drawn by an instrument (called a High Pressure Liquid .Chromatograph); if the reader knows anything about the instrument and howdifferent pictures can be obtained from it, then details are provided to hold theimage steady: the size of particles, the timing, the conventions for drawing thelines, and so on.

What is gained in persuasion, by arraying excerpts (28), (29) and (30) in tiers?The dissenter is now faced not only with the author's opinion, not only with older.articles' positions, but also with what the text is about. Often, when we talk, wedesignate absent things, which we call the referent of our speech. 'Six peach treesblooming' is a phrase about trees which I am not showing you. The situation iscompletely different when sentence (28) claims that three active and puresubstances exist. The referent of this sentence is immediately added to thecommentary; it is the figure shown in (29), and so is the referent of this referent,the legend (30). This transformation of the usual literature is a sure indicator thatwe are now faced with a technical or a scientific text. In this kind ofliterature you'may, so to speak, have your cake and eat it too. The effects on conviction areenormouS. The assertion 'we discovered GRF' does not stand by itself. It is .supported first by many other texts and second by the author's assertions. This is .good, but not enough. It is much more powerful if the supporters are arrayed inthe text itself. How can you deny statement (28)1 Look for yourselfat the peaks in(29)! You are doubtful about the meaning of the figure? Well, read the legend.You only have to believe the evidence of your own eyes; this is not a question anymore of belief; this is seeing. Even doubting Thomas would abandon his doubts(even though you cannot touch GRF - but wait until the next chapter ...).

We are certain now that the texts we have been led to by the intensity of the 'controversies are scientific. So far, journalists, diplomats, reporters and lawyerscould have written texts with references and with careful labelling of the authors'roles, titles and sources of support. Here, we enter another game entirely. Notbecause the prose is suddenly written by extraterrestrial minds, but because ittries to pack inside the text as many supporters as possible. This is why what isoften called 'technical details' proliferate. The difference between a regular textin prose and a technical document is the stratification of the latter. The text isarranged in layers. Each claim is interrupted by references outside the texts orinside the texts to other parts, to figures, to columns, tables, legends, graphs.Each of these in turn may send you back to other parts of the same texts or tomore outside references. In such a stratified text, the reader, once interested inreading it, is as free as a rat in a maze.

The transformation of linear prose into, so to speak, a folded array ofsuccessive defence lines is the surest sign that a text has become scientific. I saidthat a text without references was naked and vulnerable, but even with them itisweak as long as it is not stratified. The simplest way to demonstrate this change insolidity is to look at two articles in the same field taken at a twenty-year interval.Compare for instance the first primatology articles written by the pioneers of thisfield twenty years ago with one recent application ofsociobiology to the study ofprimates written by Packer. 10 Visually, and even without reading the article, the

Literature 49


(2) Positioning tactics

The more we go into this strange literature generated by controversies, the moreit becomes difficult to read. This difficulty comes from the number of elementssimultaneously gathered at One point - the difficulty is heightened by theacronyms, symbols and shorthand used in order to stack in the text the maximumnumber of resources as quickly as possible. But are numbers sufficient toconvince the five or six readers left? No, of course head counts are no moresufficient in scientific texts than in war. Something more is needed: numbers mustbe arrayed and drilled. What I will call their positioning is necessary. Strangely,this is easier to understand than what we have just described since it is muchcloser to what is commonly called rhetoric. .


Slices of flesh


Rodent kidney structures

Mammal countercurrent structure in the kidney


§----------------- ------------------- c:~ ~gHamster kidneys u~ ~S ------------------------- -------s~ Three hamster's kidney -5>~ I

Figure 1.7

sinc~ texts, like banks, may go bankrupt if all their depositors simultaneouslywithdraw their confidence.

If all goes well, then the article sketched in Figure 1.7 has shown mammalkidney structure; if all goes badly, it shrinks to three hamsters in one laboratoryin 1984. Ifonly a few readers withdraw their confidence, the text lingers in any ofthe intermediate stages: it might show hamster·kidney structure, or rodent kidneystructure, or lower mammal kidney structure. We recognise here the twodirections in fact-building or fact-breaking that we discussed earlier.

This extreme variation between the lower and the upper layers of a paper iswhat philosophers often call induction. Are you allowed to go from a few snippetsof evidence to the largest and wildest claims? From three hamsters to themammals? From one tumour to GRF? These questions have no answer inprinciple since it all depends on the intensity of the controversies with otherwriters. If you read Schally's article now, you do not see GHRH, but a fewmeaningless bars and spots; his claim 'this is the GHRH structure' which wasthe content of sentence (5), is now seen as an empty bluff, like a cheque thatbounced. On the contrary, reading Guillemin's article, you see GRF in the textbecause you believe his claim expressed in sentence (24). In both cases the beliefand the disbelief are making the claim more real or less real later on. Dependingon the field. on the intensity of the competition, on the difficulty of the topic. onthe author's scruples. the stacking is going to be different. No matter howdifferent the cases we could look at, the name ofthe game is simple enough. Firstrule: never stack two layers exactly one on top of the other; ifyou do so there is nogain, no increment, ljl.nd the text keeps repeating itself, Second rule: never gostraight from the first to the last layer (unless there is no one else in the field to callyour bluff). Third rule (and the most important): prove as much as you can withas little as you can considering the circ*mstances. Ifyou are too timid, your paperwill be lost, as it will ifyou are too audacious. The stacking ofa paper is similar to

Science in Action50

formidable. Dissenters are human too; there is a point where they cannot copeagainst such high odds.

In my anatomy of scientific rhetoric I keep shifting from the isolated readerconfronted by a technical document to the isolated author launching hisdocument amidst a swarm ofdissenting or indifferent readers. This is because thesituation is symmetrical: if isolated, the author should find new resources toconvince readers; if he or she succeeds then each reader is totally isolated by ascientific article that links itself to masses of new resources. In practice, there isonly one reversible situation, which is just the opposite of that described byGalileo: how to be 2000 against one.

Bringing pictures, figures, numbers and names into the text and then foldingthem is a source ofstrength, but it may also turn out to be a major weakness. Likereferences (see above Part B, section 2), they show the reader what a statement istied to, which also means the reader knows where to pull if he or she wishes tounravel the statement. Each layer should then be carefully stacked on the formerto avoid gaps. What makes this operation especially difficult is that there areindeed many gaps. The figure in excerpt (29) does not show GRF; it shows twosuperimposed pictures from one protocol in one laboratory in 1982; thesepictures are said to be related to two tumours from one French patient in a Lyonhospital. So what is shown? GRF or meaningless scribbles on the printout ofaninstrument hooked up to a patient? Neither the first, nor the second. It depe~ds .on what happens to the text later on. What is shown is a stack oflayers, each oneadding something to the former. In Figure 1.7 I picture this stacking using anotherexample. The lowest layer is made of three hamster kidneys, the highest, that isthe title, claims to show 'the mammal countercurrent structure in kidney'. Indark lines I have symbolised the gain from one layer to the next. A text is like abank; it lends more money than it has in its vault! The metaphor is a good one


the building of a stone hut; each stone must go further than the one before. If itgoes too far, the whole vault falls down; if not far enough, there will be no vault atalH The practical answers to the problem of induction are much more mundanethan philosophers would wish. On these answers rests much of the strength thata paper is able to oppose to its readers' hostility. Without them, the manyresources we analysed above remain useless.

No matter how numerous and how well stacked its resources, an article has notgot a chance if it is read just by any passing reader. Naturally, most of thereadership has already been defined by the medium, the title, the references, thefigures and the technical details. Still, even with the remainder it is still at themercy of malevolent readers. In order to defend itself the text has to explain howand by whom it should be read. It comes, so to speak, with its own user's notice,or legend.

The image of the ideal reader built into the text is easy to retrieve. Dependingon the author's use of language, you immediately imagine to whom he or she istalking (at least you realise that in most cases he or she is not talking to you!).Sentence (24), that defined the amino acid structure of GRF, is not aimed at thesame reader as the following:

(31) There exists a substance that regulates body growth; this substance is itselfregulated by another one, called GRF; it is made ofa stringof44 amino acids (aminoacids are the building block ofall proteins}; this string has recently been discoveredby the Nobel Prize winner Roger Guillemin.

Such a sentence is addressed to a completely different audience. More peopleare able to read it than sentence (24) or (26). More people but equipped withfewer .resources. Notice that popularisation follows the same route as controversy butin the opposite direction; it was because of the intensity of the debates that wewere slowly led from non-technical sentences, from large numbers of ill-equippedverbal contestants to small numbers of well-equipped contestants who writearticles. Ifone wishes to increase the number of readers again, one has to decreasethe intensity of the controversy, and reduce the resources. This remark is usefulbecause the difficulty of writing 'popular' articles about science is a goodmeasure of the accumulation of resources in the hands of few scientists. It is hardto popularise science because it is designed to force out most people in the firstplace. No wonder teachers, journalists and popularisers encounter difficultywhen we wish to bring the excluded readership back in.

The kind of words authors use is not the only way of determining the idealreader at whom they are aiming. Another method is to anticipate readers'objections in advance. This is a trick common to all rhetoric, scientific or not. 'Iknew you would object to this, but I have already thought of it and this is myanswer.' The reader is not only chosen in advance, but what it is going to say is


(34)-If my substance triggers growth hormone in three different assays, will youbelieve it to be GRF!

-No, this is not enough, I also want you to shOW me· that your stuff from apancreas tumour is the same as the genuine GRF from the hypothalamus.

-What do you mean 'the same'; what trials should my stuff, as you say, undergo tobe called 'genuine GRF'?

- The curves of your stuff from the pancreas and GRF from the hypothalamusshould be superimposed; this is the trial I want to see with my own eyes before Ibelieve you. I won't go along with you without it.

-This is what you want? And after that you give up? You swear? Here it is: seefigure 2, perfect superimposition!

-Hold on! Not so fast! This is not fair; what did you do with the curves to get themto fit?

-Everything that could be done given the present knowledge of statistics andtoday's computers. The lines are theoretical, computer-calculated and drawn, fromthe four-parameter logistic equations for each set of data! Do you give up now?

-Yes, yes, certainly, I believe you!

tak~n out of its own mouth, as I showed for instance in excerpt (27) {I use 'it'instead of 'he or she' because this reader is not a person in the flesh but a personon paper, a semiotic character)12 Thanks to this procedure, the text is carefullyaimed; it exhausts all potential objections in advance and may very well leave thereader speechless since it can do nothing else but take the statement up as amatter of fact.

What sort of objections should be taken into account by the author? Again,this is a question that philosophers try to answer in principle although it only haspractical answers, depending on the battlefield. The only rule is to ask the(imaginary) reader what sort of trials it will require before believing the author.The text builds a little story in which something incredible (the hero) becomesgradually more credible because it withstands more and more terrible trials. Theimplicit dialogue between authors and readers then takes something ofthis form:

'It' gives up, the imaginary reader whose objections and requirements havebeen anticipated by the master author!

Scientific texts look boring and drab from the most superficial point of view.If the reader recomposes the challenge they take up, they are as thrilling as storytelling. 'What is going to happen to the hero? Is it going to resist this new ordeal?No, it is too much even for the best. Yes, it did win? How incredible. Is the readerconvinced? Not yet. Ah hah, here is a new test; impossible to meet theserequirements, too tough. Unfair, this isunfair.' Imagine the cheering crowds andthe boos. No character on stage is watched with such passion and asked to trainand rehearse as is, for instance, this GRF stuff.

The more we get into the niceties of the scientific literature, the moreextraordinary it becomes. It is now a real opera. Crowds of people are mobilisedby the references; from offstage hundreds of accessories are brought in.Imaginary readers are conjured up which are not asked only to believe the author


,Science in Action52

The author of this sentence does not portray itself as a revolutionary, but as afollower; not as a theoretician, but as a humble observer. If a reader wishes toattack the claim or the theory, it is redirected to the 'dramatic' transformationsWirz made and to the 'conceptions' he had. To show how such a sentence makesup a certain image of the author, let us rewrite it:

(34) Wirz (reference) recently observed a puzzling phenomenon he could notinterpret within the classical framework of kidney structure. We wish to propose a .new interpretation of his data.

The article has immediately changed tack. It is now a revolutionary articleand .

but to spell out what sort oftortures, ordeals and trials the heroes should undergobefore being recognised as such. Then the text unfolds the dramatic story ofthesetrials. Indeed, the heroes triumph over all the powers ofdarkness, like the Princein The Magic Flute. The author adds more and more impossible trials just, itseems, for the pleasure of watching the hero overcoming them. The authorschallenge the audience and their heroes sending a new bad guy, a storm, a devil, acurse, a dragon, and the heroes fight them. At the end, the readers, ashamed oftheir former doubts, have to accept the author's claim. These operas unfoldthousands oftimes in the pages ofNature or the PhysicalReview (for the benefit, Iadmit, of very, very few spectators indeed).

The authors of scientific texts do not merely build readers, heroes and trialsinto the paper. They also make clear who they are. The authors in the fleshbecome the authors on paper, adding to the article more semiotic characters,more 'its'. The six authors of what I called Guillemin's paper did not, of course,write it. No one could remember how many drafts the paper passed through. Theattribution of these six names, the order in which they enter, all that is carefullystaged, and since this is one part of the writing of the plot, it does not tell us whowrites the plot.

This obvious staging is not the only sign of the authors' presence. Althoughtechnical literature is said to be impersonal, this is far from being so. The authorsare everywhere, built into the text. This can be shown even when the passive voiceis used- this trait being often invoked to define scientific style. When you write:'a portion of tissue from each tumour was extracted, a picture of the author isdrawn as much as if you write 'Dr Schally extracted' or 'my young colleagueJimmy extracted'. It is just another picture; a grey backdrop on a stage is as mucha backdrop as a coloured one. It all depends on the effects one wishes to haOle onthe audience.

The portrayal of the author is important because it provides the imaginarycounterpart of the reader; it is able to control how the reader should read, reactand believe. For instance, it often positions itself in a genealogy which alreadypresages the discussion:

(33) Our conception of the hamster kidney structure has recently beendramatically altered by Wirz's observations (reference). We wish to report a,newadditional observation.

a theoretical one. Wirz's position has been altered. He was the master; he is now aprecursor who did not know for sure what he was doing. The reader'sexpectations will be modified depending on which version the author chooses.The same changes will Qccur if we fiddle with sentence (21), which was theintroduction to the paper written by Guillemin to announce the discovery ofGRF. Remember that Schally's earlier endeavours were dismissed with thesentence: 'so far, hypothalamic GRF has not been unequivocally characterised,despite earlier claims to the contrary'. What does the reader feel if we nowtransform sentence (21) into this one:

(35) Schally (reference) earlier proposed a characterisation of hypothalamicGRF; the present work proposes a different sequence which might solve some ofthedifficulties of the former characterisation.


The reader of sentence (21) is expecting truth at last after many senselessattempts at finding GRF, whereas the reader of (35) is prepared to read a newtentative proposition that situates itself in the same lineage as the former. SchaUyis a nonentity in the first case, an honourable colleague in the second. Any changein the author's position in the text may modify the readers' potential reactions.

Especially important is the staging by the author of what should be discussed,what is really interesting (what is especially important!) and what is, admittedly,disputable. T,his hidden agenda, built into the text, paves the way for thediscussion. For instance, Schally, at the end of the article that I have used allalong as an example, is suddenly not sure of anything any more. He writes:

(36) Whether this molecule represents the hormone which is responsible for thestimulation of growth hormone released under physiological conditions can only beproven by further studies.

This is like taking out an insurance policy against the unexpectedtransformation of facts into artefacts. Schally did not say that he found 'the'GHRH, but only 'a' molecule that looked like GHRH. Later on, when he was soviolently criticised for his blunder, he was then able to say that he never claimedthat GHRH was the molecule cited in claim (5).

This caution is often seen as the sign of scientific style. Understatement wouldthen be the rule and the difference between technical literature and literature ingeneral would be the multiplication ofnegative modalities in the former. We nowknow this to be as absurd as saying that one walks only with one's left leg.Positive modalities are as necessary as negative ones. Each author allocates whatshall not be discussed and what ought to be discussed (see again (21). When it isnecessary not to dispute a black box there is no understatement whatsoever.When the author is on dangerous ground, understatement proliferates. Like allthe effects we have seen in this section, it all depends on circ*mstances. It isimpossible to say that technical literature always errs on the side of caution; italso errs on the side of audacity; or rather it does not err, it zigzags throughobstacles, and evaluates the risks as best it can. Guillemin, for instance, at the endof his paper runs hot and cold at the same time:

Science in Action54--_.,. --- -- - - -- ------ -- ----- -- -- _ ..


Schally's caution is gone. The risk is taken; certainty is on their side: the neWsubstance does everything that GRF does. The author simply stops short ofsaying 'this is GRF'. (Note that the author happily uses 'we' and the active voicewhen summarising its victory.) But the next paragraph adopts entirely differenttactics:

It may be discouraging for those of us who want to write powerful texts able toinfluence controversies, but even the enormous amount ofwork shown above isnot enough! Something is still missing. No matter how many references theauthor has been able to muster; no matter how many resources, instruments andpictures it has been capable of mobilising in one place; no matter how wellarrayed and drilled its troops are; no matter how clever its anticipation of whatthe readers will do and how subtle the presentation of itself; no matter howingenious the choice of which ground should be held and which may beabandoned; regardless of all these strategies, the real reader, the reader in theflesh, the 'he' or 'she' may still reach different conclusions. Readers are devious.people, obstinate and unpredictable-even the five or six left to read the paperfrom beginning to end. Isolated, surrounded, besieged by all your allies, they canstill escape and conclude that Soviet missiles are accurate to within 100 metres,


that you have not proven the existence of GHRH or GRF, or that your paper onfuel cells is a mess. The paper-reader, the 'it' of, for instance, statement (32) mayhave stopped discussing and admitted the writer's credibility; but what about thereal reader? He or she might have skipped a passage entirely, focused on a detailmarginal to the author. The author told them in claim (21) that hypothalamuscontrol of growth hormone is indisputable: are they going to follow him? It toldthem in (36) what was to be discussed; are they going to accept this agenda? Thewriter draws so many pathways going from one place to another and asks thereader to follow them; the readers may cross these paths and then escape. Tocome back to Galileo's sentence, 2000 Demosthenes and Aristotles are still weakif one average reader is allowed to break away and flee. All the numbers amassedby the technical literature are not enough if the reader is allowed to stroll andwander. All the objectors' moves should then be controlled so that theyencounter massive numbers and are defeated. I call captation (or captatio in theold rhetoric) this subtle control of the objectors' moves. 14

Remember that the authors need the readers' willingness to have their ownclaims turned into facts (see Part A, section 2). If the readers are put off, they arenot going to take up the claim; but if they are left free to discuss the claim, it willbe deeply altered. The writer of a scientific text is then in a quandary: how to leavesomeone completely free and have them at the same time completely obedient.What is the best way to solve this paradox? To layout the text so that whereverthe reader is there is only one way to go.

But how can this result be achieved, since by definition the real reader maydispute everything and go in any direction? By making it more difficult for thereader to go in all the other directions. How can this be achieved? By carefullystacking more black boxes, less easily disputable arguments. The nature of the

. game is exactly like that ofbuilding a dam. It would be foolish for a dam engineerto suppose that the water will obey his wishes, abstaining from overflowing orpolitely running from bottom to top. On the contrary, any engineer should startwith the principle that if water can leak away it will. Similarly with readers. ifyouleave the smallest outlet open to them they will rush out; if you try to force themto go upstream they will not. So what you have to do is to make sure the readeralways flows freely but in a deep enough valley! Since the beginning ofthis chapterwe have observed this digging, trenching and damming many times over. All theexamples moved from a better-known statement to a lesser-known one; all wereusing a less easily disputable claim to start or to stop discussion on a statementeasier to dispute. Each controversy aimed at reversing the flow by shiftingnegative and positive modalities. Captation is a generalisation of the samephenomenon inducing readers to move far away from what they were ready toaccept at first. If the digging and damming is well set up, the reader, althoughtaken in, will feel entirely free (see Figure 1.8):

The hydraulic metaphor is an apt one since the scale of public work to beundertaken depends on how far you wish to force the water to go. on the intensityof the flow, on the slope and on what kind of landscape you have to buttress thedams and the ducts. It is the same thing with persuasion. It is an easy job if you


Science in Action

(39) What can certainly be said is that the molecule we have now characterizedhas all the attributes expected from the long-sought hypotbalamicreleasing factorfor growth hormone.


(38) In keeping with other past experience, probably the most interesting role,effect, or use of GRF is currently totally unsuspected.

This is indeed an insurance policy against the unknown. No one will be able tocriticise the author for its lack of vision, since the unexpected is expected. Byusing such a formula, the author protects itselfa*gainst what happened in the pastwith another substance, somatostatin. 13 Originally isolated in the hypothalamusto inhibit the release ofgrowth hormone, it turned out to be in the pancreas andto playa role in diabetes. But Guillemin's group missed this discovery that othersmade with their own substance. So, is the author cautious or not? Neither. Itcarefully writes to protect its claims as best as it can and to fence off the reader'sobjections.

Once a paper is written, it is very difficult to retrieve the careful tactics throughwhich it was crafted, although a look at the drafts of scientific articles will beenough to show that the real authors are quite self-conscious about all of this.They know that without rewriting and positioning, the strength of their paperwill be spoiled, because the authors and the readers built into the text do notmatch. Everything is at the mercy of a few ill-chosen words. The claim maybecome wild, the paper controversial, or, on the contrary, so timid and over­cautious, so polite and tame that it lets others reap the major discoveries.

want to convince a few people of something that is almost obvious; it is muchharder ifyou wish to convince a large number ofpeople ofsomething very remotefrom or even contrary to their current beliefs (see Chapter 5, Part C). Thismetaphor shows that the relation between the amount of work and persuasiondepends on the circ*mstances. Convincing is not just a matter ofthrowing wordsabout. It is a race between the authors and the readers to control each other'smoves. It would be enormously difficult for one 'average man' to force off theirpaths '2000 Demosthenes and Aristotles' in a matter where, at first sight, everydirection is equally possible; the only way to decrease the difficulty is to dam upall the alternative channels. No matter where the reader is in the text, he or she isconfronted with instruments harder to discuss, figures more difficult to doubt,references that are harder to dispute, arrays of stacked black boxes. He or sheflows from the introduction to the conclusion like a river flowing betweenartificial banks.

When such a result is attained - it is very rare - a text is said to be logical. Likethe words 'scientific' or 'technical', it seems that 'logical' often means a differentliterature from the illogical type that would be written by people with differentkinds of minds following different methods or more stringent standards.' Butthere is no absolute break between logical and illogical texts; there is a wholegamut of nuances that depend as much on the reader as on the author. Logicrefers not to a new subject matter but to simple practical schemes: Can the readerget out? Can he easily skip this part? Is she able, once there, to take another path?Is the conclusion escapable? Is the figure waterproof? Is the proof tightenough?The writer arrays whatever is at hand in tiers so that these questions find practicalanswers. This is where style starts to count; a good scientific writer may succeedin being 'more logical' than a bad one.

Science in Action 61Literature

(3) The second rule of method

The most striking aspect of this race between the reader and the writer is whenthe limits are reached. In principle, ofcourse, there is no limit since the fate ofthestatement is, as r said, in later users' hands (see Chapter 2, Part C). It is alwayspossible to discuss an article, an instrument, a figure; it is always possible for areader-in-the-flesh to move off the path expected of the reader-in-the-text. Inpractice, however, limits are reached. The author obtains this result by stacking·so many tiers of black boxes that at one point the reader, obstinate enough todissent, will be confronted with facts so old and so unanimously aC~t:pted that inorder to go on doubting he or she will be left alone. Like a clever engineer whodecides to build her dam on solid bedrock, the writer will manage to link the fateof the article to that of harder and harder facts. The practical limit is reachedwhen the average dissenter is no longer faced with the author's opinion but withwhat thousands and thousands of people have thought and asserted.Controversies have an end after alL The end is not a natural one, but a carefullycrafted one like those of plays or movies. Ifyou still doubt that the MX should bebuilt (see (1»), or thatGHRH has been discovered bySch~l1y(see(5»,or that fuelcells are the future of the elec:tric engine (see (8», then you will be all by yourself,without support and ally, alone in your profession, or, even worse, isolated fromthe community, or maybe, still more awful, sent to an asylum! It is a powerfulrhetoric that which is able to drive the dissenter mad.

In this chapter we have learned a second rule ofmethod in addition to the first onethat required us to study science and technology in action. This second rule asksus not to look for the intrinsic qualities ofany given statement but to look insteadfor all the transformations it undergoes later in other hands. This rule is theconsequence of what r called our first principle: the fate of facts and machines isin the hands of later users.

These two rules of method taken together allow us to continue our trip throughtechnoscience without being intimidated by the technical literature. No matterwhat controversy we start from, we will always be able to take our bearings.

(a) by looking at the stage the claim we chose as our departure point is at;(b) by finding the people who are striving to make this claim more ofa fact

and those who are trying to make it less of a fact;(c) by checking in which direction the claim is pushed by the opposite

actions of these two groups of people; is it up the ladder drawn inFigure 1.5 or down? .

This initial enquiry will give us our first bearing (our latitude so to speak).Then, if the statement we follow is quickly destroyed, we will have to see how it istransformed and what happens to its new version: is it more easily accepted orless? The new enquiry will offer us:

Situation 3

Situation 1

Situation 2

Situation 4

From unconvincing! ') incontrovertible evidence".


Figure 1.8

ConclusionNumbers, more numbers

(d) a measure of the distance between the original claim and the new ones,as we saw for instance between Schally's sentence (5) about GHRHmade in 1971, and Guillemin's claim made in 1982 about the samesubstance named GRF and with a completely different amino acidsequence. This drift will provide us with our second bearing, ourlongitude.

Finally, the two dimensions put together will draw:

(e) the front line of the controversy as summarized in Figure 1.9.


instruments, animals, pictures, from things out ofthe text. The adamant objectorcould then try to put the text in jeopardy by untying these supply lines. He or shewill then be led from the text to where the text claims to come from: Nature orthelaboratory. This is possible on one condition: that the dissenter is equipped witha laboratory or with ways to get straight at Nature more or less similar to that ofthe author. No wonder this way of reading a scientific paper is rare! You have to.have a whole machinery of your own. Resuming the controversy, reopening theblack box is achieved at this price, and only at this price. It is this rare remainingstrategy that we win study in the next chapter.

The peculiarity of the scientific literature is now clear: the only three possiblereadings all lead to the demise of the text. If you give up, the text does not countand might as well not have been written at all. If you go along, you believe it somuch that it is quickly abstracted, abridged, stylised and sinks into tacit practice.Lastly, if you work through the authors' trials, you quit the text and enter thelaboratory. Thus the scientific text is chasing its readers away whether or not it issuccessful. Made for attack and defence, it is no more a place for a leisurely staythan a bastion or a bunker. This makes it quite differen(from the reading of theBible, Stendhal or the poems of T.S. Eliot.

Yes, Galileo was quite mistaken when he purported to oppose rhetoric andscience by putting big numbers on one side and one 'average man who happenedto 'hit upon the truth' on the other. Everything we have seen since the beginningindicates exactly the opposite. Any average man starting off a dispute ends upbeing confronted with masses of resources, not just 2000, but tens of thousands.So what is the difference between rhetoric, so much despised, and science, somuch admired? Rhetoric used to be despised because it mobilised external alliesin favour of an argument, such as passion, style, emotions, interests, lawyers'tricks and soon. It has been hated since Aristotle's time because the regular pathof reason was unfairly distorted or reversed by any passing sophist who invokedpassion and style. What should be said of the people who invoke so many moreexternal allies besides passion and style in order to reverse the path of commonreasoning? The difference between the old rhetoric and the new is not that thefirst makes use of external allies which the second refrains from using; thedifference is that the first uses only afew of them and the second very many. Thisdistinction allows me to avoid a wrong way of interpreting this chapter whichwould be to say that we studied the 'rhetorical aspects' of technical literature, as ifthe other aspects could be left to reason, logic and technical details. Mycontention is that on the contrary we must eventually come to call scientific therhetoric able to mobilise on one spot more resources than older ones (see Chapter6).

It is because of this definition in terms of the number of allies that I abstainedfrom defining this literature by its most obvious trait: the presence of numbers,geometrical figures, equations, mathematics, etc. The presence of these objectswill be explained only in Chapter 6 because their form is impossible tounderstand when separated from this mobilisation process made necessary bythe intensity of the rhetoric. So the reader should not be worried either by the




Science in Action

From one statement to another

M-(A.Bl M-{A.Cl! M-{A.Dl M-fE.Dl M (E.Fl

M+IA.B) M+l:.g+'r-+-_. M+(E.DI M+IE.F~.~"~ _~~C~ HIE.D} H(E.Fl

\ t ..... FRONT'H1NE .... :. -J :.. E.F~. \ I \ - J / . _.( ~

\ \ / \ / ~

\ \ / T t\



Figure 1.9

Having reached the end of this chapter, it should be clear now why most peopledo not write and do not read scientific texts. No wonder! It is a peculiar trade in amerciless world. Better read novels! What I will caB fact-writing in opposition tofiction-writing limits the number of possible readings to three: giving !J.p, goingalong, working through. Giving up is the most usual one. People give up and donot read the text, whether they believe the author or not, either because they arepushed out of the controversy altogether or because they are not interested inreading the article (let us estimate this to be 90 per cent ofthe time). Going along isthe rare reaction, but it is the normal outcome of scientific rhetoric: the reader·believes the author's claim and helps him to turn it into a fact by using it furtherwith no dispute (maybe 9 per cent of the time?). There is still one more possibleoutcome, but such a rare and costly one that it is almost negligible as far asnumbers are concerned: re-enacting everything that the authors went through.This last issue remains open because there is always at least one flaw even in thebest written scientific text: many resources mobilised in it are said to come from

+'- 60!...-.. _

Science in Action

presence or by the absence of figures in the technical literature. So far it is not therelevant feature. We have to understand first how many elements can be broughtto bear on a controversy; once this is understood, the other problems will beeasier to solvl.:.

By studying in this chapter how a controversy gets fiercer, I examined theanatomy of technical literature and I claimed that it was a convenient way to .make good my original promise to show the heterogeneous components thatmake up technoscience, including the social ones. But I'd rather anticipate theobjection of my (semiotic) reader: 'What do you mean "social"?' it indignantlysays. 'Where is capitalism, the proletarian classes, the battle of the ::exes. thestruggle for the emancipation of the races, Western culture, the strategies ofwicked multinational corporations, the military establishment, the deviousinterests of professional lobbies, the race for prestige and rewards amongscientists? All these elements are social and this is what you did not show with allyour texts, rhetorical tricks and technicalities!'

I agree, we saw nothing of that sort. What I showed. however, was somethingmuch more obvious, much less far-fetched, much more pervasive than any ofthese traditional social actors. We saw a literature becoming more technical bybringing in more and more resources. In particular, we saw a dissident driveninto isolation because of the number of elements the authors ofscientific articlesmustered on their side. Although it sounds counter-intuitive at first, the moretechnical and specialised a literature is, the more 'social' it becomes, since thenumber of associations necessary to drive readers out and force them intoaccepting a claim as a fact increase. Mr Anybody's claim was easy to deny; it wasmuch harder to shrug off Schally's article on GHRH, sentence (16), not becausethe first is social and the second technical, but because the first is one man's wordand the second is many well-equipped men's words; the first is made of a fewassociations, the second of many. To say it more bluntly, the first is a little social,the second extremely so. Although this will become understandable much later itis already clear that if being isolated, besieged, and left without allies a~dsupporters is not a social act. then nothing is. The distinction between thetechnical literature and the rest is not a natural boundary; it is a border created bythe disproportionate amount of linkages, resources and allies locally available.This literature is so hard to read and analyse not because it escapes from allnormal social links, but because it is more social than so-called normal social ties.



We could stop our enquiry where we left it at the end of the previous chapter. For, :; science and technology would then mean analysing the

discourse o.r.::~ s, or counting citations, or doing various bibliometricca allOns, or performing semiotic studies I of scientific texts and of theiriconography, that is, extending literary criticism to technical literature. Nomatter how interesting and necessary these studies are, they are not sufficient ifwe want to follow scientists and engineers at work; after all, they do not draft,read and write papers twenty-four hours a day. Scientists and engineersinvariably argue that there is something behind the technical texts which is muchmore important than anything they write.

At the end of the previous chapter, wesawhow the articles forced the reader tochoose between three possible issues: giving up (the most likely outcome), goingalong, or working again through what the author did. Using the tools we devisedin Chapter I, it is now easy to understand the first two issues, but we are as yetunable to understand the third. Later, in the second part of this book, we will seemany other ways to avoid this issue and still win over in the course of acontroversy. For the sake of clarity. however, I make the supposition in this partthat the dissenter has no other escape but to work through what the author ofthepaper did. Although it is a rare outcome. it is essential for us to visit the placeswhere the papers are said to originate. This new step in our trip throughtechnoscience is much more difficult, because, whilst the technical literature isaccessible in libraries, archives, patent offices or corporate documentationcentres, it is much less easy to sneak into the few places where the papers arewritten and to follow the construction of facts in their most intima te details. Wehave no choice, however, if we want to apply our first rule of method: if thescientists we shadow go inside laboratories, then we too have to go there. nomatter how difficult the journey.




" Injection naloxon

Figure 2.2

'Immediately the line drops dramatically. And now watch naloxone. See?! Back to baseline levels. Itis fully reversible.'

'OK. This is the base line; now, I am going to inject endorphin, what is going to happen? See?!'(Figure 2.2)

We now understand that what the Professor is asking us to watch is related tothe figure in the text ofsentence (1). We thus realise where this figure comes from.It has been extracted from the instruments in this room, cleaned. redrm·vn, anddisplayed. We now seem to have reached the source of all these images that wesaw arrayed in the text as the final proofs of all the arguments in Chapter I. Wealso realise, however, that the images that were the last layer in the text, are theend result of a long process in the laboratory that we are now starting to observe.Watching the graph paper slowly emerging out oC siograph, weunderstand that we are at the junction of two worlds:a paper world t e havejustJeft, and ooe ot:.imtm hat wearejust ente' Ah-ybrig is produced atthe interface: a raw image, to be used later In an article, that is emerging from aninstrument.

For a time we focus on the stylus pulsating regularly, inking the paper,scribbling cryptic notes. We remain fascinated by this fragile film that is inbetween text and laboratory. Soon, the Professor draws our attention beneathand beyond the traces on the paper, to the physiograph from which the image isslowly being emitted. Beyond the stylus a massive piece of electronic hardwarerecords, 'Calibrates, amplifies and regulates signals coming from anotherinstrument, an array of glassware. The Professor points to a glass chamber inwhich bubbles are regularly flowing around a tiny piece of something that lookslike elastic. It is indeed elastic, the Professor intones, It is a piece of gut, guineapig gut ('myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle of the guinea pig ileum', are hiswords). This gut has the property of contracting regularly if maintained alive.This regular pulsation is easily disturbed by many chemicals. Ifone hooks the gutup so that each contraction sends out an electric pulse, and if the pulse is made tomove a stylus over graph paper, then the guinea pig gut will be induced toproduce regular scribbles over a long period. If you then add a chemical to thechamber you see the peaks drawn by the inked stylus slow down or accelerate atthe other end. This perturbation. invisible in the chamber, is visible on paper: the

• H ••~ •• Science in Action

Part AFrom texts to things: a showdown

What do we find when we pass through the looking glass and accompany ourobstinate dissenter from the text to the laboratory? Suppose that we read thefollowing sentence in a scientific journal and, for whatever reason, do not wish tobelieve it:

(1) Inscriptions

'You doubt what I wrote? Let me show you.' The very rare and obstinatedissenter who has not been convinced by the scientific text, and who has notfound other ways to get rid of the author, is led from the text into the place wherethe text is said to come from. I will call this place the laboratory, wh'ich for nowsimply means, as the name indicates, the place where scientists work. Indeed, thelaboratory was present in the texts we studied in the previous chapter: the articleswere alluding to 'patients', to 'tumours', to 'HPLC, to 'Russian spies" to'engines'; dates and times of experiments were provided and the names oftechnicians acknowledg . Ilusions however were made within a pa.Qerworld; they were a set semiotic ac ors presented in the text but~the flesh~ they were allu to as' ey existed independently from the text; theycould have been invented.

Figure 2.1

(I) 'Fig.} shows a typical pattern. Biological activity of endorphin was foundessentially in two zones with the activity of zone 2 being totally reversible, orstatistically so, by naloxone.'

We, the dissenters, question this figure 1so much, and are so interested in it, thatwe go to the author's laboratory (I will call him 'the Professor'). We are led intoan air-conditioned, bt;ightly lit room. The Professor is sitting in front ofan arrayof devices that does not attract our attention at first. 'You doubt what I wrote?Let me show you.' This last sentence refers to an image slowly produced by one ofthese devices (Figure 2.1):

~ 6L__~__.._ .

about the similarity of endorphin to morphine; it was not mobilisable into a textand would not help to convince us. Only a part of its gut, tied up in the glasschamber and hooked up to a physiograph, can be mobilised in the text and add toour conviction. Thus, the Professor's art of convincing his readers must extendbeyond the paper to preparing the ileum, to calibrating the peaks, to tuning thephysiograph.

After hours of waiting for the experiment to resume, for new guinea pigs tobecome available, for new endorphin samples to be purified, we realise that theinvitation of the author ('let me show you') is not as simple as we thought. It is aslow, protracted and complicated staging of tiny images in front of an audience.'Showing' and 'seeing' are not simple flashes of intuition. Once in the lab we arenot presented outright with the real endorphin whose existence we doubted. Weare presented with another world in which it is necessary to prepare, focus, fixand rehearse the vision of the real endorphin. We came to the laboratory in orderto settle our doubts about the paper, but we have been led into a labyrinth.

This unexpected unfolding makes us shiver because it now dawns on us that ifwe disbelieve the traces obtained on the physiograph by the Professor, we willha ve to give up the topic altogether or go through the same experimental choresall over again. The stakes have increased enormously since we first started.reading scientific articles. It is not a question of reading and writing back to theauthor any more. In order to argue, we would now need the manual skillsrequired to handle the scalpels, peel away the guinea pig ileum, interpret thedecreasing peaks, and so on. Keeping the controversy alive has already forced usthrough many difficult moments. We now realise that what we went through isnothing compared to the scale of what we have to undergo if we wish to continue.In Chapter 1, we only needed a good library in order to dispute texts. It mighthave been costly and not that easy, but it was still feasible. At this present point,in order to go on, we need guinea pigs, surgical lamps and tables, physiographs,

. electronic hardware, technicians and morphine, not to mention the scarce flasksof purified endorphin; we also need the skills to use all these elements and to turnthem into a pertinent objection to the Professor's claim. As will be made clear inChapter 4, longer and longer detours will be necessary to find a laboratory, buythe equipment, hire the technicians and become acquainted with the ileum assay.

.An this work just to start making a convincing counter-argument to theProfessor's original paper on endorphin. (And when we have made this detourand finall come u with a credible objection, where will the Professor be?)

hen we doubt a SCI n 1 1C te we do not go from the world of literature toNatu . ectly beneath the scientific article; it is thereindirectly at best (see Part C). Going from the paper to the laboratory is goingfrom an array of rhetorical resources to a set of new resources devised in such away as to provide the literature with its most powerful tool: the visual display.Moving from papers to labs is moving from literature to convoluted ways ofgetting this literature (or the most signific~

This move through the looking glass of the paper allows me to define aninstrument, a definition which will give us our bearings when entering any

Science in Action

chemical, no matter what it is, is given a shape on paper. This shape 'tells yousomething' about the chemical. With this set-up you rnay now ask new questions:if I double the dose ofchemical will the peaks be doubly decreased? And if I ttipleit, what will happen? I can now measure the white surface left by the decreasingscribbles directly on the graph paper, thereby defining a quantitative relationbetween the dose and the response. What if,just after the first chemical is added, Iadd another one which is known to counteract it? Will the peaks go back tonormal? How fast will they do so? What will be the pattern of this return to thebase line level? If two chemicals, one known, the other unknown, trace the sameslope on the paper, may J say, in this respect at least, that they are the samechemicals? These are some of the questions the Professor is tackling withendorphin (unknown), morphiDUwell known) and naktxone-(tarown to be anantagonist of morphine).'

We are no longer asked to believe the text that we read in Nature; we are nowasked to believe our own eyes, which can see that endorphin is behaving exactlylike morphine. The object we looked at in the text and the one we are nowcontemplating are identical except for one thing. The graph ofsentence (l) whichwas the most concrete and visual element of the text, is now in (2) the mostabstract and textual element in a bewildering array of equipment. Do we seemore or less than before? On the one hand we can see more, since we are lookingat not only the graph but also the physiograph, and the electronic hardware, andthe glassware, and the electrodes, and the bubbles of oxygen, and the pulsatingileum, and the Professor who is injecting chemicals into the chamber with hissyringe, and is writing down in a huge protocol book the time, amount of andreactions to the doses. We can see more, since we have before our eyes not onlythe image but what the image is made of.

On the other hand we see less because now each of the elements that makes upthe final graph could be modified so as to produce a different visual outcome.Any number of incidents could blur the tiny peaks and turn the regular writinginto a meaningless doodle. Just at the time when we feel comforted in our beliti:fand start to be fully convinced by our own eyes watching the image, we suddenlyfeel uneasy because of the fragility of the whole set up. The Professor, forinstance, is swearing at the gut saying it is a 'bad gut'. The technician whosacrificed the guinea pig is held responsible and the Professor decides to make afresh start with a new animal. The demonstration is stopped and a new scene is setup. A guinea pig is placed on a table, under surgical floodlights, thenanaesthetised, crucified and sliced open. The gut is located, a tiny section isextracted, useless tissue peeled a way, and the precious fragment is delicatelyhooked up between two electrodes and immersed in a nutrient fluid so as to bemaintained alive. Suddenly, we are much further from the paper world of thearticle. Weare now in a puddle of blood and viscera, slightly nauseated by theextraction of the ileum from this little furry creature. In the last chapter, we,admired the rhetorical abilities of the Professor as an author. Now, we realisethat many other manual abilities are required in order to write a convincingpaper later on. The guinea pig alone would not have been able to tell us anything


Laboratories 67

employs hundreds of pollsters, sociologists and computer scientists gather allsorts of data on the economy is an instrument if it yields inscriptions for paperswritten in economic journals with, for instance, a graph of the inflation rate bymonth and by branch of industry. No matter how many people were made toparticipate in the construction of the image, no matter how long it took, nomatter how much it cost, the whole institution is used as one instrument (as longas there is no controversy that calls its intermediate readings into question).

At the other end of the scale, a young primatologist who is watching baboonsin the savannah and is equipped only with binoculars, a pencil and a sheet ofwhite paper may be seen as an instrument if her coding of baboon behaviour issummed a graph. Ifyou want to deny her statements, you might (everythingelse being equal) have to go through the same ordeals and walk through thesavannah taking notes with similar constraints. It is the same if you wish to denythe inflation rate by month and industry, or the detection of endorphin with theileum assay. The instrument, whatever its nature, is what leads you from thepaper to what supports the paper, from the many resources mobilised in the textto the many more resources mobilised to create the visual displays of the texts.With this definition of an instrument, we are able to ask many questions and tomake comparisons: how expensive they are, how old they are, how manyintermediate readings compose one instrument, how long it takes to get onereading, how many people are mobilised to activate them, how many authors areusing the inscriptions they provide in their papers, how controversial are thosereadings. , . Using this notion we can define more precisely than earlier thelaboratory as any place that gathers one or several instruments together.

What is behind a scientific text? Inscriptions. How are these inscriptionsobtained? By setting up instruments. This other world just beneath the text isinvisible as long as there is no controversy, A picture of moon valleys andmountains is presented to us as if we could see them directly. The telescope thatmakes them visible is invisible and so are the fierce controversies that Galileo hadto wage centuries ago to produce an image of the Moon. Similarly, in Chapter 1,the accuracy of Soviet missiles was just an obvious statement; it became theoutcome of a complex system of satellites, spies, Kremlinologists and computersimulation, only after the controversy got started. Once the fact is constructed,there is no instrument tntake ifiJo accollnt and this is why the painstaking worknecessary 'nstruments oft iS~PJ2ears fr9mpopllrarsCience. On the- --",-- --------contrary, when sci_~ncejtL.aCtioa-is-foll&Wed, instruments become the crucialelements,;'-after4:l:KH:echn.kal.1.~?ns; theY1!Ie where the dissenter isinevitably led. - - --.-.----

There is a corollary to this change of relevance on the inscription devicesdepending on the strength of the controversy, a corollary that will become moreimportant in the next chapter. If you consider only fully-fledged facts it seemsthat everyone could accept or contest them equally. It does not cost anything tocontradict or accept them. If you dispute further and reach the frontier wherefacts are made, instruments become visible and with them the cost ofcontinuingthe discussion rises. It appears that arguing is costly. The equal world of citizens

Science in Action

laboratory. I will call an instrument (or inscription device) any set-up, no matterwhat its size, nature and cost, that provides a visual display of any sort in ascientific text. This definition is simple enough to let us follow scientists'moves. For instance an optical telescope is an instrument, but so is an array ofseveral radio-telescopes even if its constituents are separated by thousands ofkilometers. The guinea pig ileum assay is an instrument even if it is small andcheap compared to an arra yof radiotelescopes or the Stanford linear accelerator.The definition is not provided by the cost nor by the sophistication but onlybythis characteristic: the set-up provides an inscription that is used as the final layerin a scientific text. An instrument, in this definition, is not every set-up whichends with a little window that allows someone to take a reading. A thermometer,a watch, a Geiger counter, all provide readings but are not considered asinstruments as long as these readings are not used as the final layer of technicalpapers (but see Chapter 6). This point is important when watching complicatedcontrivances with hundreds of intermediary readings taken by dozens of white­coated technicians. What will be used as visual proof in the article will be the fewlines in the bubble chamber and not the piles of printout making the intermediatereadings,

It is important to note that the use of this definition of instrument is a relativeone. It depends on time. Thermometers were instruments and very importantones in the eighteenth century, so were Geiger counters between the First andSecond World Wars. These devices provided crucial resources in papers of thetime. But now they are only parts oflarger set-ups and are only used so that a newvisual proof can be displayed at the end. Since the definition is relative to the usemade of the 'window' in a technical paper, it is also relative to the intensity andnature of the associated controversy. For instance, in the guinea pig ileum assaythere is a box of electronic hardware with many readings that I will call'intermediate' because they do not constitute the visual display eventually put t6use in the article. It is unlikely that anyone will quibble about this because thecalibration of electronic signals is now made through a black box producedindustrially and sold by the thousand. It is a different matter with the huge tankbuilt in an old gold mine in South Dakota at a cost of$600,000 (1964doUars!) byRaymond "Davis2 to detect solar neutrinos. In a sense the whole set-up may beconsidered as one instrument providing one final window in which astro­physicists can read the number ofneutrinos emitted by the sun, In this case all theother readings are intermediate ones. If the controversy is fiercer, however, theset-up is broken down into several instruments, each providing a specific visualdisplay which has to be independently evaluated. If the controversy heats up a bitwe do not see neutrinos coming out of the sun. We see and heara Geiger counterthat clicks when Argon37 decays. In this case the Geiger counter, which gave onlyan intermediate reading when there was no dispute, becomes an instrument in itsown right when the dispute is raging,

The definition I use has another advantage. It does not make presuppositionsabout what the instrument is made of. It can be a piece of hardware like atelescope, but it can also be made of softer material. A statistical institution that

Laboratories 69






Figure 2.3

SeeL.Hereis endorphin

What was imprinted on us when we were watching the guinea pig ileum assay?'Endorphin of course,' the Professor said. But what did we see? This


With a minimum oftraining we see peaks; we gather there is a base line, and wesee a depression in relation to one coordinate that we understand to indicate thetime. This is not endorphin yet. The same thing occurred when we paid a visit toDavis's gold and neutrino mine in South Dakota. We saw, he said, neutrinoscounted straight out of the huge tank capturing them from the sun. But what didwe see? Splurges on paper representing clicks from a Geiger counter. Notneutrinos, yet.

(r When we are confronted with the instrumenD we are attending an 'audio­.visual' spectacle. There is a visual set of inscriptiehs produced by the instrumentand a verbal cQmmentary uttered by. the scientist. We get both, together. Theeffect on conviction is striking, but its cause is mixed because we cannotdifferentiate what is coming from the thing inscribed, and what is coming fromthe author. To be sure, the scientist is not trying to influence us. He or she issimply commenting, underlining, pointing out, dotting the i's and crossing the 1's,not adding anything. But it is also certain that the graphs and the clicks bythemselves would not have been enough to form the image ofendorphin comingout ofthe brain or neutrinos coming out of the sun. Is this not a strange situation'!The scientists do not say anything more than what is ipscribed, but without theircommentaries the inscriptions say cQnsiderably less! There is a word to describethis strange situation, a very important word for everything that follows, that isthe word spokesman (or spokeswoman, or spokesperson, or mouthpiece). The

, author behaves as if he or she were the mouthpiece of what is inscribed on thewindow of the instrument.

The spokesperson is someone who speaks for others who, or which, do not. speak. For instance a shop steward is a spokesman. Ifthe workers were gatheredi

having opinions about things becomes an unequal world in which dissent orconsent is not possible without a huge accumulation of resources which permitsthe collection of relevant inscriptions. What makes the differences betweenauthor and reader is not only the ability to utilise all the rhetorical resourcesstudied in the last chapter, but also to gather the many devi~es, people andanimals necessary to produce a visual display usable in a text/

(2) Spokesmen and women

1It is important to scrutinise the exact settings in which encounters betweenauthors and dissenters take pla"Ce;:::when we disbelieve the scientific literature, weare led from the many libraries around to the veryfew places where this literatureis produced. Here we are welcomed by the author who shows us where the figurein the text comes from. Once presented with the instruments, who does thetalking during these visits? At first, the authors: they tel/the visitor what to see:'see the endorphin effect?', 'look at the neutrinos!' However, the authors are notlecturing the visitor. The visitors have their faces turned towards the instrumentand are watching the place where the thing is writing itself down (inscription inthe form of collection of specimens, graphs, photographs, maps- you name it).When the dissenter was reading the scientific text it was difficult for him or her todoubt, but with imagination, shrewdness and downright awkwardness it wasalways possible. Once in the lab, it is much more difficult because the dissenterssee with their own eyes. If we leave aside the many other ways to avoid goingthrough the laboratory that we will study later, the dissenter does not have tobelieve the paper nor even the scientist's word since in a self-effacing gesture theauthor has stepped aside. 'See for yourself the scientist says with a subdued andmaybe ironic smile. 'Are you convinced now?' Faced with the thing itself that thetechnical paper was alluding to, the dissenters now have a choice between eitheraccepting the fact or doubting their own sanity - the latter is much more painful.

We now seem to have reached the end ofall possible controversies since there isnothing left for the dissenter to dispute. He or she is right in front of the thing heor she is asked to believe. There is almost no human intermediary between thingand person; the dissenter is in the very place where the thing is said to happen andat the very moment when it happens. When such a point is reached it seems thatthere is no further need to talk of confidence': the thing impressesitself directly on us. Undoubtedly, controversies are settled once and for aU whensuch a situation is set up - which again is very rarely the case. The dissenterbecomes a believer, goes out of the lab, borrowing the author's claim andconfessing that 'X' has incontrovertibly shown that A is B'. A new fact has beenmade which will be used to modify the outcome of some other controversies'seePart B, Section 3).

If this were enough to settle the debate, it would be the end ofthis book. But ...there is someone saying 'but, wait a minute .. .' and the controversy resumes!

-l-__-..:.7--'-O Science in Action

by the silent but eloquent presence of the represented. The result ofsuch a set-upis that it seems as though the mouthpiece does not' really talk', but that he or sheis just commenting on what you yourselfdirectly see, 'simply' providing you withthe wordS you would have used anyway.

This situation, however, is the source of a major weakness. Who is speaking?The things or the people through the representative's voice? What does she (or he,or they, or it) say? Only what the things they represent would say if they couldtalk directly. But the point is that they cannot. So what the dissenter sees is, inpractice, rather different from what the speaker says. Bill, for instance, says hisworkers want to strike, but this might be Bill's own desire or a union decisionrelayed by him. The manager looking through the window may see a crowd ofassembled workers who are just passing the time and can be dispersed at thesmallest threat. At any rate do they really want 3 per cent and not 4 per cent or 2per cent? And even so, is it not possible to offer Bill this Japanese car he so dearlywants? Is the 'voice of the worker' not going to change his/its mind if themanager offers a new car to Bill? Take endorphin as another instance. What wereally saw was a tiny depres~ion in the regular spikes forming the base line. Is thisthe same as the one triggered by morphine? Yes it is, but what does that prove? Itmay be that all sorts of chemicals give the same shape in this peculiar assay. Ormaybe the Professor so dearly wishes his substance to be morphine-like that heunwittingly confused two syringes and injected the same morphine twice, thusproducing two shapes that indeed look identical.

What is happening? The controversy.flares even after the spokesperson hasspoken and displayed to the dissenter what he or she was talking about. Howcan the debate be stopped from proliferating again in all directions? How can allthe strength that a spokesman musters be retrieved? The answer is easy: by lettingthe things and persons represented say for themselves the same thing that therepresentatives claimed they wanted to say. Of course, this never happens sincethey are designated because, by definition, such direct communication isimpossible. Such a situation however may be convincingly staged.

Bill is not believed by the manager, so he leaves the office, climbs onto apodium, seizes a loudspeaker and asks the crowd, 'Do you want the 3 per centrise?' A roaring 'Yes, our 3 per cent! Our 3 per cent!' deafens the manager's earseven through the window pane of his office. 'Hear them?' asks Bill with a modestbut triumphant tone when they are sitting down again at the negotiating table.Since the workers themselves said exactly what the 'workers' voice' had said, themanager cannot dissociate Bill from those he represents and is really confrontedwith a crowd acting as one single man.

The same is true for the endorphin assay when the dissenter, losing his temper,accuses the Professor of fabricating facts. 'Do it yourself,' the Professor says,

. irritated but eager to play fair. 'Take the syringe and see for yourself what theassay reaction will be .' The visitor accepts the challenge, carefully checks thelabels on the two vials and first injects morphine into the tiny glass chamber. Sureenough, a few seconds later the spikes start decreasing and after a minute or so

Science in Action

together and they all spoke at the same time there would be ajarring cacophony.No more meaning could be retrieved from the tumult than if they had remainedsilent. This is why they designate (or are given) a delegate who speaks on theirbehalf, and in their name. The delegate -let us call him Bill- does not speak in hisname and when confronted with the manager does not speak 'as Bill' but as the'workers' voice'. So Bill's longing for a new Japanese car or his note to get a pizzafor his old mother on his way home, are not the right topics for the meeting. Thevoice of the floor, articulated by Bill, wants a '3 per cent pay rise-and they aredeadly serious about it, sir, they are ready to strike for it,' he tells the manager.The manager has his doubts: 'Is this really what they want? Are they really so .adamant?' 'If you do not believe me,' replies Bill, 'I'll show you, but don't ask fora quick settlement. I told you they are ready to strike and you will see more thanyou want!' What does the manager see? He does not see what Bill said. Throughthe office window he simply sees an assembled crowd gathered in the aisles.Maybe it is because of Bill's interpretation that he reads anger and determinationon their faces.

For everything that follows, it is very important npt to limit this notion ofspokesperson and not to impose any clear distinction between 'things' and'people' in advance. Bill, for instance, represents people who could talk, but who,in fact, cannot all talk at once. Davis represents neutrinos that cannot talk, inprinciple, but which are made to write, scribble and sign thanks to the device setup by Davis. So in practice, there is not much difference betwt:en people andthings: they both need someone to talk for them. From the spokesperson's pointof view there is thus no distinction to be made between representing people andrepresenting things. In each case the spokesperson literally does the talking forwho or what cannot talk. The Professor in the laboratory speaks for endorphinlike Davis for the neutrinos and Bill for the shopfloor. In our definition thecrucial element is not the quality of the represented but only their number and theunity of the representative. The point is that confronting a spokesperson is notlike confronting any average man or woman. You are confronted not with Bill orthe Professor, but with Bill and the Professor plus the many things or people onbehalf of whom they are talking. You do not address Mr Anybody or Mr Nobodybut Mr or Messrs Manybodies. As we saw in the chapter on literature, it may beeasy to doubt one person's word. Doubting a spokesperson's word requires amuch more strenuous effort however because it is now one person - thedissenter - against a crowd - the author.

On the other hand, the strength ofa spokesperson is not so great since he or sheis by definition one man or woman whose word could be dismissed - one Bill, oneProfessor, one Davis. The strength comes from the representatives' word when·they do not talk by and for themselves but in the presence ofwhat they represent.Then, and only then, the dissenter is confronted simultaneously with thespokespersons and what they speak for: the Professor and the endorphin madevisible in the guinea pig assay; Bill and the assembled workers; Davis and hissolar neutrinos. The solidity of what the representative says is directly supported

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The next time Bill screams 'You want the 3 per cent don't you?' only a few half­hearted calls of agreement will interrupt a deafening silence.

Let us take another example, this time from the history of science. At the turnof the century, Blondlot, a physicist from Nancy, in France, made a majordiscovery like that ofX-rays.3 Out of devotion to his city he called them 'N-rays'.For a few years, N-rays had all sorts of theoretical developments and manypractical applications, curing diseases and putting Nancy on the map ofinternational science. A dissenter from the United States, Robert W. Wood, didnot believe Blondlot's papers even though they were published in reputablejournals, and decided to visit the laboratory. For a time Wood was confrontedwith incontrovertible evidence in the laboratory at Nancy. Blondlot steppedaside and let the N-rays inscribe themselves straight onto a screen in front ofWood. This, however. was not enough to get rid of Wood who obstinately stayedin the lab asking for more experiments and himself manipulating the N-raydetector. At one point he even surreptitiously removed the aluminium prismwhich was generating the N-rays. To his surprise, Blondlot on the other side ofthe dimly lit room kept obtaining the same result on his screen even though whatwas deemed the most crucial element had been removed. The direct signaturesmade by the N-rays on the screen were thus made by something else. Theunanimous support became a cacophony of dissent. By removing the prism,Wood severed the solid links that attached Blondlot to the N-rays. Wood'sinterpretation was that Blondlot so much wished to discover rays (at a time whenalmost every lab in Europe was christening new rays) that he unwittingly madeup not only the N-rays, but also the instrument to inscribe them. Like themanager above, Wood realised !lIat the coherent whole he..w,as presenterl witb-.~!'!.Jiggr.ega.te_QfJQi!! induced tQ.,8Q.i~ydifr~r<KQl.directions. After Wood's action (and that ofother dissenters) no one 'saw' N-rays~ -~.._-"-any more but only smudges on photographic plates when Blondlot presented hisN-rays. Instead of enquiring about the place of N-rays in physics, people startedenquiring about the role of auto-suggestion in experimentation! The new facthad been turned into an artefact. Instead of going down the ladder of Figure 1.9,it went up the ladder and vanished from view.

The way out, for the dissenter, is not only to dissociate and disaggregate themany supporters the technical papers were able to muster. It is also to shake upthe complicated set-up that provides graphs and traces in the author's laboratoryin order to see how resistant the array is which has been mobilised in order toconvince everyone. The work of disbelieving the literature has now been turnedinto the difficult job of manipulating the hardware. We have now reachedanother stage in the escalation between the author of a claim and the disbeliever,one that leads them further and further into the details of what makes up theinscriptions used in technical literature.

Let us continue the question-and-answer session staged above between theProfessor and the dissenter. The visitor was asked to inject morphine andendorphin himself in order to check that there was no foul play. But the visitor is

Science in Action

they return to the base line. With the vial labelled endorphin, the very sameresult is achieved with the same timing. A unanimous, incontrovertible answer isthus obtained by the dissenter himself. What the Professor said the endorphinassay will answer, if asked directly, is answered by the assay. The Professorcannot be dissociated from his claims. So the visitor has to go back to the'negotiating table' confronted not with the Professor's own wishes but with aProfessor simply transmitting what endorphin really is.

No matter how many resources the scientific paper might mobilise, they carrylittle weight compared with this rare demonstration of power: the author of theclaim steps aside and the doubter sees, hears and touches the inscribed things orthe assembled people that reveal to him or to her exactly the same claim as theauthor.

(3) Trials of strength

For us who are simply following scientists at work there is no exit from such a set­up, no back door through which to escape the incontrovertible evidence. Wehave already exhausted all sources ofdissent; indeed we might have no energy leftto maintain the mere idea that controversy might still be open. For us laymen, thefile is now closed. Surely, the dissenter we have shadowed since the beginning ofChapter I will give up. If the things say the same as the scientist, who can deny theclaim any longer? How can you go any further?

The dissenter goes on, however, with more tenacity than the laymen. Theidentical tenor of the representative's words and the answers provided by therepresented were the result of a carefully staged situation. The instrumentsneeded to be working and finely tuned, the questions to be asked at the right timeand in the right format. What would happen, asks the dissenter, if we stayedlonger than the show and went backstage; or were to alter any of the manyelements which, everyone agrees, are necessary to make up the whole instrument?The unanimity between represented and constituency is like what an inspectorsees of a hospital or of a prison camp when his inspection is announced inadvance. What if he steps outside his itinerary and tests the solid ties that link therepresented and their spokesmen?

The manager, for instance, heard the roaring applause that Bill received, buthe later obtains the foremen's opinion: 'The men are not for the strike at all, theywould settle for 2 per cent. It is a union order; they applauded Bill because t~at's

the way to behave on the shopfloor, but distribute a few pay rises and layoffa few.ringleaders and they wiH sing an altogether different song: In place of theunanimous answer given by the assembled workers, the manager is now facedwith an aggregate of possible answers. He is now aware that the answer he gotearlier through Bill was extracted from a complex setting which was at firstinvisible. He also realises that there is room for action and that each worker maybe made to behave differently if pressures other than Bill's are exerted on them.

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(5) - Here is our new High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC). See thesetiny columns? They are like the ones you just saw, but each fraction collected there issubmitted to an enormous pressure here. The column delays the passage and at thispressure it strongly differentiates the molecules. The ones that arrive at the same timeat the end are the same molecules, the same, my dear colleague. Each fraction is readthrough an optical device that measures its optical spectrum. Here is the chart. thatyou get .... See? Now, when you get a single peak it means the material is pure, so.pure that a substance with only one different amino-acid in a hundred will give youanother peak. Is not that quite convincing?

-(silence from the dissenter)-Oh, I know! Maybe you are uncertain that I did the experiment with your vial of

endorphin? Look here in the HPLC book. Same code, same time. Maybe you claimthat I asked this gentleman here to fake the books, and obtain this peak for me withanother substance? Or maybe you doubt the measurement ofoptical spectra. Maybe

now more devious and does not make any effort to be polite, He wants to checkwhere the vial labelled endorphin comes from. The Professor, unruffled, showshim the protocol book with the same code number as on the vial, a code thatcorresponds to a purified sample of brain extract. But this is a text, another pieceof literature, simply an account book that could have been either falsified oraccidentally mislabelled.

By now, we have to imagine a dissenter boorish enough to behavelike a policeinspector suspecting everyone and believing no one and finally wanting to see thereal endorphin with his own eyes. He then asks, 'Where do I go from this label inthe book to where the contents of the vial comes from?' Exasperated, the author .leads him towards another part of the laboratory and into a small room occupiedby glass columns of various sizes, filled with a white substance, through which aliquid is slowly percolating. Underneath the columns, a small piece ofapparatusmoves a rack of tiny flasks in which the percolated liquid is collected every fewminutes. The continous flow at the top of the columns is collected, at the bottom,into a discrete set of flasks, each of which contains the part of the liquid that tookthe same given amount of time to travel through the column.

(4)-Here it is, says the guide, here is your endorphin.-Are you kidding, replies the dissenter, where is endorphin? I don't see a thing?-Hypothalamic brain extract is deposited on the top of the Sephadexcolumn. It is

a soup. Depending on what we tIll it with, the column disassociates the mixture,sieves it; it may be done by gravity, or electrical charge, anything. At the end you getracks that collect samples which have behaved similarly in the column. This is calleda fraction collector. Each fraction is then checked for purity. Your vial ofendorphincame from this rack two days ago, no. 23/16/456.

-And this is what you call pure? How do I know it is pure? Maybe there arehundreds of brain extracts that travel through the column at the same pace exactlyand end up in the same fraction.

The pressure is mounting. Everyone in the lab is expecting an outburst of rage,but the Professor politely leads the visitor towards another part of thelaboratory.

you think it is an obsolete piece of physics. No such luck, my dear colleague, Newtondescribed this phenomenon quite accurately - but maybe he's not good enough foryou.

The Professor's voice is quivering with hardly suppressed rage but he stillbehaves. Of course the dissenter could start doubting the HPLC or the fractioncollector as he did with the guinea pig ileum assay, converting them from blackboxes into a field of contention. He could in principle, but he cannot in practicesince time is running out and he is sensitive to the exasperation in everyone'svoice. And who is he anyway to mount a dispute against Water Associates, thecompany who devised this HPLC prototype? Is he ready to cast doubt on a resultthat has been accepted unquestioningly for the past 300 years, one that has beenembedded in thousands of contemporary instruments? What he wants is to seeendorphin. The rest, he must face it, cannot be disputed. He has to compromiseand to admit that the Sephadex column, and the HPLC, are indisputable. In aconciliatory tone he says:

(6)-This is very impressive; however I must confess a slight disappointment. WhatI see here is a peak which, 1 admit, means that the brain extract is now pure. But howdo I know that this pure substance is endorphin?

With a sigh, the visitor is led back to the assay room where the little guinea piggut is still regularly contracting.


(7)-Each of the fractions deemed pure by tne HPLC is tried out here, in this assay.Of all the pure fractions only two display any activity, I repeat only two. When thewhole process is repeated in order to get purer material, this activity dramaticallyincreases. The shape may be exactly superimposed onto that of commerciallyavailable morphine. Is that insignificant? We did it thirty·two times! Is that nothing?Each modification of the spikes has been tested for statistical signitIcance. Onlyendorphin and morphine have any significant effect. Does all of that count fornothing? If you are so clever, can you give me an alternative explanation whymorphine and this pure substance X would behave identically? Can you evenimagine another explanation?

-No, I must admit, whispers the believer, I am very impressed. This really lookslike genuine endorphin. Thank you so much for the visit. Don't trouble yourselves, Iwill find my own way out .... (exit the dissenter)

This exit is not the same as that of the semiotic character of Chapter I, p.53.This time it is for good. The dissenter tried to disassociate the Professor from hisendorphin, and he failed. Why did he fail? Because the. endorphin constructed inthe Professor's lab resisted all his efforts at modification. Every time the visitorfollowed a lead he reached a point where he had either to quit or start a newcontroversy about a still older and more generally accepted fact. The Professor'sclaim was tied to the brain, to the HPLC, to the guinea pig ileum assay. There issomething in his claim that is connected to classic claims in physiology,pharmacology, peptide chemistry, optics, etc. This means that when the doubtertries out the connections, all these other facts, sciences and black boxes come to

Science in Action.0;..----7.6

the Professor's rescue. The dissenter, if he doubts endorphin, has also to doubtSephadex columns, HPLC technics, gut physiology, the Professor's honesty, thatof his whole lab, etc. Although 'enough is never enough' see the introductionthere is a point where no matter how pig-headed the dissenter could be, enough isenough. The dissenter would need so much more time, so many more allies andresources to continue to dissent that he has to quit, accepting the Professor'sclaim as an established fact.

Wood, who did not believe in N-rays, also tried to shake the connectionbetween Blondlot and his rays. Unlike the former dissenter he succeeded. Todislocate the black boxes assembled by Blondlot, Wood did not have to confront·the whole of physics, only the whole of one laboratory. The manager whosuspected the workers' determination tried out the connections between themandtheir union boss. These connections did not resist a few classic clever tricks forlong. In the three cases the dissenters imposed a showdown running from theclaim to what supports the claim. When imposing such a trial ofstrength they arefaced with spokespersons and what (or whom) these persons speak for. In somecases the dissenters isolate the representative from his or her 'constituency', so tospeak~ in other cases such a separation is impossible to obtain. It cannot beobtained without a trial of strength, any more than a boxer can claim to be aworld champion without convincingly defeating the previous world champion.When the dissenter succeeds, the spokesperson is transformed from someonewho speaks for others into someone who speaks for him or herself, whor*presents only him or herself, his or her wishes and fancies. When the dissenterfails, the spokesperson is seen not really as an individual but as the mouthpiece ofmany other mute phenomena. Depending on the trials of strength, spokesper·sons are turned into subjective individuals or into objective representatives. Beingobjective means that no matter how great the efforts of the disbelievers to severthe links between you and what you speak for, the links resist. Being subjectivemeans that when you talk in the name ofpeople or things, the listeners understandthat you represent only yourself. From Mr Manybodies you are back to beingMr. Anybody.

It is crucial to grasp that these two adjectives ('objective', 'subjective') arerelative to trials of strength in specific settings. They cannot be used to qu~lifyaspokesperson or the things he or she is talking about once and for all. As we saw inChapter I, each dissenter tries to transform a statement from objective tosubjective status. to transform, for instance, an interest in N-rays inside physicsinto an interest in self-suggestion in provincial laboratories. In the endorphinexample, the dissenter seemed to be trying very hard to convert the Professor'sclaim into a subjective flight of fancy. In the end it was the lonely dissenter whosaw his naive questioning turned into a trivial flight offancy, if not an obsessivedrive to seek fraud and find fault everywhere. In the trial of strength theProfessor's endorphin was made more objective - going down the ladder - and thedissenter's counter-claim was made more subjective- pushed up the ladder.'Objectivity' and 'subjectivity' are relative to trials of strength and they can shift-------

Part BBuilding up counter-laboratories

gradually, moving from one to the other, much like the balance ofpower betweentwo armies. A dissenter accused by the author ofbeing subjective must now wageanother struggle if he or she wishes to go on dissenting without being isolated,ridiculed and abandoned.


Let me summarise our trip from the discussion at the beginning ofChapter 1 upto this point. What is behind the claims? Texts. And behind the texts? More texts,becoming more and more technical because they bring in more and more papers.Behind these articles? Graphs, inscriptions, labels, tables, maps, arrayed in tiers.Behind these inscriptions? Instruments, whatever their shape, age and cost thatend up scribbling, registering and jotting down various traces. Behind theinstruments? Mouthpieces of all sorts and manners cOf!lmenting on the graphsand 'simply' saying what they mean. Behind them? Arrays of instruments.Behind those? Trials of strength to evaluate the resistance of the ties that link therepresentatives to what they speak for. It is not only words that are now lined upto confront the dissenter, not only graphs to support the words and references tosupport the whole assembly of allies, not only instruments to generate endless

1numbers of newer and clearer inscriptions, but, behind the instruments, newobjects are lined up which are defined by their resistance to trials. Dissenters have Iinow done all they can do to disbelieve, disaggregate and disassociate what is "mustered behind the claim. They have come a long way since barging into the.first discussion at the beginning of Chapter 1. They became readers of technicalliterature, then visitors to the few laboratories from which the papers werecoming, then impolite inspectors manipulating the instruments to check howfaithful they were to the author.

At this point they have to take another step- either give up, or fmd otherresources to overcome the author's claim. In the second part of this book wewiUsee that there exist many ways to reject the laboratory results (Chapter4); but forthis chapter we will concentrate on the rarest outcome, when, all else being equal,there is no other way open to the dissenters than to building another laboratory.The price of dissent increases dramatically and the number of people able tocontinue decreases accordingly. This price is entirely determined by the authorswhose claims one wishes to dispute. The dissenters cannot do less than theauthors. They have to gather more forces in order to untie what attaches thespokesmen and their claims. This is why alllaboratorries are counter-laboratoriesjust as all technical articles are counter-articles. So the dissenters do not simplyhave to get a laboratorry; they have to get a better laboratory. This makes theprice still higher and the conditions to be met still more unusual.

" I

Sc,ience in Action~ 7.!_

indeed not have occurred at all. In several harsh papers, Guillemin said the'results were so erratic that Schally's claims should be taken with the mostextreme precaution'. Thus Schally was cut off from his supply line. He claimedthe existence of GHRH, but nothing followed. Isolated, his claim was mademore subjective by the dissenter's action.

Why should anyone believe Guillemin's counter-claitn rather than Schally'sclaim? One obvious way to strengthen this belief is to modify the bioassay tomake it impossible for anyone to make it say different things from GuiUemin.Guillemin discarded the rat tibia assay and shifted to a rat pituitary cell culture.Instead of seeing the growth of cartilage with the naked eye, what is 'seen' is theamount of hormone released by the few pituitary cells maintained in a culture;this amount is measured by an instrument- in the sense I gave this termearlier- called radio-immunoassay. The new assay is much more complicatedthan Schally's older ones- in itself the radio-immunoassay requires severaltechnicians and takes up to a week to complete - but it gives inscriptions at theend that may be said to be more clear-cut, that is they lIterally cut shapes out ofthe background. In other words, even without understanding a word ofthe issue,the perceptive judgment to 'be made on one is easier than on the other.

The answers are less equivocal than the 'erratic' ones given by the tibiaassay- that is, they leave less room for the dissenter to quibble - and the wholeinstrument is less easily disputable. Although it is complicated, the cell cultureassay can be taken as a single black box which provides a single window fromwhich to read the amount ofGHRH. Naturaliy, itean be disputed in principle. Itis just that it's harder to do so in practice. A physiologist with a little trainingmaynitpick at the cartilage assay, may quibble about the length from growth in thetibia. He or she needs much more than a little training to dispute Guillemin's newfigures. The assay is now tied to basic advances in molecular biology,immunology and the physics of radioactivity. Nitpicking at the inscriptions ispossible but less reasonable, the heckler needing more resources and becomingmore isolated. The gain in conviction is clear: from Schally's first words a fiercedispute ensues about the assay which is supposed to reveal the very existence ofGHRH. In Guillemin's counter-paper this part ofthe discussion at least has beensealed off since his detection system is made indisputable, and the range ofpossible disputes has shifted to other aspects of the same claims.

Another example is provided by the controversy about the detection ofgravitational waves.s One physicist, Weber, built a massive antenna made of alarge aluminium alloy bar weighing several tons that vibrated at a certainfrequency. To detect a gravitational wave the antenna must be insulated from allother influences - ideally it should be in a vacuum, free from seismic vibrationsand radio interference, at a temperature at ornear absolute zero, etc. Taken as aninstrument, the whole set-up provides a window which allows one to read thepresence of gravitational waves. The problem is that the peaks above the noisethreshold are so tiny that any passing physicist could dispute Weber's claim.Indeed, any passing physicist could set the instrument off! Weber argues that

___~ci,mce in Action

(1) Borrowing more black boxes

How is it possible to obtain a better laboratory, that is a laboratory producingless disputable claims and allowing the dissenter- now head ofa lab- to disagreeand be believed? Remember what happened to the visitor to the Professor'slaboratory. Every time a new flawappeared which the disbeliever tried to exploit,the Professor presented him with a new and seemingly incontrovertible blackbox: a Sephadex column, an HPLC machine, basic physics, or classic physiology,etc. It might have been possible to dispute each of these, but it was not practicalbecause the same energy would have been needed to reopen each of these blackboxes. Indeed, more energy would have been applied because each of these factsin tum would have led to more tightly sealed black boxes: the microprocessorstreating the data from the HPLC, the fabrication of the gel in the columns, theraising of guinea pigs in the animal quarters, the production of morphine at anEly-Lily factory, etc. Each fact could be made the departure point of a newcontroversy that would have led to many more accepted facts, and so on adinfinitum.

The claim is tied totoo many blackboxesfor the dissenterto untie them all

Figure 2.4

The dissenter was thus confronted by an exponential curve, a slope similar tothe one drawn in Figure 1.8. Now that he has become the head of a brand newlaboratory, one of the ways to make it a better counter-lab is to discover wayseither of levelling the slope or ofconfronting his opponents with an even steeperone.

For instance Schally, in order to back up his ill-fated GHRH, see Chapter 1,statement (5) - used a bioassay called the rat tibia cartilage assay. Guillemin, whodisagreed with GHRH, started to try out the tibia assay in exactly the way ourdissenter tried out his guinea pig ileum assay." In the face of this challenge,Schally's tibia assay was made to say quite different things by Guillemin. Thegrowth of tibia cartilage in the rat might be caused by a growth hormone sub­stance but mightjust as well have been caused by a variety ofother chemicals, or

Laboratories 81

(2) Making actors betray their representatives

disputing the claims increases proportionally with the number of black boxesassembled by the author. Faced with the pituitary culture assay, the new antennawhich is one thousand million times more sensitive and the solid milieu culture,the dissenters are forced to assent or, at least,.to redirect their dissent towardsome other aspect of the claims. They can still mount a controversy but themagnitude of the mobilisation needed to do so has increased. They need an evenbetter equipped laboratory with more and more black boxes, thus delaying thedispute still further. The vicious (or virtuous) circle of lab construction is nowlaunched and there is no way to stop it- apart from giving up the production ofcredible arguments altogether, or recruiting more powerful allies elsewhere.

The competition between scientists- whom I will treat in this section asalternately authors and dissenters - to turn one another:'s claims into subjectiveopinion leads to expensive laboratories equipped with more and more blackboxes introduced as early as possible into the discussion. This game, however,would soon stop if only existing black boxes were mobilised. After a timedissenters and authors- all things remaining equal- would have access to thesame equipment, would tie their claims to the same harder, colder and older factsand none would be able to get an edge on the other: their claims would be thus leftin limbo, in intermediary stages between fact and artefact, objectivity andsubjectivity. The only way to break this stalemate is to find either new andunexpected resources (see the next section) or, more simply, to force theopponent's allies to change camp.

This would happen, for instance, if the manager of our little vignette abovecould organise a secret ballot to decide about the continuation of the strike.Remember that Bill, the shop steward, claimed that 'all the workers want a 3 percent pay rise'. This claim was confirmed at meetings during which therepresented said the same things as their mouthpiece. Even if the managersuspects that the workers are not so unanimous, each public meeting loudlyconfirms Bill's claim. However, in organising a secret ballot, the manager teststhe same actors in a different way, by exerting a new set of pressures on them:isolation, secrecy, recounting of the ballots, surveillance. Submitted to these newtrials, only 9 per cent ofthe same workers voted for the continuation ofthe strike,and 80 per cent were ready to settle for 2 per cent. The represented have changedcamp. They now say what the manager said they would say. They have a newspokesperson. This, naturally, does not stop the controversy, but the dispute willnow bear on the election process itself. Bill and his union accuse the manager ofintimidation, unfair pressure, of having stuffed the ballot boxes and so on. Thisshows that even the most faithful supporters of a spokesman may be made tobetray.

As I showed above, both people able to talk and things unable to talk have

83Labora I oriesScience in Action

they represent gravitation but every dissenter may claim that they representmany other things as well. This little expression >as well' is what kills most solidclaims. As long as it is possible to say 'as well', there is no established line fromthe gravitation waves to Weber via the antenna. Thefigure offered by Weber mayrepresent either 'gravitational waves' or meaningless scribbles registeringterrestrial noise. To be sure, there are many ways out of the controversy so as toshrug off Weber's claim as a mere opinion. But the way out of the controversythat interests us here is to build another antenna, one, for instance, that is athousand million times more sensitive than Weber's so that this part of thedetection at least is not disputed. The aim of this new antenna is to confront the .sceptic with an incontrovertible black box earlier in the process. After this,sceptics may still discuss the amount of gravitation, and what it does to therelativity theory or to astrophysics, but they will not argue that there are peaksthat cannot be explained by terrestrial interferences. With the first antenna alone,Weber might be the freak and the dissenters the sensible professionals. With thenew antenna, those who deny the presence of the peaks are the isolated scepticsand it is Weber who is the sensible professional. All other things being equal thebalance of power would have been tipped. (In this case, however, it did not makethe slightest difference because many other avenues for dissent were opened.)

Borrowing more black boxes and situating them earlier in the process is thefirst obvious strategy for building a better counter-laboratory. The discussion isdiffracted and shunted away. Anyone laboratory gets an edge on all the others ifit finds a way to delay the possible discussions until later. In the early days ofmicrobe cultures, for example, the microbes were grown in a liquid like urine.They were visible in the flasks but you needed keen and trained eyesight to detectthem. Dissent could ensue because the construction of the fact was interruptedfrom the start by a preliminary discussion on whether or not microbes werepresent in the flask. When Koch invented the solid milieu culture, acute eyesightwas no longer needed to see the little microbes: they made nice little colouredpatches which contrasted clearly with the white background. The visibility wasdramatically enhanced when specific dyes coloured certain microbes or theirparts. The laboratory endowed with these techniques made dissent moredifficult: a slope was deepened, a trench was dug. Although many other aspectswere still open to dispute, the presence of the microbes was made indisputable.

At this point, it is easy to imagine the growing differences between good andbad (counter-) laboratories. Imagine a lab that starts making claims based on thecartilage tibia assay, Weber's first antenna and the liquid microbe culture. If thehead of this laboratory wanted to be believed he would have an endless task.Every time he opened his mouth, any number of his dear colleagues would start·shaking their heads, and suggesting many alternatives just as plausible as thefirst To do so, they would only need a bit ofimagination. Like Achilles in Zeno'sparadox, the challenger will neve r reach the end of his argument since each pointwill be the start of an indefinite regression. In contrast, claims produced by thegood laboratory cannot be opposed simply with a bit of imagination. The cost of

spokesmen (Part A, section 2). I propose to call whoever and whatever isrepresented actant. What the manager did to Bill, a dissenter may do for the allyofhis opponent's laboratory. Pouchet, engaged in a bitter struggle against LouisPasteur's claim that there is no spontaneous generation, built a nice counter­experiment.6 Pasteur argued that it is always germs introduced from the outsidethat generate micro-organisms. Long swan-necked open glass flasks containingsterilised infusion were contaminated at low altitude but stayed sterile in the HighAlps. This impressive series of demonstrations established an incontrovertiblelink between a new actor, the micro-organisms, and what Pasteur said they coulddo: microbes could not come from within the infusion but only from outside.Pouchet, who rejected Pasteur's conclusion, tried out the connection and forcedthe micro-organisms to emerge from within. Repeating Pasteur's experimentPouchet showed that glass flasks containing a sterile hay infusion were very soonswarming with micro-organisms even in the 'germ-free' air of the PyreneesMountains. The micro-organisms on which Pasteur depended were made tobetray him: they appeared spontaneously thus supporting Pouchet's position. Inthis case, the actants change camps and two spokesmen are supported at once.This change of camp does not stop the controversy, because it is possible toaccuse Pouchet of having unknowingly introduced micro-organisms fromoutside even though he sterilised everything. The meaning of 'sterile' becomesambiguous and has to be renegotiated. Pasteur, now in the role of dissenter,showed that the mercury used by Pouchet was contaminated. As a result Pouchetwas cut off from his supply lines, betrayed by his spontaneous micro-organisms,and Pasteur becomes the triumphant spokesman, aligning 'his' micro-organismswhich act on command. Pouchet failed in his dissent and ended up isolated, his'spontaneous generation' reduced by Pasteur to a subjective idea, to be explainednot by the behaviour of microbes but by the influence of 'ideology' and'religion'.7

The same luring of allies away from their spokesperson occurred among theSamoans. As mobilised in the 19305 by Margaret Mead to act on North Americanideals of education and sexual behaviour, Samoan girls were more liberated thanWestern ones and free from the crises ofadolescence. 8 This well-established factwas attributed not to Mead- acting as the anthropologist mouthpiece of theSamoans - but to the Samoans. Recently another anthropologist, DerekFreeman, attacked Mead, severing all links between the Samoan girls andMargaret Mead. She was turned into an isolated liberal American lady withoutany serious contact with Samoa and writing a 'noble savage' fiction offthe top ofher head. Freeman, the new spokesman of the Samoans, said the girls there weresexually repressed, assaulted and often raped and that they went through aterrible adolescence. Naturally, this 'kidnapping', so to speak, of Samoan.teenagers by a new representative does not bring the controversy to an end anymore than in our other examples. The question is now to decide if Freeman is a'boorish and insensitive male influenced by sociobiology, and if he has moreSamoan allies on his side than Margaret Mead, a highly thought of female

anthropologist, sensitive to all the' subtle cues of her Samoan informants. Thepoint for us is that the most sudden reversal in the trials of strength betweenauthors and dissenters may be obtained simply by cutting the links tying them totheir supporters. .

A subtler strategy than Freeman's to cut these links was employed by KarlPearson in his dispute with George Yule's statistics. 9 Yule had devised acoefficient to measure the strength of an association between two discretevariables. This crude but robust coefficient allowed him to decide whether ornotthere was an association between, for instance, vaccination and the death rate.Yule was not interested in defining links more precisely. All he wanted to be ableto determine >,yas whether vaccination decreased the death rate: Pearson, on theother hand, objected to Yule's coefficient because when you wanted to decidehow close the links were, it offered a wide range ofpossible solutions. With Vule'scoefficient you would never know, in Pearson's opinion, if you had yourdataalJsafelyarrayed behind your claims. Yule did not bother because he was treatingonly discrete entities. Pearson, however, had a much more ambitious project andwanted to be able to mobilise a large number of continuous variables such asheight, colour of skin, intelligence ... With Yule's coefficient he would havebeen able to define only weak associations between genetic variables. This meantthat any dissenter could easily have severed him from his data and turned one ofthe most impressive arrays on genetic determinism ever compiled into a mixedand disorderly crowd of unclear relations. Pearson devised a correlationcoefficient which made any discrete variable the outcome of a continuousdistribution. Yule was left with only weak associations and Pearson, tying hisdata together with his 'tetrachoric coefficient of correlation', could transformany continuous variable into a strongly associated whole of discrete variablesand so solidly attach intelligence to heredity. This of course did not mark the endof the controversy. Yule tried out the Pearson coefficient showing that itarbitrarily transformed continuous variables into discrete ones. If successful,Yule would have deprived Pearson of the support of his data. Although thiscontroversy has been continuing for nearly a hundred years, the lesson for us isthat, with the same equipment and data, the stalemate between dissentingauthors may be broken by a simple modification of what it is that ties the datatogether (we shall see more of this phenomenon in Chapter 6).

In each of the examples above I showed how allies were enticed away fromtheir representative in order to tip the balance, but I also indicated that this neednot settle the debate. Often it modifies the field of contention enough to buytime - not enough to win. This strategy must in general be combined with that ofsection I in order to succeed - borrowing more black boxes and positioning themearlier in the process- and with that ofthe third section, which is the most daringand the most difficult to grasp for the visiting layperson.

f--__ 84 Science in Action Laboratories 85


The dissenter, now the head of a (counter-) laboratory, has imported as maQYblack-boxed instruments as possible and has 'tried to entice his opponent'ssupporters away. Even combining these two strategies he or she will not fare verywell since all scientists are playing with a limited set of instruments and aetants.After a few moves the controversy will reach a new stalemate with the supporterscontinually changing camp: for and against the manager, for and against Pasteur,for and against Margaret Mead, for and against Pearson, with no end in sight. No .credible fact will be produced in such confusion since no third party will be ableto borrow any statement as a black box to put it to use elsewhere. In order tobreak the stalemate, other allies which are not yet defined have to be brought in.

Let me go back to the example of GHRH discovered by Schally using his rattibia cartilage assay. We saw how Guillemin, rejecting this 'discovery' - now inquotation marks - devised anew, less controvertible assay, the pituitary ~ell

culture (Chapter 1, section 2). With it, he induced the GHRH supportmgSchaUv's claim to shift alliances. Remember that when Schally thought he had.found- a new important hormone, Guillemin intervened and showed that this'new important hormone' was a contaminant, a piece of haemoglobin. Byfollowing the two strategies we have just defined, Guillemin won but onlynegatively. Although he overcame his competitor, his own claims aboutGHRH - which he calls GRF - are not made more credible. For a third party thewhole topic is simply a mess from which no credible fact emerges. In the searchfor the final coup de grace, the dissenter needs something more, a supplement, a .little 'je ne sais quoi' that, everything being equal, will ensure victory andconvince the third party that the controversy has indeed been settled.

In the (counter-) laboratory the purified extracts of GRF are injected into thecell culture. The result is appalling: nothing happens. Worse than nothing,because the results are negative: instead of being triggered by GRF the growthhormone is decreased. Guillemin gives his collaborator, Paul Brazeau, who hasdone the experiment, a good dressing down.10 The whole instrument, supposedto be a perfect black box, is called into doubt, and the whole career of Brazeau,supposed to be a skilled and honest worker, isjeopardised. The dissenter/authorstruggle has now shifted inside the laboratory and they are both trying out theassay, the purification scheme and the radio-immunoassay exactly as the visitordid above for endorphin (In Part A, section 3). At the third trial Brazeau stillobtained the same result. That is, no matter how much effort he was making, thesame negative results were produced. No matter how strongly Guillemin attackedhim, he was led every time to the same sort of quandary with which I finishedPart A: either to quit the game or to start discussing so many basic, old andaccepted black boxes that the whole lab would have to be dismantled. Since thenegative results resisted all trials of strength, since the cell culture assay was l~ft

indisputable, and since Brazeau's honesty and skill were withstanding the shock,some other weak point had to give way. The hormone they were looking for

(8) From the liquid produced by macerating malt, Payen and Persoz are learningto extract, through the action ofalcohol , a solid, white,amorphous, neutral, more or

releasedgrowth hormone; in their hands it decreased growth hormone. Since theycould no longer doubt that their 'hands' were good, they had to doubt the firstdefinition or quit the game altogether: they had got their hands on a hormonethat decreased the production of growth hormone. They had, in other words,tried out a new hormone, anew, unexpected and still undefined ally to supportanother claim. Within a few months they had obtained a decisive advantage overSchally. Not only had he confused GHRH with a piece ofhaemoglobin, but hehad sought the wrong substance all along.

We have reached a point which is one of the most delicate of this book,because, by following dissenting scientists, we have access to their most decisivearguments, to, their ultimate source of strength. Behind the texts, they havemobilised inscriptions, and sometimes huge and costly instruments to obtainthese inscriptions. But something else resists the trials of strength behind theinstruments, something that I will call provisionally a new object. To understandwhat this is, we should stick more carefully than ever to our method offollowingonly scientists' practice, deaf to every other opinion, to tradition, tophilosophers, and even to what scientists say about what they do (see why in thelast part of this chapter).

What is a new object in the hands of a scientist? Consider the GRF thatGuillemin and Brazeau were expecting to find: it was defined by its effect on tibiacartilage assay and in cell cultures. The effect was uncertain in the first assay,certain and negative in the second. The definition had to change. The new object,at the time of its inception, is still undefined. More exactly, it is defined by whatitdoes in the laboratory trials, nothing more, nothing less: its tendency to decreasethe release of growth hormone in the pituitary cells culture. The etymology of'definition' will help us here since defining something means providing it withlimits or edges (finis), giving it a shape. GRF had a shape; this shape was formedby the answers it gave to a series of trials inscribed on the window of aninstrument. When the answers changed and could not be ignored a new shapewas provided, a new thing emerged, a something, still unnamed, that did exactlythe opposite of GRF. Observe that in the laboratory, the new object is namedafter what it does: 'something that inhibits the release of growth hormone'.Guillemin then invents a new word that summarises the actions defining thething. He calls it 'somatostatin' that which blocks the body (implying bodygrowth).

Now that somatostatin is named and accepted, its properties have changed andare not of interest to us at this point. What counts for us is to understand the newobject just at the moment of its emergence. Inside the laboratory the new object isa list ofwritten answers to trials. Everyone today talks for instance of 'enzymes'which are well-known objects. When the strange things later called 'enzymes'were emerging among competing laboratories, scientists spoke of them in verydifferent terms: 11

87LaboratoriesScience in Action

(3) Shaping up new allies


(9) Pierre and Marie Curie: -Here is the new substance emerging from thismixture, pitchblende, see? It makes the air become conductive. You can evenmeasure its activity with the instrument that Pierre devised, a quartz electrometer,right here. This is how we follow our hero's fate through all his ordeals andtribulations.

Scientific Objector: This is far from new, uranium and thorium are also active.-Yes, but when you attack the mixture with acids, you get a liquor. Then, when

you treat this liquor with sulphurated hydrogen, uranium and thorium stay with theliquor, while our young hero is precipitated as a sulphuride.

- What does that prove? Lead, bismuth copper, arsenic and antimonyall pass this

At the time of its emergence, you cannot do better than explain what the newobject is by repeating the list ofits constitutive actions: 'with A it does this, with Cit does that.' It has noolher shape than this list. The proof is that ifyou add an itemto the list you redefine the object, that is, you give it a new shape. 'Somatostatin'for instance was defined by the now well-established fact that, coming from thehypothalamus, it inhibited the release of growth hormone. The discovery I 'summarised above was described in this way for a few months after itsconstruction. When another laboratory added that somatostatin was also foundin the pancreas and inhibited not only growth hormone but also glucagon andinsulin production, the definition of somatostatin had to be changed, in the sameway as the definition of G RF had to be altered when Brazeau failed to get positiveresults in his assay. The new object is completeley defined by the list ofanswers inlaboratory trials. To repeat this essential point in a lighter way, the new object isalways called after a name ofactions summarising the trials it withstood like theold Red Indian appellations 'Bear Killer' or 'Dread Nothing' or 'Stronger than aBison'!

In the strategies we have analysed so far, the spokesperson and the actants heor she represented were already present, arrayed and well drilled. In this newstrategy the representatives are looking for actants they do not know and the onlything they can say is to list the answers the actants make under trials.

Pierre and Marie Curie originally had no name for the 'substance x' they triedout. In the laboratory of the Ecole de Chimie the only way to shape this newobject is to multiply the trials it undergoes, to attack it by all sorts of terribleordeals (acids, heat, cold, presure}.12 Will something resist all these trials andtribulations? If so, then here it is, the new object. At the end of their long list of'sufferings' undergone by the new substance (and also by the unfortunate Curiesattacked by the deadly rays so carelessly handled) the authors propose a newname- 'polonium'. Today polonium is one of the radioactive elements; at thetime of its inception it was the long list of trials successfully withstood in theCuries' laboratory:

trial as well, they too are precipitated I

-But if you try to make all of them soluble in ammonium sulphate the activesomething resists .. , '

- Okay, I admit it is not arsenic, nor antimony, but it might be one of the well­known heroes of the past, lead, copper or bismuth.

-Impossible; dear, since lead is precipitated by sulphuric acid while the substancestays in solution; as for copper, ammoniac precipitates ii.

-So what? This means that your so-called 'active substance' is simply bismuth. Itadds a property to good old bismuth, that of activity. It does not define a newsubstance.

-It does not? Well, tell us what will make you accept that there is a substance?- Simply show me one trial in which bismuth reacts differently from your 'hero'.- Try heating it in a Boheme tube, under vacuum, at 7000 centigrade. And what

happens? Bismuth stays in the hottest area of the tube, while a strange black sootgathers in the cooler areas. This is more active than the material with which westarted. And you know what? If you do this several times, the 'something' that youconfuse with bismuth ends up being four hundred times morc active than uranium!


-Ah, you remain silent '. , .. We therefore believe that the substance we haveextracted from pitchblende is a hitherto unknown metal. !ftbe existence of this newmetal is confirmed we propose to name it polonium after Marie's native country_

What are these famous things which are said to be behind the texts made of!They are made of a list of victories: it defeated uranium and thorium at thesulphurated hydrogen game; it defeated antimony and arsenic at the ammoniums~lphur game; and then it forced lead and copper to throw in the sponge, onlybismuth went all the \\lay to the semi-final, but it too got beaten down during thefinal game of heat and cold! At the beginning of its definition the 'thing' is a score

/is.! fo: a ser~es of trials. Some of these trials are imposed on it either by thesCientific objector and tradition - for instance to define what is a metal-ortailored by the authors -like the trial by heat. The 'things' behind the scientifictexts are thus similar to the heroes of the stories we saw at the end of Chapter 1;they are all defined by their performances. Some in fairy tales defeat the ugliest~ev.en-headed dragons or against all odds they save the king's daughter; otherInSide laboratories resist precipitation or they triumph over bismuth .... At first,there is no other way to know the essence of the hero. This does not last longhowever, because each performance presupposes a competence13 whichretrospectively explains why the hero withstood all the ordeals. The hero is nolonger a s~ore list o~ action.s;he, she or it is an essenceslowly unveiled througheach of hIS, her or Its manifestations.

It is clear by now to the reader why I introduced the word 'actant' earlier todescribe what the spokesperson represents. Behind the texts. behind thefn.struments, inside the laboratory, we do not have Nature -not y~t, the readerWIll have to wait for the next part. What we have is an array allowing new extremeconstraints to be imposed on ·something'. This 'something' is progressivelyshaped by its re-actions to these conditions. This is what is behind all the

Science in Action

less tasteless substance that is insoluble in alcohol, soluble in water and weak'alcohol, and which cannot be precipitated by sub-lead acetate. Warmed from 65°to75° with starch in the presence of water, it separates off a soluble substance, which isdextrin.

~ 8K--

Our good .friend, the dissente~, has now come a long way. He or she is no longerthe shy listener to a techmcal lecture, the timid onlooker of a scientificexperiment, t.h~ .polite co~tradi~tor. He or she is now the head of a powerfullaboratory ~tlhsIngall available Instruments, forcing the phenomena supportingthe competitors to support him or her instead, and shaping all sorts ofunexpected .objects by imposing harsher and longer trials. The power of thislaboratory IS me~s~red by the extreme conditions it is able to create: hugeaccelerators of mtlhons of electron volts; temperatures approaching absolutezero; arrays of radio~telescopes spanning kilometres; furnaces heating up tothousands .of degrees; pressures exerted at thousands of atmospheres; animalquarters WIth thousands of rats or guinea pigs; gigantic number crunchers able todo thousands of operations per millisecond. Each modification of theseco.nditions allows the dissenter to mobilise one more actant, A change frommICro to phentogram, from million to billion electron volts; lenses going frommetres to tens of metres; tests'going from hundreds to thousands ofanimals' andthe shape o~ a new actant i~ thus redefined. All else being equal, the power ~fthelaboratory IS thus proportIOnate to the number of actants it can mobilise on itsbehalf. At this point, statements are not borrowed, transformed or disputed byempty-handed laypeople, but by scientists with whole laboratories behind them.

However, to gain the final edge on the opposing laboratory, the dissenter must~arry out a fourth strategy: he or she must be able to transform the new objectsmto, so to speak, older objects and feed them back into his or her lab.~h~t makes a laboratory difficult to understand is not what is presently going

on m I~, but what h~s been. going on in it and in other labs. Especially difficult tograsp IS the way In which new objects are immediatelY transformed intosomethi~g e~se. As long as somatostatin, polonium, tran~finite numbers, oranaerobIC mIcrobes are shaped by the list of trials I summarised above, it is easyto :el~te t~ them: tell me what you go through and r will tell you what you are.TIus SituatIOn, however, does not last. New objects become things: 'somatostatin''polonium:, 'a~aer~bic microbes', 'transfinite numbers', 'double helix' or 'Eag/;co:npute~s , thmgs Isolated from the laboratory conditions that shaped them,thmgs WIth a name that now seem independent from the trials in which theyproved their mettle. This process of transformation is a very common one andoccurs constantly both for laypeople and for the scientist. All biologists now take'protein' ~o: an object; they do not remember the time, in the 19205, when proteinwas a whmsh stuff that was separated by a new ultracentrifuge in Svedberg'slaboratory.15 At the time protein was nothing but the action ofdifferentiating cellcontents by a centrifuge. Routine use however transforms the naming of anactant after what it does into a common name. This process is not mysterious orspecial to science~ It is the same with the can opener we routinely use in ourkitchen. We consider the opener and the skill to handle it as one black boxwhich means that it is unproblematic and does not require planning and

Science in Action

arguments we have analysed so far. What was the endorphin tried out by thedissenter in Part A, section 31 The superimposition of the traces obtained by: asacrificed guinea pig whose gut was then hooked up to electric wires andregularly stimulated; a hypothalamus soup extracted after many trials fromslaughtered sheep and then forced through HPLC columns under a very highpressure.

Endorphin, before being named and for as long as it is a new object, is this listreadable on the instruments in the Professor's laboratory. So is a microbe longbefore being called such. At first it is something that transforms sugar into'alcohol in Pasteur's lab. This something is narrowed down by the multiplicationoffeats it is asked to do. Fermentation still occurs in the absence of air but stopswhen air is reintroduced. This exploit defines a new hero that is killed by air butbreaks down sugar in its absence, a hero that will be called, like the Indiansabove, 'Anaerobic' or 'Survivor in the Absence ofAir'. Laboratories generate somany new objects because they are able to create extreme conditions and becauseeach of these actions is obsessively inscribed.

This naming after what the new object does is in no way limited to actants likehormones or radioactive substances, that is to the laboratories of what are oftencalled 'experimental sciences'. Mathematics also defines its subjects by what theydo. When Cantor, the German mathematician, gave a shape to his transfinitenumbers, the shape of his new objects was obtained by having them undergo thesimplest and most radical trial: 14 is it possible to establish a one-to-oneconnection between, for instance, the set of points comprising a Ul'lit square andthe set of real numbers between 0 and I? It seems absurd at first since it wouldmean that there are as many numbers on one side of a square as in the wholesquare. The trial is devised so as to see if two different numbers in the square havedifferent images on the side or not (thus forming a one-to-one correspondence)or if they have only one image (thus forming a two-to-one correspondence). Thewritten answer on the white sheet of paperis incredible: 'I see it but I don't believeit: wrote Cantor to Dedekind. There are as many numbers on the side as in thesquare. Cantor creates his transfinites from their performance in these extreme,scarcely conceivable conditions.

The act ofdefining a new object by the answers it inscribes on the windowofaninstrument provides scientists and engineers with their final source ofstrength. Itconstitutes our second basic principle, as important as the first in order tounderstand science in the making: scientists and engineers speak in the name ofnew allies that they have shaped and enrolled; representatives among otherrepresentatives, they add these unexpected resources to tip the balance offorce intheir favour. Guillemin now speaks for endorphin and somatostatin, Pasteur forvisible microbes, the Curies for polonium, Fayen and Persozfor enzymes, Cantorfor transfinites. When they are challenged, they cannot be isolated, but on thecontrary their constituency stands behind them arrayed in tiers and ready to saythe same thing.


(4) Laboratories against laboratories


It is just as difficult to go back to the time of their emergence as il is to comes1

them. The reader will have certainly noticed that we have gone full circle from thefirst section of this part (borrowing more black boxes) to this section(blackboxing more objects). It is indeed a circle with a feedback mechanism thatcreates better and better laboratories by bringing in as many new objects aspossible in as reified a form as possible. If the dissen.ter quickly re-importssomatostatin, endorphin, polonium, transfinite numbers as so many incon­trovertible black boxes, his or her opponent will be made all the weaker. His orher ability to dispute will be decreased since he or she will now be faced with pilesof black boxes, obliged to untie the links between more and more elementscoming from a more and more remote past, from harder disciplines, andpresented in a more reified form. Has the shift been noticed? It is now the authorwho is weaker and the dissenter stronger. The author must now either build abetter laboratory in order to dispute the dissenter's claim and tip the balance ofpower back again, or quit the game - or apply one of the many tactics to escapethe problem altogether that we will see in the second part of this book. Theendless spiral has travelled one more loop. Laboratories grow because of thenumber of elements fed back' into them, and this growth is irreversible since nodissenter/author is able to enter into the fray later with fewer resources at his orher disposal- everything else being equal. Beginning with a few cheap elementsborrowed from common practice, laboratories end up after several cycles ofcontest with costly and enormously complex set-ups very remote from commonpractice.

The difficulty ofgrasping what goes on inside their walls thus comes from thesediment of what has been going on in other laboratories earlier in time andelsewhere in space. The trials currently being undergone by the new object theygive shape to are probably easy to explain to the layperson - and we are alllaypeople so far as disciplines other than our own are concerned - but the olderobjects capitalised in the many instruments are not. The layman is awed by thelaboratory set-up, and rightly so. There are not many places under the sun whereso many and such hard resources are gathered in so great numbers, sedimented inso many layers, capitalised on such a large scale. When confronted earlier by thetechnical literature we could brush it aside; confronted by laboratories we aresimply and literally impressed. We are left without power, that is, withoutresource to contest, to reopen the black boxes, to generate new objects, to disputethe spokesmen's authority.

Laboratories are now powerful enough to define reality. To make sure that ourtravel through technoscience is not stifled by complicated definitions of reality,we need a simple and sturdy one able to withstand the journey: reality as the latinword res indicates, is what resists. What does it resist? Trials ofstrength. If, in agiven situation, no dissenter is able to modify the shape of a new object, thenthat's it, it is reality, at least for as long as the trials of strength are not modified.In the examples above so many resources have been mobilised in the last twochapters by the dissenters to support these claims that, we must admit, resistancewill be vain: the claim has to be true. The minute the contest stops, the minute I

Science in Action

attention. We forget the many trials we had to go through (blood, scars, spilledbeans and ravioli, shouting parent) before we handled it properly, anticipatingthe weight of the can, the reactions of the opener, the resistance of the tin. It isonly when watching our own kids still learning it the hard way that we mightremember how it was when the can opener was a 'new object' for us, defined by alist of trials so long that it could delay dinner for ever.

This process of routinisation is common enough. What is less common is the.way the same people who constantly generate new objects to win in a controversyare also constantly transforming them into relatively older ones in order to winstill faster and irreversibly. As soon as somatostatin has taken shape, a new·bioassay is devised in which sosmatostatin takes the role of a stable,unproblematic substance in a trial set up for tracking down a new problematicsubstance, GRF. As soon as Svedberg has defined protein, the ultracentrifuge ismade a routine tool of the laboratory bench and is employed to define theconstituents of proteins. No sooner has polonium emerged from what it did in the·list of ordeals above than it is turned into one of the well-know radioactiveelements with which one can design an experiment to isolate a new radioactivesubstance further down in Mendeleev's table. The list of trials becomes a thing; it .is literally reifled.

This process ofreification is visible when going from new objects to older ones,but it is also reversible although less visible when going from younger to olderones. All the new objects we analysed in the section above were framed anddefined by stable black boxes which had earlier been new objects before beingsimilarly reified. Endorphin was made visible in part because the ileum wasknown to go on pulsating long after guinea pigs are sacrificed: what was a newobject several decades earlier in physiology was one of the black boxesparticipating in the endorphin assay, as was morphine itself. How could the newunknown substance have been compared if morphine had not been known?Morphine, which had been a new object defined by its trials in Seguin'slaboratory sometime in 1804, was used by Guillemin in conjunction with theguinea pig ileum to set up the conditions defining endorphin. This also applies tothe physiograph, invented by the French physiologist Marey at the end of thenineteenth century. Without it, the transformation of gut pulsation would nothave been made graphically visible. Similarly for the electronic hardware thatenhanced the signals and made them strong enough to activate the physiographstylus. Decades of advanced electronics during which many new phenomena hadbeen devised were mobilised here by Guillemin to make up another part of theassay for endorphin. Any new object is thus shaped by simultaneously importingmany older ones in their reified form. Some of the imported objects are fromyoung or old disciplines or pertain to harder or softer ones. The point is that thenew object emerges from a complex set-up ofsedimented elements each ofwhichhas been a new object at some point in time and space. The genealogy and thearchaeology of this sedimented past is always possible in theory but becomes ­more and more difficult as time goes by and the number of elements musteredincreases.

Lahora10ries 93

(1) 'Nawr mit uns}

Part CAppealing (to) Nature

write the word 'true', a new, formidable ally suddenly appears in the winner'scamp, an ally invisible until then, but behaving now as if it had been there allalong; Nature.


refreshing since it is made by the scientists themselves, although it is clear thatthis rehabilitation of the average woman or man, of Ms or Mr Anybody, is alsoan indictment of these crowds of allies mustered by the same scientists.

Let us accept this pleasant objection and see how the appeal to Nature helps usto distinguish between, for instance, Schally's claim about GHRH andGuillemin's claim about GRF. They both wrote convincing papers, arrayingmany resources with talent. One is supported by Nature - so his claim will bemade a fact - and the other is not - it ensues that his claim will be turned into anartefact by the others. According to the above objections, readers will find it easyto give the casting vote. They simply have to see who has got Nature on his side.

It is just as easy to separate the future offuel cells from that of batteries. Theyboth contend for a slice of the market; they both claim to be the best and mostefficient. The potential buyer, the investor, the analyst are lost in the mist of acontroversy, reading stacks of specialised literature. According to the aboveobjection, their life will now be easier. Just watch to see on whose behalf Naturewill talk. It is as simple as in the struggles sung in the Iliad: wait for the goddess totip the balance in favour of. one camp or the other.

A fierce controversy divides the astrophysicists who calculate the number ofneutrinos coming out of the sun and Davis, the experimentalist who obtains amuch smaller figure. It is easy to distinguish them and put the controversy to rest.Just let us see for ourselves in which camp the sun is really to be found.Somewhere the natural sun with its true number of neutrinos will close themouths of dissenters and force them to accept the facts no matter how wellwritten these papers were.

Another violent dispute divides those who believe dinosaurs to have been cold­blooded (lazy, heavy, stupid and sprawling creatures) and those who think thatdinosaurs were warm-blooded (swift, light, cunning and running animals). 16 Ifwe support the objection, there would be no need for the 'average man' to readthe piles of specialised articles that make up this debate. It is enough to wait forNature to sort them out. Nature would be like God, who in medieval timesjudged between two disputants by letting the innocent win.

In these four cases ofcontroversy generating more and more technical papersand bigger and bigger laboratories or collections, Nature's voice is enough tostop the noise. Then the obvious question to ask, if J want to do justice to theobjection above, is 'what does Nature say?'

Schally knows the answer pretty well. He told us in his paper, GHRH is thisamino-acid sequence, not because he imagined it, or made it up, or confused apiece of haemoglobin for this long-sought-after hormone, but because this iswhat the molecule is in Nature, independently of his wishes. This is also whatGuillemin says, not of Schally's sequence which is a mere artefact, but of hissubstance, GRF. There is still doubt as to the exact nature of the realhypothalamic GRF compared with that of the pancreas, but on the whole it iscertain that GRF is indeed the amino-acid sequence cited in Chapter 1. Now, wehave got a problem. Both contenders have Nature in their camp and say what it

Science in Action

'BelatedT 'FickleT I can hear the scientists J have shadowed so far becomingincensed by what Jhave just written. 'Ail this is ludicrous because the reading andthe writing, the style and the black boxes, the laboratory set-ups- indeed allexisting phenomena - are simply means to express something, vehicles forconveying this formidable ally. We might accept these ideas of 'inscriptions"your emphasis on controversies, and also perhaps the notions of 'ally', 'newobject', 'actant' and 'supporter', but you have omitted the only important one,the only supporter who really counts, Nature herself. Her presence or absenceexplains it all. Whoever has Nature in their camp wins, no matter what the oddsagainst them are. Remember Galileo's sentence, '1000 Demosthenes and 1000Aristotles may be routed by any average man who brings Nature in.' All theflowers of rhetoric, all the clever contraptions set up in the laboratories youdescribe, all will be dismantled once we go from controversies about Nature towhat Nature is. The Goliath of rhetoric with his laboratory set-up and all hisattendant Philistines will be put to flight by one David alone using simple truthsabout Nature in his slingshot! So let us forget all about what you have beenwrit in g for a hundred pages - even if you claim to have been simply followingus-and let us see Nature face to face!' "

Is this not a refreshing objection? It means that Galileo was right after altThedreadnoughts I studied in Chapters 1and 2 may be easily defeated in spite of themany associations they knit, weave and knot. Any dissenter has got a chance.When faced with so much scientific literature and such huge laboratories, he orshe has just to look at Nature in order to win. It means thatthere is a supplement,something more which is nowhere in the scientific papers and nowhere in the labswhich is able to settle all matters of dispute. This objection is all the" more

Some readers will think that it is about time 1 talked of Nature and the realobjects behind the texts and behind the labs. But it is not I who am late in finallytalking about reality. Rather, it is Nature who always arrives late, too late toexplain the rhetoric of scientific texts and the building of laboratories. Thisbelated, sometimes faithful and sometimes fickle ally has complicated the studyof technoscience until now so much that we need to understand it if we wish tocontinue our travel through the construction of facts and artefacts.

",!+-_~.~9.4 _.

(1) 'Natur mit uns'

Part CAppealing (to) Nature

write the word 'true', anew, formidable ally suddenly appears in the winner'scamp, an ally invisible until then, but behaving now as if it had been there allalong: Nature.


refreshing since it is made by the scientists themselves, although it is clear thatthis rehabilitation of the average woman or man, of Ms or Mr Anybody, is alsoan indictment of these crowds of allies mustered by the same scientists.

Let us accept this pleasant objection and see how the appeal to Nature helps usto distinguish between, for instance, Schally's claim about GHRH andGuillemin's claim about GRF. They both wrote convincing papers, arrayingmany resources with talent. One is supported by Nature-so his claim will bemade a fact- and the other is not - it ensues that his claim will be turned into anartefact by the others. According to the above objections, readers will find it easyto give the casting Yote. They simply have to see who has got Nature on his side.

I t is just as easy to separate the future of fuel cells from tha t of batteries. Theyboth contend for a slice of the market; they both claim to be the best and mostefficient. The potential buyer, the investor, the analyst are lost in the mist of acontroversy, reading stacks of specialised literature. According to the aboveobjection, their life will now be easier. Just watch to see on whose behalf Naturewill talk. It is as simple as in the struggles sungin the I1iaq: wait for the goddess totip the balance in favour ofone camp or the other.

A fierce controversy divides the astrophysicists who calculate the number ofneutrinos coming out of the sun and Davis, the experimentalist who obtains amuch smaller figure. It is easy to distinguish them and put the controversy to rest.Just let us see for ourselves in which camp the sun is really to be found.Somewhere the natural sun with its true number of neutrinos will close themouths of dissenters and force them to accept the facts no matter how wellwritten these papers were.

Another violent dispute divides those who believe dinosaurs to have been cold­blooded (lazy, heavy, stupid and sprawling creatures) and those who think thatdinosaurs were warm-blooded (swift, light, cunning and running animals).16 Ifwe support the objection, there would be no need for the 'average man' to readthe piles of specialised articles that make up this debate. It is enough to wait forNature to sort them out. Nature would be like God, who in medieval timesjudged between two disputants by letting the innocent win.

In these four cases of controversy generating more and more technical papersand bigger and bigger laboratories or collections, Nature's voice is enough tostop the noise. Then the obvious question to ask, if I want to do justice to theobjection above, is 'what does Nature say?'

Schally knows the answer pretty welL He told us in his paper, GHRH is thisamino-acid sequence, not because he imagined it, or made it up, or confused apiece of haemoglobin for this )ong-sought-after hormone, but because this iswhat the molecule is in Nature, independently of his wishes. This is also whatGuillemin says, not of Schally's sequence which is a mere artefact, but of hissubstance, GRF. There is still doubt as to the exact nature of the realhypothalamic GRF compared with that of the pancreas, but on the whole it iscertain that GRF is indeed the amino-acid sequence cited in Chapter 1. Now, wehave got a problem. Both contenders have Nature in their camp and say what it

Science in Action

'Belated?' 'Fickle?' I can hear the scientists r have shadowed so far becomingincensed by what I have just written. 'All this is ludicrous because the reading andthe writing, the style and the black boxes, the laboratory set-ups- indeed allexisting phenomena - are simply means to express something, vehicles forconveying this formidable ally. We might accept these ideas of 'inscriptions"your emphasis on controversies, and also perhaps the notions of 'ally', 'newobject', 'actant' and 'supporter" but you have omitted the only important one,the only supporter who really counts, Nature herself. Her presence or absenceexplains it alL Whoever has Nature in their camp wins, no matter what the oddsagainst them are. Remember Galileo's sentence, '1000 Demosthenes and 1000Aristotles may be routed by any average man who brings Nature in.' All theflowers of rhetoric, all the clever contraptions set up in the laboratories youdescribe, all will be dismantled once we go from controversies about Nature towhat Nature is. The Goliath of rhetoric with his laboratory set-up and all hisattendant Philistines will be put to flight by one David alone using simple truthsabout Nature in his slingshot! So let us forget all about what you have beenwriting for a hundred pages-even if you claim to have been simply followingus- and let us see Nature face to face!' .

Is this not a refreshing objection? It means that Galileo was right after all. Thedreadnoughts I studied in Chapters 1and 2 may be easily defeated in spite ofthemany associations they knit, weave and knot. Any dissenter has got a chance.When faced with so much scientific literature and such huge laboratories, he orshe has just to look at Nature in order to win. I t means that there is a supplement,something more which is nowhere in the scientific papers and nowhere in the labswhich is able to settle all matters of dispute. This objection is all the· more

Some readers will think that it is about time r talked of Nature and the realobjects behind the texts and behind the labs. But it is not I who am late in finallytalking about reality. Rather, it is Nature who always arrives late, too late toexplain the rhetoric of scientific texts and the building of laboratories. Thisbelated, sometimes faithful and sometimes fickle ally has complicated the studyof technoscience until now so much that we need to understand it if we wish tocontinue our travel through the construction of facts and artefacts.



( The double-talk.0fthe.two-!acedjanus

I could be accused of having been a bit disingenuous when applying scientists'objections. When they said that something more than association and numbers isneeded to settle a debate, something outside all our human conflicts andinterpretations, something they call 'Nature' for want of a better term, somethingthat eventually will distinguish the winners and the losers, they did not mean tosay that we know what it is. This supplement beyond the literature andlaboratory trials is unknown and this is why they look for it, call themselves'researchers" write so many papers and mobilise so many instruments..

says. Hold it! The challengers are supposed to be refereed by Nature, and not tostart another dispute about what Nature's voice really said.

We are not going to be able to stop this new dispute about the referee, however,since the same confusion arises when fuel cells and batteries are opposed. 'Thetechnical difficulties are not insurmountable; say the fuel cell's supporters. It'sjust that an infinitesimal amount has been spent on their resolution compared tothe internal combustion engine's. Fuel cells are Nature's way of storing energy;give us more money and you'll see.' Wait, wait! We were supposed to judge thetechnical literature by taking another outsider's point of view, not to be drivenback inside the literature and deeper into laboratories.

Yet it is not possible to wait outside, because in the third example also, moreand more papers are pouring in, disputing the model of the sun and modifyingthe number of neutrinos emitted. The real sun is alternately on the side of thetheoreticians when they accuse the experimentalists ofbeing mistaken and on theside of the latter when they accuse the former of having set up a fictional model ofthe sun's behaviour. This is too unfair. The real sun was asked to tell the twocontenders apart, not to become yet another bone of contention.

More bones are to be found in the paleontologists' dispute where the realdinosaur has problems about giving the casting vote. No one knows for sure whatit was. The ordeal might end, but is the winner really innocent or simply strongeror luckier? Is the warm-blooded dinosaur more like the real dinosaur, or is it justthat its proponents are stronger than those of the cold-blooded one? We expecteda final answer by using Nature's voice. What we got was a new fight over thecomposition, content, expression and meaning of that voice. That is, we get moretechnical literature and larger collections in bigger Natural History Museums,not less; more debates and not less.

I interrupt the exercise here. It is clear by now that applying the scientists'objection to any controversy is like pouring oil on a fire, it makes it flare anew.Nature is not outside the fighting camps. She is, much like God in not-so-ancientwars, asked to support all the enemies at once. 'Natur mit uns' is embroidered onall the banners and is not sufficient to provide one camp with the winning edge.So what is sufficient?J------ --l.


'It is ludicrous,' I hear them arguing, 'to imagine that Nature's voice could stopGuillemin and Schally from fighting, could reveal whether fuel cells are superiorto batteries or whether Watson and Crick's model is better than that of Pauling.It is absurd to imagine that Nature, like a goddess, will visibly tip the scale infavour of one camp or that the Sun God will barge into an astrophysics meetingto drive a wedge between theoreticians and experimentalists; and still moreridiculous to imagine real dinosaurs invading a Natural History Museum inorder to be comparedwith their plaster models! What we meant, when contestingyour obsession with rhetoric and mobilisation of black boxes, was that once thecontroversy is settled, it is Nature the final ally that has settled it and not anyrhetorical tricks and tools or any laboratory contraptions.'

If we still wish to follow scientists and engineers in their construction oftechnoscience, we have got a major problem here. On the one hand scientistsherald Nature as the only possible adjudicator of a dispute, on the other theyrecruit countless allies while waiting for Nature to declare herself. SometimesDavid is able to defeat all the Philistines with only one slingshot; at other times, itis better to have swords, chariots and many more, better-drilled soldiers than thePhilistines!

It is crucial for us, laypeople who want to understand technoscience, to decidewhich version is right, because in the first version, as Nature is enough to settle alldisputes, we have nothing to do since no matter how large the resources of thescientists are, they do not matter in the end -only Nature matters. Our chaptersmay not be all wrong, but they become useless since they merely look at triflesand addenda and it is certainly no use going on for four other chapters to find stillmore trivia. In the second version, however, we have a lot ofwork to do since, byanalysing the allies and resources that settle a controversy we understandeverything that there is to understand in technoscience. If the first version iscorrect, there is nothing for us to do apart from catching the most superficialaspects of science; if the second version is maintained, there is everything tounderstand except perhaps the most superfluous and flashy aspects of science.Given the stakes, the reader will realise why this problem should be tackled with

\caution. The whole book is in jeopardy here. The problem is made all the moretricky since scientists simultaneously assert the two contradictory versions,displaying an ambivalence which could paralyse all our efforts to follow them.

We would indeed be paralysed, like most of our predecessors, if we were notused to this double-talk or the two-faced Janus (see introduction). The twoversions are contradictory but they are not uttered by the same face of Janus.There is again a clear·cut distinction between what scientists say about the coldsettled part and about the warm unsettled part of the research front. As long ascontroversies are rife, Nature is never used as the final arbiter since noone knowswhat she is and says. B~\lersy is settled, Nature is the ultim,.Me~.

This sudden inversion of what counts as referee and what counts as beingrefereed, although counter-intuitive at first, is as easy to grasp as the rapid


Science in Action96 ..~ H __

Figure 2.5


Nature is the causethat a'lIowed



unsettled parts. On the left side polonium was discovered long ago by the Curies;on the right side there is a long list of actions effected by an unknown actant inParis at the Ecole de Chimie which the Curies propose to call 'polonium'. On theleft side all scientists agree, and we hear only Nature's voice, plain and clear; onthe right side scientists disagree and no voice can be heard over theirs.

(3) The third rule of method

If we wish to continue our journey through the construction offaets, we have toadapt our method to scientists' double-talk. If not, we will always be caught onthe wrong foot: unable to withstand either their first (realist) or their second(relativist) objection. We will then need to have two different discoursesdepending on whether we consider a settled or an unsettled part oftechnoscience.We too will be relativists in the latter case and realists in the former. Whenstudying controversy-as we have so far-we cannot be less relativist than thevery scientists and engineers we accompany; they do not use Nature as theexternal referee, and we have no reason to imagine that we are more clever thanthey are. For these parts of science our third rule of method will read: since thesettlement of a controversy is the cause of Nature's representation not theconsequence, we can never use the outcome-Nature- to explain how and why acontroversy has been settled. .

This principle is easy to apply as lopg as the dispute lasts, but is difficult to bearin mind once it has ended, sinct: the other face of Janus takes over and does thetalking. This is what makes the study of the past oftechnoscience so difficult and

. unrewarding. You have to hang onto the words of the right face of Janus - nowbarely audible- and ignore the clamours ofthe left side. It turned out for instancethat the N-rays were slowly transformed into artefacts much like Schally'sGHRH. How are we going to study this innocent expression 'it turned out'?

Science in Action

passage from the 'name of action' given to a new object to when it is given itsname as a thing (see above). As long as there is a debate among endocrinologistsabout GRF or GHRH, no one can intervene in the debates by saying, 'I knowwhat it is, Nature told me so. It is that amino-acid sequence.' Such a claim wouldbe greeted with derisive shouts, unless the proponent ofsuch a sequence is able toshow his figures, cite his references, and quote his sources of support, in brief,write another scientific paper and equip a new laboratory, as in the case we havestudied. However, once the collective decision is taken to turn Schally's GHRHinto an artefact and Guillemin's GRF into an incontrovertible fact, the reasonfor this decision is not imputed to Guillemin, but is immediately attributed to theindependent existence of G RF in Nature. As long as the controversy lasted, noappeal to Nature could bring any extra strength to one side in the debate (it was atbest an invocation, at worst a blufl). As soon as the debate is stopped, thesupplement of force offered by Nature is made the explanation as to why thedebate did stop (and why the bluffs, the frauds and the mistakes were at lastunmasked).

So we are confronted with two almost simultaneous suppositions:Nature is the final cause of the settlement of all controversies, once ~

controversies are settled.As long as they last Nature will appear simply as theftnal consequence ofthe

controversies.When you wish to attack a colleague's claim, criticise a world-view, modalise a

statement you cannot just say that Nature is with you; 'just' will never be enough.You are bound to use other allies besides Nature. Ifyou succeed, then Nature willbe enough and all the other allies and resources will be made redundant. Apolitical analogy may be ofsome help at this point. Nature, in scientists' hands, isa constitutional monarch, much like Queen Elizabeth the Second. From thethrone she reads with the same tone, majesty and conviction, a speech written byConservative or Labour prime ministers depending on the election outcome.Indeed she adds something to the dispute, but only after tJ'le dispute has ended; aslong as the election is going on she does nothing but wait.

This sudden reversal ofscientists' relations to Nature and to one another is oneof the most puzzling phenomena we encounter when following their trails. Ibelieve that it is the difficulty of grasping this simple reversal that has madetechnoscience so hard to probe until now.

The two faces of Janus talking together make, we must admit, a startlingspectacle. On the left side Nature is cause, on the right side consequence of theend of controversy. On the left side scientists are realists, that is they believe that.representations are sorted out by what really is outside, by the only independentreferee there is, Nature. On the right side, the same scientists are relativists, thatis, they believe representations to be sorted out among themselves and the actantsthey represent, without independent and impartial referees lending their weightto anyone of them. We know why they talk two languages at once: the left mouthspeaks about settled parts of science, whereas the right mouth talks about

Science in Action

Using the physics of the present day there is unanimity that Blondlot was badlymistaken. It would be easy enough for historians to say that Blondlot failedbecause there was 'nothing really behind his N-rays' to support his claims. Thisway of analysing the past is called Whig history, that is, a history that crowns thewinners, calling them the best and the brightest and which says the losers likeBlondlor lost simply because they were wrong. We recognise here the left side ofJanus' way of talking where Nature herself discriminates between the bad guysand the good guys. But. is it possible to use this as the reason why in Paris, inLondon, in the United States, people slowly turned N-rays into an artefact? Ofcourse not, since at that time today's physics obviously could not be used as thetouchstone, or more exactly since today's state is, in part, the consequence ofsettling many controversies such as the N-rays!

Whig historians had an easy life. They came after the battle and needed onlyone reason to explain Blondlor's demise. He was wrong all along. This reason isprecisely what does not make the slightest difference while you are searching fortruth in the midst of a polemic. We need, not one, but many reasons to explainhow a dispute stopped and a black box was closed. l ?

However, when talking about a cold part of technoscience we should shift ourmethod like the scientists themselves who, from hard-core relativists, haveturned into dyed-in-the-wool realists. Nature is now taken as the cause ofaccurate descriptions of herself. We cannot be more relativist than scientistsabout these parts and keep on denying evidence where no one else does, Why?Because the cost of dispute is too high for an average citizen, even if he or she is ahistorian and sociologist of science. If there is no controversy among scientists asto the status of facts, then it is useless to go on talking about interpretati(i)n,representation, a biased or distorted world-view, weak and fragile pictures of theworld, unfaithful spokesmen. Nature talks straight. facts are facts. Full stop.There is nothing to add and nothing to subtract.

This division between relativists and realist interpretation of science hascaused analysts of science to be put off balance. Either they went on beingrelativists even about the settled parts of science - which made them lookludicrous; or they continued being realists even about the warm uncertainparts - and they made fools of themselves. The third rule ofmethod stated aboveshould help us in our study because it offers us a good balance. We do not try toundermine the solidity of the accepted parts ofscience. We are realists as much asthe people we travel with and as much as the left side ofJanus. But as soon as acontroversy starts we become as relativist as ourinformants. However we do notfollow them passively because our method allows us to document both 'theconstruction of fact and of artefact, the cold and the warm, the demodalised and·the modalised statements, and, in particular, it allows us to trace with accuracythe sudden shifts from one face ofJanus to the other. This method offers us, so tospeak, a stereophonic rendering of fact-making instead of its monophonicpredecessors!

Part II

From WeakPoints to




Introduction: The quandary of the fact-builder

In the first part ofthis book we have learned how to travel through technosciencewithout being intimidated either by the technical literature or by the laboratories.When any controversy heats up, we know how to follow the accumulation ofpapers and how to take our bearings through the laboratories that stand behindthe papers. To acquire this knowledge, though, we had to pay a price which canbe summed up by the three principles of method I presented: first we had to giveup any discourse or opinion about science as it is made, and follow scientists inaction instead; second, we had to give up any decision about the subjectivity orthe objectivity of a statement based simply on the inspection of this statement,and we had to follow its tortuous history instead, as it went from hand to hand,everyone transforming it into more of a fact or more of an artefact; finally, wehad to abandon the sufficiency of Nature as our main explanation for the closureof controversies, and we had instead to count the long heterogeneous list ofresources and allies that scientists were gathering to make dissent impossible.

The picture of technoscience revealed by such a method is that of a weakrhetoric becoming stronger and stronger as time passes, as laboratories getequipped, articles published and new resources brought to bear on harder andharder controversies. Readers, writers and colleagues are forced either to give up,to accept propositions or to dispute them by working their way through thelaboratory again. These three possible outcomes coul4 be explored in much moredetail by more studies of the scientific literature and laboratories.! These studieshowever, no matter" how necessary, would not overcome one of the mainlimitations of the first part of this book: dissenters are very rarely engaged in aconfrontation such that, everything else being equal, the winner is the one with thebigger laboratory or the better article. For the sake of clarity, I started with thethree outcomes above as iftechnoscience was similar to a boxing match. There is,in practice, a fourth set of outcomes, which is much more common: everything


not being equal, it is possible to win with many other resources than articles andlaboratories. It is possible, for instance, never to encounter any dissenter, neverto interest anyone, never to accept the superior strength of the others. In otherwords, the possession ofmany strongholds has first to be secured for the strongerrhetoric of science to gain any strength at all.

To picture this preliminary groundwork we have to remember our firstprinciple: the fate of a statement depends on others' behaviour. You may havewritten the definitive paper proving that the earth is hollow and that the moon ismade of green cheese but this paper will not become definitive if others do nottake it up and use it as a matter of fact later on. You need them to make your papera decisive one. If they laugh at you, if they are indifferent, if they shrug it off, thatis the end of your paper. A statement is thus always in jeopardy, much like theball in agame of rugby. lfno playertakesit up, itsimplysits on the grass. To haveit move again you need an action, for someone to seize and throw it; but thethrow depends in turn on the hostility, speed, deftness ortactics of the others. Atany point, the trajectory of the ball may be interrupted, deflected or diverted bythe other team - playing here the role of the dissenters - and interrupted,deflected or diverted by the players ofyour own team. The total movement oftheball, of a statement, of an artefact, will depend to some extent on your action butto a much greater extent on that of a crowd over which you have little control.The construction of facts, like a game of rugby, is thus a collective process.

Each element in the chain of individuals needed to pass the black box alongmay act in multifarious ways: the people in question may drop it altogether, oraccept it as it is, or shift the modalities that accompany it, or modify thestate111ent, or appropriate it and put it in a completely different context. Insteadof being conductors, or semi-conductors, they are all multi-conductors, andunpredictable ones at that. To picture the task of someone who wishes toestablish a fact, you have to imagine a chain of the thousands ofpeople necessaryto turn the first statement into a black box and where each of them mayor maynot unpredictably transmit the statement, modify it, alter it or turn it into anartefact. How is it possible to master the future fate of a statement that is theoutcome of the behaviour of all these faithless allies?

This question is all the more difficult since all the actors are doing something tothe black box. Even in the best of cases they do not simply transmit it, but addelements of their own by modifying the argument, strengthening it andincorporating it into new contexts. The metaphor of the rugby game soon breaksdown since the ball remains the same - apart from a few abrasions- all along,whereas in this technoscience game we are watching, the object is modified as itgoes along from hand to hand. It is not only collectively transmitted from one'actor to the next, it is collectively composed by actors. This collective action thenraises two more questions. To whom can the responsibility for the game beattributed? What is the object that has been passed along?

An example will make the fact-builder's problem easier to grasp. Diesel isknown as the father of the diesel engine.2 This fatherhood, however, is not as

direct as that ofAthena from Zeus' head. The engine did notemerge one morningfrom Diesel's mind. What emerged was an idea of a perfect engine workingaccording to Carnot's thermodynamic principles. This was an engine whereignition could occur without an increase in temperature, a paradox that Dieselsolved by inventing new ways of injecting and burning fuel. At this point in thestory, we have a book he published and a patent he took out; thus, we have apaper world similar to those we studied earlier. A few reviewers, including LordKelvin, were convinced while others found the idea impracticable.

Diesel is now faced with a problem. He needs others to transform the two­dimensional project and patent into the form of a three-dimensional workingprototype. He ferrets out a few firms that build machines - MaschinenfabrikAugsburg-Ntirnberg known as MAN, and Krupp, which are interested becauseof the hope of increased efficiency and versatility of a perfect Carnat machine,the efficiency of the steam engine in the 18905 being pitifully low. As we will see,reality has many hues, like objectivity, and entirely depends on the number ofelements tied to the claim. For four years, Diesel tried to get one engine working,building it with the help of a few engineers and machine tools from MAN. Theprogressive realisation of the engine was made by importing all availableresources into the workshop, just as in any laboratory. The skills and tools formaking pistons and valves were the result of thirty years ofpractice at MAN andwere all locally available as a matter of routine. The question of fuel combustionsoon turned out to be more problematic, since air and fuel have to be mixed in afraction ofa second. A solution entailing compressed air injection was found, butthis required huge pumps and new cylinders for the air; the engine became largeand expensive, unable to compete in the market of small versatile engines. Bymodifying the whole design of the engine many times, Diesel drifted away fromthe original patent and from the principles presented in his book.

The number of elements now tied to Diesel's engine is increasing. First, wehad Carnot's thermodynamics plus a book plus a patent plus Lord Kelvin'sencouraging comments. We now have in addition MAN plus Krupp plus a k..vprototypes plus two engineers helping Diesel plus local know-how plus a fewinterested firms plus a new air injection system, and so on. The second series ismuch larger, but the perfect engine of the first has been transformed in theprocess; in particular, constant temperature has been abandoned. It is now aconstant pressure engine and in a new edition of his book Diesel has to struggle toreconcile the drift from the first more 'theoretical' engine to the one being slowlyrealised.

But how real is real? In June 1897 the engine is solemnly presented to thepublic. The worries of a black box builder now take on a new dimension. Dieselneeds others to take up his engine and to turn it into a black box that runssmoothly in thousands of copies all over the world, incorporated as anunproblematic element in factories, ships and lorries. But what are these othersgoing to do with it? How much should the prototype be transjormedbefore beingtransferred from Augsburg to Newcastle, Paris or Chicago? At first, Diesel thinks

104 Science in Action

, I

Machines 105

that it does not have to be transformed at all: it works. Just buy the licence; paythe royalty, and we send you blueprints, a few engineers to help you, a fewmechanics to tend the engine, and if you are not satisfied you get your moneyback! In Diesel's hands the engine is a closed black box in exactly the same waythat GRF was a definitively established fact for Schally. simply waiting to beborrowed by later scientific articles (see Chapter I).

However, this was not the opinion of the firm that had bought the prototypes.They wished it to be unproblematic. but the engine kept faltering, stalling,breaking apart. Instead of remaining closed, the black box fell open, and had tobe overhauled every day by puzzled mechanics and engineers arguing with oneanother, exactly like Schally's readers every time they tried to get his GRF toincrease the length of tibias in their own laboratories. One after the other, thelicensees returned the prototypes to Diesel and asked for their money back.Diesel went bankrupt and had a nervous breakdown. In 1899, the number of ele­ments tied to the Diesel engine decreased instead of increased. The reality of theengine receded instead of progressed. The engine, much like Schally's GRF, be­came less real. From a factual artefact it became, if I may use the two meanings atonce, an artefactual artefact, one of those dreams the history of technics is so full of.

A few engineers from MAN, however, continued working on a new prototype.Diesel is no longer in command of their actions. A great number of modificationsare made to one exemplar which operates during the day in a match factory and isoverhauled every night. Each engineer adds something to the design and pushes itfurther. The engine is not yet a black box, but it can be made to move throughmore copies to many more places, undergoing incremental modifications. It istransferred from place to place without having to be redesigned. Around 1908,when Diesel's patent falls into the public domain, MAN is able to offer a dieselengine for sale, which can be bought as an unproblematic, albeit new, item ofequipment and incorporated as one piece of industry. Meanwhile. the licenseeswho had earlier withdrawn from the project take it up, adding their contributionby designing purpose-built engines.

Just before Diesel committed suicide by jumping from a ship on the way toEngland, diesel engines had at last spread; but were they Diesel's engine? So manypeople had modified it since the 1887 patent that now a polemic developed aboutwho was responsible for the collective action that made the engine real. Atal912meeting of the German Society ofNaval Architects, Diesel claimed that it was hisoriginal engine which had been simply developed by others. However, several ofDiesel's colleagues argued at the same meeting that the new real engine and theearlier patent had, at best, a weak relation, and that most of the credit should goto the hundreds of engineers who had been able to transform an unworkable idea .into a marketable product. Diesel. they argued, might be the eponym for thecollective action, but he was not the cause of this action; he was at best theinspiration, not, so to speak, the motor behind his engine.

How are we to follow these moving objects that are transformed from hand tohand and which are made up by so many different actors, before ending up as a

black box safely concealed beneath the bonnet ofa car, activated at the turn ofakey by a driver who does not have to know anything about Camot'sthermodynamics, MAN's know-how or Diesel's suicide?

A series of terms are traditionally used to teU these stories. First, one mayconsider that all diesel engines lie along one trajectory going through differentphases from ideas to market. These admittedly fuzzy -phases are then givendifferent names. Diesel's idea of a perfect engine in his mind is called inven.tion.But since, as we saw, the idea needs to be developed into a workable prototype,this new phase is called development - hence the expression Research andDevelopment that we will see in Chapter 4. Innovation is often the word used forthe next phase through which a few prototypes arc prepared so as to be copied inthousands of exemplars sold throughout the world.

However, these terms are of no great use. Right from the start, Diesel had anoverall notion not only of his engine, but also of the economic world in which itshould work, of the way to sell licenses, ofthe organisation ofthe research, ofthecompanies to be set up to build it. In another book Dies!;l even designed the typeof society, based on solidarjty, that would be best fit for the sort of technicalnovelties he wished to introduce. So no clear-cut distinction may be madebetween invention and innovation. In 1897 the MAN manager, Diesel and thefirst investors all thought that development had ended and that innovation wasstarting, even though it took ten more years to reach such a stage, and in themeantime Diesel went bankrupt. Thus this distinction between phases is notimmediately given. On the: contrary, making separations between the phases andenforcing them is one of the inventor's problems: is the black box really black?When is the dissenting going to stop? Can I now find believers and buyers?Finally, it is not even sure that the first invention should be sought in Diesel'sown mind. Hundreds of engineers were looking for a more efficient combustionengine at the same time. The first flash of intuition might not be in one mind, butin many minds.

If the notion of discrete phases is useless, so, too, is that of trajectory. It doesnot describe anything since it is again one of the problems to be solved. Dieselindeed claimed that there was one trajectory which links his seminal patent toreal engines. This is the only way for his patents to be ·seminal'. But this wasdisputed by hundreds of engineers claiming that the engine's ancestry wasdifferent Anyway, if Diesel was so sure of his offspring, then why not call it aCarnot engine since it is from Carnot that he took the original idea? But since theoriginal patent never worked, why not call it a MAN engine, or, a constantpressure air injection engine? We see that talking of phases in a trajectory is liketaking slices from a pate made from hundreds of morsels of meat. Although itmight be palatable, it has no relation whatsoever to the natural joints of the

. animal. To use another metaphor, employing these terms would be like watchinga rugby game on TV where only a phosphorescent ball was shown. All therunning, the cunning, the excited players would be replaced by a meaninglesszigzagging spot.

106 Science in Action Machines 107

(1) Translation one: I want what you want

Part ATranslating interests

We need others to help us transform a claim into a matter offact. The first andeasiest way to find people who will immediately believe the statement, invest inthe project, or buy the prototype, is to tailor the object in such a way that it catersfor these people's explicit interests. As the name 'inter-esse' indicates, 'interests'are what lie in between actors and their goals. thus creating a tension thar will


make actors select only what, in their own eyes, helps them reach these goalsamongst many possibilities. In the preceding chapters, for instance, we saw manycontenders engaged in polemics. In order to resist their opponents' challengesthey needed to fasten their position to less controvertible arguments, to simplerblack boxes, to less disputable fields, gathering around themselves huge andefficient laboratories. If you were able to provide a contender with one of theseblack boxes, it is likely it will be eagerly seized and more rapidly transform~d intoa fact. Suppose, for instance, that while Diesel tinkers with his prototype,someone comes along with a new instrument that depicts on a simple indicatorcard how pressure changes with changing volume as the piston moves inside thecylinder so that the area on the diagram measures the work done. Diesel willjump at it, because it offers a neater way of 'seeing' how the invisible pistonmoves and because it graphically depicts, for everyone to see, that his enginecovers a larger area than any other. The point is that, by borrowing the indicatorcard in order to further his goals, Diesel lends his force to its inventor, fulfillingthe latter's goals. The more such elements Diesel is abl~ to link himself to, themore likely he is to transform his own prototype into a working engine. But thismovement does the same for the indicator card, which now becomes a routinepart of the testing bench. The two interests are moving in the same direction.

Suppose, to take another example, that Boas, the American anthropologist, isengaged in a fierce controversy against eugenicists, who have so convinced theUnited States Congress of biological determinism that it has cut off theimmigration of those with 'defective' genes. 3 Suppose, now, that a younganthropologist demonstrates that. at least in one Samoan island, biology cannotbe the cause of crisis in adolescent girls because cultural determinism is toostrong. Is not Boas going to be 'interested' in Mead's report - all the more so sincehe sent her there? Every time eugenicists criticise his cultural determinism, Boaswill fasten his threatened position to Mead's counter-example. But every timeBoas and other anthropologists do so, they turn Mead's story into more ofa fact.You may imagine Mead's report interesting nobody, being picked up by no one,and remaining for ever in the (Pacific) limbo. By linking her thesis to Boas'sstruggle, Mead forces all the other cultural determinists to become her fellowbuilders: they all willingly turn her claims into one of the hardest facts ofanthropology for many decades. When Freeman, another anthropologist,wished to undermine Mead's fact, he also had to link his struggle to a widerone,that of the sociobiologists. Until then, every time the sociobiologists foughtagainst cultural determinism, they stumbled against this fact of Mead's, whichhad been made formidable by the collective action ofsuccessive generations ofanthropologists. Sociobiologists eagerly jumped at Freeman's thesis since itallowed them to get rid of this irritating counter-example, and lent him theirformidable forces (their publishing firms, their links with the media). With theirhelp what could have been a 'ludicrous attack' became 'a courageous revolution'that threatened fo destroy Mead's reputation.

As I stress in Chapter 2, none of these borrowings will be enough alone to stop

Science in Action

No matter how clumsy these traditional terms are in describing the buildingoffacts, they are useful in accounting, that is for measuring how much money andhow many people are invested (as we will see in the next chapter). From inventionto development and from there to innovation and sale, the money to be investedincreases exponentially, as does the time to be spent on each phase and thenumber ofpeople participating in the construction. The spread in space and timeof black boxes is paid for by a fantastic increase in the number of elements to betied together. Bragg, Diesel or West (see Introduction) may have quick and cheapideas that keep a few collaborators busy for a few months. But to build an engineor a computer for sale, you need more people, more time, more money. Theobject of this chapter is to follow this dramatic increase in numbers.

This increase in numbers is necessarily linked to the problem of the fact­builder: how to spread out in time and space. If Schally is the only person whobelieves in GRF, then GRF remains in one place in New Orleans, under the guiseofa lot of words in an old reprint. IfDiesel is the only person who believes in hisperfect engine, the engine sits in an office drawer in Augsburg. In order to spreadin space and to become long-lasting they all need (we all need) the actions ofothers. But what will these actions be? Many things, most ofthem unpredictable,which will transform the transported object or statement. So we are now in aquandary: either the others will not t~ke up the statement or they will. If theydon't, the statement will be limited to a point in time and space, myself, mydreams, my fantasies .... But ifthey do take it up, they might transform it beyondrecognition.

To get out of this quandary we need to do two things at once:to enrol others so that they participate in the construction of the fact;to control their behaviour in order to make their actions predictable.

At first sight, this solution seems so contradictory as to look unfeasible. Ifothers are enrolled they will transform the claims beyond recognition. Thus the.very action of involving them is likely to make control more difficult. Thesolution to this contradiction is the central notion of translation. I will calltranslation the interpretation given by the fact-builders of their interests and thatof the people they enrol. Let us look at these strategies in more detail.

MIlol4--- .108 u_ ---- _ •• _. _.'-

the controversy: people may contest the indicator card borrowed by Diesel, orMead's report, or Freeman's 'courageous revolution'. The point here is that theeasiest means to enrol people in the construction of facts is to let oneself beenrolled by them I By pushing their explicit interests, you will also further yours.The advantage of this piggy-back strategy is that you need no other force totransform a claim into a fact; a weak contender can thus profit from a vastlystronger one.

There are disadvantages as well. First, since so many people are helping you tobuild your claim, how will your own contribution be evaluated? Will it not bemade marginal? Or worse, will it not be appropriated by others who say they didmost of the work, as happened with Diesel? Second, since the contenders are theones who have to go out of their way to follow the direction of the others (seeFigure 3.1, Translation 1) they have no control on what the crowd they follow is.going to do with their claims. This is especially difficult when others are so easilyconvinced that they turn your tentative statements into claims of gigantic size.When Pasteur e1aboratd a vaccine against fowl cholera that cured a few hens,he interested so many powerful groups ofhealth officers, veterinary surgeons andfarm interests that they jumped to the conclusion that 'this was the beginning ofthe end of all infectious diseases in men and animals',4 This new claim w;,;s acomposition made in small measure from Pasteur's study of a few hens and inmuch larger measure from the interests of the enrolled groups. The proof thatthis extension was not due to Pasteur's study but rather to separate interests isthat many other professions that Pasteur had not yet succeeded' ininteresting - the average physician for instance - found the very same expefi­ments to be deficient, doubtful, premature and inconclusive.

Riding piggy-back is thus precarious: sometimes you have to overcome theindifference of the other groups (they refuse to believeyou and to lend you theirforces), and sometimes you have to restrain their sudden enthusiasm. For'instance, one of the people who was not convinced by Pasteur was Koch, hisGerman rival. But later in his career Koch had to give a lecture at the 1890


(3) Trans/ation three: if you just make a short detour . ..

(2) Translation two: I want it, why don't you?

International Medical Association meeting in Berlin 5, He had been so successful

in interesting everyone in his study oftuberculosis, so clever in linking his scienceto the nationalism of Kaiser William, that everyone was ready to believe him. Soready indeed that when during his speech he alluded to a possible vaccine againsttuberculosis everyone heard him saying that he hadhis vaccine. Everyone jumpedto their feet and applauded frantically and Koch, pu~zled by this collectivetransformation of his claim into a fact, did not dare say that he had not got avaccine at all. When patients with tuberculosis flocked to Berlin for injections,they were bitterly disappointed, because Koch could not deliver on his ostensiblepromise ... Catering to other explicit interests is not a safe strategy. There mustbe better ways.

Since the second strategy is only rarely possible, a much more powerful one needsto be devised, as irresistible as the advice of the serpent to Eve: 'You cannot

. reach your goal straight away, but if you come my way, you would reach it/aster,it would be a short cut.' In this new rendering of others' interests, the contendersdo not try to shift them away from their goals. They simply offer to guide themthrough a short cut. This is appealing if three conditions are fulfilled: the main

It would be much better if the people mobilised to construct our claims were tofollow us rather than the other way around. A good idea indeed, but there seemsto be no reason on earth wh}~ people should go out of their way and follow yoursinstead (Figure 3.1, Translation 2) especially ifyou are small and powerless whilethey are strong and powerful. In fact, there is only one reason: it is if their usualway is CUi off

For instance, a rich businessman with an interest in philosophy wishes toestablish a Foundation to study the origins of logical abilities in man. His petproject is to have scientists discover the specific neurons for induction anddeduction. Talking to scientists he soon realises that they consider his dream aspremature, they cannot help him reach his goal yet: but they nevert heless ask him

. to invest his money - now without a goal - into their research. He then opens aprivate Foundation where people study neurons, children's behaviour, rats inmazes, monkeys in tropical forests and so on .. , Scientists do what they wantwith his money, and not what he wanted.

This strategy, as you may see from Figure 3.1 is symmetrical with the former.The millionaire, shifting his interests, takes up those of the scientists. Such adisplacement of explicit interest is not very feasible and is rare. Something else isneeded to make it practical.

'1,nler~tou,Translation 2 =V


Translation 3

Science in Action

Translation 1

Figure 3.1

road is clearly cut off: the new detour is well signposted: the detour appears short.The brain scientists would never have answered in the way I suggested when

probed by the businessman above. On the contrary, they would have argued thatthe millionaire's goal is indeed attainable, but not right now. A little detOUTthl;ough their neurology is necessary for a few years before the neurons ofinduction and deduction which he is aiming at are eventually discovered. If heagrees to finance studies on acetylcholine behaviour in two synapses, he willsoon be able to understand human logical abilities. Just follow the guide and beconfident.

At the beginning of this century naval architects had learned to build biggerand stronger battleships by using more and more steel. However, the magneticcompasses of these dreadnoughts went wild with so much iron around. Eventhough they were stronger and bigger, the battleships were on the whole weakerthan before since they got lost at sea.!> It was at this point, that a group with asolution, led by Sperry, suggested that naval architects give up the magneticcompass and use instead gyrocompasses that did not depend on magnetic fields.Did they have the gyrocompass? Not quite. It was not yet a black box offered forsale: this is why a detour had to be negotiated. The Navy must invest in Sperry'sresearch in order to convert his idea into a workable gyroscope, so that, in theend, their battleships can steer a straight course again. Sperry has positionedhimself so that a common translation of his interests and that of the Navy nowreads: 'You cannot navigate your ships properly: I can't make my gyrocompassa real thing: wait a little, come my way, and after a while your ships will make fulluse of their terrifying powers again and my gyrocompasses will spread in shipsand planes in the form of well closed black boxes.'

This community of interests is the result of a difficult and tense negotiationthat may break down at any point. In particular, it is based on a sort of implicitcontract: there should be a return to the main road, and the detour should beshort. What happens if it becomes long, so long indeed that it now appears in theeyes ofthe enrolled groups as a deviation rather than a short cut? Imagine that fora decade the millionaire keeps reading papers on the firing ofsynapses, expectingthe discovery of the neurons for induction and deduction any day. He might dieof boredom before seeing his dreams fulfilled. He might think that this is not thedetour they had agreed upon, but a new direction altogether. He might evenrealise that it is the second strategy which has been practised, not the third andthen decide to sever the negotiations, to cut the money off, and to dismiss thescientists who were not only pulling his leg but also using his money. .

This is what occurred with Diesel. MAN was ready to wait for a few years, tolend engineers, with the idea that they would soon resume their usual business ofmanufacturing engines but on a larger scale. If the return is delayed, themanagement may feel cheated, as if they were perceiving the second type oftranslation through the veil of the third. If they start thinking this way, then'Diesel is taken as a parasite on MAN diverting its resources to further his ,ownegotistical dreams. Interests are elastic, but like rubber, there is a point where

(4) Translation four: reshuffling interests and goals.

A fourth strategy is needed to overcome the shortcomings of the third:(a) the length of the detour should be impossible to evaluate for those who are

enlisted;(b) it should be possible to enrol others even if their usual course is not obviously

cut off;(c) it should be impossible' to decide who is enlisted and who does the enlisting;(d) nevertheless, the fact-builders should appear as the only driving force.

To carry off what would seem to be a quite impossible task, there is oneobstacle that seems at first to be unsurmountable: people's explicit interests. Sofar I have used the term 'explicit interest' in a non-controversial way: the Navy hasinterests, so has the millionaire, so has MAN. so have all the other actors we havefollowed. All of them know more or less what they want, and a Jist of their goals


they break or spring back.So, even if this third way oftranslating the interest of others is better than the

second, it has its shortcomings. It is always open to the accusation ofbootlegging - to use the expression of American scientists - that is, the size of thedetour and the length of the delay being fuzzy, a detour might be seen as anoutright diversion, or even as a hijacking. Support may thus be cut off beforeWatson and Crick discover the double helix structure, Diesel has time to makehis engine, West to build his Eagle computer, Sperry his gyrocompass, and thebrain scientists to find how a synapse fires. There is no accepted standardfor measuring detours because the 'acceptable' length of the detouris a result of negoitation. MAN,· for instance, became worried after only afew years, but the private medical foundations that invested in Lawrence's hugeaccelerators at Berkeley did not, even though Lawrence was furthering particlephysics by arguing that he was building bigger radiation sources for cancertherapy!' Depending on the negotiators' abilities, a few hundred dollars mayappear to be an intolerable waste of money, while buil~ing cyclotrons looks likethe only straight path to a ,cure for cancer.

There are two other limitations to this third strategy. First, whenever the usualroad is not blocked, whenever it is not clearly apparent to the eyes ofa group thatthey cannot follow their usual route, it becomes impossible to convince them tomake a detour. Second, once the detour has been completed and everyone ishappy, it is very hard to decide who is respoI)sible for the move. Since the Navyhelped Sperry, it can claim credit for the whole gyrocompass which wouldotherwise have remained a vague sketch or an engineer's blueprint. But sincewithout his gyrocompass the Navy fear that its dreadnoughts will be lost at sea.Sperry may very well claim to be the active force behind the Navy. There maybe abitter struggle to allocate credit, even when everything goes well.

Science in Action___- .J12


This is easier said than done. Interests are the consequence of whatever groupshave been previously engaged to do. MAN builds steam engines; it may bepersuaded to build diesel engines, but not easily persuaded to make yoghurt. ThePentagon wishes to win the war; they might be persuaded to win an atomic one,but not easily to dance, and soon. The ability to invent new goals is limited by theexistence ofalready defined groups. It would be much better to define new groupsthat could then be endowedwith new goals, goals which could, in turn, be reachedonly by helping the contenders to build their facts. At first sight, it seemsimpossible to invent new groups; in practice, it is the easiest and by far the mostefficient strategy. For instance, Eastman could not impose a new goal- takingpictures - without devising a new group from scratch, the amateur photographerfrom age 6 to 96. .

In the mid-nineteenth century, rich and poor, capitalist and proletariat weresome of the most solidly defined groups because of the class struggle. Healthofficers who wished to overhaul European and American cities to make themsafe and hygienic were constantly stalled by class hostility between poor andrich II. The simplest regulation for health was considered either to be too radical,or, on the contrary, to be one more stick for the rich to beat the poor with. When

then offering a possible solution is nice, but still limited by the original aims.Thus, in this example, Szilard could convince the Pentagon to wage a nuclearwar, but not to lose it or to support classical dance. The margin of fre edom wouldbe much increased if new goals could be devise<;i.

When George Eastman tried to move into the business ofselling photographicplates, he soon realised that he could convince only a few, well-equippedamateurs to buy his plates and his paper10. They were used to working in semi­professionallaboratori,es built in their homes. Others were uninterested in takingpictures themselves. They did not want to buy costly and cumbersome blackboxes - this time in the literal sense of the word! Eastman then devised the notionof 'amateur pJlOtography': everyone from 6 to 96 years old might could, should,want to take photographs. Having this idea of a mass market, Eastman and hisfriends had to define the object that would convince everybody to takephotographs. Only a few people were ready for a long detour through expensivelaboratories. The Eastman Company had to make the detour extremely small toenlist everyone. So that no one should hesitate to take a picture, the object shouldbe cheap, and easy, so easy that, as Eastman put it: 'You press the button, we dothe rest', or as we say in French, 'Clic, cIac, merci Kodak'. The camera was notyet there, but Eastman already sensed the contours of the object which wouldmake his company indispensable. Previously few people had had the goal oftaking photographs. If Eastman was successful, everyone would have this goal,and the only way to fulfil this craving would be to buy camera and films from thelocal Eastman Company dealer. .




may, at least in principle, be set up, either by them or by observers. As long as thegoals of all these actors are explicit, the fact-builder's degree of freedom is limitedto the narrow circle delineated by the three strategies above. The enlisted groupsknow that they are a group: know where they want to go: know if their usual way·is interrupted: know how far they are ready to deviate from it: know when theyhave returned to it: and finally, know how much credit should go to those whohelped them for a while. They know a lotl 8 They know too much be.cause thisknowledge limits the moves of the contenders and paralyses negotiations. Aslong as a group possesses such knowledge, it will be extremely hard to enrol it inthe fact-building and, still more, to control its behaviour. But how to bypass thisobstacle? The answer is simple and radicaL By following fact-builders in actionwe are going to see one of their most extraordinary feats: they are going to doaway with explicit interests so as to increase their margin for manOeuvre.

Science in Action

Even if they are explicit, the meanings of people's goals may be differentlyinterpreted. A group with a solution is looking for a problem but no one has aproblem....Well, why not make them have a problem? If a group feels that itsusual way is not at all interrupted, is it not possible to offer it another scenario inwhich it has got a big problem?

When Leo Szilard first entered into discussion with the Pentagon in the early1940's, the generals were not interested in his proposal to build an atomicweapon9• They argued that it always takes a generation to invent a new weaponsystem, that putting money into ihis project might be good for physicists fordoing physics but not soldiers for waging war. Thus they saw Szilard's proposalas a typical case of bootlegging: physicists would be better occupied perfecting'older weapon systems. Since they did not feel their usual way of inventingweapons was cut off, the generals had no reason to see Szilard's proposal as asolution to a non-existent problem. Then Szilard started to work on the officers'goals. 'What if the Germans got the atom bomb first'? How will you manage towin the war - your explicit aim - with all your older and obsolete weapons?' Thegenerals had to win a war-'a war' in its usual rendering meansa classical one: afterSzilard's intervention they still had to win the war - meaning now a new atomicone. The shift in meaning is slight but sufficient to change the standing of theatomic physicists: useless in the first version, they become necessary in thesecond. The war machine is not being invaded by bootlegging physicists anymore. It is now geared full speed towards the progressive realisation of Szilard'svague patent into a not so vague bomb...

Displacing the goals of the groups to be enlisted so as to create the problem a'nd


Pasteur and the hygienists introduced the notion of a microbe as the essentialcause of infectious disease, they did not take the society to be made up of rich andpoor, but ofa rather different list ofgroups: sick contagious people, healthy butdangerous carriers oftl;1e microbes, immunised people, vaccinated people, andsoon. Indeed, they added a lot ofnon-human actors to thedefinition of the groups aswell: mosquitoes, parasites, rats, fleas, plus the millions of ferments, bacteria,micrococci and other little bugs. After this reshuffling, the relevant groups werenot the same: a very rich man's son could die simply because the very poor maidwas carrying typhoid. As a consequence, a different type ofsolidarity emerged.As long as society was made up just of classes, hygienists did not know how tobecome indispensable. Their advice was not followed, their solutions were notapplied. As soon as newly formed groups were threatened by the newly inventedenemy, common interest was created, and so was a craving for the biologists'solutions; hygienists allied with microbiologists were positioned at the centre ofan regulations. Vaccines, filters, antiseptics, know-how that had until then beenconfined to a few laboratories spread to every household.


f'. t.' ...

Distance from original interest





new tendering of the military disaster. Then he goes on by arguing that this betterhealth was due to German superiority in science. Translation two expounds anew interpretation of the usefulness of basic science. He then explained thatscience was superior in Germany because it was better funded. Third translation.He next tells the reader that the French Assembly was, at that moment, cuttingfunds for basic science. This makes for a fourth displacement: no revenge wouldever be possible ifwe had no money. since there is no science without moneY,nohealthy soldiers without science and no revenge without soldiers. In the end hesuggests to the reader what to do: write, to your representative to make himchange his vote. All the slight displacements are smoothly nested, one in another,so that the same reader who was ready to pick up his rifle and march on theAlsatian frontier to beat the Germans, was now, with the same energy, andWIthout having· eschewed his goal, writing an indignant letter to hisrepresentative!

It should now be' clear why I used the word translation. In addition to itslinguistic meaning (relating versions in one language to versions in another one)it has also a geometric meaning (moving from one place to another). Translatinginterests means at once offering new interpretations of these interests andchannelling people in different directions. 'Take your revenge' is made to mean'write a letter'; 'build a new car' is made to really mean 'study one pore of anelectrode'. The results of such renderings are a slow movement from one place toanother. The main advantage of such a slow mobilisation is that particular issues(like that of the science budget or of the one-pore model) are now solidly tiedtomuch larger ones (the survival of the country, the future of cars), so well tiedindeed that threatening the former is tantamount to threatening the latter. Subtly.woven and carefully thrown, this very fine net can be very useful at keepinggroups in its meshes.

Figure 3.2


Science in Action116

The third tactic has its shortcomings as well. As long as a group-even madeup - is able to detect a widening gap between its goals - even displaced - and thatof the enrolling groups the margin of negotiation of the latter is much restrained.People can still see the difference between what they wanted and what they got,they still can feel they have been cheated. A fourth move is thus necessary thatturns the detour into a progressive drift, so that the enrolled group still thinksthat it is going along a straight line without ever abandoning its own interests.

In Chapter 1we studied such a drift. The managers ofa big company were after·new, more efficient, cars. They had been convinced by their research group thatelectric cars using fuel cells were the key [0 the future. This was the firsttranslation: 'more efficient cars' equals 'fuel cells'. But since nothing was knownof fuel cens they were convinced by the research director that the crucial enigmato be tackled was the behaviour of electrodes in catalysis 12 • This provided thesecond translation. The problem, they were later told by engineers, was that theelectrode is so complex that they should study a single pore of a single electrode.The third translation now reads: 'study of catalysis' = 'study of one pore' (seeChapter 1, sentence (8»). But since the series of translations is a transitive relationthe final version upheld by the Board of Directors was: 'new efficient cars' .;;:;:.'research into the one-pore model'. No matter how far the drift might appear, it isnot felt as a detour any more. On the contrary, it has become the only straightway to get at the car. The Board's interests have to go through this one pore likethe camel through the eye of the needle!

To take another example, a French columnist argued, in 1871, after the'Franco-Prussian war, that if the French had been beaten, this was due to ,theGerman soldiers' better state of health. This is the first translation that offers a

The contenders now have a lot of leeway with these five tactics in their attempts

(5) Translation five: becoming indispensable

make as many compromises as possible, whereas the attribution of responsibilityrequires you to limit the number of actors as much as possible. The question ofknowing who follows and who is followed should in no way be asked if the firstmovement is to succeed, and nevertheless should be settled for the secondmovement to be completed. Although Diesel followed many of the people herecruited, translating their common interest in an ambiguqus mixture, in the endhe had to make them consider his science as the leader they followed.

[ will call the primar.y mechanism that which makes it possible to solve theenrolment problem and make the collective action cf many people turn from'germs' into reality asepsis, gyrocompasses, GRF or diesel engines. To thismechanism a secondary mechanism has to be added which might have no relationat all with the first and which is as controversial and as bitter as the other ones.

A military metaphor will help us remember this essential point. When anhistorian says that Napoleon leads the Great Army through Russia every readerknows: that Napoleon with his own body is not strong enough to win, say, thebattle ofBorodino 14. During the battle halfa million people are taking initiatives,mixing up the commands, ignoring orders, fleeing or cou'rageously dying. Thisgigantic mechanism is much bigger than what Napoleon can handle or even seefrom the top of a hilL Nevertheless, after the battle, his soldiers, the Tsar,Kutuzov who commands the Russian army, the people ofParis, the historians, allattribute to him and only to him the responsibility for the victory - which in thiscase turned out later to be a defeat. Everyone will agree that there may be somerelation between what Napoleon did during the battle and what the hundreds ofthousands of others did, but they will also agree that these relations cannot becaptured by the sentence 'Napoleon won because he had the power and the othersobeyed'. Exactly the same is true of the relations between the handful ofscientistsand the millions of others. Their complicated and unpredictable relations cannotbe captured by a simple order of command that would go from basic science tothe rest of society via applied science and development.

Other people will decide that Diesel was a mere precursor, or that Pasteur didall the basic work on asepsis, or that Sperry had only a marginal input into thegyrocompass. Even when all these questions are later tackled by historians, theirresearch adds an important expert testimony to the trials, but it does not endthetrials and does not take the place of the court. In practice, however, people makesome versions more credible than others. Everyone may finally accept that Diesel'had the idea' of his engine, that Lister 'invented' asepsis with the help ofPasteur's memoirs, or that Napoleon 'led' the Great Army. For a reason thatwill become still clearer in Part C, this secondary distribution offlags and medalsshould never be confused with the primary process.

119MachinesScience in Action


All the above moves enormously increase the contender's room for manoeuvre,especially the latter which dissolves the notion of explicit interest. It is no longerpossible to tell who is enrolled and who is enrolling, who is going out of his wayand who is not. But this success brings its own problems with it. How can wedecide who did the job, or indeed, how can the fact-builders determine if the factseventually built are their own? All along we meet this problem: with Diesel'sengine, with Pasteur's vaccine, with Sperry's gyrocompass. The whole process ofenrolmen t, no matter how cleverly managed, may be wasted if others gain creditfor it. Conversely, enormous gains may be made simply by solving it, even if theprocess of enrolment has been badly managed.

After reading a famous work by Pasteur on fermentation, an English surgeon,Lister, 'had the idea' that wound infections - that killed most if not all of hispatients - might be similar to fermentation IJ

• Imitating Pasteur's handling offermenting wine, Lister then imagined that by killing the germs in the woundsand by letting oxygen pass through the dressing, infection would stop and thewound heal cleanly. After many years oftrials, he invented asepsis and antisepsis.Hold on! Did he invent them? A new discussion starts. No he did not, becausemany surgeons had had the idea of linking infection and fermentation before,and of letting air through the bandage; many colleagues worked with and againsthim for many years before asepsis became a routine black box in all surgicalwards. Besides, in many lectures Lister gracefully attributed his original ideas toPasteur's memoir. So, in a sense he 'simply developed' what was in germ, so tospeak, in Pasteur's invention. But Pasteur never made asepsis and antisepsis aworkable practice in surgery; Lister did. So, in another sense, Lister dideverything. Historians, as much as the actors themselves, delight in deciding whoinfluenced whom, who had only a marginal contribution and who made the mostsignificant contribution. With each new witness, someone else, or some othergroup, takes credit for part or for all of the move.

So as not to be confused, we should distinguish the recruiting of allies so as tobuild a fact or a machine collectively, from the attributions afresponsibility tothose who did most of the work. By definition, and according to our firstprinciple, since the construction offacts is collective, everyone is as necessary asanyone else. Nevertheless, it is possible, in spite of this necessity, to makeeveryone accept a few people, or even one person, as the main cause for theircollective work. Pasteur, for instance, not only recruited many sources ofsupport, but also strove to maintain his laboratory as the source of the generalmovement that was made up of many scientists, officials, engineers and firms..Although he had to accept their views and follow their moves - so as to extend hislab- he also had to fight so that they all appeared as simply 'applying' his ideasand following his leads. The two movements must be carefully distinguishedbecause, although they are complementary for a successful strategy, they lead inopposite directions: the recruitment of allies supposes that you go as far and

to interest people in the outcome of their claims. With guile and patience itshould be possible to see everyone contributing to the spread of a claim in timeand space-which will then become a routine black box in everyone's hands. Ifsuch a point were reached, then no further strategy would be necessary: thecontenders would have simply become indispensable. They would not have tocater to others' interests- first translation - nor to convince them that their usualways were cut off-second translation - nor seduce them thro~gh a littledetour- third translation; it would no longer even be necessary to invent newgroups, new goals, to surreptitiously bring about drift in interests, or to fightbitter struggles for attribution of responsibilities. The contenders would simplysit at a particular place, and the others would flow effortlessly through them,borrowing their claims, buying their products, willingly participating in theconstruction and spread of black boxes. People would simply rush to buyEastman Kodak cameras, to have Pasteur's injections, to try Diesel's newengines, to install new gyrocompasses, to believe Schally's claims without a .shadow of a doubt, and to dutifully acknowledge the owner:::hip rights ofEastman, Pasteur, Diesel, Sperry and Schally.

The quandary of the fact-builder would not simply be precariously patched up.It would be entirely resolved. No negotiation, no displacement would benecessary since the others would do the moving, the begging, the compromisingand the negotiation. They are the ones who would go out of their way. In Figures3.1 and 3.2 I pictured the fOUf translations. They all lead to the fIfth translationthat literally sums them up. In the geometric sense of translation· it means thatwhatever you do, and wherever you go, you have to pass through the contenders"position and to help them further their interests. In the linguistic sense of the


(1) A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

Part BKeeping the interested groups in line

We saw in the introduction to this chapter that two things are needed in order tobuild a black box: first it is necessary to enrol others so that they believe it, buy itand disseminate it across time and space; second, it is nece.ssary to controlthem sothat what they borrow and spread remains more or less the same. If people arenot interested, or if they do something entirely different with the claim, thespread of a fact or of a machine in time and space does not take place. A fewpeople toy with an idea for a few days, but it soon disappears, to be replaced byanother. Projects which trigger enthusiasm are quickly put back into a drawer.Theories that had started to infect the world shrink back to become the idee fixeof some lunatic in an asylum. Even cqlleagues who had been 'unalterably'convinced by a laboratory demonstration can change their minds a month later.Established facts are quickly turned into artefacts, and puzzled people ask, 'Howcould we have believed such an absurdity?' Established industries that looked asif they were to last for ever suddenly become obsolete and start falling apart,displaced by newer ones. Dissenters who interrupt the spread of any fact orartefact proliferate.

In Part A we have seen how to do half the job, that is, how to interest others.Now we have to tackle the other half: how to make their behaviour predictable.This is a much harder task.

word translation, it means that one version translates every other, acquiring asort ofhegemony: whatever your want, you want this as well. The diagram makesclear that, from the first to the last, the contenders have shifted from the mostextreme weakness - that forced them to follow the others - to the greateststrength - that forces all the others to follow them.

Is such a strategy feasible? Shadowing scientists and engineers will show usthat it is common practice, but that, in order to succeed, other allies have to bebrought in and most of them do not look like men or women.

Let us first assess the difficulty ofthe task. When Diese.l succeeded in interestingMAN in his project for a perfect engine, he was lent money, workshops,assistants, and was granted some time. His problem was to hold those elementstogether with the ones he was bringing into the contract: Carnot'sthermodynamics, the principle of ignition at constant temperature and his ownviews on the future market. Initially all these elements are simply assembled inone place at Augsburg. What could bind them more firmly together? A workingprototype which might later be used as a single piece of standard equipment in


Sci~nce in Action



Figure 3.3

other settings- a submarine or a truck, for example. What will happen if Dieselcannot hold all these elements at once? The answer is simple: they will bedisbanded as easily as they have been assembled. Each of the elements will go itsown way: MAN will go on building steam engines, assistants will be movedtoother jobs, money will flow elsewhere, Camot's thermodynamics will remain acryptic piece of basic physics, ignition at constant temperature will beremembered as a technological dead end, and Diesel will occupy himself with·other tasks, leaving little trace in the history books.

So the number ofenlisted interests is important but far from enough, becauseknitting and tying them together may be undone. Pasteur had been able to .convince farmers who raised cattle that the only way to solve the terrible anthraxplague was to pass through his laboratories at the Ecole Normale Superieure inRue d'Ulm in Paris. Breathing down Pasteur's neck were thousands of interestsnested into one another, all ready to accept his short cut through the microscope,the artificial culture of microbes, and the promised vaccine. However there is a .considerable drift between an interest in raising cattle on a farm and watchingmicrobes grow in Petri dishes: the gathering crowd might disband rapidly. After'a few months of hope they might all leave disappointed, bitterly accusing Pasteur .of having fooled them by creating artefacts in his laboratory oflittle relevance tofarms and cattle. Pasteur would then become a mere precursor for the anthraxvaccine, his role in history being accordingly diminished. Something else isneeded to tie the diverted resources and invested interests together in a durableway.

Eastman had the bright idea of inventing a new group of6- to96-year-olds thatwas endowed with a craving for taking pictures. This enlistment depended on acamera that was simple to operate, which meant a camera with film and not theexpensive fragile and cumbersome glass plates then used. But what wouldhappen if the film slackened so much that all the pictures were fuzzy? What if thecoating of blistered? No matter how many people found photographyappealing, no matter how big the Eastman Company, not matter how clever andinterested Eastman might be, the associated interests would disassociate.Eastman, with his dream of a mass market, would become one of the manyprecursors in the long history of popular photography. Others would take up hispatents, even perhaps buy his company.

Something more is needed to turn the temporary juxtaposition of interests intoa durable whole. Without this 'little something" the assembly of people necessaryto turn a claim into a black box will behave unpredictably: they will dissent, theywill open it, tinker with it; worse, they will lose interest and drop it altogether.This 'dangerous' behaviour should be made impossible; even better, it should bemade unthinkable.

We know the answer since we have been talking about it for three chapters: theonly way to keep the dissenters at bay is to link the fate of the claim with so manyassembled elements that it resists aU trials to break it apart.

The first prototype that Diesel assembles is much like Schally's GRF or

Blondlot's ill fated N-Rays: each new trial makes it falter. At the start, Diesel tiesthe fate of his engine to that of any fuel, thinking that they would all ignite at avery high pressure. This, to him, is what made his engine so versatile. He needsvery high pressure to obtain such a result, with pistons, cylinders and valvesstrong enough to withstand more than 33 atmospheres. MAN was able toprovide him with excellent machine tools and know-how,so that it soon becamepossible to obtain such high pressure. But then, nothing happened. N at every fuelignited. This ally which he had expected to be unproblematic and faithfulbetrayed him. Only kerosene ignited, and then only erratically. How could theignition of kerosene be kept in line? Diesel discovered that it depended on theright mixture, of air and fuel. To keep this mixture constant he had to introducethe fuel and the air into the cylinder at a very high pressure. But Diesel had to addpowerful pumps, sturdy valves and a lot of extra plumbing to his original designto obtain such a result. His engine may run, but it becomes large and expensive.

Sowhat is happening? Diesel has to shift his system ojalliances: high pressureplus any fuel plus solid injection lead to engines of any size which interesteveryone and spread everywhere. But this series of associations is dismantled inthe Augsburg workshop, as soon as it is tried out. The engine does not even turnone stroke. So, a new series of alliances is tried out: high pressure plus keroseneplus air injection which means a large and costly engine that idles for a fewseconds.

I hear the reader's objection: 'But do we really have to go into these details tounderstand how others are to be controlled?' Yes, because without these littledetails others are not controlled! Like the dissenter of Chapter 2, they applypressure to the new design, and the whole thing breaks apart. To resist dissent,that is to resist trials offorce, Diesel has to invent an injection pump that holds airand kerosene together, allows the high pressure to ignite the mixture, makes theengine run,and thus keeps MAN in line. But if the kerosene, the air, and MANare kept in line, this is not the case for the vast market anticipated by Diesel. Thishas to be given up. Groping in the dark inside his workshop, Diesel has to choosealliances. He has to decide what he most wishes to keep in line. There is at first noengine that can ally itself to air, to any fuel and to everyone's needs. Somethinghas to give way: a fuel, the kerosene, solid injection, Carnot's principles, the massmarket, Diesel's stamina, MAN's patience, rights to patents ... Something.

The same choice goes on in Pasteur's laboratory. Is there anything that can beused to tie in the farmers' interests before they all go away bitter and scornful? Atiny bacillus inside a urine medium will not do, even if it is visible under themicroscope. It is only of marginal interest to people who have been attracted tothe lab by the promise that they will soon be back on their farms, milkinghealthier cows and shearing healthier sheep. If Pasteur was using his bacillus todo biochemistry or taxonomy, deciding if it was an animal or a lichen, others likebiochemists or taxonomists would be interested, but not the farmers. WhenPasteur shows that sheep fed older cultures of the bacillus resist the disease evenwhen they are later fed virulent cultures, biochemists and taxonomists are only

_----122.. _,UU_ Science in Action Machines 123

(2) Tying up with new unexpected allies

We now start to understand that there is no way of tying together interestedgroups- mobilised in part A - unless other elements are tied with them: piston,air, kerosene, urine medium, microbes, roller, coating, celluloid, etc. But we alsounderstand that it is not possible to tie any element to another at random.Choices have to be made. Diesel's decision to go in for air injection means thatmany potential buyers have to be abandoned and that Carnot's principles maynot be that easily applied. Pasteur's search for a new medium for his va~cin~entails the abandonment of other interests in biochemistry and taxonomy.Amateurs may be captured by Eastman's new Kodak camera, but the semi­professionals who do their own plates and development are left to one side andthe new film coating had better not blister. As in Machiavelli's Prince, theprogressive building up ofan empire is a series ofdecisions about aJIiances: Withwhom can I collaborate? Whom should I write off? How can I make this one

casually interested but farmers are very interested. Instead oflosing interest, they .gain it. This is a vaccine to prevent infection, something easy to relate to the farmconditions. But what ifthe vaccine works erratically? Again, interest may slackenand disappointment return. Pasteur then needs a new reliable method to turn theproduction of vaccine into a routine, a black box that may be injected by any vet.His collaborators discover that it all depends on the temperature of the culture:44° for a few days is fine, the culture ages and may be used as a vaccine; at 45°, the.bacillus dies; at410 it changes form, sporulates and becomes useless as a vaccine.These little details are what clamp together the wavering interests ofthe enrolledfarmers. Pasteur has to find ways to make both the farmers and the bacillus

( predictable. And he has to keep on discovering new ways, or at least for as long ashe wishes to tie these farmers and these microbes together. The tiniest loose endin this lash-up l5 and all his efforts are wasted.

The captation of people's interests, and their translation to make them work inthe construction ofa black box, leads, I have to admit, to trifles. But ifyou build a .long chain, it still remains only as strong as its weakest link no matter howgrandiose some of its elements may be. Little matter that Eastman has mobilisedhis whole company to capture the amateur market; little matter that he has.invented a new box, a new roller, a new film, a new ratchet for the new springholding the negatives; if the coating of the film blisters, then that is the end ofthewhole enterprise. There is one missing link in the long chain J6

• One negligible allydefaults. Shifting from paper to celluloid allows Eastman to solve these irritatingblisters. This part of the camera at least becomes indisputable. The camera nowmoves from hand to hand as one object, and may start to interest the people it hasbeen devised to interest. Now attention shifts to another missing link, to the new'machines that have to be invented to make long strips ofcelluloid. To keep themin line, other allies have in turn to be fetched and assembled, and so on.


faithful? Is this other one reliable? Is this one a credible spokesperson? But whatdid not occur to Machiavelli is that these alliances can cut across the boundariesbetween human beings and 'things'. Every time an ally is abandoned,replacements need to be recruited; every time a sturdy link disrupts an aUiancethat would be useful, new elements should be brought in to break it apart andmake use of the dismantled elements. These 'machiavellian' strategies are mademore visible when we follow scientists and engineers. Rather, we call 'scientists'and 'engineers' those subtle enough to include in the same repertoire of ployshuman and non-human resources, thus increasing their margin for negotiation.

Take for instance the Bell Companyl7. Telephone lines in the early days wereable to carry' a voice only a few kilometres. Beyond this limit the voice becamegarbled, full ofstatic, inaudible. The message was corrupted and not transmitted.By 'boosting' the signals every thirteen kilometres, the distance could beincreased. In 1910, mechanical repeaters were invented to relay the message. Butthese costly and unreliable repeaters could be installed only on a few lines. TheBeU Company was able to expand, but not very far, and certainly not through thedesert, or the Great Plains of the United States where all sorts ofsmall companieswere thriving in the midst Of complete chaos. Ma Bell, as it is nicknamed byAmericans, was indeed in the business of linking people together, but with themechanical repeater many people who might wish to pass through her networkcould not do so. An exhibition in San Francisco in 1913 offered Bell a challenge.What if we could link the West and the East Coast with one telephone line? Canyou imagine that? A transcontinental line tying the US together and renderingBell the indispensable go-between of a hundred million people, eliminating allthe small companies? Alas, this is impossible because of the cost of the oldrepeater. It becomes the missing link in this new alliance planned between MaBell and everyone in the US. The project falls apart, becomes a dream. Notranscontinental line for the time being. Better send your messages through thePost Office.

Jewett, one of the directors of Bell, looks for new possible alliances that willhelp the company out of its predicament. He remembers that he was taught byMillikan, when the latter was a young lecturer. Now a famous physicist, Millikanworks on the electron, a new object at the time, that is slowly being built up in hislaboratory like all the other actants we saw in Chapter 2. One of the features ofthe electron is that it has no inertia. Jewett, who himself has a doctorate inphysics, is ready for a little detour. Something which has no inertia loses littleenergy. Why not ask MilJikan about a possible new repeater? Millikan'slaboratory has nothing to offer, yet. Nothing ready for sale. No black boxrepeating long-distance messages cheaply and safely. What Millikan can do,however, is to lend Jewett a few of his best students, to whom Bell offers a well­equipped laboratory. At this point Millikan's physics is in part connected withBell's fate, which is partly connected with the challenge of the San Francisco fair,according to a chain of translations like the ones we studied above. Through aseries of slight displacements, electrons, Bell, Millikan and the continental line

Science in Actioni;...,;----,- U4

build a transcontinental line. This was counting without the electrons. By addingelectrons and Millikan and his students and a new lab to the list of its allies, MaBell modifies the relations offorces. Where it was weak over longer distances, it isnqw stronger than anyone else.

!We always feel it is important to decide on the nature of the alliances: are theelements human or non-human? Are they technical 9r scientific? Are theyobjective or subjective? Whereas the only question that really matters is thefollowing: is this new association weaker or stronger than that one. Veterinaryscience had not the slightest relation with the biology done in laboratories whenPasteur began his study. This does not mean that this connection cannot be built.Through the. establishment of a long list ofallies, the tiny bacillus attenuated bythe culture has a sudden bearing on the interests of farmers. Indeed, it is whatdefinitively reverses the balance ofpower. Vets with all their science now have topass through Pasteur's laboratory and borrow his vaccine as an incontrovertibleblack box. He has become indispensable. The fulfilment of the strategiespresentedin Part A is entirely dependent on the new unexpected allies that havebeen made to be relevant. .

The consequence of these bold moves that enrol newly formed actors(microbes, electrons) in our human affairs is that there is no way to counteractthem except by tackling these 'technical details'. Like the proof race described inChapter 1, once it has started there is no way ofavoiding the nitty-gritty since thisis what makes the difference. Without building expensive laboratories that theycould not afford in an attempt to attract physics and electrons back into theirown camp, the small companies eliminated by Bell could not resist. Thelaboratories studied in Chapter 2 now occupy the centre of these strategiesthrough which new actors constituting a vast reservoir of forces are mobilised.The spokespersons able to talk on behalf of new and invisible actors are now thelinchpins on which the balance of power rests: a new characteristic of electrons,one more degree in the culture medium, and the whole assembled crowd eitherbreaks up or is irreversibly bound.

The intimate details of an obscure science may become a battlefield like ahitherto modest hamlet became the stage for the battle of Waterloo. InEdinburgh, for instance, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the risingmiddle class was chafing under the social superiority of high societyl8. Applyingthe above strategy, they looked for unexpected allies to reverse this situation.They seized on a movement in brain science called phrenology that allowedalmost anyone to read off people's qualities by carefully considering the bumpson their skulls and the shape of their faces. This use of cranial characteristicsthreatened to reshuffle Scottish class fabric entirely, exactly like the hygienistsdid above with the microbes (p.115). To evaluate the moral worth ofsomeone thequestions were no longer: Who are his parents? How ancient is his lineage? Howvast are his propeties? But only: Does his skull possess the shape that expressesvirtue and honesty? By allying themselves with phrenology the middle class couldchange its position in relation to the upper class, which at first was uninterested in

Science in Action

are closer to one another than they were before. But it is still a mere juxtaposition.The Bell Company managers may soon realise that basic physics is good forphysicists but not for businessmen; electrons may refuse to jump from oneelectrode of the new triodes to the next when the tension gets too high, and fill thevacuum with a blue cloud; the urge for a transcontinental line may no longer befelt by the Board of Directors.

This mere juxtaposition is transformed when Arnold, one of the recruitedphysicists, transforms a triode patented by another inventor. In a very highvacuum, even at very high tension, the slightest vibration at one end triggers astrong vibration at the other. A new object is then created through new trials in .the newly opened laboratory: electrons that greatly amplify signals. This newelectronic repeater is soon transfonned into a black box by the collective work ofMa Bell, and incorporated as a routine piece ofequipment in six locations alongthe 5500 kilometres of cable laid across the continent. In 1914, thetranscontinental line, impossible with the other repeater, becomes real.Alexander Bell calls Mr Watson, who is no longer downstairs but thousands ofmiles away. The Bell Company is now able to expand over the whole continent:consumers who had not before had the slightest interest in telephoning the othercoast now routinely do so, passing through the Bell network and contributing toits expansion-as anticipated from the fifth translation described above. But theboundaries of physics have been transfonned as well, from a few modestlyequipped laboratories in universities to many well-endowed laboratories inindustry; from now on many students could make a career in industrial physics.And Millikan? He has changed too, since many effects first stabilised in his labare now routinely used along telephone lines, everywhere, thus providing hislaboratory with a fantastic expansion. Something else has moved too. Theelectrons. The list of actions that defined their being has been dramaticallyincreased when all these laboratories submitted them to new and unexpectedtrials. Domesticated electrons have been made to playa role in a convolutedalliance that allows the Bell Company to triumph over its rivals. [n the end, eachactor in this little story has been pushed out of its usual way and made to bedifferent, because of the new alliances it has been forced to enter.

We, the [aypeople, far away from the practice of science and the slow build-upof artefacts, have no idea of the versatility of the alliances scientists are ready tomake. We keep nice clean boundaries that exclude 'irrelevant' elements:electrons have nothing to do with big business; microbes in laboratories havenothing to do with farms and cattle; Carnot's thermodynamics is infinitely farfrom submarines. And we are right. There is at first a vast distance between theseelements; at the beginning they are indeed irrelevant. But 'relevance', likeeverything else, can be made. How? By the series of translations I have sketched.When Jewett first fetches Millikan, the electrons are too feeble to have any easyconnection with Ma Bell. At the end, inside the triode redesigned by Arnold, theyreliably transmit Alexander Bell's order to Mr Watson. The smaller companiesmight have thought tha~ Ma Bell would never beat them since it was impossible to

Machines 127

(3) Machinations offorces

brain science, by reallocating everybody into newly relevant groups. To resistbrain scientists, other brain scientists had to be enlisted hook, line and sinker.Thus a controversy started not about social classes, but about neurology. As thecontroversy heated, the discussion shifted inside brain science~ in fact, it shiftedliterally inside the brain. Atlases were printed, skulls cut open, dissectionsperformed, to decide whether the inner structure of the brain could be predictedfrom the outer shape of the skull, as argued by phrenologists. Like t~e dissentersin Chapter 2 the newly recruited brain scientists tried out the connectionsestablished by phrenologists. The more they tried, the deeper they were led insidethe brain, straining their eyes to discern whether the cerebellum, for instance, waslinked to the rest of the body from the top or from the bottom. Moving slowlythrough the various translations, the contenders ended up in the cerebellum; andthey did so because this latter proved the weak link.

Interested groups may therefore be kept in line as, moving through a series oftranslations, they end up being trapped by a completely new element that is itselfso strongly tied that nothing can break it up. Without exactly understanding howit all happened, people start placing transcontinental phone calls, takingphotographs, having their cats and children vaccinated, and. believing inphrenology. The quandary of the fact-builder is thus resolved, since all thesepeople willingly contribute to the further expansion of these many black boxes. Anew and deeper problem arises, however, caused by the very success of all theplots discussed above. These new and unexpected allies brought in to keep thefirst groups in line, how can they, in turn, be kept in line? Are they not anotherprovisional juxtaposition of helping hands, ready to disband? Is not the flask ofPasteurian vaccine likely to be spoiled? What keeps the new prototype triodesfrom switching off after a few hours? What if the cerebellum turns out to be ashapeless mash of brain tissue? As to the diesel engine, we know how unreliable itis; it has to be debugged for longer years than the Eagle computer. How shouldthese disordered assemblies be turned into such a tightly glued whole that it canlink the enrolled groups together durably? Machiavelli knew perfectly well thatthe alliances binding towns and crowns are shifting and uncertain. But we areconsidering much more shifting and uncertain alliances between brains,microbes, electrons and fuels, than those necessary to bind together towns "andcrownsJf there is no way to render the new allies more reliable than the olderones, then the whole enterprise is spoiled and claims will shrink back to a singleplace and a single time.

We take the answer so much for granted that we no longer feel how simple andoriginal it is. The simplest means of transforming the juxtaposed set ofallies intoa whole that acts as one is to tie the assembled forces to one another, that is, to


build a machine. A machine, as its name implies, is first of all, a machination, astratagem, a kind of cunning, where borrowed forces keep one another in checkso that none can fly apart from the group. This makes a machine different from atool which is a single element held direct/yin the hand of a man or a woman 19.

Useful as tools are, they never turn Mr of Ms Anybody into Mr or MsManybodies! The trick is to sever the link each tool ha!; with each body and tiethem to one another instead. The pestle is a tool in the woman's hand; she isstronger with it than with her hands alone, for now she is able to grind corn.However if you tie the grinder to a wooden frame and if this frame is tied to thesails of a mill that"profits from the wind, this is a machine, a windmill, that putsinto the miller's hands an assembly of forces no human could ever match.

It is essential to note that the skills required to go from the pestle to thewindmill are exactly symmetrical to the ones we saw in Part A. How can the windbe borrowed? How can it be made to have a bearing on corn and bread? How canits force be translated so that, whatever it does or does not do, the corn is reliablyground? Yes, we may use the words translation and interest as well, because it isno more and no less difficult to interest a group in the fabrication of a vaccinethan to interest the wind in" the fabrication of bread. Complicated negotiationshave to go on continuously in both cases so that the provisional alliances do notbreak off.

For instance, the assembled groups of farmers may, as I showed, lose interest.And the wind, what can it do? Simply blow the fragile windmill away, tearing thesails and the wings off. What should the mechanic do to hold the wind in hissystem of alliances, in spite of the way it shifts direction and changes strength? Hehas to negotiate. He has to tailor a machine that can stay open to the wind andstill be immune to its deleterious effects. Severing the association between the sailmechanism and the tower on which the mill is built, will do the trick. The top ofthe mill now revolves. Of course, there is a price to pay, for now you need morecranks and a complicated system of wheels, but the wind has been made into areliable ally. No matter how much the winds shift, no matter what the windswant, the whole windmill will act as one piece, resisting dissociation in spiteof/because ofthe increasing number ofpieces it is now made of. What happens tothe people gathered round the miller'? They too are definitely 'interested' in themill. No matter what they want, no matter how good they were at handling thepestle, they now have to pass through the mill. Thus they are kept in line just asmuch as the wind is2/). If the wind had toppled the mill, then they could haveabandoned the miller and gone their usual ways. Now that the top of the millrevolves, thanks to a complicated assembly of nuts and bolts, they cannotcompete with it. It is a clever machination, isn't it, and because of it the mill hasbecome an obligatory passage point for the people, for the corn and for the wind.If revolving windmills cannot do the job alone, then one can make it illegal togrind corn at home. If the new law does not work immediately, use fashion ortaste, anything that will habituate people to the mill and forget their pestles.) toldyou the alliances were 'machiavellian'!

Science in Action128.

Still it is hard to see how a profusion of forces can be kept in line by relativelysimple machinations like windmills. One snag becomes obvious: the process ofrecruiting and maintaining allies involves increasing complexity in the machine.Even the best mechanic will find it difficult to regulate the machine - check thewind, mend the sails, enforce the law - so that all the allies stay content. Whenyou get to more complex machines, it's just a question ofwho/what breaks downfirst.

It would be better if the assembled forces could check one another by playingthe role of mechanic for each other; if this were feasible, then the mechanic couldwithdraw and still benefit from the collective work ofall the assembled elements,each conspiring with one another to fulfil the mechanic's goal. This would meanthat, in practice, the assembled forces would move by themselves! This at firstseems ludicrous, since it would mean that non-human elements would play therole of inspector, surveyor, checker, analyst and reporter in order to keep theassembled forces in line. It would mean another confusion of boundaries, theextension of social ploys to nature.

We are again so used to accepting the solution, that is hard for us to imaginehow original the stratagems that generated automatons were. For instance, in theearlier Newcomen steam engine, the piston followed the condensing steam,pushed by atmospheric pressure, that was thus made to lend its strength to thepump that extracted the water, that flooded the coal mine, that made the pituseless...21 A long series of associations, like those discussed in Part A, were madethat linked the fate of coal mines to the weight of the atmosphere through thesteam engine. The point here is that, when it reached the end of the cylinder, anew flow of steam had to be injected through a valve opened by a worker whothen closed it again when the piston reached the top of its stroke. But why leavethe opening and closing of the valve to a weary, underpaid and unreliable worker,when the piston moves up and down and could be made to tell the valve when toopen and when to close? The mechanic who linked the piston with a cam to thevalve transformed the piston into its own inspector - the story is that he was atired, lazy boy. The piston is more reliable than the boy since it is, via the cam,directly interested. so to speak, in the right timing of the flow ofsteam. Certainly,it is more directly interested than any human being. An automatism is born,oneof the first in a long series. .

The engineer's ability lies in multiplying the tricks that make each elementinterested in the working of the others. These elements may be freely chosenamong human or non-human actors22 • For instance, in the early British cotton­spinning industry, a worker was attached to the machine in such a way that anyfailure of attention resulted not in a small deficiency in the product that could be .hidden, but in a gross and obvious disruption which led to a loss of pieceworkearnings. In this case, it is part of the machine that is used to supervise the worker.A system of pay, detection of error, a worker, a cotton-spinning machine,wereall tied together in order to transform the whole lash-up into a smoothly runningautomaton. The assembly ofdisorderly and unreliable allies is thus slowly turned

i'nto something that closely resembles an organised whole. When such a cohesionis obtained we at last have a black box.

Up to now I have used this term both too much and too loosely to mean either awell-establised fact or an unproblematic object. I could not define it properlybefore we had seen the final machinations that turn a gathering of forces into awhole that then may be used to control the behaviour, of the enrolled groups.Until it can be made into an automaton, the elements that the fact-builder wantto spread in time and space is not a black box. It docs not act as one. It can bedisassociated, dismantled, renegotiated, reappropriated. The Kodak camera ismade of bits and 'pieces, of wood, of steel, of coating, of celluloid. The semi­professionals of the time open up their camera and do their own coating anddeveloping, they manufacture their own paper. The object is dismembered eachtime a new photograph is taken, so that it is not one but rather a bunch ofdisconnected resources (hat others may plunder. Now the new Kodak automaticcan.not be opened without going wrong. It is made up ofmany more parts and it ishandled by a much more complex commercial networ~, but it acts as one piece.For the newly convinced user it is one object, no matter how many pieces thereare in it and no matter how complex the commercial system of the EastmanCompany is. So it is not simply a question of the number of allies. Numbersunified whole. However, with automatism, a large numberofelementsis made toact as one, and Eastman benefits from the whole assembly. When many elementsare made to act as one, this is ~at I will now call a black box.

It is now understandable why,~ince the beginning of this book, no distinctionhas been made between what is called a 'scientific' fact and what is called a'technical' object or artefact. This division, although traditional and convenient,artificially cuts through the question ofhow to ally oneself to resist controversies.The problem of the builder of 'fact' is the same as that of the builder of'objects~how to convince others, how to control their behaviour, how to gathersufficientresources in one place, how to have the claim or the object spread out in time andspace. In both cases, it is others who have the power to transform the claim or theobject into a durable whole. Indeed, as we saw previously (Chapter 2) each time afact starts to be undisputed it is fed back to the other laboratoris as fast aspossible. Bu{-!he only way for new undisputed facts to be fed back, the only wayfor a whole stable field of science to be rnoblised in other fields, is for it to beturned into an automaton, a machine, one more piece of equipment in a lab,another black box. Technics and sciences are so much thesame phenomenon thatI was right to use the same term black box, even loosely, to designate their

outcon;.e.). h" . .. f" . h' b . d h' .Yet,~esplte t IS ImpOSSIbIlIty 0 dIstmguls mg etween sCience an tee mes,It

is still possible to detect, in the process of enrolling allies and controlling theirbehaviour, two moments that will allow the reader to remain closer to commonsense by retaining some difference between 'science' and 'technology'. The firstmoment is when new and unexpected allies are recruited- and this is most oftenvisible in laboratories, in scientific and technical literature, in heated discussions;

130 Science in Action Machines 131

varied from time to time because of the many elements the claims were tied to. Ifpeople wished to open the boxes, to renegotiate the facts, to appropriate them,masses of allies arrayed in tiers would come to the rescue of the claims and forcethe dissenters into assent; but the allies will not even think ofdisputing the claims,since this would be against their own interests which the new objects have soneatly translated. Dissent has been made unthinkable. A~ this point, these peopledo not do anything more to the objects, except pass them along, reproduce them,buy them, believe them. The result of such smooth borrowing is that there aresimply more copies of the same object. This is what happened to the double-helixafter 1952, to the Eclipse MVI8000after 1982, to Diesel's engine after 1914, to theCuries' polonium after 1900, to Pasteur's vaccine after 1881, to Guillemin'sGRFafter 1982. So many people accept them that they seem to flow as effortlessly asthe voice of Alexander Bell through the thousands of miles of the newtranscontinental line, even though his voice is amplified every thirteen miles andcompletely broken down and recomposed six times over! It also seems that all thework is now over. Spewed out by a few centres and laboratories, new things andbeliefs are emerging, free floating through minds and hands, populating theworld with replicas of themselves.

I will call this description of moving facts and machines the diffusion model. Ithas a number of strange characteristics which, if taken seriously, make theargument of this book exceedingly difficult to grasp.

First, it seems that as people so easily agree to transmit the object, it is theobject itself that forces them to assent. It then seems that the behaviour ofpeopleis caused by the diffusion of facts and machines. It is forgotten that the obedient

-behaviour ofpeople is what turns the claims into facts and machines; the carefulstrategies that give the object the contours that will provide assent are alsoforgotten. Cutting through the many machiavellian strategies of this chapter, themodel of diffusion invents a technical determinism, paralleled by a scientificdeterminism. Diesel's engine leaps with its own strength at the consumer'sthroat, irresistibly forcing itself into trucks and submarines, and as to the Curies'polonium, it freely pollinates the open minds of the academic world. Facts nowhave a vis inertia of their own. They seem to move even without people. Morefantastic, it seems they would have existed even without people at all.

The second consequence is as bizarre as the first. Since facts are now endowedwith an inertia that does not depend on the action of people or on that of theirmany non-human allies, what propels them? To solve this question adepts ofthediffusion model have to invent a new mating system. Facts are supposed toreproduce one another! Forgotten are the many people who carry them fromhand to hand, the crowds of acting entities that shape the facts and are shaped bythem, the complex negotations to decide which association is stronger or weaker;forgotten are the three chapters above, as from now on we reach the realm ofideas begetting ideas begetting ideas. Despite the fact that it is hard to pictureDiesel's engines or bicycles or atomic plants reproducing themselves throughmating, trajectories (see p.lO?) are drawn that look like lineages and genealogies

Science in Action

the second moment is when all the gathered resourcess are made to act as oneunbreakable whole - and this is more often visible in engines, machines andpieces of hardware. This is the only distinction that may be drawn between'sciences' and 'technics' if we want to shadow scientists and engineers as theybuild their subtle and versatile alliances.

Part CThe model of diffusion

versus the model of translation

The task of the fact-builders is now clearly outlined: there is a set of strategies toenlist and interest the human actors, and a second set to enlist and interest thenon-human actors so as to hold the first. When these strategies are successful thefact which has been built becomes indispensable; it is an obligatory passage pointfor everyone if they want to pursue their interests. From a few helpless peopleoccupying a few weak points they end up controlling strongholds. Everyonehappily borrows the claims or the prototypes from the successful contenders'hands. As a result, claims become well-established facts and prototypes areturned into routinely used pieces ofequipment. Since the claim is believed by onemore person, the product bought by one more customer, the argumentincorporated in one more article or textbook, the black box encapsulated in onemore engine. they spread in time and space.

,I~ everything goes well it begins to look as if the black boxes were effortlesslyghdmg through space as a result of their own impetus, that they were becomingdurable by their own inner strength. In the end, if everything goes really well, itseems as if there are facts and machines spreading through minds, factories andhouseholds, slowed down only in a handful of far-flung countries and by a fewdimwits. Success in building black boxes has the strange consequence ofgenerating these UFOs: the 'irreversible progress of science', the 'irresistiblepower of technology', more mysterious than flying saucers floating withoutenergy through space and lasting for ever without ageing or decaying! Is this astrange consequence? Not for us since, in each chapter, we have learned torecognise the yawning gap that separates ready made science from science in themaking. Once more, our old friend Janus is talking two languages at once: theright side is speaking in terms of translations about still undecided controversieswhile the left side speaks of established facts and machines with the language ofdiffusion. Ifwe want to benefit from our travels through the construction sites ofscience, it is crucial for us to distinguish between the two voices. .

(1) Vis inertia . ..

In our examples we observed that the chain of people who borrowed cl<iims

Machines 133

Sweeping away the crowds of actors, they now picture geniuses that have ideas.The rest, they argue, is mere development, a simple unfolding of the 'originalprinciples' that really count. Thousands of people are at work, hundreds ofthousands of new actors are mobilised in these works, but only a few aredesignated as the motors that move the whole thing. Since it is obvious that theydid notdo that much, they are endowed with 'seminal ideas'. Diesel 'had the idea'of his engine, Pasteur 'had the idea ofasepsis' ... It is ironic to see that the 'ideas;which are so valued when people talk ofscience and technology, are a trick to getaway from the absurd consequences of the diffusion model, and toexplain - away - how it is that the few people who did everything nevertheless didso little.

The model of diffusion would be rather quaint and insignificant if it were notfor its final consequence which is taken seriously even by those who are willingto study the inner workings of technoscience.

Attentive readers who accept what we have argued so far might think it is easyto question the diffusion model. If the interpretation given by the model isludicrous; the impression from which it springs is genuine. It seems to work in thefew cases when facts and artefacts convince people and, for this reason, seem toflow. Thus, readers may think that the diffusion model will break apart when thefacts are interrupted, deflected, ignored or corrupted. The action ofmany peoplewill necessarily irrupt into the picture, since there is no one at hand to 'diffuse' thefacts any more. Well, ifthey think so, it simply means that these readers are stillnaive and that they underestimate the ability of an interpretation to hold outagainst all contrary evidences. When a fact is not believed, when an innovation isnot taken up, when a theory is put to a completely different use, the diffusionmodel simply says that 'some groups resist'.

In the story of Pasteur, for instance, adepts of the diffusion model have toadmit that physicians were not very interested in his results; they thought thatthese were premature, unscientific, and of little use. Indeed, they did not havemuch use for vaccines since preventive medicine was taking business away fromthem. Instead of looking at how the research program ofthe Institut Pasteur wasbeing constantly modified by dozens of people in order to convince almost everyphysician, the diffusion model simply says that Pasteur's ideas were blocked bycertain groups which were stupid or had 'vested interests' in older techniques.They picture the physicians as corporatists, as selfish, as a backward andreactionary group, that slowed down the spread of Pasteur's idea for ageneration. So the diffusion model traces a dotted line along the path that the'idea' should have followed, and then, since the idea did not go very far and veryfast, they make up groups that resist. With this last invention, both the principleof inertia and the fantastic force that triggers it at the beginning are maintained,and the gigantic stature of the great men and women that gave momentum to thewhole is amplified. Diffusionists simply add passive social groups to the picturethat may, because of their own inertia, slow down the path of the idea or absorbthe impact of the technics. In other words, the diffusion model now invents a

Science in Action

of 'purely technical' descent. The history of ideas, or the conceptual history o(science, or epistemology, these are the names of the discipline - that oftenshould be X-rated - that explains the obscure reproduction habits ofthese purebreeds.

The problem with the mating system of facts that diffuse through their ownforce is novelty. Facts and machines are constantly changing and are not simplyreproduced. Nobody shapes science and technologies except at the beginning, so,in the diffusion model, the only reasonable explanation of novelty lies with theinitiators, the first men and women of science. Thus, in order to reconcile inertiaand novelty the notion of discovery has been invented; what was there all along(microbes, electrons, Diesel's engine) needs a few people, not to shape it, buttohelp it to appear in publicY This new bizarre 'sexual reproduction' is made halfby a history of ideas and half by a history of great inventors and discoverers, theDiesels, the Pasteurs, the Curies. But then there is a new problem. The initiators;in all the stories I have told, are only a few elements in a crowd. They cannot be'the cause ofsuch a general movement. In particular, they cannot be the cause ofthe people who believe them and are interested in their claims! Pasteur has notenough strength to propel his vaccine across the world, nor Diesel his engine, nor·Eastman his Kodak. This is not a problem for our 'diffusionists'. They simplymake the inventors so big that they now have the strength of giants with which topropel all these things! Blown out ofproportion, great men and women ofscienceare now geniuses of mythological size. What neither Pasteur nor Diesel could do,these new figures also named 'Pasteur' and 'Diesel' can. With their fabulousstrength it is a cinch for these Supermen to make facts hard and machinesefficient!

Great initiators have become so important for the diffusion model that itsadvocates, taken in by their own maniac logic, have now to ferret out who reallywas the first. This quite secondary question becomes crucial here since the winnertakes all. The question of how to allocate influence, priority and originalityamong great scientists is taken as serioHsly as that of discovering the legitimateheir of an empire! Labels of 'precursor', or 'unknown genius', or 'marginalfigure', or 'catalyst', or 'driving force' are the object of punctilios as ornate asetiquette at Versailles at the time of Louis XIV; historians rush forward toprovide genealogies and coats of arms. The secondary mechanism takesprecedence over the primary mechanism.

The funniest thing about this fairy tale is that, no matter how carefully theselabels are attributed, the great men and women ofscience are always a few namesin a crowd that cannot be annihilated even by the most enthusiastic advocates ofthe diffusion model. Diesel, as we saw, did not make everything of the engine thatbears his name. Pasteur is not the one that made asepsis a workable practice, orstopped millions of people from spitting, or distributed the doses of vaccine.Even the most fanatic diffusionists have to grant that. However this does notbother them. Going further and further into their fantasies, they invent geniuseswho did it all, but only 'in the abstract', only 'seminally', only 'in theory'.

l Machines 135

point when people could accept the engine not as a prototype but as a copy, andtake it away from the Augsburg shop without deeply transforming it or draggingwith them dozens of mechanics and patent lawyers; the engine was a black boxfor sale at last and it was able to interest not only engineers and researchers butalso 'simple customers', It is at this point that we left the story, but it is also at thispoint that the diffusion model seems better than the translation one because noone is necessary any more to shape the black box. There exist only customers whobuy it.

How simple is a 'simple customer'? The customer is 'simple' because he or shedoes not have to redesign the engine by shifting from air injection back to solidinjection, or moving the valves around, or boring new cylinders and running theengine on the test bench. But the customer cannot be so 'simple' as not to tend theengine, feeding it oil and fuel, cooling it, overhauling it regularly. Even when thephases of development and innovation have ended, the darkest black box stillhas ~o be maintained in existence by not so simple customers. We can easilypicture endless situations in which an ill-informed or a stupid consumer makesone engine falter, or stall or blow apart. As engineers say, 'no device is idiot-proof.This particular copy of the e'ngine a t least will not run any more, but will slowlyrust.

There is another problem with 'simple' customers. Let us remember Eastman'sKodak camera. It was simpler to operate than anything before. 'Push the button,we'll do the rest,' they said. But they had to do the rest, and that was quite a lot.The simplification of the camera that made it possible to interest everyone in itsdissemination in millions of copies had to be obtained by the extension andcomplication of Eastman's commercial network. When you push the button youdo not see the salesmen and the machines that make the long strips of celluloidfilms and the trouble-shooters that make the coating stick properly at last; you donot see them, but they have to be there none the less. If they are not, you push thebutton and nothing happens. The more automatic and the blacker the black boxis, the more it has to be accompanied by people. In many situations, as we allknow all too well, the black box stops pitifully because there is no salesperson, norepairer, no spare part. Every reader who has lived in an underdeveloped countryor used a newly developed machine will know how to evaluate the hithertounknown number of people necessary to make the simplest device work! So, inthe most favourable cases, even when it is a routine piece of equipment, the blackbox requires an active customer and needs to be accompanied by other people ifitis to be maintained in existence. By itself it has no inertia.

If we have understood this, then we may draw the 'conclusions from the twofirst parts of this chapter: the black box moves in space and becomes durable intime only through the actions of many people; if there is no one to take it up, itstops and falls apart however many people may have taken it up for however longbefore. But the type, the number and the qualifications of the people in the chainwill be modified: inventors like Diesel or Eastman, engineers, mechanics,salesmen, and maybe 'ignorant consumers' in the end. To sum up, there are

Science in Action

society to account for the uneven diffusion of ideas and machines. In this model~

society is simply a medium of different resistances through which ideas andmachines travel. For instance, the Diesel engine that has spread through thedeveloped countries because of the momentum given to it by Diesel might slowdown or even stop in some underdeveloped country where it rusts on a dock inthe tropical rain. In the diffusion model, this would be accounted for in terms ofthe resistance, the passivity or the ignorance ofthe local culture. Society or 'socialfactors' would appear only at the end of the trajectory, when something wentwrong. This has been called the principle of asymmetry: there is appeal to socialfactors only when the true path of reason has been "distorted' but not when it goesstraight.14

The society invented to maintain the diffusion model has another strangecharacteristic. The 'groups' that make it up do not always interrupt or deflect thenormal and logical path of ideas; they may suddenly switch from being resistorsor semiconductors to conductors. For instance, the same physicians who werenot very happy with Pasteur until 1894 then became all of a sudden interested inthe Pasteurians' work. This is not a difficulty in the diffusion model: they simplyaltered their position. They switched open. The resistors began to conduct, thereactionaries to progress, from being backward they suddenly moved forward!You see that there is no limit to the fairy tale. Forgotten is the careful co­production between Pasteurians and physicians of a new object, a serum againstdiphtheria that, unlike the preventive vaccine, was at last one that helped to cure.The long translations necessary to convince horses, diphtheria, hospitals andphysicians to associate with one another in this new object are forgotten. Cuttingacross the complicated systems of associations, the diffusion model simplyextracts a serum - that was there all along, at least 'in principle' - and then inventsgroups which at first resisted and finally 'turned out' to accept the discovery.

(2) Weaker and stronger associations

Let us go back to Diesel in order to understand the differences between thediffusion model and the translation modeL We saw that Diesel's engine was asketch in his patent, then a blueprint, then one prototype, then a few prototypes,then nothing, then again a single new prototype, then no longer a prototype but atype that was reproducible in several copies, then thousands of engines ofdifferent sub-types. So there was indeed a proliferation. First, following thetranslations, we learned that this increase in the number of copies had to be paidfor by an increase in the number of people made to be interested in its fate.Second, we realised that this increase in copies and people had to be obtainedthrough a deep transformation of the design and principles of the engine; theengine moved, but it was not the same engine. Third, we learnt that it hadbeentransformed so much during the translation that there was a dispute about whoseengine it actually was. And fourth, we saw that in about 1914 there had been a

, j

Machines 137

you who are the physicians who will get interested. If y.ou show me an electricvehicle running on fuel cells•.I'll know who has to be won over in the company. Ifyou propose to build a 16-bit computer to compete with the DEC's VAX 11/780machine I'll know who, when and where you are. You are West at Data Generalin the late 1970s. I know this, because there are very few places on earth whereanyone has the resources and the guts to disaggregate the black box DEC hasassembled and to come up with a brand new make ofcomputer. I similarly learn alot about you if you explain to me that you are waiting for the repair man to fixyour Apple computer. or that you believe the moon to be made of green cheese.or that you do not really think that the second amino acid in the GHRH structureis histidine.

Carefully take note that the black box is in between these two systems ofalliances, that it-is the obligatory passage point that holds the two together andthat, when it is successful, it concentrates in itself the largest number of hardestassociations, especially if it has been turned into an automaton. This is why wecall such black boxes 'hard facts', or 'highly sophisticated machines" or'powerful theories', or 'indisputable evidence'. All these adjectives that allude tostrength and power rightly point out the disproportionate number ofassociations gathered in these black boxes, so disproportionate indeed that theyare what keep the multitude ofallies in place. However this disproportion oftenleads us to forget that they hold things and people tightly together only as long asall the other strategies are successful. Do these produ~ts of science and technicsescape from the system ofcomplicated alliances with which politics are managed,for instance? Are they less 'social' as people often naively say? Most unlikely; ifthey had to be qualified in these terms - which they don't - they would have to be

'described as more, much more 'social'.If you now let the frozen-frame move, you observe a black box that

simultaneously changes what it is made of and whom it is convincing. Eachmodification in one system of alliances is visible in the other. Each alteration in

Science in Action

always people moving the objects along but they are not the same people all along.Why are they not the same? Because the first ones have tied the engine's fate toother elements so that the engine may be put in different hands and more easilyspread. You will then see a few copies of the Diesel engine slowly move throughits constant redesign at the test bench, and suddenly you will observe many copiesof the same design that are bought and sold by many people. There are alwayspeople, but they are not the same. Thus, the diesel engine story maybe analysedeither by looking at the changing shape of the engine - tied to differentpeople - or by looking at the changing type of people -linked to the engine. It isthe same story viewed either from the standpoint of the enrolled people of Part Aor from the enrolling things of Part B,

Similarly, the Curies' polonium was first a claim redesigned after every trial ina single laboratory in Paris in 1898. To convince dissenters that this was indeed anew substance, the Curies had to modify the trials and renegotiate the definitionof their object. For each suspicion that it might be an artefact, they devised a trialthat linked its fate to a more remote and less disputable part ofphysics. There is amoment in this story when the claim becomes a new object, and even a part ofNature. At this point the type of people necessary to provide the fact withdurability and extension is to be modified. Polonium may now travel from theCuries' hands into many more, but much less informed, hands. Itis now a routineradioactive element in a sturdy lead container. one more box filled up in freshlyprinted versions of the periodic table; it is no longer believed by only a few brightsparks in a few laboratories, but also by hundreds ofenthusiastic physicists; soonit will be learned by 'simple students'. A continuous chain ofpeople using, testingand believing in polonium is necessary to maintain it in existence; but they are notthe same people nor are their qualifications the same. So the story ofpolonium -like all that have so far been told in this book - may be told either bylooking at the people who are convinced, or by looking at the new associationsmade to convince them. It is the same analysis from two different angles since. allalong, polonium is constituted by these people convinced that these associationsare unbreakable.

We may now generalise a bit from what we have learned. Ifyou take any blackbox and make a freeze-frame of it, you may consider the system of alliances itknits together in two different ways: first, by looking at who it is designed toenrol; second, by considering what it is tied to so as to make the enrolmentinescapable. We may on the one hand draw its sociogram, and on the other itstechnogram. Every piece of information you obtain on one system is alsoinformation on the other. If you tell me that Diesel's engine now has a stableshape, I will tell you how many people at MAN had to work on it and about the·new system of solid injection they had to devise so that the engine might bebought by 'mere consumers', If you tell me that you think polonium is reallybismuth (see p.88), I can tell you that you work in the Curies' lab in Paris around1900. Ifyou show me a serum for diphtheria, I'll understand how far you driftedfrom the original research programme that aimed at making vaccines and I'll teU

Figure 3.4



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(3) The fourth rule ofmethod

understanding who the people are. This esssential tenet will constitute our thirdprinciple.

Among all the features that differ in the two models, one is especially important,that is society. In the diffusion model society is made of groups which haveinterests; these groups resist, accept or ignore both facts and machines, whichhave their own inertia. In consequence we have science and technics on the onehand, and a society on the other. In the translation model, however, no suchdistinction exists since there are only heterogeneous chains ofassociations that,from time to time, create obligatory passage points. Let us go further: belie/in theexistence of a society separatedfrom technoscience is an outcome ofthe d(ffusionmodel. Once facts and machines have been endowed with their own inertia, andonce the collective action ofhuman and non-human actors tied together has beenforgotten or pushed aside, then you have to make up a sodety to explain why factsand machines do not spread: An artificial division is set up between the weakerand stronger associations: facts are tied with facts; machines with machines;social factors with social factors. This is how you end up with the idea that thereare three spheres of Science, Technology and Society, where the influence andimpact of each on the other have to be studied!

But worse is yet to come. Now that a society has been invented by artificiallycutting through the associations and the translations, and by squeezing socialfactors into tiny ghettos, some people try to explain science and technology bythe influence of these social factors! A social or a cultural or an economicdeterminism is now added to the technical determinism above. This is themeaning ofthe word social in expressions like 'social studies of science' or 'thesocial construction of technology'. Analysts who use groups endowed withinterests in order to explain how an idea spreads, a theory is accepted~ or amachine rejected, are not aware that the very groups, the very interests that theyuse as causes in their explanations are the consequence of an artificial extractionand purification of a handful of links from these ideas, theories or machines.Social determinism courageously fights against technical determinism, whereasneither exist except in the fanciful description proposed by the diffusion model.

Although there is no point in spending too much time on the diffusion model itis crucial, if we wish to continue our voyage through technoscience, to beimmunistd against the notion that there is a society a'nd 'social factors' able toshape, influence, direct or slow down the path of pure science and pure technics.At the end of Chapter 2,i presented ourthird rule of method: Nature cannot beused to account for the settlement of controversies, because it is only after thecontroversies have been settled that we know what side she is on. 'Nature settlesonly the settled claims,' so speaks the left side ofour Janus who does not sense thecontradiction. As for the unsettled ones on which the right side of Janus is

141MachinesScience in Action

the technogram is made to overcome a limitation in the sociogram, or vice versa.Everything happens as if the people we have to follow were in between two sets ofconstraints and were appealing from one to the other whenever the negotiationsget stalled. On one side there are people who are either going in the samedirection, or are against it, or are indifferent, or, although indifferent and hostile,may be convinced to change their minds. On the other side, there are non-humanactors in all colours and shades: some are hostile, others indifferent, some arcalready docile and convenient, still others. although hostile or useless, may bepersuaded to follow another path. The inventor of Post-it, a yellow sticky paperfor marking books, which has now become so widely used, makes the point verywell. 2s Having found a glue that does nor adhere was seen as a failure in the 3-Mcompany whose job is usually to make very sticky glues. This failure to glue wasturned to advantage when the inventor realised that it could mark Psalms bookswithout smearing or wearing them. Unfortunately, this advantage was notadmitted by the marketing department who had decided that this invention hadno market and no future. Situated exactly at the middle of the techno- and of thesociograms, the inventor has a choice: either to modify the invention or to modifythe marketing department. Choosing to keep the invention as it is, he then appliessubtle tactics to sway the marketing department, distributing prototypes of hisinvention to all the secretaries, and then asking the secretaries, when they wantedmore of it, to call the marketing department directly! It is the same subtlety thatgoes on in devising a glue that does not glue or in making a marketing departmentsell what they do not want to selL Rather, Post-it is shaped by the two sets ofstrategies, one for enrolling others, the other to control their behaviour,

We may go a bit further, We are all multi-conductors and we can either drop,transfer, deflect, modify, ignore, corrupt or appropriate the claims that need ourhelp if they are to spread and last. When- very rarely-the multi-conductors,acting as conductors, simply transmit a belief without delay and corruption,what does this mean? That many elements accompany the moving claims orobjects and literally keep the successive hands necessary for their survival in line.When - more often - multi-conductors interrupt the spread of the claims that haduntil then been passed along without qualms by everyone, it also teaches ussomething. Since they are able to interrupt, these people must be tied to newinterests and new resources that counteract the others. And the same lessons maybe drawn when - as is almost always the case - people ignore, deflect, modify orappropriate the black boxes, Does the reader now see the conclusion?Understanding what facts and machines are is the same task as understandingwho the people are. If you describe the controlling elements that have beengathered together you will understand the groups which are controlled.Conversely, if you observe the new groups which are tied together, you will seehow machines work and why facts are hard. The only question in common is tolearn which associations are stronger and which weaker. We are never confronted'with science, technology and society, but with a gamut of weaker and strongerassociations; thus understanding what facts and machines are is the same task as

working, we do not yet know what settles them but it is not Nature. Nature thuslies behind the facts once they are made; never behind facts in the making.

If we want to go on without being bothered by the diffusion model, we have tooffer a fourth rule of method, as basic to the third one, and symmetrical to it,which applies this time to society.

Right from the first pages of this book the reader may have noticed theshocking absence of the entities that traditionally make up Society, an absencethat may be even more shocking than the delayed appearance ofNature until theend of Chapter 2. After three chapters there has been not a w~rd yet on socialclasses, on capitalism, on economic infrastructure, on big business, on gender,not a single discussion of culture, not even an allusion to the social impact oftechnology. This is not my fault. I suggested that we follow scientists andengineers at work and it turns out that they do not know what society is made of,any more than they know the nature of Nature beforehand. It is because theyknow about neither that they are so busy trying out new associations, creatinganinside world in which to work, displacing interests, negotiating facts, reshuffling·groups and recruiting new allies.

In their research work, they are never quite sure which association is going tohold and which one will give way. D ieseI was confident at fi rst that all fuels woul9,ignite at high temperatures and that every group of users would be interested inhis more efficient engine. But most fuels rejected his engine and most consumerslost interest. Starting from a stable state of Nature and of Society, he had to


To raise these questionswe have to wait until scientists and their allies - amongwhom social scientists should of course be included -have finished their work!Once the controversies have ended, then a stable state ofSociety. together with astable rendering of the interests of its members, will emerge. Ifwe study all madefacts and groups, then interests and Nature will be clearly articulated by the leftface of Janus. Not so, when we follow facts in the making. It might seem a strangeconsequence but it is a necessary one:- to follow scientists and engineers we do notneed to know what Society is made of and what Nature is; more exactly, we need

,not to know them. The stable state of Society is three chapters awayl Thepremature introduction of a fully-fledged Society would be as damaging for ourtrip as would a complete picture of Nature. More exactly the same argumentsthat have been made about Nature have to be made symmetrically about Society.How could we take so many precautions in not believing directly what scientists

Figure 3.6

struggle through another engine tying kerosene, air injection and a tiny numberof users together. Hygienists also started with a fixed state ofSociety the classstruggle - and a determined state of Nature - the miasmatic diseases. WhenPasteurians offered them the microbes, this ,was a new and unpredictabledefinition both ofNature and of Society: a new social link, the microbe, tied menand animals together, and tied them differently. There was nothing in the stablestate of either Society or Nature that made an alliance ofbig business at Bell withelectrons necessary Of. predictable. The Bell Company was deeply modified by itsalliance with Millikan's physics, it was not the same Bell, but neither was it thesame physics, the same Millikan nor, indeed, the same electrons. The versatilityand the heterogeneity of the alliances is precisely what makes it possible for theresearchers to get over the quandary of the fact-builder: how to interest peopleand to control their behaviour. When we study scientists and engineers at work,the only two questions that should not be raised are: What is Nature really like?What is Society really made of!



Techno ogy...

Science in Action142

Figure 3.5

___....;l:...44'-'- .........:S:::..:c:::.:i~el!f§., in Action

and engineers say about objectivity and subjectivity, and readily believe whatother scientists (social this time) say about society, culture and economy? At thispoint we are in great need of a rule of symmetry that does not grant Societyprivileges refused to Nature. Our fourth rule ofmethod thus reads exactly like thethird - the word 'Society' replacing the word 'Nature' and then fuses the twotogether: since the settlement of a controversy is the cause of Society's stability,we cannot use Society to explain how and why a controversy has been settled. Weshould consider symmetrically the efforts to enrol and control human and non­human resources.


Insiders Out

We now have a better idea of the amount of preliminary work necessary tosecure enough strongholds to make relevant the added force offered by thetechnical literature and the laboratories. Without the enrolment of many otherpeople, without the subtle tactics that symmetrically adjust human and non­human resources, the rhetoric of science is powerless. People escape, loseinterest, do something else, are indifferent. Still, the stories told in the formerchapter were all from the point of view of the enlisting scientists and engineers.Even if we had followed many more outcomes than the three we startedwith - giving up, going along, working through - we might have had theimpression that scientists and engineers were at the centre of everything. Thisimpression might create some new difficulties. Our first rule of method requiresus to shadow scientists while theyare engaged in their work of doing science. Atface value this:precept seems easy to put into practice; this is why, in all thechapters so far, I have pretended that we at least knew where to find the white­coated protagonist to begin our enquiry. But it was to simplify our trip that I tookit for granted that West, Crick and Watson, GuilJemin, the Professor, Diesel,Mead or Pasteur were able to gather resources, to talk with authority, to convinceothers of their strength and to equip laboratories or departments, thus beginningthe various stories I told with fully-fledged scientists and engineers that otherswere taking seriously enough to grant them attention, money and confidence. Tooffer usa convenient departure point I invented a character whom I called the'dissenter' to help us practise the difficult art of shadowing scientists in action;and indeed, since this dissenter was easy to detect and since his obstinacy madehim easier to follow, it facilitated our peregrination through the technicalliterature and through laboratories. Later, the character of the 'fact-builder' wasvery convenient to map the various types of translations.

Nothing proves. however, that following real scientists and engineers is as easyas following these dummy dissenters ordummy fact-builders, especially when thevery principles we uncovered hint at the opposite. Remember that the first basicprinciple states that facts are made collectively, the second that scientists and



(1) When everyone can do lvithout scientists or engineers

Part A _Interesting othersin the laboratories

147Insiders Out

When he starts, there is no laboratory which Lyell can enter, no curriculum tofollow and no grant for which to apply. Although Lyell needs others to help himbuild new and harder facts these 'others' are following different tracks. Can Lyellcount on the dons and clerics of Oxford who teach the history of the earth andwho have the libraries, the authority and the tenures? Not at all, because, if acontroversy is triggered about, say, the age of the earth, Lyell's colleagues mayvery well interrupt his argument by appealing to God's word or to the Church'sperennial teachings. Even if the dons Lyell is addressing are interested in arational history of the earth and have agreed to talk about rocks and erosionwithout bringing in the location of the Garden ofEden, the size ofNoah's Ark orthe date of the Flood, what will happen if the controversy heats up a bit? Notmuch, simply because these colleagues have taken the chair as a first step towardbecoming either bishop or teacher of a more prestigious subject, like ethics. Nomatter how many arguments Lyell has been able to muster in defence of hisposition, his opponents are in no way forced to take up his point. They maysimply ignore him, or brush the arguments aside, or listen ~ith bewilderment andgo on teaching their usual course. For the dissenter to exist more work has to bedone.

The same thing might happen if Lyell sets up a controversy with themiscellaneous groups of people who write <theories of the earth \on the side, butwho do not make a living from geology, that is the amateurs. Many amateurswere busy at the time gathering rocks and fossils, visiting foreign landscapes,offering all sorts of reports to the many societies recently created to gather newcollections. By definition, an amateur, even a devoted and a passionate one, mayleave the discussion whenever it pleases him. So it is very hard for Lyell to win anargument and to force the amateur to borrow his claims as a black box, especiallyif they run against his feelings, interests and passion. Unconvinced, the amateursmay go on as usual, uninterested and unthreatened by the many allies that Lyellmay have assembled in support of his position. Although they are necessary tocollect the rocks and the fossils in many places where the few geologists could notpossibly go, the amateurs form a most undisciplined crowd as far as helping Lyellproduce new facts goes.

The situation would be much better for Lyell if the clerics would give up theirchairs in universities and hand them over to people with no other ambitions thanto stay inside geology all their lives. Geology would then become a career. WhenLyell makes a point, his colleagues would have to either defeat him or accept itbecause they would have no other way to go. They could no longer ignore him ordo something else such as becoming a bishop. It would also be better if theamateurs were still busy gathering materials and providing reports, but were notmeddling in the debates. They would be forced to bring in their specimens, tooffer their collections, but they would stay outside without adding their owncommentaries and theories. A disordered crowd of helping hands would thenbecome a disciplined workforce helping geologists produce more documentedfacts. Slowly an inside pocket ofpurely geological matters would be carved outof.,

Science in Action

What happens to scientists and engineers who have not secured anystrongholds? How strong will their rhetoric be? How capable will they be ofkeeping interest groups in li'ne? Let me take two examples, one ofa scientist in thepast and one ofan engineer in the present. In these examples no one is prepared togrant anything to the budding researchers and everyone does very well withouttheir science.

engineers speak in the name of new objects shaped by unexpected trials ofstengthand the third that describing facts and machines is the same thing as describingthe people they enrol and control. Many new questions arise from these principles:since there is not much difference between those who enlist and those who are.enlisted why should we concentrate on scientists? Who are the people collectivelyworking in fact-construction? Are they all scientists and engineers? If they arenot, what the hell are they doing? If scientists are spokespersons, to .whom arethey speaking? Who are the other representatives? How do they settle theircontroversies?

When raising these questions we begin to realise that it might not be so easy todetermine who are the scientists and the engineers, and thus to decide, as isrequired by our first rule of method, whom to follow. We have no choice,however, and we should stick as stubbornly as ever to our task, with the additionof more subtlety now that our guide is going to wear many confusing masks andto follow multifarious paths simultaneously.

In the late 1820s, Charles Lyell was reading for the Bar and living on a£400-a­year allowance from his upper-middle-class father l

• Lyell wished to study the'history of the earth'. Do not jump to the conclusion that he wanted to be ageologist. Being able to be a geologist will be the result of the work of m;,mypeople like Lyell. At the time there was no such thing in England as a full-tirt:Iepaid and secure job under the label'geologist'. Moreover, 'geology' did not reallyexist either. The history of the earth pertained to the theology and biblicalexegesis as well as to paleontology and other technical subjects. In other words,neither the discipline of geology nor the profession of geologist existed. One ofthe related and firmly established disciplines was that of the 'rational history of .creation' and one of the related trades is a six-century-old profession, that ofcleric in the universities - with compulsory celibacy, at least at Cambridge.

__--"'-14=6_n__~ u__ __ __

into Natural History Museums, as the French geologists were doing at the time inParis.

At the beginning of this science, Lyell is in a vicious circle: an ill-fundedgeology will not interest the state and so will remain too weak to resist thecompetition of other disciplines and priorities, This is the opposite to the startingpoint of all our stories so far, in which everyone helps in the strengthening of thescientists' and engineers' laboratories. Instead of being welcomed by highofficials, newsmen, priests, students and industrialists, Lyell may simply beignored. Even if he tries, so to speak, to oversell the discipline before it hasachieved results, he may run into a new danger. Organising the profession,imposing stringent standards on the training of young colleagues, promotingnew ways of settling controversies, new journals, new museums, kicking theamateurs out, lobbying the state, advertising the future results of the disclipline,all that takes time, so much time that Lyell once more may not be able tocontriQute the reshaping of the earth which he is aiming at.

Of course, he could appeal to a larger public in writing, !!S he did for instance,in his Principles ofGeology. If this book were to become a best seller, then Lyellmight have money to gather new resources and produce new facts. But this isrunning another risk. How should he appeal to the public? Ifhis Principles are tointerest everyone, then he might have to eliminate the technical details, but thenhe might become one ofthese amateurs, popularisers or pamphleteers ofgeology,no longer a geologist. But, if Lyell's book engages in controversies and reshapeseveryone's belief by bringing in new resources, we know what will happen(Chapter 1); the book will become technical, so technical that there will be no oneleft to read it. Lyell will still be without money to further his research.

Even if Lyell is clever enough to solve this problem, then he may stumble overanother one. If geology is successful in reshaping the earth's history, size,composition and age, by the same token, it is also extremely shocking andunusual. You start the book in a world created by God's will 6000 years ago, andyou end it with a few poor Englishmen lost in the eons of time, preceded byhundreds of Floods and hundreds of thousands of different species. The shockmight be so violent that the whole of England would be up in arms againstgeologists, bringing the whole discipline into disrepute. On the other hand, ifLyell softens the blow too much, then the book is not about new facts, but is acareful compromise between common sense and the geologists' opinion. Thisnegotiation is all the more difficult if the new discipline runs not only against theChurch's teachings but also against Lyell's own beliefs, as is the case with theadvent of humanity into earth history which Lyell preferred to keep recent andmiraculous despite his other theories. How is it possible to say simultaneouslythat it is useful for everyone, but runs against everyone's beliefs? How is itpossible to convince the gentry and at the same time to destroy the authority ofcommon sense? How is it possible to assert that it is morally necessary to developgeology while agonising in private in the meantime on the position of humanityin Nature?

Science in Action

the outside world, and the author-dissenter duel of Chapters I and 2 could takeplace.

The problem is that even if Lyell had succeeded in creating an assembly ofcolleagues who did nothing else but geology, none of them would be able to securea salary or at least to offer him one. So Lyell has to earn a living elsewhere, hisfather's pittance not being enough to raise a family and to gather a collection.Since he is a bright lecturer and likes the leisurely life of the upper class, onesolution is to address the enlightened gentry. However, this leads him into newdifficulties. First, he may dissipate his time in wordly circles explaining themystery of the Precambrian rocks to the Earl of This and the Baroness of That.Even if he is successful and gathers a large audience of paying gentry, he mighthave no time left to produce new facts; hence, he will end up teaching geology asit is, not making geology anew, Lyell would indeed be outside collectingresources but he would never bring them back inside!

The situation would be worse still if, in order to make his teaching acceptableand understandable, he had to negotiate the very content of his lesson with theamiable but flighty and unprofessional assembly. For instance, his audiencemight be shocked by the age that Lyell gives to earth history, since they imaginethey are living in a world a few thousand years old whereas Lvell needs at least aseveral-million-year framework for his geolo~y. If he lets the audienceparticipate in the production of the facts, Lyell is faced with a new dilemma:make the earth younger so as not to lose his audience, or age the earth but be leftwith no one to attend his lectures! No, the ideal would be if the interested andliterate audience could pay for geology, waiting outside for Lyell and hiscolleagues to develop it as they see fit, and then, later, would be allowed to learnwhat the age of the earth is without trying to negotiate the facts. Even this wouldnot be sufficient, because these noblemen and women might be too frivolous towait long enough for thousands offossils to be gathered in numerous collections.Their interests might fade rapidly, replaced by a new fashion for electricity ormagnetism or anthropology. No! for the situation to be ideal, money should flowregularly and irreversibly without depending on mood and fashion, something ascompulsory and as regular as a tax.

To obtain such a result, Lyell would have to interest not only the gentry buthigh officials of the state, and to convince some agency that geology may berelevant and useful for their aims. As we saw in Chapter 3, Part A, this translationof interest is possible if geology is able to produce a great number of new andunexpected facts, which can then be seen as resources for some of the state'sproblems - finding new coal deposits, substituting strategic minerals to othe~s,reclaiming new land, mapping new territories, and so on. However, theassembled interests can be held in place only if Lyell is able to speak in the nameof many new objects. which supposes an already existing science. Conversely, theproduction of hard facts is impossible without the collective work of many fu11- .time scientists and devoted amateurs digging up rocks, visiting rift valleys andcanyons, surveying the land and bringing huge collections of rocks and fo~sils




Insiders Out 149

this order ofpriority. The military wavered and no limitation was imposed on theimport of foreign chips -only on the import of computers. Joao's lab was nolonger the centre of a possible industrial venture. The imported chips werecheaper and better than any of those they could design. Moreover, they werebought and sold by the thousand while Joao and his boss, now deprived of apossible alliance with industry, could devise only a few prqtotypes and had nocustomers to help with debugging.

The two electronic engineers then tried to become the centre not ofan industrybut ofsome university research. Joao switched his goals and decided to work on aPhD. The problem was that there were no other professors working on MOSchips in Brazil. Luckily, he then got a fellowship to go to Belgium where his bosshad studied. Joao worked hard on a very small stipend, so small that, after twoyears, he had to return to Sao Paulo. Once back there, matters got really bad. Theinstruments with which he had studied his chips in Louvain were so much betterthan the ones he had in his workshop that none of the results he had obtained inBelgium were reproducable in Sao Paulo. The intricate circuitry was simplyinvisible. To make matters worse, he soon learned that his boss - who was also histhesis supervisor -was so disgusted by the state of Brazilian research that he haddecided to leave for a position in Belgium. Five years after the beginning of hisstudy, loao had not one page of his thesis written. His only treasure consisted ofa few precious wafers made according to the MOS process. 'With this,' hethought,'I will always be able to start a small industry if my luck turns.' In themeantime the Japanese were now selling MOS chips which were a hundred timesmore powerful than his. Furthermore, the state committee had rejected his grantapplication for a new automated chip designer, arguing that there were notenough researchers in the field to justify the expense. The reader will have an ideaofJoao's state ofdespair if they know that the inflation rate was now 300 per centwhile his already small salary was adjusted only once a semester! Joao wasbecoming so poor that he was contemplating a third part-time job - in addition tohis research and his many private teaching lessons. He was now so rarely in hisworkshop that his equipment - obsolete anyway - was used by the nearbyuniversity for teaching purposes. Still, he was proudofhaving been chosen by thegovernment to advise them which Japanese firm should be preferred for settingup an automated MOS chip factory somewhere in the north of Brazil ....

This is indeed a sad story but certainly more frequent than the success storiestold in the earlier chapters. Joao cannot create a speciality, no matter how faroutside he goes. His workshop is not at the centre of anything, it becomes theannex of a teaching institution. His thesis is not the text that every otherresearcher has to quote and to take into account; it is not even written. His chipsare not the only design that can hold together the assembled interests ofindustry,government, the military, consumers and journalists~ it has become an obsoletepiece of technology, a meaningless prototype no one will put to use. Instead ofbeing able to establish itself as a lab which has become the obligatory passagepoint for countless other people, Joao's workshop is a place no one needs to pass

Science in Action

It is not an easy job being a scientist before the job exists r Before others may setfoot inside geology, Lyell has to fight outside on all fronts at once. He has toeliminate amateurs - but needs to retain them as a disciplined workforce, toplease the gentry and gather their wealth - but to keep them at arm'5 length so asnot to waste time and discuss their opinions; he has to prove to the state thatgeology is the most important thing on earth, an obligatory passage point forthings they want to do and that, for this reason, they should provide well-paidjobs - but he should also delay their expectations, make their scrutiny impossible,avoid all state incursions and force them not to ask too much in exchange; he hasto fight endlessly against the Church and the dons - but also to find a way to .sneak geologists inside the old universities' curricula where tenures can beobtained; finally, he has to appeal to the multitude for support and enthusiasm­but he should do 50 without shocking them while shattering their world-view!Yes, there is one other thing he needs to do besides all that fighting: research ingeology. It is only when the above battles have been partially successful that hemay win colleagues over in the collective construction of some new argumentsabout the earth2


Lyell had to create simultaneously the outside and the inside of geology. At thebeginning everyone could do without him; at the end of the century, geology hadbecome indispensable for many other sciences, professions, industries, and stateventures. Geologists at work a century after Lyell would look very much like thedissenters and fact-builders of the other chapters; like them, they would have tocater for others' interests. Although they would have to be clever and interesting,there would be no question about the basic importance of their discipline. Mostof the groundwork of becoming indispensable would have been done already.

The distance from this seems infinite and the relevance to Joao Dellacruz in hisBrazilian electronics workshop in Sao Paulo problematic\ He feels lonely anddispensable indeed, his situation being much worse than Lyell's. For eight yearsnow, he has been working on the design ofa new electronic MOS chip, profitingfrom a joint venture of industry, the military government and the university, allof which wanted Brazil to be self-sufficient in building computers. Joao and hisboss argued at the time that it was also necessary for Brazil to becomeindependant in the manufacture of chips, and that it was better to start with themost advanced designs so as to leapfrog the older generations ofchips. They weregiven a small amount of money to equip a workshop, and to explore thearchitecture of other MOS chips devised in American and Japanese universities.

For a year or two they thought they would be at the centre ofa huge nationalistmovement for creating a 100 per cent Brazilian computer. Their workshop wouldbecome the obligatory passage point for technicians, students, the military,electronicians from industry. 'He who controls the chips', they used to quip, 'willrule the computer industry.' Unfortunately they were the only ones conviriced of

Insiders Out 151

through. It is not strategically placed between anyone's goal and the fulfilment ofthis goal, and this means, as we saw in the last chapter, thatloao interests no one.

Talking with J oao reveals a yet sadder story. All the people I have presented sofar had to resist dissenters. To do so they had to write more technical articles, tobuild bigger laboratories, or to align many helping hands. But who are the peoplewho Joao may challenge or those who may contest Joao's demonstrations? Thegovernment? The military? The state grant committee? No, because all thesepeople take no notice of 10ao's work and are all situated outside the intricatedesign of MOS chip circuitry. Could it be his colleagues? No, because he has nocolleagues, and those who exist, far away in Japan and North America, are toofar ahead to be interested in Joao's work. The only one who could remaininterested, his thesis supervisor, has now gone, leaving Joao as the only one in thecountry with his speciality.

What happens to the inside of a speciality made up of only one person? This isthe question that makes Joao so despondent: the inside disappears as well. Sincehe has no one to discuss the draft of his articles with, no one to tryout the links hemakes between various parts of chip architecture, no one to whom he can submithis proposals for trials of strength, no one to debug his prototypes. Joao ends upnot knowing what is real and what is fictional in MaS technology. Using theterms I defined in chapter 2 Joao does not know what is objective or subjective.As with Robinson Crusoe on his island, the boundaries between daydream andperceptions becomes fuzzy, since he has no one to dissent with him and thuscreate a difference between facts and artefacts. Joao feels that the rhetoric ofscience I showed in Part I of this book is going the other way round: his papersbecome less and less technical- he now writes only for news magazines, hisarguments become cheaper and cheaper - he avoids discussions with otherforeign experts. Joao feels he is out of the proof race and becoming more so everyday. To start new research is almost impossible now. His equipment is too old,the Japanese too advanced, and his own knowledge too untried. The speciality,made up of one member, will soon have nothing special in it. Joao will be a'former engineer' barely surviving by giving lessons and writing popular sciencearticles. He really fears that the speciality will soon have - in Brazil at least - nooutside support and no inside existence either.

The first lesson to be drawn from this unfortunate example is that there is adirect relationship between the size of the outside recruitment of resources andthe amount of work that can be done on the inside. The less people are interestedin Joao's workshop the less Joao knows and learns. Thus, instead of trying. outnew objects which are then able to hold together the interested groups, Joaoshrinks away and comes out of his lab empty-handed.

The second lesson from this example is that an isolated specialist is acontradiction in terms. Either you are isolated and very quickly stop being aspecialist, or you remain a specialist but this means you are not isolated. Others,who are as specialised as you, are trying out your material so fiercely that theymay push the proof race to a point where all your resources are barely enough to

(2) Making the laboratories indispensable

Now that we start realising what happens to science in the making whenpreliminary groundwork is not made, let us look in the log book of a dedicatedlayperson who decided to shadow the head of laboratqry - henceforth named'the boss' -situated in California.4

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March 13: everything is all right, the boss can easily be located at his benchperforming experiments-on pandorin.

March 14: the boss has spent most of his time in his office answering phone callsfrom twelve successive colleagues to whom he wrote about his new pandorin (fourin San Francisco, two in Scotland, five in France; one in Switzerland) - I could nothear what he said.

March 15: I almost missed the plane. The boss flew to Aberdeen in order to meeta colleague who denies that pandorin is a real. independent substance of anyphysiological significance. While in Aberdeen, he kept calling all over Europe.

March 16: morning: new plane to the South of France; the boss is welcomed bythe heads of a big pharmaceutical concern; I barely gOla taxi; they discussed all dayhow to patent, produce and start clinical trials of pandorin and a host of othersubstances.

-evening: we stop in Paris to discuss with the Ministry of Health the setting upof a new lab in France to promote research in brain peptides; the boss complainsabout French science policies and red tape; he writes a list of names of people whocould possibly be attracted to this new lab; they discuss space, salaries and workpermits; the Ministry promises to relax the regulations for this project.

March 17: the boss has breakfast with a scientist who flew from Stockholm toshow him how his new instrument was able lO locate traces of pandorin in the brainsof rats; the pictures are beamiful; the boss speaks of buying the instrument; theother man says it is still a prototype; they both make plans to interest an industry inmanufacturing it; the boss promises to advertise the instrument; he hands out a fewsamples of pandorin to the other scientist for further testing.

- afternoon: exhausted. I miss the ceremony at the Sorbonne where the boss getsan honorary degree from the university. I arrived in time for the press conference hegives afterwards; the journalists are very surprised because the boss lambastsFrench science policy; he asks everone to be prepared for a new revolution in brainresearch, the first harbinger of which is pandorin; he attacks journalists who give a

win the encounter. A specialist is a counter-specialist in the same way as atechnical article is a counter-article (Chapter I) or a laboratory is a coumer­laboratory (Chapter 2). It is when the amount of resources is large enough thatmany counter-specialists may be recruited and. set against one another. Thisdissent in turn elevates the cost of the proof race, multiplies the trials ofstrength,redesigns new objects which, in turn, may be used to translate more outsideinterests, and so on. But as long as research in internal combustion engine,neuroendocrinology, geology or chip design does not yet exist as a job, there is nospecialist inside and no interested groups outside.


Science in Action___.152.

negative image of science and are always after sensations and revolutionarydiscoveries; over a drink afterwards he proposes to a few colleagues the setting up ofa scientific committee tbat would force journalists to behave and not to freelypropagate wild claims.

- night: we reached Washington; I am pleased to see that the boss seems tired too.March 18: morning: a big meeting in the Oval Office with the President and

representatives of diabetic patients; the boss gives a very moving speech explainingthat research is soon going to break through, that it is always slow, that red tape is amajor problem, and that much more money is needed to- trai n young researchers;parents of diabetics answer and urge the President to give priority to this researchand to facilitate as much as possible the testing of new drugs from the boss'slaboratory; the President promises he will do his best.

-lunch: the boss has a working lunch at the National Academy of Science; hetries to convince his colleagues to create a new sub-section, he explains that withoutthis all his colleagues in this new discipline are lost either in physiology or inneurology and their contribution is not rewarded as it should be; 'we should havemore visibility', he says; they discuss how to vote down another colleague, but I amthree tables away and do not hear who he is.

- afternoon: a bit late at the board meeting of the journal Endocrinology; Icannot sneak into the room; I just learned from the secretary that the bosscomplains about the discipline being ill-represented and about bad referees who tumdown hosts of good papers because they know nothing about the new discipline;'more brain scientists should be brought in.'

- on the plane: the boss corrects an article a Jesuit friend asked him to write onthe relations between brain science and mysticism; the boss explains that pandorin isprobably what gave Saint John of the Cross his 'kick'; he also adds in passing thatpsychoanalysis is dead.

-late afternoon: we arrive at the university just in time for his course; he ends itby reflecting on the new discoveries and how important it is that bright young menenter this booming field full of oppportunities; after the course he has a brief·working meeting with his assistants and they discuss a new curriculum to includemore molecular biology, less mathematics, more computer science, 'it iscruciaI,' hesays, 'that we get people with the right training; the ones we've got now are useless.'

- evening: (blank, too exhausted to follow)March 19: when I arrive the boss is there already! I had forgotten that it was the

day of the site visit for one of his grants, a one-million-dollar affair; the visitors arehaving discussions with everyone, probing every project; the boss remains aloofinhis office 'so as not to influence either the visitors or the staff. I miss the officialdinner.

March 20: morning: the boss is in a psychiatric hospital lrying to convincedoctors to set up a first clinical trial of pandorin on schizophrenics; unfortunatelythe patients are all so loaded up with drugs that it will be hard to isolate the effect ofpandorin; he suggests that the doctors and himself write a co-authored paper.

- afternoon: we roam around a slaughter house; the boss tries to convince thehead of the 'hatchet crew' - I don't know the technical term to try another way tohack sheep heads off so as not to damage the hypothalami; the discussion seemshard; I am so nauseated that I don't hear a word.

-late afternoon: the boss gives a good dressing down to a young postdoc who

dId not draft the expected paper on pandorin in his absence; he decides with hiscollaborators which of the next generation of high pressure liquid chromatographyto buy; he goes on perusing the new figures obtained this afternoon on a morepurified sample of pandorin.'

We may stop the reading of the log book at this point. Even ifit is a busy weekit is far from an unusual one. Following a scientist may turn out to be a tiringjoband may force the follower to visit many parts of the world and many moregroups in our societies than expected: high officials, corporations, universities,journalists, religious figures, colleagues and so on.

How could we define the boss's way ofdoing research from 13 to 18 March? Toanswer this question we should consider another dedicated layperson who,during the same week, shadowed not the boss but one of his collaborators.Contrary to the first inspector, this one did not move from the laboratory; shestayed all week, twelve hours a day at the bench or in the office submittingpandorin to the sort of trials we described in Chapter 2. If she answered a fewphone calls they were from the boss or from colleagues engaged in the same taskin other institutions, or from ,suppliers. Asked about her boss's trip she seemed abit condescending. She wants to stay at arm's length from lawyers, industry oreven government. 'I amjust doing science,' she says. 'Basic science, hard science.'

While she stays in the laboratory the boss moveS around the world. Is the bosssimply tired of bench work? Or is he too old to do worthwhile research - this isoften what is muttered in the coffee breaks inside the laboratory? The samegrumbles greet West's constant politicking in Kidder's story.s West is alwaysmoving around from headquarters to marketing firms and from there toelectronic fairs. While he is away, the microkids are working like devils,completely insulated from any economic or political hurdle. Each of them worksjust on one microcode.

This case shows how important it is to decide who are the people to study.Depending on which scientist is followed, completely different pictures oftechnoscience will emerge. Simply shadowing West or the boss will offer abusinessman's view of science (mixture of politics, negotiation of contracts,public relations); shadowing the microkids or the collaborator wiB provide theclassic view of hard-working white-coated scientists wrapped up in theirexperiments. In the first case we would be constantly moving outside thelaboratory; in the second, we would stay still deep inside the laboratory. Who isreally doing research? Where is the research really done?

A first answer comes when the two observers sent to study the boss's lab puttogether their log books at the end ofa year-long observation. They note that thecollaborator got a paper accepted in a new section of the journalEndocrinology - a section created by the boss; that she has been able to employ anew technician thanks to a special fellowship from the Diabetic Associa­tion -after the speech given by the boss at the White House; that she now getsfresh hypothalami from the slaughter house which are much cleaner thanbefore - an outcome of the boss'5 complaints; that she has two graduate students

___.J.5.:1 Science in Action Insiders Out 155

attracted to her work after they had taken the boss's course at the university; thatshe is now contemplating a position offered to her by the French Ministry ofHealth to set up a new laboratory in France - thanks to long negotiations of theboss with French high officials; that she has got a brand new instrument from aSwedish firm to map minute amounts ofpep tides in the brain - in part because ofthe boss's involvement in setting up the company.

To sum up. she is able to be deeply involved in her bench work because the bossis constantly outside bringing in new resources and supports. The more she wantsto do 'just science', the costlier and the longer are her experiments, the more theboss has to wheel around the world explaining to everyone that the mostimportant thing on earth is her work. The same division of labour happens withWest and his team. It is because West has been able to convince the Company tolet them try the Eagle project that the young men are able to devise, for the firsttime in their careers, a brand new computer. The more they want to work 'just ontechnical matters', the more people West has to seduce.

The consequence of this double move is a trade-off between the intensity of thedrive to interest people 'outside' and the intensity ofthe work to be done 'inside'. ­As we saw in the last chapter, this trade-off is due to the fact that the interest ofallthe 'interested' people will last only if, for instance, the new computer and thenew pandorin may tie aU of them together and become the obligatory passagepoint for pursuing their usual work. To do so, Eagle has to be fully debugged andpaudorin has to be an undisputable fact; when West's overselling and the boss's.bluff are called, all the data they showed should withstand the trials of strength.Because of this trade-off between what has been promised outside and whatholds inside, an enormous pressure is then diverted back to the collaborators.They all have to work hard and to submit Eagle and the pandorin to all possibletrials; to buy the best equipment, to recruit the best graduates. It is whilstsubmitted to this enormous pressure that they say 'we are just doing science'.

The first lesson to be drawn from these examples looks rather innocuous:technoscience has an inside because it has an outside. There is a positive feedbackloop in this innocuous definition: the bigger, the harder, the purer science isinside, (he further outside other scientists have (0 go. It is because of this feedbackthat, if you get inside a laboratory, you see no public relations, no politics, noethical problems, no class struggle, no lawyers; you see science isolated fromsociety. But this isolation exists only in so far as other scientists are constantlybusy recruiting investors, interesting and convincing people. The pure scientistsare like helpless nestlings while the adults are busy building the nest and feedingthem. It is because West or the boss are so active outside that the microkids or the.collaborator are so much entrenched inside pure science. If we separate thisinside and this outside aspect, our travel through technoscience would becomeentirely impossible. At each crossroads, we would not know whom to follow. Onthe contrary, it is clear that we have to do like Kidder and, from now on, split ourattention and follow both the purely technical- as we did in Chapters I, 2 and3 -and, so to speak. the 'impurely' technical. Our old friend the dissenter of


(3) What is technoscience made oj?

157Insiders Out

I have portrayed three very contrasting situations: in the case above the science tobe studied was clearly divided into a vast inside part - the laboratories - and alarge outside part orchestrating the recruitment drive; in the first two casesscientists were struggling to create a dijference between an inside speciality - inwhich they' could then work - and an outside mixture of contradictoryinterests - that cut through their speciality and threatened to destroy it entirely.However different the three examples, two featurtes remained constant. First,the ability to work in a laboratory with dedicated colleagues depended on howsuccessful other scientists were at collecting resources. Second, this success inturn depended on how many people were already convinced by scientists that thedetour through the lab was .necessary for furthering their own goals.

Chapters I and 2, or the fact-builder, were so stubborn only because other peopleoutside were busy at work; we have yet to follow these people.

What do the words 'their goals' mean? As we, they designate an ambiguoustranslation of scientists' and other people's interests. For instance, if the boss isso successful when talking to the Ministry, the President, the DiabeticAssociation, his students, his law~rs, the head of a pharmaceutical industry,newsmen and fellow academicians, this means that they think they are furtheringtheir goals when helping him to extend his lab. The same thing is certainly truewith West. His group is enthusiastic about building a new computer and beatingthe North Carolina research centre; for this they are all ready to work twelvehours a day seven days a week. Still, at the end, it is Data General's share ofthemarket that is increased and it is De Castro, the big boss, who is more pleasedthan any other. The young kids' interests, those of West, of De Castro and oftheData General Board of Directors were all aligned, at least for a few months. Thisalignmem is precisely what is lacking in the two other examples. The Church, theuniversities, the gentry, the state, the public, the amateurs, the fellow geologists,all have mixed feelings about letting Lyell develop an independent geology; whenLyell talks about his interests, no one else at first feels that he means 'theirinterests' as well. Difficult negotiations are still going on to keep all thesecontradictory wills in line. In loao's case, it is clear that the interests are all atloggerheads. When he talks about his goals, no one else in the whole world thinksthey are theirs as well: neither the military, nor industy, nor his colleagues. Therelation between Joao and the others is so unambiguous that no community ofinterest is possible.

So, to sum up, when scientists and engineers are successful in creating a vast

Science in ActionH-----J-$6---- -------- __ n .. -


To decide between the two versions, let us go back to the second section and tracea simplified map of the boss's travels. Remember that 'doing science' meant twodifferent things for the collaborator working inside the lab and for the bosstravelling outside. However, it was dear from the example that they were bothdoing science since the resources diverted by the boss were then activated by thecollaborator; conversely, each new object squeezed from the lab by thecollaborator was immediately converted into resources by the boss, so as tosecure newer and fresher sources of support. This process, pursued by thecollaborator and the boss at the same time, has the shape of a loop or ofa cycle.However, as we saw in the first section. this loop may turn inwardor outward: thescience may shrink so much that there is no distinction between collaborator andboss, and soon after no new qbject and no supporter; or it may turn in thedirection that makes the science grow. What does this mean? As I show in Figure4.1 , it means that more and more elements are part of the cycle. I have artificiallydivided these elements into money, workforce, instrument, new objects,arguments and innovations, and sketched only three complete cycles.

Let us start with the people who provide money. At the beginning the boss issimply receiving funds; in the middle circle he is heading many nationalcommittees that decide who should receive the money; at the end, he is pan ofthe

The consequence is that whatever knowledge you may gain about the one crowdcan teach you nothing about the other: the cast of characters and the plots theyare enmeshed in will be totally different. This divorce between context andcontent is often called the internal/external -division. Scientists are inside.oblivious to the outside world that can only influence their conditions of workand its rate of development.

I hope it is clear to readers that if they were to accept this division, it would bethe end ofour trip. All ourexamples have sketched a constant shuffling to and frobetween outside world and laboratory; now an impassable barrier is thrown upbetween the two. I have implicitly suggested, and will now give the skeleton of, adifferent anatomy of technoscience: one in which the internal/external divisionbecomes the provisional outcome ofan inverse relationship between the 'outside'recruitment of interests - the sociogram -and the 'inside' recruitment of newallies - the technogram. With each step along the path the constitution ofwhat is'inside' and what is 'outside' alters.

There are two solutions to the problem of the grossly incomplete definition ofscience against the incredi,bly broad: either throwing up a theoretical andimpassable barrier between 'inside' and 'outside', or tracing an empirical andvariable limit between them. The first solution gives two different storiesdepending on where you start - and brings this book to a close; the secondsolution provides the same story in the end no matter ifyou start from the outsideor the inside - and allows this book to go on!

159Insiders OutScience in Action

inside world, it means that othersare working towards more or less the same goal;when they are unsuccessful, it means that scientists and engineers are left alone topursue their direction. This sounds like a paradox: when scientists appear to befully independent, surrounded only by colleagues obsessively thinking abouttheir science, it means that they are fully dependent, aligned with the interest ofmany more people; conversely, when they are really independent they do not getthe resources with which to equip a laboratory, to earn a living or to recruitanother colleague who could understand what they are doing. This paradox issimply the consequence of the feedback mechanism I presented in the twosections above: the more esoteric a piece oftechnoscience the more exoteric has tobe the recruitment of people. This sounds like a paradox only because we severthe two aspects; so, we tend to think that a poorly funded workshop is more tiedto outside interests than a well-funded one, whereas it is poor because it is lesstied; conversely, when we visit a gigantic cyclotron we tend to think that it is moreremote from anyone's direct interest, whereas it is remote only because of its tightlinks with millions of people. This mistake occurs because we forget to followsimultaneously the inside and outside scientists; we forget the many negotiationsthat the latter had to carryover for the former to exist at all.

Let us ponder a minute on this inverse relationship. Are we not running into amajor difficulty, which could stall our journey through technoscience, if we askwho is really doing science? If we say 'the people who work in the labs of course',we know from the example of Lyell or of Joao that this answer is grosslyincomplete since by themselves they could not even earn a living or set up acontroversy. So we have to complete the list of people who are doing science. Butif we include in the list all the supporters necessary to transform isolated andhelpless scientists into people like West or the boss, we run into an apparentabsurdity: shall we say that De Castro, the Ministry of Health, the Board ofDirectors, the President, are all doing science?Certainly yes, since it is to convincethem that West and the boss worked so hard for their lab; certainly not, sincenone of these convinced supporters works at the bench. So we are in a quandaryover what seems two equally ridiculous answers. Since our goal is to follow thosewho are doing technoscience, our enquiry is checked if we can no longer decidewho is really doing the work!

Of course, if we follow through the logic of the first answer we can get out ofthe difficulty. This method, which is accepted by most analysts, is precisely theone we cannot use. It involves saying that the long list ofpeople who support thelaboratories constitute a necessary precondition for technoscience to exist .as apocket of pure knowledge. In others words, although all these people are.necessary to provide resources, they are not shaping the very content of thescience made. According to this view there is a real boundary to be drawnbetween the inside and the outside. If you follow the outsiders you will meet aseries of politicians, businessmen, teachers, lawyers and so on. If you stay insideyou will get only the nitty-gritty of science. According to this division, the firstcrowd has to be taken as a sort of necessary evil for the second to work quietly.

for shaping new objects. When the whole process is very small-scale, the boss isusing only the instruments available or ones he can tinker with; in the middle, hemay be devising new instruments and advising industry on prototypes; at the end,he is on the Board of several companies that build instruments, advocating theiruse in hospitals. fighting the legislation that limits their spread; or in the case ofother sciences we may find him at Hearings urging Congress to help in theplanning of gigantic new instruments. Here again, we started with few peopleinterested in the boss's cycle, and we may end up with a whole branch ofindustrytied to his fate.

Further round the circle we encounter the trials produced by the collaboratorsusing the instruments. At first, very few allies are brought in; in the middle, moreunexpected ones are put into the picture; at the end, inside huge laboratories,undergoing terrible and unexpected trials, new objects are shaped by thethousand. As we saw in Chapter 2, the more the laboratory grows the wider is themobilisation process of non-human elements for which the scientists speak.

Next, we encounter the arguments. As we have already learned in Chapters 2and 3, the boss at first utters,weak non-technical claims only which are difficult topublish at all; in the middle, his increasingly technical a rticles are accepted fasterand faster by many more technical journals of higher status; at the end, the bosscreates new journals, advises publishing firms, advocates the creation of newdata banks, and exhorts colleagues to set up professional associations, academiesor international organisations. What started as a timid and controversial claimends up as an incontrovertible and well-established body of knowledge or arespectable profession.

We then meet the innovations. At the onset, the boss is barely able to convinceanyone to use his arguments, his substances or his prototypes. They stay in hissmall lab like Joao's chips. In the middle, more and more people have beensufficiently interested by the boss to lend their force to his projects: manyhospitals, many other disciplines are putting the arguments to good use,spreading the innovations further. At the end, the boss is on the Board ofseveralcompanies, heading many committees and is the founder of several associationswhich are all facilitating the spread of the innovation as much as they can. Whatwas limited to one man's lab now circulates through long networks everywhere inthe world.

Finally, we come full circle to the beginning ofthe diagram. At first, the boss istoo weak to obtain more grants, more space and more credit simply on thegrounds of his previous activities. In the middle, his work becomes recognised,his articles and those of his collaborators are read and quoted, his patentsenforced; grants, space and prestige may be more easily secured. At the end, allthe forces enrolled th rough the process are ready to attribute the responsibility oftheir general movement to him and to his lab or his discipline. What at first hadbeen an isolated place has become by the end an obligatory passage point. By thistime, whatever the others do or want, the boss's lab grows -see translation 5 inChapter 3.

161Insiders OutScience in Action


Going counter-clockwise, we meet the workforce the boss needs to recruit oncehe has the money. At the beginning he does the whole job with his own hands andeyes; in the middle he recruits young kids already trained by the universitydepartments or the technical schools; at the end, he is heading new departments,new universities, and advocating major changes in training and priorities·throughout the educational system. He may even go further, writing textbooks,giving public lectures, enthusing his audience with a zeal for his science. From thestart to the end, the boss has had to go further and further afield, recruiting moreand more people and attaching his enterprise to that of more and more schools.

Still further around the circle, we meet the instruments which are so important

state establishment that legislates on how much money should be given, to whichscience, and through which system the funds should be allocated and controlled.At the beginning few people have their fate linked to the boss's enterprise; at theend, quite a lot.

Figure 4.1

(1) Counting on Scientists 'and Engineers



Scimcl' Indicators 1982, Figure 3.6. pp. 66.

Insiders Out


we are now going to get an idea of the scale of technoscience simply by using thestatistics of the many institutions that manage scientists.

The most striking figures comes from the most general statistics: those who callthemselves scientists and engineers in the census are much fewer than thoseinterested by and enrolling them in the construction offacts and machines. In theUnited States they· are only 3.3 million people (Science Indicators 1982, (Sl) 1983,

Table 4.1

j' -

Science in Action

Part BCounting Allies and Resources

In the preceding part we solved two difficulties. First we learned that in our tripthrough technoscience we should follow simultaneously those who stay insidethe labs and those who move outside, no matter how different the two groupsappear. Second, we learned that in the construction of technoscience we have toinclude all the people and all the elements that have been recruited or are doingthe recruiting, no matter how foreign and unexpected they seem at first. Is itpossible to get an idea of who the people are making technoscience and how thevarious roles are distributed among them?

To answer this question we are going to use the statistics that professionalbodies gather in various countries - but especially in the United States - in orderto control or to develop what they call Research and Development. 6 No matterhow crude and often biased or inaccurate these statistics are, they provide US with'at least an order ofmagnitude. They map out for us the strongholds and the weakpoints oftechnoscience. Instead of present individual cases as I have done so far,

No matter how simplified this general picture is, one thing in it is clear: growthcomes from tying together more and more elements coming from less and lessexpected sources. At some point in section 2, we saw slaughter houses, the FrenchMinistry of Health, the Oval Office and brain peptides having a bearing on eachother. It is utterly impossible to delineate an outside border to the picture- inwhich only 'context' for science would be encountered-and an inside core-inwhich only 'technical content' would be produced. It is easy, on the contrary, tosee how the laboratory has to become more and more technical in order to attachso many and so disparate elements to one another. What is clearly separated inthe first version - that is, the internal and the external- is precisely what has to beattached so tightly in the second.

Ifwe agree to the superiority of the second version over the first, then anotherlesson may be drawn from this example. When I write that many people,institutions, instruments, industries and new objects are tied to the boss'senterprise, this meanS two things at once; first that they are tied to the boss whoselab has become an obligatory passage point for them, but also that he is tied tothem. He had to go far out of his way to fetch them; he had to bend overbackwards to recruit them. If not he would not have risen at all. Thus, when weglance at Figure 4.1 we do not see either the boss's story or the story of theenlisted elements; we see the story ofall ofthem when they get together andshare acommon fate. Those who are really doing science are not all at the bench; on thecontrary, there are people at the bench because many more are doing the scienceelsewhere. The time has now come to turn our attention towards these otherpeople.

Table 4.2

Number of scientists and engineers engaged in R&D as a proportion of the workforceNumber of scientists Number of scientists and

and engineers engineers/workforce

Two and a half million of scientists and engineers cannot make 700 millionother people believe and accept all the hard facts oftechnoscience. Although thisdisproportion is acceptable in the diffusion model, it makes no sense in thetranslation model. And this ridiculously small figure has been obtained in themost favourable case. We considered only the most industrialised and richest·countries of the North, lumping together all the disciplines and introducing nofurther distinction between Research and Development. Moreover, since· the

165Insiders Out

developed countries account for around 90 per cent of all the R&D in the world(94 per cent of the money and 89 per cent of the workforce according toO.E.C.D.?), it means that, when travelling through the vast world, one wouldhave one chance in 1500 of meeting someone who has an active role in shapingbeliefs and technics. It would mean that only 3 million people are disseminatingbeliefs and machines, enlisting the 5 billion people qn the planetl Quite anextraordinary feat, which means either that these few people are superhuman orthat we were wrong in limiting the fact construction to scientists. Many morepeople than the few scientists officially recognised as such ought to be engaged inshaping technoscience.

It is possible to push the apparent paradox created by the small number ofscientists much further. Being counted in the statistics as engaged in R&D doesnot mean that as many people have had the sort of experience I pictured inChapter I and 2, that is, a direct familiarity with the writing ofa technical article,with the setting up of a controversy, with the shaping of new allies, with thedevising of new laboratories. Ifwe take the possession of a Phd as an indicationof a close and long familiarity with technoscience in tlie making, and if we limitthe number of scientists and engineers to the number of doctorates engaged in R& D, the figures we arrive at are much smaller still. a If the construction offactswas limited to the research done by doctorates, it would mean that only 120,000persons in the United States would make the 250 million others believe andbehave, enrolling and controlling them in accepting newer and harder facts. Oneman would be able to enrol and control 2000 others! And, again, this figure hasbeen obtained by lumping all the sciences and all the technics together withoutany distinction between research and development.

The paradox created by the diffusion model grows to massive proportions ifwe try to distinguish occupations and disciplines inside the remaining tinynumbers. Remember that in Table4.1 we saw that only 34 percent ofall scientistsand engineers in the US were engaged in R&D or managing it but more than 70per cent of all the scientists and engineers engaged in R&D are working in.industry.9 So, even the tip of the iceberg is not made of what is commonly called'science'. Ifwe wished to become closer to the cliche ofpure disinterested sciencewe would have to consider only doctorate holders employed by universities orother public institutions and doing research, that is limiting technoscience toacademics. If we do so, the figures shrink still further. to The number of peoplewho most closely resemble what is commonly called 'scientist' - basic research ina non-profit institution - in the US amounts to something like 50,000 (full-timeequivalent). This figure is obtained by rolling all the sciences into one. This is notthe tip of an iceberg any more, it is the tip of a needle.

When we talk about 'science' the readers might think of famous scientists inhighly prestigious disciplines and universities having produced new revolution­ary ideas and products which are now believed, used and bought by hundreds ofmillions of people. People like Lyell, Diesel, Watson and Crick come to mind.However, considering technoscience as made up of these people is as impossible

0.59%0.4 %0.32%0.46%0.65%0.90%

Science Indicators 1982, table 1.3 p. 193.




Science in Action

us (1981)England (1978)france (1979)Germany (1977)Japan (1981)USSR (81 estimate)

p. 249) no matter what degree they hold, and what work they do. Only 3.3 millionsay they have some familiarity with any of the black boxes. The 250 millionothers are supposed to have the barest knowledge provided them by primary orsecondary school.

Ifwe wish to consider those who are said to have participated in the definitionand negotiation of some black boxes, the number decreases drastically. Mostpeople with a training in science and engineering do not do r.esearch ordevelopment. In the US, for instance- the country for which we have the mostfigures - slightly more than a quarter ofall scientists and engineers are engaged inR&D.

Table 4.1 is the sort of table that shows the absurdity of the diffusion modelcriticised at the end of Chapter 3. Ifwe were to believe that bench workers are theonly ones 'really doing science' we would have to take into account only some900,000 people for the US (that is the first two dark areas in the pie charts in Table4.1); all the others, that is three-quarters of all scientists and engineers, can beforgotten! For the translation model, however, researchers are c1eariy the tip ofthe iceberg; many more are needed who work outside in order to make the insidepossible, and those who help in the definition, negotiation, management,regulation, inspection, teaching, sale, repair, belief and spread of the facts arepart and parcel of 'research'.

The impossibility of limiting technoscience to full-time researchers is clearlydemonstrated by Table 4.2:

(2) Not counting only on scientists and engineers

The first section presents us with a picture that may be interpreted in twoopposite ways: either the few really good scientists are endowed with thedemiurgic powers of making millions believe and behave, or they are scattered inmarginal spots, lost in the midst of multitudes who could not care less. However,we know from Part A that this alternative is also that of the scientists themselves.West, Diesel, the boss, or J oao, depending on what they do and who they recruit,

between developed countries. IS Half of technoscience is an American business.All the other developed countries work on smaller chunks of science. Since hardnew facts are made by mustering resources and holding allies in line, thestratification in manpower, money and journals' means that some countries willenrol, and others will be enrolled, If a small country wishes to doubt a theory,reject a patent, interrupt the spread ofan argument, develep its own laboratories,choose its own topics, decide on which controversy to start, train its ownpersonnel, publish its own journals, search its own data base, speak its ownlanguage, it might find this impossible. The same situation I described in ChapterI between Mr Anybody and Mr Manybodies may be found between countrieswith a big share in R&D and countries with a very small share in it. Like MrAnybody, the country with a small system of science may believe the facts, buythe patents, borrow the expertise, lend its people and resources, but it cannotdispute, dissent or discuss and be taken seriously. As far as the construction offacts- is concerned, such a country lacks autonomy. [6

After quickly surveying the figures sketching the scale of technoscience, weclearly understand that limiting it to 'insiders' would lead us to a completeabsurdity. We would soon be left with a few hundred productive and visiblescientists, in a handful of richly endowed laboratories generating the totality ofall the facts believed and of all the machines used by the 5 billion people living onthis planet. The distribution of roles made by the diffusion model has been reallyunequal: to the happy few is reserved the invention, discussion and negotiation ofthe claims, while the billions of others are left with nothing else to do but toborrow the claims as so many black boxes or to remain crassly ignorant.Scientists and engineers are too few, too scattered, too unequally distributed toenrol and control all the others. Limited to their own force they could not securethe strongholds so necessary to render relevant their rhetoric. For thediffusion~sts, this conclusion is not a problem, as we saw in Chapter 3: 'on thecontrary/they argue, 'if scientists are so few and do such extraordinary things, itis simply that they are the best and the brightest; these few isolated minds seewhat Nature is and are believed by all the others because they are right.' Thus, forthem, aU the figures above do not raise any major problem, they simply addlo theprestige of a few scientists isolated in the midst of so much obscurity andignorance!

167Insiders Out

,r -


Science in Action

as making the pyramid of Cheops balance upside down. The great men andwomen ofscience to whom prestige accrues are simply too few to account for thegigantic effects they are supposed to produce.

Still, we have chosen the best conditions in order to measure the scale 'oftechnoscience. Had we made fewer adhoc assumptions, this scale would be muchsmaller. For instance, all our figures come after a long period of exponentionalgrowth in R&D spending and in the training of scientists and engineers. II Theofficial size of technoscience would be limited to much smaller numbers had wemeasured it before this boom. No matter how prestigious are the Galileos, theNewtons, the Pasteurs and the Edisons, they were still more isolated andscattered in their own time and societies than the relatively large armies ofprofessional researchers of today. The sciences, which seem so small compared tothe number of people they claim to enrol and control, nevertheless dwarf theirpast so much that they can be said to have almost no past. As far as numbers areconcerned, technoscience is only a few decades old. The famous scientists studied .so much by historians of science can all be found in the minute tail of anexponential curve. To parody Newton, we could say that technoscience is a giant .on the shoulders of dwarfs!

There is a second supposition which provides us with an inflated view oftechnoscience. I made the supposition that all the academic scientists who mostresembled the cliche of a scientist were all equally good. Even ifscience was madeof a mosaic of small clusters, I assumed that all the clusters were equal. But this isfar from being so. There are huge inequalities even inside the small number ofacademic scientists. There is what is called a stratification among scientists.12

This asymmetry modifies what is called the visibility ofa scientist or ofaclaim. 13

When discussing controversies and dissent, proof race and translations, I havealways assumed that each claim and each counter-claim was highly visible andstimulated the debate. This was too favourable a presentation. The vast majorityof the claims, of the papers, of the scientists, are simply invisible. No one takesthem up, no one even dissents. It seems that even the beginning of the process hasnot been triggered off in most cases.

There is not only a stratification among scientists' productivity, there is also astratification in the means for making science. From Chapter 2 and from Joao'sexample, we know that all laboratories are not equal before God. The ability topursue a dispute depends crucially on the resources one is able to muster on one'sside. These resources are concentrated in very few hands. First, this is visibleinside the same country. 14 Disputing a fact, launching a controversy, proposingan article outside of the top institutions, becomes much more difficult, and the_more so the further you are away from them. We know why from Chapters 2 and3: the cost of the proof increases at each turn of the controversy; those who arenot able to follow the proof race in their own labs and who still wish to argue,have either to break their way in to the top institutions or to quit the gamealtogether.

This stratification is visible inside the same country, but it is still more visible

Science in Action

Table 4.3




Insiders Out


Science Indicators 1982 (511985. p.4O)

Table 4.4

Although the diffusion model would consider only basic science as worthy ofattention - the rest flowing effortlessly from it- we see that, by and large,scientists and engineers have been able to gather support only when they do notdo basic research. Of nine dollars spent, only one goes for what is classicallycalled ·science'. Technoscience is on the whole a matter of development.

Is it possible to go further and to consider who are the supporters oftechnoscience when it is successful? Remember that, on the one hand, accordingto our first principle scientists and engineers need many others to build all theirblack boxes, but that, on the other, they are too few to keep them in line,especially if they wish to make millions of others believe and behave. The onlyway to solve this problem is for scientists to link their fate to that ofother, muchmore powerful groups that have a/ready solved the sameproblem on a largerscale.That is, groups that haye learned how to interest everyone in some issues, to keepthem in line, to discipline them, to make them obey; groups for which money isnot a problem and that are constantly on the look-out for new unexpected alliesthat can make a difference in their own struggle. Which groups are these?Another look at statistics gathered in the United States will tell us.

Because these figures are so large-scale they give us an idea of the mostimportant transfers of money, and thus an outline of the main translations of

one that multiplies their numbers, and the other that turns them into a singlewhole. We may call research the first moment and development all the worknecessarY to make a black box black, that is, to turn it into an automaton that

. counts as one routine piece of equipment. If we talk of research we will be ledmore into the sort of situation described in Chapters 1 and 2, with technicalpapers, discussions, controveries, undisciplined new objects; if we talk ofdevelopment we will tackle the problems ofChapter 3, putting more emphasis onthe hardware and the question ofhow to discipline the new objects and the peoplewho transfer them. But the distinction is often moot, and should be seen as twoaspects of one single strategical problem.

No matter, how fuzzy all these distinctions are, the statistics obtained by usingthem, are clear enough, as shown in Table 4.4.

'-- D_E_V_E_L_1MENT I



devoted to R&D

Sciena lndiwors 1982 (51 19B3 p. 7)

United States (1981)England (1978)France (1978)Germany (1981)Japan (1981)USSR (median estimate)

Percentage of GNP

may be endowed with demiurgic powers - since everyone goes through their .labs - or stay marginal figures unable to influence anyone's work. We alsolearned in the first part that, in order to decide between the demiurgicinterpretation and the marginal one, we should not consider only those who callthemselves scientists the tip of the iceberg - but those who, although they stayoutside, are nevertheless shaping the science and form the bulk of the iceberg.Now that we have beaten at its own game the diffusion model that .asserted thatscientists, ideas and prototypes were the only important part of science, weshould no longer hesitate to reintroduce all the participants excluded from theofficial definition of real research into the picture. But how can this be done,since, by definition, statistics on manpower only list those who are officiallydoing science? There is, fortunately, in the same statistics, a simple way ofmeasuring the multitudes enrolling scientists; they do not appear under the guiseof manpower, but under that of money. Even distorted in statistics, budgets areafair estimate of the amount of interest scientists have been able to secure for their·work.

I[ we consider the most aggregated figure available, not on the personnel buton the money, we gain one order of magnitude (Table 4.3).

Table 4.3 gives gross estimates but their general scale is interesting: it meansthat the few hundreds of thousands of scientists have been able to have a bearingon something like 2.5 per cent of the GNP of the richest industrialised countries.

Does this relatively substantial figure mean that all this money is obtained forthe few people than an official rendering of science would consider as <·realscientists'? Not at all, because all kinds of research are lumped together in Table·4.3. The traditional labels to break down statistics are those of basic research,applied research and development. Although it is possible to discuss endlessly theprecise boundaries between these terms, we have learned enough in this book todefine them for our purpose. As I showed in Chapter 3, obtaining new allies isgood, but only insofar as these many allies are able to act as one disciplinedwhole. Thus, we may distinguish two moments in the recruitment of new allies:

Defence 63.7 16.8 24,4 49.3 64.8Health 15.2 11.2 15.3 7.5 3.9Advancement of

knowledge 3.0 4.1 14.2 15.0 12.9Energy and

infrastructure 14.2 34.4 30.9 16.0 10.1Agriculture 2.7 25.4 2.9 4.3 4.5Industrial growth. .3 12.2 12.4 7.9 3.8

Science Indicators 1982 (83, p. 49) Sdence InJiQ2!ors 1982 (S1 1982, p. 199 and OECD 1982, p. 2(2)

171Insiders Out

Science IndicafOf> 1984 (511985, p.4O)

U. S, federal obligations for research and developmentin constant 1972 dollars

(Constant 1972 dollars in billionsl

o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

1-------....,1980,--------......L---------<---..l 1986 estimate







Table 4.6(a)

What sort of topics drain so much taxpayer's money into industry and theuniversities? The answer is to be found in Table 4.6.

The outsiders are coming into the picture. Defence takes up something like 70percent of all public R&D spending. Technoscience is a military affair. The onlyexception is Germany-and Japan, but this exception is itself due to anotherscientifico-military venture: the dropping of the atomic bombs in 1945, thatforced Japan to surrender and to abandon most military research.

Table 4.6(b) Distribution of government support of R&D by nationalobjective and by country (per cent) in 1980

US Japan W. Germany France UK

L.Scienr;.ej". A.c"ion

8asic 22tJ)

Who does the R.&.D

Who pays for R.&,D

interest (Table 4.5). Essentially, R&D is an industrial affair (three..quarters iscarried out inside firms) financed out oftax money (amounting to 47 per cent inthe US (S/1983, p. 44». This is the first massive transfer of interest: scientistshave succeeded only insofar as they have coupled their fate with industry, andlorthat industry has coupled its fate to the state's. Without this double movetcchnoscience shrinks to miniscule size as we see when only basic science isconsidered. Now it becomes an affair between the universities aQd the state: .universities do nine-tenths of basic research which is almost totally paid out ofthe Federal Budget. As can be expected, applied science occupies an intermediaryposition, 50 per cent being paid by the government and industry and carried outby the universities.


Table 4.5

(3) The fifth rule of method

and charlatans have been forbidden to practise, everyone has been made to takean interest in health problems, legislation has been passed. Most of the work had

.already been done when life scientists linked their fate to that of health. So it isnot surprising that so much research is conducted on the health system. Whenscientists and engineers are unable to link their work to either of these twobudgets, they fare less welL The remainder of all publicly financed R&D is apuny percentage of the total.

The problem offinding resources to pursue the proof race has been historicallysolved when budding scientists have linked their fate to that of people whosegene~al goal was seen as being approximately the same: mobilising others,keepmg them in line, disciplining them, interesting them. If these conditions arenot met, groups of scientists may exist, but they will never be able to increaseconsiderably the cost of proof or to multiply the number of their peers. In anyevent they will never be granted the demiurgic powers of reshaping the world(which, for instance, atomic physicists have). They will be more akin to the olderprofessional role of the scholar. When scientists hold strong positions, manyother people are already there who did most of the groundwork.

We started this chapter by asking who the scientists and engineers were; wepursued it by adding more and more outside people to the making of science; wethen stumbled on an inverse relationship that linked the esoteric and the exotericaspects of science~afterwards, we had to understand that the few people officiallycalled' academic scientists' were only a tiny group among the armies of peoplewho do science; finally, we came to realise that when the large armies - in theliteral sense - that defend either the body politic or the body were not behindthem, scientists remained by and large invisible. The drift from the beginning ofthe chapter to this point is now clear, I hope, to the eyes of the attentive reader:the enlisting scientist endowed with the demiurgic power of enrolling andcontrolling millions of others may now appear as an enlisted employee workingin industry on military matters. Which one of the two pictures is the moreaccurate, and which one allows us to learn more about technoscience?

The only possible answer to this question is that neither of the two is correctbecause the question is not precise enough. Some of the caSes we studied have.given us the impression that scientists hold enormous powers like West or theboss; other cases suggested the opposite impression like Lyell at the start ofhiscareer, or Joao. What did this impression of power or of weakness depend on?On the presence or the absence ofalready align~d interest groups. Although this

. sounds as paradoxical now as when we first encountered it in Part A, we have tocome to grips with it. The few people officially called scientists and engineersseem to carry the day only when most of the groundwork has already been doneby others. The proof of this is that if the others are not there, or are too far apart,

173Insiders OutIe.Science in Action

It is not a strange coincidence or an unwanted evolution that so tightly attachesthe development of armies and technoscience. The military obviously foots thebill rather well. For centuries, they have enlisted people and interested them intheir action, so much so that most ofus are ready to obey them blindly and to giveup our lives if required. As far as enrolling, disciplining, drilling and keeping inline are concerned, they have proved their mettle and on a much larger scale thanscientists have ever triedY The interested and obedient layperson required by'scientists to disseminate their facts is much easier to train than the disciplinedsoldier ready to sacrifice himself. Besides, the military have been interested inunexpectedly shifting the balance ofpower with new resources and weapons. It isnot surprising then that the few scientists and engineers capable ofproviding newand unexpected allies capable ofchanging the balance ofpower have met with themilitary frequently during the course of history to promote the production ofnew weapons.

The similarity between the proof race and the arms race is not a metaphor, it is .literally the mutual problem of winning. Today no army is able to win withoutscientists, and only very few scientists and engineers are able to win theirarguments without the army. It is only now that the reader can understand why I ­have been using so many expressions that have military connotations (trials ofstrength, controversy, struggle, winning and losing, strategy and tactics, balanceof power, force, number, alJy), expressions which, although constantly used byscientists, are rarely employed by philosophers to describe the peaceful world ofpure science. I have used these terms because, by and large, technoscience is partof a war machine and should be studied as such.

This link between war and technoscience should not be limited to the .development of weapon systems. To fully grasp it, it is necessary to considermore generally the mobilisation of resources, whereby I mean the ability to makea configuration of a maximal number of allies act as a single whole in one place.Research into new weapons is one obvious focus, but so is research into newaircrafts and transport, space, electronics, energy and, of course, communica­tions. Most technoscience is concerned with facilitating this mobilisation ofresources (see Chapter 6).

The only other big chunk of civilian research visible on Table 4.6 is tnat ofhealth. Why is it that scientists have been successful in tying their work to thistopic? Although it does not fit the bill as well as the army, the health system hasdone similar groundwork. Like the survival of the body politic, the survival of thebody is a subject in which everyone is directly and vitally interested. Since in bothcases money is no object, the health budget, like that of defence, is a gigantictreasure chest where spending is made without limit. In both cases interest andspending have been made compulsory by taxes or the social security system, thelatter being as big as the state budget in most industrialised countries. The role'played by the military in recruiting, drilling, and forcing everyone to besimultaneously interested and obedient has been played for centuries byphysicians, surgeons and health workers. Amateurs have been excluded, quacks

the few scientists and engineers become still fewer, less powerful, less interesting,and less important. So, in all cases, the presence or the absence of many morepeople than those doing science at the bench should be studied in order tounderstand who those at the bench are and, as we saw in Chapter 3, what they do.

How is it that the many others who count so much when providinglaboratories with their powers are discounted when the time comes to list thepersonnel ofscience? They constitute the most important part oftechnoscience inall the stories I told, so how can they be so easily pushed out of the picture? Toanswer this we should remember the trials of responsibility defined earlier. Tofollow these trials a distinction had to be made between the primary mechanism .that enlists people, and the secondary mechanism that designates a few elementsamong the enlisted allies as the cause of the general movement.

The outcome of these trials in responsibility is to allow the picture oftechnoscience to be completely reversed. Among the million people enlisted byscientists or enlisting them, and among the hundreds ofscientists doing appliedresearch and development for defence and industry, only a few hundreds areconsidered, and to them alone is attributed the power to make all the othersbelieve and behave. Although scientists are successful only when they follow themultitude, the multitude appears successful only when it follows this handful ofscientists! This is why scientists and engineers may appear alternatively endowedwith demiurgic powers - for good or bad - or devoid of any clout.

Now that we can see through this confusion of two different mechanisms, weunderstand that 'science and technology', from which we started in theintroduction, is a figment of our imagination, or, more properly speaking, theoutcome of attributing the whole responsibility for producing facts to a happyfew. The boundaries ofscience are traced not in terms of the primary mechanism,but only in terms of the secondary one. The recruitment drive remains invisible.Then, when one accepts the notion of 'science and technology', one accepts apackage made by a few scientists to settle responsibilities, to exclude the work ofthe outsiders, and to keep a few leaders. It is fortunate that we decided from thestart to study the activity of making science and not the definition given byscientists or philosophers ofwhat science consists of. The hard recruitment drivesof Diesel, Pasteur, Lyell, of the boss, the many failures of Joao, woulq havecompletely escaped our attention. We would have believed in the existence of ascience on the one hand, and of a society on the other, which would have rathermissed the point! Here again, Janus speaks two opposite languages at once. Onthe left side he says that scientists are the cause that carried out all the projects ofscience and technology, while on the right side scientists are striving to positionthemselves inside projects carried out by many others. -

To remind us of this important distinction, I will use the word technosciencefrom now on, to describe all the elements tied to the scientific contents no matterhow dirty, unexpected or foreign they seem, and the expression 'science' andtechnology', in quotation marks, to designate what is kept oftechnoscience onceall the trials of responsibility have been settled. The more 'science and

Figure 4.2

175Insiders Out

Science andtechnology isthe cause thatallows projectsto be carried


technology' has an esoteric content the further they extend outside. Thus,'science and technology' is only a sub-set which seems to take precedence onlybecause of an optical illusion. This will constitute our fourth principle.

There seems, however, to be a danger in extending the size oftechnoscience, soas to include in it supporters, allies, employers, helping hands, believers, patronsand consumers, because they in turn might be seen as leading the scientists. Onemight draw the conclusion that if science is not made up of science and led byscientists, it is made up of and led by all the interest groups. This danger is all thegreater since this alternative is exactly the one offered by so-called •social studiesof science'. When 'science and technology' is not explained by its internal thrust,it is accounted for by external pushes or demands. Our travel throughtechnoscience should then be full not of microbes, radioactive substances, fuelcells and drugs, butofwicked generals, devious multinationals, eager consumers,exploited women, hungry kids and distorted ideologies. Have we come aU thisway and escaped the Charybdis of 'science' only to be wrecked on the Scylla of'society'?

Fortunately, this danger is not a real one if we can see that all attribution tfialsshould be cleared away, including those which attribute the dynamism ofscienceto social factors., Ifwe are ready to doubt what scientists say about their science, itis not so as to believe what generals, bankers, politicians, newsmen, sociologists,philosophers or managers say about its limit, shape, usefulness or cause ofgrowth. As stated by our fQurth rule of method, we should be symmetrical anddoubt the boundaries of scientific professions as much as those of 'science andtechnology', no more but no less.

From now on, the name of the game will be to leave the boundaries open and toclose them only when the people we follow close them, Thus, we have to be asundecided as possible on which elements will be tied together, on when they willstart to have a common fate. on which interest will eventually win over which. Inother words, we have to be as undecided as the actors we follow. For example,

Science in Action1*-__,ul14- mm _

before the boss enters his office, the Minister of Health is still uncertain whetheror not it is worth investing in neuroendocrinology; the boss too is uncertainwhether or not the Minister will keep the promise made by his counsellors aboutfunding a brand new laboratory; he is also uncertain as to whether or notpandodn is such a revolutionary substance that firm promises can be made to theMinister about curing drug addicts; his collaborator, deep in her lab, is for herown part uncertain whether or not she can claim in her paper thatpandorin is .biologically different from another substance published earlier; the rats she triedthe two substances on might die under the high doses she gave them beforeproviding any answer. It is possible that the collaborator's rats, the drug addicts,the boss, the counsellors, the Minister and the Congressmen will all becomealigned with one another so that, in the end, laboratory work has a bearing onnational health policy. But it is also possible that anyone ofthese links or all ofthem might break apart so that the rats die, pandorin becomes an artefact, theCongressmen vote down the budget, the boss irritates the Ministerwhooverruleshis counsellors....

The question for us who shadow scientists is not to decide which one oftheselinks is 'social' and which one is 'scientific', the question for us, as well as forthose we follow, is only this: 'which of these links will hold and which will breakapart?' Our fifth rule of method will thus be the following: we should be asundecided as the various actors we follow as to what technoscience is made of; todo so, every time an inside/outside division is built, we should follow the twosides simultaneously, making up a list, no matter how long and heterogeneous, ofall those who do the work.

After having studied how a weak rhetoric could become stronger, and thenhow many strong positions had first to be obtained to make this added strengthrelevant, the time has now come to study those who are not enrolHng or are notenrolled by scientists and engineers - that is, all those who do not participate inthe work of technoscience.

1--__-JJ6u____ u___ u ____Science in Action 1-


From Short toLonger



Tribunals of Reason

In the first part of this book we studied how to go from a ......eak rhetoric to astrong one, and in the second we followed the scientisrs and engineers in theirmany strategies as they go from weak points to the occupation ofstrongholds. Ifwe wanted to summarise the first four chapters, we could say that they showed afantastic increase in the number of elements tied to the fate of a claim- papers,laboratories, new objects, professions, interest groups, non-human allies- somany, indeed that if one wished to question a fact or to bypass an artefact onemight be confronted by so many black boxes that it would become an impossibletask: the claim is to be borrowed as a matter of fact, and the machine or theinstrument put to use without further ado. Reality, that is what resists all effortsat modification, has been defined, at least for the time being, and the behaviourof some people has been made predictable, in certain ways at least.

Another way of summarising the same fOUf chapters is to show the other sideof the coin: such an increase in the number ofelements tied to a claim is to bepaidfor and that makes the production ofcredible facts and efficient artefacts a costlybusiness. This cost is not to be evaluated only in terms of money, but also by thenumber of people to be enrolled, by the size of the laboratories and of theinstruments, by the number of institutions gathering the data, by the time spentto go from 'seminal ideas' to workable products, and by the complication ofmechanisms piling black boxes onto one another. This means that shaping realityin this way is not within everybody's reach, as we saw at length in Chapter 4.

Since the proof race is so expensive that only a few people, nations, institutionsor professions are able to sustain it, this means that the production of facts andartefacts will not occur everywhere and for free, but will occur only at restrictedplaces at particular times. This leads to a third way ofsummarising what we havelearned in this book so far, a way that fuses together the two first aspects:technoscience is made in relatively new, rare, expensive and fragile places thatgarner disproportionate amounts of resources; these places may come to occupystrategic positions and be related with one another. Thus, technoscience may bedescribed simultaneously as a demiurgic enterprise that multiplies the number of


(1) Peopling the world with irrational minds

Part AThe trials of rationality

How do the multitudes left out of the networks see the scientists and theengineers, an.d how do they themselves consider the outside of these networks?

Take for example the case of weather forecasts. Every day, often several tiinesa day, many millions of people talk about the weather, make predictions, cite­proverbs, inspect the sky. Among them, a large proportion listen to weatherforecasts or glance at satellite maps of their countries on TV and in newspapers;quite often, people make jokes about weathermen who are, they say, 'alwayswrong'; many others, whose fate has been linked earlier to that of meteorologists,anxiously await forecasts before taking decisions about seeding plants, flying

181Tribunals ofReason

planes, fighting battles or going out for picnics. Inside the weather stations,running the huge data banks fed with satellite signals, controlling the reports ofthe many part-time weathermen scattered over the planet, sending balloons toprobe the clouds, submitting computer models of the climate to new trials, a fewthousand meteoI:ologists are busy at work defining what the weather is, has beenand will be. To the question 'what will the weather be tomorrow?' you get, on oneside, billions of scattered commentaries and, on the other, a few claimsconfronted with one another through the telexes uf the internationalMeteorological Association. Do these two sets of commentaries have a commonground? Not really, because, on the one hand, the few claims of themeteorologists are utterly lost among billions ofjokes, proverbs, evaluations, gutfeelings and readings of subtle clues; and because, on the other hand, when timecomes to define what the weather has been, the billions ofother utterances aboutit count for nothing. Only a few thousand people are able to define what theweather is; only their opinions literally cOUn! when the question is to allocate thehuge funds necessary to run the networks of computers, instruments, satellites,

. probes, planes and ships that provide the necessary data.This situation creates a rather curious balance account: the weather and its

evolution is defined by everyone on earth and the few weathermen provide only afew scattered opinions among the multitudes of opinion, taken more seriously inonly small sectors of the public - the military, the ship and air companies,agricultural concerns, tourists. However, when you put all these opinions in onebalance of the scale and in the other the few claims of the meteorologists, thebalance tips on the side ofthe latter. No matter how many things are said aboutthe weather, no matter how many jokes are made about the weathermen, theweather of the weathermen is strong enough to discount all the other weathers. Ifyou ask the question 'was it a normal summer or an exceptionally hot one?'although everyone says, everyone feels that it has been a hot summer, the livedopinions of the multitude may be discounted inside the networks of theInternational Meteorological Association. 'No,' they say, 'it was a summer only0.01 degree above average.' The certitudes of billions of people have becomemere opinions about the weather whose essence is defined by the few thousandmeteorologists. 'You believed it was a hot summer, but it was really an averageone.'

The balance of forces may be tipped in one direction or in another dependingon whether we are inside or outside the network developed by weathermen. Ahandful of well-positioned men of science may rout billions of others. This willhappen only, however, as long as they stay inside their own networks, because, nomatter what the meteorologists think and do, everyone of us will still think it wasa hot summer and make jokes, the morning after, about the weather forecastswhich were 'wrong as usual'. This is where the notion of network is useful:meteorology 'covers' the world's weather and stiLL leaves out of its mesh almostevery one of us. The problem for the meteorologists will then be to extend theirnetworks, to make their predictions indisputable, to render the passage through

Science in Action

allies and as a rare and fragile achievement that we hear about only when all theother allies are present. If technoscience may be described as being so powerfuland yet so small, so concentrated and so dilute, it means it has the characteristicsofa network. The word network indicates that resources are concentrated in a fewplaces - the knots and the nodes - which are connected with one another-thelinks and the mesh: these connections transform the scattered resources into anet that may seem to extend everywhere. Telephone lines, for instance, are.minute and fragile, so minute that they are invisible on a map and so fragile thateach may be easily cut; nevertheless, the telephone network 'covers' the wholeworld. The notion of network will help us to reconcile the two contradictory;.aspects of technoscience and to understand how so few people may seem to coverthe world.

The task before us in the last part ofthis book is to explore all the consequencesthat this definition of teohnoscience as a network entails. The first question I willtackle concerns the people wh~;;"not-part-;{tl;~networks, who fall through the .mesh of the net. So far, we have followed scientists and engineers at work; it isnecessary for a while to turn our attention towards the multitudes who do not do .science in order to evaluate how difficult it is for scientists to enrol them. Giventhe tiny size oHact production, how the hell does the rest ofhumaniiy deal with

\'reality'? Since for most of history this peculiar system of convincing did notexist, how did the human race manage for so long without it? Since even inmodern industrialised societies the vast majority does not get close to the processof negotiation of facts and anefacts, how do they believe, prove and argue? Sincein most enterprises, there has been no scientist or engineer to occupy obligatorypassage points, how do ordinary folk go about their daily business withoutscience? In short, the question we have to study in this chapter is what is inbetween the mesh of the networks; then, in Chapter 6 we will tackle the questionof how the networks are sustained.

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183Tribunals ofReason



from us what the weather really is? What is surprising is no longer how so fewwell-equipped laboratories may come to discount and displace billions ofothers,but how people may believe things they could know instead.

What one should study and what one should marvel at is now dramaticallyaltered. Many of the questions scientists of various disciplines raise when theythink about the outside of their networks are now of a different form: how cansomeone stil/believe this? Or how can someone have taken so long to realise thiswas wrong? For instance, an astronomer will wonder why 'modern educatedAmericans still believe in flying saucers although they obviously do not exist'. Amodern sociobiologist will be 'interested to know why it took so long forbiologists to accept Darwin's theory', A psychologist would wonder •why thereare people who are silly enough to still believe in parapsychology which has beenproven wrong for decades'. A geologist will be incensed by the fact that 'in 1985there are people who still believe more in Noah's Flood than in geology'. Anengineer will wish to receive an explanation of 'why African peasants to this dayare refusing to use solar-powered water pumps which are so much more efficientand cheap'. A French physics ~eacher will be baffled by the discovery that 'nineout of ten of his pupils' parents believe the sun revolves around the earth'. In allthese examples it is implicitly assumed that people should have gone in onedirection, the only reasonable one to take but, unfortunately, they have been ledastray by something, and it is this something that needs explanation. The straightline they should have followed is said to be rational; the bent one that they haveunfortunately been made to take is said to be


irrational. These two adjectives, -'which are the staple of discourse about science, have not been used here so far.They appear only when an assumption is made by scientists about why there arenon-scientists. This assumption is pictured in Figure 5.1.

Since what surprises scientists is how people are pushed out of the right patti'they should have taken, they need to explain these distortions by appealing tospecial forces (vertical arrows in the diagram). People should really haveunderstood straight away what the reality is, had outside events not preventedthem from doing so. 'Prejudices" fcir'Tnstance, may be used to explain 'whyAmericans still believe in flying saucers'. 'Differences in culture' may be used to

Figure 5.1

~, ­!



Science in Action

their weather stations obligatory for everyone who wants to know the weather. Ifthey are successful, they will become the only official mouthpiece of the earth'sweather, the only faithful representatives of its vagaries and evolution. No matterhow many people are left out, they will never be as credible as the weathermen.How to obtain such a result does not interest us at this point -see nextchapter- because what we want to understand is what happens to everyone'sopinion about the weather when meteorologists become the only mouthpiece of .weather,

All other predictions become, in the eyes of the scientists, illegitimate claimsabout the weather. Before meteorolgy became, they say, everyone wasfumbling in the dark, spreading half-truths about the shape ofclouds or the flightof the sparrows, believing in all sorts ofabsurd myths mixed up, fortunately, witha few very sound practical recipes. A more charitable interpretation is that theycould not get the whole picture and reacted only to local and provisional signs.We now get on the one hand ~!U!:.f~. about the weather, and, on the other,kno~le~g~u)f this weather. This the first time in this book we have paid anyattention to these words, and it is important to realise why they have arrived solate, and only to characterise how scientists inside a powerful network see theoutside of it. In their view beliefs are more subjective, that is they tell as muchabout who holds them as about the weather itself; knowledge, on the contrary, isobjective, or at least tends to be always more so, and tells us about what theweather is, not about who the weathermen are. Even ifbeliefs happen sometimes

, to be in accordance with knowledge, this is an accident and does not make themless subjective. In the eyes of the people inside the networks, the only way forsomeone to know about climates and their evolution is to learn what the

.' climatologists have discovered. People who still hold beliefs about the climatearesimply unlearned.

In this rendering of the non-scientists' opinions, a subtle but radicaltransformation occurs. We are no longer faced with our original asymmetrybetween the inside and the outside of a network, between the access to satellitemaps, data banks, meters and probes, and the access to subtle clues in the folklore and to proverbs. Resources necessary to make credible claims aboutthe weather are slowly pushed out of the picture. Indeed there is stiU anasymmetry, but it has progressively become of an entirety different nature: it isnow an asymmetry between people who hold more or less distorted beliefs aboutsomething, and people who know the truth ofthe matter(orwill soon know it). Apartition is made between those who have access to the nature of the phenom'ena,and those who, because they have not learned enough, have access only todistorted views of these phenomena.

The question to raise, in the eyes of the scientists, is not the one I started with:how can so few meteorologists extend their networks to control the definition ofwhat the weather is, in spite of the multitude of contradictory definitions? The"question to raise now is this one: how is it that there are sril/people who believe allsorts of absurdities about the weather and its evolution when it is so easy to learn

H- I~~.

account for the fact that'Africans do not like the use of solar pumps'. 'Outrightstupidity' may serve to explain why a colleague behaves so irrationally. Sexual orracial differences may be of some use as well. 'Social explanations' may also bemobilised to account for 'the resistance of biologists to Darwin's theory'. Theywere probably afraid of the social consequences that such a theory might have interms of social unrest among nineteenth-century workers. Psychologicalproblems are convenient to use as well because passions may blind people toreason, or unconscious motives may distort even the most honest person. Thegamut of explanations that may be provided is extensive and we are notinterested in setting up a list which anyway would resemble a gallery ofmonsters.What interests us in these appeals to outside forces is simply that they come onlywhen one accepts the scientists' position distinguishing between beliefs andknowledge.

By this argument, what is in need of an explanation is only the part of the linethat leads away from the straight one. The straight path itself, that is 'rationalknowle~J~e,:, .is not in need of any explanation. To be sure, one might find so~ereasons why weathermen know exactly what the weather is, or why biologistsfinally learned about evolution, or how geologists discovered continental drift t

but none of these explanations bears on the content of the knowledge; they aresimply e-olHU.l{e~ns, l~a~.~I}g to, or helping to get at, this content. Since rationalknowledge- thtstraight line - is about what the pheDm:n~aare and not aboutthe people who describe them, the only explanations neCessary to account for thepresence of these claims are the phenomena themselves (see Chapter 2, Part C).This happy situation is not the same for irrational claims; they tell us very littleabout the phenomena and a lot about the people who persist in believing them.Thus, special explanations are required to account for their persistence. This iswhat David Bloor calls an asymmetric explanation. I

A more asymmetric rendering of Figure 5.1 is made by scientists inside theirnetworks. Since the phenomena themselves are the only explanations ofrationalknowledge, what is needed to discover them? Resources? Allies? Laboratories?Interested groups? No, because these elements that we have studied for fivechapters and that make the claim credib!e have been entirely put out of thepicture and no longer have any bearing on the content ofscience. What is neededto follow the right path is just a sound mind and a soundmellwd. What isnecessary, on the other hand, to account f~r'tlie distorted path taken by thebelievers? Lots of factors which can be chosen from among a long list including'culture', 'race', 'brain anomalies', 'psychological phenomena' and, of course,'social factors'. Now the picture of non-scientists drawn by scientists becomesbleak: a few minds discover what reality is, while the vast majority ofpeople haveirrational ideas or at least are prisoners of many social, cultural andpsychological factors that make them stick obstinately to obsolete prejudices.The only redeeming aspect of this picture is that if it were only possible to,eliminate all these factors that hold people prisoners of their prejudices. theywould all, immediately and at no cost, become as sound-minded as the scientists,

(2) Reversing the outcome of trials in irrationality

grasping the phenomena without further ado. In every one of us there is ascientist who is asleep, and who will not wake up until social and culturalconditions are pushed aside.

The picture of technoscience which we have unfolded so far has now entirelydisappeared, to be replaced by a world peopled with irrational minds, or withrational minds but victims of more powerful masters. :rhe cost of producingarguments has vanished as has the proof race. Seeing the phenomena face to facedoes not cost a penny; only good minds free from prejudice are necessary.Nothing makes the extension of knowledge to everyone on earth impossible, it issimply a question of clearing away the distorting beliefs. We may understandwhy until now I have tried to avoid the notions of belief, knowledge, rationalityand irrationality. Whenever they are used they totally subvert the picture ofscience in action, and replace it by minds, phenomena and distorting factors, Ifwe wish to continue the study of the networks of technoscience, we muststraighten up the distorted beliefs and do away with this opposition betweenrational and irrational ideas.

185Tribunals ofReason

In the last section, I asserted that there was a series of questions we should not tryto answer, like 'how come such and such people believe such and such astatement?', since these questions are the consquence ofan asymmetric treatmentby the scientists themselves of what sort of people non-scientists are. To try toanswer them has no more meaning than wondering how come a friend of yoursdid not give your money back, when in fact you did not lend him any money; orexplaining how Hermes manages to fly his with small wings before being certainthat this god exists and flies! Questions about causes do not deserve an answer ifthe existence of the effect is not proven first. There would be no special factor todiscover for why people believe irrational things, if this irrationality was simply aconsequence of looking from the inside of the network to its outside -afterhaving bracketed out at! the resources necessary for this network to exist, toextend and to be maintained. There is no use in having a discipline like thesociology of knowledge, that tries to account for non-scientific beliefs, if aUquestions of irrationality are merely artefacts produced by the place from whichthey are raised.

One way to avoid asymmetry is to consider that 'an irrational belief or'irrational behaviour' is always the result of an, accusation. Instead of rushing tofind bizarre explanatiQns for still more bizarre beliefs', we are simply going to askwho are the accusers, what are their proofs, who are their witnesses, how is tqfjury chosen, what sort of evidence is legitimate, and so on, setting up tll~complete frame of the tribunal in which the accusation of irrationality take~iplace. Instead of putting the cart before the horse and condemning someonewithout due trial, we are going to follow the trial for irrationality, and only ifa




. )I

Science in Action184

verdict of guilty becomes unavoidable wiH we look for special reasons to accountfor these beliefs.

The jury (generally small) of this tribunal is made up of the enlightened publicof the Western world. Self-appointed prosecutors parade before this jury, filingaccusations for breaking the laws of rationality (the straight lines of Figure 5.1).At first, the accusations seem so terrible that the jury is incensed and is ready tocondemn without further ado.

Case 1: There is an hereditary rule in Zande society that states that wheneversomeone is a witch he or she transmits this characteristic to .his or her offspring.2

This should create new rounds of accusations that would run down family treesand could bring to trial not only the first witch, but also his or her sons,granddaughters, parents and so on. Not so, the anthropologist Evans-Pritchardnoticed with puzzlement. Instead of drawing this logical conclusion, theAzande simply consider that there are 'cold' witches in the clan -who areinnocent and not subject to accusation - and that the dangerous 'warm' witchmay be insulated from the rest of the clan. Thus a clear contradiction of the lawsof rationality is presented to the jury. The Azande apply two opposite rules atonce: rule I: witchcraft runs in the family; rule 2: if one member is accused ofbeing a witch, this does not mean the rest of his or her clan are witches. Instead ofseeing this contradiction and fighting against it, the Azande simply do not care.This indifference is shocking enough to warrant the accusation of irrationalitymade by Evans-Pritchard against the Azande. However, together with theprosecution, he also enters a plea of attenuating circ*mstances: if the Azandewere to consider each memberofthe witch's clan asa witch, the whole clan wouldbe extirpated, which would threaten the whole society. Thus, to protect theirsociety they prefer not to draw rational inferences. This is illogical, says theprosecution, but is understandable: a social force has taken precedence overreason. The penalty should not be too harsh, because the Azande are not like us,they prefer to protect the stability of their society instead of behaving rationally.As expected from section I, an explanation has been found as to why some peoplehave been pushed out of the right path.Case 2: The prosecution is not so benign with the Trobriad Islanders,3. Notonly do these tribes have an incredibly complex land tenure system but thelitigation about land that sometimes brings them to court shows constantbreaches of even the most basic principles of logic. Their language is soinarticulate that it even lacks specific words for linking propositions with l;meanother. They are unable to say things like' if ... and if ... then .. .'. They do not.understand causality. They do not even have an idea of what is before and what isafter a given proposition. They are not only illogical; not even prelogical, they arealtogether alogical. The court perceives their discussion as a chaotic rambling ofdisconnected statements spiced at random with words like 'therefore' 'because'and 'thus' and mixed with meaningless words in tiresome tirades like this, one:

'Therefore I came to reside in Teyava and saw my sister at a dilTerent veranda. I had

worked hard with them, for our mother. But because my sister had no one, I said tomyself, "Oh, this is not good. I will do a bit of kaivatam of course." People ofTukwaukwa I eat your excrement, compared to your gardens the one I made for herwas so small. I met her needs, so to speak. I held W~wawa. I held Kapwaielamauna,where today I garden Bodawiya's small yams. I held Bwesakau. I held Kuluboku'(Hutchins 1980, p69.)

Ferreting out attenuating circ*mstances for the Trobrianders is a hopelesstask, and so is the search for the social forces that could explain such a disorderlystate of mind. A staunch penalty should be sought for these people who should becut off from the rest of rational humanity, and imprisoned for life in their islands,unless they entirely recant their errors and start to learn seriously how to thinkand to behave.

Case 3: The next case is much less dramatic, but still shows a break away fromthe right path of reason. In the 18705 Elisha Gray was hot on the heels ofAlexander Graham Bell in the invention of the telephone, except that Gray waspursuing a multiplex type of telegraph and not the teJephone:1 Gray almostdiscovered the telephone many times over in his career but every time he starteddrafting a patent for it, his more serious concern for telegraphy led him astray.For him as well as for Bell's father, father-in-law and financial supporters, thetelegraph was the technology of the future, whereas the telephone was at worst a'kid's game' and at best 'a scientific curio', A few hours after Bell had presentedhis patent in 1876, Gray deposed a preliminary patent called a 'caveat'. Even atthis time, he did not think of seriously fighting in court to contest Bell's priority.Even when Bell offered his patents for sale for $100,000 the managers andadvisers of the Western Union -among whom Gray was the most prominent­declared they were not interested. They decided to mount a legal battle againstBell's patent eleven years later when, in 1877, everyone in the Western Unionrealised, a bit late, that the telephone had a future and that this future wouldalways hamstring Western Union's development. Gray clearly missed the boatand lost his trials in court against Bell's priority, as well as those in history againstBell's wisdom. The prosecution is not without an explanation for this. Gray, theysay, was an expert in telegraphy, one of the directors of Western Union and awell-known inventor. Bell, on the other hand, was very much an outsider and hewas a complete amateur to the field since his job was to re-educate deafand dumbpeople. Bell saw the right path without being blinded by prejudice, whereas Gray,who could have followed the same path and almost did invent thetelephone,hadbeen led astray by the weight of his vested interests, The final verdict is not ofirrationality, but of lack ofopeness -outsiders, as is well known, are better thanexperts at innovation. The penalty, although light at first, is heavy in the long

.term: everyone remembers Bell's name, but very few have heard of Elisha Graywho had the 'disadvantage of being an expert'.

Stories such are these are constantly told and retold, passed along,embroidered with many more details, making people laugh or rear upindignantly. Irrationality seems to be everywhere, in savage minds, in children's

187Tribunals ofReasonScience in Action+--__186 ----------

minds, in the popular beliefs of the lower classes, in the past of scientific ortechnical disciplines, or in the strange behaviour ofcolleagues in other disciplineswho missed the boat and were led astray. When these stories are told, it reallyseems that the verdict of irrationality is without room for appeal and that theonly question is what penalty should be given, depending on any attenuatingcirc*mstances.

It is very easy, however, to reverse such an outcome by offering cases for thedefence.

Casefor the defence 1: There is, in our modem societies, a very strong law thatforbids people to kill one another. People who break. this law are called'murderers'. There is also a not-so-infrequent practice that consists of droppingbombs on people who are your enemies. The pilots of these aircraft shouldtherefore be called 'murderers' and brought to trial. Not so, a Zandeanthropologist sent to England notices, with some puzzlement. Instead ofdrawing this logical conclusion, the English siLnply considers that these pilots are'murderers in the line of duty' - they are innocent and not brought to trial- andthat the other 'wilful murderers' are dangerous and should be tried andimprisoned. Thus, a clear case of irrationality is presented to the same jury whohad to decide on the Zande's lack of judgement. From the point of view of theAfrican anthropologist, the English apply two rules at once; rule I: killing peopleis murder; rule 2: killing people is not murder. Instead ofseeing this contradictionand trying to solve it, the English simply do not care. This scandalous indifferenceoffers a clear ground to warrant a trial for irrationality called 'Reason versus theEnglish people'. To be sure, attenuating circ*mstances may be found for suchirrationality. If pilots were brought to court, it would be the destruction ofmilitary authority, which would threaten the whole fabric of English society.Thus, to protect their social institutions, English people prefer not to draw logicalinferences. Here again, social reasons are brought in to explain why suchbehaviour is not in conformity with the laws of logic.

By proposing a story built with exactly the same structure as that of theprosecution but symmetric to it, the defence reverse the clear-cut impression ofirrationality. Now, it is the jury who is wondering whether the English are not asirrational as the Azande or, at least, as indifferent to logic because they preferprotecting their cherished social institutions. . _

Case for the defence 2: The defender, Edwin Hutchins, rises on behalf of theTrobriand Islanders and offers a commentary on the 'rambling tirade' so deridedby the prosecution.

Motabesi pleads before the tribunal his right to cultivate a garden he does notown. His sister owns a garden but she has no one to cultivate it. Thus, it is quiteresponsible for Motabesi to take on her gardening. Does Motabesi really 'eat theexcrement' of the Tukwaukwa people? Does he really make such a small garden?No, but it is polite towards the people who are hearing his case to underrate himselfand his own garden. This is what is called in court rhetoric'captatio benevolentiae'.Then Motabesi states his rights to all the garde'ns he has been given. The garden

In the tribunal of rationality, the defender has modified the jury's opinionabout the aklgical nature ofthe Trobrianders' minds, by adding the context ofthediscussion and the land tenure system on which the reasoning applies to therecorded task. As soon as this is put back into the picture, all the cognitiveabilities denied by the prosecution are back also. Trobrianders manage in courtlike we do, but they have a different land tenure system and they talk in alanguage unfamiliar to us. It is as simple as that. Nothing very.extraordinary, andcertainly there are no grounds here for accusing anyone 'of irrationality, and stillless for condemning or proposing penalties.

Case for the defence 3: The story of Bell, the outsider amateur who outstripsGray, the established expert, is moving and touching, but has been interruptedtoo soon, the defender says. Were we to continue the story, a completely differentoutcome would be revealed. We would have hardly heard of Bell if, in 1881, thenascent Bell Company had not bought the Western Electric company and madeit its exclusive manufacturer for all its telephone hardware, thus making astandardisation of the telephone network possible at last. But who was thefounder of the Western Electric Company? Gray himself, who made numerousother inventions of telephone and electric equipment. Moreover Bell, theimaginative outsider, soon had to leave his own company to be replaced by agreat many specialised experts in electricity, physics, mathematics, managementand banking. If not, the Bell Company would have disappeared in the jungle ofthe more than 6000 telephone companies that were mixing up their cables andlines all over America at the turn of the century. The amateur triumphed once,but lost out. Thus, if one wishes to explain why Gray missed the telephone andBell got it in 1876, it is fair enough to explain also why Bell missed thedevelopment of his own company ten years later and was pushed aside gently butfirmly by experts. The same blindness to the logic of the phone system and itsspread may not be used for why Bell won and also for why he eventually lost. It iscertainly impossible to use the 'well-known superiority of outsiders ininnovation' since this factor would have to be used positively in 1876 andnegatively ten years later, the same cause explaining simultaneously the

. acceleration and the deceleration ofthe Bell Company! It is equally impossible toex?lain, by the same attachment to tradition and vested interest, why Graymissed the telephone and why he succeeded in making the Western ElectricCompany so instrumental in the development of the telephone. Here again the

~1-- ..J88. Science in Action Tribunals ofReason

which is the centre of dispute if called 'Kuluboku'. One of them named'Kapwaleleamauna' has been given to him by the same lady, Ilawokuva. who ownsthe garden that is in dispute. This is not a strong inference, and the litigant does notclaim it is so, but it is a good point on his behalf. poes Motabesi talk irrationally?No, he simply states a set of connected conditions in support of his case. This isquite reasonable, given the extreme complexity of the land tenure system which isunwritten and has no less than five different degrees of whal we Westerners simplycall 'ownership'. (Adapted from Hutchins, 1980, p.74).


(3) Straightening up distorted beliefs

same 'cause' would have to be used alternatively to explain the resistance toinnovation and its acceleration. . . .

The jury has reversed its verdict against Gray, simply because the defender letthe story go on a bit longer, showing how each factor used to 'explain' adistortion from the right path of reason was later used to 'explain' its opposite.This suggests that it is the whole business offinding 'causes for distortions' that isfatally nawed.

The task of the jury which has to hear the trials for irrationality becomes ratherdifficult. At first sight, each case was clear-cut since there seemed to be nodifficulty in tracing a divide between belief on the right hand and knowledge onthe left; no difficulty either in placing derogatory adjectives on the right-handside - such as 'irrational, gullible, prejudiced, absurd, distorted, blinded, closed',etc. - and laudatory ones on the other-like 'rational, sceptical, principled,credible, straightforward, logical, open-minded', and so on. At the end of thefirst round of pleading, there seemed to be no problem in defining science by one'set of these adjectives and non-science byanother set. By adding to the adjectivesadverbs like 'purely', 'completely', 'strictly'. 'utterly" 'totally', the divide is


191Tribunals ofReason

stressed still more. Once the defendants have talked back, however, the clear-cutdivide becomes increasingly fuzzy. Each of the adjectives from one side jumpsback to the other side of the divide.

Take the adjective 'sceptic'. At first it nicely defines,for example, Jean Bodin'scareful plea for applying good methodology in science and legal matters. 5 Ifyoulet the story goon, however, you read that Bodin's s,ep~ism is applied to thosewho doubt witchcraft, so that, in the end, free enquiry in science is for Bodin away ofdefinitively proving the existence ofwitchcraft against sceptics. Descartes,on the other hand, one of the founders of scientific method, is clearly against aUbeliefs that cannot resist what he calls 'methodic doubt', belief in witchcraft beingone of them. However, even Descartes does not stay very long on the right side ofthe divide, because he obstinately fills space up with the vortices and denies anyform of action at a distance (like gravitation), this running directly contrary toNewton, whose empty space and unmediated gravitation he regards with thesame horror as beliefin witchcraft and 'occult qualities'. So maybe, after all, wehave to consider that Newton and only Newton is on the right side of the divide,all the others before him having lived in the darkness of non-science. But this isimpossible as well, because' Newton is derided by continental scientists as areactionary who wants to put mysterious attraction back into the picture andwho lacks the most basic principles of scientific method, that is a sceptical andunprejudiced mind. Besides, Newton believes in alchemy at the very time when hewrites the Principia Mathematica.6 The only way to stop adjectives jumpingrandomly from one side of the divide to the other would be to believe that onlythis year's scientists are right, sceptical, logical, etc" thus asking the jury tobelieve those who plead last. But this would be quite an illogical beliefsince, nextyear, new scientists will have come along who, again, will have to reprimand their'predecessors for having been unfaithful to the rules of scientific method! Theonly logical conclusion of such an illogical belief being that eventually no one onearth is durably rational.

The jury is by now in a state ofdespair. If you get clever enough lawyers there isno absurd episode in the history of religion, science, technology or politics thatcannot sound as logical and understandable as any other on the good side of thedivide, and, conversely, no sound one that cannot be made to look as bizarre asthe worst episode on the bad side of the divide. Besides the four rhetorical tricksseen in section 2, it may simply be a question of choosing the right adverbs andadjectives. Bodin, for instance, is considered as an obscurantist, who fanaticallybelieved in witchcraft out of pure prejudice: the pr~of that old women wereindeed witches was for him that they admitted to be so and confessed in writingtheir flying to Sabbaths; such 'proof was obtained under torture and incontradiction to the most basic scientific principles since it meant· these oldwomen's bodies were simultaneously lying on their litter and dancing with thedevil; a simple look at these women asleep would have convinced Bodin of theabsurdity of his prejudices. Galileo, on the other hand, courageously rejectingthe shackles of authority. arrived at his mathematical law offalling bodies on

Science in Action190

Instead of looking for explanations as to why people hold strange beliefs, thefirst thing to do, when told one of these many stories about someone else'sirrationality, it to try to reverse their outcome. This is always feasible by at leastone of these means:

(1) Tell another story built around the same structure, but one that appliesinstead to the society of the story teller (shifting for instance from the Englishanthropologist in Africa to the African anthropologist in England).

(2) Retell the same story but invoke the context every time there seems to be ahole in the reasoning and show what sort of unfamiliar topics the reasoningapplies to (add for instance to the Trobrianders' rhetoric their complex landtenure system).

(3) Retell the same story but frame it differently by letting it go on longer. Thisreframing usually renders most of the 'explanations' unusable because, given theright time scale, these explanations are offered for contrary examples as well.

(4)Tell another story in which the rules of logic are broken as well, but thisstory is not about beliefs but about knowledge held by the story teller. Theaudience then realises that their judgement was not based on the breaking of therules, but on the strangeness of the beliefs.

When any ofthese tricks is employed, or combined together, the accusation ofirrationality is reversed. There seems to be no case in which an articulate lawyercannot convince the jury that the others are not so much illogical as simplydistant from us.

purely scientific grounds, putting aside the so-called 'proofs' of Aristotelianphysicists, and deduced by theory what his experiments showed imperfectly, thusreversing everything the Church believed about the make-up of the universe.Clearly, Bodin is to be placed on the darker side of the divide and Galileo on themore enlightened one. But what happens if we reverse the adverbs and theadjectives? Bodin, for instance, becomes a courageous champion of the faith,who deduced the existence of witchcraft on purely theoretical grounds; hecarefully extrapolated from the various experiences undergone by witches'bodies under torture, resisting their many devilish tricks to avoid confession, anddiscovering a new scientific principle according to which bodies maysimultaneously fly and be at rest on their litters. On the other hand, GalileoGalilei, a fanatic fellow traveller of protestants, deduces from abstractmathematics an utterly unscientific law of falling bodies that entails the absurdconsequence that all bodies, whatever their nature, fall towards the ground at thesame speed; a simple look at daily experience would have convinced Galileo of theabsurdity of his prejudice, but he held to it obstinately and blindly against theage-old authority of common sense, experience, science and Church teachings!Who is now on the dark side of the divide, and who is on the enlightened one?Which one of the readers, sitting on the Roman Inquisition, would have letG:l1ileo go and would have put Bodin under house arrest?

There are only two ways to get out of this situation. One is to use derogatoryand laudatory adjectives and their accompanying adverbs whenever it suits you.

'Strictly logical', 'totally absurd', 'purely rational', 'completely inefficient', thusbecome compliments or curses. They do not say anything any more on the natureof the claims being so cursed or complimented. They simply help people tofurther their arguments as swear words help workmen to push a heavy load, or aswar cries help karate fighters intimidate their opponents. This is the way in whichmost people employ these notions. The second way is to recognise that theseadjectives are so unreliable that they make no difference to the nature of theclaim, each side of the divide being as rational and as irrational as the other.

How can we do away with a distinction which is so clear-cut and so fuzzy at thesame time, between rational and irrational minds? Simply by retracing our steps.Remember that it was only in the first section of this chapter that we invente,c.I the

--notion of irrational minds, by treating differently what was inside the scientificnetwork and what was outside. This invention was depicted in Figure 5.1 by firstsupposing a straight line; then, by comparison with this line, we noticed a bendout of the right path of reason; finally, in order to explain this bend that in ouropinion should not have occurred, we looked for special factors and: in .consequence, were dragged to this tribunal of reason where we got embroiled inthe sophistry of lawyers. This succession of events all depended on one originalmove only: the tracing of a straight line in Figure 5.1. If we erase it, the wholeconfusing and unrewarding debate around rationality and irrationality is phasedout.

Let us go back to the first case and its rebuttal. The English anthropoiogist

argued that the Azande were faced with a contradiction and avoided it in order toprotect the peace of the society. To this, the Zande anthropologist replied that theEnglish were also ignoring contradictions when maintaining simultaneously thatthe kiUing ofpeople is murder and that pilotswho drop bombs are notmurderers.In Figure 5.2 I have drawn the two cases on each side of a dividing line. The twostraight dotted lines are traced by the two anthropologists who both offer adhocsocial factors to explain the distorted beliefs of the other society. A plane ofsymmetry divides the picture. According to this image each of the two cases is asillogical as the other?,


Azande anthropologistin England

Tribunals ofReason

English anthropologistin the Azande

Figure 5.2

There is, however, a major blunder committed by the Zande anthropologistabout our Western culture. He made the supposition that when we apply the rule'killing people is murder' we implicitly include the situation of war in the notionof 'killing people'. Then, when we refused to say so explicitly, the anthropologisttriumphantly argued that we were unable to reason logically. But this is not so,because our notion of murder never implied the situation of war- except in veryrare cases like those oftheNurembergtrials, whichshowed howdifficult it is to trysoldiers who 'just obeyed orders'. So, we cannot be accused ofrefusing to draw alogical conclusion, if,the premisses of the reasoning are in the anthropologist'shead and not in ours. It is not our fault if the antropologist does not understandthe meaning of the word 'murder', and is not familiar with its definition in theWest. What is wrong in the left side ofFigure 5.2 is not our 'distorted belief, it is,on the contrary, the dotted line traced by the Zande anthropologist.

If we feel this to be true for'us, we are bound to suspect that it is the same on the

IScience in Action'!'-- '"" 191

The distorted beliefs have now been straightened up. The straight dotted linesinvented by the anthropologists, out of ignorance, have been crossed out an4 sohas the 'lack of logic', the 'accusation ofirrationality' and the 'social factors' thatexplained the curves. When the Azande define the contamination of the wit~h

they define 'cold' and 'warm' witches. When we define murder, we distinguishkilling 'on duty' and killing 'on purpose'. Period. No one is illogical in this~ thedefinition of a word or ofa practice has been traced, that is all. Not the slightestgrounds for an accusation of irrationality has been provided here.

The same straightening up may be made for each of the cases we have heard sofar. What difference is there between the Trobrianders' logic and ours (see- the

195Tribunals ofReason

The problem with these relativists is that, if they were right, we would have tostop travelling here, basking in the contemplation of everyone's innocence.Actually, we could even throw this whole book on a bonfire together with the

(1) Running against other people's claims

second case and its rebuttal)? None, but their legal system is different and theirland tenure system is foreign to us.-What difference is there between Gray's andBell's mind (see the third case)? None, but they are not interested in the same arti­fact; one furthers the telegraph, the other the telephone. What difference may befound between the methodologies of Bodin and Galileo? Probably none, eachinvolving elaborate 'laboratory conditions', but they do not believe the samething and do not tie the same elements together. Cognitive abilities, methods,adjectives and adverbs do not make a difference among beliefs and knowledge,because everyone on earth is as logical or as illogical as anyone else. The tribunal :'declares itself to be unqualified to try the case and decides to free all the people ithas arrested. Exit the judges, the jury, the witnesses, and the police. Everyone isinnocent of the crime of irrationality, or, more exactly, no one can be provenguilty of such a crime. After having peopled the world with irrational mindsbecause we naively wondered why there were so many people who were notscientists, we now understand that it was our wondering that created theproblem. Instead of living in a world made of straigh! dotted lines that peoplerarely follow, and ofdistort,ed paths they most often take because they are carriedaway by prejudices and passions, we live in a logical enough world. People mindtheir business and get along....


The lawyers who happen to be articulate, courageous and clever enough toconvince the tribunal (a) that all cases of patent irrationality have a lot ofattenuating ci{c*mstances, (b) that most cases of rational behaviour manifestsigns of patent-irrationality, and (e) that the tribunal is unqualified and should bedisbanded because there is no formal code of laws that could provide a basis fortheir verdict, are called as opposed to the prosecutors who are calledrationalists.9 Every time ma:fgfofirrationality is filed, relativists argue that it isonly an appearance that depends on the jury's relative point oj view- hence theirname - and they offer a new perspective from which the reasoning appearsstraightforward. Their position is called symmetric and is clearly different fromthe asymmetric principle of explanation-see above-that looked for socialfactors to 'explain' the wandering from the right path. Relativists help usunderstand what falls through the meshes ofthe scientific network and allow usto resume our journey without beiJJg dragged into trials for irrationality.

Azande anthropologistin England

Scienc..e...i!J Action

English anthropologistin the Azande

Figure 5.3

other side of the plane of symmetry. The chances are that the Azande neverincluded the possibility of contaminating the entire clan in the definition of thetransmission ofwitchcraft. Here also, the fault is not with the Azande who failedto understand logic, but with Evans-Pritchard who failed to understand thedefmition of Zande witchcraft.8 The accusation launched by both theanthropologists about the other's cultures rebounds on them: each is unfamiliarwith the culture they study. A breach in logic that whole societies are ,accused ofhaving committed has been replaced by a lack of familiarity on the part of a fewisolated anthroplogists sent to a foreign land. After all, this is much morereasonable. It is less surprising to suppose that ignorance made twoanthropologists distort others' beliefs than to suppose a whole society bereft ofreason.

What shape will Figure 5.2 take if we rub out the anthropologists' mistake?

____--"-"19'-'-4~ _

from premises (which in logic is called the modus ponens). However, the studywas replicated by Coie and Scribner in Liberia and they reversed Luria's verdictby employing two ofthe tactics I have presented at the end ofPart A: they let thestory go on longer and added the context. Immediately, farmers who had failedsimilar tests explained their reasoning, by arguing, for instance, that to know thecolour of something they would have to see it, and that to see something theywould have to be there with the animal. Since they were not there and could notsee the animal, they could not tell the answer. This chain of reasoning involveswhat, in logic, is call a modus tQllendo tal/ens (reasoning from the consequent)that is supposed to be more difficult to handle than the other one (reasoning fromthe antecedent)! There are still differences between what was expected from thetest and what the farmers did, but they are not to be found in the/arm of the logicused. Cole and Scribner argue that these farmers have not been to school and thatthis indeed makes a big difference because most schooling is based on the abilityto answer questions unrelated to any context outside the school room. 'Notthinking about the same things' is not equivalent to 't:lot being logical'. In thisexample the differences to be looked for have shifted from the form of theclaims - 'ability to draw syllogisms' - to their contents - 'number of years atschool'. The farmers cannot be accused of being illogical- they use the highlycomplex modus tollendo tollens- but they can be accused of not using logiclearned in school; in short they can be accused ofnot having gone to school. Youcannot accuse me of being illogical, but yo~ can belong to another grotlP andwish me out of your way.

From questions about 'minds' and 'forms' we have now moved to questions ofclashes between people living in different worlds. One feature ofall the episodes Ihave studied is put back into light all the accusations were triggered off everytime the pathsof the accusers and those of the accused intersected. Now we cansee how to leave relativists to their professional duties as defence lawyers, andcontinue on our way to simultaneously understanding what the scientific net­works capture in their meshes and what escapes them. The weather forecasts overa Whole region entail continuous clashes with local people who want predictionsabout local weather. Hence the reciprocal accusations between meteorologistsand local people (Part A, section 1). The two anthropologists- see the first caseand its rebuttal- were traversing foreign cultures and were addressing their traveldiaries to their colleagues at home in order to settle important debates aboutrationality. The Trobriander litigants were engaged in a struggle to recoverownership of their gardens; their debates were taped and studied by Hutchins. aCalifornian cognitive anthropologist, who wanted t~ go back home with a PhDthesis that would change the opinions which anthropologists have about savageminds - see the second case and its rebuttal. Gray and Bell were extendingdifferent networks that were in competition with each other, and their story wastold by historians of technology who were not interested in extending thetelegraph or the telephone. but who wished to refute arguments about howinnovations are favoured or forestalled by social factors (case 3).

Science in Action

heavy files of the tribunal proceedings. Why? Because for four chapters we havefollowed scientists at work who strive to make their claims more credible thanthose of others. So if this enormous work makes no difference they have wastedtheir time, I have wasted my time, the readers have wasted their time. In takingthe asymmetric stand, it is true that the tiny size of scientific networks wasignored, since science and technology were supposed to extend everywhere at nocost, leaving aside only shocking pockets of irrationality that had to be moppedup with better education and sounder methodology. But in the symmetric stand itis the very existence of the scientific network, of its resources, of its ability tosometimes tip the balance of forces, that is utterly ignored. It is not becausemeteorologists unfairly accuse billions of people of clinging to distorted beliefsabout the weather (see Part A, section 1) that we have to deny that, when the timecomes to tell the weather, only a few thousand people succeed in displacingbillions of opinions. The symmetric stand may be more sympathetic and appearfairer, but for us it is as dangerous as the asymmetric one of Part A, since in bothcases the very nature of technoscience is negated. It is made either too big or toosmall, toO successful or too unsuccessful.

To be sure, it is the professional duty of 10.wyers to believe in the innocence oftheir clients and to convince the jury of it, but 10. wyers make up only a small partof the system of justice. We should not believe the relativists any more than webelieve that no crime has been committed because some good lawyer has 0 btainedthe release of his or her clients. Anyway, all lawyers, all relativists, all scientistsand engineers, are fighting endlessly to create an asymmetry between claims, anasymmetry no one can reverse easily. This is the basis of the lawyer's rhetoric. Wehave learned from Part A, thanks to the relativists' plea, that this asymmetryshould not be accounted for by putting belief (or irrationality) on one side andknowledge (or rationality) on the other. But, still, the problem of accounting forthe asymmetry remains intact. If it is no longer the presence or the absence offormal rules of logic that makes the difference, then what is it? Denying thatdifferences are created would be as meaningless as saying '1 will never say no'.

To sum up, the positive aspect of relativism is that, as far as forms areconcerned, no asymmetry between people's reasoning cahb<:i"recognised:-T-heirdismissal of the charges always has the same pattern: 'just because you do. notshare the beliefs of someone you should not make the additional supposition thathe or she is more gullible than you.' Still, what has to be explained is why we donot all share the same beliefs. The accusation has shifted from form to content.

In a well-known study of unschooled farmers carried out in the Soviet UnionLuria tested their ability to grasp simple syllogisms like this: l \) . ,

'In the far north all bears are white; Novaya Zemyla is in the far north. Whatcolour are the bears there?'

'I don't know. You should ask the people who have been there and seen them,'was a typical answer.

If we were still in Part A. we would see this as a clear failure to grasp the logicalnature of the task. This farmer is unable to abstract and to draw consequences i·

Tribunals ofReason 197

(2) What is tied to what?

We cannot say anything about reason or logic, but whenever we run against other'people's claims, we realise that other things are tied to them and we put theselinks to the test. Let us take three canonic examples ofconflicts over classificationwhen people try to answer differently the question of what element pertains towhich set.

Classification 1: A mother is walking in the countryside with her daughter. Thelittle girl calls 'flifli' anything that darts away very rapidly and disappears fromview. A pigeon is thus a 'tlifli' but so is a hare fleeing in panic, or even her ballwhen someone kicks it hard without her seeing it. Looking down in a pond thelittle girl notices a gudgeon that is swimming away and she says 'flifli'. 'No' themother says 'that is not a Hflifli", that is a fish; there is a uflifli" over there', andshe points to a sparrow taking off. Mother and daughter are at the intersection oftwo chains of associations: one that ties a ball, a hare, a pigeon, a gudgeon t~ theword 'flifli'; the other one that distinguishes a verb 'flee' that could indeed applyto several instances above - but not to the ball- and a noun 'bird' that wouldapply only to the pigeon and the sparrow. The mother, not being a relativist, doesnot hesitate to name 'incorrect' her daughter's usage ofthe word 'flifli'. 'It is oneor the other,' she says, 'either a verb or a noun: 'Flifli' recalls a set of instancesthat are not usually associated in the mother's language. The girl has to reshUffle

199Tribunals ofReason

the instances gathered so far under the word 'flifli', under the new headings'bird', 'fish', 'ball' and 'to flee'.

Classification 2: The Karam of New Guinea call 'kobtiy' an animal which isneither a 'yak!', a 'kayn', a 'kaj', nor any of the other names they have foranimals. l J This animal, all by itselfin this category, is a strange beast. It lives wildin the forest, it is a biped, it has fur but it lays eggs, it has a heavy skull. Whenhunted its blood should not be shed. It is the sister and the cross-cousin oftheKaram' who hunt it. What is it? This enumeration sounds jike a riddle to theanthropologist Ralph Bulmer who intersects with the Karam culture for a while.He himself calls this animal a 'cassQwary' and since, it lays eggs, is a biped andpossesses wings, Bulmer places it among the birds although it has no feathers,does not fly and is very large. In a typically asymmetric fashion, Bulmer looks forexplanations as to why the Karam put cassowaries apart from birds, when theyreally are birds. Once we erase this unfair accusation, however, what we see hereare two taxonomies in conflict: one made by the Karam, the other made by theNew Zealander; one that is called ethnotaxonomy or ethnozoology because it ispeculiar to the Karam, the other is called simply taxonomy or zoology that ispeculiar to all the naturalists inside the networks in which their collections aregathered and namedY Bulmer has never hunted the cassowary, nor is he runningthe risk of mating with his cross-cousin as long at least as he stays in NewGuinea. This is not the case with the Karam. They are very interested in this biggame and very concerned with incest. Thus, Bulmer sticks to his taxonomy (thecassowary is a bird) and to his research programme (explaining to colleagues whyfor the K~ram a cassowary is not a bird); the Karam also stick to their taxonomy(a kobity cannot be a yakt, thafs all) and their hunting and marriage habits (thewilderness is dangerous, so is incest). Associations made between instances ofbirds are as solid as the two worlds to which Bulmer and the Karam are tied: theAnthropology Association, the journal Man and Auckland University in NewZealand on the one hand; the upper Kaironk Valley in the Schrader Mountains ofNew Guinea on the other.

Classification 3: Ostrom, a well-known paleontologist, wonders wheth~r

Arclueopteryx, one of the most famous fossils, is or is not a bird. 13 To be sure, It

had feathers, but did it fly? The problem with evolving from reptiles to birds is inthe long intermediary stage where the animal needs to develop feathers, wings,flight muscles and sternum, whereas none of these features is useful before itflies- this is called preadaptation. What could be the use of wings and feathersfor an animal like Arch(¥!opteryx that was, according to paleontologists, utterlyunable to fly oreven to flap and which, if it had glided, would have crashed after afew metres? Ostrom has an answer but it is a quite radical one because it means areshuffling of large parts offossil taxonomy and a rethinking ofthe physiology ofthe famous dinosaurs. Ifyou take feathers offArcMopteryx it looks every bit likea small dinosaur and not at all like a bird. But still it has feathers. What for?Ostrom's answer is that it is to protect this tiny animal from losing too much heat.But dinosaurs are cold-blooded so a thick protection would kill them because

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As I stressed in Part A, none of these episodes could demonstrate anythingirrefutable about the rationality or the irrationality of the human mind.However, they all show that there are many disputes about the weather forecasts,the ownership of gardens, the success of prophecies, the nature of logic; thesuperiority of telegraph over telephone. These disputes occur inside scientificprofessions (meteorologists, anthropologists, historians, sociologists); theyoccur outside of them (about gardens, storms, etc.); they .occur at theintersections of the two sets (anthropologists and 'savages', peasants andmeteorologists, engineers and historians of technology, etc.). The examples alsoshow that sometimes some of these disputes are settled for a long while: Motabasigot his garden back, Evans-Pritchard's definition of Azande witchcraft remainedunchallenged for decades, Hutchins got his Ph D, Bell became the eponym ofMaBell. ... We have now shifted from debates about reason to disputes about whatthe world of different people is made of; how they can achieve their goals; whatstands in their way; which resources may be brought in to clear they way. Ineffect, we are back the beginning of Chapter I: what can be tied to a claim tomake it stronger? How can the claims that contradict it be untied? No one isaccusing anyone else of irrationality, but we are still struggling to live in different'worlds.

either to abandon his association of cassowary with birds or to stay for everoutside the Karam's society. In practice, what he learned through these trials ispart of the shape of the Karam's culture. More exactly, what we call 'culture' isthe set of elements that appear to be tied together when, and only when, we try todeny a claim or to shake an association. Bulmer did not know in advance howstrong the reasons were that made kobtiy stand c apart from all thebirds - especially because other New Guinea tribes were putting it in the categoryof birds like all Western taxonomists. But he slowly learned that so much wasattached to this animal by the Karam that they could not change their taxonomywithout a major upheaval of their ways of life.

When Ostrom, in the third story, purports to weaken the linkages betweenArcMopteryx and the living birds he does not know in advance how manyelements his opponents are going to bring in to rescue this most famous ofevolutionary lines from being broken off. The more he tries to show that it is infact a warm-blooded dinosaur with a protective coat, the more absurd it seems tothe others: A major upheaval of paleontology, of taxonomy, of the organisationof the profession, would be necessary for his argument to be accepted. Ostrom isthen confronted with a choice: either to give up his argument or not to belong tothe profession ofpaleontologist any more - a third possibility is to redefine what itis to be a paleontologist so that his argument will be part of it. In practice,Ostrom's trials trace the limit of a paradigm, that is the set of elements that haveto be modified for some association to be broken away or for some new one to beestablished. Ostrom does not know in advance what shape the paradigm has. Buthe is learning it through probing what holds tightly and what gives way easily,what is negotiable and what is not.

What are often called 'structure of language', 'taxonomy" 'culture'A'paradigm' or'society' can all be used to define one another: these are some oftherwords used to summarise the set ofelements that appear to be tied to a claim that 1is in dispute. These terms always have a very vague definition because it is only~

when there is a dispute, as long as it lasts, and depending on the strength exerted by tdissenters that words such as 'culture', 'paradigm' or 'society' may receive a~'

precise meaning. Neither the little girl, nor Bulmer, nor Ostrom would have ~revealed part of the systems of associations of the others had they not dissented ior come from the outside, and been confronted by a choice about which group to ;belong to or which world to live in. In other words, no one lives in a 'culture', .shares a 'paradigm', or belongs to a 'society' before he or she clashes with others. ':The emergence of these words is one consequence of building longer networksand of crossing other people's path.

If we are no longer interested in adding to the many little clashes betweenbeliefs, in establishing any grandiose dichotomy - child versus adult, primitiveversus civilised, prescientific versus scientific, old theory versus revolutionarytheory- then what is left to us in order to account for the many little differencesbetween chains of associations? Oniy this: the number of points linked, thestrength and length of the linkage, the nature of the obstacles. Each of these

Science in Action

they could not take up heal fast enough from the outside! Not so, says Ostrom,dinosaurs are warm-bloodedcreatures and Arch(Eopteryx is the best proof ofthat.Feathers are not there for flying but for protecting a warm-blooded dinosaurfrom heat loss, allowing it to remain very tiny. Since Archaopteryx is not a bird,but is a tiny feathered dinosaur that is only preadapted to flight, this proves thatdinosaurs are warm-blooded. It is no longer necessary to search for bird ancestryamong the Pterodactyls or the crocodiles. It is among the dinosaurs that birds .should be placed! Two other paleontologists, in a letter to Nature, even suggesteddoing away with the class of bird altogether. There are now mammals anddinosaurs, of which latter class the birds are living representatives! The sparrowis a flying dinosaur, not a bird; Archteopteryx is a terrestrial dinosaur, not a bird.In the midst of the controversy between paleontologists over dinosaurianphysiology, the fossil feathers are made to occupy a crucial position. They mayallow the champions of cold-blooded dinosaurs to push Archteopteryx into thetrees and into the class of birds, or the champions ofwarm-blooded dinosaurs todo away with the birds and to keep Archteopteryx on the ground.

. In the examples above, each conflict about what is associated to what, traces;what the world of the other people is made of. We do not have on the one hand','knowledge' and on the other 'society'. We have many trials of strength throughlwhich are revealed which link is solid ~nd which one is weak.1 The child in the first story above does not know in advance how strongly hermother clings to the definition of 'bird' and of 'to flee'. She tries to create acategory that mixes everything that darts away, and she fails every time,confronted by her mother who breaks down this category. The little girl islearning what a part of her mother's world is made of; sparrows, balls andgudgeons cannot all be 'flifli'; this cannot be negotiated. The choice for thedaughter is then to give up her category or to live in a world made of at least oneelement different from that of her mother. Holding to 'flifli' does not lead to thesame life as holding to 'birds' and 'to flee'. The girl thus learns part of thelanguag~s,tr.:.ucrure by trying out what her mother holds to. More exactly, what wecall 'structure' is the shape that is slowly traced by the girl's trials: this point isnegotiable, this is not, this is tied to this other one, and so on. One sure elementof this structure is that 'flifli' has not got a chance of surviving if the girl is to livewith English-speaking people.

Bulmer, in the second story, is doing exactly the same thing as the little girl. Heis learning both the Karam's language and society by testing the strength of theassociations that make it impossible for the Karam to take the cassowary for abird. Do they mind if Bulmer says it is a bird? Yes, they seem to mind a lot. They·throw up their hands in disgust. They say it is absurd. IfBulmer insists, manyarguments are brought in as to why it cannot be a bird; the cassowary cannot behunted with arrows, it is a cross-eousin, it lives in the wilderness .... The moreBulmer probes, the more elements are brought in by his informants that preventthe kobtiy from being a yakt. At the end Bulmer realises that the choice for him is

Tribunals ofReason 201

(3) Mapping the associations

think they are silly and the fishermen who see them as a threat, the three littlescientists are slowly pushed out of the Bay and sent back to their offices in Brest.Whom they should ally themselves with to resist being rendered useless?Ridiculed by scientists, in competition with staTfish, standing between greedyconsumers and new fishermen arriving constantly for dwindling stocks, knowingnothing of the animal they started to catch only recently, the fishermen are slowlyput out of business. To whom should they turn to resist? Threatened by starfishand fishermen, ignored for years by oceanographers who do not even know ifthey are able to move or not, the animal is slowly disappearing from the Bay.Whom should the s'callops' larvae tie themselves to so as to resist their enemies?

Answer to 'these three questions: the Japanese scientists. Yes, it is in Japan thatthe three scientists saw with their own eyes scallop larvae tie themselves tocollectors and grow by the thousands in a sem i-protected shelter. So here they arebringing the idea of a collector back with them and trying it in the St Brieue Bay.But will the Breton larvae be interested by the collectors as much as the Japaneseones? Are they of the same species? Frail links, indeed, those that tie the fate ofscience, fisheries, scallops, starfish and Japan to that of the St Brieuc Bay.Besides, collectors are expensive, so colleagues and high officials should beconvinced in order to give money for new collectors made ofall sorts ofmaterialsthat will eventually be to the liking of the lalVae. But when the scientists haveconvinced the administration, and when larvae start to thrive on their collectors,fishermen cannot resist the temptation of a miraculous catch and they fish thescientists' scallops! So new meetings have to be organised, new negotiations to bestarted not with the larvae this time, but with the fishermen. Who speaks in theirname? They have a few representatives, but without much power. The veryspokesmen who accepted to let the scientists work were the first to dredge thereserve on Christmas Eve 1976!

Free association 2: in June 1974 several of us wereata party given in honour ofthe doctoral thesis of Marc Auge, a French anthropologist, by his maininformant, Boniface, on the Alladian littoral of the Ivory Coast. lS We ate anddrank under straw huts looking at the ocean, without swimming in it becauseBoniface had warned us that the undertow was too dangerous. One of ourfriends, slightly drunk, went to swim in spite of the warning. Soon he was draggedaway by the surf. All ofus, blacks and whites,looked helplessly athim. Boniface,an old man feeling responsible for his guests, went to the sea with other, youngerfriends. Many minutes laterthesurfbrought our friend back tothe beach, but forlong hours we watched Boniface's body bobbing in the waves. All the villageassembled, his family clan, screaming and yelling but powerless. I felt responsibleas a white and hated my friend, this other white man, who had caused the tragicdrowning of our host. I also feared that the villagers, sharing the same collective

.interpretation, would turn against us and mob us. I clung protectively to my littledaughter. No one looked at us or threatened us in any way, however. The eldersof the village wanted simply to know who had caused Boniface's death andstarted a very careful enquiry. At no time did they even think of us. The

Science in Action

chains is logical, that is, it goes from one point to the other. but some chains donot associate as many elements or do not lead to the same displacements. Ineffect, we have moved from questions about logic (is it a straight or a distortedpath?) to sociologies (is it a weaker or a stronger association?).


We have seen how to be free from the belief in the irrationality of certain claims'(Part A), and also from the symmetric belief that all claims are equally credible(sections I and 2). We can go on following people striving to make their claimsmore credible than others. While doing so they map for us andfor themselves the·chains of associations that make up their sociologies. The main characteristic ofthese chains is to be unpredictable- for the obselVer- because they are totallyheterogeneous - according to the observer's own classification. Bulmer pursueswhat he thinks is a purely taxonomicquestion and he is dragged into an obscurestory about cross-cousins. Ostrom tackles what is for him simply a question ofpaleontology, and he is led into a huge paradigm shift that renders hisreinterpretation of Archreopteryx difficult. How are we to study theseunpredictable and heterogenous associations that are revealed by the growingintensity of the controversies? Certainly not by dividing them into 'knowledge'and 'context" or by classifying them into 'primitive' or 'modern' ones, or byranking them from the 'more reasonable' ones to the 'most absurd'. All actionslike 'dividing', 'classifying' or 'ranking' do not do justice to the unpredictable andheterogeneous nature of the associations. The only thing we can do is to followwhatever is tied to the claims. To simplify, we can study:

(a) how causes and effects are attributed,(b) what points are linked to which other,(c) what size and strength these links have,(d) who the most legitimate spokespersons are,(e) and hawaII these elements are modified during the controversy.

I call sociologies the answer to these questions. Let me take three new examplesof what I will call 'free association' - free, that is, from the observer's point ofview.

Free association 1: on Christmas Eve of 1976 in the Bay ofSt Brieue in Brittany,deep down in the water thousands ofscallops were brutally dredged by fishermenwho could not resist the temptation of sacking the reserve oceanographers .hadput aside. 14 French gastronomes are fond of scallops, especially at Christmas..Fishermen like scallops too, especially coralled ones, that allow them to earn aliving similar to that of a university professor (six months' work and good pay).Starfish like scallops with equal greed, which is not to the liking of the others.Three little scientists sent to the St Brieuc Bay to create some knowledge abou'tscallops love scallops, do not like starfish and have mixed feelings aboutfishermen. Threatened by their institution, their oceanographer colleagues who

Tribunals ofReason 203

The point I want to make with these 'free associations' is that they are in no waylimited to certain kinds of people- that would limit anthropology to 'savageminds', to certain periods - that would limit anthropology to the study of our·past- or to certain kinds of associations-.that would limit anthropology to thestudy of world-views or of ideology. The same questions about causes, effects,links and spokespersons may be raised everywhere, thus opening an unlimitedfield of study for anthropology that can include Bulmer and his cassowary, theKaram and their kobtiy, Ostrom and his flying dinosaurs, Boniface's parents and

responsibility had to be somewhere in Boniface's lineage. When, later that night,the sea deposited the corpse on the beach, a corpse interrogation took place towhich Marc Auge was witness. Many interpretations about his death were triedout through long discussions that reviewed Boniface's debts, illness, properties,clan and biography, until it was clear to all that one of Boniface's aunts hadcaused the death. She was the weak link in these long chains that tied Boniface tohis fate, and my friend who had not obeyed his host's warning had, literally, .nothing to do with his death. I had distributed causes and effects, attributedshame, guilt and responsibility, defined links between the people assembled onthe beach, but the elders gathered around the wavering corpse had made anentirely different distribution, attribution and definition. As much anxiety, hateand anger, as much scepticism, scrutiny and belief circulated through the twonetworks, but the lines were not drawn in between the same points.

Free association 3: who kills the 40,000 people or so who die each year in caraccidents in the United States? The cars? The road system? The Department oftheInterior'? No, drink-driving. 16 Who is responsible for this excess of alcohol?The wine merchants? The whisky manufacturers? The Department of Health?The Association of Bar Owners? No, the individual who drinks too much.Among all the possibilities only one is sociologically sustained: individuals whodrink too much are the cause of most traffic accidents. This casual link is apremise, or a black box for all further reasonings in the matter. Once this issettled, there is controversy afterwards as to why the individual drivers drink toomuch. Are they sick people that should be cured and sent to a hospital, orcriminals that should be punished and sent to prison? This depends on whatdefinition of free will is given, on how the functioning of the brain is interpreted,on what force is granted to the law. Official spokespersons from sociologydepartments in universities, from voluntary associations, from the legalprofessions, from societies of physiologists, take positions and obtain figuresproving the first or the second possibility. In defence of their positions theymobilise statistics, church teachings, common sense, repentant drinking drivers,principles of law, or brain neurology, anything that makes the claim such that ifan opponent denies it, then they have to tackle its complex supports as well. As tothe link between individual drinking and traffic violations, since no one disputesit, it is as straight and as necessary as the ABadians' attribution of Boniface'sdeath to someone of his lineage.

Part CWho Needs Hard Facts?

205Tribunals ofReason

their clan, the scallop larvae and their scientists, Gray and BeU and theirnetworks, drinking drivers and their brain loaded with guilt and alcohol,Motabasi and his garden, Hutchins and his logical Trobrianders. We do not haveto make any assumption about distorted world-views, nor do we have to assumethat all these associations are equal, since they strive so much to tieheterogeneous elements together and to become unequal.

From the observer's point of view none of these people ever think eitherillogically or logically, but always sociologically; that is they go straight fromelements to elements until a controversy starts. When this happens they look forstronger and more resistant allies, and in order to do so, they may end upmobilising the most heterogeneous and distant elements, thus mapping forthemselves, for their opponents, and for the observers, what they value most,what they are most dearly attached to. 'Where thy treasure is, there will thy heartbe also' (Luke, 12,34). frhe main difficulty in mapping the system ofhete.rogeneous associations is in not making any additional assumption abouthow real they are. This does not mean that they are fictitious but simply that theyresist certain trials-and that other trials could break them apart. A metaphof1\,would help at this point to give the observer enough freedom to map the.Hassociations without distorting them into 'good' ones and 'bad' ones: sociologics}iare much like road maps; all paths go to some place, no matter if they are trails,~

tracks, highways or freeways, but they do not all go to the same place, do not tcarry the same traffic, do not cost the same price to open and to maintain. To call ,a claim 'absurd' or knowledge 'accurate' has no more meaning than to call a •smuggler trail 'illogical' and a freeway 'logical'. The only things we want to kno~,;f

about these sociological pathways is where they lead to, how many people go~

along them with what sort of vehicles, and how easy they are to travel; not if they .~~are wrong or right. ~

In Part A we introduced symmetry between claims by distributing qualitiesequally among all the actors - openness, accuracy, logic, rationality - anddefects- such as closure, fuzziness, absurdity, irrationality. Then, in Part B, weshowed that this equal distribution did not stop any of the actors, when theydissented, from accusing some others of being'grossly mistaken', 'inaccurate','absurd', and so on. To be sure, these accusations no longer told anything aboutthe form of the claims which were attacked - since everyone is by now as logical aseveryone else - but they nevertheless revealed by degrees the content of different

. associations clashing with one another.In other words, all this business about rationality and irrationality is the result

of an attack by someone on associations that stand in the way. They reveal theextent of a network and the conflict between what will stay inside and what will


. I

Science in Action___... ,2.0:1:

(1) Why not soft [acts instead?

faU through its mesh. The important consequence is the same as that we drew atthe end of Chapter 2 about the end of controversies: it is no use being relativistabout claims which are not attacked; nature talks straight without anyinterference or bias, exactly like water flows regularly through a system ofthousands of pipes, if there is no gap between them. This result may be extendedto all claims: if they are not attacked, people know exactly what nature is; they areobjective; they teU the truth; they do not live in a society or in a culture that couldinfluence their grasp of things, they simply grasp things in themselves; theirspokespersons are not 'interpreting' phenomena, nature talks through themdirectly. Insofar as they consider all the black boxes well sealed, people do not,any more than scientists, live in a world of fiction, representation, symbol,approximation, convention: they are simply right.

The question to raise then is when and why an attack that crosses someoneelse's path is possible, one that generates, at the intersection, the whole gamut ofaccusations (Part A), revealing step by step to what other unexpected elements a

~. claim is tied (Part B). In other words we now have to get close to the clashes\between the inside and the outside of the networks.t

The first thing we have to understand is that the conditions for clashes betweenclaims are not very often met. Let us take an example.

'An apple a day keeps the doctor away,' the mother said handing out a glowing redapple to her son. expecting a grin. 'Mother,' replied the child indignantly, 'threeNIH studies have shown that on a sample of 458 Americans ofaU ages there was nostatistically significant decrease in the number ofhouse calls by family doctors; no. Iwill not eat this apple.'

What is out of step in this anecdote? The child's answer, for it mobilises toomany elements in a situation that did not require it. What was expected? A smile,no reply, a quip, the repetition of the proverb, or, better, its completion CAnapple a day ... ; said the mother, 'keeps the doctor away,' answered the kidjokingly). Why does the intrusion of the National Institute of Health's statisticsinto the exchange seem so awkward? Because the son behaves as if he were in acontroversy similar to the ones we studied in Chapter 1, fighting against hismother, expecting her to reply with more statistics, thus feeding back into theproof race! What did the mother expect instead? Not even a reply, nothing evenvaguely related to a discussion, with proofs and counter-proofs. We will notunderstand anything about technoscience if we do not size up the vast distancebetween the son and the mother, between harder facts and softer ones.

At the beginning of Chapter 3, I presented the quandary offact-builders. They'have to enrol many others so that they participate in the continuing constructionof the fact (by turning the claims into black boxes), but they also have to control

207Tribunals ofReason

each of these people so that they pass the claim along without transforming iteither into some other claim or into someone else's claim. I said it was a difficulttask, because each of the potential helping hands, instead of being 'conductor'may act in multifarious ways behaving as a 'mu1ti-eondu~tor': they may have nointerest whatsoever in the claim, shunt it towards some unrelated topic, turn itinto an artefact; transform it into something else, drop it altogether, attribute itto some other author, pass it along as it is, confirm it, and so on. As the readermay recall, the centrality of this process is the first principle of this book, onwhich everything else is built. The paradox of the fact-builders is that they have ......simultaneously to increase the number of people taking part in the action-sothat the claim spreads, and to decrease the number of people taking part in theaction - so that the claim spreads as it is. In Chapters 3 and 4 I followed in somedetail cases where this paradox was solved by translating interests and tying themwith non-human resources, thus producing machines and mechanisms. Havingreached the last part of the present chapter we can now understand that thesefeatures of technoscience which are the rule inside the networks are the exceptionin between their meshes.

What then could the rule be? The claims will be at once transferred andtransformed. Consider the proverb above; it has spread for many centuries frommouth to ear. Who is the author? This is unknown, it is common wisdom, no onecares, the question is meaningless. Is it objective, that is, does it refer to apples,health and doctors, or to the people who utter it? The question is meaningless, itnever clashes with other claims -except in the anecdote above that for this reasonappears queer. Is it wrong then? Not really. maybe, who cares? Then is it true?Probably, since it has been passed along for generations without a word ofcriticism. 'But, if it is true, why does it not stand the test of the son's counter­argument?', a rationalist could ask. Precisely, it has passed along so reliably forso long because everyone along the chain has adapted it to their own specialcontext. At no point in the long history of this proverb has it been an argumentfighting a counter-argument. It is not fit for use in a controversy between twostrangers; it is only fit for reminding us, with a soft blow, which groups peoplewho tell proverbs and their audience belong to - and in addition, it makes kids eatapples (and it is also possibly good for their health).

The son's practice of breaching modifies the angle at which claims encounterother claims and triggers irrationality as an effect of the clash. This breachingmay be repeated with any of the innumerable instances offered by idle speech,twaddle, prattle, and chatter in bars, at parties, at home or at work. Every time asentence like'the proverb is answered by a counter-argument like that of the son,the same huge gap opens in the communication; friends, parents, lovers, buddies,party-goers become estranged at once, looking at each other with bewilderment.If in the bus your neighbour says, 'Nice weather todaY,ehT and you answer 'Thatis a ridiculous statement, because the mean temperature today is four degreesbelow the normal average - computed on a hundred-year basis at GreenwichObservatory by Professor Collen and his colleagues using no less than fifty-five

" 1

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Science in Action206---,",","'

fact-builder, but it is one that produces only softer facts when compared with thesecond solution. This other solution to the quandary, as we saw in the previouschapters, is the one chosen by people who are called scientists and engineers.They prefer to increase control and to decrease the margin of negotiation.Instead of enrolling others by letting them transform the statement, they try toforce them to take up the claim as it is. But as we have seen, there is a price to pay:few people may be interested, and many more resources have to be brought in toharden the facts. Consequently:

first, the statement may be transferred without being transformed - wheneverything works according to plan;

second, the owner of the original claim is designated - ifhe or she feels cheated,a bitter struggle ensues about who should be credited for the claim;

third, the claim is a new one that does not fit into the fabric of everyone's pastexperience - this is both a cause and a consequence of the diminishing margin ofnegotiation, and a cause and a consequence of the bitter fights for credit;

fourth, since each claim is measured by comparison.with the previous ones,each new claim contrasts c;learly with the background; thus it seems thaLa;historical process is at work characterised by new beliefs that constantly shakethe older ones;

and, finally, all the resources brought in to force people to assent are explicitlyarrayed, making the claim a harder fact that appears to break through the usualsofter ways of behaving and believing.

It is crucial to understand that these are two opposite solutions to the sameparadox; 'harder' facts are not naturally better than 'softer' ones; they are theonly solution if one wants to make others believe something uncommon.Nothing should·be unduly added to these differences, even though some of thewords used on the two lists seem to overlap with divides often used to oppose'daily reasoning', 'savage mind', 'popular beliefs' and 'ancient and traditionalsciences' to modem, civilised and scientific reasoning. In this argument, noassumption is made about minds or method. It is not assumed that the firstsolution provides closed, timeless, inaccurate, rigid and repetitive beliefs, ~Lwhereas the second offers exact, hard and new knowledge. It is asserted simplythat the same paradox may be solved in two different ways, one that extends long ~

networks, the other that does not. If the first solution is chosen the fact-builderimmediately appears as a stranger breaching what immediately seem to be old,timeless, stable and traditional ways. Irrationality is always an accusation madeby someone building a network over someone else who stands in the way; thUS,there is no divide between minds, but only shorter and longer networks. Harderfacts are not the rule but the exception, since they are needed only in a very fewcases to displace others on a large scale out of their usual ways. This will be ourfifth principle.

It must be clear by now that it is impossible to say that everyone on earthshould or could be a scientist at heart if only the forces of prejudice, superstitionand passion could be overridden (see Part A). This proposition is as meaningles~

Science in Action

weather stations. Check their methodology in Acta Meteorologica, you fool,'your neighbour will think you are strange - and will probably move to anotherseat. 'Nice weather today, eh?' is not a sentence fit for anything like what we haveseen so far in this boo~. Its relff!1lf..9f circulation, its way ofpassing from hand tohand, the effects it generates seem'VastlTdifferent from the statement we call'scientific'. The breaching exercise repeats what has happened in the course ofrecent history to many statements that were suddenly attacked by claimscirculating under a totally different regime. Most of what people say and used tosay is suddenly found wanting when considered from the inside of scientific

.networks.So maybe there is after all a radical difference between science and the rest, in

spite of what I have said in the two other parts?

(2) Hardening the facts

'" Yes, there is a difference, the breaching exercise indicates it clearly, but we haveto understand it without any additional divide. To grasp it we have to come backto the first principle and to the quandary of the fact-builder. The simplest way tospread a statement is to leave a margin ofnegotiation to each of the actors totransform it as he orshe sees fit and to adapt ftto local circ*mstances. Then it willbe easier to interest more people in the claim since less control is exercised onthem. Thus, the statement will go from mouth to ear. However, there is a price topay for this solution. In such a venture the statement will be accommodated,incorporated, negotiated, adopted and adapted by everyone and this will entailseveral consequences:

first, the statement will be transformed by everyone but these transformationswill not be noticeable, because the success of the negotiation depends on theabsence of any comparison with the original statement;

second, it wiJI have not one author but as many authors as there are membersalong the chain;

third, it will not be a new statement, but will necessarily appear as an older onesince everyone will adapt it to their own past experience, taste and context;

fourth, even if the whole chain is changing opinion by adopting a newstatement - new, that is for the outside observer who behaves according to theother regime below-this change will never be noticeable since there will be nomeasurable baseline against which to notice the difference between older andnewer claims; .

finally since the negotiation is continuous along the chain and ignores clashes,no matter how many resources are brought in to strengthen the claim. it willalways appear as a softer claim that does not break up the usual ways ofbehaviour. I7

Such is the regime under which the vast majority of claims circulate outside ofthe new networks. It is one perfectly reasonable solution to the quandary of the

Tribunals ofReason 209

(3) The sixth rule of method: just a question of scale. ..

as saying that everyone of the 5 billion inhabitants of this planet ought to have aRolls Royce. Hard facts are, by all means of assessing them, rare and costlyoccurrences that are only met in the few cases when someone tries to make othersmove out of their normal course and still wants them to participate faithfully inthe enterprise. There is a direct relation between the number of people one wantsto convince, the angle at which the claims clash with other claims and thehardening of the facts, that is the number of allies one has to fetch. Faced withharder facts we will no longer endow them with some innate and mysterioussuperiority, we will simply ask who is going to be attacked and displaced withthem, relating the quality of the facts with the number of people moved out oftheir way, exactly as we could do when comparing a slingshot, a sword and anarmoured tank or when comparing a small earth dam on a little brook with ahuge concrete one on the Tennessee River.

At the end of this chapter we are now in a position to understand the manydifferences triggered by the accusation process between so-called 'traditional'cultures - that is the ones that are accused of b~(.i!!i!:g in things - and the narrowscientific networks that, in order to groweverywhere, have to discover that aU thestatements used so far by people are weak, inaccurate, soft or wrong. To do so wehave simply to follow the scientists in their work.

In order to strengthen their claims some of them have to go out of their wayand come back with new unexpected resources so as to win the encounters theyhave at home with the people they wish to convince. What will happen duringsuch a move? The traveller will cross the paths of many other people. We knowfrom Parts A and B that it is this crossing that is going to trigger the accusationsof irrationality. At every intersection new and unexpected associations betweenthings, words, mores and people are revealed. However, this is not enough yet togenerate huge differences between cultures. Pirates, merchants, soldiers,diplomats, missionaries, adventurers of all sorts have for centuries travelledthrough the world and got used to the diversity of cultures, religion and beliefsystems.

But consider the peculiar nature of crossing someone else's path when harderfacts are at stake. Consider Bulmer sent to New Guinea, or Evans-Pritchard toAfrica, or Hutchins to the Trobriand Islands. Consider the paleontologiststrekking through the Nevada desert looking for fossile bones. Consider thegeographers sent away to map out the Pacific Coast. Consider the botanistsmandated to bring back all sorts of plants, fruits and herbs. Are these travellersinterested in the people, the landscape, the customs, the forests. the oceans theygo through? In a sense yes, because they want to use them in order to come backwith more resources. In another sense, no, because they do not wish to settle in allthese foreign places. If Bulmer goes away and stays for ever in New Guinea

211Tribunals ofReason

. b~~Go,ng away C:,"'~;lll ~

I lllllllll ~"~"M\ ~A Comingback

Crossing .~

other people's path } ~

Figure 5,4

becoming one of the Karam, his trip is wasted as far as hard facts are concerned.But if he comes back empty-handed without any information that can be used intheses or in articles to make his points, his whole trip is wasted as well, no matterhow much he learned, understood and suffered. Since all these travellers are'interested', they _are going to learn everything they can along the road; but sincethey are not interested in remaining at any place in panicular, only in comingback home, they are going to be sceptical about all the stories they are told.Because of this paradox the drama of the Great Divide unfolds. By the GreatDivide is meant the summary of all the accusation processes that are made fromwithin scientific networks against their outside. The sociologies of all the peoplecrossed by .these peculiar travellers sent away in order to come back isgoing to appear by comparison 'local', 'closed" 'stable', 'culturally determined'.Once the movement of the observer is deleted from the picture, it seems that thereis an absolute divide between, on the one hand, all the cultures that 'believe' inthings, and on the other hand, the one culture, ours, that 'knows' things (or willsoon know them), between 'Them' and 'Us', .

Belief by rationalists in the existence of the Great Divide, as well as the denialof its existence by relativists, both depend on forgetting the movement of theobserver moving away from horne to come back heavily armed in order tostrengthen the facts. The complete misunderstanding of the qualities and defectsof Them and Us is sketched in Figure 5,4. As soon as the accuser's movement isput back into the picture, a difference appears, but it has nothing to do with adivide between belief and knowledge. It has simply to do with the scale at whichthe enrolling and controlling of people occurs.

Can we say, for instance, that scientists moving through the world are more'disinterested', more 'rational', more concerned by the things <themselves', less.'culturally determined', more 'conscious' than the people they meet along the

IScience in Action210

patterns are not to be explained by their society: the;,- are the right way. They willcall ethnoloology the belief systems of the local Karam and zoology theknowledge of the universal scientific network. Although each sociologic isbuilding its world by incorporating birds, plants, rocks, together with people, itwill appear, at the end of many trips abroad, that only 'They' have ananthropomorphic belief system, whereas 'We' have a disinterested outlook on theworld only slightly biased by our 'culture'7'In"'Ftgute''SSl have sketched twopossible renderings of the differences:tlte first one is obtained by tracing a .1,

Divide between Them and Us; the second by measuring many variations in the nsize of the networks. The Great Divide makes the supposition that there is, on theHright hand, knowledge embedded in society, and, on the left hand, knowledgepindependent of society. We make no such supposition. The general fusion ofknowledge and society is the same in all cases - a spiral in the diagram - but thelength of the curve varies from .one to the other.

'Interest' and 'disinterestedness' are words like 'rational' or 'irrational'; theyare meaningless as long as we do not consider the mov~ment of the scientistthrough the world. This will c<?nstitute our sixth rule of method: when faced withan accusation of irrationality, or simply with beliefs in something, we will neverbelieve that people believe in things or are irrational, we will never look for whichrule of logic has been broken, we will simply consider the angle, direction,movement and scale of the observer's displacement.

Of course, now that we are freed from all th.ese debates about 'rationality','relativism', 'culture', and the extent of the Great Divide, we have one morequestion to tackle, the most difficult of all: where does the difference of scalecome from?

~__--..-::2::..:1:.::2=-- Seiene,! in 4ction

way? In a sense, yes, certainly, they are less interested in maintaining the societiesthey cross than members of these societies themselves! Thus, they are going tokeep their distance, to be cooler, to be disbelievers. But in another sense they areas interested as everyone else in maintaining their own society back home - andthis is why they so much wish to enrich science with one more piece of accurateinformation. If they were totally disinterested they would not take any notes,they would just loiter around, stay a few years, move away, and never come back.

All the conditions of a major misunderstanding are now filled. Because he is sointerested, Bulmer, for example, is going to be maddeningly obsessed with hisnotebooks, double-checking all information, filling with materials,gathering all he can before running. As far as the Karam's belief in classificationis concerned, Bulmer is cool as a cucumber, 'seeing through' their foreignsolutions the influence of their local culture; but as far as Bulmer's belief inanthropology is concerned, the Karam are very cool indeed, seeing through hisobsession for notes and accurate information the influence of the foreign culturehe so dearly wishes to maintain and expand. 'Disinterested fanatics', such asBulmer, are going to transform all the claims of all the people they meet into'beliefs about' the world that require a special explanation. Bulmer cannotbelieve the Karam are right since he is not going to stay with them for ever; but hecannot be tolerant either and choose a sort ofsoft relativism that would not care abit about,what other people think, since he has to come back with a report on theKaram's belief system. So he is going to come back to his department with theirwritten beliefs in taxonomy. IS Once in New Zealand, the Karam's taxonomy willbe compared with all the taxonomies brought back by other anthropologists. Atthis point the misunderstanding is completed: the Karam will be said to have onlyone way of looking at the world, the anthropologists to have many. The Karam'speculiar way of choosing among classificatory patterns begs an explanation thatwill be found in their society; the anthropologists' views that cover all the

Figure 5.5




Tribunals ofReason 213


Centres of Calculation

PrologueThe domestication of the savage mind

At dawn, 17 July 1787, Laperouse, captain of L'Astrolabe, landed at an unknownpart of the East Pacific, on an area ofland that was called 'Segalien' or'Sakhalin'in the older travel books he had brought with him. Was this land a peninsula oran island? He did not know, that is no one in Versailles at the court of Louis XVI,no one in London, no one in Amsterdam in the headquarters of the West IndiesCompany, could look at a map of the Pacific Ocean and decide whether theengraved shape of what was called 'Sakhalin' was tied to Asia or was separa tedby a strait. Some maps showed a peninsula, others showed an island; and afierce dispute had ensued among European geographers as to how accurate andcredible the travels books were and how precise the reconnaissances had been. Itis in part because there were so many of these disputes-similar to the profusionwe studied in Part I - on so many aspects of the Pacific Ocean, that the king hadcommissioned Laperouse, equipped two ships, and ordered him to draw acomplete map of the Pacific. I

The two ships had been provided, as scientific satellites are today, with allthe available scientific instruments and skill; they were given better clocks to keepthe time, and thus measure the longitude more accurately; they were givencompasses to measure the latitude; astronomers had been enlisted to mend andtend the clocks and to man the instruments; botanists, mineralogists andnaturalists were on board to gather specimens; artists had been recruited tosketch and paint pictures of those of the specimens that were too heavy or toofragile to survive the return trip; all the books and travel accounts that had beenwritten on the Pacific had been stocked in the ship's library to see how theycompared with what the travellers would see; the two ships had been loaded withgoods and bargaining chips in order to evaluate all over the world the relativeprices of gold, silver, pelts, fish, stones, swords, anything that could be bought


and sold at a profir, thus trying out possible commercial routes for Frenchshipping.

This morning in July, Laperouse was very surprised and pleased. The fewsavages - all males - tha t had stayed on the beach and exchanged salmon forpieces of iron were much less 'savage' than many he had seen in his two years oftravel. Not only did they seem to be sure that Sakhalin was an island, but theyalso appeared to understand the navigators' interest in this question and what itwas to draw a map of the land viewed from above. An older Chinese sketched onthe sand the country of the 'Mantcheoux" that is, China, and his island; then heindicated with gestures the size of the strait separating the two. The scale of the·map was uncertain, though, and the rising tide soon threatened to erase theprecious drawing. So, a younger Chinese took up Laperouse's notebook andpencil and drew another map noting the scale by little marks, each signifying aday of travel by canoe. They were less successful in indicating the scale for the depthof the strait; since the Chinese had little notion of the ship's draught, thenavigators could not decide if the islanders were talking of relative or ofabsolutesize. Because of this uncertainty, Laperouse, after having thanked and rewardedthese most helpful informants, decided to lea ve the next morning and to sight thestrait for himself, and. hopefully, to cross it and reach Kamchatka. The fog,adverse winds and bad weather made this sighting impossible. Many monthslater, when they finally reached Kamchatka, they had not seen the strait, butrelied on the Chinese to decide that Sakhalin was indeed an island. De Lesseps,ayoung officer, was asked by Laperouse to carry the maps. the notebooks and theastronomical bearings they had gathered for two years back to Versailles. DeLesseps made the trip on foot and on horseback under the protection of theRussians, carrying with him these precious little notebooks; one entry amongthousands in the notebooks indicated that the question of the Sakhalin islandwas settled and what the probable bearing of the strait was.

This is the kind of episode that could have been put to use, at the beginning ofChapter 5, in order to make the Great Divide manifest. Atfirstsight, it seems thatthe differences between Laperouse's enterprise and those of the natives is socolossal as to justify a deep distinction in cognitive abilities. In less than threecenturies of tra vets such as this one, the nascent science of geogra phy hasgathered more knowledge about the shape of the world than had come inmillenia. The implici/ geography of the natives is made explicit by geographers;the local knowledge of the savages becomes the universal knowledge of thecartographers; the fuzzy, approximate and ungrounded beliefs of the locals areturned into a precise, certain and justified knowledge. To the partisans of theGreat Divide, it seems that going from ethnogeography to geography is likegoing from childhood to adulthood, from passion to reason, from savagery tocivilisation, or from first degree intuitions to second degree reflexion.

However, as soon as we apply the sixth rule of method, the Great Dividedisappears and other little differences become visible. As I showed in the last.chapter, this rule asks us not to take a position on rationality, but simply to

consider the movement of the observer, its angle, direction and scale.Laperouse crosses the path of the Chinese fishermen at right angles; they have

never seen each other before and the huge ships are not here to settle. The Chinesehave lived here for as long as one can remember whereas the French fleet remainswith them for a day. These families of Chinese, as far as one can tell, will remainaround for years, maybe centuries; L'Astrolabe and La Boussole have to reachRussia before the end of the summer. In spite of this short delay, Laperouse doesnot simply cross the path of the Chinese ignoring the people on shore. On thecontrary, he learns from them as much as he can, describing their culture, politicsand economics-after one day of observation! -sending his naturalists all overthe forest to.gather specimens, scribble notes, take the bearings of stars andplanets. Why are they all in a hurry? If they were interested in the island couldthey not stay longer? No, because they are not so much interested in this place asthey are in bringing this place back first to their ship, and second to Versailles.

But they are not only in a hurry, they are also under enormous pressure togather traces that have to be of a certain quality. Why i~ it not enough to bringback to France personal diaries, souvenirs and trophies? Why are they all sohard-pressed to take precise notes, to obtain and double<heck vocabulariesfrom their informants, to stay awake late at night writing down everything theyhave heard and seen, labelling their specimens, checking for the thousandth timethe running oftheir astronomical clocks? Why don't they relax, enjoy the sun andthe tender flesh ofthe salmon they catch so easily and cook on the beach? Becausethe people who sent them away are not so much interested in their coming back asthey are in the possibility of sending other fleets later. If Laperollse succeeds in hismission, the next ship will know if Sakhalin is a peninsula or an island, how deepthe strait is, what the dominant winds are, what the mores, resources and cultureof the natives are before sighting the land. On 17 July 1787, Laperouse is weakerthan his informants; he does not know the shape of the land, does not knowwhere to go; he is at the mercy ofhis guides. Ten years later, on 5 November 1797the English ship Neptune on landing again at the same bay will be much strongerthan the natives since they will have on board maps, descriptions, log books,nautical instructions- which to begin with will aUowthem to know that this isthe'same' bay. For the new navigator entering the bay, the most important featuresof the land will all be seen for the second time - the first time was when reading inLondon Laperouse's notebooks and considering the maps engraved from thebearings De Lesseps brought back to Versailles.

What will happen if Lap~rouse's mission does not succeed? If De Lesseps iskilled and his precious treasure scattered somewhere on the Siberian tundra? Orif some spring in the nautical clocks went wrong, making most of the longitudesunreliable? The expedition is wasted. For many more years a point on the map atthe Admiralty will remain controversial. The next ship sent away will be as weakas L'Astrolabe, sighting the Segalien (or is it Sakhalin?) island (or is it apeninsula?) for thejirst time, looking again for native informants and guides; thedivide will remain as it is, quite small since the frail and uncertain crew of the

216 Science in Action Centres of calculation 217

Neptuna will have to rely on natives as poor and frail as them. On the other hand,if the mission succeeds, what was at first a small divide between the Europeannavigator and the Chinese fishermen will have become larger and deeper sincethe Neptuna crew will have less to learn from the natives. Although there isat thebeginning not much difference between the abilities of the French and theChinese navigators, the difference will grow if Laperouse is part of a networkthrough which the ethnogeography of the Pacific is accumulated in Europe. Anasymmetry will slowly begin to take shape between the 'local' Chinese and the'moving' geographer. The Chinese will remain savage (to the European) and asstrong as the Neptuna crew, if Laperouse's notebooks do not reach Versailles. Ifthey do, the Neptuna will be better able to domesticate the Chinese sinceeverything of their Land, culture, language and resources will be known on boardthe English ship before anyone says a word. Relative degrees of savagery anddomestication are obtained by many little tools that make the wilderness knownin advance, predictable.

Nothing reveals more clearly the ways in which the two groups of navigatorstalk at cross purposes, so to speak, than their interest in the inscription. Theaccumulation that will generate an asymmetry hinges upon the possibility for'some traces of the travel to go back to the place that sent the expedition away.This is why the officers are all so much obsessed by bearings, clocks, diaries,labels, dictionaries, specimens, herbaries. Everything depends on them:L'Astrolabe can sink provided the inscriptions survive and reach Versailles. Thisship travelling through the Pacific is an instrument according to the definitiongiven in Chapter 2. The Chinese, on the other hand. are not all that interestedin maps and inscriptions- not because they are unable to draw them (on the'contrary their abilities surprise Laperouse very much) but simply because theinscriptions are not thefinal goal of their travel. The drawings are no more thanintermediaries for their exchanges between themselves, intermediaries which areused up in the exchange and are not considered important in themselves. Thefishermen are able to generate these inscriptions at will on any surface like sand,or even on paper when they meet someone stupid enough to spend only a day inSakhalin who nevertheless wishes to know everything fast for some otherunknown foreigner to come back later and safer. There is no point in adding anycognitive difference between the Chinese navigators and the French ones; themisunderstanding between them is as complete as between the mother and thechild in Chapter 5 and for the same reason: what is an intermediary of norelevance has become the beginning and the end of a cycle of capitalisation. Thedifference in their movement is enough and the different emphasis they put oninscriptions ensues. The map drawn on sand is worthless for the Chin~se who donot care that the tide will erase it; it is a treasure for La perouse, his main treasure.Twice, in his long travels, the captain was fortunate enough to find a faithfulmessenger who brought his notes back home. De Lesseps was the first; CaptainPhillip, met at Botany Bay in Australia in January 1788, was the second. Therewas no third time. The two ships disappeared and the only traces that were found,

(J) Cycles of accumulation

Part AAction at a distance

219Centres of calculation

well into the nineteenth century, were not maps and herbariums, but the hiHofasword and a piece of the stern with a fleur-de-lis on it, that had become the doorof a savage's hut. On the third leg of their journey the French navigators had notbeen able to domesticate the savage lands and peoples; consequently, nothing isknown with certainty about this part of their voyage.

Can we say that the Chinese saiLors Laperouse met did not know the shape oftheir.coasts? No, they knew it very well; they had to since they were born there.Can we say that these Chinese did not know the shape.of the Atlantic, of theChannel, of the river Seine, of the park of Versailles? Yes, we are allowed to saythis, they had no idea of them and probably they could not care less. Can we saythat Laperouse knew this part of SakhaLin before landing there? No, it was hisfirst encounter with it, he had to fumble in darkness, taking soundings along thecoast. Are we allowed to say that the crewofthe Neptuna knew this coast? Yes, wemay say this, they could look at Laperouse's notes, and compare his drawings ofthe landings with what they saw themselves~ less sounding, less fumbling in thedark. Thus, the knowledge that the Chinese fishermen had and that Laperousedid not possess had, in some still mysterious way, been provided to the crew oftheEnglish ship. So, thanks to this little vignette, we might be able to define the wordknowledge.

The first time'we encounter some event, we do not know it; we start knowingsomething when it is at least the second time we encounter it, that is, when it isfamiliar to us. Someone is said to be knowledgeable when whatever happens isonly one instance of other events already mastered, one member of the samefamily. However, this definition is too general and gives too much of anadvantage to the Chinese fishermen. Not only have they seen Sakhalin twice, buthundreds and even thousands of times for the more elderly. So they will always bemore knowledgeable than these white, ill-shaven, capricious foreigners whoarrive at dawn and leave at dusk. The foreigners will die en route, wrecked bytyphoons, betrayed by guides, destroyed by some Sp~nish or Portuguese ship,killed by yellow fever, or simpLy eaten up by some greedy cannibals ... asprob~bly happened to Laperouse. In other words, the foreigner will always beweaker than anyone of the peoples, of the lands, of the climates, of the reefs, he'meets around the world, always at their mercy. Those who go away from thelands in which they are born and who cross the paths of other people disappearwithout trace. In 'this case, there is not even time for a Great Divide to be drawn;no accusation process takes place, no trial of strength between different

Science in Action~ ,,,21&-

Figure 6.1

sociologies occurs, since the moving element in this game, that is the foreigner,vanishes at the first encounter.

If we define knowledge as familiarity with events, places and people seen manytimes over, then the foreigner will always be the weakest of all except if, by someextraordinary means, whatever happens to him happens at least twice; if theislands he has never landed at before have already been seen and carefullystudied, as was the case with the navigator of the Neptuna, then, and only then,the moving foreigner might become stronger than the local people. What couldthese 'extraordinary means' be? We know from the Prologue that it is not enoughfor a foreigner to have been preceded by one, or two, or hundreds of others, aslong as these predecessors either have vanished without trace, or have come backwith obscure tales, or keep for themselves rutters only they can read, because, inthese three cases, the new sailor has gained nothing from his predecessors'travels; for him, everything will happen the first time. No, he will gain an edgeonly if the other navigators have found a way to bring the lands back.with them insuch a manner that he will see Sakhalin island, for the first time, at leisure, in hisown home, or in the Admiralty office, while smoking his pipe ....

As we see, what is called 'knowledge' cannot be defined without understandingwhat gaining knowledge means. In other words, 'knowledge' is not somethingthat could be described by itself or by opposition to 'ignorance' or to 'belief, butonly by considering a whole cycle of accumulation: how to bring things back to aplace for someone to see it for the first time so that others might be sent again tobring other things back. How to be familiar with things, people and events, whichare distant. In Figure 6.1 I have sketched the same movement as in Figure 5.4but instead of focusing on the accusation that takes place at the intersection, Ihave focused on the accumulation process.

Expedition number one disappears without trace, so there is no difference in'knowledge' between the first and the second that fumbles its way in darknessalways at the mercy ofeach of the people whose path is crossed. More fortunate

221Centres of calculation

than the first, this second expedition not only comes back but brings something(noted Xl in the drawing) that allows the third to be so familiar with the coastlinethat they can quickly move to other lands bringing home parts of a map of a newterritory (X3). At every run of this accumulation cycle, more elements aregathered in the. centre (represented by a circle at the top); at every run theasymmetry (at the bottom) between the foreigners and the natives grows, endingtoday in something that indeed looks like a Great Divide, or at least like adisproportionate relation between those equipped with satellites who localise the'locals' on their computer maps without even leaving their air-conditioned roomin Houston, and the helpless natives who do not even see the satellites passingover their heads.

We should not be in a rush to decide what are these 'extraordinary means',what these things noted 'X' in the drawing are, which are brought'back by thenavigators. We first have to understand under what conditions a navigator cansail overSeas and come back, that is how a cycle may be drawn at all. To do this,we have to take a much earlier example when these travels abroad were yet moreperilous. Three centuries before Laperouse, in 1484, King John II of Portugalconvened a small scientific commission to help navigators finding their way tothe Indies.2

At this time a first condition has been fulfilled: the heavy and sturdy carracksdesigned by the Portuguese did not disintegrate any more in storms or longsojourns at sea; the wood of which they were built and the way they werecareened made them stronger than wavesand tides. In the definition of the term Igave in Chapter 3, they acted as one element; they .had become a clevermachination to control the many forces that tried out their resistance. Forinstance, all sorts of wind directions, instead of slowing the ships down, wereturned into allies by a unique combination of lateen and square rigs. Thiscombination allowed a smaller crew to man a bigger ship, which made crewmembers less vulnerable to malnutrition and plagues, and captains lessvulnerable to mutinies. The bigger size ofthe carTacks made it possible to embarkbigger guns which, in turn, rendered more predictable the outcome of all militaryencounters with the many tiny pirogues of the natives. This size also rendered itpractical to bring back a bigger cargo (if there were a return trip).

When the scientific commission convened, the carracks were already verymobile and versatile tools, able to extract compliance from the waves, the winds,the crew, the guns and the natives, but not yet from the reefs and the coastline.These were always more powerful than the carracks since they appearedunexpectedly, wrecking the ships one after the other. How to localise in advanceall the rocks instead of being, so to speak, localised by them without warning?The solution of the commission was to use the furthest-fetched of all possiblehelping hands, the sun and the stars, whose slow declination could be turned,with the help of instruments to determine angles, of tables to make thecalculation, of training to prepare the pilots, into a not-too-inaccurateapproximation of the latitude. After years ofcompilation, the commission wrote


Science in Action



the Regimento do A stroJabio anddo Qadran te. This book on board every ship gavevery practical directions on how to use the quadrant and how to measure thelatitude by entering the date, the time, the angle of the sun with the horizon; inaddition, the commission compiled all the bearings ofgood quality that had beenmade at various latitudes, systematically adding each reliable one. Before thiscommission, capes, reefs and shoals were stronger than all the ships, but afterthis, the carracks plus the commission, plus the quadrants, plus the sun, hadtipped the balance of forces in favour of the Portuguese carracks: the dangerouscoastline could not rear up treacherously and interrupt the movement of the ship.

Still, even with the winds, the wood, the coastline, the crews, the sun,disciplined, aligned, well-drilled and clearly on King John's side, there is noguarantee that a cycle of accumulation will be drawn that will start from him andend with him, in Lisbon. For instance, Spanish ships may divert thecarracks outof their way; or the captains with their ships loaded with precious spices maybetray the king and sell them elsewhere to their profit; or Lisbon's investorsmight keep for themselves most oftheprofit and baulk at equipping a newfleettocontinue the cycle. Thus, in addition to all his efforts in ship designing,cartography and nautical instructions, the king must invent many new ways toextract compliance from investors, captains, custom officers; he must insist onlegal contracts to bind, as much as he can, with signatures, witnesses and solemnoaths, his pilots and admirals; he must be adamant on well-kept accountingbooks, on new schemes to raise money and to share benefits; he must insist oneach log book being carefully written, kept out of the enemy's sight, and broughtback to his offices in order for its information to be compiled.

Together with the Prologue, this example introduces us to the most difficultstage of this long travel that leads us not through the oceans, but throughtechnoscience. This cumulative character of science is what has always struckscientists and epistemologists most. But in order to grasp this feature, we have tokeep in view all the conditions that allow a cycle of accumulation to take place.At this point the difficulties seem enormous because these conditions cut acrossdivisions usually made between economic history, history of science, history oftechnology, politics, administration or law, since the cycle drawn by King Johnmay leak at any seam: it may be that a legal contract is voided by a court, or ashifting political alliance gives Spain the upper hand, or the timber ofa ship doesnot resist a typhoon, or a miscalculation in the Regiment sends a fleet ashore, or amistake in the appraisal of a price renders a purchase worthless, or a microbebrings the plague back with the spices .... There is no way to neatly order' theselinks into categories, since they have all been woven together. like the manythreads of a macrame, to make up for one another's weaknesses. All the'distinctions one could wish to make between domains (economics, politics,science, technology, law) are less important than the unique movement thatmakes all of these domains conspire towards the same goal: a cycle ofaccumulation that allows a point to become a centre by acting at a distance onmany other points. .

(2) The mobilisation of the worlds

Let us now consider some of the means that allow mobility, stability orcombinability to improve. making domination at a distance feasible.Cartography is such a dramatic example that I chose it to introduce the

223Centres of calculation

If we wish to complete our journey we have to define words that help us tofollow this heterogeneous mixture and not to be interrupted and baffled everytime the cycle-builders change gears going from one domain into another. Willwe call 'knowledge' what is accumulated at the'centre? Obviously, it would be abad choice of words because becoming familiar with distant events requires, inthe above examples, kings, offices, sailors, timber, lateen rigs, spice trades, awhole bunch of things not usually included in 'knowledge'. Will we call it 'power'then? That would also be a mistake because the reckoning of lands, the filling-inof log books, the tarring of the careen, the rigging of a mast, cannot withoutabsurdity be put under the heading of this word. Maybe we should speak of'money' or more abstractly of 'profit' since this is what the cycle adds up to.Again, it would be a bad choice because there is no way to call profit the smallbundle of figures De Lesseps brings back to Versailles or the rutters put in thehands of King John~ nor is the profit the main inducement for Laperouse, hisnaturalists, his geographers and his linguists. So how are we to call what isbrought back? We could of course talk of 'capital' that is something (money,knowledge, credit, power) that has no other function but to be instantly.reinvested into another cycle of accumulation. This would not be a bad word,especially since it comes from caput, the head, the master, the centre, the capitalof a country, and this is indeed a characterisation of Lisbon, Versailles. of all theplaces able to join the beginning and the end of such a cycle. However, using thisexpression would be begging the question: what is capitalised is necessarilyturned into capital, it does not tell us what it is - besides, the word 'capitalism' hashad too confusing a career . . ..

No, we need to get rid ofa II categories like those ofpower, knowledge, profit orcapital, because they divide up a cloth that we want seamless in order to study itas we choose. Fortunately, once we are freed from the confusion introduced byall these traditional terms the question is rather simple: how to act at a distanceon unfamiliar events, places and people? Answer: by somehow bringing homethese events, places and people. How can this be achieved, since they are distant?By inventing means that (a) render them mobile so that they can be brought back;(b) keep them stable so that they can be moved back and forth without additionaldistortion, corruption or decay, and (c) are combinable so that whatever stuffthey are made of, they can be cumulated, aggregated, or shuffled like a pack ofcards. If those conditions are met, then a small provincial town, or an obscurelaboratory, or a puny little company in a garage, that were at first as weak as anyother place will become centres dominating at a distance many other places.

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argument. There is no way to bring the lands themselves to Europe, nor is itpossible to gather in Lisbon or at Versailles thousands of native pilots teUingnavigators where to go and what to do in their many languages. On the otherhand, all the voyages are wasted if nothing except tales and trophies comes back.One of the 'extraordinary means' that have to be devised is to use travelling shipsas so many instruments, that is as tracers that draw on a piece ofpaperthe shapeof the encountered land. To obtain this result, one should discipline the captainsso that, whatever happens to them, they take their bearings, describe the shoals,and send them back. Even this is not enough, though, because the centre thatgathers all these notebooks, written differently according to different times andplaces of entry, will produce on the drafted maps a chaos of conflicting shapesthat even experienced captains and pilots will hardly be able to interpret. Inconsequence, many more elements have to be put on board the ships so that theycan calibrate and discipline the extraction of latitudes and longitudes (marineclocks, quadrants, sextants, experts, preprinted log books, earlier maps). Thetravelling ships become costly instruments but what they bring or send back canbe transcribed on the chart almost immediately. By coding every sighting ofanyland in longitude and latitude (two figures) and by sending this code back, theshape of the sighted lands may be redrawn by those who have not sighted them.We understand now the crucial importance of these bundles of figures carriedaround the world by De Lesseps and the skipper of the Neptuna, Captain Martin:they were some of these stable, mobile and combinable elements that allow acentre to dominate faraway lands.

At this point those who were the weakest because they remained at the centreand saw nothing start becoming the strongest, familiar with more places not onlythan any native but than any travelling captain as well; a 'Copernicianrevolution' has taken place. This expression was coined by the philosopher Kantto describe what happens when an ancient discipline, uncertain and shaky untilthen, becomes cumulative and 'enters the sure path of a science'. Instead of themind of the scientists revolving around the things, Kant explains, the things aremade to revolve around the mind, hence a revolution as radical as the oneCopernicus is said to have triggered. Instead of being dominated by the nativesand by nature, like the unfortunate Laperouse staking his life every day, thecartographers in Europe start gathering in their chart rooms - the mostimportant and costliest of all laboratories until the end of the eighteenthcentury - the bearings of all lands. How large has the earth become in their chartrooms? No bigger than an atlas the plates of which may be flattened, combined,reshuffled, superimposed, redrawn at will, What is the consequence of 'thischange of scale? The cartographer dominates the world that dominated·Laperouse. The balance of forces between the scientists and the earth has beenreversed; cartography has entered the sure path of a science; a centre (Europe)has been constituted that begins to make the rest of the world turn around itself.

One other way of bringing about the same Copernician revolution is to gathercollections. The shapes of the lands have to be coded and drawn in order to

become mobile, but this is not the case for rocks, birds, plants, artefacts, works ofart. Those can be extracted from their context and taken away during expeditions.Thus the history of science is in large part the history of the mobilisation ofany­thing that can be made to move and shipped back homefor this universal census.The outcome, however, is that in many instances stability becomes a problembecause many of these elements die -like the 'happy savages' anthropologistsnever tired of sending to Europe: or become full of maggots-like grizzly bearszoologists have stuffed too quickly; or dry up-like precious grains naturalistshave potted in too poor a soil. Even those elements which can withstand the trip,like fossils, rocks or skeletons, may become meaningless once in the basem*nt ofthe few museums that are being built in the centres, because not enough context isattached to them. Thus, many inventions have to be made to enhance themobility, stability and combinability of collected items, Manyinstructions are tobe given to those send around the world on how to stuff animals, how to dry upplants, how to label all specimens, how to name them, how to pin downbutterflies, how to paint drawings of the animals and trees no one can yet bringback or domesticate. Wheq. this is done, when large collections are initiated andmaintained, then again the same revolution occurs. The zoologists in theirNatural History Museums, without travelling more than a few hundred metresand opening more than a few dozen drawers, travel through all the continents,climates and periods. They do not have to risk their life in these new Noah's Arks,they only suffer from the dust and stains made by plaster of Paris. How could onebe surprised if they start to dominate the ethnozoology ofall the other peoples? Itis the contrary that would indeed be surprising. Many common features thatcould not be visible between dangerous animals far away in space and time caneasily appear between one case and the next! The zoologists see new things, sincethis is the first time that so many creatures are drawn together in front ofsomeone's eyes, that's all there is in this mysterious beginning of a science. As Isaid in Chapter 5, it is simply a question of scale. It is not at the cognitivedifferences that we should marvel, but at this general mobilisation of the worldthat endows a few scientists in frock coats, somewhere in Kew Gardens, with theability to visually dominate all the plants of the earth.3

There is no reason, however, to limit the mobilisation of stable andcombinable traces to those places where a human being can go in the flesh duringan expedition. Probes may be sent instead. For instance, the people who dig an oilrig would very much like to know how many barrels of oil they have under theirfeet. But there is no way to go inside the ground and to see it. This is why, in theearly 19205, Conrad Schlumberger, a French engineer, had the idea ofsending anelectric current through the soil to measure the electrical resistance of the layersof rocks at various places. 4 At first, the signals carried confusing shapes back totheir sender, as confusing as the first rutters brought back to the earlycartographers. The signals were stable enough, however, to later allow thegeologists to go back and forth from the new electric maps to the charts of thesediments they had drawn earlier. Instead of simply digging oil out, it became

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possible to accumulate traces on maps that, in turn, allowed engineers to directthe exploration less blindly. An accumulation cycle was started where oil, money,physics and geology helped accumulate one another. In a few decades, dozens ofdifferent instruments were devised and stacked together, slowly transforming theinvisible and inaccessible reserves into loggings a few men could dominate bysight. Today, every derrick is used not only to pump oil but to carry sensors of allsorts deep inside the ground. At the surface, the Schlumberger engineers, in amovable lorry full ofcomputers, are reading the results ofall these measurementsinscribed on millimetred paper hundreds of feet long.

The main advantage of this logging is not only in the mobility it provides to thedeep structure of the ground, not only in the stable relations it establishesbetween a map and this structure, but in the combinations it allows. There is atfirst no simple connection between money, barrels, oil, resistance, heat; nosimple way of tying together a banker in Wall Street, an exploration manager atExxon headquarters, an electronician specialised in weak signals at ClamartnearParis, a geophysicist in Ridgefield. All these elements seem to pertain to differentrealms of reality: economics, physics, technology, computer science. If insteadwe consider the cycle of accumulation of stable and combinable mobiles, weliterally see how they can go together. Consider, for instance, the 'quick looklogging' on an oil platform in the North Sea: all the readings are first coded inbinary signals and stocked for future, more elaborate calculations, then they arereinterpreted and redrawn on computers which' spew out of the printers logswhich are not scaled in ohms, microseconds or microelectrovolts, but directly innumber of barrels of oil. At this point, it is not difficult to understand howplatform managers can plan their production curve, how economists can add tothese maps a few calculations of their own, how the bankers may later use thesecharts to evaluate the worth of the company, how they can all be archived to helpthe government calculate the proven reserves, a very controversial issue. Manythings can be done with this paper world that cannot be done with the world.

For a Copernican revolution to take place it does not matter what means areused provided this goal is achieved: a shift in what counts as centre and whatcounts as periphery. For instance, nothing dominates us more than the stars. Itseems that there is no way to reverse the scale and to make us, the astronomers,able to master the sky above our heads. The situation is quickly reversed,however, when Tycho Brahe, inside a well equipped observatory built for him atOranenbourg, starts not only to write down on the same hom*ogeneous charts thepositions of the planets, but also to gather the sightings made by otherastronomers all over Europe which he had asked them to write down on the samepreprinted forms he has sent them.5 Here again a virtuous cumulative circle startsto unfold if all sightings at different places and times are gathered together andsynoptically displayed. The positive loop runs all the more rapidly, if the sameBrahe is able to gather in the same place not only fresh observations made by him'and his colleagues, but all the older books of astronomy that the printing presshas made available at a low cost. His mind has not undergone a mutation; his

eyes are not suddenly freed from old prejudices; he is not watching the summersky more carefully than anyone before. But he is the first indeed to consider at aglance the summer sky, plus his observations, plus those of his collaborators,plus Copernicus' books, plus many versions of Ptolemy's Almagest; the first to sitat the beginning and at the end of a long network that generates what I will callimmutable and combinable mobiles. All these charts, tables and trajectories areconveniently at hand and combinable at will, no matter whether they are twentycenturies old or a day old; each of them brings celestial bodies billions of tonsheavy and hundreds ofthousands of miles away to the size ofa point on a piece ofpaper. Should we be surprised then ifTycho Brahe pushes astronomy further on'the sure path ofa science'? No, but we should marvel at those many humblemeans that tum stars and planets into pieces of paper inside the observatoriesthat soon will be built everywhere in Europe.

The task of dominating the earth or the sky is almost equalled in difficulty bythat of dominating a country's economy. There is no telescope to see it, nocollection to gather it, no expedition to map it out. I:Iere again in the case ofeconomics, the history of ascience is that of the many clever means to transformwhatever people do. sell and buy into something that can be mobilised, gathered,archived, coded, recalculated and displayed. One such means is to launchenquiries by sending throughout the country pollsters, each with the samepredetermined questionnaire that is to be filled in, asking managers the samequestions about their firms, their losses and profits, their predictions on thefuture health of the economy. Then, once all the answers are gathered, othertables may be filled in that summarise, reassemble, simplify and rank the firms ofa nation. Someone looking at the final charts is, in some way, considering theeconomy. Of course, as we know from earlier chapters, controversies will startabout the accuracy of these charts and about who may be said to speak in thename of the economy. But as we also know, other graphic elements will be fedback in the controversies, accelerating the accumulation cycle. Customs officershave statistics that can be added to the questionnaires; tax officials, labourunions, geographers, journalists all produce a huge quantity of records, polls andcharts. Those who sit inside the many Bureaus ofStatistics may combine, shufflearound, superimpose and recalculate these figures and end up with a 'grossnational product' or a 'balance of payments', exactly as others, in differentoffices, end up with 'Sakhalin island', 'the taxonomy of mammals', 'proven oilreserves' or 'a new planetary system'.

All these objects occupy the beginning and the en,d of a similar accumulationcycle; no matter whether they are far or near, infinitely big or small, infinitely oldor young, they all end up at such scale that a few men or women can dominatethem by sight; at one point or another, they all take the shape ofa flat surface ofpaper that can be archived, pinned on a wall and combined with others; they allhelp to reverse the balance offorces between those who master and those who aremastered.

To be sure, expeditions, collections, probes, observatories and enquiries are

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(3) Constructing space and time

The cumulative character of science is what strikes observers so much; why theydevised the notion of a Great Divide between our scientific cultures and all theothers. Compared to cartography, zoology, astronomy and economics, it seemsthat each ethnogeography, ethnozQology, ethnoastronomy, ethnoeconomics ispeculiar to one place and strangely non-cumulative, as if it remained for everstuck in a tiny corner of space and time. However, once the accumulation cycleand the mobilisation of the world it triggers are considered, the superiority ofsome centres over what appear by contrast to be the periphery may bedocumented without any additional divide between cultures, minds or logics.Most of the difficulties we have in understanding science and technologyproceeds from our belief that space and time exist independently as anunshakable frame of reference inside which events and place would occur. ThISbelief makes it impossible to understand how different spaces and different timesmay be produced inside the networks built to mobilise, cumulate and recombinethe world.

For instance, if we imagine that the knowledge ofSakhalin island possessed bythe Chinese fishermen is included in the scientific cartography elaborated byLaperouse, then indeed it appears, by comparison, local, implicit, uncertamand

only some of the many ways that allow a centre to act at a distance. Myriads ofothers appear as soon as we follow scientists in action, but they all obey the sameselective pressure. Everything that might enhance either the mobility, or thestability, or the combinability of the elements will be welcomed and selected if itaccelerates the accumulation cycle: a new printing press that increases themobility and the reliable copying of texts: a new way to engrave by aquafortemore accurate plates inside scientific texts, a new projection system that allowsmaps to be drawn with less deformation ofshape, a new chemical taxonomy thatpermits Lavoisier to write down the combinations ofmore elements, but also newbottles to chloroform animal specimens, new dyes to colour microbes in cultures,new classification schemes in libraries to find documents faster, new computersto enhance the weak signals of the telescopes, sharper styluses to record moreparameters on the same electrocardiograms. 6 If inventions are made thattransform numbers, images and texts from all over the world into the samebinary code inside computers, then indeed the handling, the combination, themobility, the conservation and the display of the traces will all be fantasticallyfacilitated. When you hear someone say thathe or she "masters' a question better,meaning that his or her mindhas enlarged, look first for inventions bearing on themobility, immutability or versatility of the traces; and it is only later, if by someextraordinary chance, something is still unaccounted for, that you may turntowards the mind. (At the end of Part B, I will make this a rule of method, once acrucial element has been added.)

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weak. But it is no more included in it than the opinions about the weather are asub-set of meteorology (see Chapter 5, Part A). Cartography is one networkcumulating traces in a few centres which by themselves are as local as each of thepoints Laperouse, Cook or Magellan cross; the only difference is in the slowconstruction of a map inside these centres, a map that defines two-waymovement to and from the periphery. In other words, we do not have to opposethe local knowledge of the Chinese to the universal knowledge of the European,but only two local knowledges, one of them having the shape of a networktransporting back and forth immutable mobiles to act at a distance. As I said inthe Prologue, wh'o includes and who is included, who localises and who islocalised is ·not a cognitive or a cultural difference, but the result of a constantfight: Laperouse was able to put Sakhalin on a map, but the South Pacificcannibals that stopped his travel put him on .their map!

The same divide seems to take place between local ethnotaxonomy and'universal' taxonomies as long as the networks ofaccumulation are put out of thepicture. Can botany, for instance, displace all the eth.nobotanies and swallowthem as so many sub-sets? Can botany be constructed everywhere in a universaland abstract space? Certainly not, because it needs thousands of carefullyprotected cases ofdried, gathered, labelled plants; it also needs major institutionslike Kew Gardens or the Jardin des Plantes where living specimens aregerminated, cultivated and protected against cross-fertilisation. Most ethno­botanies require familiarity with a few hundred and sometimes a few thousandtypes (which is already more than most of us can handle); but inside KewGardens, the new familiarity constituted by many sheets of neighbouringherbaries brought from all around the world by expeditions of all the nations ofEurope requires the handling of tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands oftypes (which is too much for anyone to handle). So new inscriptions and labellingprocedures have to be devised to limit this number again (see Part B). Botany isthe local knowledge generated inside gathering institutions like the Jardin desPlantes or Kew Gardens. It does not extend further than that (or if it does, as wewill see in Part C, it is by extending the networks as well). 7

To go on in our journey we should force these immense extents of space andtime generated by geology, astronomy, microscopy, etc., back inside theirnetworks - these phentograms, billions of electrovolts, absolute zeros and eons oftimes; no matter how infinitely big, long or small they are, these scales are nevermuch bigger than the few metre squares of a geological or an astronomical map,and never much more difficult to read than a watch. We, the readers, do not liveinside space, that has billions of galaxies in it; on the contrary, this space isgenerated inside the observatory by having, for instance, a computer count littledots on a photographic plate. To suppose, for example, that it is possible to drawtogether in a synthesis the times of astronomy, geology, biology, primatologyand anthropology has about as much meaning as making a synthesis between thepipes or cables of water, gas, electricity, telephone and television.

You are ashamed of not grasping what it is to speak of millions of light years?

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Don't be ashamed, because the firm grasp the astronomer has over it comes froma small ruler he firmly applies to a map of the sky like you do to your road mapwhen you go out for a camping trip. Astronomy is the local knowledge producedinside these centres that gather photographs, spectra, radio signals, infraredpictures, everything that makes a trace that other people can easily dominate.You feel bad because the nanometres of living cells baffle your mind? But itmeans nothing for anyone as long as it baffles the mind. It begins to meansomething when the nanometres are centimetres long on the scaled-up electronphotograph of the cell, that is when the eye sees it at the familiar scale anddistance. Nothing is unfamiliar, infinite, gigantic or far away in these centres thatcumulate traces; quite the opposite, they cumulate so many traces so thateverything can become familiar, finite, nearby and handy,

It seems strange at first to claim that space and time may be constructedlocally, but these are the most common ofall constructions. Space is constitutedby reversible and time by irreversible displacements. Since everything depends onhaving elements displaced each invention of a new immutable mobile is going totrace a different space-time.

When the French physiologist Marey invented at the end of the nineteenthcentury the photographic gun with which one could capture the movement of aman and transform it into a beautiful visual display, he completely reshuffled thispart of space-time. Physiologists had never before been able to dominate themovement of running men, galloping horses and flying birds, only dead corpsesor animals in chains. The new inscription device brought the living objects totheir desks with one crucial change: the irreversible flow of time was nowsynoptically presented to their eyes. It had in effect become a space on which, onceagain, rulers, geometry and elementary mathematics could be applied. Each ofMarey's similar inventions launched physiology into a new cumulative curVe.

To take up an earlier example, as long as the Portuguese carracks disappeareden route, no space beyond the Bojador Cape could be pictured. As soon as theystarted to reversibly come and go, an ever-increasing space was traced aroundLisbon. And so was a new time: nothing before could easily discriminate one yearfrom another in this quiet little city, at the other end of Europe; 'nothinghappened' in it, as if time was frozen there. But when thecarracksstarted to ~omeback with their trophies, booty, gold and spices, indeed things 'happened' inLisbon, transforming the little provincial city into the capital ofan empire largerthan the Roman Empire. The same construction of a new history was also felt allalong the coasts of Africa, India and the Moluccas; nothing would be the sameagain now that a new cumulative network brought the spices to Lisbon instead ofCairo. The only way to limit this construction of a new space-time would be to .interrupt the movement of the carracks, that is, to build another network with adifferent orientation.

Let US consider another example of this construction, one that is less grandiosethan the Portuguese expansion. When Professor Bijker and his colleagues entersthe Delft Hydraulics Laboratory in Holland they are preoccupied by the shape

that a new dam to be built in Rotterdam harbour- the biggest port in theworld - should take. Their problem is to balance the fresh water of the rivers andsea water, So many dams have limited the outflow of the rivers that saltdangerous for the precious floral culture, is penetrating further inland. Is the ne~dam going to affect the salt or the fresh water? How can this be knownbeforehand? Professor Bijker's answer to this question is a radical one.The engineers build a dam, measure the inflow of salt and fresh water for a fewyears for different weather and tide conditions; then they destroy the dam andbuild another one, start the measurements again, and so on, a dozen times untilthey have limited to the best of their ability the intake ofsea water, Twenty yearsand many million florins later, the Hydraulics Lab is able to tell the PortAuthority of Rotterdam with a high degree of reliability what shape the damshould have. Are the officials really going to wait twenty years? Are they going tospend millions of florins building and destroying wharfs, thus blocking the trafficof the busy harbour?

They do not need to, because the years, the rivers, the· amount of florins, thewharfs, and the tides have been scaled down in a huge garage that ProfessorBijker, like a modem Gulliver, can cross in a few strides. The HydraulicsLaboratory has found ways to render the harbour mobile, ignoring those featuresdeemed irrelevant, like the houses and the people, and establishing stable two­way connections between some elements of the scale model and those of the full­scale port, like the width of the channel, the strength oftheflows, the duration ofthe tides. Other features which cannot be scaled down, like water itselfor sand,have been simply transferred from the sea and the rivers to the plaster basins.Every two metres captors and sensors have been set up, which are allhooked up on a big mainframe computer that writes down on millimetredpaper the amount of salt and fresh water in every part of the Lilliputian harbour.Two-way connections are established between these sensors and the much fewerbigger and costlier ones that have been put into the fuIJ-scale harbour. Since th~scale model is still too big to be taken in at a glance, video cameras have beeninstalled that allow one control room to check if the tide patterns, the wave­making machine and the various sluices are working correctly, Then, the giantProfessor Bijker takes a metre-long plaster model of the new dam, fixes it intoplace and launches a first round of tides shortened to twelve minutes; then hetakes it out, tries another one and continues.

Sure enough, another 'Copernican revolution' has taken place. There are notthat many ways to master a situation. Either you dominate it physically; or youdraw on your side a great many allies; or else, you try to be there before anybodyelse. How can this be done? Simply by reversing the flow oftime. Professor Bijkerand his colleagues dominate the problem, master it more easily than the portofficials who are out there in the rain and are much smaller than the landscape.Whatever may happen in the full-scale space-time, the engineers will have alreadyseen it. They will have become slowly acquainted with all the possibilities,rehearsing each scenario at leisure, capitalising on paper possible outcomes,

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Part BCentres of calculation

After having followed expeditions, collections and enquiries, and observed thesetting up of new observatories, ofnew inscription devices and ofnew probes, weare now led back to the centres where these cycles started from; inside thesecentres, specimens, maps, diagrams, logs, questionnaires and paper forms ofallsons are accumulated and are used by scientists and engineers to escalate theproof race; every domain enters the 'sure path of a science' when itsspokespersons have so many allies on their side. The tiny number of scientists ismore than balanced by the large number of resources they are able to muster.Geologists can now mobilise on their behalf not a few rocks and a few nice water

which gives them years ofexperience more than the others. The order of time andspace has been completely reshuffled. Do they talk with more authority and morecertainty than the workmen building the rea] dam there? Well, of course., sincethey have already made all possible blunders and mistakes, safely inside thewooden hall in Delft, consuming only plaster and a few salaries along the way,inadvertently flooding not millions of hard-working Dutch but dozens ofmetresofconcrete floor. No matter how striking it is, the superiority gained by ProfessorBijker over the officials, architects and masons about the shape of the dam is nomore supernatural than that of Marey, ofthe Portuguese or of the astronomer. Itsimply depends on the possibility of building a different space-time.

We now have a much clearer idea ofwhat it is to follow scientists and engineersin action. We know that they do not extend 'everywhere' as if there existed aGreat Divide between the universal knowledge of the Westerners and the localknowledge ofeveryone else, but instead that they travel inside narrow and fragilenetworks, resembling the galleries termites build to link their nests to theirfeeding sites. Inside these networks, they make traces of all sorts circulate betterby increasing their mobility, their speed, their reliability, their ability to combinewith one another. We also know that these networks are not built withhom*ogeneous material but, on the contrary, necessitate the weaving together ofamultitude of different elements which renders the question of whether they are'scientific' or 'technical' or 'economic' or 'political' or 'managerial' meaningless.Finally, we know that the results of building, extending and keeping up thesenetworks is to act at a distance, that is to do things in the centres that sometimesmake it possible to dominate spatially as well as chronologically the periphery.Now that we have sketched the general ability of these networks to act at adistance and portrayed the mobilisation and accumulation of traces, there aretwo more problems to tackle: what is done in the centres and on the accumulatedtraces that gives a definitive edge to those who reside there (Part B); and what is tobe done to maintain the networks in existence, so that the advantages gained inthe centres have some bearing on what happens at a distance (Part C).

233Centres of calculation

(1) Tying all the allies firmly together

co*kurs of exotic landscapes, but hundreds of square metres of geological mapsofdifferent parts of the earth. A molecular biologist, when she talks ofmutationsin maize, may now have ather side not a few wild cobs, but protocol books full ofthousands of cross-breeding results. The directors of the Census Bureau nowhave on their desks not only newspaper clippings with opinions on how big andrich their country is, but stocks of statistics extracted from every village thatarray their countrypeople by age, sex, race and wealth. As for astronomers, achain of radio-telescopes working together transforms the whole earth into onesingle antenna that delivers thousands of radio sources through computerisedcatalogues to their offices. Every time an instrument is hooked up to something,masses of inscriptions pour in, tipping the scale once again by forcing the worldto come to the centres- at least on paper. This mobilisation of everything thatcan possibly be inscribed and moved back and forth is the staple of technoscienceand should be kept in mind if we want to understand what is going on inside

When entering the many places where stable and mobile traces are gathered, thefirst problem we will encounter is how to get rid of them. This is not a paradox,but simply an outcome of the setting up Qf instruments. Each voyage ofexploration, each expedition, each new printer, each night of observation of thesky, each new poll, is going to contribute to the generation of thousands ofcratesof specimens or of sheets of paper. Remember that the few men and womensitting inside Natural History Museums, Geological Surveys, Census Bureaus orother laboratories do not have especially huge brains. As soon as the number orthe scale ofelements to handle increases, they get lost like anyone else. The verysuccess of the mobilisation, the very quality of the instruments, will have as itsfirst consequence their drowning in a flood of inscriptions and specimens. Byitself, the mobilisation of resources is no guarantee of victory; on the contrary, ageologist surrounded by hundreds of crates full of unlabelled fossils is in nobetter position to dominate the earth than when he was in Patagonia or in Chile.This flooding of investigators by the inscriptions is, so to speak, a revenge of themobilised world. 'Let the earth come to me, instead ofme going to the earth,' saysthe geologist who starts a Copernican revolution. 'Very well,' answers the earth,'here I am!' The result is utter confusion in the basem*nt of the building of theGeological Survey.

Because of this situation. additional work has to be done inside the centres tomop up the inscriptions and reverse the balance of forces once more. I definedabove the stability ofthe traces as the possibility ofgoing back and forth from thecentres to the periphery; this feature is all the more essential when going fromprimary traces to second degree traces that make possible the handling of thefirst.

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Science in Action232

For instance, the director of the census cannot be confronted at the same timewith the 100 miHion questionnaires brought in by the pollsters. He would seenothing but reams of paper - and, to begin with, he will be unable to know howmany questionnaires there are. One solution is to do to the questionnaires whatthe questionnaires did to the people, that is, to extract from them some elementsand to place them on another more mobile, more combinable paper form. Thisoperation of ticking rows and columns with a pencil is a humble but a crucial one;in effect, it is the same operation through which what people said to the pollsterwas transformed into boxes of the questionnaire or that Sakhalin island wastransformed by Laperouse into latitude and longitude on a map.

In all cases the same problem is partially solved: how to keep your informantsby your side while they are far away. You cannot bring the people to the CensusOffice, but you can bring the questionnaires; you cannot display all thequestionnaires, but you can show a tally where each answer to the questionnaireis represented by a tick in a column for sex, age, etc. Now. a new problem willemerge if the tallies are carefully done: you will obtain too many marks on toomany columns for even the best mind to embrace them all at once. Thus you willbe swamped again in paper forms exactly as you were with the questionnaires andearlier with the people. A third degree paper form is now necessary to record notthe marks any more, but the totals at the bottom of each row and column.Numbers are one of the many ways to sum up, to summarise, to totalise as thename 'total' indicates- to bring together elements which are, nevertheless, notthere. The phrase' 1,456,239 babies' is no more made of crying babies than theword 'dog' is a barking dog. Nevertheless, once tallied in the census, the phraseestablishes some relations between the demographers' office and the cryingbabies of the land.

However, the flood is going to be shifted so mewhere else in the Census Bureau,because too many totals are now pouring in from the thousands of marks incolumns or from holes in punch cards. New fourth degree inscriptions(percentages for instance or graphs or pie charts) have to be devised to mop upthe totals again, to mobilise them in a displayable form whilst still retainingsomeof their features. This cascade of fourth, fifth and nth order inscription will neverstop, especially if the population, the computers, the profession of demography,statistics and economics, and the Census Bureau all grow together. In all cases,the nth order inscription will now standfor the nth-l order paper forms exactly asthese in turn stoodfor the level just below. We know from earlier chapters thatthese translations and representations may be disputed, but this is not the pointhere; the point is that, in case of a dispute, other tallies, code words, indicators,metres and counters will allow dissenters to go back from the nth final inscriptionto the questionnaires kept in the archives and, from it, to the people in the land.That is, some two-way relations have been established between the desk of thedirector and the people, relations that allow the director, if there is no dissenter,

to engage in some controversies as if speaking in the name ofhis millions ofwell­arrayed and nicely displayed allies.

This example is enough to define the additional work necessary to transformthe inscriptions. What shall we call this work? We could say that the task is tomake the many act as one~ or to establish longer networks~ or to simplify yetagain the inscriptions; or to build up a cascade ofsuccessive representatives; or to'punctualise' a multitude of traces; or to simultaneously mobilise elements whilekeeping them at a distance. Whatever we call it, the general shape is easy to grasp:people inside the centres are busy building elements with such properties thatwhen you hold the final elements you also, in some way, hold the others,building, in effect, centres inside the centres.

One more example will give a more precise idea of this additional work, whichshould not be severed from the rest of network building. When they organisedtheir first international meeting in Karlsruhe in 1860, European chemists were ina state ofconfusion similar to the one I sketched above, because every new schoolof chemistry, every new instrument was producing new.chemical elements andhundreds of new chemical reactions.s Lavoisier listed thirty-three simplesubstances, but with the introduction ofelectrolysis and spectral analysis, the listhas increased to seventy at the time of the meeting. To be sure the cascade oftransformations was already well under way~ each substance had been renamedand labelled with a common tally (its atomic weight, standardised at theKarlsruhe meeting), allowing chemists to write down lists of substance and torank them in multiple ways, but this was not enough to dominate the multiplicityof reactions. As a result, introductory courses to the newly professionalisedchemistry were made of long and rather chaotic lists of reactions. To remedy thisconfusion, dozens of chemists were at the time busy classifying chemicalsubstances, that is drawing some sort of tables with columns so devised that,considering them synoptically. chemistry could be embraced, in the same way asthe earth can be overviewed on a map or a nation through statistics. Mendeleev,who had been asked to write a chemistry textbook, was one of them. Believingthat it was possible to find a real classification and not to write down a merestamp collection he distinguished 'substance' from 'element'. He wrote eachelement down on a card, and shuffled the pack as in a patience game, trying tofind some recurring pattern.

There is no reason to give up following scientists simply because they arehandling paper and pencil instead of working in laboratories or travellingthrough the world. The construction of nth order paper form is no different fromthe nth-l - although it is sometimes more elusive and much less studied. Thedifficulty of this new patience game invented by Mendeleev is not only to look fora pattern by lines and columns that would include all the elements - everyone elsehad done this before; the difficulty is to decide, in cases where some element doesnot fit. or when there is no element to fill in a box, if the drafted table is to bediscarded or if the missing elements are to be either brought from elsewhere ordiscovered later. After long struggles between different tables and many counter-

234 Science in Action


Centres of calculation 235


over Europe have been brought to bear on a simple pattern ofrows and columnsthrough a long cascade oftranslations. In other words, the logistics ofimmutablemobiles is what we have to admire and study, not the seemingly miraculoussupplement of force gained by scientists thinking hard in their offices.

Inside the centres, logistics requires the fast mobilisation ofthe largest number ofelements and their 'greatest possible fusion. Tallies, totals, graphs, tables, lists,these are some of the tools that make the additional treatment of inscriptionspossible. There exist a few others that have received both too much and too littleattention. Too much because they are the object of a cult; too little because toofew people have studied them dispassionately. As a consequence there is not alarge body of empirical literature on which we can rely to guide our travel, as wecould in the otherchapters. When we reach the realm ofcalculations and theorieswe are left almost empty-handed. In the remainder of this Part I must confessthat what is left is a programme ofresearch, not an accumulatio~ofresults~ whatis left is obstinacy, not resources.

The risk of the cascade I presented above is of ending up with a fewmanageable but meaningless numbers, insufficient at any rate in case ofcontroversy since, in effect, the aBies have deserted in the meantime. Instead ofacapitalisation, the centres would end up with a net loss. The ideal would be toretain as many elements as possible and still be able to manage them. Statistics isa nice example of those devices that simultaneously solve the two problems. Forinstance, if I give the director of the census the mean population increase in theland, he will be interested but also disappointed because he lost in the process thedispersion (the same mean could be obtained by a few eight-ehild families or by alot of two-and-a-half-child families). The simplification has been such that thedirector gets only an impoverished version of the census. Ifa new calculation isinvented that keeps, through the various simplifications, both the mean and thedispersion of the data, then pan of the problem is solved. The invention ofvariance is one of these devices that continue to solve the major problems of theinscriptions: mobility, combinability and faithfulness. So is the invention ofsampling. What is the minimum sample that allows me to represent the largestnumber of features? Statistics, as its name and history indicates, is the science ofspokespersons and statesmen par excellence. II

Let us take as another example, the work of Reynolds, a British engineerspecialising in fluid mechanics who, at the turn of the century, studied thecomplex problem of turbulence. 12 How can you relate the many instances of.turbulence observed in scale models, or along rivers? These instances are alreadysummed up in sentences of the form 'the more ... the more', 'the more ... theless'. The. faster the flow the more turbulence there is~ the bigger the obstacleencountered by the flow the more turbulence there will be; the denser a fluid the

237Centres of calculation. -Science in Action

examples, Mendeleev settled, on March 1869, on a compromise that satisfiedhim: a table that listed elements by their atomic weight and ranked themvertically by their valencies, requiring only several elements to be displaced andseveral others to be found. Each element is now situated on a new paper form'atthe intersection of a longitude and ofa latitude~ those on the same horizontal lineare close by their atomic weight although foreign by their chemical properties~

those on the same vertical line are similar by their properties although they are·more and more distant by their atomic weight. A new space is thus locallycreated; new relations of distance and proximity, new neighbourhoods, new'

. families are devised: a periodicity (hence the name of his table) appears which'was invisible until then in the chaos of chemistry.

At each translation of traces onto a new one something is gained. Louis XVI atVersailles can do things with the map (for instance draw boundaries to partitionthe Pacific) that neither the Chinese nor Laperouse could do; Professor Bijker'can become familiar with the future ofRotterdam harbour (for instance checking'its resistance to an elevation of the North Sea) before the officials, the sailors andthe North Sea; demographers can see things on the final curve summarising the'census (for instance age pyramids) that none of the pollsters, none of thepoliticians, none of the interviewed people could see before; Mendeleev can gainin advance somefamiliarity with an empty box of his table before the very peoplewho discovered the missing elements (like Lecoq de Boisbaudran with galliumoccupying the box left vacant in the table under the name of eka-aluminum).9

It is important for us to do justice to the cleverness of this additional workgoing on in the centres without exaggerating it and without forgetting that it isjust that: additionalwork,a slight enhancement of one of the three qualities oftheinscriptions, namely mobility, stability and combinability. First, the gain doesnot always offset the losses that are entailed by the translation of one form intoanother (see Part C): holding the map in Versailles did not protect Louis XVI'spossessions from being taken over by the English; there is no guarantee that theevents of the Delft scale model will be mimicked by the Rotterdam harbour in thenext century; planning an increasing birth rate in the Census Bureau is notexactly like conceiving new babies; as to Mendeleev's table it was to be soondisrupted by the emergence of radioactive chemical monsters he could not place.Second, when there is a gain, it i<; not supernatural power brought to the scientistsby an angel sent straight from Heaven. The gain is on the paper form itself. Forinstance, the supplement offered by the map is on the flat surface of paper whichis easily dominated by the eyes and on which many different elements can bepainted, drawn, superimposed and inscribed. It was calculated that drawhig amap of England with 200 towns (that is an input of400 longitudes and latitudes)allows you to trace 20,000 itineraries from one town to another (thus yielding anoutput 50 to 1!).II) Similarly, the empty boxes in Mendeleev's table are offered tohim by the geometrical pattern of rows and columns. To be sure, his success inanticipating unknown elements to fill in the boxes is an impressive one. What isalso extraordinary is how chemical reactions taking place in gallipots and sti lis all

more prone to turbulence it is; finally, the more viscous a fluid the less turbulencethere will be (oil turns smoothly around an obstacle that would have triggerededdies in water). Can these sentences be more firmly tied together in an n+1inscription? Instead of ticking boxes in tables we are going to give a letter to eachof the relevant words above and replace the comparatives 'more' and 'less' bymultiplication and division. The new summary has now this shape:

T(urbulence) is proportional to S(peed)T is proportional to L(ength of the obstacle)T is proportional to D(ensity) 1T is inversely proportional to V(iscosity), or T V

This new translation does not seem to add much; except that it can now bedisplayed synoptically in a still shorter form:

T (is related to) StD

There is no great gain yet; the new summary simply states that there exist tightrelations between these elements and indicates roughly what type of relation it is.After some fiddling around so that the units compensate one another and give anon-dimensional number, Reynolds ends up with a new formula:


Is there anything gained by holding Reynolds's formula or is it simply anabridged summary of alI the instances? As in Mendeleev's table, and indeed allthe rewritings observed in this section, something is gained because eachtranslation reshuffles the connections between elements (thus creating a newspace-time). Situations which appeared as far apart as a fast little creek runningagainst a stone and a big slow river stopped by a dam, or a feather falling in the airand a body swimming in molasses, may produce turbulences which look the sameif they have the 'same Reynolds' (as it is now called). R is now a coefFICient that canlabel aU possible turbulences, whether galaxies in the sky or knots on a tree, and itdoes indeed, as the name •coefficient' reminds us, make all turbulences act as onein the physicist's lab. Better still, the Reynolds number allows Professor Bijker inhis laboratory, or an aircraft engineer in a wind tunnel, to decide how to scaledown a given situation. As long as the scale model retains the same Reynolds asthe full-scale situation, we can work on the model even if it 'looks' entirelydifferent. Differences and similarities are recombined as well as what types ofinscriptions one should believe more than others.

Although this is indeed a decisive advantage provided by what is aptly cailedan equation (because it ties different things together and makes them equivalent), .this advantage should not be exaggerated. First, an equation is no different innature from all the other tools that allow elements to be brought. together,mobilised, arrayed and displayed; no different from a table, a questionnaire, alist, a graph, a collection; it is simply, as the end-point ofa long cascade, a meansto accelerate the mobility of the traces still further; in effect, equations are sub-

sets oftranslations and should be studied like all the other translations. Second, itcannot be severed from all the network-building, ofwhich it is but a tiny part; forinstance, the Reynolds number allows scientists to go from one scale model toanother and to travel fast from one instance of turbulence to another far away inspace and time; very well, but it works only as long as there are hundreds ofhydraulic engineers working on turbulences (and they,.in turn, work on scalemodels only in so far as their laboratories have been able to become involved withthe construction of harbour, dams, pipes, aircrafts, etc.). It is only once thenetworks are in place that the invention of the Reynolds number can make adifference. To make a metaphor, it plays the same role as a turntable in the oldrailway system; it is important but you cannot reduce the whole system to it, sinceit takes such an important role because and as long as the mobilisation is underway (turntables, for instance, became irrelevant once electric traction allowedengines to go both directions).

Equations are not only good at increasing the mobility of the capitalisedtraces, they are also good at enhancing their combinability, transforming centresinto what I will call centres 9f calculation. Such a centre was built by Edison atMenlo Park where the famous incandescent lamp at the end of the 18705 wasinvented. 13 Thanks to Edison's notebooks it is possible not only to reconstructhis strategy, not only to follow how his laboratory was constructed, but also toobserve his work with paper and pencil on the nth degree inscriptions. No morethan in the story of King John (see Part A). or in any other case should the'intellectual' work be severed from the. network-building in which Edison isengaged. His strategy is to substitute his company for gas companies, whichmeans elaborating a complete system to produce and deliver electricityeverywhere at the same consumer cost as that of gas. As early as 1878, Edisonstarted work on the most classical of calculations: accounting and basiceconomics. How much would his projected system cost given the price of steamengines, dynamos, engineers, insurance, copper and so on? One result ofhis firstpaper estimate showed that the most expensive item was that of the coppernecessary for the conductors. The price of copper was so high that, from the start,it made electricity unable to compete with gas. Thus something had to be donewith copper.

Now comes the main logistical advantage provided by writing down allinscriptions in equation form. To calculate how much copper he needed, Edisonnot only used accounting but also one ofJoule's equations (an equation obtainedearlier through a process similarto the one I sketched with Reynolds): energy lossis equal to the square of the current multiplied by the length of the conductormultiplied by a constant, all divided by the cross-section of the conductor.

What is the relation between physics and economics? None if you considerJoule's laboratory on the one hand and physical plants on the other. In Edison'snotebook, however, they progressively merge in one seamless cloth because theyare all written in more or less the same form and presented synoptically to hiseyes. The web of associations on which Edison works is drawn together by the

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equations. By manipulating the equations, he retrieves sentences like: the moreyou increase the cross-section to reduce loss in distribution, the more copper youwill need. Is this physics, economics or technology? It does not matter, it is onesingle web that translates the question 'how do you bring down the price ofcopper' into 'how can you fiddle with classic equations ofphysics'. Edison is nowsurrounded by a set of heterogenous constraints; he tries to find out which isstronger and which weaker (see Chapter 5). The consumer price has to be equal tothat ofgas, this is an absolute requirement; so is the present price ofcopper on themarket; so is Joule's law; so is Ohm's law that defines resistance as voltagedivided by current

. VoltageReslstance = Current

Of course, if the current could be decreased, the cross-section could be decreasedas well, and so will the copper bill. But according to Ohm's law this would meanincreasing the resistance of the filament, that is looking for a high-resistance lampwhen everyone at the time was looking for a low-resistance lamp because of thedifficulty of finding a filament that would not burn out. Is this constraint asabsolute as the others? Edison now tries out this chain of associations andevaluates how absolute it is. The equation above does not escape from thenetwork in which Edison is placed; it is not because it is written in mathematicalterms that we are suddenly led into another world. Quite the contrary, it ­concentrates at one point what the network is made of, what are its strong andweak points. Compared to the others, the amount of resistance appears to be theweakest link. It has to give way. No matter how difficult it appears, Edisondecides, we will look for a high resistance lamp because it is the only way tomaintain all the other elements in place. Once the decision is taken, Edison sendshis troops on a trial-and-error one-year-long search for a filament that resistswithout burning out. The incandescent high-resistance lamp is the final result ofthe calculation above.

This example shows not only how foreign domains can be combined andbrought to bear on one another once they have the common form ofcalculation.It also reveals the final and main advantage of equations. From the beginning ofthis book I have constantly presented scientists and engineers as mobilisinglargenumbers of allies, evaluating their relative strength, reversing the balance offorces, trying out weak and strong associations, tying together facts andmechanisms. In effect, I had to replace each traditional divide by a relativedistinction between stronger and weaker associations. We have now come c!oseto the end ofour longjourney because the equations produced at the final edge of .the capitalisation constitute, literally, the sum of all these mobilisations,evaluations, tests and ties. They tell us what is associated with what; they definethe nature of the relation; finally, they often express a measure of the resistance ofeach association to disruption. Of course, they are utterly impossible tounderstand without the mobilisation process (and this is why I did not talk ofthem earlier), they are nevertheless the true heart ofthe scientific networks, more


241Centres of calculation

Following the cascade of inscriptions drawn by scientists, we have reached apoint which should be the easiest ofour trip since we can now reap the benefits ofour earlier work on weaker and stronger associations. Unfortunately, it is alsothe part which has 'been somewhat obscured by earlier investigators, which meansthat we still,have to be very careful in defining what we have to study and whomwe have to follow. Two confusing words have been used before to account forwhat happens in the centres of calculation: those of abstraction and theory. Letus examine what they mean.

(2) What's the matter of (wi'thj formalism?

important to observe, study and interpret than facts or mechanisms, because theydraw all of them together inside the centres of calculation.

In the cascades that we followed in the section above, we always went from onepractical and localised activity to another; to be sure, each stage of translationsimplified, punctualised and summarised the stage immediately below. But thisactivity of re-representation l4 of the supporters was very concrete indeed; itrequired pieces of paper, laboratories, instruments, tallies, tables, equations;above all, it was imposed by the necessity of mobilisation and action at adistance, and never abandoned the narrow networks that made it possible. Ifby'abstraction' is meant the process by which each stage extracts elements out of thestage below so as to gather in one place as many resources as possible, very well,we have studied (and continue to study) the process of abstraction, exactly as wewould examine a refinery in which raw oil is cracked into purer and purer oils.Alas, the meaning of the word 'abstraction' has shifted from the product (nthorder inscriptions) to not only the process but also to the producer's mind. It isthus implied that scientists in the centres ofcalculations would think 'abstractly',or at least more abstractly than others. Laperouse will be said to operate moreabstractly than the Chinese when he handles latitudes and longitudes, andMendeleev to think more abstractly than an empirical chemist when he shuffleshis cards around. Although this expression has as much meaning as saying that aoil refinery refines petrol 'refiningly', it is enough to fog the issue. The concretework of making abstractions is fully studiable; however, if it becomes somemysterious feature going on in the mind then forget it, no one will ever haveaccess to it. This confusion between the refined product and the concrete refiningwork is easy to clarify by using the substantive 'abstraction' and never theadjective or the adverb.

However, this simple rule of hygiene is made harder to apply because of thecult of 'theories'. If by 'theory' is meant the crossroads that allow the centres tomobilise, manipulate, combine, rewrite and tie together all the traces obtained

l "Science in Action"!I!"- 240

through the ever-extending networks, then we should be able to study theoriesfully. As I said, they are centres inside the centres providing one moreacceleration of the mobility and combinability of the inscriptions. Studying themshould be no more difficult than understanding the role of clover-leafintersections when examining the American freeway system, or the function ofdigital telephone exchanges when observing the Bell network. If the mobilisationincreases in scale, then, necessarily, the products at the intersection of allnetworks have to be enhanced. Any innovation at these intersections will give adecisive edge to the centres.

This situation is altered if the meaning of the word 'theory' shifts to become anadjective or an adverb (some people are then said to handle more 'theoretical'matters or to think 'theoretically'), but it is much worse when 'theories' aretransformed into 'abstract' objects severed from the elements they tie together.This happens for instance if Mercator's work in finding a new geometricalprojection for navigational maps is disconnected from the navigators' travels; ofif Mendeleev's table is cut off from the many of chemists' elements he tried to tietogether in one coherent whole; or if Reynold's number is cut off from theexperimental turbulences that he was trying to classify with one single coefficient.As soon as a divide is made between theories and what they are theories of, the tipof technoscience is immediately shrouded in fog. Theories, now made abstractand autonomous objects, float like flying saucers above the rest ofscience, whichby contrast becomes 'experimental' or 'empirical'.J5

The worst is yet to come. Since sometimes it happens that these abstracttheories, independent of any object, nevertheless have some bearing on whathappens down below in empirical science - it has to be a miracle! Miracleindeed to see a clover-leaf intersection fitting precisely with the freeways whosefloV!{ it redistributes! It is amusing to see rationalists admire a miracle of thatquality while they deride pilgrims, dervishes or creationists. They are so en­thralled by this mystery that they are fond of saying, 'The least understandablething in the world is that the world is understandable.' Speaking about theoriesand then gaping at their 'application' has no more sense than talking of dampswithout every saying what they fasten together, or separating the knots from themeshes of a net. Doing a history of scientific 'theories' would be as meainglessas doing a history of hammers without considering the nails, the planks, thehouses, the carpenter and the people who are housed, or a history of chequeswithout the bank system. By itself, however, the belief in theory would. notimpress much if it were not reinforced by the trials in responsibility we learneq tostudy in Chapters 3 and 4. As the reader may recall, the result of these trials wasto make the few scientists at the end of the mobilisation process responsible forthe whole movement. When the two processes are compounded, we get not onlythe assertion that scientists lead the world but that scientists' theories lead theworld! The pyramid of Cheops is now standing on its tip, which does make the·world quite hard to understand.

A few common-sense precepts will be enough to put the pyramid back on its


base. First, we will abstain from ever using the words 'abstraction' and 'theory' inadjectival or adverbial forms. Second, we will never cut off the abstractions or thetheories from what they are abstractions or theories of, which means that we willalways travel through the networks along their- greatest length. Third, we willnever study a calculation without studying the centres of calculation. (And, ofcourse, as we learned earlier, we will not confuse the results of the attributionprocess with the list of those who actually did the job.)

243Centres of calculation

Perhaps it would be best to do away altogether with the tainted words'abstraction' and 'theory'. However, even ifit is easy to do away with them, andwith the cult rendered to them, we still have to account for the phenomena theypoint at so clumsily.

As we s·aw in section 1, the construction of the centres. requires elements to bebrought in from far away-to allow centres to dominate at a distance-withoutbringing them in for good - to avoid centres being flooded. This paradox isresolved by devising inscriptions that retain simultaneously as little and as muchas possible by increasing either their mobility, stability or combinabiJity. Thiscompromise between presence and absence is often called information. When youhold a piece of information you have the form of something without the thingitself (for instance the map of Sakhalin. without Sakhalin, the periodic tablewithout the chemical reactions, a model of Rotterdam harbour without theharbour itself). As we know, these pieces of information (or forms, or paperforms, or inscriptions - all these expressions designate the same movement andsolve the same paradox) can be accumulated and combined in the centres. Buttheir accumulation has one more unexpected by-product. Since there is no limit tothe cascade of rewriting and re-representation, you may obtain nth order formsthat are combined with other nth order forms coming from completely differentregions. It is these new unexpected connections that explain why forms matter somuch, and why observers of science are so thrilled with them.

First, we have to remove one little mystery: how is it that the 'abstract' forms ofmathematics apply to the 'empirical world"! Many books have been written tofind an explanation to this 'well-known fact' but almost no one has bothered toverify its existence. If the practice of science was followed, however, it would bequickly apparent that it never happens. 'Abstract' mathematics never applies tothe 'empirical world'. What happens is much more clever, much less mystical andmuch more interesting. At a certain point in the cascade, instruments start to

.inscribe forms on, for example, graph paper. A cloud ofpoints obtained from thecensus through many transformations ends up, after a few more statisticalrearrangements, as a line on a graph. Interestingly enough, amino acidanalysersalso display their results on a graph paper. More curiously, Galileo's study of afalling body also takes the form ofa graph (when it is repeated today) and had the

Science in Action>lI!!l--_. 2~2 -

shape of a triangle in his own notebooks. 16 Mathematics might be far fromhouseholds, amino acids, and wooden spheres rolling over an inclined plane.Yes, but once households, amino acids and inclined planes have been, throughthe logistics above, brought onto a white piece of paper and asked to writethemselves down in forms and figures, then their mathematics is very, very close;it is literally as close as one piece of paper is from another in a book. Theadequation of mathematics with the empirical world is a deep mystery. Thesuperimposition of one mathematical form on paper and of anothermathematical form drawn on the printout ofan instrument is not a deep mystery,but is quite an achievement all the same. l ?

Were we to follow how the instruments in the laboratories write down theGreat Book of Nature in geometrical and mathematical forms we might be ableto understand why forms take so much precedence. In the centres ofcalculation,you obtain paper forms from totally unrelated realms but with the same shape(the same Cartesian coordinates and the same functions, for instance). Thismeans that transversal connections are going to be established in addition to allthe vertical associations made by the cascade of rewriting. Thus, someone whowants to work on functions would be able to intervene, in a few years. inballistics, demography, the revolution of planets, card games, in anything-aslong as it has been first displayed in Cartesian coordinates.

The very growth of the centres entails the multiplication of instruments which,in turn, oblige the information to take a more and more mathematical shape onpaper. This means that the calculators, whoever they are, sit at a central pointinside the centres because everything has to pass through their hands.

For instance, once Sakhalin is put on the map, you can apply on aflat surfaceofpaper a graduated ruler and a compass and calculate a possible route: 'Ifa shiparrives from this point, she will sight the land at 200 NNE after a route of 120nautical miles keeping her course at 3500

: Or can you? Well, it all depends onhow the package of bearings sent by Laperouse is put on the map. Exactly asLaperouse transformed the Chinese talk into a list of two-figure readings(longitudes and latitudes), this list is now transformed into points on a curvedsurface figuring the earth. But how to go from the curved to the flat surfacewithout further deformation? How to maintain the information through all thesetransformations? This is a very concrete and practical problem, but neitherLaperouse nor his Chinese informants can solve it. This is the sort of questionthat can be solved only in the centres by people working on nth order forms,wherever they come from. The problem above is now translated into anotherone: how to project a sphere on a surface? Since something will be lost in theprojection, what should I keep? The angles or the surface? Mercator's choice wasto keep the angles so important for deciding on the ships' routes and to give upthe accurate rendering of the surfaces, which is interesting only for landsmen.The point is that, once the network is in place that in some ways ties together·Laperouse's travels and the cartographer's office, the smallest change in thegeometry of projection might have enormous consequences since the flow of

forms coming from all over the planet and back to all the navigators will bealtered. The tiny projection system is an obligatory passage point for theimmense network of geography. Those who sit at this point, like Mercator. carrythe day.

When people wonder how 'abstract' geometry or mathematics may have somebearing on 'reality', they are really admiring the strategic Rosition taken by thosewho work inside the centres on forms of forms. They should be the weakest sincethey are the most remote (as it is often said) from any 'application'. On thecontrary, they may become the strongest by the same token as the centres end upcontrolling space and time: they design networks that are tied together in a fewobligatory passage points. Once every trace has been not only written on paper,but rewritten in geometrical form, and re-written in equation form, then it is nowonder that those who control geometry and mathematics will be able tointervene almost anywhere. The more 'abstract' their theory is, the better it willbe able to occupy centres inside the centres. When Einstein is preoccupied byclocks and how to reconcile their readings when they are s~ far apart that it takestime for the observer ofone clock to send the information to another observer, heis not in an abstract world, he is deep down at the centre of all exchanges ofinformation, attentive to the most material aspect of inscription devices: How doI know what time it is? How do I see that there is superimposition of the hands ofthe clock? What should I give up if! wish to maintain above all the equivalence ofall the observers' signals in case ofgreat speed, great masses and great distance? Ifthe centres of calculation wish to handle all the information all travellers on shipsbring them, they need Mercator and his 'abstract' projection; but if they wish tohandle systems that travel at the speed of light and still maintain the stability oftheir information, they need Einstein and his 'abstract' relativity. Giving up aclassic representation of the space-time is not too high a price if the pay-off is afantastic acceleration of the traces and an enhancement of their stability,faithfulness and combinability.

At the limit. if mathematicians stop talking of equations and geometryaltogether, and start considering 'number' per se, 'set' in general, 'proximity','association', the more cemral their work will become since it will concentratestill further what is going on in the centres ofcalculation. The sheer accumulationof nth order paper forms makes any mh+l form that can at the same timemaintain the features and get rid of the thing (of the 'matter') relevant. The moreheterogeneous and dominating the centres, the more formalism they will requiresimply to stay together and maintain their imp~rium. Formalism andmathematics are attracted by the centres, if! dare make this metaphor, like ratsand insects by granaries.

If we wish to follow scientists and engineers to the end, we will have topenetrate, at one point or another, what has become the Holy of Holies. Only afew features are clear at this point. First, we do not have to suppose a priori thatformalism escapes from the mobilisation, from the centres, from the network­building. It is not transcendental, as philosophers say to account for the incredible

244 Science in Action j-


Centres of calculation 245

supplement of forces it provides to those who develop them. This supplementgained from manipulating nth degree forms comes entirely from inside thecentres and is probably better accounted for by the many new transversalconnections it allows. Second, we do not have to lose our time finding empiricalcounterparts to explain these forms by simple, practical manipulations, similarto the ones done outside the centres. The handling of pebbles on Sakhalin beachwill never give you set theory or topology. To be sure, the cascade of inscriptionsis a practical and concrete manipulation of paper forms all along, but each end­product is a form that does not resemble anything on the level below- if it does, itmeans this rung in the ladder is useless, that at least that part ofthe translationhas failed. Third, we do not have to waste any time looking for 'socialexplanations' of these forms, ifby social is meant features ofsociety mirrored bymathematics in some distorted way. Forms do not distort or misrepresentanything, they accelerate still more the movement of accumulation andcapitalisation. As I have hinted all along, the link between society andmathematics is both much more distant and much more direct than expected:they explicitly attach firmly together aLI possible allies, constituting in effect whatis probably the hardest and most 'social' part of society. Fourth, there is noreason to fall back on conventions that scientists would agree with one another inorder to account for the bizarre existence of these forms that seem unrelated toanything else. They are no less real, no more sterile, no more pliable than anyother inscriptions devised to make the world mobile and to carry it to the centres.If anything, they resist more than anything else (by our definition of reality) sincethey multiply and enhance the relations ofall the other elements of the networks.Fifth, to find our way, we have to take the grain of truth offered by each ofthese'four traditional interpretations of forms (transcendentalism, empiricism, socialdeterminism and conventionalism): nth order forms give an unexpectedsupplement- as if coming from another world; they are the result of a concretework of purification - as if related to practical matters; they concentrate theassociations still more - as if they were more social than society; they tie togethermore elements - as if they were more real than any other convention passedamong men.

Frankly, I have not found one single study which could fulfil this fifthrequirement. From this absence, one could draw the conclusion that formscannot be studied through any sort ofenquiry like the one I have portrayed in thisbook because they escape for ever what happens in the centres ofcalculation. ButI draw a different conclusion; almost no one has had the courage to do a carefulanthropological study of formalism. The reason for this lack of nerve is'quitesimple: a priori, before the study has even started, it is towards the mind and itscognitive abilities that one looks for an explanation of forms. Any study ofmathematics, calculations, theories and forms in general should do quite thecontrary: first look at how the observers move in space and time, how themobility, stability and combinability of inscriptions are enhanced. how thenetworks are extended, how all the infonnations are tied together in a cascade of

(1) Extending the networks still further

Part CMetrologies

247Centres of calculation

When, on 5 May 1961, Alan Shepard got his turn on the first American Mercuryspace flight, was it the first time?18 In a way, yes, since no American had reallybeen out there. In another sense, no, it wassimplythe(n +l)th time. He had doneevery possible gesture hundreds of times before on the simulator, a scale model ofanother sort. What was his main impression when he finally got outside thesimulator and inside the rocket? It was either 'just the way it sounded in thecentrifuge' or 'it was different from the simulator, it was easier' or 'Man, that

Translating the world towards the centres is one thing (Part A); gaining anunexpected supplement of strength by working inside these centres on nth degreeinscriptions is another (Part B). There is still one remaining snag, because thefinal Inscriptions are not the world: they are only representing it in its absence.New infinlte spaces and times, gigantic black holes, minuscule electrons,enormous economies, mind-boggling billions of years, intricate scale models,complex equations, all occupy no more than a few square metres that a few percent of the population (see Chapter 4) dominate. To be sure, many clever trapsand tricks have been discovered to reverse the balance of forces and make thecentres bigger and wiser than the things that dominated them until. then.However, nothing is irreversibly gained at this point if there is no way to translateback the relation of strength that has been made favourable to the scientists'camp. More additional work has yet to be done. This movement from the centreto the periphery is to be studied as well, if we want to follow scientists up to theend. Although this last leg of the journey is as important as the other two, it isusually forgotten by the observers of science because of this queer notion that'science and technology' are 'universal'; according to this notion, once theoriesand forms have been discovered, they spread 'everywhere' without added cost.This application of abstract theories everywhere and at every time appear~ to beanother miracle. As usual, following scientists and engineers at work gIves amore mundane but more interesting answer.

re-representation, and if. by some extraordinary chance, there is something stillunaccounted for, then, and only then. look for special cognitive abilities. What Ipropose, here, as a seventh rule of method, is in effect a moratorium on cognitiveexplanations of science and technology! rdbe tempted to propose a ten-yearmoratorium. If those who believe in miracles were so sure of their position, theywould accept the challenge.

Science in Action4,46

wasn't like the centrifuge, it was more sudden'. During his short flight he keptcomparing the similarities and slight differences between the nth rehearsal on theflight simulator, and the (n + l)th actual flight. The attendants in the controltower were surprised how cool Shepard was. This guy obviously had the 'rightstuff since he was not afraid of going out there in the unknown. But the point isthat he was not really going into the unknown, as Magellan did crossing the straitthat bears his name. He had been there already hundreds of times, and monkeysbefore him hundreds of other times. What is admirable is not how one can get intospace, but how the complete space flight can be simulated in advance, and thenslowly extended to unmanned flights, then to monkeys, then to one man, then tomany. by incorporating inside the Space Centre more and more outside featuresbrought back to the centre by each trial. The slow and progressive extension ofanetwork from Cape Canaveral to the orbit ofthe earth is more ofan achievementthan the 'application' of calculations done inside the Space Centre to the outsideworld.

'Still, is not the application ofscience outside of the laboratories the best proofof its efficacy, of the quasi-supernatural power of scientists? Science worksoutside and its predictions are fulfilled.' Like all the other claims we haveencountered in this chapter they are based on no independent and detailed study.Noone has ever observed a fact, a theory or a machine that could survive outsideof the networks that gave birth to them. Still more fragile than termites, facts andmachines can travel along extended galleries, but they cannot survive one minutein this famous and mythical 'out-thereness' so vaunted by philosophers ofscience.

When the architects, urbanists and energeticians in charge of the Frango­castello solar village project in Crete had finished their calculations in early 1980they had in their office, in Athens, a complete paper scale model of the village. 19

They knew everything available about Crete: solar energy, weather patterns,local demography, water resources, economic trends, concrete structures andagriculture in greenhouses. They had rehearsed and discussed every possibleconfiguration with the best e:.1gineers in the world and had triggered theenthusiasm of many European, American and Greek development banks bysettling on an optimal and original prototype. Like Cape Canaveral engineersthey had simply to go 'out there' and apply their calculations, proving once againthe quasi-supernatural power of scientists. When they sent their engineers fromAthens to Frangocastello to start expropriating property and smoothing out thelittle details, they met with a totally unexpected 'outside'. Not only were theinhabitants not ready to abandon their lands in exchange for houses in the newvillage, but they were ready to fight with their rifles against what they took as anew American atomic military base camouflaged under a solar energy village.The application of the theory became harder every day as the mobilisation ofopposition grew in strength, enrolling the pope and the Socialist Party. It soonbecame obvious that, since the army could not be sent to force Cretans to occupywillingly the future prototype, a negotiation had to start between the inside and

the outside. But how could they strike a compromise between a brand new solarvillage and a few shepherds who simply wanted three kilometres of asphaltedroad and a gas station? The compromise was to abandon the solar villagealtogether. All the planning of the energeticians was routed back inside thenetwork and limited to a paper scale model, another one of the many projectsengineers have in their drawers. The 'out-thereness' had given a fatal blow to thisexample of science.

So how is it that in some cases science's predictions are fulfilled and in someother cases pitifully fail? The rule of method to apply here is ratherstraightforward: every time you hearabout a successful application of a science,look for the progressive extension of a network. Every time you hear about afailure of science, look for what part of which network has been punctured. I betyou will always find it.

There was nothing more dramatic at the time than the prediction solemnlymade a month in advance by Pasteur that on 2 June 1881 all the non-vaccinatedsheep of a farm in the little village of Pouilly-le-Fort would have died of theterrible anthrax disease and ,that all the vaccinated ones would be in perfecthealth. Is this not a miracle, as if Pasteur had travelled in time, and in the vastworld outside, anticipating a month in advance what will happen in a tiny farm inBeauce?20 If, instead of gaping at this miracle, we look at how a network isextended, sure enough we find a fascinating negotiation between Pasteurand thefarmers' representatives on how to transform the farm into a laboratory. Pasteurand his collaborators had already done this trial several times inside their lab,reversing the balance of forces between man and diseases, creating artificialepizootics in their lab (see Chapter 3). Still, they had never done it in full-scalefarm conditions. But they are not fools, they know that in a dirty farm throngedby hundreds of onlookers they will be unable to repeat exactly the situation thathad been so favourable to them (and will meet the same sort of failure as theenergeticians bringing their village to the Cretans). On the other hand, if they askpeople to come to their lab no one will be convinced (any more than tellingKennedy that Shepard has flown on the centrifuge one more time will convincethe American people that they had taken their revenge over the Russians forbeing first in space). They have to strike a compromise with the organisers ofafield test, to transform enough features of the fann into laboratory-likeconditions - so that the same balance of forces can be maintained - but takingenough risk - so that the test is realistic enough to count as a trial done outside. Inthe end the prediction is fulfilled but it was in effect a rerro-diction, exactly like theforesight ofProfessor Bijkeron the future ofRotterdam harbour(see Part A) wasin effect hindsight. To say this is not to diminish the courage of Shepard in hisrocket, of the energeticians mobbed by the farmers, or of Pasteur taking the riskof a terrible mistake, any more than knowing in advance that Hamlet will die atthe end of the play diminishes the talent of the actor. No amount of rehearsalsfrees the talented player from stage fright.

The predictable character of technoscience is entirely dependent on its abil~ty

----·248 Science in Action Centres of calculation 249

(2) Tied in by a few metrological chains

The dependency of facts and machines on networks to travel back from thecentres to the periphery makes our job much easier. It would have beenimpossible for us to follow 'universal' laws of science that would have beenapplicable everywhere without warning. But the progressive extension of thedomain of application of a laboratory is very simple to study: just foHow the

to spread networks further. As soon as the outside is really encountered, completechaos ensues. Of all the features of technoscience, I find this ability to extendnetworks and to travel along inside them the most interesting to follow; it is themost ingenious and the most overlooked of all (because of the inertia modeldepicted at the end of Chapter 3). Facts and machines are like trains, electricity,packages of computer bytes or frozen vegetables: they can go everywhere as longas the track along which they travel is not interrupted in the slightest. Thisdependence and fragility is not felt by the observer of science because'universality' offers them the possibility of applying laws of physics, of biology,or of mathematics everywhere in principle. It is quite different in practice. Youcould say that it is possible in principle to land a Boeing 747 anywhere; but try inpractice to land one on 5th Avenue in New York. You could say that telephonegives you a universal reach in principle. Try to call from San Diego someone inthe middle of Kenya who does not, in practice, have a telephone. You can verywell claim that Ohm's law (Resistance = Voltage/Current-see page 238) isuniversally applicable in principle; try in practice to demonstrate it without avoltmeter, a wattmeter and an ammeter. You may very well claim that in principlea navy helicopter can fly anywhere; but try to fix it in the Iranian desert when it is'stalled by a sandstorm, hundreds of miles from the aircraft carrier. In aU thesem*ntal experiments you will feel the vast difference between principle andpractice, and that when everything works according to plan it means that you donot move an inch out of well-kept and carefully sealed networks.

Every time a fact is verified and a machine runs, it means thatthe lab or shopconditions have been extended in some way. A medical doctor's cabineta centuryago would have been furnished with an armchair, a desk and maybe an'examination table. Today, your doctor's cabinet is filled with dozens ofinstruments and diagnostic kits. Each of them (like the thermometer, the bloodpressure kit or the pregnancy test) has come from a laboratory to the cabinetthrough the instrument industry. If your doctor verifies the application of thelaws of physiology, very well, but do not ask her to verify them in an empty cabinin the middle of the jungle, or she will say, 'Give me my instruments back first!'Forgetting the extension of the instruments when admiring the smooth runningof facts and machines would be like admiring the road system, with all those fasttrucks and cars, and overlooking civil engineering, the garages, the mechanicsand the spare parts. Facts and machines have no inertia oftheir own (Chapter 3);like kings or armies they cannot travel without their retinues or imped~menta.

251, Centres of calculation

(races this application creates. As we saw in Part B, a calculation on paper canapply to the outside world only if this outside world is itself another piece ofpaper of the same format. At first, this requirement seems to mark the end oftheroad for the calculations. It is impossible to transform Sakhalin, Rotterdam,turbulences, people, microbes, electrical grids and all the phenomena out thereinto a paper world similar to the one in there. This would· be without allowing forthe ingenuity of the scientists in extending everywhere the instruments thatproduce this paper world. Metrology is the name of this gigantic enterprise tomake of the outside a world inside which facts and machines can survive.Termites build their obscure galleries with a mixture of mud and their owndroppings; scientists build their enlightened networks by giving the outside thesame paper form as that of their instruments inside. In both cases the result is thesame: they can travel very far without ever leaving home.

In the pure, abstract and universal world of science the extension of the newobjects created in the labs costs nothing at alL In the real, concrete and localworld of technoscience, however, it is frightfully expensive simply to maintainthe simplest physical parameters stable. A simple example will be enough. If Iask, 'What time is it?' you will have to look at your watCh. There is no way tosettle this question without taking a reading at the window of this scientificinstrument (the sun will do, but not when you need to catch a train). No matterhow humble it is, the clock is of aU scientific instruments the one with the longestand most influential history. Remember that Laperouse carried with him no lessthan twelve ship chronometers and had several scientists on board simply tocheck and compare their movements. His whole trip would have been rendereduseless if he could not have kept the time constant. Now, if our two watchesdisagree. we will be led toa third one which will act as our referee (a radio station,a church clock). Ifthere is still a disagreement on the quality of the clock used asreferee, we-might very well call the 'speaking clock'. If one of us was as obstinateas the dissenter of Chapters I and 2, he or she will be led into an extraordinarily.complex maze of atomic clocks, lasers, satellite communications: theInternational Bureau ofTime coordinating throughout the earth what time it is.Time is not universal; every day it is made slightly more so by the extension ofaninternational network that ties together, through visible and tangible linkages,each of all the reference clocks of the world and then organises secondary andtertiary chains of references all the way to this rather imprecise watch I have onmy wrist. There is a continuous trail of readings, checklists, paper forms,telephone lines, that tie all the clocks together. As soon as you leave this trail, youstart to be uncertain about what time it is, and the only way to regain certainty isto get in touch again'with the metrological chains. Physicists use the nice wordconstant to designate these elementary parameters necessary for the simplest

'equation to be written in the laboratories. These constants, however, are soinconstant that the US, according to the National Bureau ofStandards, spends 6per cent of its Gross National Product, that is, three times what is spent on R&D,(see Chapter 4), just to maintain them stable!2 t

Science in Action250

That much more effort has to be invested in extending science than in doing itmay surprise those who think it is naturally universal. In the figures that Ipresented in Chapter 4 we could not make sense at first of this mass of scientistsand engineers engaged in management of R&D, management, inspection,production, and so on (see page 16). It need no longer surprise us. We know thatscientists are too few to account for the enormous effect they are supposed togenerate and that their achievements circulate in frail, recent, costly and rare,galleries. We know that 'science and technology' is only the abstracted tip of amuch larger process, and has only a very vague resemblance to it. The paramountimportance of metrology (like that ofdevelopment and industrial research) givesus a measure, so to speak, of our ignorance.

These long metrological chains necessary for the very existence ofthe simplestlaboratories concern only the official constants (time, weight, length, biologicalstandards, etc.), but this is only a tiny part ofall the measurements made. We areso used to the pervasive presence of all these meters, counters, paper forms and'tallies which pave the way for centres of calculation that we forget to considereach of them as the sure trace ofan earlier invasion by a scientific profession. Justthink about the kind of answer you can provide to these questions: How much'did I earn this month? Is my blood pressure above or below normal? Where wasmy grandfather born? Where is the tip of Sakhalin island? How many squaremetres is my flat? How much weight have you put on? How many good gradesdid my daughter get? What temperature is it today? Is this pack of beer on sale agood buy? Depending on who asks these questions you may provide either asofter answer or a harder one. In the latter case you will have to fall back on apaper form: the accounting slip sent to you by your bank; the reading taken outof the blood pressure kit in your doctor's office; the birth certificates kept at CityHall or a genealogical tree; the list of flashing lights printed in the NauticalAlmanac; a geometrical drawing of your flat; a scale; a school report kept in yourdaughter's college administration; a thermometer; the dozens of metrologicalmarks made on the pack of beer (content, alcoholic degree, amount ofpreservatives, etc.). What we call 'thinking with accuracy' in a situation ofcontroversy is always bringing to the surface one of these forms. Without themwe simply don't know.

If for one reason or another (crime, accident, controversy), the dispute is notsetded at this point, you will be led along one of the many metrological chainsthat pile up paper forms to the nth order. Even the question 'who are you' cannotbe solved, in some extreme situations, without superimposing passports tofingerprints to birth certificates to photographs, that is without constituting'afilethat brings together many different paper forms of various origins. You mightvery well know who you are and be satisfied with a very soft answer to this absurdquery, but the policeman, who raises the question from the point of view of acentre, wants to have a harder answer than that, exactly as when Laperouse keptasking the Chinese fishermen where they were in terms oflongitude and latitude.We can understand now the misunderstanding studied in Chapter 5, 'Part C

between the softer and the harder ways ofsolving the paradox ofthe fact-builder.The requirements put on knOWledge are utterly different if one wants to use it tosettle a local dispute or to participate in the extension of a network far away. Allthe intermediaries are enough in the first case (I know who I am, what time it is, ifit is warm or cold, ifmyflat is big or smaII, if! earn enough, ifmy daughter workswell, if Sakhalin is an island or not). They are all found wanting in the latter case.The misunderstanding is of the same nature and has the same concrete meaninacas if an army engineer in charge of preparing the landing of B52 bombers on aPacific island finds only a muddy landing strip a few hundred yards long. He willindeed be disappointed and will find the airstrip wanting.

The only way to prepare 'landing strips' everywhere for facts and machines isto transform as many points as possible of the outside world into instruments.The walls of the scientific galleries are literally papered over.

Machines, for instance, are drawn, written, argued and calculated, beforebeing built. Going from 'science' to 'technology' is not going from a paper worldto a messy, greasy, concrete world. It is going from Piiperwork to still morepaperwork, from one centre ?fcalculation to another which gathers and handlesmore calculations of still more heterogeneous origins.22 The more modern andcomplex they are, the more paper forms machines need so as to come intoexistence. There is a simple reason for this: in the very process of theirconstruction they disappear from sight because each part hides the other as theybecome darker and darker black boxes (Chapter 3). The Eagle group, during thedebugging, had to build a computer ,program just to keep track of themodifications each of them was doing to the prototype, just to remember whatEagle was about, to keep it synoptically under their eyes while it became moreand more obscure (Introduction). Ofall the parts oftechnoscience, the engineers'drawings and the organisation and management of the traces generatedsimultaneously by engineers, draughtsmen, physicists, economists, accountants,marketing agents and managers are the most revealing. They are the ones wherethe distinctions between science, technology, economics and society are the mostabsurd. The centres of calculations of major machine-building industriesconcentrate on the same desks paper forms of all origins, recombining them insuch a way that some slips ofpaper bring together the shape ofthe part to be built(drawn in a codified geometrical space); the tolerance and calibration necessaryfor its construction (all the metrological chains inside and outside the forms); thephysical equations of material resistance; the names of the workers in charge ofthe parts; the mean time necessary to effect the operations (result of decades oftaylorisation); the dozens of codes that make the keeping of the inventorypossible; the economic calculations; and so on. Those who would try to replacethe common history ofthese centres of calculations by clean distinct histories of'science, of technology, and of management would have to butcher the subject.

Each of these paper forms is necessary for one of the dozens of sciencesinvolved in machine-building simply to have any relevance at all. Accountancy,for instance, is a crucial and pervasive science in our societies. Its extension,

-'----,. 2~2 Science in Action Centres of calculation 253

(3) About a few other paper-shufflers

Ifwe extend the meaning of metrology to include not only the upkeep of the basicphysical constants but also the transformation of as many features as possible ofthe outside in paper forms, we might end up studying the most despised oJall theaspects of technoscience: the paper-shufflers, the red-tape worms, the

however, is strictly limited by the few paper forms that make accurate book- .keeping possible. How do you apply book-keeping to the confusing world ofgoods, consumers, industry? Answer: by transforming each of these complexactivities, so that, at one point or another, they generate a paper form that isreadily applicable to book-keeping. Once each hamburger sold in the UnitedStates, each coffee cup, each bus ticket is accompanied by a numbered stub, orone of these little white tallies spews out of every cash register, then indeedaccountants, managers and economists are able to expand their skill atcalculating. A restaurant, a supermarket, a shop, an assembly line are generatingas many readings from as many instruments as a laboratory (think of the scales,the clocks, the registers, the order forms). It is only once the economy is made togenerate enough of these paper forms so as to resemble economics that theeconomists become part of an expanding profession. There is no reason to limitthe study of science to the writing of the Book ofNature, and to forget to studythis 'Great Book of Culture' which has a much more pervasive influence on our"daily life than the other - the mere information in banks, for example, is severalorders of magnitude more important than scientific communication.

Even geography, that seems so readily applicable 'outside', once the map is·made, cannot escape very far from the networks without becoming useless. Whenwe use a map, we rarely compare what is written on the map with thelandscape - to be capable of such a feat you would need to be yourselves a well­trained topographer, that is, to be closer to the profession ofgeographer. No, wemost often compare the readings on the map with the road signs written in thesame language. The outside world is fit for an application of the map only whenall its relevant features have themselves been written and marked by beacons,landmarks, boards, arrows, street names and so on. The easiest proofof this is totry to navigate with a very good map along an unmarked coast, or in a countrywhere all the road boards have been torn off (as happened to the Russiansinvading Czechoslovakia in 1968). The chance is that you will soon be wreckedand lost. When the out-thereness is really encountered, when things out there areseen for the first time, this is the end of science, since the essential cause ofscientific superiority has vanished.

The history of technoscience is in a large part the history of all the littleinventions made along the networks to accelerate the mobility of traces, or toenhance their faithfulness, combination and cohesion, so as to make action at adistance possible. This will be our sixth principle.

255. Centres of calculation

bureaucrats. Ah! these bureaucrats, how hated they are - these people who onlydeal with pieces of paper, files and forms, who know nothing about the realworld, but are only superimposing forms on other forms simply to check iftheyhave been correctly filled in; this curious breed oflunatics that prefers to believe apiece of paper to any other source of information, even if it is against commonsense, logic and even their own feelings. Sharing this scorn would be, however, amajor mistake for us who wish to follow science in action up to the end. First,because what are seen as defects in the case of the paper-shufflers are considerednoble qualities when considering these other paper-shufflers who are calledscientists and engineers. Believing more the nth order paper form than commonsense is a feature of astronomers, economists, bankers, ofeveryone who treats inthe centres phenomena which are, by definition, absent.

It would be a mistake, second, because it is through bureaucracy and inside thefiles that the results of science travel the furthest. For instance, the loggingsproduced by Schlumberger engineers on oil platforms (Part A, section 2) becomepart of a file inside a bank at Wall Street that combines geology, economics,strategy and law. All these unrelated domains are woven together once theybecome sheets of this most despised of all objects, the record, the dusty record.Without it, though, the loggings would stay where they were, inside theSchlumberger cabin or truck, without any relevance to other issues. Themicrobiological tests of water made by bacteriologists would have no relevanceeither if they stayed inside the lab. Now that they are integrated, for instance, inanother complex record at City Hall that juxtaposes architects' drawings, cityregulations, poll results, vote tallies and budget proposals, they profit from eachof these other skills and crafts. Understanding the bearing of bacteriology on'society' might be a difficult task; but following in how many legal,administrative· and financial operations bacteriology has been enrolled isfeasible: just follow the trail. As we saw in Chapter 4, the esoteric character of ascience is inversely proportional to its exoteric character. What we realise now isthat administration, bureaucracy, and management in general are the only bigresources available to expand really far: the government supports thebacteriology laboratory which has become an obligatory passage point for everydecision to be made. What appeared at the beginning of this book as vast andinsulated pockets of science are probably best understood if they are seen to bescattered through centres of calculation, dispersed over files and records> seededthrough all the networks and visible only because they accelerate the localmobilisation of some resources among many others that are necessary toadminister many people on a large scale and at a distance.23

The third and fina:! reason why we should not despise bureaucrats, managers,paper-shufflers or, in brief, this tertiary sector that completely dwarfs the size oftechnoscience is that it constitutes a mixture ofother disciplines which have to bestudied with the same method I have presented in this book even though they arenot considered as pertaining to' science and technology'. When people claim theywant to explain 'socially' the development of 'science and technology' they use

Science in Action______ .254

entItles like national policy, multinational firms' strategies, classes, worldeconomic trends, national cultures, professional status, stratification, politicaldecisions, and so on and so forth. At no point in this book have I used any ofthese entities; on the contrary, I have explained several times that we should be asagnostic about society as about nature, and that providing a social explanationdoes not mean anything 'social' but only something about the relative solidity ofassociations. I also promised, however, at the end of Chapter 3, that we will meetat some point a stable state ofsociety. Wen, here we are: astable state ofsociety isproduced by the multifarious administrative sciences exactly like a stableinterpretation of black holes is provided by astronomy, of microbes by'bacteriology, or of proven oil reserves by geology. No more, no less. Let us endwith a few more examples.

The state of the economy, for instance, cannot be used unproblematically toexplain science, because it is itself a very controversial outcome of another; economics. As we saw earlier, it is extracted out ofhundreds ofstatisticalinstitutions, questionnaires, polls and surveys, and treated in centres ofcalculation. Something like the Gross National Product is an nth order visualdisplay which, to be sure, may be combined to other paper forms, but which is no .more outside the frail and tiny networks built by economists than stars, electronsor plate tectonics. The same is true for many aspects ofpolitics. How do we knowthat Party A is stronger than Party B? Each of us may have an opinion about therelative strength of these parties; indeed, it is because each of us has one opinionabout it that we may have to build a huge scientific experiment to settle thequestion. Scientific? Sure. What is a national election, if not the transformationthrough a very costly and cumbersome instrument of all the opinions into markson ballot papers, marks which are then counted, summed, compared (with greatcare and with much controversy) to eventually end up in one nth order visualdisplay: Party A; 51%, PartyB: 45%, Null; 4%?Todistinguish between or opposescience, politics and economics would be meaningless from our point of view,because in terms of size, relevance and cost, the few figures that decide the GrossNational Product or the political balance of forces are much more important,trigger much more interest, much more scrutiny, much more passion, much morescientific method than a new particle or a new radio source. All of them depend onthe same basic mechanism: calibrating inscription devices, focusing the con­troversies on the final visual display, obtaining the resources necessary for theupkeep of the instruments, building nth order theories on the archived records.No, our method would gain nothing in explaining 'natural' sciences by invqking'social' sciences. There is not the slightest difference between the two, and theyare both to be studied in the same way. Neither of them should be believed morenor endowed with the mysterious power of jumping out ofthe networks it builds.

What is clear for economics, politics and management is all the clearer forsociology itself. How could someone who decided to follow scientists in actionforget to study sociologists striving to define what society is all about, what keepsus all glued together, how many classes there are, what is the aim of living in

society, what are the major trends of its evolution? How could one believe thesepeople who say what society is about more than the others? How could onetransform astronomers into spokespersons for the sky and still accept that thesociologists tell us what society is. The very definition of a 'society' is the finaloutcome, in Sociology Departments, in Statistical Institutions, in journals, ofother scientists busy at work gathering surveys, questionnaires, archives, recordsof aU sorts, arguing together, publishing papers, organising other meetings. Anyagreed definition marks the happy end ofcontroversies like all the settlements wehave studied in this book. No more, no less. The results on what society is madeof do not spread more or faster than those of economics, topology or particlephysics. These results too would die if they went outside of the tiny netw0rks sonecessary for their survival. A sociologist's interpretation of society will not besubstituted for what everyone of us thinks ofsociety without additionalstruggle ,without textbooks, chairs in universities, positions in the government,integration in the military, and so on, exactly as for geology, meteorology orstatistics~

No, we should not overlook the administrative networks that produce, insiderooms in Wall Street, in the Pentagon, in university departments, fleeting orstable representations of what is the state of the forces t the nature ofour society,the military balance, the health of the economy, the time for a Russian ballisticmissile to hit the Nevada desert. To rely on social sciences more than on naturalones would put our whole journey in jeopardy, because we would have to acceptthat the space-time elaborated inside a network by one science has spread outsideand included all the others. We are no more included in the space ofsociety (builtby sociologists through so many disputes), than in the time of geology (slowlyelaborated in Natural History Museums), or in the domain of neurosciences(carefully extended by neuroscientists). More exactly, this inclusion is notnaturally provided without additional work; it is obtained locally if the networks.of sociologists, geologists and neuroscientists are extended, if we have to passthrough their laboratories t or through their metrological chains, if they havebeen able to render themselves indispensable to our own trips and travels. Thesituation is exactly the same for the sciences as for gas, electricity, cableTV, watersupplies or telephones. In all cases you need to be hooked up to costly networksthat have to be maintained and extended. This book has been written to provide abreathing space to those who want to study independently the extensions of allthese networks. To do such a study it is absolutely necessary never to grant to anyfact, to any machine, the magical ability ofleaving the narrow networks in whichthey are produced and along which they circulate. This tiny breathing spacewould become immediately vitiated if the same fair and symmetric treatment wasnot applied to the social and administrative sciences as welL

_______ 256 Science in Action

\ .


Centres of calculation 257


Rules of Method

Rule 1 We study science in action and not ready made science or technology~to do so, we either arrive before the facts and machines are blackboxed orwefollow the controversies that reopen them. (Introduction)Rule 2 To determine the objectivity or subjectivity of a claim, the efficiencyor perfection ofa mechanism, we do not look for their intrinsic qualities butat all the transformations they undergo later in the hands of others.(Chapter 1)Rule 3 Since the settlement of a controversy is the cause of Nature'srepresentation, not its consequence, we can never use this consequence,)Nature, to explain how and why a controversy has been settled. (Chapter 2)Rule 4 Since the settlement of a controversy is the cause of Society'sstability, we cannot use Society to explain how and why a controversy hasbeen settled. We should consider symmetrically the efforts to enrol humani!!1d non-human resources. (Chapter 3)Rule 5 We have to be as undecidedas the various actors we follow as to whattechnoscience is made of; every time an inside!outside divide is built, weshould study the two sides simultaneously and make the list, no matter howlong and heterogeneous, of those who do the work. (Chapter 4)Rule 6 Confronted with the accusation of irrationality, we look neither atwhat rule of logic has been broken, nor at what structure of society couldexplain the distortion, but to the angle and direction of the observer'sdisplacement, and to the length of the network thus being built. (Chapter 5)Rule 7 Before attributing any special qualit}, to the mind or to the method ofpeople, let us examine first the many ways through which inscriptions aregathered, combined, tied together and sent back. Only ifthere is somethingunexplained once the networks have been studied shall we start to speak ofcognitive factors. (Chapter 6) .•




First principle The fate of facts and machines is in later users' hands; theirqualities are thus a consequence, not a cause, ofacollective action. (Chapter

_1)___ .Second principle Scientists and engineers speak in the name of new alliesthat they have shaped and enrolled; representatives among other represen­tatives, they add these unexpected resources to tip the balance of force intheir favour. (Chapter 2)Third principle We are never confronted with science, technology andsociety, but with a gamut of .weaker and stronger associations; thusunderstanding what facts. and machines are is the same task asunderstanding who the people are. (Chapter 3)Fourth principle The more science and technology have an esoteric contenttheJurther they extend outside; thus, 'scit:nce and technology' is onlyasub­set of technoscience. (Chapter 4)Fifth principle Irrationality is always an accusation made by someonebuilding a network over someone else who stands in the way; thus, there isno Great Divide between minds, but only shorter and longer networks;harder facts are not the rule but the exception, since they are needed only in avery few cases to displace others on a large scale out of their usual ways.(Chapter 5) .Sixth principle History of technoscience is in a large part the history of theresources scattered along networks to accelerate the mobility, faithfulness,combination and cohesion of traces that make action at a distance possible.(Chapter 6)


Chapter 2

factor from a human pancreatic tumor that caused acromegaly', 5kif?nce, vol.218, pp. 585-7.

10 The article commented on here is by C. Packer, 'Reciprocal altruism in papiaP.', Nature 1977 Vol. 265, no. 5593, pp. 441-443. Although this transformationof the literature is a sure telltale of the diffe'rences between barder and softerfields, I know of no systematic study of this aspect. For a different approachand on the articles in physics see C. Bazerman (1984).

II See M, Spector, S. O'Neal. E. Racker (1980), 'Regulation of phosporylationof the f3-subunit of the Ehrlich Ascites tumor Na ....... K ....... -ATPase by a proteinkinase cascade'. Journul of Biological ChemisTry, vol. 256, no. 9 pp. 4219-27.On this and many other borderline cases, see W. Broad and N. Wade (1982).

12 For a genera! presentation see M. Callan, J. Law and A, Rip (cds) (1986).13 On the somatostatin episode see Wade (1981, chapter 13).14 For a good introduction or rhetoric in settings other than the scientific ones

see C. Perelman (1982).

For an introduction to bibliometry and to the study of citations see E. Garfield (1979);for tbe co-words analysis see M. Callon, J, Law and A. Rip (cds) (1986); for anintroduction to semiotics see F. Bastide (1985).

2 I am following here the work of Trevor Pinch (1986).3 I am following here the work of Mary Jo Nye (1980, 1986).4 On this see N. Wade (1981, Chapter 13).5 I am foHowing here the empirical example studied by H. Collins (1985), although his

description of the ways of settling controv.ersies is rather different and will be analysedin Part II of this book,

6 I am following here the work of Farley and Geison, (1974).7 Later on, however, the controversy was resumed; see R. Dubas (1951). There are

always only practical and temporary ends to controversies, as will be shown in the lastsection.

8 On this controversy see M. Mead (1928) and O. Freeman (1983).9 I am using here O. MacKenzie's (I978) article. See also bis (1981) book on the larger

setting of the same controversy.10 On this episode of the discovery of somatostatin see N. Wade (19& I chapter 13).II This excerpt is taken from E. Ouclaux's Traite de biochimie (1896), vol. II, p. 8.

Duclaux was collaborator of Pasteur.12 I am using here the following article by Pierre and Marie Curie: (1&98) 'Sur une

substance nouvelle radio-active, contenue dans la pechblende', Comptes Rendus deI'Academie des Sciences, vol. 127, pp. 175-8.

13 For the definition of these words and orall the concepts of semiotics see A. Greimasand J. Caurtes (1979/1983). For a presentation of semiotics in English see F. Bastide(1985). .

14 See J. W. Dauben (1974).15 For the ultracentrifuge see the nice study by Boelie Elzen (forthcoming).16 I am alluding here to the remarkable work by A. Desmond (1975).17 This basic question of relativism has been nicely summed up in many articles by Harry

Collins. See in particular his latest book (1985).





Chapter 1

1 This debate about the MX weapon system has been the object of a long publiccontroversy in the USA.

2 This example is taken from Nicholas Wade (1981). The rest of the controversyis inspired from the book, although it is in part fictional.

3 This example is taken from Michel Calion (19&1).4 Cited in S. Drake (1970, p. 71).5 I am using here the following article: A. V. Schally, V. Baba, R. M. G. Nair,

C. D. Bennett (1971), 'The amino-acid sequence of a peptide with growthhormone-releasing isolated from porcine hypothalamus', Journal of BiologicalChemistry, vol. 216, no. 21, pp. ~7-50.

6 The field of citation studies has ~come an independent sub-discipline. For areview see E. Garfield (1979) or the review Scientometrics for more recent lindmore specialised examples. For the context of citation, see M. H. MacRoberts andB. R. MacRoberts (1986). .

7 This expression has become traditional since the work of Thomas Kuhn(1962).

8 The Science Citation Index is produced by the Institute for Scientific Informationin Philadelphia and has become the basis of much work in science policy.

9 I am using here the following article: R. Guillemin, P. Brazeau, P. B9hlen,F. Esch, N. Ling, W. B. Wehrenberg (1982), 'Growth-hormone releasing

I I am following here James Watson's account (1968).2 ·1 am following here Tracy Kidder's book (1981). This book, like Watson's, is

compulsory reading for all of those interested in science in the making,3 On this episode see T.O. Stokes (1982).4 This notion of under-determination is also called the Duhem-Quine principle. It asserts

that no one single factor is enough to explain the closure of a controversy or thecertainty acquired by scientists. This principle forms the philosophicaJ basis of mostsocial history of sociology of science.

Chapter 4

I follow here Roy Porter's account (1982). See also his (1977) book on the formationof the new discipline of geology.

2 See D. Kevles (1978) as an excellent example of the historical study of ascientificprofession.

3 This example is a collage.4 Although all the elements are accurate, this is an ideal-type and not a real example.5 See T. Kidder (1981).

Chapter 3For a presentation of laboratory studies see K. Knorr(198l), K. Knorr and M. Mulkay(eds) (1983) and M. Lynch (1985).

2 I am following in this introduction the article by L. Bryant (1976); see also his (1969)article.

3 On this controversy see again D. Freeman (1983) and on the genera) historysurrounding this episode see D. Kevles (1985).

4 I am following here J. Geison's article on Pasteur (1974).5 On this dramatic episode see R. Dubos & J. Dubos (1953).6 I follow here T.P. Hughes (1971).7 On this see K. Kevles (1978), on the many different strategies to interest a society in

the development of a profession.8 This knowledge seems excessive to many sociologists of science (see S. Wooigar

(1981), M. Callan and J. Law (1982), B. Hindess (1986», and seems quite reasonableto the founder of the interest theory Barry Barnes (1971), to D. Bloor (1976), and toS. Shapin (1982).

9 See L. Szilard (1978, p. 85).10 1 am using here R. Jenkins's article (1975).11 See B. Rozenkranz (1972) and D. Watkins (1984)12 See M. Callan (1981).13 On this notion of 'idea' see the last part of this chapter.14 This example is taken from L. Tolstoy's masterpiece (1869).15 This expression has been proposed by J. Law (1986) in correlation with his notion of

'heterogeneous engineering'.16 On this, see the notion of 'reverse salient' proposed by T. Hughes (1983).17 I am using here L. Hoddeson's article (1981).18 I follow here S. Shapin (1979).19 On this and the following see A. Leroi-Gourhan (1964).20 The traditional difference between human - those who are able to speak and are

endowed with wills-and non-human-those supposed to be mute and denied willsand desires - is immaterial here and is not enough to break the necessary symmetry.On this see M. Calion (19&6).

21 On Newcomen's engine see B. Gille (1978)22 For a reader, a bibliography and an introduction to these many strategies, see

D. MacKenzie and J. Wajcman (1985).23 For a critical introduction to the notion of discovery, see A. Brannigan (1981).24 Defined by David Bloor in his classic book (1976) and to which he opposes his

principle of symmetry that requires an explanation to apply in the same terms towinners and losers.

25 This example and many others are sketched in the non-technical book written byT. Peters and N. Austin (1985).


Basic science:Applied research:DevelopmentManagement of R&D

6 Most of the figures used in this part come from the National Science Foundation'sScience Indicators published in Washington every two years.

7 See OECD (1984).8 Number of doctorates in the US: total: 360,000; in re~earch: 100,000; in development:

18,000 (Science Indicators, 1983, p. 254). . .9 Number of scientists and engineers engaged In R&D by type of occupation and

employer in the US:

Engaged in research: . . . . .355,000; of these 98,000 are in industry; the rest m UniVerSitIes or m Federal labs;Engaged in development:515,000; of these 443,000 are in industry; the rest in Universities or in FederalLaboratories; .Engaged in management ofR&D: 224,000; of thes~ 144~OOO ~~e in i~dustry; the rest224000' of these 144,000 are in industry; the rest m umversltles or in Federallahs.

, , Science Indicators 1982 1983, p. 277)10' Number of US doctorate scientists doing R&D apart from those in business and



2,90013,800(S/, 1983, p. 31l)

II On this long-term, large-scale trend see D. de S. Price (1975); see also N. Rescher(1978).

12 On the notion of stratification see the classic stu<;iy by J. and S. Cole (1973).13 On visibility and on the many other notions developed by the Am~rican SCho.ol of

sociology of scientists and engineers - in contradistinction to the SOCIOlogy of sCienceand technology mostly used in this book - see the classic book ?f K. Merton (1973).

14 Comparative shared of research institutions in R&D budget In the US:

Top 10 doing 20% Top 100 doing 85%Science Indicators 1982, 1983, p. 125)

15 Comparative shfue of the six top Western countries in the R&D budget, literature,patents, and citations:

US proportion of the world's science and. techno~ogy arti.cles: 3.7~{) ..(in the lowest field, chemistry, it is 21%; In the highest, blOmedlcme, It IS 43%)

(SI, 1982, p. II)US proportion of the Western world's budget spent on R&D: 48% in 1979(Japan 15%' European Community 30%)

, (OECD 1983, p. 21)US proportion of the Western world's workforce in R&D: 43% in 1979(Japan 26%; European Community 27%) .

. (Idem)16 This situation of dependence is much worse if we consider not onl~ the top industrial

countries but also the- smaller ones or the underdeveloped countnes. 7Vhen we .takethe poorest countries into account, what is defined a~ technOSclencf; vamshesfTOm view. Determining its scale is no longer the nght expresslo? We.sho.uld now talkin terms of traces. A few institutes staffed for the most part WIth SClentlsts fr~m. thedeveloped countries are almost invisible, scattered among the hundreds of ml1ho~swho know nothing about the interior of facts and machines. See the figures LO

UNESCO (1983). . .1t See on this notion of mobilisation W. McNeill's major book (1982) and Chapter 6.

-.--- -- Science in Actioni-<llO- .262

10 This example is elaborated in M. Polanyi (p. 83).11 For an interesting study see that of F. Fourquet (1980) on the construction ofINSEE,

the French institution gathering statistics.12 See P.S. Stevens (1978). On this question ofthe relations between scale models, models

and calculations, probably the best book is still M. Black (1961). Less known but veryuseful is the work of F. Dagognet. See in particular is recent book (1984).

13 I am following here the exemplary article of T. Hughes (1979).14 This useful word has been proposed by E. Gerson and L. Star to describe much the

same mechanism as.the one I name here 'cascade'. This chapter owes much to the workof their Tremont Institute in California.

15 This does not mean that 'theories' simply follow the accumulation of 'data' - on thecontrary 'mere siamp collecting' is qften opposed to 'real science' - butsimply that anya priori epistemological distinction between the two makes the study impossible. Theproblem is that we lack independent studies on the construction of this contrastbetween 'data' and 'theories'. For such an endeavour on the relations between physicsand chemistry see I. Stengers (1983).

16 See on this A. Koyre (1966) and S. Drake (1970).17 This has to be taken with a grain of salt since there is no study pertaining to

anthropology of science which tackles this question. A related effort is to be found inE. Livingston's recent book (1985).

18 I am using here the excellent book of T. Wolfe (1979). To the humiliation of ourprofession, we have to confess that some of the best books on technoscience, those ofKidder, Watson and· Wolfe, for example, have not been written by professionalscholars.

19 This example is taken from one of the rare long-term, empirical studies of a modernlarge-scale technical project by M. Coutouz:is (1984); see also our article (1986)(Coutouzis and Latour).

20 On this episode see J. Geison (1974).21 See the article by P. Hunter (1980).22 Within the small but fascinating literature on this topic, the best introduction is the

work of P.J. Booker (1979) and Baynes K. & Pugh F. (1981). For a shorter intro­duction see E. Ferguson (1977).

23 On this dispersion of the sciences as on so many microtechnics of power seeM. Foucault's work, especially (1975).

Science in Action

Chapter 5

1 See David Bloor (1976). On this debate see M. Hollis and S. Lukes (1982) andE. Mendelsohn and Y. Elkana (1981). The two most interesting anicles on this debateare without doubt those of R. Horton (1967; 1982).

2 This example from E. E. Evans-Pritchard's classic book (1937) has been turned into acanonic topic for anthropology of science by David Bloor (1976).

3 This example is taken from Edward Hutchins (1980).4 I am following here D.A. Hounshell (1975).5 See on this succession of contradictory accusations B. Easlea (l980).6 See on this point B.J.T. Dobbs (1976). .7 This is an adaptation of D. Bloor's drawing (1976, p. 126).8 Naturally, I am following here the canonic example offered by Bloor and not the very

subtle interpretations offered by Evans-Pritchard.9 See on this point the classic book edited by B. Wilson (1970).

10 I am following here M. Cole and S. Scribner (1974); other examples by A.R. Luria be found in his (1976) book edited by M. Cole.

11 This other canonic example is taken from R. Bulmer (1967) and has been treated atlength by B. Barnes (1983).

12 The most complete work of ethnoscience is to be found in H. Conklin (1980).Unfortunately there is no equivalent of this on a Western industrialised community.

11 I am using here the beautiful book of A. Desmond (1975), especially the chapter 6.14 This example is taken from M. CalIon (1986).15 His testimonies form the bulk of M. Auge's book (1975). For obvious reasons, Auge

never published the result of the corpse interrogation of his friend.16 This example is taken from J. Gusfield's book which is a unique case.ofanthropology

of belief/knOWledge in a modern Western society (1981).17 This is why 'oral cultures' have been thought to be both rigid and devoid of

innovation. On this see J. Goody's pioneering work (1977).18 On this transformation and transportation of other people's beliefs see P. Bourdieu

(1972/1977) J. Fabian (1983) and the recent book on field trips edited byG.W. Stocking (1983). .

Chapter 6

1 On this episode see J.-F. Laperollse (no date) and F. BelIee (1985).2 I am following here J. Law's account of this episode (1986). On all this redefinition of

capitalism in terms of long distance networks the essential work is of course that ofF. Braudel (1979/1985).

3 The literature on expeditions a nd collections is not very extensive but there are someinteresting case studies. Among them are L. Brockway (1979) and L. Pyenson (1985).

4 This example is taken from L. Allaud et M. Martin (1976).5 I follow here E. Eisenstein's account (1979). Her book is essential reading for'all of

those who wish, as she says, to 'reset the stage for the Copernician Revolution'. .6 For a general review of this question see the volume I edited in French with

J. de Noblet (1985).7 On this comparison between botanists and ethnobotanists see H. Conklin (1980).8 I follow here B. Bensaude-Vincent's account (1986). See also her thesis (1981) ;md On

Mende1eev's work see F. Dagognet (1969).9 Actually, the strength of the table came later from the unexpected correspondence

between the classification and the atomic theory that retrospectively explained it.

Notes 265

Brown, Lloyd A. (1949/1977). The Story of Maps.New York, Dover.Bryant, Lynwood (1969). 'Rudolf Diesel and his rational engine'. Scientific American, vol.

221, pp.l08-17.(1976). 'The development of the Diesel Engine'. I:echnology an.d Culture, vol. 17, no. 3,pp,432-46.

Bulmer, Ralph (1967). 'Why is a cassowary not a bird? A problem ofzoological taxonomyamong the Karam'. .

CalIon, Michel (1981). 'Struggles and negotiations to decide what is problematic and whatis not: the sociologic'. In Knorra, R.K. Krohn & R. Whitley (eds). pp. 197-220.

Callon, Michel and Law, John (1982). 'On interests and their transformation: enrolmentand counter-enrQlment'. Social Studies ofScience, vol. 12, no. 4, pp.615-26.

Callan Michel (1986). 'Some elements of a sociology of translation: domestication of thescallps and the fishermen'. John Law (editor), pp. 196-229.

Calion, Michel, Law, John and Rip, Arie (eds)(1986). Mapping the Dynamic aJScience andTechnology. London, Macmillan.

Cole, J. and Cole, S. (1973). Social Stratification in Science. Chicago, University ofChicago Press.

Cole, M. and Scribner, S. (1974). Culture and Thought: A Psychological Introduction. NewYork, Wiley.

Collins, Harry (1985). Chang{ng Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific Practice.London and Los Angeles, Sage.

Conklin, Harold (1980). Ethnographic AtlasoJlfugao: A Study oJEnvironment, Culture andSociety in Northern Luzon. London and New Haven, Yale University Press.

Coutouris, Mickes (1984). Societes et techniques en lJole de deplacement. These de 3°cycle, Universite Paris-Dauphine.

Coutouzis, Mickes and Latour, Bruno (1986). 'Pour une sociologie des techniques: Ie casdu village solaire de Frango-Castello'. A~nee Sociologique, No. 38, pp.l13-167.

Dagognet, Francois (1969). Tableaux et langages de la eMmie. Paris, Le SeuiL(1984) Philosophe de /'image. P'aris,Vrin.

Dubas, Rene (1951). Louis Pasteur, Freelance ofScience. London, Go1mez.(1953) and Dubos J. The White Plague. Tuberculosis, Man, and Society, Boston,Little Brown and Co.

Dauben, J. W. (1979). Georges Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy o/the Infinite.Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press.

Desmond, Adrian (1975), The Hot-Blooded Dinosaurs: A Revolution in Paleontology.London, Blond & Briggs.

Dobbs, Betty, J.T. (1976). The Foundations of Newton's Alchemy or 'The Hunting ofthe Greene Lyon'. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Drake, Stillman (1970). Gali/eo Studies: Personality, Tradition andRevolution. Ann Arbor,University of Michigan Press.(1978). Galileo at Work: His Scientific Biography. Chicago, Chicago University Press.

DucIaux, Emile (1896). Pasteur: Histoire d'un Esprit. Sceaux, Charaire.Easlea, Brian (1980). Witch-Hunting, Magic and the New Philosophy: An Introduction to the

Debates oJ the Scientific Revolution Hassocks, Sussex, Harvester Press.Eisenstein, Elizabeth (1979). The Priming Press as an Agent of Change. Cambridge,

Cambridge University Press.Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1937/1972). Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande

(translated from the French). Oxford Clarendon Press.Fabian, J. (1983). Time and the Other. How Anthropology Makes its Object, New York,

Columbia University Press.Farley, J. and J. Geison (1979). 'Science, Politics and Spontaneous generation in 19th

century France, the Pasteur-Pouchet Debate" Bulletin of the History of Medicine,


Allaud, L. and M. Marttin (1976). Schlumberger, Histoire d'une Technique. Paris,Auge, Marc (1975). Theorie des pouvolrs ef Ideologle. Paris, Hermann.Barnes, Barry (1974). Scientific Knowledge and Sociological Theory. London, Routledge

& Kegan Paul.(1982). T.S. Kuhn and Social Science. London, Macmillan.(1983). 'On the conventional character of knowledge and cognition'. In K. Knorr andM. Mulkay (eds), pp.19-53.

Bastide, Francoise (1985). The semiotic analysis of scientific discourse. Paris, Ecole demines, mimeo.

Baynes, Ken and Pugh, Francis (1981). The Art oJ the Engineer. Guildford, LutherwoodPress. .

Bazerman, Charles (1984). 'Modern evolution of the experimental report of physics:spectroscopic articles in Physical Review'. Social Studies oJ Science, vol. 14, no. 2,pp.163-97.

Bellec, Francois (1985). La Genereuse et tragique expedition de Laperouse. Rennes, OuestFrance.

Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette (1981). Les Pieges de l'eJementaire. Contribution al'histoirede I'element chimique. These de Doctorat. Universite de Paris L(1986). 'Mendeleev's periodic system of chemical elements' British Journal for theH/.story of Science, voL 19, pp. 3-17.

Black, Max (1961). Models and metaphors, Ithaca, Cornell University Press.~Ioor, David (1976). Knowledge and Social Imagery. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Boehe, Elzen (1986). 'The ultracentrifuge: interpretive flexibility and the development ofatechnological artefact'. Social studies of science (forthcoming)

Booker, P.J. (1919). A History ofEngineering Drawing. London, Northgate.Bourdieu, Pierre (1972/1977). Outline of a Theory oJ Practice. Cambridge. Cambridge

University Press.Brannigan, Augustine (1981). The Social Basis oJ Scientific Discoveries. Cambridge

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Royal Botanic Gardens. New York, Academic Press. .




References 267

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abstraction 241 et seq.account 253-254accusation, of behaving irrationally 185 et seq.actant, definition 84, 89 .action at a distance 219 et seq.alignment, of interests J57, 176 _amateurs 147anthropology 204-205application, of science to the outside world

243,248applied research )68-) 69archaeopteryx 199-202argument from authority 31artefact 75; 106association 127, 136 et seq., 200 et seq., 240,

256asymmetry 185

crealed by the actors 196, 218,221attribution ofresponsibility 118Auge M. 203--204automation 130-131autonomy 167Azande 186-188, 192-194

basic research 168-169belief, 182 et seq.

consequence of the observer 210-213Bell A. 187, 189, 197-198Bell company/MA Bell 125, 189-127, 143Bijker 230-232, 236, 238, 249Bill 72, 74, 83black box, definition 2

borrowing them 81-82new definition 131

.and machines 253Blondlot 75, 78, 100Bloor D. 184Boas 109Bodin 191-/92


book of nature 244, 254bootlegging 1'13, 114­botany 229Brazeau P. 86-88breaching 207Bulmer R. 199-2D2, 210-213bureaucracy 255

calculation 237 et seq., 25D-251Cantor 90capital 223captation 56Carnot 105, 107cartography 223-224, 236, 242, 244, 254cascade 234,237,241.243-244census 234-235, 237centre 222 et seq.centres of calculation 232 et seq.chemistry 235-236classification 198 et seq.coefficient 238Cole M. 197colleague 152collections 224-225competence 89composition 110context of citation 35 et seq., 40controversies, as a way in 4 et seq.

followed through language 22 et seq.become technical 32 et seq.practical end 59closure in the lab 77their settlements 95 et seq., 206 et seq.

Copernican Revolution 224, 226, 231,233cost of discussion 70,166,181-184,251counter-Laboratory 79Crete 248-249Crick F. 1-13,97, I I3cuhure 201, 211


~__~ S...;;c__;e,nc:,e in Action Index 273

Pearson K. 85performance 89perfunctory citations 34phrenology 127-128politics 256polonium 88-90, 99, 138popularisation 52Portugal Expansion' 221 et seq., 230positioning tactics 50positive modality, definition 23 et 140Pouchet 84power 223prediction 248-250primary mechanism, definition 119, 134, 174principles of method, definition 17profession 146profit 223proof race 152

and arm race 172, 206 .

rational 183-195rationalism 195reader, built in the text 52realism 98-100reality, definition 93, 98

realisation 105-107, 179-180, 246record 255-257references by other texts 38 et seq.references to other texts 33 et seq.referent, in the text 48 et seq.reificatio n 92relativism 98-100

critique of 195-197, 206, 212representation. of things or of people 72research and development (R. & D.) 107

statistics 162 et seq.resistance 77, 123Reynolds 237-239, 242re-representation 241rhetoric 30

stronger in science 61routinisation 92, 138rules of method, definition 17

quandary of the fact-builder 103 et seq.two solutions 206 et seq.

scale, of network 210-213scale model 231, 238, 247-248scallops 202-203 .Schally A. 23 et seq., 33 et seq., 55 et ~eq., 80et

seq., 86, 95, 106, 108Schlumberger 225-226, 255science and technology, definition 174science citation index 39

consequence of a strong rhetoric 61difference with technical 131-132

Napoleon 119nature 94 et seq., 142negative modality, definition 23 et 180, 201-202, 208, 229

their concentration 232 et seq., 240their extension 247 et seq.

new object, definition 87Shifting to things 91

Newton 191-192numbers 60 et seq., 234 et seq.N-rays 75, 78, 99-100

laboratory, 64 el seq.gathering instruments 69feed-back 91 et seq.extension through metrology 249 el seq.

Laperouse 215 et seq., 224,228-229,234,236,241,244,251,252

Lavoisier 235Lawrence 113Lister 118local/universal 228 et seq., 250 et seq.logging 226, 255logical, 204-205 .

consequence of a text 58breach from logic 191 et seq.from form to content 196-202

logistics 234 et seq.Luria S. 196-197Lyell C. 146 et seq .• 157

Machiavelli 124-125, 128machine 129 et seq., 253 et seq.Marey J. 92, 230mathematics 237 et seq.Mead M. 84, 109-110Mendeleev 235-236, 241-242Mercator 242, 244-245meteorology 180 et seq., 207,229metrology 247 et seq.

definition 251military 171-173Millikan 125-127mobilisation 172, 223 et seq. J.modality, definition 22 et seqmodus tollendo tollens 197morphine 92M.A.N. 105 et seq., (12, 121

Pandora's Box 7Paradigm 35, 201 j

Pasteur L. 84,90, 110, 116, 118-119, 122-124,127, 134-136, 249

objective, definition 78, 152, 182obligatory passage point 150, 182, 245observatory 226Ostrom 199-202

idea 135immutable mobiles 227 et seq., 236-237induction 51industry 165, 170inertia 132 et seq., 137, 250information, definition 243innovation 107inscription 218inscription devices 64, 68instrument, definition 66 et seq.

related to controversies 81, 224, 230, 233,243-245, 250 et seq., 256

interest, 108explicit and implicit 113-117stabilised in the end 143, 157and disinterestedness 210-213

intersection, of that triggers accusation 197et seq., 206 et seq.

invention 107irrational 183-195

fraud 49free association 202 et seq.Freeman D. 84, 109-110fuel cells 24-25, 29-30, 116

Janus 4, 32, 97, 141-143, 174Jewett 125-127Joao 150, 157 et seq.

Kant 224Karam 199-200, 212Kew Gardens 229Kidder T. 156King John II 221 et seq.knowledge, 182

not different from society 200 et seq.definition 219 et seq.not a good term 223

Koch 82, IIO-1I1

Galile 32, 191-192geologists 224-225gravitational waves 81-82Gray E. 187, 189, 197great divide 211, 216, 221, 228, 232growth hormone releasing hormone 23 et seq.,

36, 108Guillemin R. 27 et seq., 36 et seq., 45 et seq., 80

et seq., 86, 92, 9"5

hard facts 206 et seq., 252health systems 172hero. in the text 53-54

in the laboratory 88-91hidden agenda, of the text 55Hutchins E. 187-188, 210hygiene movement 115, 142


Curie Pierre et Marie 88-90,99, 138cycle 159cycle of accumulation 22<l et seq.

Eagle 1-13, 113, 139, 155-157, 156,253Eastman G. 115, 122, 124, 131, 137Eclipse ¥V/8000 1-13, 133, 139economics 227, 254, 256Edison :239-240Einstein 245endorphin 65 et seq., 71, 90, 92enquiries 227equation 2]8-241ethnoscience 199, 212-123, 228, 229Evans-Pritchard 194, 186-188, 198, 210expedition 224

Davis R. 68, 72,95derinition, of a new object 87Delft Hydraulics Laboratory 230-232demography 234-235Descartes 191-192determinism, 133

social 141development 107, 168-169Diesel R. 104etseq., 109, 112, 118-119, 121 et

seq., 122-123, 135-138, 142diffusion (model of) 142, 164 et seq., 250discipline 146discovery 134dissenter, trying the professor's patience 76 et

seq.transformed in author 93, 145

divide, 208-210, 217-218between belief and knOWledge 190 et seq.,

21Q et seq.domination 224 et seq., 213drink and driving 204

fact, 23susceptible of degrees 25collective 27 et seq.stage in the construction 42stylised 42, 100as black-box 131

fact-builders, their quandary 104 et seq.fact-writing 60fiction writing 6fiflh principle of method 209fifth rule of method 176files 252 et seq.first princple of method 29first rule of method 13 et seq.form (of reasoning) 196 et seq.formalism 241 et seq.fourth principle of method 175fourth rule of method 144Frangocastello 248-249

Science in Action----------==274----

different from softer facts 206 et seq.scientific texts, definition 48Scribner S. 197second principle of method 90second rule of method 59secondary mechanism, definition 119, 134, 174semiotic character 53seventh rule of method 246-247Shepard 247-248simulator 247-248sixth principle 254sixth rule of method 213social, more social 62

outcome of the diffusion model 141,175-176

used to explain irrationality 183 et seq., 246,255-256

social groups, redefined by fact-builders115-1l6

consequence of the diffusion model 135-136society 136, 141 et seq.

outcome of a trial in responsibility 174-175,200-201

stabilised in the end 256-257sociogram 138, 159sociologies 202 et seq.sociology 256-257soft facts 206 et seq.somatostatin 87-88, 92space 228 et seq.speciality/specialist 152-153Sperry E. 112, 113, 118-119spokesmanlspokewoman/spokesperson,

definition 71and their represented 72 et seq.and its constituency 78betrayed 83 et seq., 90, 202-204, 234-235,

237stacking texts 50 et seq.staging, readers and authors 52 et seq.staging the proofs 66 et seq., 71 et seq.statistics 85, 237stratification 166stratification of texts 45 et seq.structure 200-201style, of a text 58subjective, definition 78, 152, 182Svedberg 91-92symmetry, between human and non-human

144symmetry (principle of) 136, 184,188,193-194

critique of the principle 195 et seq.

Szilard L. 114

technical, consequence of the controversy44, 46, 48, 52consequence of control strategies 123, 127·difference with scientific 131-132consequence of the proof race 161

technogram 138, 159technoscience 29

definition 174-175the boss 153 et seq., 159 et seq., 176the professor 75 et seq., 64 et seq.theory 241 et seq.thing 91third principle 141third rule of method 993-M 140time 228 et seq.

metrological chain 258trajectory 107. 133transcendental 245translation 108 et seq., 116 et seq., 126, 157,

239-240extended to things 129opposed to diffusion 132 et seq.

translation (model of) 133 et seq., 164trials, in the text 53 et seq.

in the laboratory 74 et seq.defining shapes 87 et seq.

trials in irrationality 185 et seq,trials in responsibility 174-75, 242, 118 et seq.trials of strength, definition 78

shape reality 93define networks 200Mendelee.... 's case 238Edison's case 240

Trobrianders 186, 188-189, 197Tycho Brahe 226-227

under-determination 13universal 228 et seq., 250 etseq.

visibility 166visualisation 47 et seq., 67, 215 et seq.

Watson J. 1-13,97,113Weber E. 81-82West T. 1-13, 113, 139, 155-157Whittaker J. 1 et seq.Yule G. 85

zoologists 224

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