Take You Back / Gyawne Hightower - Rissarosewrites (2024)

"I like this one mother." Viserys remarked staring down at his new baby sister. Davina smiled up at him reaching out. Viserys looked to Daemon his little face scrunched out about to scream. "I don't think I like that one mother."

"You will love them both. You are going to protect them right Viserys? Keep them safe?" Alyssa asked.

"Of course." Viserys agreed. He smiled down at Davina she had the prettiest eyes and the biggest smile. He reached into her crib and she grabbed at his finger.

"I think we should take her riding." Alyssa suggested and Viserys and his father Baelon stared back at her. "What? A day old they should be learning."

"Mother." Viserys said with a huff. "She is so little."

"You don't care about your brother's safety?" Alyssa countered kissing Viserys head. Viserys looked down to Davina her hand tightly gripping his finger. "She certainly likes you."

So Alyssa took Davina flying. Her eyes were wide and her mouth gaped open. Her little hands flew up happily as Alyssa held tight to her. She coed and babbled bouncing happily. Alyssa had never seen a child so young so attentive on a dragon. Viserys never liked riding with her when he was younger. He would cry and scream when they brought him anywhere near the dragons. But davina. Her little Davina was going to be a dragon rider.

Baelon stared up at them nervously as they descended before him.

"Oh, don't look so surprised." Alyssa told him as he reached up for Davina.

"How did she do?" Baelon asked and davina started screaming the moment she was off the dragon. "She hated it." Baelon declared. "I told you she was too-"

"She loved it!"" Alyssa corrected. "She had so much fun."

"Then why is she crying?" Baelon countered. Davina whimpered reaching out and Alyssa took her from Baelon. She reached past her mother to her dragon Meleys. "I think she likes her very much." Alyssa countered.

"She is going to be just like you." Baelon whispered kissing her softly.

When Alyssa was younger she doted on her elder brother, Baelon. Followed him everywhere, she was originally engaged to someone else but she refused because she knew that she was going to marry Baelon. They became inseparable at a young age and were wed.

Little did she know how similar Davina and Daemon would be in the years to come.


"mmm." Davina grumbled reaching for Meleys. She looked up at her mother with the biggest pout still reaching for Meleys. "Mmm!" Davina demanded.

"Very much your daughter." Baelon agreed as Alyssa moved back leaning against Meleys so Davina could put her hands on the dragons back. She stopped whining and instantly silenced. Her palms flat against Meleys scales as she breathed in the dark smell of smoke and power. She could have stayed like that for ages. Davina leaned in wanting to be closer and closer still. She coed happily as she rested her cheek against Meleys scales. Meleys looked back at them with a huff.

"Alright, its getting late." Baelon told them. "Come on the dragons will be here in the morning." Alyssa pushed off Meleys and Davina looked to her in a panic shaking her head, little arms reaching out for Meleys a grumble in her throat. Tears in her eyes.

"Davina, love..." Alyssa coed kissing away her tears. "Don't you want to eat? Is your tummy hungry?" Davina pointed back at Meleys.

"You created a monster." Baelon teased.


Davina was an angel. Viserys thought so. But then she started crying and viserys thought she would never stop.

''Mother. Why is she screaming?'' Viserys asked.

''I am sorry Viserys. I cant get her settled.'' Alyssa told him bouncing davina in her arms. ''The handmaidens havent been able to settle her. I dont know what happened.''

Dragons. Dragons is what happened. Davina got a feel for the power they brought and the warmth under her skin and she needed more. She didn't have the words to express it just yet so when she cried endlessly they just didn't understand. Which only frustrated Davina even more.

''Can I try?'' Viserys asked holding out his arms for davina.

''Sure. Yes. That would be nice. Im so tired viserys.'' Alyssa told him passing davina off.

'I got her.'' Viserys said but Davina still cried out tears in her little eyes a whimper on her lips.

Viserys started singing and davina stared up at him.

"Do you wanna go on a dragon hunt?" Viserys sung in his out of tune voice, Davina's whimpers softened. "Do, do, do you wanna?" Davina's little quivering lips stopped as she watched him.

''Hey... thats a good girl.'' Viserys coed. But as soon as he stopped she whimpered again so he kept singing he sung falling asleep on and off all night as davina woke in his arms and would whimper and viserys would mumble a song and davina would go back to sleep.

The next morning viserys woke up groggy but Davina was wide eyed and ready for the day. She stared up at him silently. The energy it took viserys to open his eyes made him want to go back to sleep. Davina coed up at him.

''Hello Davina.'' Viserys whispered.

''Viserys! Were you in here all night?'' Alyssa asked.

''Yeah. She wouldnt fall asleep. Its alright mother.'' Viserys assured.

''Oh honey you are such a good boy. Such a good big brother.''


''What are you doing?'' Baelon questioned

''Davina wanted to play with the dragons.'' Alyssa told her husband.

''My love-''

''She stopped crying. Look she is so happy Baelon.'' Alyssa declared.

''Like mother like daughter I suppose.'' Baelon agreed.

Davina and Daemon were an odd set of twins in Baelon's eyes. They liked to be right next to each other but they also liked to hit each other and pull the others hair until one screamed.

Where Daemon was more nervous around the dragons, Davina crawled full speed ahead to the dragon pits. Baelon even had a hard time keeping up with her. She would plop down and start babbling to Meleys, she could talk for hours. Baelon was sure of it. Whenever the handmaidens lost her they knew where to look.

Viserys didn't like how intrigued Davina was with the dragons. She was so little and he thought one might swallow her up. Davina smiled back at him, still babbling, it was nonsense to Viserys but Davina sounded very confident with her babbling.

"It that so?" viserys asked sitting down behind her pulling her back into him but she crawled forward getting closer. She turned around and leaned back against Meleys and continued her story. Viserys didn't think Davina needed to breathe. She just kept going and going. Then she stopped sucking in a deep breath that puffed out her chest before blowing it out in a huff. She looked to Meleys then to Viserys and Davina laughed out like she said the funniest thing in the world. Viserys stared back at her as she tipped over with laughter she sat up spitting out the sand that had gotten in her mouth running a hand over her tongue before she started laughing again.

Her little laugh was contagious. Viserys started laughing and Davina pointed at him.

"Me?" Viserys asked.

Davina opened her mouth as though she was going to say her first real word and started laughing again. With a sigh she leaned back against Meleys and started babbling again.

"I think you are tired little miss." Viserys remarked. Davina stared back at him as he got up. "Bed time?" Davina shook her head and brought a hand back touching Meleys scales. "She will be here tomorrow." Viserys assured. "Davina... come on cutie." Viserys said and Davina sighed turning around giving Meleys a kiss before lifting her arms to Viserys.


Davina screamed out wailing big tears. Baelon ran to the twins chambers and stared down at viserys already watching the twins

''Viserys!'' Baelon hissed

''No watch.'' Viserys said as little daemon was pulling on davinas hair.

''Viserys-'' but he held out a hand.

''Just wait.'' Viserys encouraged and little davina punched Daemon in the face and he let go. It was now Daemon that was wailing. Davina looked up big teary eyes as Baelon picked her up. ''My davina is going to be a fighter.'' Viserys told him proudly.

''Dont care for your brother do you?'' Baelon mused.

''I like Davina.'' Viserys admitted and she smiled back at him from Baelons arms.

''I swear these two are going to kill each other one of these days.'' Baelon muttered handing Davina off to Viserys as he picked up a still wailing Daemon. Davina stared back at Viserys as he wiped her eyes.

''I'm going to take davina on a walk.'' Viserys remarked heading out. She perked up immediately when she knew where they were going. She coed happily. Clapping her hands.

''You know where we are going?'' Viserys asked kissing her cheek she nodded clapping again. ''You and mother love your dragons.'' Viserys remarked. Davinas eyes went wide and her smile got bigger as she reached out for the dragons. Clenching and un clenching her fists wanting to touch them. Viserys moved her closer and she put her hand flat on her mothers dragon, Meleys leg. She beamed up at viserys before adding a second hand.

''You have a fire in you Davina.'' Viserys told her.

''Fi.'' she repeated softly.

''Was that? Did you just? Fire. Fire.'' Viserys told her.

"Fi." She repeated leaning into Meleys.

''Viserys is the greatest.'' Viserys offered. "Go on Viserys is the greatest!"

''Fi. Fi.'' Davina repeated happily.

''Alright now say it with me. Viserys is the greatest big brother ever.'' Viserys teased.

''Fir. Fir.'' Davina said again

''Fire. Fire.'' Viserys told her. ''Fire.'' He repeated slowly. Her little face scrunched up.

''Fir'. She repeated.

''I think one day you are going to have a raging fury inside of you. The way you beat up daemon. Dragons fire is a fury like no other.'' Viserys remarked. ''But a heart of gold.'' He assured. Davina looked up at him her hands still on the dragon. ''Fire.'' Viserys told her but she smiled pushing her hands harder against the dragon and said so clearly it should have been warning of what was to come.



''Fury?'' Alyssa asked ''no her first word cannot be fury.''

''It was clear as a summer day.'' Viserys assured. ''Go on Dav.'' Viserys encouraged. Davina stared up at him. ''She said it I swear.''

''Ooh ooh''. Davina pointed at her egg on the fire. Viserys put her down and she ran on very unsteady legs for about two steps before falling to her knees before crawling towards it.

''Davina!'' Alyssa declared as she pulled her egg back from the flames. ''Honey you will hurt yourself.'' But davinas hands were not burned as she cradled her egg to her. It cracked slowly and davina was hypnotized. Out popped a little head and Davina smiled down at him. He squawked up at her.

''Fury.'' Davina said and Alyssa took a step back. ''Fury. Fury. Fury.'' Davina repeated as he broke free of his egg and stared up at her. ''Fury!'' She exclaimed. She pulled her dragon to her and kissed him over and over again. Daemon reached out for him but Davina clutched Fury to her. ''Mine.'' Davina told him.

''Goodness get her a dragon and she really starts talking.'' Baelon remarked. Daemon started to cry looking to his own egg. He reached out for Fury but Davina pushed him back. ''Mine. My Fury.'' Davina shouted.

''Your sweet baby girl.'' Baelon remarked with a laugh. She held him up for them to see.

''Fury!'' She exclaimed.

''I see my love. I see him. So handsome.'' Alyssa told her.

''Mine.'' She showed Viserys and he knelt before her and he ran a hand through her hair.

"Your Fury." Viserys agreed.

"Fury." he squawked up at her. "Fury." Davina said again and again. "FURY!" she clung to her dragon. Alyssa thought Davina was going to hyperventilate the way she was breathing so excited, so fast, her eyes wide. "Fury!"


Years later their relationship had taken quite the shift...

'Dae! Daemon! Get your ass over here!' Davina shouted Daemon sauntered up to her. 'father is being a c*nt and I want to go for a ride.' Davina told him

'You want to fly away before we are destined to be stuck in an arranged married to two ugly f*ckers that just want to be tied to the Targaryen name.' Daemon countered.

'You know me so well.' Davina coed

'You are my twin it's my job to know you better than yourself.' Daemon told her bringing his lips to hers.

'Why cant we be wed?' Davina questioned 'I don't understand.' She whined wrapping her arms around him.

'Neither do I. What happened to keeping the bloodline pure?' Daemon agreed

'They are going to ship us off to the ends of the earth and I'm never going to see you again.' Davina whimpered against him.

'I know love.'

'I can't never see you again. That would kill me. It would kill me.' Davina told him

'Me as well.' Daemon assured.


'Who the f*ck is rhae royce?' Davina questioned

'The lady of runestone.'

'What the f*ck is that?' Daemon agreed

'You know the armor, the ancestral bronze armor of House Royce.'

'Those c*nts.' Daemon remarked.

"Why does he have to marry?" Davina questioned. 'why her?'

'You will do your part as well.'

'No the f*ck I wont.' Davina assed.

'Davina dear, don't fight me on this.'


"Davina.' Viserys sneered.

'Its not my fault that Fury didn't like him.' Davina said innocently.

'that is the fourth husband you have burned.'

'Yes, Fury... I am sorry about him.' Davina said she couldn't help the eye roll that came with it.

'Davina.' Viserys snapped.

'I am not f*cking those c*nts.' she spat. 'keep sending men my way though and Fury will continue to burn them to the ground the moment their slimy lips touch mine.' she had been married and married again and again but Fury knew the drill and none of her marriages were ever consummated. Viserys would ship her off and she would take one look at her betrothed and wish death upon them. They would be married she would wait until they were alone and Fury would come to the rescue. You would think after so many burning accidents that men would turn away from the princess but Davina claimed that Fury thought they were trying to hurt her and like a faithful dragon, he protected her. It didnt sway men, every one of them though that they would be the one to tame the wild dragoness. They were not.

'that is enough.' Viserys spat.

'You are quite right. That is enough. You have been king for years and yet you keep tossing your only sister aside as though I am nothing more than a bargaining chip!' Davina shouted. 'I am more than a name, or something to mount. I am not a whor* and I'm not a broodmare. Stop treating me as such.' Davina demanded.

'Davina,' Viserys shook his head mad at himself as well now. he didn't realize how he was hurting her. it was their job as high borns to keep going but he saw the pain in his sisters eyes. 'Davina I'm sorry-'

'If daemon were king, he never would have done this to me. he never would have pushed me away.' Davina yelled pushing her brother back. 'You are an idiot.' Davina told him. 'you push us both away and you are going to end up alone. In the end it is not marriage, your wife that stays with you but your family, your true family, your blood. Your children and your siblings. You push us away, you push us towards other stupid houses, houses so much lower than us and you f*cking expect us to play nice?' Davina sneered.


'You try and force me into marriage with another ludicrous house I will send Fury down upon kings landing.' Davina warned as she marched away.

Davina was very much like Daemon. Hot headed and quick tempered. They liked their dragons, they liked their freedom and they wanted to be in control of all the power. Which is exactly why Viserys was in charge and not Daemon.

'DAVINA!" Viserys shouted but she pulled herself up onto Fury.

'Heed my words, Brother.' She shouted. 'Don't doubt me. My Fury is greater than your will.' She warned. 'Fly.' She demanded and Fury took off running, Viserys ducked as he took off over his head.


'Oh my Gods would you shut up?" Daemon shouted. Rhae Royce was a throne in Daemon's side. She was no Davina and she was a Royce, a bronze bitch that wanted love and affection and children but Daemon couldn't stand to look at her.

'f*ck off!' Daemon shouted. "I'm not touching you.' Rhae stared at her husband. Moon after moon they only drifted farther apart. Daemon's heart had long belonged to someone else and Rhae Royce was not her.

Daemon had control of Dragon stone while his brother was ruling in kings landing but dragon stone was not the iron throne. That was the goal. The moment his brother was named the king, Daemon said the iron, saw the swords stacked together. He wanted that. he wanted to rule and he wanted Davina by his side. Not this bronze bitch.

Davina, with her long white hair and her smile, they had been born into this world together and they were going to stay together forever. Targaryen's wed brother and sister for years, Viserys wanted more unions though, he wanted more power and strength. He wanted everything and Daemon and Davina got the short end of the stick.

Daemon heard of Davina's... difficulties keeping her husbands alive and it got him to thinking about burning the bronze bitch but with his luck she wouldn't burn, being bronze in all. Daemon wrote to Davina but she was wandering the realm, running away from Viserys and he wanted to run with her.

When Davina finally got around to dragonstone she didn't look twice at Rhae and lunged at her brother hugging him tight.

'Where have you been?" Daemon questioned kissing her again and again.

'I cant stay.' Davina told him.


"I needed to see you.' Davina told him.

'You cant leave. Not until i've tasted you.' He rasped nipping at her neck.

'then you're going to have to kiss me like you f*ck me." His eyes searched hers.

"How do I f*ck you?" Daemon questioned with a grin. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing him to hug her to his body.

'Like your life depends on it."

'I think it does.' Daemon agreed as Davina kissed him again and Daemon held nothing back. She loved the exhilaration she felt every time he claimed a part of her body with such unapologetic desire. A desire that felt like something much more than want. It was a need that brought her to life with a mind-numbing shot of anticipation and a heart-pounding jolt of fear.

"I want you," He breathed as her lips and tongue stroked her neck. He occupied her body. She pulled away just slightly to look him in the eyes.

'Viserys is mad at me for killing off the husbands.' Davina told him. 'I'm waiting for things to settle down.'

'Stay here.' Daemon told her. Davina's eyes drifted to Rhae, stood staring at them.

"I don't think your wife would like that.' Davina mused leaned into him again, her legs tightened around him.

'I don't give a damn about her.' Daemon assured.

'I just needed a kiss for the air.' Davina told him. 'to get me through long nights without you.'

'f*ck the king.' Daemon declared.

'I love you.' Davina whispered letting her legs fall back to the ground.

'I love you. Be careful Davina.'

'Always am.' She shot him a smile over her shoulder that made him never want to let her go again.

Viserys was ruining their life.

Daemon and Davina Targaryen were problematic. When they were together they were great. When daemons hands and mind were left to wander, well you know what they say about idle hands being the devils work. Davina preferred daemons hands on her.



'Hows the husband?'


"Another one?" Daemon mused and Davina shrugged.

"Hows the wife?' She countered.

'Gah.' Daemon remarked.

'Figured that much.' Davina remarked wrapping her arms around him. Davina missed her twin. She felt rejuvenated when she was with him again.

'Missed you too gorgeous.' Daemon whispered his lips brushing against her ear.

'So our eldest brother thinks he is having a son. Bye, bye to you claim. 'Davina told him tracing a tear down her cheek as a smile tugged at her lips.

'Viserys.' Daemon muttered. 'I would make a better king.'

'You would.' Davina agreed.

'They passed through the Red Keep's gates at first light.'

'Does my father know they are here?' Rhaenyra questioned as she walked to meet her aunt Davina and uncle Daemon.



'Gods be good.' Daemon declared he sat on the iron throne. It would be his one day he was testing it out. But Rhaenyra guard was not pleased.

'Oh my sweet Niece look at how beautiful you are!' Davina coed.

'It's all right, ser.' Rhaenyra said as she approached her aunt and uncle. Daemon hoped down from the throne to meet her as Davina hugged her tight.

'It has been a while.' Rhaenyra told them.

'That it has.' Davina agreed. 'blame your father for sending us to the ends of the f*cking world.' Davina told her. 'If it were up to me I would never leave your side.'

"I would never leave your side.' Daemon countered squeezing Davina's hips back into him.

'What are you doing here?' Rhaenyra questioned.

'Here for the tourney, of course.' Daemon told her.

'Daemon likes to keep the throne warm.' Davina added and Daemon swatted at her. 'It's true,' she mused. 'Daemon is going to win the tourney.' Davina said confidently.

'I am.' Daemon agreed.

'Then I wish you luck.' Rhaenyra told him.

'I saw Syrax when we got in, she is getting bigger, looks wonderful.' Davina applauded.

'Thank you auntie.'

'Princess.' Her guard called from the door.

'Stay out of trouble.' Rhaenyra told them.

'Try my best.' Daemon mused and Davina slapped him over the head.

"He will be on his best behavior.' Davina assured. 'I cannot say the same for myself!" Davina mused and Rhaenyra gave them a pointed look before heading out.

'Aye... Mm... I got you something.' Daemon remarked spinning Davina to him once they were alone. He held out a necklace, her fingers reached for it but he snatched it back. 'Do you know what it is?' Daemon questioned

'It's Valyrian steel.' Davina answered immediately. 'Like Dark Sister.' Davina remarked as Daemon touched the sword at his hip.

'Turn around. Now... you and I both own a small piece of our ancestry.' Daemon said clasping it onto her.

'I have a valyrian steel blade.' Davina remarked.

'yes but this is from me.' daemon told her kissing her neck. 'so it will always feel like I'm right... here.' He whispered kissing her shoulder, his hands moving around her. she sighed leaning into him. If only life were so simple.

'The bronze bitch is at runestone" Daemon told Davina, 'I am the commander of the city watch of kings landing now.'

"I heard, congratulations brother. Really moving up in the world.' Davina mused. "You ever think about running away to dragon stone?"

"Of course." Daemon agreed

"With me." Davina clarified

"Who else would I run home with?" Daemon told her confidently.

'Like what?' Rhaenyra asked staring up at alicent as they studied under the tree.

'Disagreeable.' Alicent told her. Rhaenyra stared at her, a bit annoyed 'You're worried your father is about to overshadow you with a son.' Daemon was more worried about that then Rhaenyra was.

'I only worry for my mother. I hope for my father that he gets a son. As long as I can recall, it's all he's wanted.' Rhaenyra told her honestly.

'You want him to have a son?'

'I want to fly with you on dragon back, see the great wonders across the Narrow Sea, and eat only cake.' Rhaenyra told her.

'I'm being serious.'

'I never jest about cake.' Rhaenyra assured. 'Davina likes carrot cake, can you believe that? carrot's a root vegetable in a cake.' Alicent was not amused though.

'Is it healing?'

'It has grown slightly, Your Grace.' Mellos told him as he examined the wound

'Can you say yet what it is?' Otto questioned

'We've sent inquiries to the Citadel. They are searching the texts for similar cases.' Mellos told him

'It's a small cut from sitting the throne. It's nothing.' Viserys told them.

'The King has been under heavy stresses preparing for the birth. Bad humors of the mind can adversely affect the body.' Mellos assured

'Whatever it is, it needs to be kept quiet.' Otto remarked. No one need know that the king was sick.

'We should leech it again, maester.'

'It's a wound that refuses to heal, Grand Maester. Might I suggest cauterization?' one of the maester suggested poking at the wound on Viserys back.

'Cauterization would be a wise course of treatment, Your Grace. It will be painful...' Mellos warned.

'Fine. Fine.' Viserys agreed. But he dropped his shirt down as his sister came into the room.

'Brother.' She said catching everyones stare. 'Council... maesters... others.' She said with her sweetest smile. 'out.' They waited for Viserys to dismiss them but she shouted this time. "OUT!' she demanded and they left quickly. Otto didnt like the twins. They were rebellious and loud.

'Sister, I missed you.' Viserys said stiffly.

'just as I'm sure you missed Daemon.' Davina mused. 'are you sick?"

"No. why would you think that?" Viserys lied.

'Grand maester Mellos.' She remarked.

"No, just... stressed.' Viserys told her. 'so kind of you to worry about me though.'

'I am not, just curious. I assure you.' Davina told him.

'I heard the last husband didn't work out.' Viserys recalled.

'A Lannister. Really?'

'I'm glad to hear you didn't burn this one.' Viserys told her as she walked the room her fingers grazing every surface he watched her nervously.

'c*nt couldn't swim.' Davina remarked with a chuckle.

'why must you turn everyone away?'

"Why must you force men upon me?' Davina countered.

'Daemon has his lady wife-'

'Rhae Royce, the bronze bitch.' Davina told him. 'yeah, he hates her just as much as I hate the idea of anyone besides him.' Davina told Viserys and he let out a long sigh. 'But that is not what I'm here to talk to you about.'

'No? Daemon and you are here peacefully? Is that it?" Viserys mused.

'For now.' she agreed. 'Daemon is competing in the tourney.' Davina told him.

'Of course he is.' Viserys muttered.

'I heard you are having a son. What witch craft have you used brother? I swear there is not a way to know the sex of the babe.' She mused.

'I feel it. In my gut.' Davina walked around the table and tapped his stomach.

'Well your gut knows best.' She teased.

'Davina what do you want?"

"Besides to torment you? Nothing.' Davina assured. 'I want to take Rhaenyra riding. See if Syrax can compete with Fury and Caraxes.'

'You rode your beasts here?" Viserys questioned knowingly. Davina would live in the clouds if she could.

'there is simply no other way to travel.'

Syrax, Caraxes and Fury were boarded and ready.

'Three.' Davina shouted and Rhaenyra's smile widened. "TWO!' Daemon smirked over at his sister. 'FLY.' She declared in high valyrian. They took off. Viserys peered out the window with distaste, as his siblings shouted out with delight as they dove and swooped over the entirety of kings landing, smiles on their faces.

Rhaenyra thought herself more like her aunt and uncle than her parents. They were strict, rule following and her aunt and uncle were full of life and adventure. But that also came with the fact that they were not going to rule, not if Viserys got his male heir like he wanted. Not having the pressure of the seven kingdoms on their shoulders like Rhaenyra's father did.

'Rhaenyra!' Davina called as the hovered in the air. 'you teach her rolls yet?' Daemon smiled mischievously.

'No, not yet.' She added. Rhaenyra knew her father and mother would not approve but if she fell surely her aunt and uncle would catch her.

'It's easy!' Davina shouted over to her over the noise of wings flapping and wind rushing past them. 'just hold on tight and lean.' Davina assured.

'I think she needs a demonstration.' Daemon told his sister.

'My pleasure.' Davina said sweetly. 'alright Fury, make me look good.' She coed rubbing a hand along his scales. 'Watch and learn and then you try.' Davina told Rhaenyra. 'LET GO!" Davina declared and she leaned holding on tight, her thighs gripping the dragons back as her spun, round and round and round. Rhaenyra saw Davina let go her arms high in the sky as he continued to spin. When Fury righted himself Davina's head was spinning.

When Fury righted himself Davina's head was spinning
'That was awesome!' Rhaenyra told her.

'That was... a lot.' Davina admitted. 'but you did so good. Showing off.' Davina coed running her nails along his scales as daemon and Rhaenyra still in the air watched. 'Your turn. Don't worry I will catch you if you fall.' Davina assured.

'Lean and hold tight.' Rhaenyra confirmed.

'Hold tighter than tight.' Daemon told her. Rhaenyra looked over at Davina nervously.

'You got this.' Davina assured. So Syrax flew up a bit and Rhaenyra leaned directing her and Syrax spun. "Looks good.' Davina remarked but then Rhaenyra was falling.

'There goes the princess.' Daemon mused.

'Daemon!' Davina hissed. 'Get her.' she directed Fury and he dove down Davina caught her. 'you know when I said I would catch you I didn't mean for you to fall off.' Davina mused as Rhaenyra panted for breath.

'Maybe we don't tell my parents.' Rhaenyra requested grabbing hold of her aunt.

"I was thinking the same thing.' Davina confirmed.

Davina 🔥

Davina 🔥
Fury 🐉

Gwayne Hightower
Gwayne Hightower

Gwayne Hightower
It was no surprise to anyone that otto wasnt fond of Daemon. Liked when he stayed far away.

'It was an unprecedented roundup of criminals of every ilk. Your brother made a public show of it, meting out the summary judgments himself. I'm told they needed a two-horse cart to haul away the resulting dismemberments when it was done.' Otto informed Viserys as Viserys let out a long sigh.

'Gods be good.' Viserys muttered

'The Prince cannot be allowed to act with this kind of unchecked impunity.' Otto went on as the door opened. He didn't understand why good men like his sons were just deemed as knights as ser and Lord, when cruel, manipulative men like daemon got the utmost honor of being called prince.

'Brother.' Daemon said a big grin on his handsome face.

'Daemon.' Viserys said trying to keep the edge from his voice.

'Carry on. You were saying something about my impunity.' Daemon said taking a seat at the table.

'You are to explain your doings with the City Watch. Your new "gold cloaks" made quite the impression last night, didn't they?'

'Did they?' Daemon countered smugly.

'The City Watch is not a sword to be wielded at your whim. They're an extension of the crown.' They reminded Daemon.

'The Watch was enforcing the crown's laws. Wouldn't you agree, Lord Strong?' Daemon offered.

'My Prince, I don't think... Making a public spectacle of wanton brutality is hardly in line with our laws.' He offered as kindly as possible, he knew Daemon's temper.

'Nobles from every corner of the realm are right now descending upon King's Landing for my brother's tourney. Do you want them mugged, raped, murdered?' Daemon questioned looking around the council table. 'You mightn't know this unless you left the safety of the Red Keep, but much of King's Landing is seen by the smallfolk as lawless and terrifying. Our city should be safe for all its people.' Daemon told them.

'I agree. I just hope you don't have to maim half of my city to achieve this.'

'Time will tell.' Daemon said nonchalantly.

'We installed Prince Daemon as commander to promote law and order.'

'The criminal element should fear the City Watch.' Lord Corlys reminded them.

'Thank you for your support, Lord Corlys.' Daemon said smiling over at him.

'If only the Prince would show the same devotion to his lady wife as he does his work, Your Grace.' Otto suggested and Daemon stared back at him. 'You've not been seen in the Vale or at Runestone for quite some time.' He remarked.

'I think my bronze bitch is happier for my absence.' Daemon assured.

'Lady Rhea is your wife; a good and honorable lady of the Vale.' Otto reminded him. That was another thing otto didnt like about the targaryen twins. They didnt respect their spouses. Davinas first two husbands died mysteriously on their wedding night. Daemon slandered his wife at every given chance. They were not suited for marriage.

'In the Vale, men are said to fսck sheep instead of women. I can assure you, the sheep are prettier.' Daemon told them confidently.

'Dear me. You made a vow before the Seven to honor your wife in marriage.' Otto reminded him

'Well, I'd gladly give Lady Rhea to you, Lord Hightower, if you're in want of a woman to warm your bed. Your own lady wife passed recently. Did she not? Otto.' Daemon said smugly. 'Perhaps you aren't ready to move on just yet.'

'You know how my brother makes sport of provoking you. Must you indulge him?' Viserys pondered.

'My apologies, Your Grace.' Otto said bitterly. He couldn't imagine having to deal with daemon on a regular basis.

'This council has, at great expense, bettered the City Watch to your exacting standards. Enforce my laws, but understand... any further performances like last night's will be answered.' Viserys warned his brother.

'Understood, Your Grace.' Daemon said heading out.

'King's Landing has been in decline since my grandmother passed.'

'In the end... this new City Watch might be a good thing.'

Daemon looked for Davina but she was no where to be found and he had some pent up tension he needed to get out. So he headed where all men went after having to deal with their c*nt brother and his awful council. A whor*house. But this woman wasn't doing it. He tried to focus tried to get the job done but he was distracted. He pulled out marching towards the window, unsatisfied in more than one way.

'What troubles you, my Prince? I could bring in another. Perhaps a maiden. I have several. I could even arrange one with silver hair.' Mysaria offered as Daemon covered himself in a blanket staring out the window. He could hear drums and music playing outside. 'You are Daemon Targaryen. Rider of Caraxes. Wielder of Dark Sister. The King cannot replace you.' He kept listening though a dog barking, crowds cheering. They were all getting ready for the new prince to arrive.

"Excuse you," davina remarked pushing past knights getting ready for the tournament.

"Princess." Gwayne answered. She looked at the green on his armor.

"Hightower." She realized. He nodded.

"Gwayne. Nice to meet you formally princess."

"We met before?" Davina countered looking him over.

"Yes." Gwayne chuckled. "We were both younger. I had buck teeth and a horrid hair cut I believe." Davina looked him over again.

"Well age did you well then." She answered before heading on her way. He smiled to himself before calling out.

"Will you be at the tournament?"

"Yes." Davina answered not looking back.

"Maybe I get the honor of your favor." Gwayne pondered.

"If you are lucky enough to not face my brother." Davina agreed.

'Be welcome! I know many of you have traveled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. When I look at the fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious by the news... that I am happy to share Queen Aemma has begun her labors!' Viserys declared and the stadium erupted in cheers and applause. 'May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!' They continued to cheer, the horses neighing, galloping into position. Rhaenyra sat down looking for aunt but not seeing her, Rhaenyra avoided her fathers gaze because she too was late. Rhaenyra took a seat next to Alicent.

'Where is my Aunt Davina?" Rhaenyra questioned but Alicent shrugged. Rhaenyra brought her focus back to the contenders. 'A mystery knight?' Rhaenyra questioned her guard, ser Harrold.

'No, a Cole, of the Stormlands.'

'I've never heard of House Cole.' Rhaenyra admitted.

'Princess Rhaenys Targaryen!' Boremund Baratheon came up to the viewing box. 'I would humbly ask for the favor of "The Queen Who Never Was." He declared and the crowd cheered happily.

'Good fortune to you, cousin.' Rhaenys said coming up to him and dropping her crown on his jousting spear.

'I would gladly take it if I thought I needed it.'

'You could have Baratheon's tongue for that.' Otto remarked softly to Viserys

'Tongues will not change the succession. Let them wag.' Viserys assured.

'Lord Stokeworth's daughter is promised to that young Tarly squire.' Alicent told Rhaenyra as the rider approached.

'Lord Massey's son?' Rhaenyra questioned.

'Mm-hm.' She agreed 'They're to be married as soon as he wins his knighthood.'

'Best get on with it.'

'We are missing the celebration.' Davina remarked with a smile.

'I don't want a tourney I just want you.'

Davina nodded in response as his lips meet her, his hand traveling up her spine and cradling the back of her neck. The kiss was passionate, full of heat and lust. He parted her lips with his tongue, exploring her. He kissed her jawline, down her neck, the tops of her tit*, then returned to her mouth again. Daemon used his other hand to push her knees apart and she spread her legs wide to let him stand between them. His free hand traveled up her bare leg, playing with the edge of the fabric all the way up to where the slit stops. He pressed his thumb into her hip, squeezing and kneading.

"I want you," he said in a raspy deep voice. "Right here." Her mind was frenzied, his words pour in and stilled her in this moment.

"Say it again."

"I want you," he whispered close to her skin. She reached for his belt buckle, undoing it and his pants as quickly as she could as his fingers reached her panties, tugging at the edge of them. She squirmed under his touch. He pushed them to the side, his thumb rubbing circles over her cl*t.

"You're so wet," he said softly.

"Yes," she breathed.

"Is that for me?" he teased.

"Yes," shd said again, the only word she could manage. Something between a moan and a growl comes from his throat. Suddenly, he dips down, taking a knee, pushing her dress back. She expected to feel his mouth on her in the same instant but when she opened her eyes and look down, he's staring at up at her.

"I love you." He groaned, pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of her thigh. Then, he turned his sights to where his thumb was still stroking her, and he licked his lips. He flattened his tongue, pressing it against her. The sensation caused her to arch as she covered her mouth with her own hand.

"Mmm," he says. "Better than a tourney." Daemon assured.

'Prince Daemon of House Targaryen, Prince of the City, will now choose his first opponent!' the master of revels declared as Daemon made his way down the line of contenders. Walking back and forth before settling on his target he pointed his spear at Hightower the smuggest of looks on his face as he moved back. Davina quickly took her seat, Rhaenyra stared at her with a questioning look. Meanwhile Viserys bit his lip, he knew where his sister was, he knew where his brother was too. If they wanted to f*ck each other that was their prerogative but to be late for the most glorious of celebrations... they should have some respect. Even the slightest for him and their family.

'For his first challenge, Prince Daemon Targaryen chooses Ser Gwayne Hightower of Oldtown, eldest son of the Hand of the King.' The master of revels declared as the dumbs picked up their pace with anticipation.

Davina loved the tournaments she also loved that she got to provoke her brother as much as possible on his oh so special day. Davina didn't mind viserys wife after all she had birthed Davina's favorite niece, a beautiful girl with adventure to match Davina. Davina loved and cherished Rhaenyra but her brother, Viserys, Davina was less than pleased with making her marry awful men. Her twin however was a whole damn world he could do no wrong in her eyes and watching him massacre other contenders put a smile on her vindictive little face.

"Poor Gwayne." Davina whispered glancing back at otto.

'Five dragons on Daemon.'

'Ya!' The horses squealed and shrieked as they set off. The crowd exclaimed with joy as the prince won. Daemon approached the viewing box.

"Oh and he requested my favor so sweetly before," davina remarked as Daemon approached

'Nicely done, Uncle.' Rhaenyra said approaching him.

'Thank you, Princess.' Daemon smiled over at his sister. 'Davina my darling.' He declared and she got up coming to the edge. 'If I could have your blessing' Daemon said holding up his joust to her

'I think I already gave you my blessing.' she mused as she tossed her flower crown down onto the ring

'That you did,' Daemon agreed 'double the luck.'

'Imagine what I'll give you if you win the whole damn thing.' Davina said biting at her lip and he loved that smile that she gave him. Like it was reserved for him and entirely trouble. 'Do me proud brother I don't like rooting for a loser.' Davina told him with a grin

'Loser? Me?' he tsked at her 'please you know I always come in first.' davina sensed the double meaning behind it.

'Maybe you should try coming second.' she mused 'satisfy your opponent needs.' daemon licked at his lips. He opened his mouth to say something but he caught the eye of Viserys glaring at them.

'Oh sister... Watch me win.' he declared turning his horse around and getting ready. Davina took her seat as he got ready.


Metal struck down hard as the contenders were getting violent, lunging from their horses and taking their losses to heart, mutilating their competitors.

'Kill him!'

'And the day grows ugly.'

'I wonder if this is how we should celebrate the birth of our future king.' Davina whispered

' Hm?'

'With wanton violence.' She clarified. 'seems appropriate.' She added staring down at her brother.

'It's been 70 years since King Maegor's end.' Rhaenys reminded them 'These knights are as green as summer grass. None have known real war. Their lords sent them to the tourney field with fists full of steel and balls full of seed, and we expect them to act with honor and grace. It's a marvel that war didn't break out at first blood.'

'Mellos.' Viserys exclaimed

'Your Grace. If you would.' Mellos said urging the king away from his wife. 'During a difficult birth, it sometimes becomes necessary for the father... to make an impossible choice.'

'Well, speak it.' Viserys said urgently.

'To sacrifice one... or to lose them both. There is a chance that we can save the child. A technique is taught at the Citadel, which involves cutting directly into the womb to free the infant.' Mellos told him and Viserys listened intently. 'But the resulting blood loss...'

'Ser Criston Cole will now tilt against Ser Daemon Targaryen, Prince of the City!' they declared and the crowd broke out in cheers as the competitors got ready.

'YEAH DAEMON!" Davina declared clapping as he got ready.

'Sword!' Daemon demanded.

'Prince Daemon Targaryen wishes to continue in a contest of arms!' Master of revels declared to the crowd as they started a hand to hand, sword to sword duel. The men grunted as they shuffled around the sandy ground, the crowds cheering echoing with the clattering of their swords.

'Oh my.' Davina said softly as Daemon was on his back. 'Damn ser Criston.' Davina remarked a chuckle on her lips as Daemon's eyes drifted to her a blade pointed at his face.

'Yield. Yield.' Daemon said calmly, he was on his back, Cole's sword pointed down at him but Daemon just chuckled. He lost but he wasnt about to show his anger further. "Gods. He's Dornish.' As though that explained it.

'I was hoping to ask for the Princess's favor.' Criston said coming up to the viewing box, Rhaenyra smiled down at him.

'I wish you luck, Ser Criston.' Rhaenyra said dropping her crown down

'Princess.' He replied with a charming smile.

''Oh get that.' Davina told her.

'Auntie!" Rhaenyra declared a blush on her pale face.

'what?' Davina questioned innocently. 'Anyone who can land your uncle on his back deserves a trophy. It's a hard task.' Davina assured.

'You need to hold your tongue.' Rhaenyra remarked.

'Nope, that's why I am the youngest, I can do what I want.' Davina told her. 'my tongue can not be tamed.' Rhaenyra and Alicent stared at her. 'when you start liking boys or men or girls, no judgment I wont tell your father.' Davina assured and Rhaenyra's face went redder as she brought her hands up to cover her embarrassment. 'Come to me, I know what I'm talking about.' Davina told them sweetly.

'Aunt Davina you are embarrassing me!' Rhaenyra declared.

'why? Because the handsome knight wanted your favor and to possibly-'



They stood silently as the wind whipped around them and the waves crashed against the shores. Rhaenyra stared at her mother and brother. Dead. Waiting to be burned. She stared at her father, tears in his eyes as a sob left his lips he did this. He killed them both with his choices. Daemon and Davina stood side by side silently.

'They're waiting for you.' Daemon remarked.

'D...' Rhaenyra began and Syrax gave a low growl from the top of the hill. Rhaenyra put an arm on her father easing him back as she spoke louder, her voice breaking as she spoke. When Davina put a hand on her shoulder.

"I can do it.' Davina offered and Rhaenyra nodded stepping back. Davina glanced back at Viserys before looking to Syrax.

'Dracarys.' She declared and Syrax climbed down and in a blazing heat of dragon fire burned Baelon and Aemma. With heavy breaths they watched them burn. Davina did feel sorry for her brother, she expected he felt as she would if she lost Daemon for good and she couldn't imagine a world without Daemon.


"Im sorry princess."

"Daemon whipped you to your ass and you are apologizing to me?" Davina mused.

"The babe and the queen." Gwayne countered.

"Wow. You are a good guy. Thats rare."

"I will take that as a compliment." Gwayne offered humbly.

"You should it was meant as one" davina agreed as she walked off.

"Do. Not." Otto said slowly. Gwayne turned to his father.

"Whats wrong father?"

"Do not fall for Davina Targaryen." Otto clarified "that girl is nothing but trouble."

"Shes a pretty kind of trouble." Gwayne whispered watching davinas hips sway as she left.

"Two dead husbands it doesnt matter her pretty face the brain inside that head is twisted." Otto declared. "Do not fall for her."

"Im not a child. Shes not your responsibility." Gwayne added as he headed off.

"Gwayne!" Otto demanded.


'Where's Rhaenyra?'

'Your Grace. This is the last thing any of us wish to discuss at this dark hour, but I consider the matter urgent.' Otto said as he approached him.

'What matter?'

'That of your succession.' Otto told him as though it was obvious. 'These recent tragedies have left you without an obvious heir.' Viserys shook his head, he couldn't think of these things.

'The King has an heir, my Lord Hand.'

'Despite how difficult this time is, Your Grace, I feel it important the succession be firmly in place for the stability of the realm.'

'The succession is already set... by precedent and by law.' Strong told them. 'Shall we say his name?'

'Daemon Targaryen.'

'If Daemon were to remain the uncontested heir, it could destabilize the realm.'

'The realm? Or this council?' Viserys countered.

'No one here can know what Daemon would do were he king, but no one can doubt his ambition. Look at what he did with the gold cloaks." Otto demanded. "The City Watch is fiercely loyal to him. An army 2,000 strong." He added.

"An army you gave him, Otto.' Viserys corrected.

'I named Daemon Master of Laws, but you said he was a tyrant. As Master of Coin, you said he was a spendthrift that would beggar the realm.' Otto told Viserys

'Putting Daemon in command of the City Watch was your solution!' Viserys shouted back.

'A half-measure, Your Grace. The truth is, Daemon should be far away from this court.' Otto told him with finality.

'Daemon is my brother. My blood. And he will have his place at my court.' Viserys told them.

'Let him keep his place at court, Your Grace, but if the gods should visit some further tragedy on you, either by design or by accident...' Mellos began.

"Design? What are you saying? My brother would murder me, take my crown?' Viserys questioned incredulously. 'Are you?! Please. Daemon has ambition, yes, but not for the throne.' Viserys told them confidently but Daemon stood outside the council door listening a soft chuckle escaped his lips. If his brother only knew. 'He lacks the patience for it.' Viserys told them

'The gods have yet to make a man who lacks the patience for absolute power, Your Grace.' Otto told him. Otto knew the twins had a keen eye on power and control. They were good at getting what they wanted.

'Under such circ*mstances, it would not be an aberration for the King to name a successor.' Mellos told him.

'Well, who else would have a claim?'

'The King's firstborn child.'

'Rhaenyra? A girl?' Lyonel Strong questioned 'No queen has ever sat the Iron Throne.'

'That is only by tradition and precedent, Lord Strong. If order and stability so concerns this council, then perhaps we shouldn't break 100 years of it by naming a girl heir.' Mellos offered.

'Daemon would be a second Maegor, or worse. He is impulsive and violent. It is the duty of this council to protect the King and the realm from him. I'm sorry, Your Grace, but that is the truth as I see it, and I know that others here agree.' Otto begged.

'I will not be made to choose between my brother and my daughter.' Viserys told them growing more agitated by the moment.

'You wouldn't have to, Your Grace.' Corlys told him 'There are others who would have a claim.'

'Such as your wife, Lord Corlys?' Viserys said with a chuckle. "The Queen Who Never Was?'

'Rhaenys was the only child of Jaehaerys' eldest son. She had a strong claim at the Great Council, and she already has a male heir.' Corlys reminded them.

'Just moments ago, you announced your support for Daemon!'

'If we cannot agree on an heir, then how can we expect...'

'My wife and son are dead! I will not sit here and suffer crows that come to feast on their corpses!' Viserys shouted at them but sighed in defeat.

"Looking for someone?" Gwayne pondered. "Me perhaps?" Davina chuckled.

"Why havent you gone home yet?" Davina countered.

"Maybe Inlike the view here," Gwayne answered.

'My darling.' Otto said to his daughter. 'How's Rhaenyra?'

'She lost her mother.' Alicent reminded him.

'The Queen was well-loved by all. I found myself thinking of your own mother today.'

'How is His Grace?' Alicent offered.

'Very low.' He admitted 'Which is why I sent for you. I thought you might go to him... offer him comfort.'

'In his chambers? I wouldn't know what to say.'

'Stop that.' he said swatting at her hand she was picking at her nails causing them to bleed. 'He'll be glad of a visitor. You might wear one of your mother's dresses.' He offered before seeing Gwayne with davina. "That boy will be the death of me." Otto grumbled marching off.

"Otto you never told me how charming your son was." Davina remarked.

"Charming no. He is not charming at all." otto corrected

"Thanks pops," gwayne mused.


'You look like sh*t.' Davina remarked.

'thank you sister. You always know how to cheer me up.' Viserys said stiffly.

'when was the last time you ate? Or bathed?' Davina remarked getting a whiff of him.

'Leave me be Davina.' He begged.

'I know I can be a bitch but I am your sister and I do care about you.' Davina told him.

'really?' he questioned a choked out laugh escaped his lips and her lips pursed as she tried to hold her tongue. 'You and Daemon are a thorn in my side.' Viserys told her.

"Hey I might just be the last friend you got.' Davina warned.

'Friend?" Viserys mused.

"Shut up.' Davina spat sitting down next to him. 'I was a sh*t sister and you a sh*t brother.' Davina told him. 'lets try and be less awful to each other, how about that?" Davina suggested and Viserys nodded as Davina hugged him. 'We gotta stick together, the wolves and lions are going to try and tear us apart.' She told him rubbing his back.

'Thank you Davina.' Viserys whispered.

'I liked Aemma.' Davina said softly. 'she was a kind woman, and Rhaenyra loved her a lot... I am sorry you lost them. I am sorry she lost them.' Davina told him and Viserys looked up at her. 'I told you, I'm trying something new, being nice.' Davina told him.

'I like nice you.' Viserys remarked with a small pathetic chuckle.

'It's weird.' Davina admitted and Viserys hugged her again. 'I'm not going anywhere, you got me and Daemon to help you and Rhaenyra through this.' Davina assured.

'Thank you sister.' But there was a small knock on the door that pulled their attention away. Alicent was worried she knew what she was supposed to do but she didn't want to.

'The Lady Alicent Hightower, Your Grace.' She was announced.

'What is it, Alicent?' Viserys questioned turning to her. Davina stared over at the girl curiously.

'I thought I might come and look in on you, Your Grace. I brought a book.' Alicent offered holding it out. 'hello Princess.' She said sheepishly to davina. Davina couldn't help but notice that she looked different from when Davina saw her with Rhaenyra, as though she was trying to be older.

'That's very kind, thank you.' Viserys said stiffly. He didn't want company he wanted to cry.

'Perhaps another time.' Davina told Alicent. 'my brother is in no mood for company.' Viserys knew that Davina was being pushy but he agreed with her. Alicent nodded but didn't leave.

'It's a favorite of mine.' She said pointing to the book 'I do know how passionate you are for the histories.' Alicent recalled.

'Yes... I am.' He admitted softly. Davina stared at the girl, did she have to say get the f*ck out? Davina pondered.

'When my mother died... people only ever spoke to me in riddles. All I wanted was for someone to say that they were sorry for what happened to me. I'm very sorry, Your Grace.' Alicent told him.

"Thank you sweetie. We are having a bonding moment and im trying to be a good sister and you bringing him presents in his time of woe is making me look bad." Davina teased. Alicent smiled softly before curtsying and heading out.

Back at the brothel and Daemon should have been on top of the world. His brothers son died and he was the rightful heir once again.

'Thank you.' Daemon said taking the glass of ale.

'The King's sole heir once again. Might we drink to our future?' a man declared and Daemon smiled back at him. There was an uproar of cheers and shouts of delight, their cups banged on the table in celebration.

'Quiet! Your Prince will speak! Silence!' Daemon chuckled as he stood up.

'King and Council have long rued my position as next in line for the throne.' Daemon told them. 'But dream and pray as they all might, it seems I'm not so easily replaced. The gods give just as the gods take away.'

'I'm sorry sweetie... you know when my parents died I rode everyday.' Davina told Rhaenyra. 'I thought being up in the clouds would make me feel closer to them.'

'Did it work?" Rhaenyra questioned.

'My mother used to tell me that when we die our ashes turn to star dust, whirling around in the sky.' Davina told her. 'so when I was up in the air, I would always be with her.' Davina moved to the dragon cave getting Fury out as Rhaenyra got Syrax out.

'I miss her.' Rhaenyra said softly. 'it hurts.' Rhaenyra admitted.

'I know you do. And you miss her because you love her. Because she was important to you. You dont feel a pain like that a pain that shakes you to your core unless she was important and made an impact on your life. You are going to carry this loss and pain with you.' Davina told her as she pulled herself up on Fury. 'but it wont weigh you down, it will lift you up.'

'How do you know?"

"Because she wouldnt want you to be sad. Your mother wanted the world for you.' Davina told her. 'I know that with complete certainty because I see your heart.'

'Love hurts.' Rhaenyra told her sadly.

'It hurts because it was real.' Davina told her. 'Let's touch the clouds and see if you can't get a little closer to her.'

'Thank you Aunt davina.'

'I'm always here for you.' Davina told her. 'i'm sorry I havent been around as much but I'm going to change that. If you let me.' Davina told her.

"I would like that.'

'Good.' Davina said softly. 'There is a certain kind of star dust we are looking for.' Davina mused and a smile tugged at Rhaenyra's lips.


"Did you lose Daemon?" Rhaenyra questioned.

"Yeah, he... I dont know where he ran off to." Davina admitted and Rhaenyra saw the hurt in her eyes.

"You ever think about not being in love with him?" Rhaenyra pondered. Davina laughed.

"If it were that simple I would be married." Davina corrected. "WOuld have given Cesar a chance but he was an idiot." RHaenyra chuckled.

"Forget I said anything."

"He's not a bad guy, he's just trouble." Davina remarked.

"Yeah, I know. Father knows too." Rhaenyra agreed as she headed off. Davinas face turned down. Daemon, Daemon, Daemon, where was he?

''Before we begin, Your Grace, I have a report I feel compelled to share. Last night... Prince Daemon bought out one of the pleasure houses on the Street of Silk... to entertain officers of the City Watch and other friends of his.' Otto informed Viserys. He was thrilled Daemon was such a f*ck up. ''He toasted Prince Baelon. To the King's son.' Otto went on 'Styling him... "The Heir for a Day." Viserys face pinched as he heard of his brothers declarations. 'I corroborated this report with three separate witnesses.' He went on. 'they said the evening was, by all accounts a... celebration.' He added and Viserys got more and more furious by the second.


"Where were you?" Davina demanded.

"Out." Daemon answered kissing her cheek.

"Daemon, I was looking for you." Davina added more gently.

"I'm here now." Daemon agreed.

"No you were summoned. What did you do?" Davina questioned. Daemon shrugged. 'What the f*ck did you do? Tell me!" Davina hissed as they were headed to the throne room.

'nothing sister dearest.' Daemon assured kissing her head.

'well being summoned makes me nervous.' Davina told him. 'I was trying to be nice and supportive of our brother and you did something stupid, didn't you!' she shouted.

''I did nothing.' Daemon assured but Davina didn't believe it for a second. The throne room doors were pushed open and Viserys sat on his throne staring down at them.

'Yeah looks like nothing.' Davina hissed.

'You cut the image of the conqueror, brother.' Daemon said as he approached the iron throne. Viserys sat staring down at him.

'Hey Vis... what did he do? Can I go? I don't like when you are in king mood.' Davina told him.

'Did you say it?' Viserys demanded.

'Say what?" Davina questioned looking to Daemon.

'I don't know what you mean.' Daemon told him casually.

'You will address me as Your Grace, or I will have my Kings guard cut out your tongue.' Viserys warned and Daemon's lips pursed as Davina smacked him over the head. "The Heir for a Day." He clarified 'Did you say it?' Davina looked to daemon confused. She waited silently this was not about her.

'We must all mourn in our own way, Your Grace.' Daemon said solemnly.

'My family has just been destroyed. But instead of being by my side, or Rhaenyra's,' Viserys shouted down at him. 'Davina was a good sister and aunt and checked in on us both, but you. You, Daemon chose to celebrate your own rise! Laughing with your whοres and your lickspittles! You have no allies at court but me! I have only ever defended you! Yet everything I've given you, you've thrown back in my face.' Viserys reminded him.

"whor*s." Davina whispered. She understood when she was gone that Daemon had an appetite but she was here damnit. Couldnt he stay faithful for a fortnight? A few days perhaps. Apparently not.

''You've only ever tried to send me away. To the Vale, to the City Watch, anywhere but by your side. Ten years you've been king, and yet not once have you asked me to be your Hand!' Daemon countered.

'Why would I do that?' Viserys questioned incredulously.

'Because I'm your brother. And the blood of the dragon runs thick.' Daemon reminded him.

'Gods Daemon.' Davina muttered.

'Then why do you cut me so deeply?' Viserys countered.

'I've only ever spoken the truth. I see Otto Hightower for what he is.' Daemon told him defensively.

'An unwavering and loyal Hand?' Viserys suggested

'A c*nt. A second son who stands to inherit nothing he doesn't seize for himself.' Daemon corrected Davina tipped her head back and forth in contemplation, she didn't trust Otto.

'Otto Hightower is a more honorable man than you could ever be.' Viserys reminded him.

'He doesn't protect you. I would.' Daemon assured

'From what?' Viserys spat.

'Yourself. You're weak... Viserys. And that council of leeches knows it. They all prey on you for their own ends.' Daemon told him honestly.

'Daemon you are already in trouble, stop yelling.' Davina hissed.

'I have decided to name a new heir.' Viserys told him.

'I'm your heir.' Daemon told him bitterly.

'Not anymore.' Viserys said sternly as he rose from the iron throne.

'You got a bastard roaming around?" Davina teased but her smile dropped as he approached them. "Sorry," She whispered.

''You are to return to Runestone and your lady wife at once, and you are to do so without quarrel by order of your King.'

"What of me?" Davina questioned.

'I want you here.' Viserys assured her and she looked back at Daemon. She didn't like the look in Daemon's eyes. He had the iron throne in his mind for years, he knew it would be his but Viserys was going to break that dream by claiming someone else an heir.

'Who are you naming your heir?" Daemon questioned. 'Davina?"

''I would make a sh*t queen.' Davina told him. 'I'm not responsible enough for that kind of responsibility.'

'Daemon you will never hold a seat on the iron throne.' Viserys demanded. "Get out of my sight."

'Why don't you take the Princess to see about the new Kingsguard posting, Lord Commander?' Viserys suggested

'A fine idea, Your Grace.' Otto agreed but the last thing he wanted was to be babysitting the princess. Rhaenyra followed her guards out begrudgingly. As she looked over the knights she was severely disappointed though.

'A bunch of pansies.' Davina remarked. 'the lot of them.' Rhaenyra chuckled. “Oh Gwayne you dont want to be kings guard.”
Davina tsked.

“No. I dont. I like women too much for that
And I take my vows seriously.” Gwayne assured.

“Bet you do.” Davina agreed. Otto rolled his eyes. What the hell was happening between them? He didn’t like it.

'This knight will protect you as well.' Ser harrold told them confidently. Rhaenyra hesitated

'You should choose.' Otto told Rhaenyra. 'Ser Desmond Caron, a fine knight, Princess.' Otto remarked.

"Step forward, Ser Desmond. Son of Ser Royce Caron, Ser Desmond has proved strong and steady in both the tourney lists and without. While traveling through the Kingswood on his way to King's Landing, Ser Desmond recently brought a would-be poacher to justice. You might thank him for his service, Princess." Harrold remarked.

"We thank you for your loyal service to The Crown, ser." Rhaenyra told him stiffly, still unimpressed.

'They look as though they are from high garden and never seen battle, or perhaps!" Davina declared with a laugh, "their scars are from trimming the roses!' she mused. Otto stared back at her. 'Lighten up,' Davina instructed. 'this is why I don't get along with people.' Davina muttered.

“We get along just fine.” Gwayne countered.

“We do. Are you sure otto is your father?” Davina pondered looking them over again. Otto cleared his throat.

"Ser Rymun Mallister. Son of Lord Lymond Mallister of Seagard. Winner of the melee at Cider Hall. He was the last mounted of three-and-twenty knights. Ser Rymun was knighted at eight-and-ten." Otto went on.

"Do any of these knights have combat experience?" Rhaenyra questioned. "Beyond capturing poachers." She added. 'Or playing with flowers.' She mused smiling at her aunt.

'Doubtful.' Davina told her.

'Ser Criston Cole.' Otto went on.

'He knocked Daemon on his ass.' Davina recalled. 'lets keep him.'

“Hes not a puppy.” Gwayne chuckled back.

"Son of the steward of the Lord of Blackhaven." Otto added. He was sick of the twins although Davina was an improvement on Daemon both were loud and always thought themselves right. He really hated that his son took such an interest in davina.

"Be welcome, Ser Criston. You saw combat in the Stormlands." Rhaenyra remarked.

"Dornish marches, Princess. I fought for a year as a foot solider against the Dornish incursions. Ser Arlan Dondarrion knighted me after we razed two of the watchtowers along the Boneway." Criston informed her.

"I choose Ser Criston Cole." Rhaenyra said immediately.

'Damn straight, welcome to hell Cole.' Davina teased.

"Let's not be too hasty, Princess." Otto corrected quietly sending Davina a glare. "There's no doubt Ser Criston is a fine warrior, but houses such as Crakehall and Mallister are important allies of The Crown. Seagard, for instance, is the realm's prime defense against reavers from the Iron Islands." Otto reminded her.

'Princess has spoken so... shut up.' Davina told him.

'Thank you Auntie.' Rhaenyra said with a little laugh. "Those men are tourney knights. My father should be defended by a man who's known real combat. Should he not?" Rhaenyra countered.

"Of course, Princess." Otto agreed. "let us plan Ser Criston's investiture then."

"The Valyrian capital was built into a volcano, much like Dragonstone. And the dragonlords, the highest of the nobility, lived here, at the volcanic face, closest to the source of their magic and power. And this was the Anogrion. Where the bloodmages worked their craft." Viserys told Alicent.

'It is truly wondrous what you've built.' Alicent remarked.

"Your sister has been spending a lot of time with my brother." Davina remarked.

"Has she?" Gwayne countered.

"Why are you still here?"

"Why do you want me to leave?" Gwayne countered "maybe you are afraid you might actually start to like me?" He mused.

“I might like you.” Davina agreed. “Best leave before the might turns into I do.”

'It's only been half a year since my mother died, and already they tried to marry my father off and replace me as heir. I know those men and how they plot in their secret councils when I've been sent away.' Rhaenyra muttered.

"You cannot worry at the matters of lords and kings, Rhaenyra." Alicent reminded her, hesitantly she kept going. "What if your father were to remarry?" Rhaenyra stared at her disgusted by the thought. 'Your father loves you."

"He doesnt show it well." Rhaenyra countered.

"Kneel with me. I find this is a way to be with my mother. Here in the quiet of the Sept... I feel close to her. I know it sounds foolish." Alicent remarked.

"I don't think it's foolish." Rhaenyra told her and Alicent looked at her in disbelief. "I don't." she confirmed.

"Good... because I thought you might try. I... If not for me, then, perhaps for them." and Rhaenyra let out a long sigh as Davina dropped down next to them.

'What are you doing?" Davina questioned.

'Praying.' Alicent told her.

"Pft,' Davina snigg*red. 'Want to go for a ride? Dae is well being Daemon and its more fun to race.' Davina told Rhaenyra.

'We are praying,' Alicent repeated.

'I think what you meant to say was Princess you look stunning today, yes take Rhaenyra because the Gods do not talk back.' Davina sassed.

"What do I say?" Rhaenyra pondered and Davina groaned getting up.

'You used to be fun!" Davina declared walking away.

"Whatever you wish. It's only for you and the gods to know." Alicent reminded her.

"I want him to see me as more than his little girl." Rhaenyra admitted.

"Mine own father does not know the language of girls either." Alicent informed her making Rhaenyra chuckle.

'When I wish to talk with him... I know that I must make the effort."

'Your Grace.' Corlys said as he approached Viserys.

'I'm glad we could meet. I know tempers ran hot today, and I wanted to assure you how much I value the bond between our houses. Rhaenys is my favorite cousin after all.' Viserys told him.

"I wish to apologize for the tenor at the Small Council today, Your Grace. It was not my intent to make offense." Corlys assured.

"Your fleet is one of the realm's most important assets, Lord Corlys. But you must understand, as King, it is my obligation to avoid war until such time it is unavoidable." Viserys reminded him.

'None among us desire open war." Corlys agreed. "Might I speak plainly, Your Grace?" Corlys questioned hesitantly.

"I always welcome the unfettered thoughts of my council." Viserys agreed.

"I fear that the eyes of our enemies are presently fixed on the Red Keep. The Queen has passed. No one has been named heir to the Iron Throne, yet. The King's brother, so disinherited, has claimed the Targaryen seat on Dragonstone without challenge. And now, a foreign power has established a colony in our most critical shipping lane." Corlys remarked.

"You paint such an aspirant portrait of my reign, Lord Corlys." Viserys said trying to keep his tone light and not bitter.

"It is an honest one, cousin. At the moment, The Crown is perceived as being vulnerable." Corlys told him

"And a blind incursion in the Stepstones is the only way to demonstrate that we are not?" Viserys countered.

"To elude a storm, you can either sail into it or around it. But you must never await its coming." Corlys told him.

"Do you have a specific course of action to propose, my lord?" Viserys questioned.

"Join our families. Wed our daughter, Laena." Corlys told him and Viserys face pinched. "Unite the two great surviving Valyrian houses. With the Targaryen dragons and the Velaryon fleet bound in blood, you can show the realm that The Crown's strongest days are ahead... not behind." Viserys couldn't look at him he turned the room, trying to maintain his composure.

"I must admit... I haven't given marriage much thought. It hasn't even been half a year since Aemma passed." Viserys reminded him.

" The realm expects you to take a new wife soon or late, Your Grace, to strengthen your line and produce more heirs. You could not ask for a stronger match than Laena." Corlys reminded him. Or a younger match, Viserys thought.

"You have a constipated look on your face.' Davina remarked pouring herself another glass of wine. Viserys stared back at her annoyed. "You want honesty or bullsh*t like the rest of your council?" Davina questioned.

'Honesty... gentle honesty.' He corrected.

'So ease back from the constipated look on your face?" Davina mused. 'why is your face like that?" Davina questioned.

"I thought I said gentle honesty.' Viserys reminded her.

'What happened today?' Davina questioned.

"I had a talk with corlys.' Viserys told her.

"Yikes, what did he say? No let me guess.' Davina declared and Viserys had to give it to Davina she did know how to make him smile. 'My wife wasn't queen and you named you are one drink aeay from naming your daughter a girl- your heir!" Davina declared making her voice deeper. 'You are a disgrace and now you must wed and f*ck my daughter so we can have real power. But as soon as you marry your child bride we will kill you and take control!' Davina declared with a deep laugh and the smile faded from Viserys face. "f*ck I got it right.' Davina remarked pouring them another glass. 'I understand that look now.' she told him.

'Davina.' He groaned.

'what? What do you want me to say?" Davina questioned. 'don't marry the 10 year old little mini Corlys because he is a c*nt.' Davina told him 'and he will manipulate you through her and you are never going to love her. if you want heirs you need someone that can reproduce now, not in five years.' Davina reminded him.

'I know, but the-'

'Gross.' Davina declared taking his glass from him and forcing him to look at her. 'Don't give a damn about what they want. It is your life.' Davina reminded him. 'don't pick a whor*,' Davina suggested and Viserys swatted at her. 'But pick someone that can make you happy. Not someone you are going to hate like you tried to do with me.' she added sweetly. She forced a smile as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

'I am sorry about that.' Viserys told her softly.

'So either marry the child with a great blood line or pick someone that could make you happy.' Davina suggested.

'Like who?'

"I don't know.' Davina admitted. 'take a walk outside and see which women pretend to swoon over you and pick the ones that are not.' Davina suggested and Viserys rolled his eyes. 'Don't rush into this.' Davina told him. 'It's only forever.'

'Or until a dragon burns them to death.' He reminded her.

'Pity, so many c*nts had to burn or drown for you to see that I'm better on my own.' Davina told him as she got up.

'Davina.' He called and she turned back to him. 'Thank you.'

'That's what I'm here for. Gentle honesty.' She told him blowing him a kiss.


"We haven't spoken much... since. A regret of mine. We should be free to speak our minds to one another." Viserys said and Davina sat in between them as a buffer of sorts. She brought her glass to her lips her eyes wandering between them. this was sad she thought, they didn't know how to talk to each other but did Viserys ever know how to talk to his daughter she pondered.

"You can say whatever you'd like. You are the King." Rhaenyra reminded him and Viserys chuckled, yes he was, but he didn't feel like it at times with every single person he seemed to have to answer to.

'I loved your mother... very much.'

'As did I.' Rhaenyra assured her fingers tap, tap, tapping on table. 'Ser Harrold provided a fine field of tourney knights.'

'Oh?' Viserys questioned

'No.' Davina told him. 'such a liar. They were all sh*t.'

'But in questioning them,' Rhaenyra went on smirking over at her aunt. 'I discovered that Ser Criston was the only man among them with true battle experience." Rhaenyra told him.

"'He'll make a fine knight of the Kingsguard." Viserys agreed he found it hard to look at his daughter.

"Yes, he was good, he knocked Daemon on his ass, you were not there but I assure you it was great seeing Daemon yield.' Davina told him.

"I'm sure it was.' Viserys agreed his eyes wandered to his daughter as he cleared his throat. "Today at Small Council..."

"Pay it no mind. I, I thought I might have had some insight, but..." Rhaenyra began.

"You're young. You will learn." Viserys told her confidently.

'I would say she is going a great job.' Davina assured.


"This is our best chance to save the digit, Your Grace." Mellos remarked. ' The maggots will remove the dead flesh and hopefully stop the advance of the rot.' Davina stuck her tongue out in disgust.

'Nope gross, I'm otta here!' Davina told them.

'You can handle burning bodies but maggots-' Viserys began with a chuckle.

'eating your f*cking flesh brother, gross.' Davina confirmed.

'I held an audience earlier today with Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys.' Viserys remarked needing to change the subject, Davina was right maggots were disgusting.

"That was most charitable of you, Your Grace. I'm sure Lord Corlys appreciated the spirit of it." Mellos told him.

"He proposed a marriage." Viserys disclosed.

"To whom, Your Grace?" Mellos pondered.

"The Lady Laena." Viserys told him and Mellos stopped examining his hand. Viserys nodded, he had the same reaction. "To combine the strength of our houses, and demonstrate my reign's strongest days are ahead, not behind." He repeated.

"Lord Corlys has overreached, Your Grace." Otto told him 'Such matters must be discussed with the Small Council." Otto reminded him biting back the edge to his voice.

"That is what I'm doing, presently. So... what is your advice, dear Otto." Viserys told him.

"The Lady Laena... is young, Your Grace." Otto told him trying to think of a reason to void this immediately.

"Indeed, but the wounds made by the Great Council still linger, my King. A match with their daughter would go a long way towards sealing the breach and uniting the two great Valyrian houses would certainly signal unity throughout the realm and beyond." Mellos reminded Otto.

"The Grand Maester's reasoning is sound." Otto agreed stiffly.

"I do fear what Rhaenyra might think." Viserys added softly.

"What does it matter, Your Grace? Her mother has passed. Her father must propagate the royal line." Mellos reminded him.

"I, uh, dearly loved my own lady wife. The pain of her passing still haunts me. And to be compelled to... replace her for duty's sake." Otto said offering his own wisdom to the situation. "You are the King. But I do not envy you."


"What was it like flying the Black Dread? You were Balerion's last rider."

"Only for a short time before he died. With Balerion died the last memory of Valyria of Old. But Vhagar still lives... somewhere." Viserys said with a sigh.

"Bit too large for the Dragon pit. Some would say too large for our world. Do you know where she nests?" Laena questioned.

"I'm sorry?" Viserys had too much on his mind to be talking dragons with a child, a child he was never going to marry, ever. He knew that for a fact, he didn't know why he was bothering entertaining the idea.

"Do you know where Vhagar is now?" Laena questioned kindly.

"Um, the Dragon keepers believe she made home somewhere on the coast of the Narrow Sea. The workers at Spicetown report hearing her song at times." Viserys told her. "They say it is a sad thing." Viserys added.

"I imagine even dragons get lonely. Your Grace... it would be a great honor to join our houses as they were in Old Valyria. I would give you many children of pure Valyrian blood so that we might strengthen the royal line and the realm." Laena told him, as rehearsed.

"Is that what your father told you to say?" Viserys questioned and she nodded sheepishly. "What did your mother tell you?" Viserys countered.

"That I wouldn't have to bed you until I turned 14." Laena told him honestly and Viserys sighed Davina was right, this was until death did him part and he couldn't marry Laena, she was a sweet child but a child. Viserys was not like Davina or Daemon though he cared what people thought, he wanted to please everyone and he knew choosing a new bride would cause some chaos depending on who he chose. He had to choose wisely.

"No, please, Lord Lyonel. I have come looking for an unencumbered opinion." Viserys remarked leaning over the table with urgency.

"That's all I would ever give, Your Grace." Lyonel assured.

"Ever since my name was read by the archmaesters at the Great Council, I have felt Corlys Velaryon's envious gaze staring at me from across the Blackwater."

"You sit upon the highest seat in the realm, Your Grace. Proud men don't like having to look up."Lyonel remarked.

"Laena Velaryon."

"Lord Corlys is your Master of Ships and she is the eldest daughter of the wealthiest house in the realm. She comes from unimpeachable Velaryon stock and she has Targaryen blood." Lyonel told him. "What's to mislike?"

"She is 12."

"She will mature. "

"I never asked to remarry."

" As King, you have a claim on all things. Even those you don't want. Marriage is not an obligation you can put off for long."

"What if I was to reject Lord Corlys's proposal?" Viserys suggested

"He would not be like to take it well. I fear nothing short of a direct line to the Iron Throne would satisfy him. You should also consider that we find ourselves on the precipice of war in the Stepstones. And the Sea Snake holds claim to nearly half the realm's ships." Lyonel told him.

"He would not dare withhold them in the face of the realm's need. Who is he to hector me?" Viserys countered

"No one, Your Grace. But Driftmark makes for a better ally than it does an enemy. The Sea Snake has made a calculated reach, a fair play for a man of his position. If you truly want my unencumbered opinion..." Lyonel questioned.

"I do."

"You should wed Laena Velaryon, Your Grace. Sate Lord Corlys and fix him at your side, permanently, as an ally." Lyonel told him

"What of Davina?' Viserys questioned

'Davina Targaryen? Your sister Davina?' Marriage among siblings was not uncommon but it the fact that Viserys siblings were... unstable.

'Yes my Davina.' Viserys didn't like the idea either but it was better than a child.

'Your grace, I was urge against that matrimony.' Lyonel told him honestly. "you know her connection with Daemon, and her reputation to burn husbands-'

'A dragon cannot burn.' Viserys reminded him.

"That does not mean she will not try.' Lyonel warned as the door swung open.

'The Hand, Your Grace.' Harrold told him closing the door as Otto walked in.

'The Hand, Your Grace.' Harrold told him closing the door as Otto walked in.

'Your Grace, I've called the Small Council to an emergency session.' Otto declared.

"Why?" Viserys questioned.

"I think it best you hear it directly." Otto told him.

"Very well." Viserys agreed as they headed out.

Davina was waiting in the small council room when Viserys got there, she heard there was news on daemon and she had wondered where he had run off to.


'The Prince left a missive, which I believe might explain.' He cleared his through reading the scroll "It is the pleasure of Daemon Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone and rightful heir to the Iron Throne, to announce that he is to take a second wife in the tradition of Old Valyria. She is to assume the title Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone. Her Grace is with child and is to have a dragon's egg placed in the babe's cradle in the custom of House Targaryen." Viserys stared, annoyance filled him. Davina could not believe her ears. Why was he doing this? He was ruining their happily ever after. They were closer than they ever had been and now he was going to marry a whor*! He impregnated a whor*! Davina bit her lip to keep from screaming.

"The Prince has invited you to his wedding, Your Grace. It is in two days' time."

"Gods be good. Who is Lady Mysaria?" Viserys muttered

"We believe..." Mellos said slowly looking around the group.

"Daemon's whοre." Otto spoke up and Davina couldn't breathe. Why was he doing this? Surely he knew this would break her. Otto noticed davinas lip bleeding when she released it from her harsh bite.

'This is nothing less than sedition.'

'I strongly agree, sire.' Otto told him.

"My brother wishes to provoke me. To answer is to give him what he wants." Viserys remarked his hand fisting, needing to punch something. Davina felt similarly. To punch daemon and the whor*. Then daemon again.

"The realm is watching, Your Grace."

"What would you have me do? Send him to the Wall? Perhaps I could put his head on a spike." Viserys mused.

'NO!" Davian shouted before her heart could catch up to her brain. 'I will talk to him and fix this.' She declared her voice shaking and Viserys stared at her sad eyes the fire in her bleeding into unshed tears.

"Daemon has seized Dragonstone, has surrounded himself with an army of gold cloaks, and has now stolen a dangerous weapon..." Otto told him.

'Assemble a detachment, Otto. I will go to Dragonstone and drag Daemon back to face justice myself.' Viserys told him.

'Your Grace. My apologies, Your Grace, but I cannot allow it. It's too dangerous.' Mellos told him.

'Daemon is without limit.'

'Let me go to Dragonstone.' Rhaenyra offered.

'You're the most comely girl at court. Why do you destroy yourself? Hm?" Otto questioned grabbing his daughters hand to stop her from destroying her nails. 'Will you see the King tonight?'

'If you wish it.' Alicent agreed. 'Good day, Ser Criston.'

'My Lady. I've assembled 20 of your best household guards, my Lord Hand. Sir Harrold will also join us.' Cole told them as Alicent tried to act natural and calm but she was failing she was a mess of nerves.

'Please look after the Hand, Ser Criston.' Alicent said as she headed out.

"Should I be worried?"

"About what?" Davina questioned

"Im going with my father to dragonstone to collect the egg." Gwayne answered.

"Oh. No. You need not worry because im going to deal with it." Davina corrected.

"You deserve better than Daemon." Gwayne offered bluntly.

"Im starting to agree with that statement." Davina bit back.


'Welcome to Dragonstone, Otto.' Daemon said happily

'Your occupation of this island is at an end. You're to relinquish the dragon's egg, disband your army, banish your whοre... and leave Dragonstone by order of His Grace, King Viserys...' Otto told him sternly

'Where is the King? I don't see him.' Daemon mused.

'His Grace would never lower himself to entertain such a mummer's farce.'

'Ser Crispin, wasn't it?'

'Ser Criston Cole, my Prince.' He corrected.

'Ah, yes, apologies. I couldn't recall.' Daemon remarked smugly.

'Perhaps my Prince recalls when I knocked him off his horse.' Cole retorted and Daemon chuckled so this c*nt was going to keep bringing that up. Daemon rolled his eyes.

'Very good.' Daemon sneered.

'This is a truly pathetic show, Daemon.' Otto told him. "Are you so desperate for the King's attention that you've resorted to skulking about like a common cutpurse?"

"I'm simply keeping with the traditions of my house, the same as my brother did for his heir." Daemon said innocently.

"Those traditions are for the trueborn children of royalty, not for bastards fathered on a common whοre." Otto corrected

"Lady Mysaria is to be my wife." Daemon corrected.

"This is an abomination. With every breath you soil your name, your house, and your brother's reign." Otto shouted at him.

"Our love does not know titles and traditions." Daemon told him smugly.

"And what of you, men of the City Watch? Aiding the Prince in his treason?" Otto tsked at them.

"The King made me their commander. They are loyal to me. You've come for the egg." Daemon moved grabbing the egg and held it out. "Here it is."

"Are you mad? You'd never survive this.' Otto corrected

"Well, happily, neither would you." Daemon retorted with a grin. Caraxes growled above them.

"To choose violence, here, is to declare war against your King." Otto warned.

"Wonderful." Daemon agreed. Let there be f*cking war. If viserys was going to twiddle his thumbs about an heir the rightful f*cking heir then daemon would reign hell upon westeros.

"Even if it ends in the death of your unborn child and its mother?" Otto countered and Caraxes came closer, Caraxes screeched and roared. Prepared for a fight, dragons trump... everything unfortunately for Otto. Gwayne took a hesitant step back. He didnt trust dragons much like alicent.

" All of you... sheathe the fսcking steel.' But there was a distant dragon rumbling, they turned to the sky to see wings flapping, they heard Fury screeching, he roared getting closer.

'What are you doing here, Princess Davina?'

'Killing my brother.' She hissed as she slid off Fury's back. Gwayne smirked as she slid down furys back like a goddess. She marched past the guards and Daemon had the f*cking nerve to smile at her.

'Davina!" he coed happily

'What the actual f*ck Daemon!' Davina shouted pushing him back.

'Hello gorgeous. '

'Daemon! You married a whor*? You got a whor* pregnant and you stole a f*cking dragon egg!' Davina shouted still pushing him back angry fists on his chest.

'Baby girl stop it.' Daemon demanded grabbing her hands in his. Ick Gwayne thought at the nickname. Who was this man to demean davina in such a manner?

'You wanted a rise out of Viserys well you got one. You pissed them all off Dae.' Davina warned. 'Me too!'

'Davina love-'

'Don't love me, you sh*t.' She pulled the egg from his hand marching back to Otto, she saw Rhaenyra on Syrax hovering waiting and watch. 'Take this back to my brother.' She demanded passing it off. "GO HOME RHAENYRA!" she shouted up at her. Davina marched back over to daemon. 'f*ck you.' she turned again but he grabbed her wrist keeping her body hostage to him.

'Davina love lets talk.' daemon coed he pulled her back to dragonstone and she let him. Taking sluggish steps as she went.

'She isn't pregnant and i haven't married her.' Daemon told davina

'That's supposed to make me feel better?' Davina shouted 'Getting a f*cking invitation to your wedding! Daemon...' she stared at the whor*. 'We always talked about you and me. What happened to that?'

'There still can be.' Daemon told her. 'I love you more than anyone.'

'Then why her?" Davina snapped an accusatory glare in daemons whor*s direction.

'Baby please listen to me. I just wanted to get a rile out of Viserys I knew that doing this taking the egg it would.' Daemon tried to explain.

'Why though?'

'He refused my claim. Your claim too love.' Daemon reminded her

'I don't have a claim. Women-' davina corrected as daemon kissed her cheek and lips trailing down her neck.

''Your claim and mine we should rule. Not them. You and me... together as it always has been.' Daemon assured.

Looking at Daemon now Davina used to think Daemon was nothing more than an untainted dream. But the reality of him was he did what he wanted, damn the consequences or who he hurt, Davina included.

"There is no us Daemon. You proved that. Over and over again you prove that and I let you back in all them same." Davina whispered in realization.


"Goodbye Daemon." Davina said calmly as she turned around. "Go back to your wife. Or your whor*. Dont come back to me. I dont want anymore." Davina decided. Daemon stared back at her. She had spoke so calmly so matter of factly that he didnt know how to respond only gap back at Davina as she climbed onto Fury and left.


"Your Grace."

"You disobeyed me. You fled King's Landing without a word and you acted without The Crown's leave. You are my only child. You could've been killed." Viserys shouted at his daughter.

"May I sit?" Rhaenyra said bored as she walked past him to take a seat.

"You went to Dragonstone." Viserys shouted.

"I went to retrieve the egg without bloodshed." Rhaenyra told him calmly. "A feat I'm not sure Ser Otto could've accomplished alone." She added


'But aunt Davina got their first and got the egg and shouted at Daemon so loud I could hear her from Syrax back.' Rhaenyra told him

"Yes, well..." Viserys chuckled. 'I sometimes forget how alike you both are, your aunt and you.' He said with a sigh. He had to discuss marriage as a king it was his duty. 'You know Rhaenyra... Your mother's absence is a wound that will never heal. Without her... the Red Keep has lost a warmth that I dare say it will never recover."

"It pleases me to hear you say this." Rhaenyra told him "To know that I'm not alone in my grief."

"I wish I had known better what to say to you in the aftermath. I struggled to realize that my daughter had so quickly become a woman grown. But I know... she understands what is now expected of me." Viserys told her

"The King must take a new wife."

"I could never replace your mother. No more than I intend to replace you. But you are my only child and our line is vulnerable, too easily ended. And by marrying again, I may begin to ensure that we are better defended." Viserys told her.

"Against whom?"

"Whomever may dare to challenge us. I do not wish to make us estranged."'

"You are the King... and so, your first duty is to the realm. Mother would've understood this. Just as I do." Rhaenyra assured him.


"You went to dragon stone?" Viserys questioned.

'I did.' Davina confirmed she couldn't look at him.

"Davina...' he whispered coming up behind her, Fury roared right in his face the gust of wind that escaped Fury's lips was enough to force Viserys back a step. Davina ran a hand along Fury's leg, calming him. Fury settled down against laying next to her in the cave. 'Davina.' Viserys said hesitantly stepping forward.

'He broke my heart.' Davina whispered. 'He promised me...' Davina said through a pained breath. "He promised me forever and now...'

'Oh Davina.' Viserys said hugging her he had never seen a world so fierce turn to fragile.

"I want to kill him." Davina whimpered. "I hate him. I hate him so much." tears fell down her cheeks.

"Maybe some distance will help." Viserys offered.

"I want him to feel..." she said through sobs "Pain, I want him.... To feel this heart ache..." Davina shook her head miserably.

"Cutting him out of your life would do that." Viserys told her confidently, he rubbed her back as she sobbed into him.

"Cutting him out... I dont know if that would kill me too. I might die without him Viserys." Davina admitted.

"No, you are so strong, you dont need Daemon." Viserys told her.

"I do. I have always needed him." Davina whimpered. "I hate him and I hate that I still love him." Her sobs shook her to her core, trying to put her heart back together. But how could she fix her heart, when the person that broke it is the only one that can fix it?

Davina marched into Daemons room at kings landing knowing full well he was frolicking with his whor*. Her eyes scanned the room before her confidence reverted back to misery. She slammed the door closed with a thwack and threw down the paintings and tapestry on the wall shredding it to pieces it littered across the floor.

She picked up cups and vases trinkets and figurines smashing them down the shards sprinkled like litter along the ground. She started taking his clothes throwing them up and out little screams and moans of agony escaped her list lips as she tore his room apart the bed was the last thing standing that still looked pristine when the rest of the room was a mess.

She looked at the bed they've spent so much time in and she wondered Who else did he brought into this bed? Who else was he loving when her heart was breaking? She took her blade and cut down the middle of the bed cut down the pillows and started whipping them around feathers started flying everywhere she heard the crunch of footsteps on all the broken pieces what is around the room. With tears in her eyes she turned around deflated pillow still in her hand. Viserys stared at her.

"Oh honey." Viserys whispered looking around. But she didn't have an answer. "You hurt yourself." He remarked noticing the trickle of blood on her calve. But she didnt care for a ricochet cut from her destruction when her heart was in a million pieces. She dropped the pillow and on sluggish feet she moved towards him.

"You should never let a man have this much power over you."

"Loving Daemon is easy. It used to be so easy. Love is giving someone your heart and knowing they can break it but trusting them not to. He broke it." Davina murmured as Viserys hugged her. "He broke me."

She felt the pinch of her necklace against her skin and leaned back. Her fingers went to the Valyrian steel necklace daemon had given her. She thought it's sweet and kind and thoughtful. He wanted her to have something that was from him and she hadn't taken it off but now she felt like she was suffocating. Her fingers gripped the steel giving it a hard yank off her neck she let it come to the floor as well. Viserys stared down at it before hugging her again.

So this really was the end of Davina and Daemon...

This really was the end of Daemon and Davina and Gwayne was ready to swoop in and save the day.

Do you need a shoulder to cry on? Gwayne Hightower. Front center. Comfortable, but broad shoulders at the ready.

Do you need someone to rub your back and tell you everything is going to be alright? Gwayne Hightower. Hand raised high.

Do you need someone to listen while you vent about evil exes? Gwayne Hightower. Two ears and ready to listen.

Do you need someone to help get daemon out of your system? Gwayne Hightower. Ready and willing co*ck.

"Davina... Im sorry about your brother." Gwayne remarked when she opened the door. "Are you crying?" Of course she was what kind of a stupid question was that? Gwayne wanted to whack himself over the head.

"No. I have a condition where my tear ducts produce an excess of warm, salty water when I'm tired or angry or in distress." Davina sassed.

"Right sorry... If you need anything-" Gwayne offered, you see most of the time when people ask if you need anything the answer is always no or that's nice and no one actually ever have to do the kind deed they offered. But that person gets to feel like a good person for asking. Gwayne wanted to help. Wanted to do something that would make her day better.

" carrot cake." she answered simply. Gwayne nodded and davina shut the door.

Half a carrot cake later Davina still wasnt ready to talk. Gwayne offered a shoulder to cry on. Ears to listen. Two forks for cake consumption and she was grateful. But Davina didnt want to cry. Didnt want to talk. She lay down in bed licking the frosting from her lips.

Gwayne cautiously lay beside her. She stared back at him silently.

"What else can I do?" Gwayne questioned after a long silent moment.

"Kiss me." She answered and he didn't hesitate. He leaned forward his hand met the half eaten carrot cake and smashed through it. Davina laughed as he pulled his hand free shaking the cake from his fingers.

"Kiss me." Davina repeated and he brought that frosting covered hand to the back of her neck pulling her closer and kissing her like his life depended on it because he thought it just might.


"Good morrow, my lords." Viserys said as he approached his council. "I have decided to take a new wife. I intend to marry..." Viserys looked around the council he locked eyes with Davina. He really did debate it. He had seen a change in Davina since she cut ties with daemon. He had seen real growth and prehaps a new relationship forming with a suitable man. she stared back at him waiting next to Rhaenyra. "Alicent Hightower before spring's end." A laugh escaped Davina's lips but Rhaenyra did not find it amusing. Davina stared at him, he wasnt joking. Alicent was a child. Maybe not as much of a child as laena but a child still.

"what?" Davina questioned the word barely left her mouth before Coryls jumped up in anger.

"This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm." Corlys exclaimed.

"And I am your King." He stared back at his daughter. "Rhaenyra." But she stormed out as well. The door slammed closed behind her. Davina looked to the closed door before turning back to her brother. She glanced to the door once more before chasing after Rhaenyra. Gwayne looked at his smug father compared to Alicents nervous little face.


"House Velaryon's origins reach back to Old Valyria. More ancient even than House Targaryen... according to some texts." Corlys remarked. "But unlike the Targaryens, we were no dragon lords. For centuries, my house had to scratch out an existence from the sea with grit and luck. When I ascended the Driftwood Throne... I knew what I wanted.' Corlys said solemnly.

"So I went out and seized it. Unlike every other lord of the realm, I can say that I built my house's high seat with the strength of mine own back." Corlys went on. 'I've always thought of you and I as having been made from the same cloth.'

'I wasn't aware you had a king for a brother.' Daemon remarked.

'We're both men who have had to cut our own way through the world. We've been passed over... too often."

"Did you call me to Driftmark to remind me of my low standing, Lord Corlys, or was there some other reason?" daemon pondered.

"You've heard of the troubles in the Step stones?"

"Some Myrish Prince is feeding Westerosi sailors to the crabs." Daemon recalled.

"I have been petitioning the King to send my navy into the territory, but he's denied me." Corlys told him.

"It was never my brother's strongest trait." Daemon remarked.


'Being King." Daemon clarified smugly. He needed the kingdom then he could Davina back, that was the plan, that was the goal. He hated seeing the pained look on her beautiful face as she stormed away from him. But first he had to deal with his brother.


~2 years later~

"So whats wrong with you?" Davina questioned. Gwayne glanced back at her as he got dressed.

"What do you mean?" Gwayne countered.

"Flaws. Quirks. Issues laying under the surface ready to make me murderous at any moment. Those." Davina offered.

"Oh those." Gwayne chuckled pulling up his pants. She stared back at him waiting. He laughed when he saw her very serious face. "I think I might be perfect."

"Despite your father." Davina coughed out.

"Yes yes I know you two dont get along." Gwayne agreed.

"Thats an understatement."

"Lucky for you im not my father then." Gwayne agreed kissing her cheek. "I will see he you later." He added with a slap to her ass. She watched him silently, and she rolled over on her side, propping her head up on her arm.

" stop trying to find my flaws Davina." Gwayne requested. She rolled over to her back, staring up at the ceiling as he left, closing the door behind him.

"I found a lovely match for you Gwayne-"

"Not interested." Gwayne countered his father.

"You dont even know-"

"It doesnt matter. Im in love." Gwayne corrected. "And the woman you choose for me will not be her because you two cant get along to save your lives." Otto rolled his eyes.

"I just wish you would see that davina is-"

"An amazing woman? A princess? A dragon riding warrior?" Gwayne pondered. "Sweet. Carrot cake loving, baby doting woman?"

"Gwayne." Otto tsked. "You two will never be."

"Why? Why must you always squash my dreams?" Gwayne demanded.

"The king married your sister. Another union with house hightower would be... irrelevant." Otto assured. "Aegon is heir."

"Aegon is not heir. Viserys made that very clear when he was born that his heart was pulling him another direction." Gwayne countered.

"Tis been over a year since aegons-."

"Yes and he was excited for aemmas child to be named heir but not Aegon... makes me think he knows you are using him. Alicent as well."

"She is not she loves the king!" Otto objected.

"She hates the king. She used to like him but not after she was mounted like a brood mare." Gwayne countered. "The king is sick. He doesnt want a baby named his heir in case things go bad. He will name rhaenyra." Otto huffed an indignant breath.

"Lies. The king has a son!"

"Why not make a grand celebration the moment he was born then?" Gwanye countered. "I have training. Excuse me."

"He has a son, the realms will shout it out!" Otto assured. "The king will have no choice but to name Aegon his heir!"

"Then why hasnt he?" Gwayne countered.

That was the question of the year, since Viserys had a son the realms celebrated but something felt off about naming a baby heir. When Aemma was birthing a son Viserys thought yes, this baby would be the heir but now felt wrong. As if he was wiser than he was before, he knew that it was tradition but he knew that Aegon was a baby. He didnt know what sort of man Aegon would be.

"I hated you when you were born." Davina admitted. Rhaenyra stared back at her. "Yeah, you cried and cried and I thought Aemma was a sh*t mother."

"Aunt Davina!" Rhaenyra declared.


Davina had stared down at a newborn Rhaenyra.

"Hello tiny human." Davina said and Rhaenyra smiled up at her. "You are very loud at night and I want you to stop." Davina told her and Rhaenyra laughed out. "I'm serious little human." Davina told her. "I need my sleep and Viserys snores and I can only hit him over the head with a pillow so many times." Davina went on. Rhaenyra babbled up at her.

"VISERYS!" Davina demanded but it was Aemma that came in.

"Hello Davina." Aemma said softly. "I see you two are-''

'I'm trying to have a conversation with her but she is not paying attention." Davina informed her and Aemma chuckled.

"Have you ever been around babies before?"

"No. why would I? I'm the baby of the family. Daemon is like a minute older." Davina hissed.

"Oh Davina. She doesn't understand you yet."

"Why not? I'm speaking plainly." Davina informed her.

"She is a baby."

"She's stupid." Davina told Aemma.

"She is a baby." Aemma corrected.

"What does she do besides eat and sh*t and cry at night?" Davina pondered.

"Nothing yet." Aemma confirmed.

"What is the point of babies?"

"They grow into beautiful young women like yourself." Aemma offered.

"When though?" Davina asked glancing back at Rhaenyra. "When does she stop crying at night?"

"I don't know." Aemma answered.

"You are not very bright. If she was my child I was would be teaching her of dragons already and trying to tire her out so she wouldn't be screaming at night for attention." Davina informed her and Aemma scoffed.

"You do that then." Aemma told her.

"Maybe I will!" Davina agreed. She watched Aemma go and she looked back down at Rhaenyra. "Okay little sh*t, lets go meet Fury." Davina picked her up awkwardly. Daemon couldn't stop laughing when he saw Davina with Rhaenyra.

"what are you doing my love?" Daemon purred kissing her neck.

"I'm handling the crying situation." Davina told him vaguely. She held Rhaenyra in out stretched arms as she walked.

"By throwing her out the window?" Daemon mused.

"I considered it." Davina agreed. "But no. not today. Today she is meeting fury."

"Are you going to feed our niece to your dragon?" Daemon asked with a giddy smile. Davina stopped walking and stared at Rhaenyra, she was giggling reaching for Davina.

"Not the plan." Davina told him as she continued to the dragon pit.

"Davina!" Viserys called. "What are you doing with my baby?"

"Aemma is useless." Davina remarked. "I'm handling your baby."

"What? Davina!" Viserys ran ahead of them. "What are you doing? Why are you holding her like that?"

"I don't know how to hold a baby." Davina remarked. "What if she tries to bite me?"

"You are fearless with dragons but a baby scares you?" Daemon teased and Davina shot him a glare.

"She doesn't have many teeth at the moment." Viserys remarked. "It wouldn't hurt."

"That does not give me confidence Vis." Davina hissed.

"Here, you just hold her like..." he adjusted Davina's grasp on Rhaenyra, helping her cradle Rhaenyra in her arms. "This."

"This feels weird." Davina told him as Rhaenyra smiled up at her. "I don't like this. She is too close to me." Davina said almost dropping her as she tried to get her back at arms length.

"Davina!' Daemon laughed out, but Davina grabbed Rhaenyra by her leg holding her upside down.

"She's perfectly fine." Davina assured. Rhaenyra laughed upside down up at her Davina. "She likes this better."

"Davina!' Viserys reached for Rhaenyra.

"I'm handling your babe. Let me handle her Viserys." Davina instructed. Rhaenyra laughed and laughed as Davina carried her by her leg marching past Viserys.

"Where is she going?" Viserys asked daemon.

"The dragon pits!" he told him excitedly.


"Alright little sh*t. This is fury." Davina turned Rhaenyra around putting her little back against Davina's stomach. "Fury. Meet the bane of existence." Rhaenyra reached a hand out for fury. "She doesn't let me sleep, perhaps I sleep here with you... but you snore so maybe not." Davina debated.

"Davina!" Viserys shouted. Daemon thought Davina was going to fed their niece to her dragon, a smile curved his face just slightly.

"She cries Viserys. I like my sleep. You and aemma obviously don't tire her during the day if she is up all night screaming!" Davina reminded him. "Dragons. My Fury. He will help her." Fury looked back at Viserys a grumble in his throat

"Davina." Viserys said softly.

"She is perfectly fine." Davina assured.

"Your dragon is... dangerous Davina." Viserys reminded her as he took slow steps towards them.

"Fury is a big baby." Davina corrected rubbing his big nose.

"He ate a dragon trainer just last week." Daemon informed Viserys. Viserys eyes went wide.

"Shut up. He was being a dick and Fury saw that." Davina corrected.

"He... what?"

"Chill Viserys this is good for everyone." Davina assured and daemon chuckled.

"Good for who? Who is everyone?" Viserys countered. "My baby getting eaten is not-'

"Fury won't eat her." Davina said confidently.

"Not unless you request it that is." Daemon added.

"Dav-'' Viserys began.

"Look she likes him." Davina assured. Rhaenyra touched fury's head gently and she looked up at Davina with the biggest of smiles. "Fury likes her and shes not crying."

"Just like you." Viserys murmured.

"What's that?" daemon questioned.

"Davina." Viserys clarified. Davina glanced back at them. "When she was little she would cry and cry until she got to be with Fury."

"My one true match in life." Davina agreed looking back at Daemon he licked at his lips.

"One true match?" Daemon countered.

"We are bonding Viserys." Davina informed him confidently. "It's this or I smother her... or you in your sleep." Davina warned with a smile. Rhaenyra babbled happily in Davina's arms. "She might be okay." Davina remarked. "Might be more like me then Aemma." Davina added. "My partner in crime..."


"You almost got your niece eaten?" Gwayne laughed out. Davina turned towards him as his hands wrapped around her.

"To many hightowers." Rhaenyra decided.

"And now we are besties!" Davina agreed.

"Wow, I'm seeing you in a new light." Rhaenyra decided. "No wonder mother never liked you, you tried to get me eaten."

"Fury wouldnt eat you... he has a keen taste for men that annoy me." Davina assured.

"Do you know the last time you made a royal summons and made a big deal about it you sent he who shall not be named far far away after shouting at him. That makes me worry when you send men to escort me here. And you are in king mode." Davina remarked. Viserys offered her a smile though.

"I have been thinking of a formal heir ceremony." Viserys remarked.

"about damn time." Davina agreed.

"I..." Viserys hesitated. "I know its not... tell me about you and Gwayne." he offered instead.

"He's..." Davina cleared her throat. "Fun." She offered.

"I see the change in you Davina." Viserys remarked.

"He's a good guy. Which I know, trust me I was surprised about too!" Davina agreed. "Quite the change from evil Knievel to mr do gooder. I dont know what he sees in me." Davina admitted.

"A beautiful and brilliant young woman?" Viserys offered.

"No, probably not." Davina mused.

"You are a good girl, you were always my favorite."

"I know." Davina agreed. "Sorry we butted heads for so long."

"I'm glad we have made amends."

"It only took getting rid of he who shall not be named for us to be real siblings again." Davina agreed. Viserys nodded grabbing her hand. "are you happy with Alicent?" Viserys shrugged.

"She is a sweet girl."

"Are you happy? I'm happy with Gwayne, he makes me happy." Viserys sighed heavily. "Vis, I think you need a mistress and I think alicent needs the equivalent of a male mistress." Davina added.

"Are you offering because Davina I love you but-"

"No! Gross you are my brother." Davina corrected.

"Didnt stop you before." Viserys mused, Davina rolled her eyes. "Alright I will stop tormenting you." Viserys agreed.

"Good." Davina agreed loudly.

'You know, Balerion was the last living creature to have seen Old Valyria before the Doom. Its greatness and its flaws." Viserys remarked.

"I was just trying to find Gwaynes flaws." Davina mused.

"When you look at the dragons, what do you see?' Viserys questioned as his fingers tranced along the monument. The dragon skull, beautiful before them.

'I see a dragon. Balerion." Davina answered confused.

'Answer me, seriously please.' Viserys requested. 'It's important.' Davina stared up at the dragon. 'What do you see?' Viserys pushed

'I suppose I see us.' Davina answered. "We are dragons, we hold ourselves to a higher standard..." she shrugged.

'Tell me more.' Viserys urged.

'Everyone says Targaryens are closer to gods than to men, but they say that because of our dragons. Without them, we're just like everyone else. And I can't imagine life without my Fury. It's horrifying." Davina assured. "But people think that the idea that we control the dragons... is an illusion, I suppose. They're a power man should never have trifled with. One that brought Valyria its doom... which is why women should be in charge." Davina added proudly. Viserys chuckled giving her shoulder a squeeze.

''If we don't mind our own histories, it will do the same to us. Targaryen must understand this to be King... or Queen.' Viserys told her confidently.

"You remind me so much of our mother, Davina." Viserys remarked.

"Thanks." Davina whispered, she loved her mother, missed her for years, it was an ache in her heart that she couldnt let go of.

"She would have been so proud of the woman you became, she would have believed this as I do... that you could be a great ruling queen.'' Viserys remarked and Davina gaped back at him.

"I'm sorry, repeat that?" Davina gaped.

'This is no trivial gesture, Davina, I have known you your whole life, been there from the start.... A dragon's saddle is one thing, one thing that you and Fury dont actually have but you ride him well," Viserys corrected.

"He doesnt like saddles." Davina agreed her voice distant as she tried to process.

"But my dearest Davina, the Iron Throne is the most dangerous seat in the realm.' Viserys warned.

'There's something else that I need to tell you. It might be difficult for you to understand, but you must hear it. Our histories... they tell us that Aegon looked across the Blackwater from Dragonstone, and saw a rich land ripe for the capture. But ambition alone is not what drove him to conquest. It was a dream. And just as Daenys foresaw the end of Valyria, Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men.' Viserys told her letting out a long sigh. ''Tis to begin with a terrible winter gusting out of the distant north.'


"Let me tell you this, let me pass down this prophecy so one of us can get it right." He begged.

"Okay." Davina breathed back as he held onto her hands.

'Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds. And whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living. When this Great Winter comes, Davina... all of Westeros must stand against it. And if the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne. A king or queen, strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark. Aegon called his dream The Song of Ice and Fire. This secret... it's been passed from king to heir since Aegon's time. Now you must promise to carry it... and protect it. Promise me this, Davina. Promise me.''

"I promise Viserys." Davina agreed. "I promise."

"What?" Rhaenyra demanded.

"Yeah, I was just as confused, can you hand me that-" Davina reached back. "never mind, I got it." she shoved the dragon clip into her hair.

"You?" Rhaenyra declared.

"Try and sound more supportive." Davina insisted.

"I just dont understand why." Rhaenyra countered.

"Because Viserys loves me and thinks I have grown as a person." Davina offered.

"But you..."

"Careful niece, I am to be heir," Davina warned.

"I just dont understand." Rhaenyra whispered. "Why not me?"

"You are young."

"And you are old." Rhaenyra agreed.

"Stop the sass, bring it up with your father." Davina instructed.

So thats what rhaenyra did.

"Why aunt davina?" Rhaenyra demanded. "Shes a woman."

"Yes. Something I thought you would appreciate." Viserys agreed.

"Shes not your child. Shes your sister."

"And you are a child still rhaenyra. You show a lack of respect for the council and no respect for others time. Everything is ablut you-"

"What of davina? She is selfish. She killed two husbands!" Rhaenyra shouted.

"Accidents." Viserys corrected. Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. "And davina had matured since-"

"No she hasnt!" Rhaenyra demanded.

"Rhaenyra please. This is my decision. Dont make this harder on yourself."

"Wow, should I bow?" Gwayne questioned.

"You know now that im going to be heir I need a suitable husband." Davina remarked. "I dont think the realms will accept another hightower." She mused.

"Where is my boss dragon bitch that takes no sh*t and doesnt listen to others?" Gwayne countered.

"Im a changed woman in the past day." Davina teased. Gwayne chuckled wrapping his arms around her.

"Remember us little people when you get your crown." Gwayne requested.

"You have any inclination of being king?"

"No." Gwayne admitted. "I think we established that I am not my father."

"Yes. Thank Gods for that." Davina agreed. "Help me get ready."

"I will gladly help you get unready." Gwayne countered kissing along her neck.

"If you start kissing my neck you might as well take your pants off." Davina warned. She laughed as she heard him messing with his buckle. "Any other time, but right now I need to be named Heir, gods you are such a bad influence!" SHe mused. He kissed her neck again. "I think your father is going to like me now."

"Princess Davina, you look beautiful." Alicent remarked. Davina did a little spin.

"Thank you, I dont think I can ride in this without flashing everyone." Davina mused. "But it works for walking down an aisle."

"I wanted to thank you for, taking such good care of Aegon." Alicent added. "He really adores you."

"Well he is my nephew and I'm sorry if you think I'm stealing his throne." Davina admitted.

"What mother would want their child to be king?" Alicent countered and Davina stared back at her. "I'm glad he named you. I dont want that burden on Aegon for the rest of his life." Davina nodded.

"It's a heavy crown to carry at 1 and a half." Davina agreed.

"Davina are you ready?" Viserys questioned.

"Fury!" Davina called out and he came running. "There is my baby, you get to be king when I'm dead." Davina glanced back at Viserys. "Changing your mind?"

"No." Viserys assured.

"Fury is my baby, my heir. He is very responsible." Davina assured. Viserys glanced to Fury as he stared back at them. Smiling it seemed at Davina.

"Human child Davina." Viserys requested.

"I dont want children, harboring such a thing inside me and pushing it out, push, push, push, disgusting." Davina corrected. "Nope, Fury is the only baby for me."

"We can discuss later..." Viserys offered gently.

'"Nothing to discuss- oh Rhaenys is here to speak for her husband." Davina noted. "Corlys is busy being a big baby."

"Davina," Viserys chuckled shaking his head.

"I'm glad Rhaenys is here." Davina assured. "I'm also glad we did this above the pits so I can see Fury, you know he likes to be apart of these things." Davina added.

"I know you two are inseparable." Viserys agreed, "Go on, get into position." Davina smiled back at Gwayne as he took his place next to his family.

"I Rhaenys Targaryen, acting voice of driftmark, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Davina. I pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new.'' Rhaenys nodded to Davina, they had never quite been friends but Rhaenys was glad a woman would finally get to sit the throne, even if it was only a dream, the men of the realms would never actually allow it, not with Aegon born, it seemed a good idea now since Aegon was a baby but Rhaenys knew that when the time came, Davina would never truly sit the throne.

'' I, Lord Hobert Hightower, Beacon of the South, Defender of the Citadel, and Voice of Oldtown, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Davina. I pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new.''

"This is fun." Davina decided.

'I, Boremund Baratheon... promise to be faithful to King Viserys...'

"Rhaenyra was being a grump," Davina whispered back to Viserys. "I think I need her to promise to not try and kill me for this crown." Viserys tensed. "I'm serious, she was mad."

"I know." Viserys agreed. "But she is not ready for such power, she never will be... I see that now. I have always seen it." He admitted.

''I, Rickon Stark, Lord of Winterfell...''

"Yet I am?" She murmured back to him.

"You are. I have seen a change, but Davina promise me you wont fall back into old habits." Viserys begged.

"Daemon you mean." Davina grumbled his name. Viserys gave a tight nod.

"He will want you back for the crown and nothing more."

"Wow way to diminish me, Brother." Davina turned to face him Rickon stepped down.

''I believe in you Davina." Viserys assured. "I, Viserys Targaryen, first of his name... King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, do hereby name... Davina Targaryen Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne.''

Daemon was being a moody bitch, it was something he was good at. But when daemon found out davina was to be Viserys heir he of course wanted her back. Just as Viserys predicted. Viserys hoped Davina wasnt foolish enough to take him back.


Many years ago...

"Im to marry the princess Davina?" Cesar couldnt believe his ears. "How did you f*ckers swing that?"

"Baelon was a wreck after Alyssa passed being on the council I gave him a gentle nudge."

"Father this is amazing! I will be royalty-"

"Cesar listen to me. Davina is not going to be a walk in the park."

"I figured as much." Cesar agreed. "Pompous girl with a little crown on her head. Given everything her whole life. She needs a stern hand."

"I have had the pleasure to meet Princess Davina a few times. Shes a spit fire."

"And Im a lion." Cesar reminded him. "I can handle a bit of flames."


"Dude! You are gonna be f*cking a princess!"

"I know right." Cesar agreed. "Shes gonna be sucking my co*ck every night."

"I cant believe you got so lucky. All the ladies at the castle are such prissy do gooders. She is going to bend over backwards to make you happy and satisfy your every desire!"

"Good thing father was on the council when her daddy crooked!" Cesar agreed.

The lannisters were thrilled, one of their own within the royal fold. Davina would be a Lannister and they would rise higher and higher in the ranks.

Cesar was not the ideal candidate but he was the right age. He looked good on parchment and could fake all the pleasantries to get what he wanted.

Now he was getting a princess.

"Does that make me a king?" Cesar questioned.

"Prince and no."

"But if shes a princess and-"

"She is not the queen. Even if she was you would still be a Lord."

"That's a bunch of bullsh*t if I've ever heard it." Cesar countered.

"Your children will be princes and princesses but you will still be Lord Cesar lannister." Cesar stared back at his father.

"Bull sh*t." He repeated. "She will be princess Davina Lannister and I'm still a f*cking lord? No, no, I'm f*cking a princess and giving her little royals then I'm a damn prince."

"Please hold your tongue."

"Why? Everyone knows men rule the world. I could f*ck her on the table in front of her king brother at our wedding and she would be praising me." Cesar informed him confidently.

"You don't know Princess Davina."

"I dont have to know her, she will do as I say. As is the way." Cesar remarked.

"Her title is higher than yours, you should be gracious and give more than you take."

"f*ck titles. I'm going to be a prince."

"You are not listening. The princess Davina isnt like other ladies, you will have to woe her. She will not be impressed by you or your confidence."

"I'm not wooing her she should be grateful. I have many prospects." Cesar lied.

"You have your whor*s like the rest of westeros. You will do as you are bid and put on a smiling face and be kind to that girl. She has a fury inside her and wants an end to this union. I wont let that happen."

"I will make that dragon my bitch." Cesar assured.


Davina glared back at her brother as she was about to be tied to Cesar Lannister. The Lannisters were so happy to be marrying up, a princess, the kings sister. Of course they had heard of the stories about the twins being unstable but Davina just needed a guiding hand. A Lannister hand to lead her down the right path. As the septon spoke Davina tried to magically make her husband to be explode. She stared at him with a dangerous glare.

'Let it be known-'

Let it be not known. Davina griped in her head she couldn't marry him. What purpose would there be to marry a Lannister? None! Zero! Zilch! Cesar stood happily though, but of course he would be happy, he was getting a princess. What was Davina getting besides a headache from the amount of perfume Ceira Lannister was wearing? Nothing! Nada! Zero! Zilch!

'Princess Davina of house Targaryen and Cesar of house Lannister...'

Davina glanced back at Daemon he looked even more venomous than her. she turned her gaze back to Cesar Lannister.

'-are one heart.'


'-One flesh-'

f*ck no.

'-one soul-'

Davina shared her soul with Daemon and only daemon, her body, soul and heart belonged to daemon. Not this sorry excuse for a lion.

'Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder.'

Davina would like to tear him apart limb from limb, the cruse would be his not hers. She thought as the septon went on.

'in the sight of the seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for all eternity.'

Or until death did Lannister part. Davina thought as she forced a smile.

'look upon one another and say the words.' The septon instructed.

'Father. Smith... warrior...' Cesar looked to Davina her lips clamped closed. Cesar looked to his family, confused.

'Davina.' Viserys hissed.

'Mother.. Maiden...' cesar went on slowly.

'Davina.' Viserys warned.

'Crone and f*ck you stranger.' Davina finished glaring back at Viserys he offered the lannister's an apologetic smile. Cesar looked to the septon not sure if that counted but Viserys nodded and if the kings grandson said so then so be it.

'I am hers.' Cesar went on Davina stared bored at him.

"She is staying it in her heart.' Viserys assured. Davina promptly gave him both her middle fingers. "Keep going.' Viserys assured.

'She is... mine.' The way cesar said it was more of a question than a statement. 'From this day until the end of days.'

'um...' the septon looked at an enraged Davina. "Cloak the bride with your protection.' Davina didn't budge so Cesar went around her and draped his cloak over her.

'in the presence of your family and friends I now bind your hands together to symbolize your new union of love... trust and... friendship.' He bound their hands together and Davina felt like she was in chains. Weighing her down. She looked to Daemon and she thought she might cry.

'You may now seal your union with a kiss.' Davina flinched back as Cesar's slimy lips came towards her but with her hands bound to him she couldn't go to far. She thought kissing Cesar what it would feel like kissing a fish. The crowd clapped and Viserys was happy to have Davina be someone else's problem but that didn't last long.

Davina ran outside not able to breath.

"FURY!" she shouted needed to escape

'My love, come to the party.' Cesar said.

"I am not your love, I don't know you. I don't want to know you.' Davina told him marching farther away.

'Listen to me you ungrateful little bitch.' Cesar said grabbing her arm. 'the Lannister name is a name to be proud of and you would do best to remember that you are the one getting something worth while for this transaction.' Cesar sneered.

'What could I get out of this besides sh*t wine from your even sh*ttier port!" Davina shouted. 'FURY!" she demanded and she could hear him coming.

'Bitch I own you now. you will give me sons, many sons and you will do your f*cking part.' Cesar shouted.

'I think not.' Davina said calmly as she pulled her arm from his grasp.

'I don't think you realize who has the power here.' Cesar told her.

"I have the power.' Davina corrected. 'Dracarys.' She demanded and cesar was no more. Her clothes burned away to close to Cesar when Fury fired. Daemon came running out he wrapped his shirt around her pulling her to him. 'Get me out of here Dae.' She whispered.

Not as many years ago...

Davina made a mistake in coming back for Rhaenyra's name day. She was having to much fun too when Viserys handed over a scroll. She stared down at it.

"This is a sh*t apology." Davina remarked tearing it up.

"Titus Lannister."

"Lannister's didnt learn I see." Davina remarked. "I miss Daemon, I love Daemon."

"Davina I know, I know, I know you do but father begged me. He made me promise!" Viserys shouted and Davina stared back at him. "Grandsire as well. They didnt care for Daemon but for you. They both made me promise that you would be matched with a good and noble house. Father made me promise I wouldnt let you marry Daemon."

"I don't understand. Why would he do that?" Davina whimpered.

"Because he didnt want you to die of a broken heart." Viserys whispered.

"You, you viserys are breaking my heart." Davina corrected as she headed out and Viserys slumped to his seat. How had they fallen so far?

It seemed with every miscarriage Aemma had Viserys tried harder to match davina. It gave him something to focus on between each pained moment, blood seeping around Aemma.

He loved Aemma, he had been with her for years but it was hard to love her at times when all he felt was Davina's hatred for him.


Titus stared back at his aunt. She couldnt be serious.

"Didnt she kill Cesar?" Titus corrected.

"Yes, well it was an accident. Honest it was." Ciera assured.

"Terrible accidents I assure you. Tyland is on the small council and he spoke with the king. He is determined to get his little sister married, she is well past the age for marriage and should be reproducing by now."

"She killed her last husband." Titus reminded her.

"Her dragon."

"I veto this idea." Titus declared.

"Don't be so dramatic, you will be fine, much handsomer and kinder than Cesar, Gods bless him." Ciera muttered. "But she will love you."

"And if she doesnt?" Titus countered.

"Run fast?"

"You are useless." Titus declared as he marched off.

"I just heard." Tyanna declared and slapped her brother in the face.

"Tya!" Titus declared.

"You are going to marry a princess? I hate you." Tyanna shouted slapping him again.

"I dont want to. She kills her husbands." Titus reminded her.

"You think she's prettier than me, thats it, isnt it?" Tyanna snapped.

"What? I've never met her." Titus corrected. "You are my sister, my twin, I love you so much." Titus assured.

"If you loved me you wouldnt be so willing to f*ck her!" Tyanna declared as she stomped off. "I don't want to talk to you ever again!" Tyanna declared.

"Tya! Tya! Don't be like this! I love you! I want you!" Titus shouted.

"Go f*ck yourself Titus." Tyanna countered slamming her door shut.

"What the hell did I do?" Titus countered. "Fine!" He shouted down the hall. "I will marry the princess and she will love me and you will have to deal with that. I bet she is prettier than you!" Titus declared. "She's going to love me and I'm going to forget your stupid name and stupid face and... Tyanna take me back." Titus whimpered running to her door.


'Let it be known-'' she mouthed the words bored as the septon spoke ''-that princess davina of House Targaryen and titus of house Lannister.'

She couldn't believe the lannisters were trying this again. Had they not learned the first time? This was a punishment for loving Daemon more than him. She knew it. They kept him out of their games because he didn't have a wild side. He didn't like dragons. What Targaryen didn't like dragons? Davina thought outraged.

"Are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.'

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger.' They repeated.

'I am his.'

'I am hers'

'He is mine'

'she is mine,'

'from this day, until the end of my days.' they echoed,

'You may now cloak the bride with your protection.'

'In the presence of your family and friends, I now bind your hands together, to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship." He bound their hands together. 'Now, please look at one another and pledge your vows to seal your union.'

Davina yawned as she picked at her food. This was the last time she would be screwed over by her brother this was the last time she was allowing a union to happen.

''Davina, sweet sister,' Viserys said with a forced smile ''look they got carrot cake your favorite.''

''They're trying to butter me up because the last time they offered a Lannister to me I fried him?'' She said sweetly

''Your favorite.'' he repeated walking away ''try some be civil.'' he offered

''Why is your family doing this again?'' Davina asked Titus

''What do you mean princess?''

''Why are they trying to marry one of you off to me again? It doesn't make any sense the last lannister your family offered up... Cesar.... he threatened me and then my dragon burned him to Ash. What's to say I won't do that to you... Fury won't do that to you.' she corrected

''Well I'll be nice.'' Titus offered nervously. ''I won't threaten you I promise.'' he told her and she stared back at him. He had a goofy smile on his face and she couldn't tell if he was drunk or dull or just simply that ignorant.

''Thanks.'' she said slowly as she left to go speak with her favorite brother

''You know I'm starting to understand why you kill off your husband.''

''I don't know what you're talking about it is fury that does it.'' she told him ''I see you didn't bring the wife.''

''Any chance to get away from her and see you, is a victory my love.'' Daemon agreed.

''Siblings.'' Viserys said his face was starting to hurt from forcing a smile all evening.

''You could have at least brought Rhaenyra with.'' Davina told him.

''And have her witness the massacre I am praying will not occur.'' Viserys offered.

''Just because your arranged marriages worked doesn't mean you can keep forcing it upon me.'' Davina reminded him.

"Go home to your wife, Daemon." Viserys demanded.

"no-' Davina began.

"Go home to your wife. Now Daemon." Viserys demanded. Daemon kissed Davina goodbye as he headed off. "Let's be civil sweet sister." Viserys requested kissing her ever pouty face.


Titus Lannister wasnt that bad. Davina had to admit that but he was dull and slipped. Okay davina pushed him. But it was not her fault. No it was not because if any normal person of his age was pushed into the waters Albeit deep waters off of a small to medium size cliff... She looked down as he flailed unable to swim. She watched him as he screamed out his breath gasping as his lungs filled with water.

''Cursed be to the man that tears them asunder.'' Davina repeated. ''Cursed be the man that tries to force them together more like it.'' She mused

''Another down. Another gone.'' Aemma mused

''This one wasnt turned to dust.'' Davina told her. "You gonna give me another niece right?" Davina mused putting her hand on Aemma's stomach.

"Rhaenyra wants a sister." Aemma agreed.

"And Viserys wants a boy, shocker." Davina added. "Hey, lets not tell Viserys about this. We can just... let them pretend tonight went well right?" Davina offered and Aemma rolled her eyes. "I am so glad you are here." Davina offered kissing her cheek. "Come on, give me some time to sneak out." Davina pleaded.

"You are lucky I don't like being on your bad side." Aemma remarked.

"Thank you! Best sister in law ever!" Davina declared.

"Have you met Lady Rh-'

"Don't say her name." Davina hissed.

"You are trouble Davina, I will say it again and again." Aemma remarked. "I pity the men that end up in your bed."

"I'm a hoot." Davina corrected. "I'm just selective." She told Aemma.


So clearly Davina didnt like Lannisters. It was simple really. They avoided her and she pretended they didnt exist.

"Fury isn't going to..." Gwayne hesitated.

"No, no he knows I like you." Davina assured.

"Good." Gwayne agreed.

"Come on," Davina reached out a hand.

"I dont know how to fly a dragon." Gwayne countered.

"No one knows, until they fly a dragon." Davina agreed. "But you are just a passenger, if you tried to fly Fury without me, you would be turned to ash. No question in my mind." Davina answered honestly.

"Just a passenger, you hear that Fury?" Gwayne agreed as he climbed on.

"I was thinking, Gwayne and Davina have been close the past two years." Otto remarked.

"Yes they have." Viserys agreed after a council meeting.

"What if we wed them? My son, your sister..." Otto suggested. It had been three moons since Davina was named heir, half the lords thought Viserys was crazy, the other half thought Davina was crazy hot. No one believed it would stick. Rhaenyra herself was still annoyed but Davina had been judged and mainly an outcast to society since the first husband she burned and she didnt mind. She was never one to fit into society.

When she was little she was forced to do etiquette lessons with her cousins and it ended badly. Viserys knew back then that Davina wasnt going to fit in to the mold and he thought that was just what the future needed. Someone like Davina.


Many, Many Years ago...

"Whatever happened to Agatha?" Daemon asked and Baelon stared back at him confused. "Hart? Hawthorne? Hawk? Hhhhhh- something like that." Daemon said with a shrug. "She made the best pies." Daemon offered as he poked at his food.

''I thought someone said she died.'' Davina remarked over supper as she pushed her veggies around her plate untouched. For the amount of carrot cake she ate she really didnt understand why she needed more vegetables.

''No she moved to the riverlands. Married a tully.'' Alyssa corrected

''Same difference really.'' Daemon agreed.

''I said shes dead to us.'' Baelon mused and alyssa slapped at his arm. "Sorry." Baelon declared.

"Manors at the table." Alyssa begged. "Oh, I have you both signed up for etiquette lessons." Alyssa declared and Viserys choked on his drink as he stared back at them.

"No." Davina said immediately.

"Yes, it will be fun, your cousins will be there and you learn all the best ways to be a proper lady and Daemon a proper gentleman."

"Pass." Daemon told her bluntly.

"I'm already perfect." Davina countered. "I don't want to. Pass for me as well."

"Davina, Daemon, you will like it." Alyssa assured.

"Or, we hate it and learn which fork best to jab into our dancing partners eyes." Davina countered innocently.

"I love that!" Viserys declared. "You see that smile on her little face when she said jab a fork into someone's eye." Viserys laughed out.

"Viserys." Alyssa scolded.

"She's still smiling!" Viserys declared. Davina chuckled staring down the table at Viserys. "You want her to learn to curtsey and dance and-"

"I can curtsey and dance just fine." Davina countered. "I will prove it." Davina got up and stood on the table.

"This is why you need etiquette." Alyssa murmured as Davina demonstrated a perfect curtsey on the table before jumping back down.

"See?" Davina asked settling into her seat.

"Etiquette." Alyssa repeated. "So fun!"


Etiquette was hell. Davina knew that for a fact, hell, all seven hells looked like this.

"Tommen!" Davina declared running up to him. "Are you here to save me?" Tommen chuckled hugging her.

"No, I'm here for etiquette." Tommen Martell countered and Davina's face scrunched up.

"What are they holding over you?" Davina mused.

"Davina, do introduce me to your handsome friend." her cousin Gaena declared coming up behind them.

"Tommen this is Gaena, Gia, this is Tommen Martell." Davina said already bored.

"So nice to meet you, I heard you were coming." Gaena remarked.

"You did?" Davina countered. "I didnt know."

"Dav, lets blow this place." Daemon begged. "oh," Daemon looked Tommen over. "You got... taller." Daemon remarked.

"Nice to see you too Daemon." Tommen agreed.

"Taller, handsomer, and more charming than ever it seems." Davina agreed.

"Are you flirting with me?" Tommen mused. Davina chuckled. "It's hard to tell with how terrifying you can be." Tommen added.

"Oh honey, when I flirt with you, you will know." Davina assured. Tommen smirked as he watched her leave. Daemon was not happy about that statement.

"She won't ever flirt with you." Daemon remarked. "Never, just get that out of your head now." Daemon instructed.

"That's not what she said." Tommen mused.

"That's what she meant. I know my sister." Daemon declared.

"Let's ask her then." TOmmen suggested smugly.

"Davina you are supposed to use a plate and fork and napkin." her other cousin Avalon declared. "You are getting crumbs everywhere."

"We are outside." Davina corrected. "It's fine." she licked at her lips. "I don't why they are forcing you into this." Davina remarked. "You are already perfect."

"Oh, well thank you." Avalon declared. She was a few years younger than Davina and Gaena but she was mature and wise beyond her years and definitely well adapt to etiquette when Davina.

"I don't understand the purpose of this." Davina remarked pinching another piece of cake off and dropping it on her tongue.

"Daemon told me you did a curtsey on the table the other day." Avalon remarked with a giggle.

"I was proving a point." Davina assured.

"Alright, I think we are all here, lets partner up." their instructor Cruella Lannister declared clapping her hands.

"I'm not getting stuck with Greyjoy or Tully." Davina remarked making a dash to Tommen. Daemon thought she was coming to pick him and smiled widely at her.

"Tommen, be my-" Davina began but Cruella clapped her hands again. "-partner."

"I have Prince Daemon with Lysa Tully." she declared and Daemon's face showed his clear distaste.

"The fish people." He muttered.

"Princess Avalon, with Willas Tyrell." Avalon smiled back at him.

"Dear Gods," Davina murmured. "who do I have to bribe to get you?" Tommen chuckled.

"I would gladly be your partner." Tommen informed her.

"Princess Gaena with Prince Tommen Martell."

"What!" Davina declared, Gaena bit her lip as she moved dreamily to Tommen.

"Sorry Davina, better luck next time." Tommen mused blowing her a kiss.

"Princess Davina, Lewyn."

"Lewyn?" Davina countered incredulously.

"Lannister." Cruella informed her.

"You are a mean bitch you know that?" Davina informed her confidently and she brought an appalled hand to her chest.

"Princess, that is not proper." Cruella reminded her.

"That's kind of the point." Davina countered annoyed as they got ready on the floor, the music played and Lewyn smiled back at Davina happily. "I like to lead." Davina informed him. "And keep your hands in the proper position or I will break your hand."

"I'm the boy, I'm supposed to lead." Lewyn countered.

"I'm Davina Targaryen." She countered. "We do things my way or you can f*ck off."

"Princess!" Cruella declared.

Davina grumbled as she looked down at Lewyn, he was a head shorter than her, his head at her chest as they danced awkwardly.

Daemon's face pinched as he danced with Lysa. Avalon seemed content and Gaena was in heaven, after all Tommen martell was the most handsome boy at the class.

Viserys chuckled as he watched Davina trying so hard to be good.

"Oh yes she looks so happy," Viserys told Alyssa. "She is a proper lady already." But Viserys spoke too soon.

Davina felt Lewyns hand moving down her ass and she grabbed his hand and bent his arm back and shoved him into the sweets table.

"That's what I think about your etiquette you pig!" Davina shouted as she let him go and he crumbled to the ground. She marched up to Cruella and gave her very best curtsey before giving Cruella her middle finger and heading out.

Daemon complained for the next week that he smelled of fish and Davina never took another etiquette lesson.


"You know of Davina's first two husbands..." Viserys remarked. "Well I chose them for her and it ended badly. I have already called upon Tommen Martell, they were close friends and still keep in contact. I think a union with the martells will suit Davina just fine. One she will agree with. " Viserys remarked.

"Your grace-" Otto countered. f*cking hell, he almost had everything he ever wanted and Viserys was going to f*ck it up. "Gwayne and Davina are quite smitten with each other-"

"Yes for now, but knowing Davina she will easily move on." Viserys admitted honestly. "She has known and loved TOmmen for years- no offense to your son of course." Viserys added.

'No... of course." Otto murmured.

"But I'm looking for the next future king of the realms. You understand."

Otto hated the Targaryen twins. Davina and Daemon were thrones in his side from the beginning. But Davina being heir presented some.... unique opportunities for himself, or rather for his son. Gwayne.

Even when Davina and Daemon parted ways, quite brutally in fact Davina was still being difficult. Of course she was. But something changed in davina since her and Daemon didnt talk anymore. Something shifted, it was as if Otto saw her humanity. Gwayne had always had a crush on her and now Otto hoped Gwayne would be able to woe her before Tommen Martell arrived from Dorne to f*ck everything up.

"Oh Davina..." otto cleared his throat. She glanced back at him. "I didnt realize you were in here."

"Contrary to popular belief," davina remarked turning back to little Aegon. "Im not a monster. I love my elder brother, Viserys and I do like children." Davina informed him stiffly. "Rhaenyra and I bonded over dragons when she was little... albeit everyone thought I was going to feed her to my dragon-" davina shrugged. "Clearly I didnt."

"Not planning on feeding my grandson to a dragon are you?" Otto questioned taking a step closer.

"Not the plan." Davina agreed staring down at Aegon. "Hes cute... has the Targaryen good looks luckily."

"I was going to grab him for the party." Otto remarked after a long moment.

"Yeah I figured." Davina agreed she lifted Aegon up and held him to her chest. Aegon babbled against her. "I can bring him."

Otto had to remember that Davina killed a few husbands. Because looking at her with a baby, a smile on her face, aegon playing with her hair. Davina didnt seem like a murderer. She seemed innocent. Delicate. Beautiful. Otto nodded making a quick exit.

"How are things going on the Davina front?" otto questioned.

"What do you mean?" Gwayne countered.

"Have you asked for her hand yet?" Otto questioned.

"What? No." gwayne countered. "Davina is very much against marriage and I dont mind keeping things as they are. We spend every day together, every night," Gwayne added with a smirk. "I dont want to make her upset by talking of marriage before she is ready."

"Well viserys is going to set her up with a Martell." Otto hissed.

"What?" Gwayne demanded.

"Yes. when he gets here, davina must be madly in love with you and not want to marry her best friend from Dorne-"

"Tommen Martell." Gwayne realized.

"yes." Otto agreed before a heavy sigh took over him. "Davina has spoke of her pal TOmmen." He realized.

"Yes." Gwayne agreed. "They correspond often... I dont want to lose her." gwayne declared.

"Then don't lose her." OTto agreed.

Davina took her time making a leisurely entrance to the party. All eyes turned to Aegon when he arrived. They cheered out for him. Aegon stared back at them confused as he leaned into Davina babbling against her cheek.

Gwayne moved to her side whispering against her ear.

"This could be us one day."

Davina leaned into him kissing his cheek and passing off Aegon.

"The moment you can birth a baby into the world, let me know and I will honestly consider it." Davina countered. "Oh cake."

Otto stared back at his son demanding him to do more, to be more than what he was. To man up and demand a union but Gwayne knew demanding anything from Davina was a losing cause, if she wanted something she took it, if she didnt odds are Fury burned it for her.

"Where is Rhaenyra?" Viserys questioned.

"I just got here." Davina countered. "Cake?"

"I can find her." ALicent offered.

"Should you even be up?" Davina countered. "You look about to pop." Alicent brought a hand to her stomach.

"THe maesters said it was fine... not due until next moon." ALicent agreed.

"But you are all stomach, you look like you might just tip over, OTTO!" Davina bellowed. "Get your daughter a chair, she needs to stick her feet up and relax." Davina winked back at her. "This is the best time to boss people around, you can blame the pregnancy." Alicent smiled as a chair was delivered to her. "Use your, I'm a queen voice when you do it."

"I'm not sure I know how." Alicent countered.

"Commanding." Davina instructed.

"I'm not like you Davina." Alicent countered.

"Perfect time to start." Davina remarked. "Bring the queen some cake!"

"Cake!" Alicent giggled back.

"That wasnt very commanding." Davina deadpanned before heading off. Gwayne knelt beside his little sister and Alicent smiled back at him.

"Are you two going to get married?" Alicent questioned.

"I think she is my sister by law and thats very Targaryen-" Gwayne mused.

"She is perfect for you." Alicent remarked.

"I think so... put in a good for me." Gwayne requested.

"You dont need it, she is already smitten with you." Alicent assured.

"Well a handsome dornish man is coming to the capital to woe her and steal her away from me, apparently." Gwayne murmured.

"Don't let him steal her, I have never seen you like this with anyone before, you love her, tell her so!" Alicent requested.

"Tell her I love her, that sounds easy enough." Gwayne agreed glancing back at Davina and viserys. "What if she's scared of the word love?"

"Gwayne! Man up!" Alicent demanded.


Party number two was louder and had more cake than the first party. That was how Davina separated the two. Aegon tugged at her dress as he played with a little dragon figurine. davina was bored. There was not enough wine, not enough cake for her to sit through a party with all the ladies of court.

They tried to get in good with Davina and when the realized that wasnt going to happen they insulted her twin instead. Davina it should be known did not like her twin at the moment or in fact, for the past three years, but she hated other people bashing on him even more.

"I'm going to bash heads in." Davina murmured into her glass as she finished it. She felt arms wrap around her before she lunged at Ciera lannister.


"Nope, try again. You have three guesses." The voice countered loosened his grip.

"Tommen?" Davina rasped turning her head.

"We have a winner-"

"TOMMEN!" Davina shouted launching herself at him. "Gods I missed you!"

"That's him." Otto remarked.

"I noticed thank you." Gwayne grumbled.

"You see that? That is why I wanted you engaged." Otto hissed. If his son married Davina Targaryen, then he wouldn't have to push so hard for his grandson to be named heir of the iron throne.

"You dont care about our happiness." Gwayne countered.

"Sure I do." Otto corrected. "Look at Alicent, so happy with-"

"Stop the bullsh*t. Lets get back to me." Gwayne corrected.

"Your brother wrote and said I needed to come up and congratulate our heir in person." Tommen remarked when Davina finally let him go. " did you get my parcel?"

" I did, but seeing you in person is better than any gift!" Davina squealed. "Gods I havent seen you in years, in my mind I was still picturing that dorky 14 year old, all arms and legs." Davina looked him over.

"And now?" Tommen did a spin. He had that dornish charm and devilishly handsome good looks.

"Damn." Davina agreed.

"i will accept that compliment." Tommen agreed. "Look at you! Gods gorgeous Davina." She tossed her hair over her shoulder. " but you always were gorgeous."

"Thank you. I know." Davina agreed. she tossed a loch of silver hair over shoulder.

"Go insert yourself into that." Otto demanded. "Before you lose her." Otto gave Gwayne a shove.

"Oh Gwayne, meet Tommen. Tommen this is Gwayne Hightower."

"Hightower, yes Davina wrote to me about you." Tommen remarked giving Gwayne the once over.

"You did?" Gwayne questioned wrapping a possessive arm around Davina's hips.

"Yes I was equally surprised since she isnt a fan of your father." Tommen agreed.

"Does everyone know your hatred of my father? All the down to dorne?" Gwayne mused.

"Yes." Davina agreed. " my two favorite boys in the same room!" she declared happily as she draped an arm over each of their shoulders

"Daaav!" Aegon shouted as if he knew that she was talking about her favorite men, and he needed to be included in it.

" yes, yes, my three favorite men in the same room! To celebrate my favorite littlest man's name day!" She cooed moving to Aegon. Tommen chuckled.

" who would've thought my Davina would be such a softy with babies?" Tommen smiled as he watched her. Gwayne didn't like that. Not one bit. They are history together. And Davina said nothing but kind things about her dear friend tommen.

Gwayne feared that his father might be right that this Dornish Martel, a prince, dammit coming to kingslanding, was going to ruin his chances. This man would take away the only woman I ever loved. Gwayne decided then in there that he had to step up his game.

"Davina were you joining in the hunt?" Viserys questioned. He smiled reaching a finger out as aegon babbled to davina happily. Davina nodded along. Viserys knew this girl. This woman before him was kind and caring. This woman was powerful and generous. Who gave a sh*t about those that deserved it. This davina had been clouded by daemon for too damn long.

"Sure." Davina agreed with a shrug. "Aegon you want to hunt a beast with me."

"Nooo!" Aegon corrected shaking his little head fiercely.

"Our brave future leader." Gwayne mused. Viserys chuckled.

"Thats davina." Viserys corrected. "Oh I see tommen is here that is tommen right? He aged nicely."

"You are already wed vis." Davina tsked.

"Oh you," viserys swatted a hand at her.

"He is handsome." Davina agreed. "Charming as ever too." Gwayne clenched his jaw.

"I need to meet the name day boy!" Tommen declared. Davina smiled as tommen wrapped an arm around her running a hand along aegons back.

"Dont you two make the cutest couple. The cutest family!" Viserys decided. Gwayne really hated that.

"Okay. Fine." Gwayne agreed moving to hid father. "Help me keep her." Otto smirked.

"You must do everything i say. Can you manage that?" Otto questioned. Gwayne glanced back at davina and tommen. With one simple word, otto felt victorious.


"Should have known you would go on the hunt and want to kill the damn thing." Tommen remarked.

"What other purpose would there be?" Davina agreed. "Lannister you want me to use your precious spear? Also what idiot gives a two year a spear as a present?" Jason shifted uneasy in his spot.

"Alright gorgeous lets see what you got." Tommen purred. Gwayne knew he should have offered words of encouragement but davina was quick. First shot the beast wailed and dropped. She did a bow before smirking back at Gwayne. He relaxed at her easy and smug smile. They had a good thing going.

"That was bloody brilliant Dav!!" Tommen declared picking davina up and spinning her around she laughed out. Her head tipping back. Gwayne tensed again. He should have moved faster. Instead of content in that smile he should have been the one making her smile more.

"We need celebratory drinks!" Tommen decided when they got back. Aegon whined tipping over, he cried out.

"Viserys let your son go home to bed. Hes over tired." Davina remarked. "Past his bed time by a lot."

"Look at you. Having baby fever?" Tommen questioned.

"I like babies when I dont have to push them out of me." Davina agreed. "And when they dont cry and keep me up and when they have clean bottoms." She added moving to aegon. He cried big fat tears as he snuggled into her.

"I know baby..." davina cooed running a hand through his hair.

"What are you doing over here?" Otto demanded.

"I lost. Im hopeless." Gwayne decided

"Its been a few hours you havent lost her." Otto corrected.

"I have though. Look at them. All chummy." Gwayne moped.

"A few hours and you have only been listening to me for one of them." Otto corrected. "Go get her. Pull her into your arms and-"

"Shes leaving." Gwayne demanded.

"Go after her damnit!" Otto demanded as if it was obvious.

"No sh*t... hey Fury." Tommen said as they got outside. "Look at you, I remember when you were little. You remember dav?"

"You didnt believe I had a dragon in my room." Davina agreed.


"Do you have dragons?" Tommen had asked the first time he met Davina and Daemon, he was four years old and Davina at 3 knew everything, she was in charge. Tommen followed after a little Davina.

"Yep. Mine is Fury." Davina told him.

"Caraxes is mine." Daemon added.

"But Fury is better." Davina assured "Come on. You can meet him." Tommen was confused when Davina led him to a chamber and not the dragon pit.

"Is it a real dragon?" Tommen asked unconvinced. Davina turned around to face Tommen.

"HA!" Davina said before turning back around. "FURY!" Tommen looked around confused.

"You are lying I don't-" Tommen began but a black dragon came bounding out of the bed. He ran to Davina nudging against her. Tommen's jaw dropped. "WOW!" Tommen declared.

"My baby." Davina said hugging Fury to her. Tommen reached out a hand but Fury snarled at him and his hand jerked back.

"Fury doesnt like people that call me a liar." Davina told him confidently. "Care to take that back?"

"I think I love you." Tommen remarked. "i will never doubt you again." Daemon stepped forward pulling Davina behind him. Daemon stared up at Tommen.

"No." Daemon told him shaking his head. "Dav's mine." Davina chuckled.

"You are pet him." Davina offered. "Be good Fury. Tommen's my friend."

"Is he?" Daemon asked incredulously.

"Sure." Davina agreed.

"sure?" Daemon echoed staring back at her. "No, I don't like it." Daemon told her. "I don't think he stays."

"He's from Door knob, remember?" Davina told Daemon tapping on his head.

"I don't think he wants me to." Tommen said taking a step back.

"Fury sit." Davina instructed and Fury wiggled his butt. "Sit." Davina said again moving closer to him and he plopped his butt down on the ground staring back up at her waiting for further instructions. "Go on. Don't be scared." Davina told Tommen as she pet Fury's head. "See? He's my baby."

Tommen felt the heat radiating off of Fury's scales. It was magical. He looked to Davina, silver hair, piercing eyes and the confidence to run a whole carvery all at the age of three.


"Hes gotten a lot bigger." Tommen remarked. Fury had the deepest of black scales that looked bejeweled in the twinkle of the moonlight.

"Still my big handsome baby," davina assured running a hand over furys leg. "You coming back to the castle?"

"That an invitation?" Tommen questioned.

"Yes." Davina agreed. "Come to the capital. Dont leave. Say you wont go. I just got my best friend back."

"Im not going anywhere." Tommen agreed.

"You want to fly him back?"

"Hells yes." Tommen agreed.

"Alright lets go. Hold in tight." Davina instructed and tommens arms wrapped around her. "Sovengon."

"There she goes. She forgot about me. Im... im becoming obsolete." Gwayne realized.

"If I know one thing about davina its that she likes confident men. Be confident in yourself gwayne." Otto suggested.

"My confidence flew away with Davina and that dornish man." Gwayne countered.


Gwayne knocked on davinas door. Usually he just walked right in. That was the kind of relationship they had but he heard laughter coming from inside her room.

Laughter was better than moans of pleasure he reasoned.


"Oh Hightower. Do join us." Tommen offered snugly from beside Davina.

"Gwayne!" Davina declared in a drunken slur. "Hello join us!"

"Hey babe," gwayne answered.

"Babe?" Davina giggled back. She hiccuped as he took a seat.

"What are you two gabbing about?" Gwayne questioned.

"The good ole days." Tommen answered. Gwayne didnt like the way tommen kept an arm around davina.

"Babe?" Another hiccup. Gwayne felt stupid for trying to out do tommen. Stake his claim but what else was he supposed to do when Davina was drunk and giggling into another mans arms?

"So how did you two meet again?" Gwayne questioned.


"The princes of dorne are coming to visit." Alyssa had remarked. Davina glanced at Daemon.

"Door who?" Daemon asked.

"Dorne. The princes at sunspear... remember?" Alyssa offered.

"I dont think so." Davina agreed.

"Well I know you two will be so sweet to their son Tommen, right Dav. I know how sweet you are. Can you be his friend while he is here?" Baelon asked.

"He's 4." Alyssa added.

"I'm three." Davina reminded her holding up two fingers. She focused on her hand trying to get the third finger up. "Argh!" Davina groaned out running to Viserys. "Elp." Davina said miserably, still holding up two fingers he put his book down and lifted her thumb out. She stared at it. "That not right." Davina told him.

"One. Two. Three." Viserys said touching each of her fingers.

"But not this one." Davina told him confidently. "Who does one two three like that?"

"One, two,-" Viserys counted again.

"No. This one." Davina instructed holding out her hand. "One, two, three, these three. Not that."

"Davina always has to be right." Baelon remarked.

"She is always right." Alyssa countered leaning back into him.

"Okay." Davina told Viserys trying again. Again he moved her thumb out. "You don't listen Vis." Davina told him.

"You do it yourself then." Viserys offered. Davina scrunched up her little face in concentration trying to lift up three fingers but she couldnt get it to work.

"Vis!" Davina whined holding her hand out. "Do it right." Davina instructed and she gripped her thumb tight to her palm when he tried to grab it. "VIS!" Davina laughed out.

"They know how old you are." Viserys reminded her.

"But the door knob doesnt." Davina retorted.

"I know I wasn't paying attention." Viserys remarked looking to their parents. "But why is Davina trying to tell door knobs her age?"

"The princes of Dorne. Not the door knob." Baelon corrected picking Davina up, flipping her upside down.

"Is he my brother?" Davina asked as she tugged at her dress.


"The door knob." Daemon laughed out.

"No, the Martells are princes of Dorne." Alyssa corrected.

"But I'm a princess and Dae is a prince and Vis is a prince... sooo." Davina stared up at Alyssa confused.

"Welcome to the capital." Baelon declared stepping forward. "The King is engaged in some pressing business but I assure you my family and I will give you the royal treatment." Baelon told them.

"That's prince Tommen." Alyssa said crouching next to Davina. "You can all play together."

"Princess, so lovely to see you again." Davina and Daemon stared at each other before looking to the Martells. Viserys was perfect as always, proper and polite. Davina and Daemon... less so.

"And this is Tommen." Davina marched up to him and Alyssa had a slight moment of panic.

"I'm Davina." She introduced "and I'm in charge." Viserys choked back his laughter as Tommen stared back at Davina.

"I'm Tommen." He answered.

"I know. I listen. Do you?" Davina asked.

"You are in charge." Tommen answered.

"Okay." Davina declared satisfied as she grabbed Tommen's hand pulling him along. "Come on Dae!" Davina shouted. Daemon chased after them.

"Well that went better than I thought." Alyssa whispered.

"Please, this way." Baelon offered leading the rest of the martells inside.

"Your daughter is quite the little spit fire."

"She is going to be hell for husband one day." Baelon mused and Alyssa pinched his arm.

"Davina is... selective." Alyssa countered. "She likes things her way-"

"No other way. It must be the Davina way." Baelon added.

"-She is a sweet thing but she likes to be in charge." Alyssa went on.

"Needs to be in charge." Baelon corrected. "But don't worry your son is in good hands. Davina truly is the boss here under the king."


"Is she really drunk or did they really think you were from door knobs?" Gwayne pondered.

"Door knobs!" Davina laughed out. "Gods, good times." Davina's drunk laugh was contagious, TOmmen laughed out as he poured himself another glass. Davina promptly stole it from him.

"I think you had enough." Tommen countered.

"I forgot how much you can drink!" Davina declared loudly in his ear. Tommen flinched back. "I seem like a lightweight, I never get drunk this is great!"

"You got drunk with me." Gwayne countered.

"Ahhhh yesssss," Davina slurred. "I was drinking with a purpose that night. Three."

"What?" Gwayne questioned.

"You were thinking, how old was davina to confuse a place with a door knob... I was thhhhhhree." Davina answered with a heavy nod of her head. "Tommy my head hurts."

"I bet, stop stealing my wine." TOmmen agreed finishing the glass.

"I think she should probably get to bed." Gwayne offered. "Were you staying near by? Dont worry I will make sure Dav-"

"Davina got me a room here." Tommen corrected. "BUt dont worry, Gwayne I will stay with Davina, she is my eldest friend. I will take good care of her."

"Well considering I"m her..."

"Her what?" Tommen questioned. "I would never take advantage of her. I assure you." Tommen remarked, damn that sexy accent, Gwayne couldnt compete with a prince with an accent and probably rock hard abs. "Have a good night, dont expect to see Davina in the morning she is going to be sleeping this off no doubt." TOmmen got up leading Gwayne to the door. "Night mate."

"Night." Gwayne agreed as the door closed. Gwayne stared at it a long moment before he turned around cussing himself. "That wasnt supposed to happen that way." Gwayne grumbled. "Damn it."


Gwayne hated that Tommen was right. Davina wasnt up until after mid day and once she was up she was with Tommen.

"You are failing." Otto whispered. Gwayne tensed.

"Dont sneak up on me." Gwayne countered.

"Tommen Martell..." Otto tsked.

"What I have with Davina is special." Gwayne assured.

"Then why is she with him and not you?" Otto countered walking off.

"I'm glad to see you two still have such chemistry." Viserys remarked coming up to Tommen and Davina.

"Chemistry," Tommen cooed before Davina laughed out.

"You make it sound so... sexy." Davina agreed shaking her head. Viserys stared back at them though.

"I dont know if you want to know or not," Viserys cut in. "But I did send ships and supplies to... Daemon." Viserys remarked, Davina's smile fell.

"Good." Davina agreed after a long moment. "If he is to die, I want it at my hand." She half teased. Viserys kissed her cheek. "He is our brother." she agreed softly. "Suddenly I need to go for a ride." Davina remarked.

"I won't keep you two." Viserys assured.

"Alone." Davina countered meeting Tommen's understanding gaze.

"Then I will tag along with you, your grace." Tommen offered. "Where are you off to?"

"Council meeting im afraid, nothing exciting." Viserys answered. "You are welcome to join, I know hearing a voice of dorne might be just what we need."

"ALright then." Tommen agreed. "Dav watch out I'm stepping into a position of power."

"You will do well." Davina assured. "See you later."

"Dont eat me, you like me, we just need to have a conversation about... Tommen." Gwayne told Fury. "You can eat him..."

"What are you doing?" Davina questioned. Gwayne jumped. "You and Fury bonding? Oh thats so sweet."

"Yes bonding, not planning murderous deeds with your dragon." Gwayne agreed. Davina chuckled leaning into him. "Where are you going?"

"For a ride." Davina answered.

"You want company?" Gwayne questioned. Davina hesitated. "Or not, I'm really busy, super duper busy suddenly-" She wrapped her arms around him kissing him.

"Were you asking Fury to eat Tommen?" Davina questioned her breath breathing his own in. Gwayne held her hostage in his arms and gave a stiff nod.

"Dont hate me." Gwayne begged. "I know he's your friend but-"

"He's just my friend, my eldest and closest friend that has been MIA in dorne for the past decade." Davina assured. "We are just catching up."

"Does he know that?" Gwayne countered.

"Of course he does." Davina agreed.

"Does he though?" Gwayne repeated. Davina shrugged.

"He's like a brother to me."

"You were f*cking your-" Davina punched him. "Right sorry." Gwayne agreed softly.

"You have nothing to worry about with Tommen." Davina assured. Gwayne nodded letting out whoosh of a breath of relief, Davina chuckled. "You want to join me?"

"Yes." Gwayne agreed quickly.

"How are things going with Davina?" viserys questioned.

"We fit together like a king and his queen." Tommen agreed.

"Wonderful, I'm so glad." Viserys agreed. "I know you two have known each other for your entire lives, stayed close, do you really think you and Davina might... I dont want to rush anything but-"

"Give me time. I just got here." Tommen remarked. "I still love her, I always have. But I dont know that she loves me like I do."

"You are a handsome and charming man, I'm sure you can woe her." Viserys assured.

"Oh I wooed her." Tommen assured. "But holding her heart is a different story." Viserys nodded slowly. "You know as well I do how Daemon f*cked with her head."

"I know." Viserys agreed.

"But he's family." Tommen added.

"Family." Viserys agreed his voice tight. "You and Davina never..."

"No." Tommen answered. "Shame I know right?" He mused. "We always were good together."

"Thats because you knew from that very first day that she was in charge and you listened." Viserys decided. TOmmen laughed out.

"Probably." He agreed.

"The king is sending Rhaenyra away." Otto remarked.

"Great, I bet she thinks its my fault. Like I wanted her gone." Alicent murmured.

"He is sending her on a royal tour, I think more to have a few moons away from her while you hopefully push a new son into the world." Otto added. Alicent rolled her eyes. "Whats wrong?"

"Davina is the heir, she loves Aegon, she can have him." Alicent remarked. "I'm not a good mother. I'm too young, I... I love him but I... I dont want to do this again." Alicent begged.

"It's a bit too late for that." Otto countered tapping a finger to her pregnant stomach. "Your brother is playing his part, so shall you."

"What did you do to Gwayne?" Alicent countered sternly as she pulled herself up with much struggle from the couch.

"He loves Davina, I have dont nothing but encourage him to propose." Otto offered.

"The king brought Tommen Martell- Correction, Prince TOmmen Martell here to woe Davina though." Alicent realized. "I hope Gwayne gets his girl because he actually loves Davina but at the same time, I hope you fail."

"If Gwayne fails then we must push for Aegon to be king." Otto corrected. "What? That doesnt please you?"

"Davina loves him. He loves her, he would never do that to her, never. He calls out for her, when he grows up-"

"Davina will have a family of her own and forget about Aegon." Otto assured. "He will be glad to take back his rightful throne."

"Father," Alicent rasped.

"If Gwayne marries her though, Gwayne will sit the throne, the hightower name will live on with the greats!" Otto assured, he could envision it now.

"I hate you." ALicent realized. Otto turned sharply to her. "I hate you."


"It's weird not having Rhaenyra here." Davina remarked. "I mean she was being a moody little dragon but," She shrugged. "Still weird not seeing her moping around."

"Instead we get to hear the wails of Alicent's latest little dragon." Gwayne agreed.

"Is it weird that your little sister is married to an old man?" Davina questioned.

"I heard that." Viserys called back.

"You can still hear me?" Davina teased. "You havent gone deaf in your old age?"

"Love you too." Viserys agreed.

"Weird calling your little sister queen- I would say viserys you are going to have call me queen but no. I dont get to hold that over you because you know.'' Davina realized.

"Dont start planning my murder, Dav." viserys begged.

"Never, you are my favorite brother." Davina assured. She turned her attention back to gwayne. "Well? Weird?"

"A bit at first." He admitted "But she is still my baby sister, the youngest of us and married before me..." he wanted Davina to bring up marriage but she seemed happy with their relationship as it was.

"At the rate viserys is going he is going to get rhaenyra married off before he forces me to marry again." Davina laughed out.

"You really dont like marriage." Gwayne realized.

"Its not for me." Davina agreed.

"Like never?"



"Dav! There you are!" Tommen declared. "Did you meet the new princess?"

"Sure did."

"Really?" Gwayne countered.

"No. I dont deal with children while they are screaming or sh*tting. She has been doing both since alicent forced her from between her twig thin legs." Davina declared.

"Good point." tommen agreed.

"Another thing I dont want. Children." Davina informed tommen and Gwayne.

"As heir I dont think your brother is going to be okay with that." Tommen countered.

"He will be dead. I will be in charge. It wont matter." Davina countered nonchalantly.

"Daaaaaaav!" Aegons little voice traveled to them.

"Aeeeeegon?" Davina laughed back.

"Daaaav? Daaav!" Aegon declared running to her.

"He loves you. You would be such a good mother." Gwayne added gently.

"You see I agree with that statement." She admitted. "But I would feel like a bad mother if I passed off my child every time he or she cried or got on my nerves. When its not my kid. I dont care if I hold them out and say take them away."

"You have an answer for everything." Gwayne realized.

"Yep." She agreed picking up Aegon. "Also less work and I like my body just the way it is."

"Me too." Gwayne agreed kissing her shoulder. Davina chuckled. Tommen narrowed his eyes in on gwayne was he real competition for Davinas affection? Tommen never knew davina to love anyone but daemon and himself. Thought slipping back into davinas life would be easy and it was. But finding a way into her heart was going to be challenging.



"Well what?" Gwayne countered.

"How are things on the davina front?" Otto questioned

"She doesnt want to get married. She doesnt want children. I want her." Gwayne remarked.

"And I want more for you than you." Otto corrected. Tommen hesitated mid step hearing otto speaking of davina. What was he up to? "You are my son and I love you. I want you to be king."

"I know you do-"

"You need to step up your game. The king wants tommen to marry davina. You need to-"


"Get her pregnant! That will secure it!" Otto decided. Tommen gaped peering around the corner. He didnt need to hear any more before he went off to find davina.

"She takes the teas. She doesnt want children. Its not like Im going to force her to have a child with me." Gwayne countered. "Do I want kids? Yeah one day but-"

"No buts." Otto corrected.

"Hey Dav, you alright?" Tommen questioned.

"Is that your way of saying I look bad? Im going out with Gwayne- do I have something in my hair? In my teeth?" She pondered smiling widely back at him.

"No you look perfect as always." Tommen assured.

"Good." Davina agreed.

"Dav as your best friend know that I take no joy in telling you this though-"

"Oh no thats never good." Dav countered.

"Gwayne is using you." Tommen blurted out.

"What?" Davina chuckled.

"He wants your crown."

"Doubtful." Davina countered breezily. "He liked me before I was named."

"Davina I just heard him talking with his father-"

"Otto. Now that I believe." Davina murmured.

“I heard them talking Dav. A plan to-to-“

“I believe you.” Davina whispered and tommen saw true pain on her face.

“I wouldnt have told you if I didnt think it was necessary. I know you like him… but if you cant trust him.” Tommen added cautiously.

“Thanks for telling me Tom.” Davina answered. “You are right. I cant trust otto… I thought I could trust gwayne but maybe otto has his hooks in too deep after all.”


"Davina you don't understand!" Gwayne begged. Davina confronted gwayne. Of course she did. She had to.

"Explain it to me. Explain why otto and you were heard talking about me and my crown?" Davina demanded. "The crown you claimed not to care about?"

"I dont!" Gwayne begged.

"Yet tommen-"

"Tommen?" Gwayne scoffed "of course it was tommen."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Davina hissed.

"He loves you! Davina he wants to steal you from me! He is purposefully sabotaging us!" Gwayne begged.

"So you werent talking to your father about me?"


"Tommen is my best friend. I have known him since I was three! Three! Gwayne gods," davina murmured. "I knew your father was a manipulative sh*t but I thought you were a good guy-"

"I am!" Gwayne assured.

"Then why are you whispering like a bunch of criminals with your father?" Davina shouted.

"He wanted... I might have... I cant explain it without making me look really bad." Gwayne admitted looking back on the situation.

"When did it start? Was it all a lie?"

"No! My father wanted me to stay away from you in the beginning but I fell for you." Gwayne shouted in agony. "I fell for you davina and keep f*cking falling harder and harder."

"When did otto- when I became heir he thought it was great." Davina realized.

"At aegons name day he-"

"That was moons ago!" Davina shouted.

"Tommen came and I didnt want to lose you so i tried to step up my game. I stupidly listened to my father but I dont want your crown!"

"I feel like an idiot." Davina muttered.


"Because I fell for you! Tommen was right you were going to use me just like otto is using alicent."


"Princess dragon incoming." Harwin remarked.

"What?" Davina questioned.

"It looks like-" they heard the eerie and deafening whistle like scream of Caraxes and davina felt herself breaking.

"What is that f*cker doing?" Davina hissed marching off.

"Davina?" Gwayne begged.

"I need space." Davina demanded stomping off.

"Forgive me." Gwayne whispered.

"Tommen," davina said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah I saw Daemon come in. Gods that man. Dont worry. You hate him I hate him. Solidarity." Tommen assured.

"Thanks." Davina agreed tipping her head into him.

"You have a talking with gwayne?"

"Yeah. Which is why im sad and moody." Davina grumbled. "I dont want to talk about it."

"Do you call yourself king?" Viserys was asking daemon. Davina couldnt look at them. How could she? After all the hell and heart break daemon had been awful to her and she let him. She was free of him and now he was back with a peace offering but that smug mischievous smile said he was up to something else.

"You dont have to be here for this, Dav. " Tommen reminded her.

"I know..." Davina admitted. She couldnt help wanting to see her twin even if it killed her inside just a bit.

'Once we smashed the Triarchy, they named me "King of the Narrow Sea." Daemon informed him and the crowd murmured again, Daemon was no king. Everyone knew of his reputation. Daemon forced his gaze away from Davina and looked to Viserys again. 'But I know that there is only one true king, Your Grace.' Daemon assured.

"I hate him, I think I hate him and want to bash his face in." Davina decided. "How can he look so smug still?"

"What are you doing?" Otto demanded his son.

"I'm giving Davina space to miss me. You stay away from me." Gwayne countered. "You are the reason I'm miserable."

"DOnt be so dramatic." Otto huffed.

'My crown and the Step stones... are yours.' Daemon remarked his eyes wandering around the room.

'Well, where is Lord Corlys?' Viserys questioned hesitantly, Daemon was not one to bend the knee willingly, Davina knew this, she also knew Daemon liked to play games, mess with their heads. He had been doing it for years and she was finally free of him. Or so she thought.

''He sailed home to Driftmark.' Daemon told him

'Who holds the Step stones?' Viserys countered, Viserys didnt think about how this was effecting Davina, he didnt think about it, he had Daemon on his mind, he was ready to put daemon in his place and Davina hoped he did but Viserys was the people pleaser, he wouldnt push back against Daemon.

''The tides... the crabs, and 2,000 dead Triarchy corsairs, staked to the sand to warn those who might follow.' Daemon informed him. Viserys got closer to him and the crowd held its breath. Davina hoped for something bloody but knew it wasnt in viserys nature.

''Rise.' Viserys said hugging Daemon as he rose and the crowd applauded, there would not be war, but peace. 'The realm owes you a great debt, brother. Come. This is our chance...' Viserys didn't know if this was a bad idea or a very good one letting daemon back into the fold but he would rather have Daemon on his side than starting a war with the crown. Viserys was confident in Davina as his heir, he hoped this wouldnt change her attitude, but he caught her pinched gaze as he hugged Daemon he thought he made the wrong decision.

'Daemon, he would venture off, abroad, winning tournaments...'

'No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.' Daemon said immediately a smile on his face

'I will not revisit this debate. You two were always mother's favorite.' Viserys told him. 'No, it's no great mystery. Mother adored you both, Davina was her angel her little golden girl and you were her golden son."

"I was." Davina agreed, "But she didn't know half the sh*t we got up to." Davina added softly. Viserys ran a calming hand over her back as she leaned into him, she refused to look at Daemon. Refused, although he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

'You were.' Viserys assured 'Our mother, she had no regard for custom or tradition, rules. And I, sadly, was no great warrior.'

"You don't have to be a great warrior to be a great king." Davina told him confidently.

"Thank you my dear." Viserys saw Daemon grit his teeth as Viserys kissed Davinas cheek, But Daemon held his tongue, he was making peace he couldn't do that if he lashed out and stole Davina away, reminded her that they were meant to be, that the crown was meant to be his. Couldn't do that if he killed Viserys either so he was stuck biting his tongue.

'Congratulations on your victory, uncle.' Rhaenyra said walking up to her family.

'Thank you, Princess.' Daemon said kindly.

'Perhaps Rhaenyra would care for a tour of the gallery? You have not yet seen the new tapestries gifted to Viserys by Norvos and Qohor.' Davina offered, anything to run away from Daemon right now.

'I'd like to see them.' Rhaenyra agreed.

'Oh, well, then you should not deprive yourself.' Viserys told her bitterly. He wasn't happy about her early return with no husband to be. Davina pinched his waist as she pulled away from him.

"Let's go now then?" Davina suggested hooking her arm with Rhaenyra's, Daemon pined after Davina as she left.

'I guess the tour did not go well.' Davina remarked as they walked through the gallery.

'I endured it for as long as I could.' Rhaenyra told her softly. "I wish you were there." Rhaenyra added.

"I would have burned the contenders to the ground." Davina told her bluntly.

"Would have been an improvement." Rhaenyra assured and Davina chuckled.

"Oh that's a pretty one, I don't see the tapestries anymore, they are just there..." Davina admitted her hand trailing down the frayed edge.

"Davina." She looked to Rhaenyra. "I hate the tour."

"I would too...' Davina agreed. 'To have every young knight and lord in the Seven Kingdoms fawning over you... What misery. It is rare for girls in this realm to get a choice between two suitors, no less two score of them.' Davina added with a sly smile.

'Those men and boys don't fawn over me. They only want my name and my Valyrian blood for their offspring.' Rhaenyra corrected

"How romantic, they want your blood.' Davina chuckled pulling her along. "You arent mad at me anymore?"

"No." Rhaenyra admitted. "I'm sorry, I was a jerk," Rhaenyra added.

"Good girl! Now we can go back to being besties again because honey I have the drama." Davina declared. Rhaenyra laughed out.

"You mad hes back?'

"No idea what you mean." Davina countered.

"Are you mad Daemon is back?" Rhaenyra repeated.

"I am happy and I am happy with my life and I am happy... I am happy." Davina told her it was a half lie.
"I am happy you are back, thats not a lie."


"But Daemon is a c*nt and I want to burn him but I cant." Davina admitted.

"I'm sorry Auntie."

"Me too but perhaps we can try and be civil, for Viserys sake." Davina offered.

"You don't want him back?" Davina tilted her head in contemplation.

"He broke me." Davina reminded her. "He is good at getting what he wants and stomping on everyone else to get it." Davina told her gently. "I'm better alone."


"Speaking of Drama... Tommen, you remember Rhaenyra?"


'What happened to your mother was a tragedy.' Daemon confirmed when Rhaenyra approached him. 'But this is a tragic world. You cannot live your life in fear or you will forsake the best parts of it.' Daemon told her confidently.

"I have no desire to live in fear. Only solitude.' Rhaenyra corrected.

'Such a lonely prospect.' Daemon remarked seeing Davina across the courtyard. "Excuse me."

Davina kissed Tommen for all to see and Dameon grit his teeth, stopping mid step. Davina leaned into him contently his arms wrapped securely around her. Otto whacked gwayne in the back of the head.

"What did you do you fool!" Otto demanded.

"Tommen heard us talking and told davina. Its you fault I lost her. Go the f*ck away." Gwayne demanded. "I never cared for the crown that was you!"

"Gwayne I just want whats best-"

"And I just wanted davina and I lost her." Gwayne demanded.


Voice smooth like velvet, handsome like the devil, Davina knew she should run the other way but she didn't. she turned towards him.

"You haven't given up on us have you?" Daemon questioned smugly.

''I told you a long time ago I'd never give up on us." Davina admitted as she let out a shaky breath. "I don't know if I knew what a few words could do, but I bought into the dream of us... and I believed in it too, I believed in us." Davina told him and there was that co*cky smirk that davina wanted to burn off his face.

''So I looked straight at you and you at me," Davina reminded him. "And I promised I would love you until the day I die, but I'm still alive." Davina told him and his smile faltered. "Swore that if I ever lost you I would sit and cry, but look Daemon my eyes are dry."

"We promised forever." Daemon agreed. "You were the one-'

"You," Davina corrected. "You ended things. So I guess I'm a liar now because you haven't been here for the past few years and I never had such a good time.''

"You are a liar," daemon agreed. "Because you couldn't take your eyes off me when I stepped into that throne room."

''You were the best I ever had, I said it loud, said it clear I said what you wanted to hear." Davina corrected. ''Maybe I trusted you too much because seeing you now, I don't see the man I loved, I see you for you." Davina told him and Daemon clenched his jaw, teeth grinding as her fury built.

"We still can be, I can be different, I can put you first." Daemon told her and Davina scoffed.

''And I promised I would love you until the day I die, but I'm still alive... swore that if I ever lost you I would sit and cry, but my eyes are dry Daemon. So I guess I'm a liar because I'm doing great without you." Davina corrected. Tommen smiled running a hand down Davina's back.

"You and Tommen? Of the door knobs... when did that happen?" Daemon questioned.

"Recently actually. He came up for aegons name day and..." davina smiled at Tommen. "When you know you know."

"Really?" Daemon countered bitterly.

"Tommen has always been good to me. Unlike other men in my life." Davina agreed.


"DAVINA!" Rhaenyra cried out.

"What's wrong?" Davina questioned she leaned back against Fury his warmth radiated off of him as she moved back inside.

"Father is going to marry me off!"

"What? No," Davina assured. "I can fix this." Davina assured pushing open her door.

"The Velaryons are making a pact with the sea snakes of Braavos or some nonsense!" Rhaenyra declared her foot falls aggressive as she followed Davina. Helaena's little cries could be heard down the hall.

"So we are making a pact with the sea snakes?" Davina questioned.

"Velaryon's." Rhaenyra rasped out.

"Laenor?" Davina scoffed out. "You and him? Please men know nothing! We can get you married sooner, pick someone, I will vouch for you, you don't want Laenor, trust me on that." Davina assured her.

"The council has already decided." Rhaenyra sobbed out.

"The council does not have more power than the kings favorite little sister." Davina told her confidently. "We can stop this. Get some rest, I will talk to Viserys." Davina assured.

"Thank you Auntie." Rhaenyra said hugging her tightly. 'Good night, Ser Criston.' Rhaenyra said as she retired for the night.

'Sleep well, Princess.' She closed the door only to see a bag in her room, she dumped out the contents and it revealed dirty clothes, rags really and a scroll. She opened it up and it wasn't a note but a map. She looked at the wall paneling. She pushed the bench away and a hidden passageway opened up she stumbled in.

' Whoa!' she said breathlessly as she looked down at the staircase. She changed into the clothes following the passageway she wasn't surprised to see Daemon waiting for her. he grabbed her hand leading her down the steps. If Davina wanted to play games, Daemon could play games. If Davina wanted to flaunt around Tommen then Daemon would make her regret it.

'Where are we going?' she questioned as they wandered through the streets, Rhaenyra had never been out after dark, not like this. She was surprised and amazed at everything and everyone. She got to be no one.

'fսck off, boy.' A drunk man said stumbling into her. Rhaenyra gasped giddy

'He called me boy.' Her laughter echoed as she followed daemon through flee bottom. Her worried thoughts faded the more time she spent with Daemon.

"Can we talk about that kiss?" Tommen questioned falling into step with Davina.

"No. I'm sorry, that was weird right?" Davina agreed.

"I... liked it." Tommen countered.

"You dont have to lie, it was weird." Davina corrected. Tommen tensed, pursing his lips. "I'm sorry, I just wanted Daemon to know he wasnt an option."

"Am not an option either am I?" Tommen realized.


"I... You just see me as a friend." Tommen realized.

"my very best friend." Davina agreed. TOmmen sighed nodding slowly. "What?"

"I love you Dav."

"I love you too." Davina assured.

"I love you like... I love you more than you love me." Tommen countered.

"I don't... oh." Davina hesitated. "I didnt realize."

"Really?" Tommen countered.

"You are my best friend TOmmen, I f*ck up relationships but not you because things are not messy with us." Davina remarked. "I... I'm sorry if you thought, if... I'm..." Davina didnt know what to say.

"It's okay, friends it is." Tommen assured kissing her cheek.


"It's okay Dav, I knew I never stood a chance." Tommen added with a wink before heading off.

"Night Tom."

"NIght Dav." He answered before davina stepped into Viserys chambers.

'Let me take that.' Davina said taking the sponge from a healer and looking back at the other servants standing ready. 'Leave us, all of you.' Davina instructed. She knelt before Viserys as he lay in the tub his wounds spreading, the infection growing.

'You have a far kinder touch than they do.' Viserys said softly bringing a hand to hers.

"Are you marrying Rhaenyra off to Laenor?" Davina questioned.

"We are talking of it. Yes." Viserys agreed and Davina hissed out a breath. "Davina you know the ways of this world."

'' I do which is why I know she will be miserable with Laenor." Davina assured him.

"She wont, she knows Laenor, he is her cousin they get along." Viserys countered.

"Viserys... don't do this. You remember how much I hated you when you arranged my marriages?" Davina reminded him.

"I recall many fiery nights." Viserys agreed.

"Viserys don't make her hate you. She will if you force marriage upon her. "

"No, she understands, I gave her a chance and a choice, she ended her tour early and she refuses to pick a match," Viserys reminded her.

"Men that go to those are all c*nts." Davina spat dropping the sponge in the bath splashing them both.

"Are you mad about that or the fact that Daemon is here?" Viserys countered as Davina ran her hand along the waters surface.

"both." Davina admitted. "But I can handle Daemon." Davina assured "I don't want Rhaenyra to be miserable."

"Or... love grows." Viserys said hopefully.

Rhaenyra had never felt so alive she was breathing heavily as she ran but she collided with a knight with a grunt.

'And who might you be running from, now?'

'Ser Harwin.' Rhaenyra said kindly and he stared down at her confused

'Princess.' He grumbled.

'Don't.' she begged as daemon coming up behind her.

'You take care, boy. Next time, you might not be so lucky.' Ser Harwin remarked.

'Enjoyed that, did you?' Daemon questioned coming up behind her.

'Who knows when I'll next taste freedom?' Rhaenyra reminded him.

"Tommen made a declaration of love just a moment ago," Davina remarked and Viserys perked up. "Oh you did have something to do with it. I can't trust any men in my life."

"What? No, you love TOmmen!" Viserys corrected.

"Of course I do. I love him like I love you on a good day." Davina corrected. "I dont love him like that..."

"Oh... but love could grow? You two would make the cutest-"

"Vis, please. Let me get over one heart break at a time."

"What happened?" Viserys questioned.

"Otto was trying to use Gwayne to get my crown." Davina remarked.

"Otto." Viserys repeated with a huff.

"Yeah." Davina agreed. "I feel stupid."

"Davina that boy liked you before you were named heir." Viserys countered. As much as he hated to admit it. "Yes I invited Tommen here but it wasnt just because I thought you two would make a good king and queen but because you already adore tommen, he is your friend and you needed a friend."


"But if... you really liked Gwayne hightower." viserys realized.

"He was there for me at my lowest and he didnt judge me." Davina agreed. "He got me cake and made me smile. It was easy before..."

"Before I named you my heir." Viserys agreed.

"Yes... will anyone love me for me or just the future crown I hold?" Davina pondered.

"I love you honey." Viserys assured.

'What is this place?'

'It's where people come to take what they want.' Daemon told her as they walked through the pleasure house. She looked around at the people so openly f*cking all around her, their moans echoed. 'f*cking is a pleasure, you see. For the woman as it is the man.' Daemon informed her.

'A marriage is a duty...' Rhaenyra told him as her eyes wandered, why would daemon bring her here?

'Yes. But that doesn't stop us from doing what we want. From f*cking who we want.' Daemon told her his lips meeting hers his hand sliding up her leg before he pulled himself away, what was he doing? He didn't want to hurt Davina, not like this. He wanted davina, davina would get him a crown, davina wasnt even here to be jealous or mad, it wasnt worth it.

Breathlessly Rhaenyra opened her eyes watching him leave. Davina would hate her, but would she? Rhaenyra tried to reason her actions, Daemon's actions.

'Daemon?' she called after him but he was gone. She had to get back home, she ran through the streets getting to the castle she approached her door and Criston looked at her surprised. She was supposed to be in her room, fast asleep, how did she get around him?

'Princess? Princess, are you, are you hurt?' cirston questioned as she walked past him. 'I-I should alert the Lord Commander.'

'No.' Rhaenyra said taking his helmet

'My helmet.' Rhaenyra chucked, she had seen enough to know that she wanted more and she wanted Criston. Quickly they undressed themselves before they had a moment to think of how wrong it was, because it felt right.


'Apologies for the late hour, my Lord."

"What is it?' Otto questioned.

'A messenger brings word from the White Worm.'

''Tell me you didnt f*ck daemon.'' Davina demanded

''I didnt f*ck daemon.'' Rhaenyra agreed

''You lying to me?''

''No.'' Rhaenyra answered immediately

''Good.'' Davina said flopping down

''You believe me?''

''Of course why would you lie to me?'' Davina countered closing her eyes she couldnt believe she was worried for even a second and Rhaenyra sat down next to her.

''Well...' Rhaenyra began a small smile on her face and Davina's face pinched. "I did kiss him or he kissed me.'' Rhaenyra admitted and davinas eyes peeled open. ''It happened very fast and well ended very fast as well.'' Rhaenyra informed her

''Oh.'' It was more a release of breath than a word. Davina couldn't form words right now, her heart and her brain were malfunctioning. Daemon kissed Rhaenyra. He kissed her. He. Kissed. Her. Davinas heart hurt a hand went to her chest daemon didnt control her anymore. He didnt. But f*ck if he did. f*ck.

'What happened last night?' Davina whispered

'What do you mean?'

'What happened?' Davina hissed trying to keep her voice even.

'Oh, I...' Rhaenyra couldn't help but chuckle. 'I haven't seen Daemon in years."

"For good reason." Davina murmured.

"He took me into the city for some fun.' Rhaenyra offered innocently.

'Tell me the whole of it, Rhaenyra.' Davina demanded

'I drank wine. Left the castle after dark.' Rhaenyra told her. "I'm sorry."

"Daemon certainly knows no limit.' Davina hissed. "You have been accused of vile acts your reputation tainted your claims and your... tell me everything." Davina said softly.

"Okay, we... we drank in a tavern. Several... taverns.' Rhaenyra admitted 'It was getting late... and I asked to go home. But Daemon wished to continue. As he was my escort, I had no real choice.' Rhaenyra lied.

"Continue" Davina shouted she felt her eyes bulging out of her head ''... in a brоthеl?''

'He took me to a show. I... I was only a spectator. I didn't do anything.' Rhaenyra assured 'And then Daemon sank into his cups and, uh... he kissed me and then he abandoned me for some whοre. I should've known better.''

'It was foolish of you to place yourself in a position where your virtue could even come into question. Viserys has strived to find you a good match. And I have tried to protect you from bad matches Rhaenyra. If that lord were to think that you had been... sullied... it would ruin everything for you.' Davina reminded her.

'I know... I regret it.' Rhaenyra answered.

"No you don't." Davina remarked running a hand over her head, kneading her fingers into her forehead. "You liked the thrill of it all, because you are more like me than viserys will admit."


'The King demands an audience, my Prince.'

'Take your f*cking hands off me.' Daemon demanded as he was grabbed he grumbled the whole way to the throne room where he was thrown down. Daemon heard the door slam shut and Viserys shoes slapping aggressively against the ground, he looked up to his brother from the floor.

'My daughter." Viserys shouted kicking daemon, he groaned from the ground in pain. 'Won't you even deny it?' Daemon coughed clearing his throat.

'I need to understand the charge before I can attempt to discredit it.' He said offering a charming smile.

'You defiled her.' Viserys shouted kicking him again, again Daemon groaned in pain clutching at his stomach.

'Still, you say nothing.' Viserys shouted down at him.

'Oh, what does it matter, brother? When we were Rhaenyra's age, we f*ckеd our way through most of the brоthеls on the Street of Silk.' Daemon countered

'We were young men. She is just a girl. Your niece!''

'Rhaenyra's a woman-grown. Better her first experience be with me than some whοre.'' Daemon mused

'You f*cking...' he kicked Daemon again 'You have ruined her! What lord will wed her now? In this condition?'

'Who gives a f*ck what some lord thinks? You are the dragon. Your word is truth and law.' Daemon reminded him.

'I have spent a lifetime defending you. But your heart is even blacker than I thought. I should disinherit her as I already did you and be done with it.'


"He said... Allow me to marry Rhaenyra."

''He didn't.'' Davina hissed. Tommen nodded cautiously.

''I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him-'' she must have said hate a thousand times in a single minute. ''Arghhh'' she swung her fists around uselessly. She stood up sat back down stood up again and collapsed into the bed face first and screamed into the bedding she felt a hand on her back and she rolled over the most pathetic look on her face.

''I hate him.'' She whispered

''No you dont. Trust me life would be easier if you did.'' Tommen told her gently. Davina nodded.

''It really would.'' She agreed before rolling over and screaming into her pillow. "I need to fly." she realized.

'You've yet to ask me for the truth of what happened.' Rhaenyra spat back.

'The truth does not matter, Rhaenyra. Only perception. You have exposed yourself. Now we must both suffer the consequences.' Viserys told her solemnly.

'Were I born a man, I could bed whomever I wanted. I could father a dozen bastards, and no one in your court would blink an eye.' Rhaenyra countered

'You are right... but you were born a woman.' Viserys agreed. "Your courtship is at an end. You will wed Ser Laenor Velaryon, and you will do so without protest. The son of the Sea Snake.'

'So I can be a remedy for your political headaches.' Rhaenyra groaned

'You are my political headache! Your wedding to Ser Laenor Velaryon will unite the two most powerful houses in the realm. With the combined strength of our shared dragons and naval fleets, no one would dare to stand against us. The House of the Dragon will stand as one for a further generation.' Viserys demanded

'And what will you do about the vulture who perches upon your throne?'

'What vulture?'

'Your Hand.' Rhaenyra informed him. Viserys recalled what Davina said about Otto and Gwayne and he hissed out a breath. ''He wants Aegon to be named heir, Davina will be undermined by a child. And he will stop at nothing to see it done. Including spying on me to bring about my ruin. He will be spying on Davina surely as well. she is your heir." Viserys eyes drifted around the room. "You speak of The Conqueror's vision and the need for strength and unity across the realm. But how can that be accomplished with your most trusted adviser so self-interested?' Rhaenyra offered

'Every lord and lady that calls for an audience with me, every man on my small council, and all councils past, has been self-interested. It is unavoidable.' Viserys informed her

'I disagree. I will do my duty as heir and wed Ser Laenor. But you must first do yours as king.'


Gwayne had run out to the pits after her heard what happened but Davina and fury were long gone. He didnt know how long he waited outside the pits before night grew dark and he walked on sluggish feet back home.

Davina didn't want to come down she didn't know how long she stayed in the clouds. Her stomach gurgled and Fury grew hungry as well. Davina nodded. Easing him down.

"Lord Stark." Davina remarked as she slid down.

"Princess." Rickon Stark remarked.

"I don't suppose you would have any tea? Or rum?" Davina questioned.

"Right this way princess."

"Davina, please." She told them. "Go eat Fury." Davina instructed and he took off.

"Princess." Cregan and Sara said bowing and curtseying before her.

"I'm not one for formality, nice to meet you." Davina told them.

"My children, Cregan Stark and Sara Snow." Rickon told her. "My wife, Gilliane."

"A pleasure to have you princess, we would have prepared had we known you were coming." Gillane remarks.

"I was flying by." Davina remarked with a shrug.

"Your dragon is beautiful." Sara told her.

"He really is." Davina agreed. "Its f*cking freezing up here, you starks got thicker skin?" Davina mused.

"Get the princess some furs." Rickon instructed.

"Food and rum please." Davina requested as she was lead to the dining hall, Gillane ran off instructing the chefs. "I don't need anything fancy." Davina told him. "I'm sorry for just popping in, please tell your wife she can calm down, she looked a bit of a panic."

"You are princess, royalty. It is not every day we get the honor to host such royalty." Rickon reminded her. "Let her fuss over you, I'm sure you don't get it enough at home." Rickon mused.

"I need a distraction from the capital." Davina admitted. "Mind if I see what its like being a stark for a day?" Davina offered.

"We can start fresh in the morning." Rickon offered.

"That sounds great." Davina agreed.

"I know you like Carrot cake your grace I set the chefs to making it immediately." Gillane told her rushing back out.

"That is much appreciated but not necessary," Davina assured "but you already told them so need for them to stop." Davina added sweetly.

"Stew is coming to warm you and fresh linins are being placed on a bed." Gillane went on.

"Honey, calm down." Rickon told her. "The princess wants to relax, wants to see the life of us starks."

"Just pretend I'm not here." Davina agreed.

"Davina." Sara began. "Your dragon is back."

"Thank you Sara," Davina said getting up. "Would you like to meet him?" Sara nodded eagerly and Cregan followed them outside.

"Should sara be here?" Gillane whispered. "A bastard in the princess's presence..."

"Davina seems to like Sara." Rickon offered.


'Your Grace.'

'Five days.' Viserys told Otto

'I'm sorry, Your Grace?' Otto questioned

'Though it was some time ago. The details... they fade in memory. My father was a hale and healthy warrior and dragon rider at the peak of his abilities. Jaehaerys named a great royal hunt to celebrate him being named the Hand of the King. Five days later my... my father lay dead. Tourneys last longer. Baelon the Brave, rider of Vhagar, heir to the Iron Throne... dead of a burst belly. The gods have a dark wit.' Viserys reminded him.

'It was a grim day.'

'I recall it all too well. Yeah... It was a good day for you. Jaehaerys named you Hand in Baelon's stead.' Viserys recalled

'That's hardly how I viewed it, Your Grace. It was a duty.' Otto assured

'You served my grand sire nobly in his final days. You are the man that taught me how to be King.'

'Oh, you honor me, Your Grace.' Otto said fondly but King Viserys sighed.

'Just five days... you went from being another man in Jaehaerys's court, to the second most powerful man in the realm. I wonder... how long did it take you to choose yourself over your King?'

'Your Grace?'

'I will never recover from Aemma's death. Alicent however... She was a calculated distraction. I only now realize how well-calculated it was.' Viserys told him stiffly.

'That is an absurdity, the queen loves you.' Otto stammered. "And I know you love her."

'Your interests no longer align with those of the realm. Your judgment has been compromised.' Viserys said confidently.

'A loyal Hand must tell his king a discomforting truth from time to time, Your Grace. If he doesn't... he's failed as a servant.'

'You were a faithful servant, Otto. The crown and the realm both owe you a debt that can never be repaid. But I can no longer trust your judgment.' Viserys told him. "I wish you would have left Davina's heart out of it." He added as Otto headed out. He glanced back from the door.

"For what its worth, Gwayne does love Davina. I messed that up." Otto admitted.


"Damn we have it easy in the capital." Davina remarked as they trudged through the snow the next morning. "No wonder you all are to fit you freeze your ass off every morning just stepping outside."

"If you are cold we can-'' Gillane began but Davina smiled back at her. She was never set up with a stark, she wondered if she had what might have happened. She liked them, didn't like the cold but she liked the people of the north.

"Princess Davina?"

"Yes Sara?" Davina questioned as they headed back inside the castle.

"Whats it like riding a dragon?" Sara questioned and Davina smiled back at her.

"It's a blissful euphoria, a high you never want to come down from." Davina told her. "Maybe one day I will take you riding." Davina offered and Sara nodded eagerly. "But I should be getting home, Viserys will be worried." Rickon damn near choked on his tongue.

"You didn't tell the king?" Rickon stammered.

"He is used to me and my ways." Davina assured. "Thank you for having me."

"Of course, of course. You are always welcome here Princess." Rickon assured.

"It was nice meeting you all." Davina said as she climbed up on fury. She threw down her fur cloak. "Wont be needing that in the capital." Davina remarked. "See you soon Starks, Snow."


''Good morrow, Lady Rhea.''

''Cousin.'' Rhae answered stiffly from horseback.

''What's today's quarry?'' he pondered ''Rabbit?''

''Deer.'' She corrected

''Oh. Fine challenge. Care for some company?'' he offered

'I'd rather ride alone.'' Rhae told him as she rode off.

'Good fortune to you.' He called after her. Birds were squawking in the distance as Rhae rode farther away but suddenly her horse snorted and neighed coming to an abrupt halt

'Husband. What brings you to the Vale?'' Rhae said stiffly as she looked down at Daemon. ''Or have you at last come to consummate our marriage? The Vale's sheep might be willing, even if I'm not.'' Daemon approached her slowly. ''Our sheep are prettier, after all.'' She recalled word of him saying that and thought she might throw it back in his face. ''Or perhaps your brother has at last had his fill of your company. Cast you aside in favor of your twin sister, that must hurt.'' Daemon still said nothing as he got closer, her horses shifted uneasy before him.

''What will you do now? Will you strike the child down? Or?'' Daemon lunged forward her horse bucked sending Rhae flying off getting crushed under his weight. Her horse whinnied as Rhea grunted, she winced, and whimpered as Daemon stepped down on her arm. Satisfied that she would die on her own he walked away.

'I knew you couldn't finish. Coward!" Rhae seethed back at him, Daemon turned back around. Fury in his eyes as he picked up a rock budging her.


"Davina!" Viserys declared he refused to leave for driftmark until Davina was found. Fury landed his nails clawing along the ground before he settled and Davina slide off rubbing at his scales as she moved. "Davina!" Viserys ran to her hugging her to him. "Where were you?"

"I was flying, I told you I needed to clear my head. No thats right I told TOmmen, he didnt tell you?" Davina reminded him calmly but Viserys looked a nervous wreck. "Whats wrong?" Davina questioned.

"Davina you were gone four days." Viserys told her and she nodded.

"I was flying and then I was starving and I was near winterfell and I remember rickon and him and his family took me in. I'm sorry I would have ravened but I knew I would get her faster than ravens would." Davina told him nonchalantly.

"Davina I had no idea where you were, I was worried about you." Viserys told her and Davina sighed leaning into him.

"This is why I can't have a husband and children, I'm wild and free, maybe everyone was right, pick a new heir Vis. I'm unreliable." Davina decided.

"No, I was wrong to allow Daemon back in, you were doing good, your head on straight," viserys assured. "I was just worried Dav."

"I'm sorry." Davina whispered kissing his cheek. "Are you going somewhere?" Davina questioned looking to the ships.

"We are going to driftmark to-"

"Ugh." Davina said as he hugged her to him.

"It is decided, Rhaenyra has agreed and Otto-"

"Ugh, dismiss that man or let me burn him." Davina groaned.

"I dismissed him." Viserys confirmed and Davina straightened up.

"You did?" Davina questioned.

"I did." Viserys agreed and nodded to Otto heading out.

"Who replaced him?" Davina questioned.

"Lord Lyonel Strong." Viserys told her and she nodded in approval. "I assume you don't want to come to Driftmark?' He took a step back coughing, a hand fisted over his mouth.

"Have them come here and you get back to bed, Vis." Davina told him bringing a hand to his cheek. "You are burning up." She told him moving her hand to his forehead. "Vis, you're really hot."

"Thank you." Viserys mused.

"Viserys, is something wrong?"

"No, just a cold." Viserys assured. "We will be back in a few days time." Viserys told her as she kissed his cheek.

"Come back in one piece." Davina requested.


"Otto!' Davina declared. "I would say I hate to see you go but that would be a lie." Davina informed him smugly.

"Davina." Otto grumbled. "Oh one more thing before you leave. f*ck you Otto. You want to cause a riff between my family, well it didn't work." Davina hissed. "You want to f*ck up my happiness well that didnt work either, I'm doing fine!" she shouted.

"The realms will never accept you Davina. They will choose Aegon when the time comes. You should heed to Alicent now, she will protect you when Aegon takes the throne if you play your role." Otto tried to threaten.

"You act as though I'm not a threat." Davina countered. "I don't cower in fear, I'm not a hightower. I'm a Targaryen."


"Davina!" Gwayne declared.

"You didnt leave with your father?"

"I have been looking for you, I was so worried when you left, I... Where did you go?"

"Winterfell." Davina answered. "What do you want?"

"Take me back Davina!" Gwayne begged. "I dont care about the crown. My father does but I dont. If you never want to get married. Never want to have kids Im fine with that as long as I have you!" Gwayne begged. Davina stared back at him. "Take me back!" He dropped to his knees. "I love you Davina Targaryen." A smirk crossed her lips. "Please just... think about it, I love you. I should have said it more. I love you."

"I love you too." Davina agreed.

"You... you do?"

"TOmmen is my friend, I made that clear. He told me a few more stories about otto... I believe that it was your father trying to manipulate you as he did with Alicent." Davina assured. "I dont want to lose you, Gwayne." He held tight to her.

"I will never listen to my father again." Gwayne agreed.

"Thats a good start." Davina agreed, kissing him.

'Will I be remembered as a good king, Lyonel?'' Viserys said with a sigh.

''Your Grace?''

''What will they say of me when the histories are written? I have neither fought nor conquered, nor suffered any great defeat.'' Viserys remarked.

''Some might call that good fortune.''

''It hardly makes a good song, does it? To be sung at feasts in a hundred years... five hundred.'' Viserys said pathetically.

''You have carried King Jaehaerys's legacy. And kept the realm strong.'' Lyonel corrected but his answer didn't satisfy Viserys. ''Is it not better to live in peace than to have songs sung after you are dead?''

'Perhaps. But there is a part of me wishes I'd been tested. I often think that in the crucible, I may have been forged a different man.''

'' Many that are tested, only wish to have been spared it.''

''Another lord might assure me that I would rise like Aegon the Conqueror given the chance.'' Viserys remarked bitterly.

''Your Grace, that is... You're right. You're right... as always." Lyonel told him.

''It is perhaps best not to know.'' Viserys countered drinking the potion as the door swung open.

"You don't think to tell me you collapsed?" Davina spat kicking the door closed. "What the f*ck Viserys?"

"So loud my dearest." Viserys told her as she took the vial from his hand.

"What's this?" Davina questioned looking to Lyonel.

"To help him sleep Princess." Lyonel answered.

"What the f*ck happened?" Davina asked still looking to Lyonel.

"I'm right here and I can tell you I was just dehydrated and tired from the journey, it was nothing." Viserys assured.

"Are you lying to me?" Davina asked as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"I'm fine, just tired my dear."

"Out Lyonel." Davina said softly.

"Of course princess." Lyonel agreed heading out.

"You going to sleep in the chair or you want to get into bed?" Davina questioned.

"Stay with me." Viserys said pitifully.

"What really happened?" Davina asked as she helped him up.

"I wasn't feeling well." Viserys told her. "The journey was rough, the seas were bad with the storm, it was too much, I didn't eat enough carrot cake." Viserys remarked and Davina chuckled.


"I wanted to talk to." Viserys said as she got him situated.

"We are talking." Davina replied with a smirk.

"Daemon's wife the lady Rhae-'

'Died. I heard." Davina agreed laying down next to him.

"I wanted to be here when you heard." Viserys remarked his eyes feeling heavy as she snuggled into him.

"We used to do this when i was little," Davina whispered. Viserys smiled holding onto her. "You are the best big brother Vis."

"You are the best sister ever." Viserys answered. "I'm glad you are here."

"Where else would I be?"


“You look stunning!” Gwayne declared.

“You clean up nice.” Davina agreed kissing him. His arms wrapped around her hips feeling the targaryen red material shift under his touch.

“Dav gorgeous as always.” Tommy remarked.

“Oh you’re still here?” Gwayne questioned.

“Lets not fight over me.” Davina tsked.

“I already won. There is no competition anyways.” Gwayne agreed. Tommen chuckled.

''It is with great pleasure that His Grace, King Viserys, announces the start of the royal wedding celebrations. House Lannister with their lord, Jason Lannister. Lord Paramount of the West, and Master of Casterly Rock. House Hightower with their lord, Hobert High tower. Beacon of the South, Defender of the Citadel, the Voice of Old town...'' Harrold announced.

''Congratulations, Your Grace. You have made a fine match for the Princess.'' Jason said as he approached.

''Thank you, Lord Jason. I could think of no better man than Ser Laenor.'' Viserys said with a chuckle.

'Well... if this is only the welcome feast, I admit, I cannot imagine what you might have planned for the wedding.'

''I wanted this to be a wedding for the histories.'' Viserys reminded him.

''Where is the Queen? I had hoped to pay my respects.'' Jason offered looking down the table.

''I understand the Queen is still readying herself for the celebrations." Viserys informed him.

"This is why men wage war... because women would never be ready for the battle in time.'' Jason remarked with a chuckle

''Your presence is always such a pleasure, Lord Jason.'' Rhaenyra remarked stiffly but the doors opened and Davina approached as elegant and regal as the queen she was to be.

''Princess... pricness.'' Jason said before turning to Davina. "Davina, how lovely you-''

'f*ck off Lannister." Davina said with her sweetest of smiles as she sat down next to Viserys. Jason opened his mouth but quickly closed it heading away from the high table.

"Davina." Viserys scolded but Rhaenyra couldn't help but laugh.

"I prefer Tyland to him but even then Lannister's irk me." Davina reminded him. "Why were they invited?"

"I agree." Rhaenyra added with a laugh.

"You always liked to make an entrance." Viserys remarked

"You want me to leave and come back at a more in opportune time?" Davina suggested sweetly. Viserys leaned in towards her.

"No." He whispered kissing her cheek gently. She smirked as she leaned back in her chair. “I see you brought not one but two dates with.”

“Ah yes. Gwayne in his greens and Tommen… in his golden hues.” Davina agreed. “But Gwayne is my date. Tommen is my drinking buddy.”

''Your Graces, Princess Rhaenyra, congratulations are in order.'' Gerold remarked coming up to them.

''We are very honored to have you as a guest, Ser Gerold.'' Viserys agreed ''I must say, I was most distressed to hear of the Lady Rhea's tragic passing. I'm very sorry for your loss.''

"Yes Daemon adored Lady Rhae." Davina agreed. "Spoke so highly of her." She added.

''Lady Rhea was a unique character. Her kind... is not soon to be seen again.'' Gerold told them

''If there is anything the crown might do to aid House Royce...''

''Lord Corlys of House Velaryon. Lord of the Tides, Master of Driftmark. And his lady wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. And their son and heir, Ser Laenor Velaryon, the future king consort.'' Harrold announced as the drums beat.

''My Betrothed. My Betrothed.'' Laenor said happily. Davina glanced down at Rhaenyra.

"Really selling it this one." Davina murmured.

“Excuse me might I steal Davina?” Gwayne questioned reaching for her.

“Davina we are about to-“ viserys countered as she got up.

“I hate weddings.”

''Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. Tonight is only its beginning. We honor the crown's oldest and fiercest ally, House Velaryon. Reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the Age of Dragons. With House Targaryen and H...' Viserys began but the door swung open and stopped him mid speech alicent came down the alise in an elegant green dress. She had a talk with her father well. She needed to be the queen. Davina chuckled looking to flustered front table.

“Where was I?” Viserys questioned once alicent sat down. But the doors pushed open again Aegon ran forward missing a shoe his pants falling down his little legs.

"DAAAVVV! DAAAV!" Aegon screamed and Davina chuckled getting up.

"Keep going Vis, real great speech. I love the almost naked little prince running down the aisle." Davina added as she scooped Aegon up fixing his clothes. "And you said I liked to make an entrance." Davina chuckled as she adjusted Aegon in her arms.

“Silly little boy.” Gwayne chuckled tickling aegon.

"Princes shouldn't be running around naked in public." Davina remarked securing his pants. His handmaiden came running behind him out of breath. "We need faster, more athletic women watching Aegon apparently." Davina mused.

'Where was I?'' Viserys said disoriented with a soft cough.

'The joining of the two houses, Your Grace.'' Lyonel remarked.

'Yeah, that's right.' Viserys cleared his throat. 'Yes. With House Targaryen and House Velaryon united, I hope to herald in a second Age of Dragons in Westeros.'' The crowd broke into an applause and cheers. ''And after tonight's small affair... Seven days of tournament and feasting. At the end of it all... At the end of it all, a royal wedding... between my daughter... and Ser Laenor Velaryon, the heir to Driftmark.'' The drums picked up again as Viserys finished.

"You stole the show honey." Davina whispered Aegon smiled a goofy smile up at her.

''I was never much of a dancer.'' Rhaenyra remarked as Laenor offered his hand and lead her out for their first dance to set off the night.

''It's not much different to combat.'' Laenor informed her.

''Hm, I shall hope for a different outcome.''

''Your Grace.'' Daemon remarked "and your gorgeous." Daemon smiled down at Davina.

"Daemon, nice of you to show up." Davina said stiffly.

''We thank you for coming, uncle.'' Rhaenyra remarked.

''In the Vale, men are made to answer for their crimes. Even Targaryens.'' Greold said stiffly coming up to Daemon

''Who are you?'' Daemon questioned bored as he draped a hand over the back of Davina's chair she shifted forward uncomfortably.

''Ser Gerold Royce of Runestone.''

''And?'' Daemon said picking up his glass, she felt his fingers against her shoulder blade.

''I am cousin to your late lady wife.'' Gerold sneered

"Excuse me." Davina said getting up and passing Aegon off to alicent.

“Davina-“ alicent hesitated she still wasnt the best with children. Aegon pouted up at her. “I know. I like davina better too.” Alicent murmured.

''Ahh, yes. Terrible thing. I'm positively bereft.'' Daemon said trying to keep the smug smile from his face as he watched Davina go. ''Such a tragic accident.'

''You know better than anyone, it was no accident.''

''Are you confessing some guilt, Ser Gerold?'' Daemon countered

''I am making an accusation.'' Gerold corrected

''You know, in King's Landing, men are made to answer for their slanders. Even old bronze cսոts like you.'' Daemon mused and Gerold scoffed ''The truth is, I'm glad you've come. I wish to speak to you about my inheritance.''

'''What inheritance?'' Gerold countered

''Lady Rhea and I had no heirs. As her husband, whatever she was due now passes to me. She stood to inherit all of Runestone... Did she not? After my niece's wedding, I plan to fly to the Eyrie and petition Lady Jeyne myself. Perhaps I'll see you there, Ser Gerold.'' Daemon said smugly.

“Drink?” Tommen held out a bottle.

“Read my mind Tom. Gods why is he even here?”

“To annoy you surely.” Tommen answered “dont fall for him.”

“Never again.” Davina assured. “Now look at the c*nt. Dancing with little Laena. Gods he really wants his head bashed in.”

''Ignore him.” Tommen suggested.

“If I could I would.” She assured.

"Are you alright davi a?" Harwin questioned coming up to Davina. She finished her drink holding it for another and it was filled. "Your brother makes you want to drink." Harwin remarked.

"Daemon makes me want to bash his head in most days." Davina admitted drinking it down again before slamming it down. "But I was doing good." Davina remarked. "Wasn't I?" Davina asked. "I am davina f*cking targaryen im heir to the iron throne I should be on top of the f*cking world and he comes in..." Davina hissed out "And its like... its like...'' Davina let out a sigh picking up her glass again.

"You know there is a special place in hell for men like Daemon." Harwin offered with a charming smile and Davina gave him a small smile.

"Stop being cute, I'm in a good relationship for once in my life." Davina teased. "Go dance with Rhaenyra before she is stuck with Laenor." Davina suggested with a little nudge.

"As you wish." Harwin agreed heading off.

''Flirting with Harwin?” Gwayne tsked.

“Shut up and dance with me.” Davina corrected putting her glass down.

“I will find a single maiden to woe.” Tommen offered walking off.

“Thank you for being perfect.” Davina whispered as gwayne held her closer.

“Why dont we get out of westeros for a while after the wedding. Just you and me. And fury of course,” gwayne added.

“I would really love that.” Davina agreed.

''May I, Ser Harwin?'' Daemon said stepping into his place on the dance floor.

''Of course, my Prince.'' Harwin remarked stepping away immediately. Harwin looked to Davina as she watched Daemon taking Rhaenyra's hand. It shouldn't bother her so much but it did. Because it used to be them, it used to be them. Damon moved through the crowd getting to Rhaenyra and leading her away from the center, his gaze shifted back smugly to Davina her grip tight on gwayne. He followed her gaze.

"I think you need some cake your grace." Gwayne offered kindly.

"I think you are right." Davina agreed.

Criston was on top of Ser Joffrey suddenly everyone was screaming, scrambling to get away. pushing back circling around them. Ser Joffrey felt lightheaded blood trickled from his nose as Criston beat joffrey to a pulp.

"What in the Seven Hells is going on?"

"Stop this!" Corlys demanded

''Where's Rhaenyra?'' Viserys shouted.

''Princess?'' Harwin shouted.

Rhaenyra was carried away from the madness and all went quiet as Criston got up marching away. Laenor looked at his lover dead on the floor he crawled over to him his head bashed in blood seeping around him he cried out.

''Put me down!'' Rhaenyra declared as Harwin carried her over his shoulder leading her away. Gwayne looked at an unfazed davina staring down at the blood.

“And everyone said my weddings were bad.” Davina murmured. “Fire and drownings are much easier than pummeled to death.” She shrugged moving to the cake. Only davina could watch a burtal murder and still be hungry. Gwayne liked that about her.

Davina thought losing Daemon would kill her once upon a time. But seeing Viserys collapse davina felt her heart stop.

Nervous, anxious jitters filled her as she tried to clear your mind. Well, the maesters worked on her brother. The only brother that she did love. Why couldn't this happen to daemon? Why viserys? They were in such a good place, and he had to go and drop dead. It seemed. She wasn't ready to be queen. She really wasn't ready for that responsibility. She needed him to pop right back up and say something along the lines of gotcha.

But no. Her eldest brother was never one for jokes he was a very serious and straightforward man. And he didn't actually like attention, drawn to himself, and considering he was the king. She found that hilarious, since the attention was always on him.

All they had to do now is wait. It was all they could do. Davina was not a very patient person.

''That was quite the show.' Daemon remarked coming up behind Davina

''Quite.' She agreed, they were speeding things up, Rhaenyra would marry Laenor tonight, they were cleaning up Joffrey's body and Davina needed to breathe. she went outside the sky sparkled. The moon was the only light.

"You going to f*ck Rhaenyra?" Davina spat

"I danced with her. What was wrong with that?" Daemon countered and davina scoffed. "Should I be telling whats his name or other whats his name you spoke closely with both Ser Harwin and Ser Crispin?"

"Criston and you know it." Davina hissed. "I dont have to justify anything to you."

"No. Nor I to you." Daemon reminded her and davina let out a long exhale.

''I'm leaving Dav. I'm heading to runestone then if those c*nts push back I dont know. But im leaving...'

''Daemon-'' davina countered.

''I love you. I have always loved you.'' Daemon told her pulling her with him.

''You dont do what you did to me to someone you love.'' Davina countered

''Lies." Daemon told her pulling her farther away from the castle. ''We break each other we push and pull. But its been us. Always us you know it.''

"You are a c*nt, you know that? You promised forever and then you damn near killed me!" Davina countered. "YOu did that. you did that to us!" Davina sobbed out. "I wanted you forever and you f*cked it all up. Because that is who you are."

"We torment each other. Always have..." Daemon corrected. "But look at us, you and me. We were born into this world together and that is how we are going out. Bodies colliding and consuming each other like our lives depend on it. You know it."

"You make my heart hurt." Davina informed him softly.

"You have done this to me," Daemon whispered harshly into Davinas hair, his nose grazing her ear gently. "You have... bewitched me," Daemon raised his hand to davinas chin, she snapped her face away from his grasp.

"Leave Daemon. Go." Davina demanded. "Get the hell out of here!"

"Fine." Daemon agreed. "You will be begging for me back. Begging me!"

"I will take you back..." davina assured. "I will take you back when we can ice skate in hell." Davina spat. Daemon chuckled.

"See you in hell then, Davina."

Daemon strut off while Davina marched off furious. Gwayne saw and heard half of the interaction between the twins before he moved to Davinas side not knowing what she wanted or needed but he held her hand and she relaxed.

"Thanks." Davina whispered

"Im right here. As long as you will have me. No ice staking in hell for us." He added. Davina chuckled glancing to him.

"You heard all that?"

"Enough." Gwayne countered a smirk pulling at his lips. Davina tipped her head into him. She opened and closed her mouth a shaky breath released from her nervous lungs.

“Dav,” Gwayne gave her hand a squeeze. “Viserys is going to be okay.” Of course he didnt know that for sure but it was what Davina needed to hear.

~1 year later~

Davina woke up to sunlight streaming through the window onto her face. She tried to stretch but found her arms trapped.


Hot and hard against her, he was spooning her. His breath was warm in her hair. An arm was thrown possessively over her, hand cupping her breast through the nightdress that was now bunched up around her waist.

Her ass was pressed against some impressive morning wood. Now this was the way to wake up. Warm, safe, and wrapped in strong arms.

He twitched in his sleep, squeezing her breast. Davina bit her lip glancing back at him.

"Hey," davina whispered. "You dreaming of me?" Gwayne chuckled tightening his grip on her.

"Who are you again?" He mused. She reached around slapping him playfully. "Oh, darling... Dani was it?"

"Playing with fire, handsome." Davina purred.

"Davina! Oh where did my mind go? Who's Dani?"

"You are lucky you are cute." Davina decided.

"Thank you, I think so to." Gwayne agreed.

Davina smiled as she got up moving around the room. She brushed out her hair and the glint of the emerald green ring caught her attention. It always did.

It was Gwayne subtle way of saying yes Davina is mine even though we are not married. Stay away. Green. Hightower green. Davina wasnt one for accessories but she wore that emerald green ring on her pointer finger every day since he gave it to her. She liked that he was claiming her while respecting her wishes.

Gwayne had a spring in his step when he found his little sister. She looked up from Aegon he ran to Gwayne the moment he entered the room.

"Dav?" Aegon questioned peering past him as he held to his legs.

"I see who the favorite is." Gwayne agreed. Aegon smirked up at him. Gwayne crouched down and turned Aegon to the hallway pointing down the hallway. "Shes on her way to Fury, can you catch up?" Aegon took off on little legs sprinting as fast as he could.

"DAAAVV!" Aegon demanded arms swinging as he chased after her. Alicent watched her brother smile as Davina turned around scooping Aegon up.

"You would be a good father, Gwayne." Alicent remarked. Gwayne offered her a small smile. Davina still didnt want children of her own. "Is this good enough, for you?" Alicent questioned.

"We dont have father here to command our every move, our every breath. It's great." Gwayne assured.

"I mean you and Davina, you always wanted more." ALicent countered.

"I did but... if she doesnt I dont."

"I dont understand how you can give that up." ALicent countered.

"If you really love someone, then what you want becomes irrelevant. Their wants become your wants. Meeting their needs becomes your life goal. In return, they'll do the same for you. They'll bend over backward to make sure you're happy." Gwayne remarked. "That's what true and selfless love is," he added a smile curved his face and Alicent knew he was thinking of Davina. "that's the ultimate goal. Labels like marriage and happily ever after don't mean anything. Davina doesnt want to get married and Im okay with that as long as she has a happily ever after with me." Alicent smiled, her brother was truly happy. In a good and committed relationship where he didnt feel the need to listen to their father and his manipulative ways. "It's just an avenue, a way to create a lasting relationship where selflessness can grow."

Davina let that sink in. Aegon stared up at her. He opened his mouth to speak but She hushed him.

"But if you wanted to get married one day?" Alicent questioned.

"Of course I want to marry her. But we basically are in every sense but the name." Gwayne reminded alicent. "We live together. We take care of your children. We have great sex every night-"

"Too much information." Alicent cut in.

"I love her but im okay with how things are. Im great with how things are." Gwayne assured.

"We play?" Aegon questioned. Davina nodded leading him off she took him to the pits and pulled them up onto Fury. Aegon squealed with excitement. Davina thought that if she had a kid, it would be probably just like Aegon. He was sassy, sweet and dragon obsessed, not to mention completely in love with Davina.

Gwayne would be a good father, Davina had to admit that but she was okay with just raising Aegon, helping her brother and Alicent.

Viserys hoped now that he was back on his feet after his accident that Davina would decide that she wanted more of Gwayne and a family, she got to hear the peoples requests, their concerns, she sat the iron throne, Viserys may have milked his need to stay out of the publics eye because he liked seeing Davina taking charge, it showed how she would be a good leader one day, he was sad he wouldnt get to see that day so he loved her setting forward now.


"Life is really fragile." Davina remarked. "Its... messy and loud and a pain in the ass."

"All true." Gwayne agreed.

"But viserys... hes going to survive. It took him a long time to get his head out from his woe is me but having to step in and be... the queen adjacent."

"You did great Dav." Gwayne assured.

"Thanks... but Um thats... not what Im..."

"What are you saying dav?" Gwayne questioned. "You can talk to me."

"Marry me."

"I thought you didnt want-"

"Marry me Gwayne Hightower. Marry me. What do you say?"

"I do."

With that she kissed him and wedding planning began. Davina had two requests and they were non negotiable. Carrot cake and Fury.

Carrot cake would be served and Fury would be present.

Gwayne agreed, he would marry her right here and now, just the two of them but the moment viserys heard he went into wedding mode.

Viserys was so happy Davina changed her mind, first marriage and then a child. Viserys knew Davina would change her mind about children just like she changed her mind about marriage.

Daemon growled when he saw the declaration, the heir, Davina Rose Targaryen was getting to married Gwayne f*cking Hightower. Daemon burned the declarations. Every last one of them. He wanted to burn Gwayne too but Davina would come after him for that, maybe he wanted her to come after him.

"You will live your life to better suit Davinas mood." Viserys warned. Gwayne chuckled. "Im serious."

"I know." Gwayne assured.

"Gwayne." He turned at his name even though he knew that condescending tone.

"Father." He answered.

"I heard the news, sad that my own son didnt write to tell me he was getting married." Otto offered.

"Yeah well..." gwayne shrugged. "You were the reason she broke up with me temporarily."

"Of course..." Otto agreed. "But we are past that? No?"

"Sure." Gwayne agreed. Since Otto got what he wanted in the end after all.

"I heard Alicent was pregnant again too, so I'm not just here for you." Otto added "Although it did get me here quicker."

"I'm sure ALicent will be happy to hear you care." Gwayne countered sharply.

"I would love to give my respects to Davina, where might she be?" otto questioned.

"Probably with Aegon." Viserys cut in.

"Your grace," Otto bowed politely. "Excuse me I wanted to see my grandson." Otto had a spring in his step as he marched past them.

"Davina likes you." viserys remarked. "Dont f*ck that up."

"I wont." Gwayne assured.

"Dont let your father f*ck it up either." Viserys recommended.

''Thats a harder challenge." Gwayne admitted.

"Davina, princess!" Otto declared. She turned her head slowly, her gaze cold.

"Otto." She answered putting Aegon down. He whined immediately for her to pick him back up.

"DAVVV!" Aegon demanded.

"What are you doing here Otto?"


"I came to congratulate my son." Otto remarked. "And you of course. I can't think of a better match."

"He is a good man, must get it after your wife." Davina decided.

"DAVVV!" Aegon growled pulling on her dress.

"You have a little admirer." Otto nodded to Aegon. She scooped him up kissing his cheek.

"My little Aegon." Davina agreed. "What do you want Otto?"

"Just happy you and Gwayne found love." Otto assured. "I should check on ALicent."

"You should." Davina agreed. "She was giving birth for hours this morning, probably done by now."

"And you tend to her children." Otto agreed.

"I dont like doing heavy lifting." Davina warned. "I dont want children. After I die, I'm passing my crown onto Rhaenyra." Davina assured. Otto grit his teeth. "Moody little dragon that she is, but she doesnt have any hightower in her blood which in my mind makes her a perfect candidate." Davina smirked as Otto scowled. "Do give ALicent my best but she knows I dont deal with children that little or that loud until they are bigger." Otto blinked back at her. "Now go." She added shooing him away. "What did you need Aegon?" Davina questioned as Otto left.

"Just hold me!" Aegon declared nestling into her neck.

"I got you." Davina assured. "I got you."


"I want it to be done by the old Valyrion customs." Viserys informed them. Davina stared back at him.

"Alright." Gwayne agreed. "What does that entail?"

"Whos wedding is this vis?" Davina sassed.

"Rhaenyra didnt get a proper wedding, please!" Viserys begged. "are you really telling me you would rather have a normal ceremony? You are special davina."

"Good point." She agreed easily. "Do you know any Valyrian?" Davina asked.

"Nope." Gwayne answered.

"It's fine, I can teach you." Davina offered. "Kessa."

"Kessa." Gwayne repeated.

"Good," Davina agreed.

"What did I say?" Gwayne countered.


"Yes. Alright thats easy enough. Give me another." Gwayne requested.


"Gevie." He repeated.

":Raqnon, ñuha."


"Raqnon." she corrected.




"Gevie, onya," He repeated her again. "Ābrazȳrys."

"Ābrazȳrys." Gwayne finished.

"Put it all together." Davina requested.

"Raqnon... ñuha gevie... onya... Ābrazȳrys.'

"Yes you do." Davina agreed. Gwayne laughed as she wrapped her arms around him. Viserys smiled back at them, he was so happy for his sister.

"What did I say?"

"I love my beautiful, perfect wife." Davina told him. "Remember those words and Kessa. You will be set."

"You ready to become a Hightower?" Gwayne asked kissing her again. Davina chuckled.

"Are you ready to be forever tied to my crazy?" Davina countered.

"I told you Davina. You are mine."

"Good because there is no way I'm taking your last name." Davina corrected. "Highgaryen. Tartower?"

"What are you doing?" Gwayne questioned.

"Trying to combine our names. Duh, its not working. Gwayne Targaryen sounds nice though. Lets stick with that." Davina decided. "Great!" Gwayne chuckled.

"Whatever you want. Kessa."

"Good boy."


Viserys wasnt worried. He was just a little bit worried but Davina had picked Gwayne herself. No one was forcing her to marry him but if history proved anything it was that Davina wasnt suited for marriage. Even though he had been pushing for a marriage, now that the day was here memories of the past failures flooded his mind. But he couldnt help but smile seeing her face. So happy and full of life. She never looked like this on a wedding day.

"I feel funny." Gwayne remarked.

"You look perfect." Davina countered. He did look a bit silly in the traditional Valyrian wedding garb but he was being a trooper. THe septon started to speak and Gwayne chuckled.

"Hen lantoti ānogar (Blood of two)" The septon began. "Va sȳndroti vāedroma (Joined as one)" Their hands were cut, their lips as well, tracing their blood on each others forehead. Bloody palms waiting for unity.

"He could be saying Gwayne Hightower you are signing over your life to this fiery woman. To be bent a broken at her will and pleasure and I'm basically saying where do I sign." Gwayne mused. Davina couldnt stop laughing she looked to Viserys.

"You two really are perfect for each other." Viserys remarked. "It is usually Davina who is making the jokes throughout the ceremony."

"It is." Davina agreed. "And that is what he is saying. You are mine and I'm yours and I'm still in charge." Davina informed him speaking over the septon. One hand of each of them was tied together binding the blood, then they drank from the goblet staring into each others eyes.

"Mēro perzot gīhoti (Ghostly flame) Elēdroma iārza sīr (And song of shadows) Izulī ampā perzī (Two hearts as embers) Prūmī lanti sēteksi (Forged in fourteen fires)" The septon went on, they couldnt hide their smiles, their outfits pure white on the top, with a golden inlay, bleeding down to an ombre red, the end of her gown the darkest of reds.

"So nothing new." Gwayne remarked as the septon stepped forward and cut his lip. "Is he supposed to do that? Is this a blood ritual?" Gwayne questioned and Davina couldnt contain her laughter. "That's what this is?" Gwayne laughed out. The septon traced Gwaynes blood down Davina's forehead and cut her lip tracing the blood down Gwaynes forehead. Otto hated this, all the interruptions, their laughter, this was supposed to be serious and they were in costumes and speaking in stupid olden tongues. But the union was still binding, stupid customs or not.

Davina stepped forward closing the distance between them.

"Hen jenȳ māzīlarion (A future promised in glass) Qēlossa ozūndesi (The stars stand witness) Sȳndroro ōñō jēdo (The vow spoken through time) Rȳ kīvia mazvestraksi (Of darkness and light)"

"Is this the part where I say Kessa?" Gwayne asked.

"Kiss me." Davina corrected wrapping her arms around him. He tasted their blood mixing as she kept her lips on him, he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her like she was the breath he needed to breathe.

"ērinnon!" Viserys declared.

"Shut up!" Davina laughed back as she leaned into Gwayne. Her husband.

"What did he say?" Gwayne asked.

"Victory." Viserys told informed him. "She is your problem now." he mused.

"You are glad im here." Davina countered.

"Oh, very much." Viserys agreed. "Even more gladdened that Gwayne has to deal with you now."

"I think I need to dance with my wife." Gwayne remarked licking the blood from her lips.

"That... was... hot." Davina told him as he pulled her with him. His hands wrapped around her hips

The music started up as the band played joyously. After all there was so much to celebrate.

It felt very familiar to when everything went wrong at Rhaenyra's own wedding festivities, but inside, it had a different energy. A different connection. The heave and throb of people moving towards the dance floor. Alcohol flowing from a bar off to the side. That's where Rhaenyra and Laenor were. From the look on her face Davina could tell the news of Rhaenyra's pregnancy wasnt one that she was gladdened with unlike viserys who was happy to become a grandsire.

The music blared around them, the darkness interspersed with flashes of candle lights that Davina had always found so eerily beautiful about nights like this.

Gwayne ran his hands along her tight black dress, they had both changed from traditional garb into more moveable, breathable clothes, it rose on her thighs as she lifted her arms around his neck pulling his lips to hers. Kisses trailed down her neck nipping at her skin.

They found the very center of the floor and she closed her eyes, letting her head tip back as the music built to a crescendo. Before she snapped back up looking to Gwayne . Her husband.

The song bleeds into the next one and Davina moved into it without breaking stride. Gwayne's hand snaked around her waist. Heart racing already, Davina leaned closer to Gwayne, brushing her lips over the shell of his ear.

'I think we need somewhere more private.' She whispered and Gwayne nodded his lips meeting hers as they heard Viserys call out.

"The Cake!" Viserys declared and Davina turned her hand went to her chest as it was brought in.

"That's a cake?" Davina asked moving to it. "It's so beautiful." Davina whispered.

"Carrot cake, obviously.' Gwayne told her.

"You did this?" Davina asked.

"I did. Well I asked the cooks, I can't cook." Gwayne assured her. "But, I told them what I wanted and this is what they came up with."

"Gwayne." Davina declared leaning back into him as she stared down at her dragon cake. "This is perfect. You are perfect."

Davina didn't know why she wasted so many years, so many tears on Daemon when Gwayne was here and just begging to be hers.

"You are perfect." Gwayne corrected bringing his lips to hers again. "my beautiful wife."

A few moons later... a baby was wailing in Davinas arms. She looked helplessly to Gwayne.

"I dont know what he wants!" Davina demanded. "I told you I hate babies!"

"I dont think you ever said hate so strongly." Gwayne corrected.

"I fed him. I changed him. Gross by the way." Davina murmured. "He is not tired. I dont know what he wants!"

"Take your dress off."

"In front of the baby!" Davina demanded.

"Skin to skin. He wants to be closer to you,"
Gwayne confirmed kissing her. She shimmied out of her dress and Aemond settled. Snuggling into her chest.

"Hes hungry again you liar." Davina hissed. Aemond tried to get to her breasts but davina shook her head. "Im sorry baby boy my tit* dont work."

Aemond grumbled davina chuckled, gwayne wrapped his arms around both of them.

"Isnt this great?"

"Babysitting for Alicent? No. Hes a difficult little nugget. He always wants to be held."

"By you!" Gwayne agreed. "Its a sign."

"Im not pregnant and still dont want my own children." Davina corrected. "This should prove that."

"It doesnt."

"I'm terrible with littles! He's a little monster. I'm having about ten mini melt downs all while he took a sh*t, I thought he was dying with the sounds he was making and the faces- you should have seen his little eyes bludge out!" Davina declared. "Then the smell! Gods the smell! Gross! I-" she gagged. "this should prove I should never be a mother."

"You are wonderful with him!" Gwayne corrected. "And Jace. Rhaenyra's boy loves you!" Gwayne added.

"You conned me into marrying you-" Davina countered wagging a finger at him.

"You proposed to me but okay." Gwayne agreed.

"You are not conning me into children."

"Whatever you say but when alicent sunk into depression after giving birth to Aemond you jumped at the chance to mother him."

"I love your sister and her little gremlins." Davina agreed.

"Im not a gremlin!" Aegon shouted from the door. "Whats a gremlin?" he countered a moment later.

"An untamed dragon," davina offered fixing her dress. Aegon laughed out running up to her.

"Mama I dont think thats right." Aegon corrected. Davina stared down at him. Gwayne gawked back at her.

"Its a f*cking sign!"

"It's a sign that Alicent doesnt spend enough time with her children." Davina corrected.

"Mama Dav," Gwayne purred. "I like it."

"I already told you-" Davina tsked.

"You just look soo good with Aemond in your arms. You can't tell me otherwise." Gwayne informed her. "Come on Aegon, lets go play."

"Come on mama." Aegon agreed waving a hand for Davina to follow him.


"So how is it going?" Viserys questioned.

"What?" Davina demanded.

"The... baby?" Viserys offered cautiously.

"Your children are fine." Davina assured. "Aemond is finally sleeping the little f*cker." she mumbled. Viserys chuckled. "What?' Davina barked.

"You are so good with them."

"Well you married a child that isnt capable of taking care of her children and now Aegon is calling me mama and that just not right." Davina demanded.

"Thank you for putting it so bluntly." Viserys agreed. "But the children love you."

"Yeah, I'm loveable." Davina agreed.

"Have you given it any-"

"You and Gwayne are insufferable." Davina declared. "I told him before I didnt want kids, he knew that and still wanted me, its his own fault. I told you I didnt want-"

"A husband or children when I named you my heir, yes." Viserys agreed. "But..." He sighed smiling back at his little sister. "You changed your mind."

"Rhaenyra can be my heir." Davina decided. "She is a new mother, he is trying to figure out how to be a mother to jace... little black haired dark eyed handsome little nugget, Jace. How about that? Then will you get off my back?"

"I'm sorry, I just thought, with all your time with the children recently that you might have changed your mind."

"No." Davina corrected marching out for the pits. Aegon was stroking Furys leg, he smiled back at her. "Hey handsome." Davina whispered picking Aegon up. "You and Fury playing?"

"Uncle G said you loved Fury most in the world but thats not true." Aegon informed her.

"No? I think it might be." Davina countered. Gwayne chuckled behind them.

"No, you love me most." Aegon corrected kissing her cheek. davina sighed.

"Damnit it, kid."


Lucarys Velaryon was supposed to be having his first name day when Sunfyre arrived at the capital. Davina and Aegon slipped away from the party. Aegon had turned seven and was always jealous that Davina's egg hatched when she was a baby. He wanted to have a bond like that.

"Handsome." Davina remarked. The maesters all said that Sunfyre was the most handsome dragon but Davina obviously disagreed, that title belonged to Fury.

Davina wasnt thrilled with Rhaenyra's choice of bed mate. Maybe it was because she f*cked Harwin once upon a time. Maybe it was because Rhaenys already hated them enough as it was without Rhaenyra birthing bastards and calling them velaryon.

Davina was going to be a good aunt, she really was but... Dragons.

She would have apologized but she was davina and didnt like apologizing. She ran off with Aegon and they tried to claim Sunfyre.

"Where is Davina?" Otto questioned.

"What are you doing here?" Gwayne murmured.

"How is the baby making going?" Otto questioned.

"Davina loves her niece and nephews." Gwayne answered.

"That she does." Otto agreed. "You are not giving in."

"I'm happy with Davina. Stop trying to ruin that." Gwayne agreed.

"Good Aegon!" Davina declared. "No fear."

"I'm scared." Aegon corrected.

"Dont let Sunfyre hear that." Davina corrected. Sunfyre got jittery, anxious, stomping down, Aegon ran behind Davina. Davina didnt have fear until she realized Aegon might not be fireproof. Fury seemed to notice her worry as she glanced down at Aegon. Fury shouted at Sunfyre making him yield.

"Come on, take my hand, we will try again." Davina suggested. "You know the words. Lets do it together." Aegon nodded.

‘’ Dohaeras!’’ Aegon shouted holding onto Davinas hand tight. ‘’Dohaeras, Sunfyre!’’ Aegon demanded and Sunfyre settled staring down at him.

"Like me! Like me!" Aegon begged. Davina chuckled.

‘’Lykiri! Lykiri!’’ Davina corrected.

"What?" Aegon stared up at her.

"Hold his eye contact." Davina corrected. Aegon's gaze snapped back to Sunfyre. ‘’Lykiri! Lykiri!’’ she repeated. "Not like me, sweetie."

"Oh, Ly..."

‘’Lykiri! Lykiri!’’ Davina repeated, sunfyre stared down at them.

‘’Lykiri! Lykiri!’’ Aegon demanded. ‘’Lykiri! Lykiri!’’ Sunfrye quieted ‘’Lykiri. Dohaeras, Sunfyre!’’ Aegon shouted out. "Lykiri!"

"Good," Davina breathed back as Sunfyre submitted.

"Will you... come up with me?"

"You want to ride already? Thats my boy, you are not viserys kid, you are mine." Davina decided. Aegon carefully climbed up. Sunfyre kept a weary eye on Fury as he grumbled out puffing out hot breaths. Davina climbed up behind Aegon helping him get his hands in the right position. Aegon smiled back at her.

"You want to sat it?"

"Sovengon!" Aegon squealed out as they took flight. Davina had taken him flying on Fury many times but this was his dragon now.

"We get to race each other now!" Aegon realized as they sailed through the clouds.

"There is another dragon." Rhaenyra remarked staring up at the sky.

"Sunfyre." Viserys agreed. "He's a beauty."

"He has a rider?" Laenor questioned. "I didnt think he had a rider not in many years."

'Looks like someone is up there." Rhaenyra agreed. SHe shifted luke in her arms as she stared up at the sky. She glanced around for Davina but she wasnt here. "How much you want to bet that its davina up there?"

"She already has a dragon." Alicent cut in. Rhaenyra glared back at her.

"Davina doesnt really follow the rules." Rhaenyra corrected.

"Where is Aegon?" Alicent questioned.

"Davina has him." Gwayne answered. "Wow, a dragon, that's a new one right... Beautiful."

"Davina got Aegon a dragon." Alicent gushed.

"He has to do that himself." Rhaenyra corrected. "And I doubt he could do that."

"Yet the dragon has a rider." Alicent sassed.

Aegon was the happiest boy in the world as they landed. He held tight to Davina, he couldnt believe he finally got a dragon.


There was something primal, wild about the way he climbed atop her now. He leaned over her, his hair falling into his eyes.

"Davina," he rasped, his voice thick with his fraying restraint. His forearms were all corded muscle and shaking tension as he held himself perfectly still above Davina.

Her finger was still between his lips. He looked like he might die if she withdrew it. Davina understood the desperate look in his eyes what he was asking her. With a grunt and one delicious thrust of his hips he was fully seated inside her. She gasped, stunned, the sheer enormity of him stealing the breath from her lungs. Her body clenched and unclenched involuntarily, struggling to adjust to his size as he tried to hold himself back.

She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him down into a searing kiss. He was everywhere, all at once, and she wanted him to move, to feel the glorious sensual pleasure of him sliding in and out of her body.

She wanted to have him in her arms as they moved together, to fall apart in ecstasy as she held him close. On a shaky exhale he slowly pulled out, and then thrust back into her with so much force the headboard knocked against the wall. She slid her hands down his backside, gripping the hard muscle beneath her fingertips as she tried to pull him even deeper inside her.

"Is this okay?" The cords in his neck stood out in sharp relief as he fought to hold on.

"Yes." She agreed and He groaned, feral, his lips so close to the overly sensitive skin of her neck she felt it more than heard it. Whatever thin filament of restraint he'd been clinging to seemed to snap with another sharp thrust of his hips. And then another. And another.

"Mine," he growled, the speed of his thrusts increasing, his voice taking on a deep rumbling timbre she had never heard from him before. She answered with an incoherent moan, writhing beneath him, pinned to the mattress by his strong hands and the relentless pace of his hips.

He'd been a patient and giving lover earlier. Now, he was using her, her body, for his own pleasure. She liked this side of him. The realization that he wasn't going to let her out of this bed until he'd thoroughly had his way with her thrilled her completely. A desperate cry tore from his throat, nearly sending her spiraling straight into another org*sm.

"Please," she begged breathlessly, not even knowing what she was begging for. She canted her hips upward, matching his thrusts, mindless in her desperate, urgent need. Her lungs couldn't pull in enough air. Her body couldn't get enough friction. There was nothing in the world but his breath in her ear, the pounding, relentless thrusts of his body into hers, and the shimmering org*sm he was about to give her that still remained frustratingly out of reach.

"I . . . want . . . to . . . feel . . . you . . . ," he gritted out so slowly. So f*cking slowly. She was nothing but mindless sensation. When he commanded she come she came.

She was still in the throes of pleasure when his hips slammed into her one final time, he bit down on her lip drawing blood. Fore and blood, the blood on his tongue, her name falling feverishly from his lips.

His whole body went rigid above her, his back arching, his hands fisting the sheets on either side of her head so tightly his knuckles were white. They were silent for a long moment after that as they lay side by side on the mattress.

Her head lolled on his chest, the gentle designs he was drawing on her arm with his fingertips making her drowsy. The only sounds in the room, aside from the steady rhythm of their breathing was their matching heartbeats.

“Not that im complaining.” Davina remarked. “But…”

“You are friendly with the guards. Just reminding you who your husband is.” Gwayne answered. Davina nodded kissing him again.

“Im gonna talk to them some more then.” Davina mused. “I love you. Only you.”

"Bringing a child into the world. Pushing a life into the world pushing it viciously through you. Ripping through you. Tearing you apart. Doesnt that sound fun?" Davina questioned sarcastically

"No." Gwayne agreed.

"Thank you for seeing things my way." Davina agreed. Gwayne chuckled. "What? No. Never mind dont say it."

"You are just really good with them."

"Harwin. Rescue me!" Davina countered as she strut off. Harwin turned, smirking back at them.

"I hate how close you are with them." Gwayne admitted "but im confident in our relationship so im not worried."

"If I married you harwin, you would never make me go through the tremendous pain childbirth, right?"

" you want me to be honest? Because hell yes I would. You would look so sexy dav." Harwin assured.

"I would. But thats not the point." Davina corrected.


Helaena grabbed Davina's cheeks so their noses were touching, one of her signature moves. Her violet eyes are pools of innocence.

"My room has monsters," she whispered loudly. Davina held back a laugh. "You don't want to go in my room."

"I have already been in your room, silly goose. I didn't see any monsters." Davina corrected. Gwayne smiled back at her, he loved her, wanted a child of his own because he knew that she would be such an amazing mother. Davina picked her up and start taking her out.

"There are monsters," helaena insisted, Davina shook her head.

"We don't run from monsters." Davina corrected. "We are Targaryen. We fight the monsters."

"You and me fight it?" Helaena questioned.

"You and me fight it." Davina agreed. "let me just clear my schedule and we will get right on this."

"Thank you!" Helaena declared hugging her tight.


When Gwayne finally returned to the foyer and saw his gorgeous wife, the small reprieve from her beauty as she stood in her baggy shirts and cozy pants, surely she had stolen from him, her hair was down and a little bit messy, she probably went for a ride and her hair tie came loose, making her hair messy and yet beautiful. yet she wasnt all dolled up, she wasnt in her sexy riding attire, she was just Davina now, he liked that she didnt have to put a show on for him, that she felt comfortable to just be herself. She didnt have to put a face on like most women did, always looking the part for their husband, Gwayne liked how comfortable they were with each other. Davina looked up when she felt him staring and a smile curved her lips.

“Come.” He extended a hand, and when she took it, he laced his fingers through hers. He led her out into the darkness.

"What did you do today?" Davina questioned. "I can guarantee that its not better than my day."

"I was in meetings and training with your favorite guards." Gwayne answered. "What did you do?"

"I fought an invisible monster with Helaena. I told you, my day was better."


Davina smiled when Tommen made an appearance at the capital. Gwayne tensed however.

"TOMMEN!" Davina shrilled running to him.

"Hey gorgeous." Tommen answered holding her close.

"You keep leaving me, I should hate you." Davina reminded him but she didnt let go.

"You should but you can't hate me." Tommen corrected.

"I can't?" Davina pondered.

"Nope." Tommen corrected. "You love me too much."

"Thats certainly true." She agreed kissing his cheek.

"Tommen." Gwayne remarked stepping forward.

"Guias?" Tommen teased. "Oh right Hightower, thanks for the invite to the wedding," Tommen looked dramatically to Davina.

"Would you have come or crashed my wedding?" Davina countered.

"Good point." Tommen admitted before shaking Gwayne's hand. "You taking care of my girl?"

"My girl." Gwayne corrected. "And yes."

"I strike a nerve with hightower so easily." Tommen mused.

"He like pushing buttons." Davina agreed.

"He makes you happy?" Tommen questioned. Davina glanced back at gwayne. He gave a big cheesy smile.

"Yeah." Davina agreed, still smiling back at him.

"Alright then." Tommen agreed.

"I miss you when you are gone, you know." Davina added.

"As you should, I'm awesome." Tommen agreed. "Come on we need drinks!" Tommen added wrapping an arm around Davina's shoulders she smiled back at Gwayne as they headed off.

"I saw another dragon when I got in." Tommen realized. "Pretty one."

"Sunfrye, I helped Aegon claim him." Davina agreed as she poured the wine.

"What should we toast to?" Tommen questioned.

"ummm, friendship. To us." Davina decided.

"Heres to those that wish us well." Tommen remarked.

" Those that don’t can go to hell." Davina agreed. They clinked glasses tipping back their drinks.

"Are you not worried?" Aegon questioned.

"About what?" Gwayne questioned.

"Well we all know I'm her favorite man and you are second but she so easily dismissed you for Tommen." Aegon reminded him, how was an nine year old smarter than Gwayne was? "Just saying," Aegon shrugged.

"are you the favorite? She married me." Gwayne reminded him.

"Yeah but when I call she comes running." aegon reminded him. "Can you say the same thing?"

"You are not a baby anymore nephew." Gwayne reminded him.

"Care to test that?" Aegon challenged. "DAVINA!" Aegon cried out and she peered out of her door.

"Whats wrong baby?" Davina questioned, he smirked back at Gwayne.

"Just missed you." Aegon assured. Davina blew him a kiss before disappearing into her chambers again. "Told. You." Aegon sassed before marching off.

"Little sh*t." Gwayne muttered.

"I agree." Alicent offered. "What did he do?" Gwayne chuckled shaking his head.

“I don’t know what makes a good marriage.” Davina admitted. "But I love Gwayne."

“Friendship.” Tommen smiled. “The other stuff is a bonus, but if you have a solid friendship, nothing can tear you apart. You end up fighting more for the friendship than you do with your partner. That’s why they say you should marry your best friend.”

"You are my best friend." Davina corrected.

"Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner- wait not you f*cked that up." Tommen corrected, Davina punched him in the arm. "Ow,' he laughed back.

“There’s two kinds of growth in this life. The kind where you grow however and whenever you want with no struggles. You may get big, but you won’t have the roots to become anything but ground cover for other plants. You won’t fulfill your purpose." Davina remarked. Tommen chuckled. "Then there’s the other kind. The kind where someone loves you enough to trim your runners and your blossoms while you’re young so that you can become strong, so you can be trusted to bear good fruit. That’s what the gardener is for.”

"Are you my gardener?" Tommen pondered.

"I'm your best friend and I want to set you up find you your perfect woman!" Davina corrected.

"And thats my cue to run back home to Dorne." Tommen mused.

"I'm serious!"

"Me too." Tommen agreed.


"Davina!" Tommen mocked.

"What's going on?" Gwayne pondered.

"Your wife is trying to set me up on a date." Tommen said completely appalled.

"Not with herself, I'm happy to help with that mission." Gwayne countered wrapping his arms around davina.

"NOt with herself or else I wouldnt be putting up such a fuss." Tommen agreed.

"I love you. I love you and I want you happy."

"I am happy, you have never needed a man to make you happy, not before." Tommen countered glancing to Gwayne accusingly.

"I take full responsibility for davina's heart." Gwayne agreed.

"And I take full responsibility for trying to taint davina back to me." Tommen assured.

An hour maybe not even that passed when Davina stumbled into Tommen again, she had been demanded, she would say requested but it was a demand by Aemond to play with him. So of course, Davina had to go to her favorite little munchkins. Maybe she did want kids but she didnt think so, she liked this age, she liked that they were self sufficient but still needed her, it was a good age, before they turned into little sh*ts. Yes. This was a good age, older and younger were difficult, she didnt want to deal with her own.

Tommen blinked when he saw Davina and a sly grin spread over his face, which prompted Gwayne to step in front of Davina as if she was naked.

“Hey, Houdini,” Tommen laughed, “you realize that didn’t make her invisible, right?”

Davina was silent for a long moment before she laughed out.


Gwayne's only purpose in life is to keep this fiery woman from burning the seven kingdoms by keeping her happy and saying yes to all her wishes and desires. That included dragon rides, all the dragon rides.

Gwayne didnt mind Dragon rides, Fury liked Gwayne, Davina told him so, so that was a plus. But right now they were racing Aegon through the sky. Helaena begrudgingly held onto Aegon as they flew.

Helaena was still looking for a dragon of her own. Aemond wanted one more but Helaena happened upon Dreamfrye first.

Gwayne was not too thrilled with dragon conquests. Davina said she would gladly claim every dragon out there, have a herd of dragons in her arsenal, when she was queen it would be good to have. But she knew that they were dangerous and she wanted her niece and nephews to have a dragon before she started collecting dragons as if they were cats.

But Helaena got a dragon and Aemond's little heart broke.


now everything between them was magnified. She felt a strong emotional connection driving the physical attraction forward at a speed so intense her body could barely handle it. Davina's thin slip of a dress was sheer against her skin as her eyes summoned Gwayne closer.

A man can only take so much. He slowly took off his shirt and remove his shoes, easing into the hot water. The heat soothed his sore muscles, thawing the tightness he had been holding onto for years. He floated over to where Davina was, taking the seat beside her.

"I like this spot." Gwayne remarked.

"It's nice, a hot spot, the dragon scales created it." Davina agreed. "Glad you found it." Gwayne nodded kissing her. She smiled as his hands settled on either side of her hips.

"Tommen left." Gwayne realized.

"Yeah, he didnt want to be set up and since I'm a happily married woman he made his leave." Davina agreed. "I'm honestly surprised he didnt duel you for my hand."

'I would have won" Gwayne assured.

"I remember you getting knocked to your ass when I first met you." Davina corrected. Gwayne moved his hands to her thighs under the water.

"Yeah well he who shall not be named is a cheat." Gwayne offered. "You didnt think about running off with Tommen? Did you?" Gwayne mused.

"And if I did?" Davina countered teasingly as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Then I would have to remind you who your husband is." Gwayne remarked pulling her closer. She dipped down deeper into the water.

"Oh, are you jealous? Is that what this is?" Davina teased as he kissed her neck. "I like jealous Gwayne, its sexy." Davina smiled leaning down to kiss him. It was so romantic so of course Aegon had to cannon ball in and splash them.

"WAAA HOOO!" Aegon shouted. Aemond wasnt too far behind him. Helaena dipped a toe in before she slid in too. Luke reached out for Davina wanting help while Jace saw Aemond and Aegon jump right in and joined them. they little secluded area was suddenly filled with every little person in the capital it seemed.

"Hi honey," Davina cooed grabbing Luke, he smiled sliding into her lap, pushing Gwayne away.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it I'm chopped liver." Gwayne agreed splashing Davina as he pushed off the side of the hot spot.

"Something like that." Davina agreed. "Where is your mama?"

"WIth Mr Harwin." Luke answered, Jace glanced back at them and Aegon dunked him under the water.

"Aegon gentle!" Davina demanded and he let Jace up. Jace choked for breath moving to the side of the hot spot. "AEGON!" Davina growled.

"Just having fun." Aegon offered. "We are cool right?"

"Yeah," Jace agreed as he coughed up water.

"Aegon time out." Davina demanded pointing a finger at him.

"What?" Aegon demanded.

"You nearly drowned Jace, time out, go sit in the corner and think about what you have done."

"I dont want to."

"I dont care." Davina corrected.


"NO." Davina demanded. "Go!" Aegon grumbled as he pulled himself up.

"He's still breathing, he's fine." Aegon grumbled.

"We dont hurt our family!" Davina corrected. Aegon slumped off. Helaena looked to Jace.

"Are you okay?" Helaena questioned.

"I'm really fine, just caught me off guard." Jace assured. "He can come back." Aegon was kicking at a tree trunk.

"Give him another minute." Luke corrected with a giggled.

"Theres my little man." Davina agreed. Gwayne chuckled glancing to Aegon.

"Come on back Aegon.'" Gwayne agreed. But Aegon didnt move. "Wow, he is only going to listen you." Gwayne realized.

"A loyal dragon." Davina agreed. "Alright Aegon, Jace said you can come back." Aegon glanced back at them, big violet eyes and pouting lips. "Yes, come on." Aegon charged jumping in again.

"You want to try and drown me? Make is even? Even though to be clear I wasnt drowning you." Aegon declared.

"I'm okay." jace corrected.

"I will." Aemond countered jumping on Aegons head and pulling him under.

"You little sh*t" Aegon grumbled.

"And this is another reason why we dont want children." Davina remarked.

"Why is that?" Gwayne threw luke into the middle of the hot spot and he splashed around with Jace. Gwayne pulled Davina into his arms kissing her neck.

"Because children are little murderers in the making, look at them." Davina half mused as Jace smiled back at her. "Okay not Jace, he's a sweetie."

"HEY!" Aegon shouted.

"Says the boy trying to drown Aemond?" Davina sassed and Aegon let Aemond up.

"He started it." Aegon declared as Aemond pushed him under again.

"You love it." Gwayne corrected.

"I do."


Gwayne lifted her like it’s nothing, his hands tight at her hips as he pulled her up off his co*ck only to slam her back down again, thrusting up to meet her with a grunt.

Davina felt him deeper like this, deep enough so that it’s almost uncomfortable but there’s that slide of him against her inner walls, that wet friction as every ridge rubbed her in just the right way. She held on tight to steady herself as he thrusts into her with what feels almost like desperation, like he needs each one just a little more than the last.

“You feel” Gwayne growled out and each word sounded like an inhale, and then an exhale of pleasure. “so goddamned f*cking good.” He pulled her hips back and forth just to accentuate how full she truly was, to feel her.

There’s a broken stream of muttering where she picked up things like can’t believe and so f*cking pretty such a perfect little c*nt. each one making her heart beat a little faster, making her squeeze around him again and again. He found a rough rhythm, a heavy lift and a sharp drop that had her bouncing on his co*ck. His head fell back against the headboard as his mouth parts in a throaty moan alternating between eyes rolling back and homing in on where he disappeared inside her again and again.

This felt like the last time and she didnt want it to be true.

“Gonna come,” he warns through gritted teeth. “But not without you.”

"Ahh a gentlemen," Davina agreed breathlessly. Gwayne gave a choked laugh as he kissed her.

He took to rocking her hips back and forth again not actually thrusting but giving her minute amounts of friction anyway, just enough to keep her on the precipice.

“touch yourself.” He commanded “I Want you to come on my co*ck.” He leaned in to kiss her neck while she found her cl*t with shaking fingers, swiping at the swollen little bud that was already so sensitive, so close.

She tilted her head back to give his mouth better access while she worked herself quickly, his sudden stillness making the throbbing of his co*ck inside obvious, making the fullness the heat that much more heady.

He’s lifting her again, bouncing her on his co*ck at that same rhythm that makes it hard to breathe, but it felt so good that she can’t even be bothered. Her whimpers turned to moans that she could hardly contain and his breath hisses between his teeth as he kept trying to f*ck her even as his thrusts grow erratic, resulting in a messy pace that still felt fantastic.

Her fingers slip against her cl*t with how wet she was. But she just kept going, moving as fast as he was, chasing after the end with a bit of that same desperation.

“Gwayne. f*ck, Gwayne.”

“Come,” he bit out. “f*cking come, Dav.” she wasnt even sure where it came from now—be it her fingers on her cl*t or his co*ck that hits deep, touching her in all the right ways but it doesn’t matter.

It was a slow, thunderous pressure that swells and swells until it bursts like fireworks or wildfire exploding in her blood and her vision and deep, deep inside where his co*ck still moves the sparks of it floating down to tingle at her sensitive skin as she shuddered through it.

There are more filthy mutterings and heavy breaths that are hardly audible with the way her blood pounds in her ears, but she felt it when he fell over the edge. His hips get tight to hold against hers, his co*ck pulsing against her walls like a steady throb. He pulled her close with thick arms wrapped around her, lips moving hungrily over her throat and her jaw and eventually her mouth as he empties deep inside.

“So good,” he breathed back. “f*cking perfect.” she shivered from both the praise and the sparks of her org*sm that are still zinging inside, falling against him in a boneless heap as his hands moved across her back in heavy presses, like he can’t help but keep touching her. Even after, he kept kissing her lazily, his lips a pleasant pressure against her skin.

“I can’t seem to touch you without losing control,” he murmurs eventually, she bit her lip happily. She hummed out as she snuggled closer.

“I don’t mind.”

“It’s becoming a problem,” he mused. “I’m finding that I always want to touch you.”

"I don't mind." she assured running a hand along his chest and down gripping his shaft again. "Who says I can keep my hands off you?"


''Push!'' the midwife demanded

''The head!'' another midwife declared kneeling between Rhaenyra's legs. Rhaenyra kept pushing, moaning and groaning in agony but it was almost done, it had to be.

''A boy, Princess.''

''Praise the Mother!'' The baby's cries rang out.

"Ahh." They placed the boy in Rhaenyra's arms, she smiled down at him, another boy. "Healthy?"

" Kicking like a goat, Princess." They assured. Rhaenyra had but a fraction of a moment before the door opened.

"Boy? Girl? Baby dragon?" Davina asked popping her head in.

"Auntie!" Rhaenyra said happily. "A boy."

"Gimme, gimme." Davina said immediately.

'he is still attached to me Auntie." Rhaenyra informed her as she adjusted.

''You should remain abed, Princess...'' Rhaenyra felt the blood dripping between her legs.

''Ooh... Mmm...'' Rhaenyra froze her face pinched her lip quivered

"Rhaenyra..." Davina whispered getting closer to them.

''Mmm." Rhaenyra tried to hush her crying babe as she the pain erupting in her stomach. They cut and tied the umbilical cord.

''Princess? Oh, it's coming. The afterbirth!'' Rhaenyra doubled over groaning. She took a deep steading breath as Davina took the babe from her. Gwayne knew the moment Davina gave in she would be a great mother but the birthing process was hellish.

"Lay the f*ck down." Davina demanded. But there was another knock at the door.

"Princess... the Queen has requested that the child be brought to her... immediately." Elinda one of Alicent's handmaidens informed her.

''Why?'' Rhaenyra said with a groan. Elinda just stared back at her holding out her hands for the babe. ''I'll take him myself.'' Rhaenyra said stubbornly.

''You should remain abed, Princess...''

''Yes, I should!'' Rhaenyra spat. ''Help me dress.''

"I can bring him." Davina offered.

"No, it must be me." Rhaenyra corrected. "Can you check on the boys? Let them know I'm okay?"

"Of course." Davina agreed as she handed the babe back to her.


"A boy." Davina declared.

"I already know the perfect egg!" Jace declared grabbing Davina's hand.

"Harwin, a boy." Davina declared. He couldnt stop his smile. He hadnt laid with Rhaenyra in moons but perhaps this would spark something between them again. "Yeah I knew you would be happy." She agreed. Harwin chuckled.

"Alicent requested to meet the babe." Davina added softly as Jace and Luke wandered the pits.

"That's good right?" Harwin countered.

"I gave up trying to get them to play nice." Davina murmured as Jace showed Luke the egg. "What joy she gets out of this, I don't know... they torment each other but..." Davina sighed.

Rhaenyra doubled over groaning. She took a deep steading breath as she righted herself and walked on shaky legs to get to the opposite end of the castle.

''A boy. I've just heard.' Laenor said happily

''Yes.'' Rhaenyra said through pained breaths.

''Well done. Where are you going?''

''She wants to see him.'' Rhaenyra hissed

''Now? I'm coming with you.''

''I should hope so.'' Rhaenyra countered

''Let me take him.'' Laenor offered

''No, she'll get no such satisfaction from me. Just take my arm, at the least.'' Rhaenyra told him stubbornly and he held onto her trying to help her walk.

''Was it terribly painful?''

''Oh gods.'' Rhaenyra grumbled men knew nothing of birthing pain.

''I took a lance through the shoulder once.''

"I will meet you in the pits." Davina remarked "Go meet your brother." Davina told the boys.

''And he sees a big, scary dragon! Mother... look. We chose an egg for the baby.''

''Ahh. That looks like the perfect one.'' Rhaenyra agreed looking down at her boys.

''Not every day an egg leaves the Dragon pit, Princess. I thought it best to escort the lads.'' Harwin remarked.

''Laenor and I thank you, Commander.' Rhaenyra said softly.

''Another boy, I heard. What a fine knight you are going to make, eh? Might I?'' Harwin questioned looking to the babe.

''Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffrey.'' Rhaenyra told Laenor, Laenor looked to Harwin's deep black hair, much like his childrens hair, he hesitated before passing him off.

''Of course.''

''Joffrey, is it?'' Harwin questioned.

''Mm-hm. Mm.'' Rhaenyra agreed bitterly.

''Father, please may I hold Joffrey?'' Luke questioned.

''No, no. No. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Back to the Dragon pit for you two.'' Laenor remarked. ''Before they send out a search party.'' Laenor told them leading them out, the door closed

''You're asleep in front of the Commander of the City Watch." Harwin teased down to Joffrey ''Terrible lack of respect.''

''A certain insolence runs in the family, I'm afraid.'' Rhaenyra added looking between them.

"Davina?" Gwayne questioned. "Davina!" He shouted kneeling beside her. "Whats wrong?"

"I'm sick, obviously' Davina sassed.

"Do you need a master?"

"NO probably just..." she gagged again. "Something the kids had going around." she offered. Gwayne wanted to scream you are pregnant but he bit back a smile. It was just his over eager mind.


"Mama Dav!'' Aemond said running up to her.

"Hi baby... you supposed to be in the dragon pits little mister" Davina remarked. "What's wrong love? when you get your dragon, I swear you will," Davina assured. "you will already know all the commands and you have such a gentle touch my love, your dragon will be the best of them." Davina assured.

"Jace and luke have dragons." He murmured.

"I will get you a dragon. Or you will claim one yourself. We can go on a dragon hunt." Davina suggested. "Now go on." Davina requested kissing his cheek. "I promise Aemond, I promise."

"Will you come with me?" Aemond requested and Davina nodded grabbing his hand. "Hi Uncle Gwayne." he added.

"You get mama Dav and I'm still uncle Gwayne," he mused.

"Yes." Davina agreed. Gwayne grabbed her opposite hand.

"You feeling alright?" Gwayne whispered.

"Good as new." Davina agreed.

''Call Vermax to heel, Prince Jacaerys.''

"Serve." Jace called. "Heel."

"Come on..." the dragon keeper encouraged while his younger brother and uncle laughed.

''Vermax!'' Jace called out.

"Louder Jace." Davina instructed. "You got this, show him you are the boss." Jace nodded turning back to Vermax.

''Vermax!'' he called again louder this time. Vermax screeched. 'Vamos vamos.'

"Good work my prince."

"Wonderful!" Davina declared clapping.

''Zaldrizo aoho syt aeksio sagon ao bevilza, darilaros nuhys...'' he began speaking in high valyrian trying to soothe the dragon as a sheep was brought in.

'Holtz.' Jace declared.

''You must hold mastery over your dragon, my young Princes.''

''Hae Darilarot Aegot Vvsperzomy.''

''As Prince Aegon has with Sunfyre.'' The dragon keeper told him. Aegon smiled smugly.

"He had a good teacher." Davina added fussing with his hair.

"Davvvvv." Aegon whined. Gwayne chuckling thinking back to when Aegon was little and screamed Davvvv all over the halls looking for her.

"Be good," she whispered kissing Aegon's head before she headed out.

''Zijosy aot tetiri ozlettosy, toli rybagon zirylo vindilza.''

''Once they're fully bound to you, they will refuse to take instruction from any other.'' Vermax screeched out moving against command to get to the sheep. "Like Fury and Princess Davina. He does not listen to anyone but her."

"Pain in the ass that dragon is." Another tamer grumbled.

"Fury dont like you!" Luke decided.

'Can I say it?" Jace asked hopefully looking to the sheep and Vermax.

''Mm-hm.'' The dragon keeper agreed. The sheep baaed nervously as it was tied up. Jace stepped forward a giddy smile on his face.

''Dracarys, Vermax!'' Jace shouted and his dragon breathed flames onto the sheep happily before moving to its corpse and ripping it apart. He smiled back at Vaera hoping that she would be impressed but she was leaning into Aegon.


"It's stupid." Davina remarked.

"You think everything is stupid." Criston corrected.

"No." Davina countered. "But this is." She flicked the tassels on his uniform. "Burn those." she instructed. Criston chuckled staring back at her.

"Dav!" Gwayne declared.

"Burn those." Davina repeated as she walked off. "Hi." Gwayne kissed her so deeply and fully, she moaned into his mouth. "Not that I'm complaining, greet me like that every day." Davina began as she wrapped her arm around him. "But that was very much alpha male, territorial behavior... I liked it." Davina assured. "Just confused."

"I don't like the way the knights look at you." Gwayne grumbled. "Criston. I don't like how he looks at you."

"Please, Criston couldnt handle all this." Davina declared.

"Dav," Gwayne whined as he slapped her ass.

"I love you, I don't know how many times I have to tell you that you are the only one for me." Davina reminded him. "Unless Tommen comes back-" He pulled her closer and she laughed out. "But you can kiss me like that as much as you want." He grabbed her hand pulling her with him.

''Aemond, we have a surprise for you.''

''What is it?'' Aemond questioned as Aegon led him deeper into the dragon cave.

''Something very special.'' Aegon told him smugly.

''You're the only one of us without a dragon.'' Jace remarked.


''And we felt badly about it, so we found one for you.'' Aegon mused.

''A dragon? How?'' Aemond said happily as he waited for his dragon to emerge.

''The gods provide.'' Aegon told him smugly. Jace came walking up with a pig with wings tied to its back. Aemonds smile fell as it approached. The pig was grunting and snorting as Jace struggled to hold it.

''Behold...'' Aegon declared as they all shouted.

''The Pink Dread!'' The boys started laughing at Aemond's dismay.


''They made wings for it, apparently, and a tail.'' Alicent remarked.

''The lad shouldn't have been so credulous.'' Viserys told her nonchalantly.

''He's a child." Alicent reminded him

''He thought they'd happened upon some wild unnamed dragon and lured it to the Dragonpit?'' Viserys countered with a laugh.

''Your grandsons are a menace.'' Alicent spat.

''They're more children than he is.'' Viserys assured.

''Th-They're savages. And it's not surprising.'' Alicent muttered swirling her drink in her hand.

''Are you sure it wasn't our Aegon who put them up to it?'' Viserys countered. Alicent scoffed.

''It's a wonder to me their eggs ever hatched.''

"Okay you need a maester or are my kisses making you sick?" Gwayne questioned.

"I'm fine, just... i'm fine." Davina commanded herself to be fine. her mind raced to the same thoughts as Gwayne did. She didnt want to be pregnant, she felt so old. Rhaenyra had three children, Rhaenyra was her niece. She couldnt have children now, she never wanted t go through that process, she liked doting on her niece and nephews. Why couldnt that be enough?

''She flaunts the privilege of her inheritance without shame. She expects everyone in the Red Keep to deny the truth our eyes can all plainly see. And the King, her father...'' Alicent sneered

''He knows.'' Criston offered cautiously.

''Of course, he knows." Alicent hissed ''Or did once, but has convinced himself otherwise. He'll do naught but make excuses for her. The Princess Rhaenyra is brazen and relentless. A spider who stings and sucks her prey dry.''

"Spiders." Davina shuddered as she passed. "Gross. I claimed we needed to eliminate spiders when I was younger but I was vetoed."

"I thank you Davina." Alicent remarked chasing after her. Gwayne glanced back at his sister hugging her as he came to their side. "For taking care of my children... I have a request..."

"Shoot." Davina agreed.

"It's about Aegon."

"What did my little troublemaker do now?"

Davina walked in on Aegon pleasuring himself over the balcony, he grunted and groaned happily standing on the ledge ready to come over the streets below when Davina came in.

''No no aegon dont mind me finish your ejacul*tion.'' Davina mused sitting down as he fell to his bed covering himself.


''You're a little sh*t you know that? '' Davina remarked and aegon smiled sheepishly up at her. ''Put some pants on honey. I refuse to have this conversation with you in the nude unless you want me chopping off your fun bits. I can see how fond you are of them.'' She remarked smugly. Gwayne chuckled from the door.

''Can you like... turn around?'' Aegon demanded. "Uncle Gwayne close the door!"

"Now he's shy." Gwayne chuckled.

''Your tiny limp dick is not going to phase me.'' Davina assured needing to torment him just a bit for hurting her Aemond.

''Mama Dav!'' he whined.

''I'm not looking put pants on.'' Davina demanded as she lay back on his bed her head tipping off the edge away from him. He yanked on his pants before tapping her leg.

''Whose idea was it?'' Davina demanded sitting up. ''The pig. Was it your plot? Torment him knowing its the one thing he wants in the whole damn world.'

''No... it was Jace and... uh... it-it was the two of them. I couldn't be sure.'' Aegon offered .

''Yeah, sure that was really believable." Davina countered. "Aemond is your brother.''

''Well, he's a twat.'' Aegon countered and Davina slapped him over the back of the head. "DAV!" Aegon shouted.

''We are family. we must defend our own.'' Davina hissed.

''It was funny.'' Aegon admitted with a laugh. Davina glared back at him. "I'm sorry mama." Aegon whispered. "I won't do it again." Aegon grumbled.

"Say sorry to your brother." Davina instructed. "Aegon, you are basically my son." Davina reminded him.

"Am I your heir?"

"Not after todays debacle." Davina corrected honestly. "Aegon, honey, I love you. I want the world to see the good and handsome, strong boy I raised. Now a douchebag." She pulled open the door as Aegon flopped to the bed. "Alicent, I spoke with Aegon he feels remorse-" Davina glanced back at him. "Right Aegon?"

"I'm sorry mama dav!" Aegon shouted.

"Remorse." Davina agreed.

"thank you." Alicent declared as Davina moved past her. "I dont know how you do it, you make it look so easy."

"I'm in a good mood after a great f*ck." Davina informed her, she winked back at Gwayne. "You should try it."


''Soften your knees. Feet light.'' Criston remarked as the young princes were training together in the courtyard.

''Keep your feet light and your hands heavy.'' Harwin instructed. He of course had taken a keen interest in the princess Rhaenyra's childrens training.

''I've won my first bout, Ser Criston. My opponent sues for mercy.'' Aegon said pompously and Criston turned back to Aegon.

"Okay can we talk about it?" Gwayne questioned.

"What?" Davina questioned.

"Are you late?'

"Late? For a council meeting? I dont think so." Davina offered.

"Are you late?" Gwayne repeated holding onto her hands.

"I... might be." Davina admitted. Gwaynes eyes went wide. "It doesnt mean anything."

"He could mean..." He prompted.

"I know, I know." Davina grumbled. "You might be getting everything you wanted." Gwayne deflated a little.

"You can't honestly tell me you dont want a child of your own?" Gwayne questioned, Davina's face turned down. "You are so good with the kids, with Aegon. He adores you..."

"I adore them but..."

"Talk to me." Gwayne begged.

"My mother died in childbirth." Davina reminded him. "I know its common but I dont really want to risk it. I like living."

''Close with him! Stay on the attack! Use your feet!'' Criston went on, Harwin glanced back at him nervously, shifting from foot to foot. Aegon grunted out as he kept swinging.

"Ser Criston." Harwin sneered.

''Don't let him get up.'' Criston shouted ''Stay on the attack!''

''Enough!'' Harwin shouted pulling Aegon back from Jace.

''You dare put hands on me?'' Aegon shouted in outrage.

''Aegon!'' Viserys called down, that was not very prince like behavior his outburst.

''You forget yourself, Strong.'' Criston said calmly. ''That is the Prince.''

''This is what you teach, Cole?'' Harwin countered. ''Cruelty... to the weaker opponent?'' Harwin got down picking up the sparing swords.

''Your interest in the princeling's training is quite unusual, Commander." Criston remarked. "And yours lieutenant... Most men would only have that kind of devotion toward a cousin... or a brother... or a son.'' Criston egged him on and thats when Gwayne and Davina heard screaming from the courtyard. Criston lay bloody on the ground but a smirk on his face.

''Thought as much.'' Criston muttered.

"Seven hells." Davina muttered. "This is another reason," Davina added. "Because cute little boys turn into idiotic men." Gwayne couldnt argue with her assessment.


''It fills me with unrelenting shame.' Lyonel remarked.

''So that's what this is about then? Your shame.'' Harwin countered

''Our shame, Harwin!'' Lyonel shouted back. ''Shame on the whole of House Strong.'

"The tiff in the yard... yes well Criston needs a good punch every now and again." Davina assured.

"Lord Strong is not going to be happy." Rhaenyra countered.

"I'm sorry does the hand make the decisions or me?" Davina reminded her and Rhaenyra chuckled. "The correct answer is me." Davina reminded her.

''To ease the pain, Princess.'' a handmaiden remarked and Rhaenyra nodded to her.

"I can talk to Harwin and Criston. I can put them in a corner like i used to with Aegon and Aemond when they argued. Make them talk or stare at each other endlessly until they are buddies again." Davina offered as Laenor and Qarl could be heard singing loudly and very drunkenly.

''Thank you.'' Rhaenyra said softly "I would appreciate the help... I don't know whats gotten into them." She grabbed at her chest in pain and annoyed.

So Davina made her way down to find a broke criston.

"Nasty hit." Davina chuckled Criston stared back at her a moment before averting his eyes. "Oh honey... listen, you were being a typical alpha male f*ck face of a child." Davina went on.

"Was there a point to you coming today?" Criston remarked.

"Just checking on you." Davina offered.


"I had plans for you Criston, big plans!" Davina declared. "I think you just f*cked that up."

"What plans?"

"You will never know." Davina countered. She touched his bruised cheek. "Strong. You went up against a strong you idiot."

"Glad to know you care." Criston remarked as she headed to the door.

"I consider you a friend on certain days of the moon." Davina agreed. "Don't be stupid like that again."

"Dav." Harwin whispered.

"What is with you boys?" Davina questioned.

"Nothing." Harwin answered.

"He egged you on and you fell for it." Davina corrected.

"Maybe." Harwin agreed his shoulders were tense.

"You want to talk about it?"

"Not really." Harwin countered.

"You two dont have to get along but that show today, scared the kids." Davina reminded Harwin. "If you want to beat up Criston on your own time, thats your prerogative but in front of the children, that's mine." Davina demanded. "You understand?"

"I understand. I'm sorry." Harwin agreed.

"When I'm in charge, I would have both of you stripped."

"Stripped of what?"

"Your clothes." Davina mused before heading off. Harwin chuckled, she smirked back at him.


''I've heard tale that Lord Grover's son now rules Riverrun in all but name.'' Jasper wylde remarked

''Well, he is also a Tully and this remains a Tully problem.'' Alicent told them all.

"Yep." Davina agreed. She was happy to be on the small council, she liked that Viserys liked her enough trust her. She didnt like how pointless all the meetings were. She supposed she should get used to it, but when she was queen, it would be a crime to waste her time.

''I would agree." Viserys agreed

''If we may move on, my lords...''

''And yet, the Brackens and the Blackwoods will use any excuse to spill each other's blood. So... this dispute bears looking into. There will be country folk who know where the lines have been drawn for generations.''

''That is easy enough.'' Lyonel agreed ''Of course. Ser Tyland.''

''Uh, we should address the latest developments in the Stepstones, my lords" Tyland said with a sigh.

''Will we ever be done of that blasted place?'' Viserys murmured

''If you ask me, I think the Blackwoods have the upper hand.''

''No. We've moved on to the Stepstones, Lord Beesbury.'' Alicent told them. Alicent looked to Davina, it was nice having another woman here. Someone that was on her side in things. Alicent married too young, had children too young and Davina was always like a second mother to the children, mainly Aegon. Davina loved that boy. Alicent silently hoped that Davina would name Aegon her heir, it would get her father off both Gwayne and her backs.

"Yes Beesbury clean out your old ears." Davina teased. He gave her a tight lipped smile in return.

''And the Triarchy's new alliance with Dorne.'' Tyland went on louder.

''I was hoping our negotiations with Sunspear might persuade them to see reason.'' Viserys said with a cough ''To trust a Martell is to be disappointed.''

"Tommen is a dear friend of mine." Davina corrected. "I can talk to him, raven or head down. He likes me he will listen."

"Thats right, Tommen and you..." Viserys chuckled out.

"Tommen and I." Davina agreed. Alicent wanted to hear that story. She met TOmmen briefly and he was so charming, so handsome and gwayne was having a hissy fit the entire time Tommen was here.

''And where, I wonder, is our Prince Daemon? Or I suppose I should call him King, as he styled himself when he won a battle there... once.'' Jasper offered. Davina wanted to barf, why bring him up? But Gwayne grabbed her hand holding it tight. That was another thing Davina loved about Gwayne, he sat through these meetings with her, never complained, said it was good to learn these things for when he was her king consort.

''That was a decade ago and he has since left the region undefended. '' Alicent reminded them stiffly. Alicent saw the hurt in Davina's face as Daemon's name was spoke aloud. Even after all this time his name still hurt.

''We have left it undefended. There should've been fortifications built, watchtowers, a fleet of ships, a garrison of soldiers sent to hold our ground.'' Rhaenyra countered.

''We cannot afford it." Alicent corrected ''Our coffers are great, but not infinite. We must consider the cost to our subjects.''

''I must agree.''

''The cost of war is greater.'' Rhaenyra countered ''But we have been lax and the old monster now lifts its head.'' Rhaenyra looked to Davina in hope for some reinforcements but she had become a mute it seemed as she stared back at her hands in her lap. Gwaynes hands running along her thighs.

''Let us be finished.'' Alicent demanded

''Yes.'' Viserys agreed with a sigh

''Wait. I wish to speak.'' Rhaenyra declared

''Be seated.'' Viserys agreed softly.

''I have felt the... strife... between our families of late, my Queen. And for any offense given by mine, I apologize.'' Rhaenyra began as she stared over at Alicent. ''But we are one house. And long before that, we were friends.'' Rhaenyra offered. ''I propose we betroth Jace to your daughter, Helaena. Ally ourselves... once and for all.'' Viserys smiled happily but Alicent was not pleased.

''A most judicious proposition.'' Viserys agreed.

Davina was never fond of arranged marriages so Rhaenyra tossing away her sons happiness was just brutal in Davina's mind.

''Additionally, if Syrax brings forth another clutch of eggs, your son Aemond will have his choice of them, uh... a symbol of our goodwill.'' Rhaenyra went on.

"Wonderful Idea, Aemond will be thrilled." Davina added, that part of the plan she could get down with.

''Rhaenyra.'' Alicent said as her breasts started to leak.

''Oh, Seven Hells, um.'' Rhaenyra said sitting down

''My dear... a dragon's egg is a handsome gift.'' Viserys agreed

''The King and I thank you for your offer and we will consider it duly.'' Alicent said stiffly. ' 'You must rest now, husband.''

''Yes.'' Viserys agreed as Alicent helped him up

''How sweetly the fox speaks when it's been cornered by the hounds.'' Alicent hissed as they walked

''She is sincere.'' Viserys corrected looking to davina but she headed in the opposite direction. Gwaynes arms around her kissing her neck as they walk, Viserys loved how easy Gwayne made her smile even after all these years.

''She is desperate. She feels the earth washing away beneath her feet and now she expects us to ignore her transgressions and for me to marry my only daughter to one of her... plain-featured sons.''

''The proposal is a good one, my Queen.'' Viserys assured ''We're a family. Let us put aside these childish quarrels. Join hands and be stronger for it.''

''You may do as you wish, husband... when I am cold in my grave.''

"What?" It was all Davina could say when Harwin said goodbye.

It wouldnt be forever, but it felt like forever. Davina hugged Harwin again.

"When I'm in charge you won't have to leave again. I won't allow it." Davina assured.

"Then I look forward to your coronation, my queen." Harwin kissed her hand before getting on his horse. Davina leaned back into Gwayne when she felt his arms wrap around her.

"I'm sorry." Gwayne kissed her cheek, his lips lingering as he spoke.

"It's not your fault." Davina countered.

"He's your friend." Gwayne countered.

"He is." Davina agreed.

''A word?''

''I take it he's gone.''

''We're finished here. We're leaving.'' Rhaenyra demanded

''What of your offer? Jace and Helaena?'' Laenor countered

''I have been undermined... and made a spectacle. They whisper about me in the corridors. Well, I leave them to it.'' Rhaenyra hissed

''To Dragonstone then?'' Laenor offered

''We should've left years ago.'' Rhaenyra admitted.

''What of your position?'' Laenor countered

''You've always said if you were absent from court, she would pour her honey in your father's ear. The wise sailor flees the storm as it gathers.'' Rhaenyra offered she glanced back at Qarl. ''Laenor... bring him. We'll need every sword we can muster.''

"f*ck no." Davina demanded pulling Jace to her.

"Auntie...' Rhaenyra breathed out.

"Don't take them. I love them." Davina begged.

"Not me?" Rhaenyra mused.

"I don't want any of you to leave." Davina corrected. "Stay. Who gives a damn what those people say? Not me. Not Viserys."

"I do. I care. A few years-'

"YEARS!" Davina shouted. "What the f*ck? No." Davina demanded and Jace chuckled up at her.

"It's not forever just until things... die down."

"No, come on, this is stupid." Davina demanded. "Gwayne tell her its stupid-" Gwayne knew better than to give his two cents though because Alicent would be happy Rhaenyra was leaving.

"It's not forever." Rhaenyra countered.


"Okay so Rhaenyra left, Harwin left, I suppose I can spend time with my husband." Davina mused. Gwayne pulled her closer.

"I like that idea, can we talk about what might be happening in the next few moons?" Gwayne questioned grabbing her hand as they walked.

"No, lets just pretend its not happening and then freak the f*ck out later." Davina suggested.

''Princess.... Princess...'' davina heard criston but she didnt like to answer to that. ''Davina.'' Criston declared catching up with her and Gwayne, Gwayne chuckled nudging Davina.

''Oh criston didnt see ya there''

''The prisoners have escaped.'' Criston remarked breathlessly.

''Sounds like a king problem,'' davina mused. "I'm not in charge yet, remember?"

''Larys was seen heading down there.'' criston informed her ''right before...''

''I don't understand.'' Davina countered confused.

''He spoke with the queen and then he went to the cells. Now they are gone.'' Criston told her

''What is that c*nt up to?'' Davina murmured heading outside.

''Did harwin leave? With his family to harenhall?" Criston questioned.

''Yes. they-'' davina ran to the pits calling for fury as she went. Gwayne chased after her.

"Should i call the guard?" Criston chased after her.


"Davina!" Gwayne demanded. "I'm coming with you!"

"Hurry up then." Davina agreed offering him a hand.

"What should i-" Criston countered but Davina took off.

A fire broke out at Harenhal, when Harwin and Lyonel arrived, it consumed it. Trapping the Strongs inside.

''Fire! I will burn!"

"Harwin! Are you there? Ah! Harwin!'' Lyonel screamed out banging on the door trying to break it down they screamed out in agony.

"HARWIN!" Davina shouted as she slid off Furys back.

"Geeze." Gwayne coughed out through the smoke.

"HARWIN!" She demanded walking through the flames. "HARWIN!" She pleaded out hot tears running for her face.


"I'm fireproof, help these people." Davina countered as she headed inside. Watching your wife walk right into a burning building was terrifying but Gwayne did as instructed and helped the burnt people out.

"Dav-" Harwin choked out.

"HARWIN!" Davina demanded breaking down the door with her own fury building in her. She dragged him outside as he choked for breath, burns covered his skin as he tried to breathe out.

"You stay awake, I'm going to-" Davina whimpered but he grabbed her hand in a gentle grip. "Harwin no, you dont get to die." She begged.

"Davina." Harwin rasped.

"You can't die, Harwin you are going to be fine. I need you, those kids need you." Davina declared tears dripping down her cheeks and onto his hot seared skin. "Jace needs you, you fight damnit."

"Dont let them forget me." Harwin whispered.

'No.' Davina whimpered. ''No... I wasnt fast enough. Damnit im fireproof not you''. Davina whimpered. ''Damnit.'' Davinas lips trembled as his eyes closed and his breath left his lungs his heart beat for the last time. ''Damnit damnit damnit. No. Come back. Come back...''


''What are children, but a weakness? A folly? A futility? Through them, you imagine you cheat the great darkness of its victory." Larys remarked. ''You will persist forever, in some form or another. As if they will keep you from the dust.''

''But for them... you surrender what you should not. You may know what is the right thing to be done, but... love stays the hand.'' Bodies burned all over the world, some of dragon, some of mass chaos. Larys was confident his family was dead. ''Love... is a downfall. Best to make your way through life unencumbered... if you ask me.'

''They're dead.'' Alicent rasped.

''You've heard the stories of Harrenhal, Your Grace. It was built in hubris by Harren the Black as a monument to his own greatness. Blood mixed into the mortar. It is said to be a cursed place. That it passes judgment on all who pass beneath its gates.'' Larys remarked softly.

''You... You passed judgment.'' Alicent corrected. Alicent had no idea, she didnt know what Larys was planning she would have stopped him.

''The Queen makes a wish. What servant of the realm would not strive to fulfill it? I assume you will write to your father now?'' Larys questioned softly.

''Larys... I did not wish for this.'' Alicent reminded him.

''I feel certain you will reward me... when the time is right.''


''My gentleness may the winds be as strong as your back you were sees as calm as your spirit and your nets be as full as your heart. From the sea we came. The sea we shall return.'' Daemon's daughters stood with their grandmother while Daemon was impatient to get on with it. He looked around for Davina.

"It's not your fault," Rhaenyra assured.

"I should have never let him leave." Davina countered. "I'm to be queen one day and I... I didnt fight harder." Davina whispered.

"But you are not queen yet... I would have commanded him to stay though." Rhaenyra countered. Davina heard the pompous air to her voice and suddenly became very bitter.

"Then why didnt you?" Davina sassed before marching off. Rhaenyra pursed her lips, she was angry and mad.

"I'm sorry." Davina said simply to Larys and he stared back at her. "For the loss of your family."

"Oh ,yes, terrible." Larys agreed

"You are a bad liar larys." Davina decided.

''Have you seen your father?'' Rhaenyra asked coming up to Jace. ''Your little cousins have lost their mother. They could use a kind word.'' Rhaenyra offered glancing to Daemon's daughters.

''I have an equal claim to sympathy.'' Jace countered.


''We should be at Harrenhal, mourning Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin.'' Jace countered.

''It would not be appropriate. The Velaryons are our kin and the Strongs are not.'' Rhaenyra reminded him, Jace scoffed. ''Look at me. Do you understand?''

''Lyonel Strong's son's been staring at you since the moment we arrived, Your Grace. Unabashedly.'' Criston remarked

''It is only a look of pride, Ser Criston.'' Alicent corrected ''Larys is the new Lord of Harrenhal.''

"Lets take a walk larys." Davina decided.

"I um-"

"Come on." davina corrected patting his back with a strong smack making him stumble forward.

"'Your girls are the very image of their mother.'' Viserys remarked ''A comfort and an anguish, as I well remember.'' Viserys added. ''The gods can be cruel.''

''It seems they've been especially cruel to you.'' Daemon remarked and Viserys chuckled. Daemon looked to Davina leading Larys away. His gaze shifted to Gwayne and Otto instead, his lips pursed, his eyes narrowed in.

''Yes.'' Viserys agreed ''You should return with us to King's Landing. It's time that you came home.'' Viserys insisted.

''Pentos is my home... and that of my children.'' Daemon corrected. But he wouldnt get the crown from way over there, he needed to get Davina back and then he would be king. Options, Kill Gwayne. Seduce Davina. It wouldnt be the first dead husband on her behalf and it wouldnt be the first spouse that Daemon killed. He liked that plan.

''Daemon... I know we've had our differences, but let them pass with the years. There's a place for you in my court if that's something you should need.'' Viserys said softly.

''I need... nothing.'' Daemon corrected. "From you." He added.

''Brother." Viserys begged as he passed.

''I'm sorry for your loss, my Prince.'' Otto remarked. Gwayne turned sharply to Daemon.

''No matter how fat the leech grows, it always wants for another meal.'' Daemon sneered as he passed. He locked eyes on Gwayne and Gwayne felt a possessiveness take over him.

"Criston saw you." Davina remarked.

"He saw what?" larys questioned.

''I'm going to bed, Aemma.'' Viserys remarked and Alicent stared at him a moment.

''Shall I see after Queen Alicent, Your Grace?'' ser Harrold asked, making sure to annunciate Alicent.

''No, Ser Harrold. You have the night's watch, Ser Criston.'' Viserys told him

''Yes, Lord Commander.'' Criston agreed.

"He saw you coming out of the cells the night the prisoners escaped." Davina clarified. Larys stiffened beside her. "Nothing to say? NO snarky response?"

"He must have been mistaken." Larys offered.

"Doubtful. Dont lie to me, I spoke to Alicent as well. She was oh to eager to give you up." Davina went on. That caught Larys attention, his head turned sharply to her. "Still nothing to say? Fine. I will go on. Harwin was my friend, my buddy, my pal. You killed him. Not with your own hands but you did it. So you could be lord of harrenhal."

"I..." Larys didnt know what to say how to response a deep sickness took over him.

"Now I would say when I'm queen things will be different but... as heir and Princess bad ass that I am. I think I'm going to handle this right now." Davina decided.

"I did it!" Larys admitted as she rose her fist. "I sent the me to start the fire. I'm sorry. Forgive me!" Larys begged.

"No. I dont think I will." Davina corrected. "Alicent..."

"She had no part in it." Larys admitted. "I just wanted to help-" Then an idea struck. "I could help you."

"How could you possibly help me?" Davina sassed.

"Well... I know things, many things, things that could help you." Larys begged.

''Laenor has been restless for years, but now, he will be useless. Or worse. I know better than anyone that our marriage is a farce. But I at least make the effort to maintain appearances.'' Rhaenyra confided in Daemon.

"You have more to lose.'' Daemon reminded her . "Davina still wants to name you her heir?"

"I suppose but we havent spoken of it not formally not since I was a child." Rhaenyra countered.

"Not since you had such strong boys?" Daemon mused.

"We did try... to conceive a child. We performed our duty as best we could. But to no avail.'' Rhaenyra told him trying to make better of a bad situation. ''There was no joy in it. I found that elsewhere.'' Daemon smirked. ''It felt good to be desired.''

''Hm. I understand Ser Harwin was quite... devoted to you.'' Daemon offered gently.

''Yes, he was. And I trusted him.'' Rhaenyra agreed ''Should've forbidden Ser Harwin from returning to the River lands. Harren's curse is said to be as strong now as it was after the Conquest.'' Rhaenyra remarked as her heels dug into the sand.

''That's a ghost story, one Ser Otto and the Queen would gladly exploit.'' Daemon corrected.

''I do not believe Alicent capable of cold murder.'' Rhaenyra told him with confidence.

''Mm. Each of us is capable of depravity. And more than you would believe.'' Daemon told her.

''I believe it of you.''

"Let me prove my worth." Larys begged. "I will find you something of use, tonight! Tonight even I will find you something of use to prove my lotalty to you-" Larys requested, his eyes pleading, his hand reached out for her.

"One night to give me something I dont know." Davina agreed. "And we shall see." He stumbled off not expecting to find something so easily. Davina was going to kill him either way, he knew it he wasnt a fool but she was intrigued to find out what he knew, what he was telling Alicent. Gwayne had told her of Larys strange comings and goings but Alicent wouldnt say anything besides she enjoyed Larys company.

''If you're accusing me of some depravity, you'll need to be more specific.'' Daemon decided.

''I've been alone. You abandoned me.'' Rhaenyra shouted

''I spared you. You were a child.'' Daemon reminded her, she stopped walking and turned to him so she could see the look in his eyes.

''Yes. Yes, I was a child. And look at what my life became without you.'' Rhaenyra spat. ''Droll tragedy.''

''Oh, and I wonder what you think of mine by comparison?'' Daemon countered

''I know little of it. Did you love her?'' Rhaenyra questioned noticing how her uncle seemed timeless, ten years had passed and he was still so handsome.

''We were happy enough.'' but Laena wasnt the woman Daemon wanted, she was just a c*nt to him but wasnt that all women?

''Well, that in itself is a great achievement. I am sorry.'' Rhaenyra said remembering that they were all together again to mourn Laena's death. Not her own personally pity party, which Rhaenyra seemed to turn every situation into.

''Don't be. I am at least allowed to mourn my losses.'' Daemon reminded her and Rhaenyra brought a hand up to his face. ''Rhaenyra.'' Daemon warned "davina would never forgive you."

"I dont think she would mind." Rhaenyra begged. ''I'm no longer a child. I want you.' Rhaenyra begged. Daemon chuckled grabbing her hand.

"But I dont want you. You can't give me what I want. You are just... Rhaenyra. You are not the heir you are not the crown. You are... nothing." Daemon corrected before walking off. Larys jaw dropped. That was both perfect and wicked and maybe Davina would let him live for it.

''She was mine to claim.'' Rhaena shouted in outrage.

''Then you should've claimed her!'' Aemond countered smugly. 'Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride. It would suit you.'' Rhaena didn't like that one bit she charged at him. Both twins but Aemond struck them down. ''Come at me again and I'll feed you to my dragon!'' Aemond warned and Jacaerys yelled out as he charged. They all charged at Aemond getting him to the ground, punching him. But Aemond had fire in him. He kicked the girls off and sent a punch to Luke's face, breaking his nose.

''You will die screaming in flames just as your father did! Bastards.'' Aemond declared as he stood up.

''My father's still alive.'' Luke corrected

''He doesn't know, does he, Lord Strong?'' Aemond smirked back at them. Dark black hair, how could he not. Jace kicked sand up at Aemond he flinched back as Luke lunged his blade at Aemonds face slicing his eye. Aemond screamed out as he fell.

Aemond wailed as ser Harrold Westerling and the guards finally made it to them.

''Cease this at once!'' Harrold demanded. ''Get away! My Prince, my Prince. Let me see.'' Aemond was breathing heavily as he removed his hand from his eye. ''Gods be good.''

"Davina," Larys voice echoed through the door as he knocked. She got up annoyed pulling away from Gwayne.

"Is that Larys?" Gwayne questioned pulling on a shirt.

"What?" Davina sassed.

"I found something that might interest you." Larys remarked.

"What?" Davina urged her foot tapping annoyed on the ground. "Before I kill you please."

"Daemon and Rhaenyra were on the beaches tonight."

"So?" Davina drawled.

"Rhaenyra advanced on Daemon, saying she wanted him." Larys went on and Davina's foot stopped tapping and her shoulders dropped, and brow furrowed.

"She what?" Davina rasped.

"She kissed him," Larys exaggerated. "She pulled at his clothes, it was all I could bear to see." Larys offered. "I thought you would want to know." Davina's gaze was distant and glossy as her mind processed. "Is that enough to keep me alive?" Larys questioned.

"For now." Davina agreed before closing the door. She stared back at the door for what felt like an eternity. Gwayne wrapped his arms around her. Whispering he was sorry. "I dont know why I'm surprised, he has a way of getting under everyones skin." Davina admitted. "He got under mine and Rhaenyra was always weak for him too."

''What is the meaning of this?'' Corlys demanded as him and his wife came in to see a bloody mess.

''Baela, Rhaena!'' Rhaenys declared ''What happened?'' Rhaenyra and Daemon came in next, Daemon leaned against the door while Rhaenyra ran to her boys.

''What happened? Jace? Luke! Show me. Show me.'' Rhaenyra demanded holding his face in her hands. ''Who did this?''

''They attacked me!' Aemond spat

''He attacked Baela!''

''He broke Luke's nose!''

''He stole my mother's dragon!'' Rhaena shouted

''Enough.'' Viserys said but they didn't stop.

''He was gonna kill Jace!'' Luke shouted back.

''I didn't do anything!'' Aemond shot back his eye sewed up a long stitch over his left eye.

''Enough...'' Viserys said louder

''It should be my son telling the tale! He called us...''

''Silence!'' Viserys demanded his cane pounding into the ground.

'He called us bastards." Luke whispered to Rhaenyra

''Aemond... I will have the truth of what happened. Now.''

"We are having our own child, I suppose this is better." Davina remarked but Gwayne heard the distance in her voice. "Larys set the fires, he killed his family." she added softly.

"He what?" Gwayne countered.

"I was going to kill him but I think I know why Alicent puts up with him." Davina countered. "He has a way of knowing things. Things he shouldnt but does anyways."

"He killed-"

"I am already a bad heir. I know the evil in the world and yet I havent killed it." Davina whispered. "I should have just-"

"You never would have known about Rhaenyra and Daemon though." Gwayne realized.

"Exactly." Davina agreed. "What if I'm not a good mother?"

"You are great with Alicent's kids." Gwayne corrected. "And RHaenyra's for what its worth."

"But I hand them back when they are fussy." Davina corrected. "I dont touch them until they stop screaming and sh*tting. They are too little and fragile when they are born, I dont like how they are constantly expelling something from one end or the other." Davina declared. "I'm going to be a bad mum."

"You are going to be the best mum." Gwayne corrected. "And besides, I can handle the dirty nappies and the crying babies. I wanted a child after all, this is my fault."

"It is your fault" Davina agreed.

''Aemond... look at me. Your king demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?'' Viserys asked again and Aemonds gaze shifted to a suddenly very nervous Alicent.

''It was Aegon'' Aemond answered.

''Me?'' Aegon declared

''And you, boy? Where did you hear such calumnies?'' Viserys spat, Aegon glared at Aemond. ''Aegon! Tell me the truth of it!''

''We know, Father. Everyone knows. Just look at them.'' Aegon remarked and Rhaenyra pulled her boys closer.

''This interminable infighting must cease! All of you! We are family! Now make your apologies and show good will to one another. Your father, your grand sire, your king demands it!''

''That is insufficient. Aemond has been damaged, permanently, My King. "Good will" cannot make him whole.'' Alicent reminded him

''I know, Alicent, but I cannot restore his eye.'' Viserys told her with a deep sigh

''No, because it's been taken.'' Alicent reminded him

''What would you have me do?'' Viserys questioned incredulously.

''There is a debt to be paid. I shall have one of her son's eyes in return.''

"What if you are a bad father? You have a bad father." Davina remarked. Gwayne chuckled.

"He is not the best." Gwayne agreed. "But... he's... he wasnt always like this. When my mother died he... he lost a part of himself."

"A man needs a woman," Davina agreed. "But a woman does not need a man." SHe mused.

"I will be doing the dirty work for this baby, I think you need me." Gwayne corrected holding onto her.

"I love you." Davina kissed him gently.

"I love you." Gwayne echoed. "We will get through this, all of this."

''He can choose which eye to keep, a privilege he did not grant my son.'' Alicent said confidently Criston stared down at her.

''You will do no such thing. Stay your hand.'' Viserys told Criston

''No, you are sworn to me!'' Alicent shouted

''As your protector, my Queen.''

"What are you going to do about Daemon and Rhaenyra?" Gwayne pondered.

"Do? Nothing. Rhaenyra was leaving anyways. I will just... just... pretend they dont exists." Davina decided.

''You've gone too far.'' Rhaenyra warned.

''I? What have I done but what was expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law. While you flout all to do as you please.'' Alicent spat, Rhaenyra held tight to Alicents arm, the blade gripped tight in Alicent's hand

''Alicent, let her go!'' Viserys warned

''Where is duty? Where is sacrifice?'' Alicent questioned her anger pushing Rhaenyra back

''It's trampled under your pretty foot again.''

''Release the blade, Alicent.''

''And now you take my son's eye, and to even that, you feel entitled.'' Alicent cried out.

''Exhausting, wasn't it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness.'' Rhaenyra countered smugly. ''But now they see you as you are.'' Rhaenyra remarked and Alicent sliced down Rhaenyra's arm, blood dripped on the ground as Alicent let the blade fall.

''Do not mourn me, Mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye... but I gained a dragon.'' Aemond said stepping forward.

''This proceeding is at an end.''

"Do you hear that?" Davina questioned.

"Someone is having a post funeral party." Gwayne mused.

"I'm too old for late night parties." Davina countered snuggling back into Gwayne side.


''The Hand, Your Grace.''

''Say your peace.'' Alicent muttered

''Now, what peace is that?'' Otto questioned

'I've conducted myself in a manner... unbefitting my station. Or any other. I lost composure... assaulted the Princess. Already the word is spreading, the gossip speculating that I've gone mad.' Alicent remarked through a sob.

''All true.'' Otto agreed.

"What the f*ck happened?" Gwayne demanded. "Gods, I go to bed and the world just burns while I sleep? Is that what happened?" Gwayne demanded.

''I disgraced myself that is what happened," Alicent sobbed. "And ensured my husband's favor will forever rest on her.'' Alicent said with a sneer.

''And yet... I've never seen that side of you, my daughter. I even doubted its existence.''

''It was an ugly thing. I regret it.''

"You did what?" Gwayne questioned.

"I cut Rhaenyra."

"Oh Davina is going to love you." Gwayne countered.

"Why?" Alicent questioned.

"You got a dragon!" Davina declared hugging Aemond tight, his feet lifted off the ground. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks Dav." Aemond agreed, she kissed his cheek.

"Vaghar, old lady she is but still fierce." Davina assured. "You want to talk about it?"


"Your eye." Davina clarified.

"Luke stole it." Aemond answered.

"Luke? My luke? Little luke?"

"Yes. HIm." Aemond agreed.

"Well... thats..."

"He was helping Laena's daughter, stupid claims, I claimed Vaghar, not them." Aemond declared. "It was all so stupid." Aemond grumbled.

"Daemons daughters attacked you with Rhaenyra's boys help." Davina said slowly.

"Yeah, but I got a dragon. Two eyes are over rated." Aemond offered.

"Are you sure you arent my son?" Davina pondered holding him close.

''We play an ugly game. And now, for the first time, I see that you have the determination to win it.'' Otto declared.

''Rhaenyra..'' Alicent began.

''You see her for what she is.'' Otto told her.

''What the King's stubbornness has wrought. What will he say to me?'' Alicent said miserably.

''He'll forgive you. What else can he do? Now go to him, be penitent, plead the injury to your son. Keep a grip on your passions. And I promise you, in time, you and I together will prevail.''

''What that rogue Aemond has done in winning Vhagar to our side.''

"Seriously, I missed everything." gwayne realized.

''The boy was right. It's worth a thousand times the price he paid.'' Otto agreed.


"I want you to know that when I'm queen," Davina began after sending luke and jace off. Rhaenyra couldnt look at her. "I will have punishment for the sh*t that happened today. I will not be weak and protect you like Viserys does."


"You will face a punishment for your sins as well."

"My sins? My punishment? What of alicent's punishment?" Rhaenyra demanded. "Look what she did to me!"

"I adored harwin, he was my friend." Davina countered instead. "You tossed him aside while his body was still hot, for Daemon of all people."

"How did you-"

"I have my ways. But in order for the realms to be better, I have to purse the evil, prune the weeds. Have a good life Rhaenyra. If it's not already obvious, you will never be my heir." Davina declared before marching off.

''I've asked them to have wine ready for you on the ship. To help you sleep." Alicent remarked putting a blanket over Viserys he groaned in pain ''I'm so sorry. Viserys...'

''We will speak no more of it.''

"Do you need help?" gwayne questioned.

"Im pregnant not broken." Davina sassed. "Gods what is in here- fine take it." she agreed before moving to the ship. Aegon was staring out over the seas while Aemond was staring at up his dragon.

"You ready?" Davina questioned Aegon.

"Why does father hate me?" Aegon countered looking up at her.

"What happened?"

"Mother said I am to marry Helaena."

"No." Davina corrected.

"You can stop it?" Aegon questioned.

"Yes." Davina assured kissing the top of his head. "I love you. I will make sure you find love."

"Thanks mama." Aegon hugged her tight as Gwayne tossed the last bag onto the ship.

"Alright lets boogie." Gwayne declared.

"Already sounding like a dad." Davina decided. Gwayne chuckled moving to her, his arms wrapped snuggly around her.

"Wait, are you?" Aegon questioned.

"Yeah..." davina agreed.

"This is going to be great!" Aegon decided hugging them both.

"Glad you are excited about this, I'm making you head babysitter." Davina decided.

"I will keep the kid safe." Aegon agreed.

"I know you will." Davina agreed kissing the top of his head.

''A perversion of justice. The young prince... defiled. An outrage." Larys remarked limping up to Alicent

''Indeed.'' Alicent agreed softly

''If it's an eye you want to balance the scales, I am your servant.'' Larys offered

''That will not be necessary. But your devotion has not gone unnoticed. These are dangerous times. The day will doubtless come when I require such a friend.'' Alicent told him softly. ''With not only skill but discretion as well.''

''I shall await your call, my Queen.''

They were a days ride out when Davina came up to Larys, an innocent smile on her lips.

"Sorry, I changed my mind." Davina remarked bluntly before pushing Larys overboard. "If you survive which I doubt considering I see many shadows swimming around you, know that I am thankful you told me but murder of a good man will always be punished from now on. There will be punishment for lots of things, I believe in justice." Davina remarked as Larys flailed. "I see you are not the best swimmer," Criston approached when he heard gargled shouts. "You should have thought about that before you burned your family to ash."


3 years later

"Draegon!" Gwayne called out as he looked around. "Draegon, come on out!"

"Thats not how hide and seek works!" His little voice corrected.

"Ah," Gwayne chuckled moving towards his voice, he peered behind the couch but Draegon wasnt there. He pulled open the wardrobe, but no luck. "You are too good at this." Draegon giggled out.

"Hey, sorry, meetings were crazy, where is my little man?" Davina questioned peering around. "Drae! Drae!"

"Rawrrrr!" Draegon declared and they looked up.

"Now how did he get up there?" Gwayne questioned. Davina laughed out reaching up on top of the wardrobe for him.

"Princess," Criston remarked holding out a scroll.

"Burn it." Davina corrected. Gwayne grabbed it from him.

"Another one?" gwayne questioned tossing it in the fire.

"We kicked him out... again." Criston informed them. "He's getting more... desperate."

"Of course he is." Davina agreed. "he's Daemon."

"RAWRRR!" Draegon declared as Davina flew him around the room.

"Don't worry!" Tommen declared marching in. "As hand of the king I am happy to announce we have put in new protocols."

"Have we?" Criston questioned.

"Yes, keep up, right now." Tommen agreed. Davina laughed out.

"Uncle TOMMM!" Draegon declared.

"Little Dragon."

"Draegon!" he corrected.

"Thats what i'm saying is it not?" Tommen mused. Davina smirked back at them as Draegon ran up to Tommen.


"Dragon, yes, little dragon." Tommen winked back at Gwayne and Davina. "Anyways, protocols to keep the monster out."

"I protect mama!" Draegon corrected.

"Good you can help!" Tommen agreed.

"You know you are not hand of the king." Gwayne countered.

"Says you." Tommen chuckled.

"Where is my father?" Gwayne pondered. Tommen chuckled out. "TOmmen what did you do with my father?"

"Nothing, Dav got rid of him or have you been too busy raising a child to notice?" Tommen teased. Gwayne looked to Davina, she smiled leaning into him.

"i'm a very pretty distraction." She reminded him.

"What did you do?" Gwayne questioned.

"I sent him away and I would do it again. Tommen has been hand of the king for... three moons now?" Davina recalled.

"You sent him away... like how you sent Larys away?" Gwayne questioned curiously.

"No, he is your father, he is awful but he is your father and I am not going to kill him off." Davina assured as Draegon ran between their legs ramming his head into their thighs as he ducked down. "I convinced my brother that Otto couldnt be my hand of the king and that I needed Tommen to know what the hell he was doing before I became the boss and Viserys being Viserys agreed."

"So my father... have I really not noticed, three whole moons?" Gwayne questioned.

"Yes." Davina agreed. "Now tommen tell me these protocols."

"Well... oh fuc-dge." Tommen corrected smiling down at Draegon. Davina followed his gaze.

"Great protocols." Criston agreed.

"Daemon." Davina hissed marching off. "Can't I be rid of him?"

"Apparently not." Gwayne murmured.

Daemon wouldnt leave them alone. Davina burned the ravens and pushed Daemon off cliffsides he kept coming back. Like a plague. Or ringworm. Annoying and pestering and never ending it seemed. You could treat it and treat it but it was persistent and resistant for moons.

"Don't know what I saw in you but now I see nothing but a Small minded man with a really big ego." Davina demanded. "Used to be a nice guy, where the hell did hе go? Can't believe I еver wanted you to love me," Davina cackled out like it was the funniest thing in the world, she was so stupid back then. "Sorry not sorry that I'm laughing but that's funny, that's funny, thought you were the one yeah, that's funny."

Another hard shove and Daemon was falling over the cliffside, she peered down and saw him land with a splash, he popped up for air a moment later and she grumbled. Killing off previous husbands was easier than getting rid of Daemon.

"What happened last night?" Davina questioned as she got ready.

"I... just some light gambling, dont think Aegon is going to be a mastermind, he went over 21 every time but... hey..." Gwayne chuckled nervously. Davina nodded slowly.

"Sorry I missed all the fun." She added. "I love betting."

"I bet." Gwayne mused. It was Aegon's name day and Gwayne had unintentionally gotten the boys very drunk. She kissed him and tasted the ale on his tongue, she rose a curious brow but Gwayne just offered his charming smile.

"I have to get Draegon ready, he is training with the big kids this morning, his request." Davina remarked.

"Well he has a dragon now, its only right." Gwayne agreed.

"Right." Davina agreed. She looked him over one more time before heading out.

Draegon's egg had hatched, it was the opposite of Fury, all white, shimmered like sunlight and Davina was sure she would become invisible in the clouds.

Draegon named his dragon Aria. She was growing fast and Draegon couldnt wait for the day Aria was big enough to ride. Right now she just rode on Fury's wing with them every morning for their morning ride. But Draegon wanted to ride his own dragon, he knew the bond his mama had with Fury and he wanted a bond just like that.

Davina and Draegon were headed to the pits when they saw Aegon get pounded on in the courtyard, he fell to the ground spitting up blood, his lip was split and the knight that was facing him quickly backed up.

"I didnt mean to hit him that hard!" He declared nervously when he saw Davina running to Aegons side.

"One year older one year stupider?" Davina pondered. Aegon's head was throbbing. "Gods you reek of an alehouse..." then she realized. "Get inside, get cleaned up." She requested gently as she helped him up.

"Just tired." Aegon whispered as he walked off sluggish and dizzy.

"Draegon our training is going to have to wait." Davina informed him. Draegon shrugged as she picked him up marching back inside. "Gwayne, nothing happened last night?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary," Gwayne agreed kissing Draegon before quickly heading down the hall, Davina stared back at him until he turned the corner. Viserys grazed her arm and her head snapped towards him.

"Whats that look for?" Viserys questioned.

"I kinda wanna call him on his bullsh*t I kinda wanna rip off all his clothes" Davina remarked calmly as she put Draegon down.

"Quite the predicament." viserys agreed through a chuckle. Davina bumped her hip into him. "You know he is probably just lying because he is has a surprise for you and doesn't want you to figure it out."

"What do you know?" Davina demanded.

"Nothing." Viserys countered. "I dont even know what happened."

"I'm grounding your son and my husband." Davina decided.

"Well... can you do that?" Viserys questioned.

"Yes." Davina agreed.

"Mama maddd!" Draegon declared waggling his finger. "No, no, no, no, no make mama mad!"

"Thats right." Davina agreed. "No make mama mad." davina glanced down the hallway. "Ahh there he is."

"No, I'm sorry," Aegon whined.

"You are grounded!" Davina shouted. "How could you be so irresponsible?" Draegon nodded pointing a finger up at Aegon.

"Mama Dav can you yell at me more quietly? My head is pounding." Aegon begged. Davina took a step forward. "And I got beat up on top of it, please-"

"Grounded!" She shouted back.

"Argh!" He cringed away from her.

"Gwayne!" She demanded and Aegon cringed holding his head.

"Oh no daddy in trouble!" Draegon dragged out his words as he looked to gwayne.

"Hello my love- oh sh*t." Gwayne muttered when he saw Aegon.

"Yeah of sh*t. You got aegon drunk."

"I didnt... I mean... the boys wanted to celebrate Aegons name day with their favorite uncle what was I supposed to-"

"BOYS?" Davina demanded. "AEMOND!"

"Not so loud." Aegon begged.

"Draegon go get Aemond for me." Davina instructed and Draegon ran down the hall. "Look what happened to Aegon during training because he showed up hung over." Davina pulled Aegon forward.

"sh*t, why did you go to training?" Gwayne questioned. "You eat greasy food and drink water, I told you that last night!"

"You got them drunk and sent them out in the world to fend for themselves, what kind of role model are you?" Davina sassed.

"You are not mad I got them drunk?"

"I'm mad you hid it from me." Davina agreed. "Getting drunk is a right of passage but sending them out thinking they are smart enough to know how to deal with the repercussions of getting that drunk, Gwayne." Davina tsked.

"I'm so confused." Aegon admitted.

"And now both of you are grounded." Davina added.

"What?" Gwayne questioned. Draegon laughed out as he dragged Aemond from bed.

"I got him mama!"

"Kitchen." Davina decided. Aemond leaned into her, blinked away bloodshot eyes.

"I dont remember last night." Aemond admitted softly.

"Of course you dont." Davina agreed. "You are supposed to get drunk with me."

"Thats why you are mad." Gwayne decided, Davina glared back at him.

"I'm their favorite," Davina agreed. "And you hid it from me." She started cooking and Viserys chuckled. Davina had always been a good cook but she never cooked, hangover food was her specialty.

"I will take whatever you are whipping up too." Viserys remarked taking a seat. Aemond slumped over onto the table. Aegon whined that his head hurt. Gwayne wrapped his arms around Davina's waist.

"You got them drunk without me." Davina tsked.

"Aegon has been drunk before." Gwayne offered.

"Not Aemond." Davina corrected. "Not like that. I wanted to be there for his first."

"You are a complicated woman." Gwayne decided as she put the meat on the skillet and the bread on the fire toasting it up. She cracked the eggs and voila breakfast of drunk champions. Draegon piled on his food contently chomping down as Aegon cringed as every bite.

"Dont lie to me." Davina instructed.

"Sorry." Gwayne agreed. "I forget what sets you off." he added kissing her cheek.

"Sets me off." Davina chuckled. "You have seen me with my top blown."

"Listen a book a day will keep anyone away if I throw it hard enough but im reading this one so you are safe... for now."

Gwayne took a cautious step back.

"Not you. Not today." She mused looking up from her book.

"What's going on?"

"I swear I didnt mean to anger her." Alicent declared.

"This isnt angry davina." Gwayne assured. "She is too calm to be angry."

"Or thats what she wants you to think." Alicent countered, Davina looked between them, talking about her, right in front of her as if she couldnt hear them. "And she is plotting your murder." Davina co*cked her head debating that.

"Dont put ideas in her head." Gwayne countered, scolding his little sister.

"I love you both. Honest I do but I was in the middle of something.” Davina remarked nodding to her book.

“Right best get out of here before she turns that book on us.” Gwayne agreed ushering his sister out.

“Daddy!” Draegon declared. Helaena put him down and he ran to gwayne.

“Hey buddy you playing with Helaena?”

“She showed me the butter- fly flies.” Draegon agreed.

“Dav?” Aegon questioned. She glaced up her eyes visible over her book and she held up one finger. Aegon nodded sitting beside her laying his head in her lap. She ran her fingers through his hair mindlessly as she read.

“Okay. What do you need?” Davina questioned putting her book down but Aegon was fast sleep like when he was a baby in her arms. Davina bent over kissing his forehead and turning back to her book.


That night When davina came back after tucking draegon in and confiscated a bottle of good wine from Aegon she was stopped at the door.

“Hi.” Davina whispered closing the door behind her. Gwayne smiled taking a step closer.

Gwayne lifted his fingers and ran them over davinas jawline with tender worship, and a deep, unrestrained longing filled his eyes. He leaned forward ever so slightly, breathing her in, and then another emotion joined his desire. Need.

Her hands wove around his neck, one of her legs around his waist. Her spine was flush against the hard surface of the door, but she didn’t notice, not when all of the good hard of her husband was pressed to her front.

“Your mouth,” she said, heart pounding. “Gwayne, let me have it.”

“f*ck,” he growled back and a satisfied smirk pulled at plump lips. And then he let her have it. His lips slammed against hers, tongue shoving into her mouth, teeth nipping, hands sliding up to cup her jaw and angle it.

Flames were swirling in her stomach, expanding in all directions, engulfing her in the haze of a seriously perfect kiss. At least until there was a knock on the door, just above her head.

She didn’t hear it at first, didn’t feel the vibration of it through the door. Not until the knock turned into pounding. Then she realized what she had been hearing. Then she realized what she was doing. His eyes had darkened to the deepest forest green, his lips were swollen and red, no doubt the same as hers.

His kiss could also be considered the best—as in the best of her life. Because a kiss from the man you love tops every other kiss. No brainer —but it hadn’t exactly been gentle.

“Babe,” he murmured, brushing a thumb over the corner of her mouth.

“I—” The knocking came again, but this time it was paired with a voice. With tylands voice.

“Princess, we have a… the queen said you should be here for this meeting,” he called through the door. “I’m sorry to . . . well, we got a situation out here.”

“Handle it,” davina snapped. “Im not queen yet.”

"Whatcha got there baby boy?" Davina questioned.

"A strange man gave it to me. Said to give it to his pretty mama." Draegon answered. "Sooo here you mama!"

"Thanks... next time a stranger gives you something. Drop it and run away." Davina requested

"He wasnt a stranger mama." Draegon corrected.

"I thought you said-"

"He was strange." Draegon corrected. "But not a stranger."

"Who was he then?"

"I dont know but you are always pushing him out windows and off cliffs." Draegon shrugged running off.


"I dont know his name you always call him not to be named!"

"He who shall die for coming near my son." Davina grumbled.

"Hey-oh thats a very pissed off face." Gwayne realized.

"Very." Davina agreed as she ripped open the letter.

Davina dearest, why do you run from me still? Dont you know we are destined to be together? Your son. Hes fine because he is half you but we could have made the most beautiful of children. I can not believe you and viserys both tainted our beautiful bloodline with Hightowers.

Davina crumpled it up and threw it towards the fire she missed but didnt notice. She moved to Draegon picking him up and peppering his face with kisses. He wiped at his slobbery cheeks.

"Dont you wipe my kisses off." Davina corrected kissing him again. Draegon laughed out kissing her back. Gwayne smiled at them as he moved to the note. He uncrumpled it carefully. Reading the words he crumpled it up again throwing it in the fire. He watched the flames consume it.

Davina glanced back at him and gwaynes gaze turned away from the fire.

"Go get daddy." Davina whispered in Draegons ear. He charged lunging at Gwayne.

"Mama has something she has to do." Gwayne realized.

"I will be back." Davina assured.

Aegon and Aemond watched as Davina marched off. They shared a look before chasing after her.

“I knew you would come.” Daemon remarked. “You are predictable.”

“You come anywhere near my son I will skin you alive.” Davina demanded.

“You wish he was mine.”

“More like I wish you would die.” Davina corrected.

“Why do you bother with them?” Daemon questioned.

“The then you are referring to is my family.”

“I am your family.” Daemon corrected

“Since when?” Davina countered.


“You havent acted like family in years. Decades. Daemon we are blood but we not family.” Davina corrected.

“Blood used to be thicker than water.”

“Key words there, used to. Before.” Davina agreed. “Stay away from the capital. Stay away from my son. This is your only warning daemon. Come near Draegon again and I will end you.” She turned to leave. Daemon smirked.

“You brought your little body guards?” He questioned and she noticed Aegon and Aemond lurking.

“Go home boys.” Davina instructed. Aegon didnt move.

“Davina come on-“ davina sent an elbow back and he grunted reaching for his bloody nose. “Bitch.” Davina smirked she didnt turn around. She wanted too. Oh how she wanted to but she couldnt give daemon any satisfaction. Aegon cackled out. Davina spun them around. Walking them back to the castle.

"I think as we grow up we are taught that accepting apologies and forgiveness is the polite thing to do, but that's such garbage. I am not obligated to accept or forgive simply because it's what the other person wants, or what would make them feel better." Davina decided stubbornly. "You know what would make me feel better? Giving him another elbow to the nose.” Aegon leaned into her happily.

“Was that as wonderful as it felt? How did he look?” Davina questioned.

“Oh that was awesome. He was so fuming mad.” Aegon declared.

“Good.” Davina agreed.

“ Rhaenyra i suppose should be thankful all you are doing is ignoring her." Aemond added. Davina smirked. Yes. Rhaenyra should be thankful davina wasnt taking her anger out on her.


"Mama? Mama? Mum? Mummy? Mamaceto?" Draegon declared pulling on the blankets. Davinas eyes peeled open.

"Get dad dad daddio." Davina grumbled. She slapped a hand to a snoring gwayne. He startled awake.

"Whats going on?" Gwayne shouted.

"Aegon told me a ghost story and now im certain the castle is haunted." Draegon remarked climbing into bed. Davina scowled.

"I mean it could be-" Gwayne agreed. Davina punched him as draegon settled between them. "-no way what so ever that the castle is haunted." Gwayne corrected.

"I dont know Aegon sounded really sure of himself." Draegon corrected pulling the covers up. "Mama are the ghosts gonna get me."

"No baby. I got you." Davina assured. "No ghosts gonna mess with me."

"Good point... dont blow out the candles though." Draegon begged.

"Okay." Davina agreed. "But the candles are not lit."

"I knew it was to dark."draegon looked to davina. "Mommy?"

"Daddy light a candle." Davina corrected. Gwayne breathed deeply his mouth slack as he fell back to sleep. "Daddy!" Davina punched him.

"Im up!" Gwayne shouted

“Candle.” Davina whined


“Candle!” She groaned.

“You want a candle?” Gwayne questioned through a yawn.

“Draegon wants a candle because aegon is a butthead.” Davina grumbled rolling onto her side and pulling draegon into her chest. He cuddled into her waiting for the candle light. Every shadow and blow of the wind through the curtain could be a ghost.

“Okay.” Gwayne fumbled for a match blindly before giving up and getting up. “f*ckin-“ he grumbled as he whacked his thumb. “Okay there. There. Candle lit. Can we go back to bed?”

“You okay Draegon?” Davina questioned not opening her eyes.

“You are not going to let the ghosts in?” Draegon repeated staring up at her. She held tighter to him.

“I got you. Daddy is going to fight any monsters off but fury and Aria will get them before they ever get in the castle.” Davina assured kissing his head.

“Okay.” Draegon agreed. Davina nodded yawning as she tried to fall back asleep. But draegon kept crawling on top of them. Laying across them. When davina and gwayne gave up on sleep the candle had burned to nothing and the sun was rising their little Draegon was fast asleep.

Davina didnt try to stifle her yawn during the morning council meeting. She was half listening when the council turned to her.


"Do you remember Davina?" Alicent pondered

Davina was up half the night with a squirming draegon. No she didn't remember something the council deemed was important. But it wasnt to davina.

“No but i will pretend to let this go faster." Davina countered. Three minutes later davina was done. The meeting wasnt done but she was done.

“Where are you going?” Alicent questioned.

“I have to reprimand your son.” Davina yawned out. “aegon.” She clarified as if that needed to be clarified.

“Hey Dav,” aegon smiled ready to hug her but davina put him in a headlock.

“What the hell did you tell Draegon last night?” Davina demanded.



“Just some stories!” Aegon declared.

“Ghost stories?” Davina countered.

“Im sorry! I was trying to scare Aemond.” Aegon admitted.

“Draegon ran in and was terrified.” Davina corrected. “Hes a child!”

“And aemond was unaffected by the stories the little sh*t-“ davina pinched his ear. “Sorry mama!” Aegon cried out.

“Tell Draegon it was just a story. All lies. No ghosts in the castle.” Davina demanded.

“Why didn’t you?”

“I did but he believes you believe there are ghosts.” Davina demanded. “So you tell him otherwise.”

“Okay.” Aegon agreed.

“But there is.” Davina added. “Ghosts.” Aegon chuckled. “But draegon doesnt need to know that.”

“What Ghosts?” Aegon questioned cautiously.

“You know your room used to be Egg Targaryens chambers.” Davina remarked.

“It was?” Aegon questioned. Davina nodded.

“His older brother, the cruel and sad*stic Aerion, threw Aegon's pet cat down a well.” Davina recalled. “Some say you can hear the cats cries out your very window.” Aegon teansed. “Aerion also once visited Aegon in his bedroom during the dead of night, put a knife to Aegon's co*ck, and joked about removing his genitals so he would become a girl whom Aerion could marry. Daemon was in your room for a time. He swore that he felt a blade against his co*ck in the middle of the night and a wicked laugh echoing off the walls- i swear it wasnt me.” Davina went on. Aegon paled slightly. “Once Aegon's sister Rhae slipped a love potion into his drink so that he would marry her and not their sister Daella, some say that any wine drank in bed is laces by the bitter ghosts that died loveless. Neither getting Egg so they want to drag those in his bed to hell.”

“Are you serious?” Aegon shouted. Davina smirked.

“Have a good nights sleep tonight aegon. I wouldnt worry too much about the girls. Its Aerion that is known to be a c*nt.”

“Mama…” aegon countered. “Can I stay with you tonight?”

“Aegon. I made it up.” Davina corrected touching his cheek. “But that fear. Times that times like a million and thats draegons fear.” Aegon relaxed letting out a long breath.

“Im so sorry! I forget hes still little.” Aegon agreed hugging her tight. “I will never tell him another scary story again!” He promised.


Gwaynes name day was starting off glorious. After morning sex and lots of kisses there was a feast of food before them. Alicent agreed to keep draegon company for the morning so davina and gwayne could give him a sibling- Alicents words not davinas. She was done with having babies. She gave him a son. That was it.

Gwaynes jaw clenched when he saw Davinas smirk slowly spread across her lips. Climbing atop the table, she held his stare and crawled across. Her breasts swayed with each move, and she loved the way his eyes dropped to watch. When she finally reached his side, he leaned forward and gripped her jaw.

"You're so f*cking sassy, aren't you?"

"You like it." she countered. He grunted and leaned forward to nip at her lips sharply.

"I do. Now get on my f*cking lap so I can feed you." She managed to not knock anything over when she got off and perched on his lap. He kissed up her neck and stroked her arms, lulling her to relax against him. "What do you like?" he asked in her ear.

"Everything," she sighed. He nipped at her ear, pulling her out of her haze.

"I meant the food." Smiling, she pressed a quick kiss to his lips "Your stomach is growling." he informed her biting her neck as he spoke.

"Carrot cake." Davina agreed. “Feed me.”

“Its breakfast.” Gwayne countered picking up the fork.

“And im being healthy.” She agreed. “Carrots.”

“Cake.” Gwayne whispered taking a bite himself.

“Good start to your name day?” Davina questioned kissing him.

“Great start.” Gwayne agreed kissing her.

Gwayne and draegon were in the courtyard training with aemond and aegon. Davina loved that draegon had such good role models in the capital.

Davina occasionally saw Caraxes fly by like daemon wanted to make sure she never forgot about him but she pushed him from her mind. She had to. She didnt want him or love him. She wanted him dead more than anything. But trying to deal with daemon was a waste of time and effort.

Gwayne smiled back at davina as draegon whacked him in the back of the knee. He stumbled forward and aemond scooped draegon up on his shoulders claiming him the victor. Draegon laughed out

“It’s because you are old now.” Draegon decided.

“Happy name day to me.” Gwayne mused.


~Have you seem rhaenyra in a while? She summons me often to dragonstone. Begging me to kill her husband and make her my bride. ~

"I need a wellness check on Laenor." Davina decided during a council meeting.

"On Laenor?" Alicent questioned confused

"Yeah. Remember him? Tall, handsome, sobbing over the oceans last we saw him." Davina agreed.

"Why does he need a wellness check?" Tommen agreed.

"Because I got a raven that concerns me." Davina offered. "And hes family."

"You dont need permission to leave." Tyland remarked confused.

"I dont want to see that bitch." Davina corrected. "I might break her neck and that would upset viserys. Tyland master of ships. Take a trip.” Davina decided. “And give the boys a gift a from me.” She added.


“You Tyland. Thank you.” Davina agreed.

“Lannister. Not Alicent.” Rhaenyra remarked as a ship docked and tyland lannister dressed in all red stepped out.

“Hello. Im lord Tyland lannister master of ships-“

“What does the crown want?” Rhaenyra sassed.

“Is lord Laenor around?” Tyland questioned.


“Why not? Oh and the boys. The princes Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey? Are they around?” Tyland questioned.

“Why?” Rhaenyra repeated.

“Because i have gifts from princess Davina to be delivered directly to them.” Tyland answered.

“I will give them-“

“Directly to them.” Tyland corrected slowly.

“Laenor.” Rhaenyra barked. “LAENOR!” She spun around. “They were training last I saw.”

“Wonderful.” Tyland tensed as he walked but hoped this peace offering would be enlugh that rhaenyra didnt try to make an enemy of the lannisters.

“Whos that?” Luke questioned.

“Lannister by the looks of it.” Laenor remarked.

“Lions.” Joffrey agreed.

“Hello, I bring gifts from your aunt Davina!” Tyland declared. The boys ran forward. “And a wellness check for their father.” He added shaking laenors hand.

“A wellness check?” Laenor questioned confused.

“She- Davina that is- got a worrysome letter aparently. Said she wanted to make sure you were okay.” Tyland agreed.

“What did the letter say?” Laenor questioned as the boys pulled out their gifts admiring them and playing with their new toys immediately.

“I am afraid im not at liberty to say.” Tyland remarked. Also that davina didnt tell him the contents of the note.

“Well im perfectly fine. Thank davina for her concern.” Laenor requested.

“Yes. She will be glad to hear.” Tyland agreed. “Boys.”

They started speaking over each other begging to go to the capital and see davina. But laenor shook his head saying it was up to their mother.

Two words were spoken when tyland returned.

“He’s alive.”

Davina nodded. Maybe daemon was lying to get a rile out of her. Maybe he was lying to make her hate rhaenyra more. Maybe she needed to stop reading damn ravens.


Pins and needles, pins and needles. Davina knew she shouldnt - so she didnt- move Draegon from her arm, he fell asleep on her and her arm fell asleep. Pins and needles, pins and needles. The feeling flooded her but she loved Draegon, she knew he would grow up and he wouldnt want to snuggle anymore so she suffered through the numb and tingling feeling in her arm and leg as he stretched out across her drooling into her.

Gwayne smiled as he came in. Davinas head was tipped back her arm awkwardly wrapped around Draegon.

"You want me to take him?" Gwayne whispered touching her leg.

"Yes. No. " davina countered a second later. "He wont be this little forever. I like him close." Gwayne nodded sitting beside her. He kicked off his shoes letting them fall to the ground.

When davina was with Daemon, she was never truly with him. But with Gwayne, even before they were married, she never questioned his loyalty or his love. It was a strange thing to think.

Davina had gotten so used to Daemon's razer blade mouth that she craved the cuts.

But with Gwayne, she enjoyed the painless but electric touch in the stillness of the world. Daemon made the world turn faster, made Davina spin and faltered off balanced but Gwayne slowed the world down so it was just them, held her so she never felt out of touch.


Relationships were strange. Davina was currently analyzing the current relationships of the capital. She was staring at one in particular that she was very confused about because the girl in this relationship was clearly the chocolate, but the man was like a raisin.

If Davina said this out loud she was sure someone would say what the literal hell.

CHocolate and raisins? Yes. It was a strange combination that yes some people enjoyed, but Davina looked at them and thought you chose this man when you could be with anyone else you could be with a man, sexy like caramel, she glanced to Tommen passing by, you could have delicious like Mr marshmallow, you know the knights that are muscle and a bit more fluffy, or fine smooth creamy six pack abs strutting around in the sunshine aka the peanut butter over there Yet she chose a man who is natures candy shriveled up grapes that really is meant to be with oatmeal.

"Davina?” Alicent questioned.

“Who the f*ck is that?” Alicent followed her gaze.

“Lord Dustyn and lady Mirabelle."

"Whats their deal?”

"Arranged married I believe." Alicent answered.

"Makes sense because shes a babe and hes a raisin." Davina agreed no longer interested in their relationship.

"What?" Alicent laughed out.

"I think Aunt Davina called that man a raisin." Helaena answered as if it made sense to her.

"Davina," Alicent countered glancing back at the man. "Thats so mean." Davina shrugged. "If you don’t have anything nice to say-"

"Say it behind that persons back." Davina agreed. "There is nothing wrong with being a raisin. Hell he snagged chocolate."

"I'm hungry." Helaena decided.

"Me too. Chocolate?" Davina questioned.

Between Draegon's screams and laughter Davina hoped he was having a good time. She was finally letting him fly solo on Aria. She was a little dragon but he wasnt that big yet. She insisted on a saddle and Draegon countered with 'Fury doesnt have a saddle'

"I'm the boss. I'm mama and i say saddle." She corrected. She realized how her mother and father must have felt when she ran off flying for hours and doing tricks with Fury and jumping from the clouds.

Davina didnt realize how much her life would change having a human being that she loved more than anyone. Draegon was that person that she would die for, kill for, fight for until her last breath. Draegon Hightower was her heir. He was the reason davina got up in the morning the reason for every breath, the reason... he was her reason.

She wouldnt change this. She couldnt believe she had put up such a fuss about not having a child because she couldnt imagine life without him.

Gwayne met Draegon and Davina in the pits that night, Draegon refused to go to sleep until Aria and Fury were tucked in too. Draegon ran off kissing the dragons goodnight and Davina looked to Gwayne.

Davina co*cked her hip and turned to face him fully, the wind plastering her tissue-thin dress against her curves. Light red silk molded to her breasts like a second skin.

"You can't go around just looking like that." Gwayne remarked moving to her. "And not expect me to kiss you."

"I am fully expecting a kiss."

“Whats that look?” Gwayne questioned and Alicent jumped.

“What look?” She squeaked back.


“Gwayne?” Alicent countered her cheeks were flushed and she flattened down her dress.

“Stimulating council meeting?” Gwayne questioned.

“Ummm something like that. Yes. I have to go,” alicent declared jumped up and rushing out.

“Alright weirdo.” Gwayne agreed but he followed her. His baby sister was axting weird and he wanted to know why.

Alicent smiled running a hand down aemonds back in the library. She was asking him about what he was learning and asked if she could help. Gwayne chuckled when Aemond asked if she suddenly learned high valyrian over night.

“I will fetch davina.” Gwayne called out. “Give your mother and I some time to talk.”

“Im…” alicent flushed at the thought of her big brother knowing what was going through her mind. Gwayne headed off to get davina she had draegon on her back and they were running around with helaena in the tall grass.

“Oh good take him. Hes heavy.” Davina agreed passing draegon off.

“Again again!” Draegon demanded crawling up gwayne like a monkey and wrapping his hands around his neck choking him as draegon got comfortable. “Faster! Do it like mommy!”

“Davina you havent told my brother have you?”

“What?” Davina countered

“Nothing never mind. I thought you- aemond. Yes. You wanted to see aemond.” Alicent agreed stepping aside.

“Have fun.” Davina winked back at her.

“Im… going to check on viserys.” Alicent decided.

“Sure sure. Then tell To- viserys I say hi.” Davina agreed. Alicent turned red as a beet before running off. “Alright what are we learning today?”

“I can read the language.” Aemond remarked. “Pretty well to but… speaking it back and forth. Im struggling with.”

“Aegon!” Davina shouted his head dropped to the desk and he shot back up with a grunt. “Come here.” She added more softly. Aegon slumped over to them rubbing at tired eyes. Davina wrapped an arm around him. “Okay for the next half an hour we are going to only speak in high valyrian. Then we get carrot cake as a treat. If you break and speak common tongue no cake for you,” aemond nodded eagerly. “Aegon?”

“Can I just finish my nap?” Aegon countered.

“Daor. Rhaenagon.”


“Okay Alicent is definitely hiding something.” Gwayne decided.


“I dont know. Shes hiding it.” Gwayne remarked. Davina pushed her work away and turned to him.

“What do you think shes hiding?” Davina questioned

“I dont know.” Gwayne countered. “Big brother are not supposed to know sh*t about their little sisters. She was blushing when I caught her day dreaming about… someone?”

“Ohhh.” Davina answered as if that explained it all.

“Oh? Oh what?” Gwayne demanded.

“Shes f*cking Tommen.” Davina answered. “Thats not a secret. At least not to me. Tommen told me the first time it happened. I didnt mention it?” Gwayne gaped back at her.

“Tommen, Tommen?”

“The one and only-“ davina agreed. “Well there are probably a lot of tommens but-“

“Tommen Martell and my baby sister?”

“Shes grown ass woman. Let her have some fun.” Davina countered.

“Shes married. To your brother!” Gwayne corrected.

“Which is why it is not vocalized.” davina agreed. “You really havent noticed them getting closer?”

“I still thought tommen was trying to get with you,” gwayne admitted.

“A losing feat and he knew it.” Davina assured.

“Alicent and Tommen?”

“Yes Honey. Keep up.” Davina agreed.

“Alicent and Tommen?”

“Why is this so hard for you to understand?” Davina questioned “you are a smart man,” she added.

“Alicent and Tommen.”


"Well this is fun." Rhaenyra remarked glancing to Laenor, he smiled back at Rhaenyra.

"Its about damn time we did this." Laenor remarked. "We had a good run."

"Where will you go?"

"Driftmark. My mother has Laenas girls and well... you dont like me around my sons. Baela and Rhaena will have me." Laenor decided.

"Im sorry if I-"

"No you are not," laenor corrected. "You f*cked harwin strong and I did the same." Rhaenyra gaoed back at him. "Not literally. I would have though." He added. "But you know what I mean. We did as we pleased and didnt do our duty. I tried to be a better husband these past six years yet it wasnt enough. The damage was done."

"The damage was done on both our parts." Rhaenyra agreed.

"Lets get this over with."

"Why are the trumpets trumpeting this early?" Davina grumbled rolling over in bed. Gwayne glanced to the window but davina buried her face in his chest, so he wasnt going to get up.

'' All hail Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and lord Laenor velaryon.'' Steffon Darklyn announced as they arrived at the capital.

''We have continued to enjoy improved customs duties since the settling of the Step stones. And the extent to which we exploit those is contingent on the harbor master's receipts. Of which, um, uh, the, uh, septons have requested half that again for a bronze bust they wish to co... to commission for the, the Festival of the Mother, which I would not recommend." Beesbury said to the council. Davina was supposed to be at all of these but she didnt want to go to early morning meetings therefore she didnt. She said if they wanted her there they would make meetings at a decent time. Not before the sun had fully risen, she had a child, Draegon took up a lot of time and energy, she didnt have- she did but she didnt want to - deal with others problems before her morning tea and her morning kiss from Gwayne and Draegon.

'Thank you for that exhaustive accounting, Lord Beesbury." Alicent told him, she sat in Viserys spot. He rarely left his bed and he was in no shape to rule. Davina knew this which is why she usually put in the effort to go to council meetings.

''I remind you...'' but the door opened and Alicent turned to the guard.

'' Your guests have arrived, Your Grace.''

''I trust they've been welcomed as befits their station.'' Tommen pondered.

''As you instructed, Lord Hand.''

"I love the sound of that every single time." Tommen agreed. Alicent chuckled glancing his way, Tommen winked back at her.

''I do beg your pardon, my lords. I must greet our guests." Alicent told them.

''Shall we levy a tax on the sale of new wool?" Alicent rolled her eyes.

"I got this, go on..." Tommen assured. "Can you handle this alone?"

"Can you come with me?" Alicent countered.

"Meeting adjourned." Tommen demanded. "SOmeone should tell Davina."

"Why are they here?"

"Because they are finally coming to do things right?" Tommen pondered.

''He looks like a different person. I believe we should also consult Maester Gerardys. Perhaps if he could see the King, he'd suggest a different..."Rhaenyra began but the door opened and Alicent approached.

'Princess Rhaenyra. And Lord Laenor.'' Alicent remarked. ''It has been so long since we were granted the joy of your presence.'' Alicent remarked.

''Indeed, Your Grace.'' Rhaenyra agreed. ''Though not long enough to merit a greeting upon our arrival.'' Laenor glanced to Rhaenyra.

''I'm sure the Queen had pressing business, Nyra." Laenor assured. "What can either of us know of ruling a kingdom? Can't even rule our own household." Laenor reminded her.

''I do not rule, as you well know.'' Alicent told them ''Lord Tommen Martell, Princess Davina and I are mere stewards of the King's will and wisdom.''

"Tommen... you havent changed at all." Rhaenyra remarked.

"Age did you poorly." TOmmen countered. Rhaenyra grit her teeth. "Davina will want to know you are here, Laenor." Tommen added. "Are the boys here? She does adore them."

"Yes of course." Laenor agreed. "They were looking for their nephews I believe."

''And how exactly is that wisdom expressed... hm? In blinks and wheezes? I'd be surprised if he could remember his own name. Or if you could.'' Rhaenyra added snidely. "What have you done to my father?"

''King Viserys's condition has worsened since you saw him last.'' Alicent informed Rhaenyra. ''It subjects him to considerable pain.'' Alicent went on ''On the advice of the maesters...''

''Ah, the maesters. Of course. It is they who keep him... addled on milk of the poppy while you warm his throne.'' Rhaenyra added stiffly and Alicent let out a hot breath.

''Rhaenyra, if you would see him without it, almost blind with suffering.'' Alicent pleaded.

''Oh, Alicent, I have no doubt it was... an act of the purest mercy, but tell me, for the King's suffering, did the maesters also prescribe the removal of Targaryen heraldry and the installation in its stead of various statues and stars?''

"You may have forgotten you have been gone a long while but Davina said their mother loved the stars, Viserys quite enjoys them." Alicent remarked.

"Stranger danger!" Draegon shouted before running off. Luke stared back at him wide eyed.

"Who was that?" Luke questioned.

"Another uncle thats younger than us?" Jace pondered.

"MAMA!" Draegon shouted. "Strangers in the capital! Strangers!"

"Tommen arrange supper with the family." Viserys requested.

"Umm, you sure about that boss?" Tommen countered.

"Yes and - oh Davina."

"Hey brother." Davina answered. "Tommy boy," she added kissing his cheek.

"I want you to sit the throne today." viserys added. Davina beamed back at him.

"Thank you!" Davina agreed giddy. "I wont let you down!"

"Strangers in the castle!" Draegon shouted. After the daemon incidents davina made sure draegon ran away from strangers.

"What kind of strangers?" Gwayne questioned as Draegon hugged Davina.

"The cute little kind." Davina answered glancing back at Tommen. Gwayne rose a confused brow. "Black hair?"

"Yeaaaah." Draegon agreed.

"Not big like me but not little like you?"

"Yeah!" Draegon agreed. "You know these strangers?"

"Im the monsters aunt. Her children are my second nephews... that means you would be their... something," davina decided after a very long moment.

''Smaller than I remember." Jace and Luke were walking the courtyard while the men were training. It had been years since they were last at kings landing. After the strange little boy ran off screaming stranger danger they decided to explore their old stomping grounds.

''It looks exactly the same.' Luke countered.

''Ah, Luke, come on.'' Jace said leading him around a smile on his face. ''See? I told you this would still be here." He picked up a sword, one of the old swords from when they were training as children. It reminded him of ser harwin. But jace rarely thought of him these days. Harwin was a distant memory. Laenor was their father. He proved himself worthy. A good father to them. He stuck around. Like the father they deserved.

''And you thought you could swing Criston's morning star.''

''And you almost took your own head off.'' Luke counted with a laugh. "Where is auntie Davina?" He questioned looking around when he noticed everyones stares. Luke stumbled into him not realizing luke stopped walking.

''What's your problem?''

''Everyone's staring at us.'' Jace told him as his eyes shifted around. Luke shrugged he was used to stares. ''Well no one would be staring at us if we looked more like our father... Laenor than Ser Harwin Strong.''

''It doesn't matter what they think.'' Luke reminded him, "father loves us. We are part baratheon remember?"

"Yes thats what father says too." Jace agreed but something about being back here was unsettling. they heard a crowd cheering and a not so distant grunting they ran forward to get a better look as the crowd gasped. Aemonds sword whooshed through the air.

"Well done, my Prince. You'll be winning tourneys in no time." Criston remarked. Aemond smiled as the crowd applauded him.

"Dont give him a big head." Davina corrected.

''I don't give a sh*t about tourneys." Aemond corrected looking to her.

"Aunt Davina!" Luke declared running towards her.

"Hey kiddo i missed you!" Davina remarked as luke hugged her.

"Mama thats the strangers not strangers." Draegon informed her.

"Honey this is Luke and Jace-"

"Im Joffrey." Davina turned around.

"Look at you squirt! You grew up!" Davina declared. "You were a peanut now you are growing like a damn weed." Gwayne chuckled giving draegons shoulder a squeeze as he looked confused at the new people.

''Nephews... have you come to train?'' Aemond questioned. "No? Then off the training field-" davina gave him a half hearted shove.

"Play nice." Davina corrected.

''Alicent? Alicent...'' Viserys said with a heavy breath.

''No, it's Rhaenyra, father.'' She heard his stiff breath in his lungs as he looked to her.

"Rhaenyra." He murmured softly as thunder raged outside the window. He was in no fit state to do or be any use for the meeting.

Viserys murmured and Rhaenyra sniffled at his side crying, she didn't want to lose him. She waited she lost too much time. Because she was fighting for the wrong man for years. Daemon didnt want her. Her father wanted to protect her and now he was dying.


"Yes I suppose I should see your mother before this thing begins." Davina remarked looking to Jace and Luke. "Do you know whats about to happen?"

"They dont tell us anything." Joffrey cut in.

"I will try and make this as painless as possible." Davina assured. "For your sake."

"You think its going to be painful?" Luke countered.

"For your mother, maybe. Liars tend to squirm under the spotlight." Davina agreed.

"Whats she lying about?" Luke countered.

"Doesnt matter. I will see you boys after I deal with work, gah," davina teased kissing their heads and passing Draegon off to Gwayne. "I want to see her face when she finds out I'm going to do her hearing." Davina chuckled wickedly.

''Davina." Rhaenyra remarked stiffly as Davina entered the throne room.

"Rhaenyra." She answered moving to the throne.

"What are you doing?" Rhaenyra questioned. "My father-"

"Asked i sit the throne." Davina agreed. "Now you want to annul your marriage? I'm your saving grace." Davina added taking a seat. "Dont give me a reason to make your life miserable."

“You really don’t like me. Why? What did I ever do?”

Playing ignorant, wow, Davina leaned back on the throne. Fine. She smirked propping an arm on the throne and resting her fist against her temple.

“You give me a feral dog vibes.” Davina answered, Rhaenyra's mouth parts, before a bout of shocked laughter bursts from her throat.

“A feral dog?” she repeated incredulously. It's so true that Rhaenyra surely couldn’t even be offended. She bite the hand that fed her. Davina rested both arms on the throne gripping the arm rest and leaned forward.

“You’re destructive and uncontrollable.” Davina agreed.

“wow, you learn that as heir?” Rhaenyra returned dryly. "They teach you to bash on your family? Feral?"

“I just know trouble when I see it.” Davina corrected. "And you are trouble Rhaenyra." Davina corrected when Laenor came in.

"Sorry I'm late- Davina!"

"Laenor." Davina answered getting up. "The boys spoke your praise they are doing well in their training, but I suppose they wouldnt tell me if they werent."

"I am." Laenor agreed. "And they wouldnt lie... not to you." Rhaenyra didnt like their buddy buddy behavior.

"Shall we get this on with?" Davina questioned.

"Yes." Laenor agreed eagerly. Davina sat back down on the throne. A few on lookers were present any and all hearings of this nature were open to the public but less fun than petitions and trials.

"Have you two spoken of custody?"

"They are mine." Rhaenyra corrected.

"I'm sorry?" Davina put a hand to her ear.

"They are..." Rhaenyra silenced herself. "You are a mother-"

"I am." Davina agreed.

"You know what that bond is like."

"Yet your boys spoke of Laenor when the got here, their father." Davina corrected. "So have you spoken custody? I think the father should-"

"DAVINA!" Rhaenyra shrieked. Laenor held back a laugh.

"-He is the stable one in this relationship." Davina agreed.

"Shared custody of the boys would be appropriate." laenor assured. "I plan on living at driftmark and Rhaenyra is staying on dragonstone, not too far of a commute." Laenor assured.

"And since you all have dragons that will be great." Davina agreed. "I will miss the boys though." She added. "Any objections?" Rhaenyra grit her teeth. "See this is was easy. Could have taken a bad turn but... since both are the parents of those sweet boys." Davina looked to Tommen as he approached from the wings like magic, he held out the prewritten scroll and Davina gave it her stamp of approval.

"You knew?" Rhaenyra questioned. "Before we got here-"

"Yes. Because I have the upper hand and Laenor is trying to be a good father. I see that. He shouldnt be punished for trying to do the right thing." Davina agreed. Tommen whispered in her ear and she grumbled. "Why?"

"Your brother." Tommen countered.

"But please stay a while." Davina requested. "Supper with Viserys, he requested it. Dont disappoint him."

"We will be there." Laenor agreed while Davina and rhaenyra shared a devious glare.

Viserys was carried in on his throne delivered to the table, Davina rose up to whisper in his ear.

"I'm playing nice, I have been all day but if Daemon shows up, I'm chopping off heads." Davina assured.

"Understood my dear." Viserys agreed tapping her hand. ''How good it is... to see you all tonight... together.'' Viserys said looking around the table contently.

''Prayer before we begin?'' Alicent offered

''Yes.'' Viserys agreed as they held hands.

"Goodie, goodie," Davina coughed out as she grabbed Gwaynes hand. "Excuse me!" Alicent rolled her eyes.

''May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith mend the bonds that have been broken for far too long." Alicent offered kindly.

"Short and sweet, wonderful job." Davina agreed piling her plate. "Ahhhh carrot cake?"

"This is supper not dessert." Gwayne chuckled into her ear.

"Why can't it be both?" Davina countered.

"You are like a little kid sometimes." Gwayne laughed out.

"Dont mess with mamas cake." Draegon corrected. rhaenyra stared back at the little boy, she heard that Davina had a child, of course she did but she had not met him. "Hi." Draegon added when he caught Rhaenyra's stare. "I'm Draegon."

"Draegon?" Rhaenyra repeated slowly.

"Yeah, do you need me to speak louder?" Draegon pondered before taking a giant bite out of his cheesy noodles. Gwayne chuckled ruffling his hair.

"No." Rhaenyra corrected as Viserys cleared his throat.

''It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table. The faces most dear to me in all the world... yet grown so distant from each other..."Viserys told them solemnly. "in the years past." Viserys removed his mask with a thud it landed on the table. ''My own face... is no longer a handsome one... if indeed it ever was."

"It was." Davina assured. "Once upon a time..." she mused blowing him a kiss.

"Thank you, Dav." Viserys agreed through a choked laugh. "But tonight... I wish you to see me... as I am. Not just a king... but your father. Your brother. Your husband... and your grand sire.'' Viserys said kindly. ''Who may not, it seems... walk for much longer among you.'' Viserys gasped for breath as his chest felt heavy. ''Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set aside your grievances. If not for the sake of the crown... then for the sake of this old man who loves you all so dearly." Viserys requested. Alicent helped him fix his mask back to his face.

"Icky." Draegon whispered shaking his head.

"Icky." Davina agreed. "Make a girl lose her appetite." Gwayne slapped her thigh. "I found it." she countered taking a bite.

''I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen. I love my father. But I must admit that no one has stood... more loyally by his side than his good wife." Rhaenyra remarked, she could be civil for her fathers sake. ''She has tended to him with... unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has my gratitude... and my apology.'' Rhaenyra looked to Davina. "And Auntie..." Auntie Davina thought, blinking slowly. "We used to be so close, I dont know what happened... I wish we could start again." davina nodded slowly, taking a long sip of wine. Davina looked to Gwayne and mouthed. 'dont know what happened?' Gwayne squeezed her hand.

Davina was a temperamental woman, Gwayne knew this and knew how to calm her down and thank the Gods for Gwayne because the realms would be f*cked if he didnt help her keep a lid on her fury.

''Your graciousness moves me deeply, Princess.'' Alicent rose her glass as well. ''We are both mothers... and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow. I raise my cup to you... and to your house."

They looked to Davina, as if she had something to say.

"Since when is it a womans job to make the speech?" Davina questioned when they wouldnt look away. Aegon chuckled raising a glass to her. She toasted to him from across the table.

''To Prince Aegon and... Prince Aemond. We have not seen each other in years, but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your family's good health, dear uncles. To you as well.'' Jace offered.

"That was so sweet." Davina agreed. "better than I could have done."

''Beware the beast beneath the wings.'' Helaena muttered. Davina co*cked a brow glancing out the window, not seeing a dragon approaching but Helaena's little riddles were not always so clear. But wings, Davina could figure that out. Beast and wings. Daemon.

''Good. Let us have some music.'' Viserys requested. Music began and Draegon got up moving to Davina. She spun him around and Luke jumped up, Rhaenyra watched her boys spin around with Davina and Helaena. She glanced to the hightowers next and Alicent offered her a small smile.

Viserys was glad they were trying, really trying. the songs bled into the next and Davina plopped back down filling her cup. She could get over it. It had been a while. Rhaenyra was just a stupid girl wanting her husband dead for Daemon's co*ck.

"You all should stay a while." Davina remarked meeting Rhaenyra's gaze.

"Really?" Rhaenyra questioned.

"Yeah, Joffrey and Draegon are already becoming the best of friends, it would be a shame to tear away such a promising friendship." Davina agreed.

"I think we would like that." rhaenyra agreed.

'' Excuse me.'' Viserys said as he started to cough and choke out for breath.

''Guards." Alicent called out as Viserys groaned.

"Vis?" Davina questioned.

'' Please, sit down.'' He said thickly.

"Night." Davina called back as he was carried away.

''Final tribute. To the health of my nephews, Jace... Luke... and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise... hm... strong." Aemond remarked.

''Aemond.'' Alicent warned. Davina looked to Aemond putting her glass down.

''Come... let us drain our cups to these three... Strong boys." Aemond went on

''I dare you to say that again.'' Jace spat.

''Why? ' Aemond chuckled but davina sent him a warning glare that silenced him his lips sealed shut. He cleared his throat drinking down his drink.

"Aemond is a bit drunk I think." Davina suggested. "Maybe its time we call it a night?"

"I think thats a good idea." Rhaenyra agreed.

"Sober up." Davina requested scuffing Aemond's neck.

"Sorry." He whispered, barely audible.

"Yeah?" Davina pondered. "you were ready to keep going werent you?" She whispered. She knelt before him as the room slowly clearly out. "I know what happened to you was not fair, it was vicious and there was no justice." Davina assured. "But do you think you can ever find it in your heart to move on?" Aemond debated that. "You are a lot like me." Davina added. He met her gaze. "Hold a grudge like me too. But we need to loosen that hold or else it is going to bring us down a bitter pathway and you are such a good boy Aemond."


"The king is dead. Long live the queen."

Those words she had long thought would make her happy long live the queen. Didn't. But the king is dead... Her brother was dead.

"Is mama okay?" Draegon questioned.

"Her brother died Draegon." gwayne corrected. "She's really sad." Davina tried to get ready, she felt like she had to, the realms needed a leader, but she just wanted to cry and grieve her big brother. She wiped at her eyes trying to hold it in as she got dressed for her coronation. Tommen and Alicent were getting everything set up. Davina wanted it done above the pits so Fury and Little Aria could be present.

“Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.” Gwayne whispered as she finished braiding her hair.

"I'm feeling it." Davina corrected. "I just can't show it right now." Gwayne nodded.

"My queen." Davina rubbed her dry lips together.

"I can do this right?"

"Yes." Gwayne answered without hesitation. "We are right here for you. No matter what."

Walking forward Davina didnt care for the pomp and circ*mstance, but she walked under the swords and made her way forward where Draegon was clapping the whole walk down the aisle until she got to him. Draegon ran to her hugging her legs as she got to the stage. She held to him as she looked to Gwayne and then Fury, he stood happily, his tail wagging as if he understood too that this was a big moment. Aria was sitting between his legs, still a little thing compared to Fury.

'May the Warrior give her courage. May the Smith lend strength to her sword and shield. May the Father defend her in her need." the Septon began. ''May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light her way to wisdom." Tommen stepped forward the crown in hand.

"The crown of the Viserys the peaceful," Tommen remarked ''Let the Seven bear witness: Davina Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." he announced putting the crown on Davinas head.

''All hail Her Grace, Davina Targaryen, second of her Name, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

"QUEEN DAVINA!" Gwayne declared as they crowd cheered out.

"Hells yeah, thats my girl." Tommen agreed hugging her. "Congratulations, your gorgeous grace." he added. A smile covered davinas lips but then she felt the ground shake.

Daemon broke through the floor of the pits, Fury jumped to attention shouting at Caraxes.

"Thats mine!" Daemon demanded.

"It's on my head." Davina corrected. "Go away Daemon, you lost. You are scaring my people."

"My people." Daemon hissed.

"Open the doors." Davina demanded and they flooded out. Fury shrieked at Caraxes and he faltered back.

A war of dragons would end bloody. Davina wasnt ready to risk that here and now with Draegon so close. She called Fury back to her side and he marched up on stage his talons digging into the stage. Davina pulled Draegon behind her. She wanted to tell gwayne, tell all of them, Aegon and Aemond and Helaena to run. Tell TOmmen to get Alicent and her kids and go but that might have made Daemon think it was a game and fired down. She wanted to tell Rhaenyra and Laenor to get the boys out too, Joffrey was whimpering into Rhaenyra, Davina could see him cowering from the corner of her eye. Davina looked to Gwayne, he and tommen both pulled their swords free as if that would help against a dragon.

"Rhaenyra? You changed your mind about us?" Daemon questioned from atop Caraxes.

"There was never going to be an us. You made that clear. I was just to stupid to see it." Rhaenyra corrected.

"And all your promises to me if we only got rid of Laenor then we could be together and we could get the throne?" Daemon called down, Laenor's gaze turned sharply to Rhaenyra.

"I was cruel and wrong." Rhaenrya corrected. "I was acting like you." She realized. "And I dont want to do that."

"Daemon go." Davina demanded. "This is between you and me. Stop tormenting them."

"You are right, partially." Daemon agreed swooping down, Davina didnt flinched. "This is about me and whats rightfully mine." he hissed out before flying off.

Davina couldnt rule when her enemies were so close. Rhaenyra and Laenor were staying in the capital for a while, making amends with Davina and letting the kids get to know each other again. She was glad they could start fresh but there was no starting fresh with Daemon.

Daemon set up a meeting with her brother, her twin, Daemon, and he was all to eager to see her. Hoping she was coming to her senses, he was so close to the crown he wasnt thinking clearly.


"Davina you ready for me to take charge? I will be a good king. I promise." Daemon assured. Davina rolled her eyes. She held out Aegon the conquerors crown not the one she had been crowned with and Daemon's eyes went wide he reached for it and didnt notice the blade, he only saw the crown.

"No." Davina corrected letting the crown fall. She stabbed him through the chest. Through the heart, with a smile on her face.

"You know a million years ago, you broke my heart." Davina whispered. "But i'm glad you did because I'm really happy now. I would never take you back." Davina laughed out as He choked for breath. She left him there to die and headed home to Gwayne and Draegon.

"Long live me."

Take You Back / Gyawne Hightower - Rissarosewrites (2024)


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.