The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (2024)

While snacking can be a fatal blow to a healthy diet, there are smart snacks that can boost metabolism, fight hunger and add healthy nutrition to your diet. Here's a list of 39 low-calorie snacks that are healthy, filling and easy to pack for on-the-go travel!

1. 24 Cherries: We love this sweet little fruit. Cherries are packed with antioxidants that help reduce your chance of heart attack, and also naturally help cut down belly fat. Be sure to eat the raw ones, not the ones from a sugar-filled jar!

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (1)

2. One ounce of smoked salmon (about 1 slice) on 4 Wheat Thins: Eat this for a mid-morning snack if you're hungry before lunch, as smoked salmon is full of protein to keep you feeling full throughout the day.

3. Two Laughing Cow Light Garlic & Herb Wedges on cucumber slices: Laughing Cow cheese is a great snack to pack for lunch. They come in pre-sliced individual triangles so you can grab a few and go! For a no-carb option, we like them on cucumbers, celery or carrots.

4. A small frozen banana dipped in sugar-free chocolate syrup: This could easily be a dessert substitute or a snack for the kids when they're asking for candy (or when mom and dad are sneaking in the candy jar as well). The bananas will freeze into a popsicle like consistency but without all the extra sugar, and it's a great tasting alternative to satisfy your sweet tooth. Try our Chocolate-Covered Peanut Butter Banana Bites here!

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (2)


5. A 1-ounce nonfat Greek yogurt with raspberries: Greek yogurt with berries is a sweet pick-me-up any time of the day to keep you energized. Greek yogurt has more protein than regular yogurt so you'll feel full until your next meal. We want a low-carb snack that will keep us satisfied so we don't go moseying around the vending machines.

6. Roasted Brussels sprouts with one ounce of prosciutto: Roasting Brussels sprouts is a tasty way to get some of your daily fiber and vitamin C. Roast them in olive oil or coconut oil to get your healthy fats. If you're craving a savory addition to your greens, enjoy one ounce of prosciutto.

7. 3 Frozen Yogurt Cups: Got an afternoon sweet tooth? These creamy cups are the perfect high-protein sweet snack to keep you away from your usual 3'oclock calorie-laden candy bar fix. Get the recipe here.

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (3)


8. Two celery stalks and one tablespoon of natural peanut butter: This snack is a classic low-carb snack for a reason! Celery has virtually no calories and peanut butter is packed with healthy fats, so it's a win-win — if it is an oldie but goodie. Choose all natural peanut butter to cut down on the sugar, and don't let one tablespoon turn into 12.

9. One cup of frozen berries: A snack as simple as freezing berries is too good to pass up! Freezing strawberries, raspberries and blueberries makes a good substitute for cold sweet treats, and it's sometimes just a nice mix up from the regular taste of fresh fruit. Whatever frozen fruits are left over, throw them in a smoothie and call it a low-calorie breakfast!

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (4)

10. Three low-fat cheese sticks: You can virtually take cheese sticks anywhere! They have a good amount of protein — about 7 grams per stick — which will help you feel full between meals. We recommend low-fat cheese (look for skim milk as an indigent) to cut the fat by about half.


11. Pretzel sticks: Pretzel sticks are quick, low-fat snack as long as you portion them out and stop yourself from mindlessly eating the whole bag. Choose whole wheat and low sodium brands. Twenty-five is a good portion!

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (5)

12. One brown rice cake with ½ teaspoon of spreadable honey: Brown rice cakes are especially good for you because of the high fiber content. These low-fat cakes provide an easy base for your favorite toppings, and adding a little bit of honey will satisfy your sweet tooth cravings.

13. 1 cup Cheesy High-Protein Cauliflower 'Popcorn': When you're craving a salty cheesy popcorn snack, try making this "cauliflower popcorn." While this cheesy snack won't be an airy puffed corn snack, it might just hit the spot! Try our recipe for Cheesy High-Protein Cauliflower 'Popcorn'.

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (6)


14. Two tablespoons of original hummus with carrots: The hummus/veggie combo is a tasty, filling, low-calorie snack full of nutritious goodies. Hummus is good with any kind of vegetable imaginable, so choose that route instead of chips, crackers or pretzels if you have fresh veggies on hand.

» Recipe: Mediterranean Herb Hummus (36 calories per serving)

15. One cup cantaloupe and ½ cup strawberries with 1 teaspoon of almond slices on top: Kick your fruit salad up a notch with a little healthy fats added from the almond slices. Plus, you'll enjoy the added crunch factor!

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (7)

16. Half cup of fresh grilled pineapple with three extra lean slices of ham: Grilled pineapple and ham is a savory treat and may feel a little more indulgent than other snacks while still being guilt-free. The two sweet flavors pair perfectly together.


17. 100-calorie popcorn bag: It's easy, convenient and will always be a favorite. Stay away from topping your low-calorie bag with butter and salt, and don't let your 100 calorie snack become a 400-calorie gorge fest by getting carried away with four bags while watching TV. To be even healthier, use air-pop popcorn instead of bagged popcorn.

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (8)

18. One kiwi and 1 mandarin orange: Fruit addicts will love the flavor combination of a kiwi and mandarin orange. Refreshing, bold and intense sweetness is sure to satisfy!

19. A small box of raisins: It's easy to throw a small box of raisins in your purse for an on-the-go (and low-carb) snack anytime.

20. One cup of edamame: Just because it's simple to make doesn't mean it has a simple, bland taste, too. With a little spray butter and touch of sea salt, this snack will fill you up without filling you out.


21. A third-cup cup of tabouleh: This is a fantastic snack! It is filled with protein and vitamins and is a seriously crave-worthy salad! Try this recipe by No Recipes.

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (9)

22. One container of Yoplait 100 Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt contains probiotic cultures, is lower in lactose and has twice the protein content of regular yogurt. Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, potassium, protein, zinc, vitamins and more!

23. Two cups homemade sweet potato chips: Make your own veggies chips ahead of time instead of buying them from the store. Veggies chips are a healthy snack, but the store-bought kind can have hidden additives and a ton of extra sodium. Slice up your own sweet potatoes and roast them in the oven for a quick crunchy snack anytime. Watch the video below or click here for our Baked Sweet Potato Chips recipe!


24. Pistachios: Pistachios contain fewer calories and have more potassium and vitamins then many other nuts. Not only are nuts a fantastic source of protein, they also help with lowering your cholesterol. Go for 25 of these bad boys.

25. One protein muffin: Make a batch of our Blueberry Protein Muffins ahead of time and eat one when you need a boost. One muffin has 5 grams of protein and is insanely delicious!

26. Half cup dried apricot halves: Eating dried apricots is one of the healthiest ways to eat them. Dried fruit is full of fiber and apricots are naturally full of vitamin A. Half a cup equals 50 percent of your daily intake of vitamin A.

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (10)


27. Red frozen grapes: There is something fabulous about the texture of frozen grapes. It's like they turn into little bite sized popsicles! They keep for a long time in a freezer safe bag so you can pop a few whenever you want something sweet and cold.

28. Carrot and cucumber slices: Carrots and cucumbers are a yummy pair since they're both crunchy and juicy! This snack offers a ton of vitamins A and C with hardly any calories. Go for 16 of these.

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (11)

29. An apple and 4 walnut halves: Instead of pairing your apple with peanut butter, mix it up with four walnut halves. Walnuts are a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which play a crucial role in brain function.


30. A hard-boiled egg with ½ cup sweet green peppers: Hard boiled eggs are the ideal snack if you're cutting carbs and adding protein. Just one will keep you feeling full between meals. Here's how to hard-boil eggs.

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (12)

31. A third cup of rolled oats & cup of fresh blueberries: Rolled oats are one of the very best foods we can eat. They stabilize blood sugar, lower your cholesterol and prevent heart disease. By adding blueberries, you get even more nutrients that help with cognitive function and eye health.

32. Egg white omelet: Three egg whites with 1 cup spinach, 1 cup mushrooms, and 1 tomato slice. This is a good breakfast to keep your energy levels up, but we believe in having a healthy omelet anytime of day! This is a great fuel source anytime your energy is draining. Check out our yummy omelet recipe.


33. Fifteen pretzels dipped in one teaspoon reduced-fat cream cheese: This snack will fix your salt and crunch craving in no time. Reduced-fat cream cheese is a good source of calcium and is okay to eat in small amounts.

34. One tablespoon of almond butter and apple slices: Apples and nut butters are a classic snack and oh-so delicious. We like to use almond butter, as it's higher in fiber and has less carbs.

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (13)

35. A quarter-cup quinoa, ¼ cup cucumber, five cherry tomatoes, one teaspoon of olive oil: Quinoa has a multitude of health benefits and the taste alone is one fantastic reason to use quinoa. For this snack, pair together quinoa, cucumber, cherry tomatoes and olive oil for a heart-healthy snack sure to impress.


36. Two ounces ahi tuna sashimi: Fish is a fantastic source of protein and essential omega fatty acids. Not many of us have enough fish in our diet and adding this as a small snack can improve your overall health in many ways.

37. Spinach salad with one cup of sliced peaches & one teaspoon of almond slivers: Spinach, peach and almond are all very great natural, unprocessed foods. The salt in the almond compliments the sweetness of the peaches and it will probably end up being one of your favorite snacks!

The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (14)

38. Sweet potato baked wedges: Sweet potato junkies rejoice because we recommend eating some baked wedges as a snack to squash your midday hunger pangs!

39. Ten asparagus spears & one tablespoon of low-fat shredded Parmesan cheese: Asparagus is a great source of fiber, folate and vitamins A, C, K and E and is simply delicious topped with some warm shredded Parmesan cheese.



The 39 Best-Tasting Snacks Less Than 100 Calories (2024)


What is a snack that has 100 calories? ›


Juicy strawberries are sweet, satisfying and you can have lots for 100 calories.

What food is less than 100 calories? ›

25 Super Snacks With 100 Calories or Less
  • 1/2 Cup Slow-Churned Ice Cream. 1/25. Surprise! ...
  • 6 Cups Microwave Popcorn. 2/25. ...
  • Cottage Cheese and Cantaloupe. 3/25. ...
  • Three Crackers With Cheese. 4/25. ...
  • Fourteen Almonds. 5/25. ...
  • Six Whole-Grain Pretzel Sticks. 6/25. ...
  • Baked Apple. 7/25. ...
  • Cheese-Stuffed Pita Pocket. 8/25.
Mar 22, 2024

What snack food has the least calories? ›

“Swap crackers for some chopped veggies (cucumber, carrots, peppers, etc.) and you have a low-calorie, satisfying snack!” One cup of carrots provides nearly four grams of fiber—and tons of satisfying crunch—for just about 50 calories, while Greek yogurt packs in about 20 grams of protein per 7-ounce container.

What is the most filling food with the lowest calories? ›

10 Low-Calorie Foods That Will Help You Feel Full
  • Greek Yogurt.
  • Cottage Cheese.
  • Fish.
  • Meat and Poultry.
  • Eggs.
  • Legumes.
  • Oats.
  • Vegetables.
Nov 6, 2023

What happened to the 100-calorie snack packs? ›

The 100-calorie snack pack fad started to drop off in 2009, when their sales fell. I haven't touched any food marketed as only having 100 calories in years, but that doesn't mean they don't still exist. Just look at all the snacks available on Amazon still being branded in 100-calorie packs!

How much weight will I lose if I eat 100 calories a day? ›

A pound of body weight equals 3,500 calories, so consuming an extra 100 calories a day can result in a weight gain of about 10 pounds over the course of a year. However, cutting a mere 100 calories per day can lead to a 10 pound loss during that same time frame.

What is a super filling low-calorie snack? ›

When choosing a low-calorie snack, opt for one that will also keep you feeling full. Examples of healthy low-calorie snacks that keep you fuller for longer include edamame, apple slices with peanut butter, and veggie sticks dipped in hummus.

What foods have close to no calories? ›

These 10 zero-calorie foods provide valuable nutrients, all while promoting a healthy diet to support your weight loss goals:
  • Apples. A popular fruit, 1 cup of apples contains 62 calories and 3 grams of dietary fibre. ...
  • Carrots. ...
  • Broccoli. ...
  • Papaya. ...
  • Cauliflower. ...
  • Celery. ...
  • Cucumbers. ...
  • Kale.
Mar 25, 2024

What food can you eat unlimited amounts of? ›

Let's take a look at some of these wonderful foods:
  • Celery. Celery is a vegetable that is made up of 95% water! ...
  • Broccoli. It is well known for the natural substance it contains – sulforaphane, which has an anti-cancerous effect. ...
  • Kale. ...
  • Cucumber. ...
  • Lettuce. ...
  • Cauliflower. ...
  • Blueberries. ...
  • Raspberries.

What foods fill you up without gaining weight? ›

A can of tuna, an apple with a tablespoon of peanut or almond butter, a handful of nuts, a cup of plain air-popped popcorn, a half-cup of cottage cheese or a hard-boiled egg all make excellent options. Though they do contain calories, they're high in protein, so you won't be tempted to overeat at your next meal.

Is a 100 calorie snack OK? ›

If you do decide to go for the 100-calorie packs, just have one. If you're not sure you can resist, just skip them altogether. And again, it's always better to just have some yogurt, a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts.

Is 100 calories a day alot? ›

100 calories may not seem like a lot, and depending on your goals, it's of course possible 100 calories doesn't matter! But for those of us who need 1200-2500 calories to maintain our weight, 100 calories can absolutely make a difference.

What snack has 120 calories? ›

A handful of roasted chickpeas (about a quarter of a tin): 120 Calories, 6g of protein. Dry roast them at 200C° in the oven for 20 minutes, then mix them with dried oregano, salt, lemon juice, garlic powder and nutritional yeast to make a vegan-friendly cheese-flavored snack.

What if I eat only 100 calories a day? ›

Eating only 100 calories a day is considered extremely low and can have severe negative effects on your health. Heres what would likely happen: 1. Nutrient deficiency: Consuming only 100 calories a day would not provide enough essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs to function properly.


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.