Top Posts Tagged with #south park filler guide | Tumlook (2024)



Jun 27

South Park Filler Guide - Season 12

Link for Seasons12345678910 11

You know the drill by now, I’ll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler.S12E1 Tonsil Trouble is CANON

Strong canon for Eric giving Kyle AIDS, somehow the one thing still on Kyle's mind even 40 years later.

S12E2 Britney's New Look is FILLER

The references are dated, its message is timeless, the events are purely filler. I have a question though, why isn't Kenny here? Butters takes his place for the episode, is this some lost season 6 episode?S12E3 Major Boobage is FILLER

Eric learns about jew experience, not that it lasts. I'll be writing that sentence again a lot, won't I?S12E4 Canada on Strike is FILLER

Kyle says something about the internet that was accurate in 2008. Terrance and Phillip get major roles, and you know how I feeller about that. I have a question though, why isn't Kenny here? Butters takes his place for the episode, is this some lost season 6 episode?S12E5 Eek, A Penis! is CANON

Janet has a permanent sex change. I'm happy to include Cartminez who is the most positive portrayal of the Eric character you'll get in the canon-only viewing experience.S12E6 Over Logging is FILLER

The internet gets unplugged and then replugged. Kenny still doesn't get dialog.S12E7 Super Fun Time is FILLER

Yes, Kenny gets a tiny role in this one, but Butters takes the major plot, it really seems like Trey and Matt enjoy the 3 boys with Butters dynamic a lot more than the 3 boys with Kenny dynamic. The only Kenny episode so far had him on a saparate plot from the others. Stan and Wendy get some nice relationship content, however other than that, this one doesn't build the lore.S12E8 The China Problem is CANON

The Free Hat episode did pretty much everything this episode did, except the random chinese storyline. However a reference later made sure I have to include this one.S12E9 Breast Cancer Show Ever is CANON

We get an update on a few things. Goth kids are still friends with Stan. Check. Stan and Eric friendship explored along with Wendy and Stan relationship (since we skipped Super Fun Time anyway), Eric and Wendy are established as rivals for later episodes, and Principal Victoria gets backstory.S12E10 Pandemic is CANON

It gives Craig proper characterization, but if you gave him your attention, you already know him. Basically an early season-type four boys adventure with him included. This is the episode that references to The China Problem, and would you believe it, we include this one also just for another throwback line. Also the title works here a lot better than in season 24.S12E11 Pandemic 2: The Startling is CANON

More of the same, but with Randy horror side plot.S12E12 About Last Night... is LORE

For the story of how Barack Obama became president, something not closely connected with the main storylines, but world-building nonetheless.S12E13 Elementary School Musical is CANON

This is the episode that references to The China Problem, and we include this one for introducing mainstay character Scott Malkinson. S12E14 The Ungroundable is CANON

For introducing the Vampire kids. With this season we got a lot of canon-by-technicality territory, wonder if it keeps happening?


Again,CANONmeans you should watch it,FILLERmeans you can skip it,LOREis somewhere in-between, any episode with theLORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not.S12E1 Tonsil Trouble is CANONS12E2 Britney's New Look is FILLERS12E3 Major Boobage is FILLERS12E4 Canada on Strike is FILLERS12E5 Eek, A Penis! is CANONS12E6 Over Logging is FILLERS12E7 Super Fun Time is FILLERS12E8 The China Problem is CANONS12E9 Breast Cancer Show Ever is CANONS12E10 Pandemic is CANONS12E11 Pandemic 2: The Startling is CANONS12E12 About Last Night... is LORE*S12E13 Elementary School Musical is CANONS12E14 The Ungroundable is CANON*In-series explanation of how Barack became president.


S1: 9 out of 13S2: 3 out of 18S3: 6 out of 18S4: 10 out of 17S5: 8 out of 14S6: 11 out of 17S7: 6 out of 15S8: 4 out of 14S9: 8 out of 14S10: 4 out of 14S11: 4 out of 14S12: 8 out of 14

Overall: 81 out of 182

#goth kids#south park filler guide#michael south park#south park#pete thelman#peter thelman#henrietta biggle#kyle brovlofski#stan marsh#kenny mccormick#butters stotch#eric cartman#firkle smith#craig tucker#janet garrison#mr garrison#herbert garrison#scott malkinson#principal victoria#wendy testaburger#jimmy valmer#gerald broflovski#barack obama#ike broflovski


Jun 19

South Park Filler Guide - Season 7

Link for Season 1 Link for Season 2 Link for Season 3 Link for Season 4 Link for Season 5 Link for Season 6

The classifications areCANON(an episode with major storylines present),LORE(in which we get significant backstory or world building, but could be skippable) andFILLER(completely skippable episodic storytelling, not connected to overarching story arcs)

PLS my analysis will have spoilers, if you’re a first time viewer, just scroll to the bottom and read the list and only read full text if you are familiar with the content of the show already!Some of you will be like: "Last time you cared so much for production order, what happened with that?" And to that I respond: "Trey and Matt realized that Cancelled would be a great season premiere, and by the time they got to I'm a Little Bit Country, they already had enough time to change it a bit to make that one the 100th episode special. But it won't matter anyway, since if you follow my list, you won't see either!"S7E1 Cancelled is LORE

The revelation that the main characters' home planet is just part of a simulation would be for sure a huge canon reveal, wouldn't it? But in South Park it's just another schoolday. And everything is forgotten by the end.S7E2 Krazy Kripples is CANON

Why, you may ask, and it's a simple fact really. Jimmy happened. He was supposed to be a one-shot in S5, but he was so good of a character, that he returned. And in S6 he returned again and again, having retconned as a South Park citizen and now we finally meet his family AND a major status quo shift happens, where he is now good friends with Timmy. Also, no way to explain around this... Saddam is somehow back from heaven.S7E3 Toilet Paper is CANON

Yes, you heard it here first, folks. After S6 ended, Kenny is back as the fourth friend, but the friend dynamics have changed quite a bit. And since Cancelled is pretty much an episode of lost memories, this is the one to fill the bill. Good boy Kyle and antagonist Eric are the two end point of the spectrum now, and expect Stan and Kenny to be either indifferent or torn between them.S7E4 I'm a Little Bit Country is FILLER

No 100th episode celebration in my guide! Well, maybe later, we see what our 100th canon episode will be. As for now, USA is being the USA and the kids did their homework.S7E5 Fat Butt and Pancake Head is CANON

One of the most interesting characters in the series is Mitch Conner. Not just in the series, he's an anti-hero like no other. And unlike many famous grifters and con-mans, he's disguised as a child's hand!S7E6 Lil' Crime Stoppers is FILLER

While Broflovski may be a good cop, he won't stay one for long... Imagine if Trey and Matt's original season 7 plan was in action (They wanted Kenny to stay dead and the boys would replace him with another character for every half season), if Tolkien was in this one with them it would be super canon, as it stands now... It's the fillest fillering to ever fill, the void between Barbrady and Yates.S7E7 Red Man's Greed is FILLER

For an episode the town faces an epidemic, in which they only have a 98 percent to live! I also really liked the scene with the four boys grouping with Butters, Tweek, Jimmy and Timmy, basically their closest friends as of now, and I bet Alex did like that too.S7E8 South Park is Gay is LORE

Kyle has trouble following fads and Herbert wants to stand out from the crowd. The fad helped Craig and Tweek to express themselves while the other boys were just trying to be popular. Crab people exist as an actual menace, however later they will be relegated to fantasy jokes.S7E9 Christian Rock Hard is FILLER

Harrison Yates appears as an FBI agent, but I'd honestly consider it of early bird cameo, not a significant story detail.S7E10 Grey Dawn is FILLER

Elderly drivers will still seldom show up.S7E11 Casa Bonita is FILLER

Doesn't seem to have much consequences. Although the Kyle-Eric-Butters dynamic is interesting to see!S7E12 All About Mormons is LORE

LORE by technicality! Joseph Smith is a member of the Super Best Friends, and this is his origin story. Gary and his family disappears as a filler family should, so this was a though one.S7E13 Butt Out is CANON

Look, Rob Reiner will be a huge part of a villain organization 7 seasons later, so while he is defeated this time, he will return!S7E14 Raisins is CANON

This is the episode that introduces the goth kids and Stan's friendship with them (something that will matter in the long run), Raisins and my favorite character ever, Harriet Biggle! Wendy also breaks up with Stan and starts dating Tolkien!S7E15 Christmas in Canada is CANON

We learn of Ike's biological parents and if that's not enough, the boys defeat Saddam Hussein for once and for all (who went through hell and heaven back to Earth). And there's the elephant in the room. Scott. Answer A: He's the antagonist of Terrance and Phillip, so their spin-off episode was extremely important canon material!Answer B: All the Canadians are friendly expect for one dude named Scott, who happens to be a stand-in for the Wicked Witch.If you ask me, the second answer is funnier, and I'll stand by it.


Again,CANONmeans you should watch it,FILLERmeans you can skip it,LOREis somewhere in-between, any episode with theLORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not.S7E1 Cancelled is LORE*S7E2 Krazy Kripples is CANONS7E3 Toilet Paper is CANONS7E4 I'm a Little Bit Country is FILLERS7E5 Fat Butt and Pancake Head is CANONS7E6 Lil' Crime Stoppers is FILLERS7E7 Red Man's Greed is FILLERS7E8 South Park is Gay is LORE**S7E9 Christian Rock Hard is FILLERS7E10 Grey Dawn is FILLERS7E11 Casa Bonita is FILLERS7E12 All About Mormons is LORE***S7E13 Butt Out is CANONS7E14 Raisins is CANONS7E15 Christmas in Canada is CANON*If you wish to know why we are here on this planet**If you want to see Craig talk game before coming out officially***For Joseph Smith backstoryIs this the start of a mostly episodic era?


S1: 9 out of 13S2: 3 out of 18S3: 6 out of 18S4: 10 out of 17S5: 8 out of 14S6: 11 out of 17S7: 6 out of 15

Overall: 53 out of 112

#south park filler guide#south park#kenny mccormick#kyle broflovski#eric cartman#stan marsh#ike broflovski#butters stotch#jimmy valmer#tolkien black#mitch conner#joseph smith#rob reiner

South Park Filler Guide - Season 5

Link for Season 1 Link for Season 2 Link for Season 3 Link for Season 4

I find the existence of filler guides quite amusing, since for some shows it makes sense (like Naruto), but for others (like Pokemon) it absolutely doesn’t and they still exist. So here is an attempt to do an absolutely unnecessary one just for fun. 😅

The classifications areCANON(an episode with major storylines present),LORE(in which we get significant backstory or world building, but could be skippable) andFILLER(completely skippable episodic storytelling, not connected to overarching story arcs)

PLS my analysis will have spoilers, if you’re a first time viewer, just scroll to the bottom and read the list and only read full text if you are familiar with the content of the show already!S5E1Scott Tenorman Must Die is CANON

It is an important episode, it develops Eric and morphs him into a new role, kind of a villain origin story. Also, yes, this is not a mistake, this IS the intended season premiere. It aired as episode 4, but it is earlier by production code.

S5E2 It Hits The Fan is FILLER

Curse words now have an origin story.S5E3 Cripple Fight is CANON

This is how Stan, Kenny, Eric, Butters and Timmy first met Jimmy. Butters also slowly but surely emerges as a major character.S5E4 Super Best Friends is CANON

Be aware, this is very canon, despite some sites pulling it for... Being culturally inclusive? Oh no, I posted a drawing of Muhammad, hope I don't get cancelled.S5E5 Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow is LORE

If you for some reason really like these two, this one episode helps you get how Terrance has put on weight, since he will be seen in later episodes more plump than before.

S5E6 Cartmanland is FILLER

This is one of the episodes in which we see Kyle and Eric being universally opposed forces. But other than that it's just cementing the status quo.

S5E7 Proper Condom Use is CANON

Because of Diane and Mr. Mackey side-plot which kinda has further consequences, not really, but it's a red herring for a cause of death.

S5E8 Towelie is CANON

Only because Towelie will be back and otherwise you can't really explain him existing.S5E9 Osama Bin Laden has Farty Pants is FILLER

It was important to US citizens, but basically nonexistent in the further South Park lore.S5E10 How to Eat with Your Butt is FILLER

It's a great Eric episode that also helped Jimmy to come to the foreground, but other than that the events aren't important.

S5E11 The Entity is CANON

Because of Kyle. No, not the Broflovski kid, Kyle 2. I mean Kyle 1, the OG. He will be back.

S5E12 Here Comes the Neighborhood is FILLER

Tolkien gets an episode, the whole thing is like a Peanuts special, it's great. Overall it doesn't account to much and Tolkien will have time to shine later too.

S5E13Kenny Dies is CANON

Obvious. One of the main characters die. I won't tell you who it is, but they for sure will stay dead, so that's a canon episode for sure.

S5E14 Butters' Very Own Episode is...

Well, what do you think? It has a different theme song, it focuses on characters that were never the focus before. It's also the most important episode in context of the next season, basically Butters gets his own pilot backdoor episode for his ascension to main cast member, while we also get to know his parents in depth. A bit of Herbert lore in this as well as Old Farmer's introduction.


Again,CANONmeans you should watch it,FILLERmeans you can skip it,LOREis somewhere in-between, any episode with theLORElabel will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not.

S5E1 Scott Tenorman Must Die is CANONS5E2 It Hits The Fan is FILLERS5E3 Cripple Fight is CANONS5E4 Super Best Friends is CANONS5E5 Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow is LORE*S5E6 Cartmanland is FILLERS5E7 Proper Condom Use is CANONS5E8 Towelie is CANONS5E9 Osama Bin Laden has Farty Pants is FILLERS5E10 How to Eat with Your Butt is FILLERS5E11 The Entity is CANONS5E12 Here Comes the Neighborhood is FILLERS5E13 Kenny Dies is CANONS5E14 Butters' Very Own Episode is CANON

*If you need to know about Terrance's personal health


S1: 9 out of 13S2: 3 out of 18S3: 6 out of 18S4: 10 out of 17S5: 8 out of 14Overall: 36 out of 80

#south park#chef south park#diane choksondik#butters stotch#kyle broflovski#kyle schwartz#eric cartman#stan marsh#tolkien black#kenny mccormick#south park filler guide#scott tenorman#towelie#mr mackey


Jun 25

South Park Filler Guide - Season 10

Link for Seasons1234567 8 9

You know the drill by now, I'll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler.S10E1 The Return of Chef is CANON

When it comes to separating canon material from filler, you really come to notice a lot more secondary characters die in a shorter span of time. Anyway, here's Chef's farewell in a scientology follow-up episode.S10E2 Smug Alert! is FILLER

Kyle moves. He comes back. Stan has a hit song. Never mentioned again. S10E3 & S10E4 Cartoon Wars Part I & II are LORE

I was so conflicted on this one, no consequences come from this two-parter, expect Trey and Matt's interest in the portrayal of Muhammad, and since these got banned on streaming sites, I'd encourage everyone to watch them!S10E5 A Million Little Fibers is FILLER

I'd never make anyone watch this episode. Except that one time when I did a South Park marathon with my step-father and I made him watch it. But no, even if Towelie's career would be mentioned, there's no need for this one to exist.S10E6 ManBearPig is CANON

ManBearPig IS real. Al Gore warned y'all.S10E7 Tsst is FILLER

Every now and then in these posts I feel like I have to explain myself and the fact that I'm excluding iconic episodes of South Park. However based on the feedback I received, everyone seems to get the shtick and I was too anxious, that's why I toned the introduction down. A great Eric episode that's more about telling us the possibilities this character could have, but does not actually have.S10E8 Make Love, Not Warcraft is CANON

Because Randy's role is another turning point in his mid-life crisis, Jenkins will return later and you need an episode that showcases the strength of the four boys' friendship despite all their differences, since you'll see them coming back to it every time after they start growing apart.S10E9 Mystery of the Urinal Deuce is FILLER

Kyle is getting bullied again and this time STAN is the bad guy? Interesting concept, can't say it's important.S10E10 Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy is FILLER

Kyle's brother is getting molested and this time ERIC is the hero?What's up with S10 and these bizarro concepts in its fillers?S10E11 Hell on Earth 2006 is CANON

Not THE most plot-heavy one, but Satan's character development is important to us.S10E12 & S10E13 Go God Go & Go God Go XII are LORE

You don't NEED these for context, however the Garrison arc feels more complete with it.S10E14 Stanley's Cup is FILLER

It's a divisive one for sure and I wouldn't touch it for personal reasons. The one thing you can state is that without it you'll still understand every episode going forward.


Again,CANONmeans you should watch it,FILLERmeans you can skip it, LOREis somewhere in-between, any episode with theLORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not.S10E1 The Return of Chef is CANONS10E2 Smug Alert! is FILLERS10E3 & S10E4 Cartoon Wars Part I & II are LORE*S10E5 A Million Little Fibers is FILLERS10E6 ManBearPig is CANONS10E7 Tsst is FILLERS10E8 Make Love, Not Warcraft is CANONS10E9 Mystery of the Urinal Deuce is FILLERS10E10 Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy is FILLERS10E11 Hell on Earth 2006 is CANONS10E12 & S10E13 Go God Go & Go God Go XII are LORE**S10E14 Stanley's Cup is FILLER*If you are interested in banned Muhammad content**If you are invested in Janet Garrison's love life


S1: 9 out of 13S2: 3 out of 18S3: 6 out of 18S4: 10 out of 17S5: 8 out of 14S6: 11 out of 17S7: 6 out of 15S8: 4 out of 14S9: 8 out of 14S10: 4 out of 14

Overall: 69 out of 154

#south park filler guide#south park#kyle broflovski#eric cartman#stan marsh#butters stotch#satan#zazul#al gore#chef mcelroy#chef south park#scientology#muhammad#towlie#manbearpig#ike broflovski


Jun 29

South Park Filler Guide - Season 14

Link for Seasons123456789101112 13

You know the drill by now, I’ll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler.S14E1 Sexual Healing is LORES14E2 The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs is FILLER

Both Tiger Woods and Sarah Jessica Parker are seen henching for Tom Cruise a few episodes later, so I suppose you can count them in, however in Sarah's case she was found dead in her origin episode, so that one counts less, but you can't really miss the point either way. Remember how often the show treated Butters only as a Kenny replacement? Well now it doesn't have to be an either/or deal, as we finally get never-seen-before the four boys + Butters dynamic.S14E3 Medicinal Fried Chicken is FILLERS14E4 You Have 0 Friends is FILLER

Randy and Eric get their first dual episode, which is two separate issue of the week storylines tied together by the beginning sequence. Stan goes on facebook before deleting it.S14E5 200 is CANONS14E6 201 is CANON

If you watch only the canon episodes, half the series is a build-up to these two excellent episodes. Watch these at any cost, they are spectacular and the main event I've been talking about all this time. In fact, I plan to dissect these two episodes in a separate post later.S14E7 Crippled Summer is CANONS14E8 Poor and Stupid is FILLER

The annual Jimmy episode IS canon this time, thanks to it also being the first chapter of the Nathan and Mimsy arc. The NASCAR episode though just happens and rides on.S14E9 It's a Jersey Thing is LORES14E10 Insheeption is FILLER

Kyle is from Jersey. Stan is a hoarder. One of them explains in detail Kyle's and Sheila's roots, and for that, despite never being talked again, at least it's part of the lore of who they are. In Stan and Mr Mackey's origin of their hoarding it's simply filler since that issue is not a huge part of their characters otherwise.S14E11 Coon 2: Hindsight is CANONS14E12 Mysterion Rises is CANONS14E13 Coon vs. Coon & Friends is CANON

Huge part of the canon, the immortality of Bradley is finally explained after so many years. The Coon also returns once more.S14E14 Créme Fraiche is CANON

Chef gets replaced at last. That's not why it's canon, it's because of Randy and Sharon's ongoing relationship arc.


Again,CANONmeans you should watch it,FILLERmeans you can skip it,LOREis somewhere in-between, any episode with theLORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not.

S14E1 Sexual Healing is LORE*S14E2 The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs is FILLERS14E3 Medicinal Fried Chicken is FILLERS14E4 You Have 0 Friends is FILLERS14E5 200 is CANONS14E6 201 is CANONS14E7 Crippled Summer is CANONS14E8 Poor and Stupid is FILLERS14E9 It's a Jersey Thing is LORE**S14E10 Insheeption is FILLERS14E11 Coon 2: Hindsight is CANONS14E12 Mysterion Rises is CANONS14E13 Coon vs. Coon & Friends is CANONS14E14 Créme Fraiche is CANON

*Tiger Woods is in this one and he'll later say a sentence about how the town mistreated him**If you're interested in Kyle's and Sheila's origins, watch this one


S1: 9 out of 13S2: 3 out of 18S3: 6 out of 18S4: 10 out of 17S5: 8 out of 14S6: 11 out of 17S7: 6 out of 15S8: 4 out of 14S9: 8 out of 14S10: 4 out of 14S11: 4 out of 14S12: 8 out of 14S13: 3 out of 14S14: 7 out of 14

Overall: 91 out of 210

#south park filler guide#south park#randy marsh#eric cartman#kyle broflovski#sheila broflovski#stan marsh#mr mackey#timmy burch#nathan south park#jimmy valmer#nathan and mimsy#cthulhu#kenny mccormick#mysterion#butters stotch#tom cruise


Jun 18

South Park Filler Guide - Season 6

Link for Season 1 Link for Season 2 Link for Season 3 Link for Season 4 Link for Season 5

The classifications areCANON(an episode with major storylines present),LORE(in which we get significant backstory or world building, but could be skippable) andFILLER(completely skippable episodic storytelling, not connected to overarching story arcs)

PLS my analysis will have spoilers, if you’re a first time viewer, just scroll to the bottom and read the list and only read full text if you are familiar with the content of the show already! No season has a clearer narrative structure than season 6, which is reflected both by my choice of images and the fact that almost none of them are considered to be filler. What might be new for some of you, is the correct order, since I listed this one in production order, so don't say "Jared has Aides" is the season premiere, because it isn't. "Freak Strike" is the season premiere, and I'll ask you to follow this order if you're a first-time viewer.S6E1 Freak Strike is CANON

Because the first scene exists to remind viewers of S5E13 and its long-term consequences with a trick reveal. If you watched it in TV and saw another episode as the season premiere, you missed out on this joke. The episode otherwise cements Butters' place in the group.S6E2 Jared has Aides is CANON

Some of what the boys do to Butters has to be canon, since his later villain arc is based on his experiences of being bullied by his "friends".S6E3 Asspen is CANON

The Stotch's get really friendly with the Marshes and the Broflovskis, which bonds will stay alive and sometimes Butters gets included because of this, even after he is ceremoniously kicked out of the friend group.S6E4 The Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer is LORE

More bullying Butters shenanigans. Butters will mention events from this one and the next one, and in-series they add to his breaking point, but these two episodes can be omitted if we're looking at this list rationally.S6E5 Fun with Veal is LORE

This whole arc is really a journey of self-discovery for the boys, however this one is not for the long-term consequences.S6E6 Professor Chaos is CANON

They had it with Butters and Butters had it with them. Diane dies, Tweek gets into the group, Butters gets a new persona.S6E7 The Simpsons Already Did It is CANON

Basically every arc from Professor Chaos continues.S6E8 Red Hot Chatolic Love is LORE

I really hate to say it, because this episode is really fun, but other than giving Tweek the same amount of screen presence as Butters, this is pretty much a nonexistent thread in an already jam-packed season. But it shows how much they care about the idea of replacing Butters with Tweek.S6E9 Free Hat is LORE

Again, it's one of those episodes that show the boys' commitment to the fourth friend replacement bit.S6E10 Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society is LORE

Again, even further commitment to the bit.S6E11 Child Abduction is Not Funny is CANON

This is the last main Tweek episode, and we have to include AT LEAST one. And this one features both Randy's emergence and a plot with an intruiging side character, Dr. Janus.S6E12 A Ladder to Heaven is CANON

Another major change happens, when Eric drinks Kenny's ashes and his soul. This is a big part of the Kenny rebirth storyline.S6E13 The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers is LORE

This one doesn't make sense without the context (Kenny's soul in Eric's body) but doesn't provide further context, except that the costumes will be reused later.S6E14 The Death Camp of Tolerance is CANON

Herbert Garrison's triumphant return as the fourth grade teacher is finally here! Also an interesting bit is both Tweek and Butters being present in the episode's beginning, but only Butters stays relevant to the story.S6E15 The Biggest Douche in the Universe is CANON

Kenny's spirit moves on from Eric to Rob Schneider and then dies again. Big events.S6E16 My Future Self n' Me is CANON

Stan learns about Professor Chaos, we see the first glimpses into Eric's possible future and not plot-related, but we have to give props for this episode incorporating the first sighting of Craig's gang!S6E17 Red Sleigh Down is CANON

Kyle helps Eric, while Kyle 2 helps Mr. Hankey. Jesus sacrifices himself and Kenny is resurrected in his place as a christmas miracle, finishing the season and the 'Kenny Dies' arc.


Again,CANONmeans you should watch it,any episode with theLORElabel will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not.S6E1 Freak Strike is CANONS6E2 Jared has Aides is CANONS6E3 Asspen is CANONS6E4 The Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer is LORE*S6E5 Fun with Veal is LORE*S6E6 Professor Chaos is CANONS6E7 The Simpsons Already Did It is CANONS6E8 Red Hot Chatolic Love is LORE**S6E9 Free Hat is LORE**S6E10 Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society is LORE**S6E11 Child Abduction is Not Funny is CANONS6E12 A Ladder to Heaven is CANONS6E13 The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers is LORE***S6E14 The Death Camp of Tolerance is CANONS6E15 The Biggest Douche in the Universe is CANONS6E16 My Future Self n' Me is CANONS6E17 Red Sleigh Down is CANON*If you need more context of Butters being the fourth friend**If you need more content of Tweek being the fourth friend***If you need more content of Eric sharing his body with Kenny


S1: 9 out of 13 S2: 3 out of 18 S3: 6 out of 18 S4: 10 out of 17 S5: 8 out of 14 S6: 11 out of 17Overall: 47 out of 97Personal notes: My favorite season ever, I'd honestly recommend watching it all without any episode skipped, the whole thing carries on so nicely. Possibly the most plot-heavy season out of the first 18 seasons anyway.

#south park filler guide#south park#kenny mccormick#jesus christ#butters stotch#tweek tweak#stan marsh#stan darsh#kyle broflovski#eric cartman#bebe stevens#a ladder to heaven#free hat


Jun 14

South Park Filler Guide - Season 3

Link for Season 1 Link for Season 2

I find the existence of filler guides quite amusing, since for some shows it makes sense (like Naruto), but for others (like Pokemon) it absolutely doesn't and they still exist. So here is an attempt to do an absolutely unnecessary one just for fun. 😅

The classifications are CANON (an episode with major storylines present), LORE(in which we get significant backstory or world building, but could be skippable) and FILLER (completely skippable episodic storytelling, not connected to overarching story arcs)

PLS my analysis will have spoilers, if you're a first time viewer, just scroll to the bottom and read the list and only read full text if you are familiar with the content of the show already!

S3E1Rainforest Shmainforest is LORE

It's a great episode for developing the characters to be written more consistent, which will be a general trend in this season compared to the last one, however Kelly disappearing after this episode really doesn't help this one cement itself in the long run, however Craig's small scene and character introduction gives some context why Eric considers him the baddest boy in school a few episodes later, but that isn't needed.

S3E2Spontaneous Combustion is FILLER

Randy's early spotlight episode, it's fun and great, again, but nothing carries over from this one.

S3E3The Succubus is FILLER

So Eric now has Kenny's eyes? Anyway, that conflict wasn't introduced until now, and any other conflict introduced here gets an instant resolution.

S3E4Jakovasaurs is FILLER

It's a fine spotlight episode for Mayor McDaniels and a largely unimpressive episode for a lot of other reasons, that doesn't ever influence anything.

S3E5Tweek vs. Craig is CANON

Of course this one is canon! We learn more about how Kenny is aware of his deaths, fan-favorite ship Richard Adler and Pam Brady is introduced and Eric Cartman learns sumo from a grand master which all will be important later! And also some background kids get into a conflict or something.

South Park the Movie 1: Bigger, Longer and Uncut is CANON

And not only is it canon, I hereby present you it in its true placement for anyone who didn't know when to watch it. Stan character development and romance with Saddam, more on Kenny and death, Sheila starts M.A.C., overall big events that will be influental to a lot of later episodes.

S3E6 Sexual Harrassment Panda is FILLER

Matt and Trey have no memory of making this episode. Neither do we have any memory of it minutes after watching it.

S3E7 Cat Orgy is CANON

Because of course, the Meteor Shower arc is a big thing, Shelley's boyfriend Skyler will go on to form a band called Lords of the Underworld. This one also explains where Shelley and Eric were while...

S3E8Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub is CANON

Stan had to befriend Butters. Also we learn of Dougie and that he is on friendly term with Butters. Pip is also here, but that one hardly helps this episode to count as canon, so I just won't mention it. Look, Kyle returns! We just need an explanation from where

S3E9Jewbilee is CANON

he was. Also Kenny was there with him it seems. This one's super canon because of Moses of course. That's enough. And it also pairs up with Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub. TBH I could easily say these two are canon and Cat Orgy is but lore, but it's intended to be a trilogy and I respect that.

S3E10Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery is FILLER

It's a strange episode with a Chewbacca ending. Kyle's grandma's body is here, but nothing else is consequential.

S3E11 Chinpokomon is LORE

While the plot of the episode itself doesn't leave much of an impact, the Chinpokomon franchise still exists within South Park.S3E12Hooked on Monkey Fonics is FILLER

The Cotswolds' never reappear. Mark does in background roles. Butters gets a kiss that later gets retconned. I looove this episode, but this is a filler.S3E13Starvin' Marvin in Space is FILLER

This is a sequel to one earlier episode and nothing else. (It's a good time though)S3E14The Red Badge of Gayness is FILLER

The boys learn that the north won and slavery is now illegal. They have a bet which is also moot by the end.S3E15Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classic is FILLER

It doesn't seem fair to classify this one, since it's more of a company EP than an episode by design.S3E16Are You There God? It's me Jesus is CANON

God appears in this one. We learn more on his relationship with Jesus.S3E17World Wide Recorder Concert is LORE

Herbert's relationship with his father add to understanding his character.


Again,CANONmeans you should watch it,FILLERmeans you can skip it,LOREis somewhere in-between, any episode with theLORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not.

S3E1 Rainforest Shmainforest is LORE*S3E2 Spontaneous Combustion is FILLERS3E3 The Succubus is FILLERS3E4 Jakovasaurs is FILLERS3E5 Tweek vs. Craig is CANONSouth Park MOV 1: Bigger, Longer and Uncut is CANONS3E6 Sexual Harrassment Panda is FILLERS3E7 Cat Orgy is CANONS3E8 Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub is CANONS3E9 Jewbilee is CANONS3E10 Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery is FILLERS3E11 Chinpokomon is LORE**S3E12 Hooked on Monkey Fonics is FILLERS3E13 Starvin' Marvin in Space is FILLERS3E14 The Red Badge of Gayness is FILLERS3E15 Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classic is FILLERS3E16 Are You There God? It's me Jesus is CANONS3E17 World Wide Recorder Concert is LORE****If you want to see a scene of Craig Tucker to understand his status**If you want to know what Chinpokomon is, but it's pretty obviously a Pokemon parody every time it appears.***If you want to know Herbert Garrison's complicated childhood traumas.CANON counter:

S1: 9 out of 13S2: 3 out of 18S3: 6 out of 17Overall: 18 out of 48

#south park filler guide#south park#stan marsh#kyle broflovski#kenny mccormick#butters stotch#eric cartman#mr hankey#satan#saddam hussein#shelley marsh#shelly marsh#pip pirrip#pip pirrup#sp dougie#tweek tweak#craig tucker#herbert garrison#mr garrison

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.